HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1925-10-29, Page 2THF. GOD19MCH STU
.. _ 'YIR'tlltll"y. WT fit1* Ins.
Yom�' I& � ho � � aa: w kir own rxees11tlro *at havo alas- h~to 'dose wi A" lay wroads r Place at sloe foss*" Bow arwt rose*'
�T f� � R*W" dared ikwnualvor oast fest reform to thair' area glerg at Ikea 104 st this atatlsra, Traradaea, aa>fsi the supporters
shag 0oaas6lttaa,$W1 lima sally. 'Mr. atoaao. TU #trommot proteau cossa. of the priage"s gaatur 9%tsw taw v
Cara" rooeaatlx pl"r dedared #.kat froom tlaas roturtaeal areae, 3111oiaaa�iig the p� waving red siege sad sisaing
the iJseorotiaaa teras Opp"" -to Coss- Winded swleliers Saari Iaaaaeat+w sad the Rod soaag# in 4004nea of tier larw.' DT*kirw and just before kis military boo "salol awl the s ACONtaoaa �� �� �.`la Wer ltoesa lekly, b n ealitor of tbo
verbis vialwpoittt woos tnain- has amv0n bsea ta#rdt #haat tits sssirwr• Ow man taaiis" Ywum the delegates votedIll Ire#arse dawn anal rebuilt 06 a "n- Whom inalirectl y, tim Labor govern.
et., i�p�1� �ainat 1400sise A. liar Party, re-,atapla. stent "no to grief -'loot year, is one { CUSTOM TAILOR
famsed to loin an AtsilclQ= wsia cert- ; I,Iow+r-esu 111# lt#t�s>is _ �vf the peowitors. They are accused _+
"0 ference and d4clitwd to 1111. for the' The .flame of Nawar has again broken O seeliii5g`to Overthrow -the $woran.'
' recognition of the Soviet government, out in the Balkans aid Crwo at>eT tae»t w forte, of antagonizing the fat
good �i� , of Russia, BRa�aria have developodsalt the symV-'y#AO ire clwass" of Society and tamper- � �"10"" ate and- nappy Styles
} gpponeaa#s of Locaaraaat Paaet$ Ilk GeV toms of a bad attack of war fever. nag with the loyalty' of the araatp aand
yw s saaaaa Olay Veto* MoctION 0111 � While Bulgaria may have Irritated n vlr.
B e Ido for yoIr"�,s +t'ry i d Ts "00 t the Groek# into retaliation, it rol ins
Over tiie atm0#pberaa of re,aiclux a faact that Orwrk troops have Waal- A WfiMthl WORK INDIVIDUALITY
which has prevailed its Europe and: ly taken up their position on Bulgar-; is hEVE& DONE
the rest of the world for tate feast ism territory. Bulgaria mado an ape ' DURABILITY
Week comes a shadow of doubt With peal to the Loss" of Nations for in. Ne, Wamadt'r Health Gives Out sisal
the news that the apponenta of tht terv�ention and M. Brland, acting pre- silae 1KTeaosaeca Weak oradCOMFORT
° Locarno paacts in Gornaany are At—'silent of the Tw*jtue, called a »feet- I>espoatdeat a
,. tempting to force alt election over the ing for Monday to deal with the prob- : AND • . . ,
issue. Throe Natio"Ust numisters lour, A, vwtiuc which was attended It xW literally true concerning wa•
have resigned and Presisient Minden. by Austen Cbmborlsin, as both xuan in the home that Iyer work Is
IR%� l � d
burg mar be coamoollod to put the sub Branco snd. Britain are dfstr6wied by never done. She starts with house.
ject of the soeuAty pacts before the tato outbreak of wear following sea ch'" work when she rises in tk* morning ���� 1]1 �r1f� see. Always the newest in
German people. Whilo, even in that ly on their peace efforts at 1'.� "mo. and is kept busy up to the time she . } i
event, tate Brat great land nobu at-, It is indicated thaat thea great pasvars retiros at night. The work. most be; Men � ��Iltl"t eiill"r at
ilte:olntsonarr mookloo F.aatan TtiaiaaaaaaeW church in Toronto, 'Ulna uaaa *" poa#lble oOort to quoncb
This is sppareotly a great age of which was Allod to capacity while tempt to create peace ate Europe »say : t.3! lona whether elle i# foetlaassc well at.
