HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1925-10-22, Page 9" ` �� 4 fJIR� Ml' Ot wetrt wws tar 1.
Atter 1b ifltll > �+►t iw��+wuauwac :, ''
� � � is tie w�jewA roMtr rt.w�. ua
WORNK1001001Mol la a,,
:" lh11i 7"1 r ::.�fr 04t.} i•IM aura �arjr w au as a ►eryris- aw +�M M s,wR
i to pwbw it win fly and w cirrrtattu- #irs�w
4■rtMeaar�a►aaaaMMtirewaMllrlis� la:: oe two. Yoe it. a1iM satery/et tits grwt lArtituUuia o.' 13=`W
datit'hAi,tt" • ,.
gait fMs r" *"M lues the iR "a � � t�hgrtk. 1
Dirtieei fight with all thy to '4611 tlwra tet s secure too . 1 L. r.ew y; u. .►'
an aa•awtfiea they >tsar•i strong tpm•otec- ars Biota lassie t. w leap, aril br t Y'M seaeu•,s arhapter l;as t., do with
Quint is y strength and Christ tions fear tlamr high called mosM� oaaes a ease of eoockwi aeerrirt, the'. oitosieta of the Christian Pass.t .aer..ta►A.te. �*t �i►�r►.t ��: R;'
t.by right; &a to tiny Cw4w to tiarough thorny, � taw +� >�k em. After attuwirit the »wed
Pa ° W 1P' LAW bold an life, mad it shall beptsaeea wacioA haeme. 'Mita tiwee , xowerer stlot a loud beaus yes clearer tsaslerstsiWinic at the m. ivrad
Thy jay aad ca;owa eterualiy. was the am" usually A"M of ligitt � oias,els alinrsr ow it, far if rite, reviews tlw ro heels Aw'ui in the ,"rn. Cir at,� •
J. S. B. Mansell. woad cowrwd with sovorsl thickneses it iia rust that it � seexlel? ural tlwa eu cru se' -
Pla AY1MR of hide kept h4li y polished, by ltelag 1, i� t41 P"Uw iia se seats laMr. or rec•gt;ttiaas too harmony
aaraE !
ficuM.its ung kkorwrea;h-tuiitit harniuny � �"' Sbsr*'� •� 1s�`s
Most merciiai Gad, wbo hast se lov- rubbed with oil se, that arrows or i asriwa tiizoat or ]crag trouble. of the C'o"la has to meet, but dor �
A- 4 )iau Reitixlt rami t w this Worm 44 to ga:rrr'� Lam orkly daft would rebound from it. Tire clash ileal on We<l,Yerda; Jt►dra cunt-' 1 .
• wbWo body was alsilundod by the i � piated the plan of the betrayal
r r
rotten fain„ that tYJtoianeVer betaaYe , •
GaatluC Grill to Him should not perph but have shield by the kf't arm and, so e e .and ..si. as.� • 1
everlasting lite; vol chA me- unto use as tia aoldler was In paotwastas that nn the avoning of that day Jesus
• we xumwy pray 1��, than precious of it,,he telt s+sfe. '171:6 helmet tuard-1 i� instituted the commenrurativa Srtaaxt.
Cafeteria od .ties heNa. tram a blew' firom a bast. I should like to
t;mtl set faith lit tJaat tie t>asy have point out, in paraiitg. _;_�..` •,.�..•�.,,,-',,;,:.:-• .,;
tkj-4xe, ,,a sword ar club, It wail a abut Horny New Ta itament scladars -*-- j
lower to overcome, thR world. sial • � �.il" 1
,TC L` R.t'l:`rm kuiii the blossed immortality of baa, asp =Me of thick lea " oar banes have rwwntly conn to think that a
von. Amen. i filled to the bead and uev*Xy aaosa+e is an assiwssaal reatok fee all tMat clear understanding• of Luka and John - -r.-•
,..» (gam). by sa plum*. Las"tdy. the soldier xe- wlao saflliir from eau f x of hrarealiisi points to the sibility of a linin° of , Riad the treat Tar. - — � mrinieatx wlio call Je.eua rlaater arta; �
quired a sword without. which, em tr"Wib as It Aloai atss *a weaherod � laxovided
S. & MINION 1 olt NOV flet, 1tt)gi o aooth" suet teals Lisa irritates toatissonx regard"'Ir rho night of the Lord land. quotation are
, though lie taught have a W. #pear or I iu►n only to odd that Eho author
«� Lesaoea lit4air--.Tlsrs I+itlit draiwwut yattie age, »o saWiear Woutkl ransidor p s ilea ►rill aarorus, (oast. Hitherto John lana seoatetl to s wolf to Kr+uts the c�ota+tawuion o from the ritual of th+ 1~rotextapt
per. Q. himself well equipped four bottle, m awyr 6s, stmuud alone in this ntattor. A atnsplai saints whkh rot%*& truth and be- churches. We thank this Christian
Cesaa•a+1 liRaneyen a outline follows of souse of the Jewish writer for taking im In his quant
awa+!ege•--Elala. ti . 1. 30. All of thane its, Paul
(:oldie► �'e�-J 4 . 10. tells the members of tits church �a _ _ ' •. _ _ .. _ customs ,end of the, use of the OW tormisi pa �,� � ohm iv- to green pastures and quiet w ter#, y
caul �n wanting to the saints which vshorn he was vrritins; etre ne.sLtyt 1# s exeysptla ail ar+sstllts lay running a Testament in hells ant rw,ikal at thuoccasmal- he it g eat true broth.
t ----�• ARDS,
ale at zpheaua xaau to we xiucmut in the battle of 114ia is to be fought and wire from his chimney to the tap of time of the Pssan.er. issue and the . �.'