mascnilictiit dle4ww iaaveral hundred stood throughout the be sustained by Popular vote, yet it; the fiery spirits. of the Greek and Bul. not. It is no wander that she ofiaa' bLACKS medicine and one { breaks down under the strain. She
M faTM'air close ..upon the heals !qt service. HR taaaaitstalited that the re- indicates that Gasrilsatsy still ltwi in ger Yl»litariats« } ¢✓
another, *a the results ofo long years #possibility of preventing the aecu'- the 'councils of her gerrommout bitter � Both c0mbata»ts osteo tea, accept becomes breathless at slight exertion, CHASo
o! experiment are Brought to fruition. 11nuletion oat? 1aoslltlt at the expense a! opponents of cO QV$ration with the *I- that ruling of the. I.•esgue, and Greece feels exhausted if she walks up stairs. r� a ,
Dr. Mervyn Gordon, F.R.S., a member Others Is taasaaaaroly sig to the Christian lies, sue» who have not given up their i expisot that Iter ntroarmbecame unruly Headaches and dizzy spells become TQC P&A's :�attd Boys' Staiax� Worth Wbilcm,
af' the British Medical Research Ss.. church. T is probably the first oc- and scat beyond cantraL requent, sand lift! rasa=* ,a. burden.
dreams of revenge. AS ss. #iac►s at Iter # •,
clety, Is now reported to hsthe trade a casion on wlticls a British Cabinet good will Great Britain lasso +ordered Much, 0% this trouble is due to the Palate 218 North , sq
a3isaovery which may revolutionize Minister rumpled a Canadian pulpit the witlbdritwal of Icer trerops from feast that; her blood has became tbFn
sasaxlicai history. The diacoveryr has at a regular aotrko. Cologne to Wiesbai O4 RFs, a prelitmiu- Y and watery, and to regain her goad
#stets 11naadia atter twenty-seven years lood- 11 ol, Willing 11 1: 11 mial
Baaadroil Xoero of Photography � natures shtpn placing a I,ocar11to pact oat he ' ' ` °.� . a»ssichiragetan�tsucb��s reliable
x� 4Yill1 "
of e; action ew with
t and latterly its Photography* Which fills such a 1E,I ZCT10K OAY CHILDREN LIKE PHEAt
conjunction with the aiise0w,eries of x:teseting t0 be old t» T:xindatt an T>a- � t Pink Pins. Viae great value of this
eember 1. tonic medicine I$ shown by the state-
Targe place iu titan`' aartlstic and cam- Mr Rraym d Card) l3iaby'a Own Tablets Are FRective vm4,
Bernard and Gye, slaatg cattcoit finals. merclal alfa of today was invented Inde t Of U. S. . mens of Mrs. Mary Nolan, Tai»flaw,
It may eventually lead to the elimi»a» just one hundred year* ago, and Paris poSisk•, who ss. .t Breadlines, kitchens, he ggara, Xwy to Give
flair► of smallpox, cancer, messlefa officially calallrsat*al the occasion re- One of the results ox the lauaceS# *4< yst� When I began us- Factories, daily shut,
itng^ . Asa; Wililama Pink pills I was as
sleVIng sickness, influenza and colds. centl . The oariiest opecitnens of achieved at the Locarno conference v Scares of empty houses You da not have to coax and threat -
Instead of W setian of #erupt ss its hs# been a new a4Fr of" independence � . :
photographs known as Dxguerreo- Y diflSculty that X could da light house- Time and wages cut. on to get the little ones to'tske Baby's
vaiccibxti4h, the Patient sunder ;this types were visrood.-for-the- man,. X. in regard to the United States, Franco `, ` diffic ,I that
suffered from htadac e ' � Own Tablets. The ease with which
h s, in Endless business losses, {
method Is troaa#0d by sniffintf' A solu- Datuarre, - who asumeedod , in combin- 'and saome; of • thk other I.uropeaan .. - „ - hesixt would. beat violently oat the Farmers' marlceta gone ; they are given, as compared with 119-
001% of dead germs which bad been `states have now assumed the attitude , >
ing the resrults of silt previous ex- x a ,rt.:axertlon, and I alwaiys fait tired uid medicines, will appeal to avetry,
ti�gated under ilpeeFally prescribed ca»- p that Iluxope is .able to Toole aifteir her Ica Toa busy theorixinB
peritaienters and xaduced tits first and deprimsed; I did not Slee well To help our country on. mother. Ie7ane is spiiled or wasted;
>dittans. farm of a photo>xraph, 'parlay photo- own affairs. much better without the {. x at night, and I lied no appet pe--ia,y How long before we waken, you know just how big a dose has g
"'Mr. A."' Will Bute graphy is used by ;scientists because interference of Uncle Sam, As Proal -
"Mr, .. limbs would swell as in dropsy: It Iiow fan before we ss. r breached the little stomach. As a rem -
dent Wilson is held, by some to have , !l y edy for the ills of childhood arising
' The famous "Mr. A,'" the myster. the camera can. reproeluce minute or- , . was oat this stage that a neighbor ad« These Tinkers down at C)ttawa
Imus figure. in the London court case ganlsms far Observation and record- been responsible far the pastFtian Ger- vased ane to take Dr, Williams" Pini; from derangements of the tamaah
of lasit'year, is to aseend the thrones ink with• greeter accuracy than the vraany adopted after the Signing of the Pills, I had used the pills far some Have thrown our trade away. 'and bowels they ora mos satiafact• . .
Our needed immigration
of Ha#hmir in aucces+iinn to his uncle. human vYa. Treaty of Versiailles, naturally .fire weeks before. I began to fell their Mrs. Rose Vo et. Willimantic,
European States are delighted tat have �' } benefit, and thus encouraged I contin will come as Saan as we ( y r +
General Rajah Sir Hari Singh whai?se ' achieved such magnificent results ata ued-takln ..tale tors make mill and factory open !Conn#; says: "I used Baby's Own
___entity was kept secret for e4, long, taking.them everal months,
conference confined entirely to Eurpp- when I was a With its old prosperity: Tablets in the . Canadian Northwest..
suss. the central tlgure in a asensattian- a %AMUEL LARCOMIIE gain as strong and well
Ad blackmail suit in which it was dls, "` can delegates; In this Casa Gersnany International) famous culturist ;as ever I had been. I have no nesita- Our railroads then, will prosper, s and found them s wonderful medicine
of have President Wiisain thtra y iia» in sarin that these ills a Our trade will flourish fine, .for children's troubles, especially in
closed that he had been mulcted of i did n of Sirtle„ Manitoba who Is reported g p re a
to embarrass the allies and so forced i " p remarkable blood builder and strength And the native sons of Canada - {••digestion and constipation. I .have
wall,m a At the time en attempt to have discovered a on Ises to resist new 'wheat which !; Will cease to cross the ane. also -given them to children for
wall made to ,keep Iain identity txptn i �' � to mast the Asher delegates on a bus{- { renewer. and I shall over be grateful ?� Y
the public as the scandal might pet- nesslike basis, the.German delegates If is is confirmed It will be a great ;far what they did for me:' g At last we mean to waken, i simple fever and the restlessness oc.
vent hila finally agreed to the proposed basis of You can et these ills from our At last vase mean to. say : companying teething and they always
hecBritis to .that #haeme, European peace. President' Caoli a bean to Gonadian farmers, l # p y ti i
Iltawaver, the British and Indian gave. � � Joy ll~ills By Shock"' ; druggist, or by msui at ii0 cents a box These Tinkers dawn:at. Attasvx gave, relief; I can recommend Baby's .
' ermament# Have officially recognized t It has often been said that, joy
from The Dr. Williams medicine Co., Are going out today'. Own:T`ablets to all mOthers.11
BrockYlllg, batt.,
the claim Of Sir Eisrl Siinsrli, over that { ever kills, but a sad case which Time and tide w Ft t� or no .mala, Lait I dicBine de Qx bets are salil at ? by
of his `uncle's adapted San, roves to be the exception to'this rule s PRI SBXTEpy (.)IF H[JRON fo y a woman. { a box from The lir. Williams' Medi
times hesitates o
1Teasde`m•son in' Toronto
• s reported from B;idgeburg, Fro& _
rick park, who has bees{ .b1ind :lar local Unions at Several
Points T
�,//� �, cine • Co,, Brockville. Ont
The visit of Tian. Arthur slender-+ went years and whose rsistept ak- aT7/I) /tar
son, formerly Home Secretary' in the y pe � In. PIate "
MatDonald Labor government of heerfulness and hopefulness had in- .�.
H _. -
a# 1�� ♦ A •
? Gzeat Iliitaln,:has been accompanied Aired iiia friends with the idea: 'o#•' a presbytery of Huron met in I31G RED[tCT101�5
by considerable crossing at $words. ${sing funds for an operation which Dulps church, Walton, ori Wednesday, BRONC
S 7
vith-- C3cntrnunists, During an, ata.. ght -restore • his . night, underwent. October • 7th; lieu Geo, ..Telford,, M.A. Sufferers from deep-seated coughs - «
B -Io. presidi , and bronchitis find wonderful relief — ON—
&4" in the Labor '{`ample of fiaranta here teration movedand when the he discovered that} he very large in Iud, visFtox ,�c filling a these
Ismmedicinlicuanrs tp5 tabletsht "
the speaker was a+ubjactad to Contin- ' ould . actually see, The excitement the beautiful church to its -utmost into the Inflamed bronchial al tubes, � • } a
uaal heckling and hea was asked ".Will y s capacity. "There are lig ministers and . Delicate lining:. membranes are
You 'work four the abolition of the Roy- � owever, was towgreat, and he died a corresponding number of l'ayriaen eowthed rand hoofed by Peps.lair, B0 � wintep
sal Family? T will not vigorously it i1Mi: C;itOl�Yril f .shock within four hours. members of the
g y Presbytery, The passages, are ,quickly cleared of
replied 11ir. Henders6n to the. areae- Of London, Ontario, appointed a me may Vote on Bridge xnarn>nit .session was, largely of a de. ti oblegssa *0 the cough
POrIment . of chafers. ; M'r HeuderSon, ber of the Board which" will enquir The people of .the Border ,Cities and vational and inspiring character, . Ad. &breatbim,gdifficulty`
throughout his into the Coad minims indust to Nov dresses were given b Revs, G J oveicoam. ; OVERCOATS
Wi surras political work r3' he County of Essex may vote upon Moorehouse, W. D. McIntosh, A, Bark.; i
had maintained lair connection with Scotia, hal project, of the international bridge er" and W. E. Millson, of London:
the Methodist church and is as local MacHilliatt Returns imecting Detroit and Windsor, it is Ttese •united in. giving the church a � 13pys': I3eav di', #Voila .
Preacher; In this capacity he -tool. the Thcxe has been Considerable specu a rted. The proposed brad _ e would claaiatt call to Y k,
to !: deeper consecration t t Overcoats in Plain ba5otiwn
morning nervier an Sunday at th9 la,,an sea tri. what cireumstanc floe longest in the world and would• rpdkhigher effort in carryinP on the .. „ "
— brought the MacMillan party' kinin st about fifteeln or sixteen million he church. , A resolution of k' mor grey cbccked patterns, .
from . the arttle without trying ant ollars. sympathy. In the loss of his mother the aeronautic experiments. planned Want Police„ Court Probed son, forwarded to Rev, J, tL,' Fergu ` A40,w ri rG ( round' or• three-piece
• ran, of Tllcliiilop. Rev. Dr? J. L. sna,tm{er.. Belt, clearing rat
for the expedition, It will lie` xetne t The Great war Veteran S Associa- . Stewart, missionary to China; szt:ve s
tiered ;that when l+lacMiilan went, on of ,%forth Bay and the ]9 Material most, interesting address, .explaining $5.95
� CC r�
north he Wats 'reminded that It was ssociation have each lodged cam- the present situation in China. �p�.�J �^%,�j
Dnd,. s
necessary to stops a pe reit from faints •with Attoirney�General Nickle " The Presbytery 'agreed to taceept
the Canadian brovGrnm,ant to travel Ontario relative to the conduct of E'74,a?00 as Fla share of tho Iludget OPEN NQ$TRILS1 END
Sizes 0 to 34
and oxpl6re in the sane inorthll % Can- ice, tae rt affalm : is North Bay. � Scheme of the Church, and a'. commit,
aadian torritories.. Some of the, nit• tee of which Rev, fiV. D, McDonald is. ° A COLD OIi CATARIIH.
ed States authorities At the tift�were ,, re nearly flf- Min%steriaT Association refers; to chairman, was ,given the task of ,al
- Snallx $o '
prep*red #o scot{ at the Canadian teeia_•hundred male# to '$u�Appeile, "the intense diaslatisfaction nrevailnng Iattin the aimnarmt_ta the. various pas-
$are To Get Yteliefi Whew Htad yR
In in North Bait'' while the Veterans toralpg'eharges of the Presbytery. 3t 'said N<aaaa are StnffM Up. _
claims and MacMillan ignored . the buske Man titers d reach Toronto, "deplore such a state of affairs ss. Wtta agl oed first .at the next Pres
hint. however,, the.old Viking, Chap- esoldMiersr. �in Whitehead it ill. Ittturn. be, en$ contrary to'any sense of British tory one hour a net aside for by
taro Bernier, headed ss. Canadian Art- QU`A pelle{ took her ", a the di,.� Q COATS @
► h justice and the 'Attorney -General is. cussin of aur missionary work;'' itfr, 0(nm fll'tg1 Tour cold in head ar REEFER COATS .
a tic expedition oat the iaame. tittle and ease in `hand :and she was assisted g
` Alan the root n e tar asked to reopen ateveral recent caises � G. Medd reported that $i.12Q would isatarrh disappears. Your clogged. abs- .
. anter he accomplished the warlc laid g •. � and »aalce an Investigation lata police lie ;needed far the annual conference �Em•iia will open, floe sir passages of Yeur � •---,�;T-.-
a #out for .him, he tins also returned h.It..ta CezaOtapla? , court affairs, tuna{ and .$200 for the expenses of the head will dear and you coal breathe
I Presbytery.,. These amounts 'were ac- freely. No mora aau@ang, hawking,
south. It iia 'normo,, rumored that he I 'Toronto is to unveil the of�ial IT#� Terga In $Iactiuta � :�lr ��
carried a politer Intimation to Ialac• ; municipal cenotaph on Armistice Iia sag y ce d by. the Preabytory. mucous dict arge, drn aas or headache; •
Gla orae University students take Tlae Presbytery agreed that the two, so struggling iar.brea* at night,
i�, d size. prtek� 1ldilla» that the claTt>;as which he an -s but in the meantiage there hits rage, their politka asokiously an Indicated United churches at Fordwi Get a u Tattle of Milo Cream in -Brown, Grev or Blue sixes
i ch should
naunced he was about to aaria]raa an be. }a controversy over the Inscription. in by the report af'the eTectiaa contest amaslgamate and that a faint pastorate RXIM train your' drugglat and apply a 2 to 5 rears
for p c st t t G' act # of- his own y little of nits fragrant antiseptic cream
,� l4f a 1pcnd is* ern areas wouhl lab A Zvi In
on of the' F llen'�wore design
ba,#e nord4 ''T`s. #lie k to decide who is to be rector of that Of 'thea two ministers should exist until
i I t
�ttEt right. Plea► , b institution, There were three ecaudi. aurri are Thtwo e
United te rhes ryyour
r x Is t pme rates, through
rights of as friendly cso_untry The ` the inscription stow reaads "To All wits 1 dates, Austen t7liamberiain, British 1as� of flee head, Soothing
matter is t6 be aired In parliament it' served, 1914.19>Q:"" • This, of course,; induction service, eau arranged •f r and h6aling #Tie srmooTiOn or inflamed .tau• I
IvareIgn Ministers G, I3, Chestarian, 00136 membri giv you instant re-
is teuaid. Macmillan d+Cla>`t"•a the re- for'the'present remavea #hoz # o#• October ISth;:whin ibev: F. W. Craik �
' lotion# of the twp parties in the. �'aac•ation•9f the memorial " th � a- the famous man of tatters" and Syd: will become pastor of this charge. fief, Head carr and cafa►rrh yield Tike a ROBIN
tic were meet cordial." b, Vie" il64% stay Aiiffed-up and raiser.
" • ►a Th "Web the ; ex -Labor Minister. The trustees of the former Methodist, aslsile, IWH49 .is Saran. ,
-�--. - .,...,. • - « " of a intended to be a xeprasentatlan The electorate, 14 appears, have been church at Ki
Apra forte allowed to die-
_ Grerta Ili Not llal of a grave. In thea years to came, collecting eggs fo'r a year past and on ' pose of the church. roftrty 'there. "
hx 1 C` r Q x 'l'he American p`edtratlan ai' Ia►bor i wht"n the survivors of the World talar election day »a less than twenty thou. Salem was, united with . xoter un- ;
CSR FLETCH S has atoparennly deci�taT to have no as- have all ailed; it will ltidasad be a erne- i'san Issd; �� madded "atmosphere' to der the pastoral care of Rev, D. A.
n,R saciatiaitt with red0proi»4Canda and,taph, but for the present, sex-n0ldfers the intensely .e�tc%tF IilalTotin Armmerong•. The, resignation of •Rev; Dis���+►�
J8t1 ,..t , by the re�electle?an of 1I;t111iasna Green ask if they are rxpee:teld to paarade, in ° : n# g.. C. Trate, :farmer Agent Wantet�.
Chambsarlain won. the contest with 1.-+ pastor at Biuevale
seg votes, Chesterton followed° with
;;As received anii Acrepted. Rev. A:
Lain was relieved. of the• care of the a7f • gr�Ad rdpJuta0on and "Willing to work --for sdvdrwl Mire re-
' 2 And
votes. Webb wools asked continua his urcheffara inorrie, seated sertitarls,vf Ontario, very liberal riew agency
ccsiit Ct:
Poor third with former Preab
. rt. yterian church at G
CctaxnauniSta s.'9 Trial � n broperty of the f .San• Cani}oatly" Charges low premiums and pays generoils dividends
seryl the erect
-Presb terian, church at +Gerrie slid . to policy Holders. Previous insurance experience iIot essential,
, The government pf Great Britain
° ad' ihanife,tti was thanked for his efforts along this `Crainiog and aNs"istanCe given free, ,Apply in own handwriting
' a strong hand In .the • vent It agreed to Bold a can• with references NOW. This may be your' Big Opportunity.
Y tnatttr of the twelve Communists ventaon at ClintonCIan Nov. lath of {til IVXI3I�iAltCH iGIiE'E AS$
who have been arrested and charged the young people's societies o£ the C t�MPANY,
with aanapiracya against the peace Presbytery.. societies
onto °
i sof the people. The trial is takin Dinner and tea were carved by the ]�, B. fiARR
g ladies of Duff's church far which they , SUPERINTENDENT
were tendered a hearty vote of thanks. -- --_
Ing of ePrreesbpiery lace wax lid,., in he
✓�'� hands of the chairman.
To As`thana Sufferers—I)r ,i. D. SCAM% OF COMMERCE,, Clinton, Ui�t.
ItelTngg s Asthma remedy aanatat like w`. Stttd6utta m,►y einter aat alt three '
A helping hand to a Y
It gives new life and ho sinking swimmer, HI S wa positions
BUSINESS th T`B3INXl�GF Wahl fit you for tfrb
pe-wsamethin v "WARDED iaisz the I3llSINEiIg W altT), Where rwora
maned- -it is its awn t ieve impasasble., peretarial. W the rof ClIf7E reaado, An
Its bonettt IN too evihAN come to detit to •lie quest.
COURSES, Commercials Secretarial. Teachard, Ciyil Sorviae anal
q Special Courses.:
" argument.. Special classed for +Gfa�terich. Students
Pt* own beat advertisement. It you Spar Information apply to
'• l+a suffer from asthma gets this time- M.A. S' ONZ, .. 1.
' ' l tried rent** lanai :and help like thous- Cosm1, apecla►Iist: vice prinalpol B" F' WARD" D. A.
` '`y* Phanb I?a3. �+ lyriucipal.
. u 1 da of others.
. �an °
Y, '
, � Iris FIVE YEAW T
� W� {rya $at. � 'VVIR � * .
you % D�ogsg
esaee, f+ar#+? The: answer defends very largely upon your action Now.Yod catlnat Tapir Of the greatest sltecesS unless you fully
FwMta" prelate vourstlf for it
+k aaa4000, Write WAY for full inf,orMafion regarding out courses.
No -,r% eaa� The completion ref one of ihrse n%ymean the difference be-
�!►►eswak .. aaalaa4..� tween succen and f2ilimb frac- vru, su.... !____