WomenW t•'tarw; Jest, in these yerases of for "n- the g rsge,,s distsma of two hundred disciples seem to have atwervsal thew r given away to bareback dancing.
Ha fives aa, special name to each of, ss�� Tia CartmmutaiaauL � AX may com
Way's.fesaWt, axhortis yhent to.fidelity slid f]3tg feet, but I explained to him national paseover ru►rt'ic. VI?hsmt ap- Many supposedly_erudite tont3smort
them calling the • *irdle , truth; the tkat a radio set works 'best with so —^--�
sic the rLliristiast war#rtara. In the first - Pears, however, in the tour Gospels is � """^^'^--^'a•'.
VY!ll� f K1dn1lyi part at the. chapUtr he, exhorts c)Qil ,brout-plate rb:,eous=s; ilw >wan- mush sotiol,Am no Que. of the 'Many, pmoore. It wan justtrot w much the xut,:lc, but the novadein to otael* there parottta, fathers to faith; tht heet tlae hops o ssihslvi lrla, naw that ]ta iniad fsslldn l ° woad and act whicl► Janus suiaerimpaaa•
dale the ger pe, fear , r&W tit]i left, hadfor h1lokome. tlAts he Rt�to ed upon the old unc .which made it
�INd Uft chow ouch a spirit that chileiren.will^-tiara► the sward the word of. Clod, He .
be induced to properly obey. He `shows' theins the tmecesiiity there is for
'. pointe out the -auty a# servants to . a. m,—on4bor fan hscj been born to forever for His followers a Christian . q'
wasters said masters toservants and, puttl" on, all , thea* protections. redia, • It gets ?them all, .sooner or festival.
then adds-Flnally, my brethren, Thu' arm abet usher armour later. p4 " „ a r i sr
Wiest the soldier flights At.the matt int uta to got The third chaptp, olCers air litter-
bt strong in the Lard, and in the act it.; , pretatian of the Institution of the now a
t s
Versonpower oflliX7 The, Chrlstiatt's Ar- armour esh the "Chrlstiood aze f[xhta against. (Copyrigheatur6 'Seervice) Llllmatn minzste would au �usa�a�tawitercom� t
tnour. the wiles of that devil and reuiuixea tint munion address and under the follow.' �, / : i�
out. In of the o and n eider to win Y . / ; s t
brought exhortation
of �aultrong out. In order to underatst�] the fn114 �lilck Re�le� for" ' � ung heads: (1)' An enjoined morn-
gh that significance of -wrestling ' agidnat ort*—this do. (2) A specific provIs-^
Ra' wonmaau O tbe4trougmad,healthT whien he Was daily in contact with in principalities, against powglas,,sgainst . motion ---ye do show forth. (3) A i
twler. her la RHEUMATICS
dners are well, and nine his life as a prisoner, He was chain- the rulars of the, darkness of thin 1 new covenant. (•l¢ A unique cam-
tlmass out of .ten the kidneys are to ed to a soldier, his r]ght wrist being world against spiritual wlekednes�i in' munion--take eat, take drink, 14f the
biamue for the weak, lame mud srchint bound to the, left of his Roman guard high Plare:m, we .have .to think I of the. Local Ofuggists .Sett' Rherimt can aupXaer is a rmtemorial, the author says
libel an tuna one ki�ir+ mush. and from the Jif eren t parts of the" meaningof the wiles. of the devil Money -Back Oatt
back from which,'Phe huffs so
soldier's outfit he drew a lesson, that 'if memory could be "continually
y y kidneys out of They are the cunning devices, the arts' �--- «^ refreshed 'about_tlirf rneanin of `the
t order, when your limci aches and tine Paul could not fall to be interested' and stratagems which he uses to drag It you sutler from torturing rhea- g _
in him guards and he no doubt would the soul down to help. Satan doom death well
Christ, the commemorationdtwthgo
fwd giros ,you endless anigry, ml yore' uratic Pains swollen,. llriatod joints, _
laiave oto do is take a fora boxes of eraw,front 'them talcs of their exper. not Carry on an open warefare,• but and suffer intensel because your sys- t waa,well calculated to do thiaga, 1�0 YOU SELL AUTOMOBILES? . .
Doan's Kidneyy Pills, rand you will Rod nc . s in different warfares sand so steals argon his victim unawares. He y Ito preiserve the Aiaaler o followers '
tbat all the ashes and pains will vanish, the tedious day would pass for both, presents the .world in an alluring an- tem is toll of. uric, said that danger- from 'deadly traditicrlalism and from ,
and nimke Ton healthy.and happy, and in Which Paul would miss i;o- oppor- Peet he invites us to pleasures that oua poison that makes: thousands • aileh dreamy mys4ie:l on as hielea from
able to enjoy life to •the utmost. tu�Q to de preach Christ. seem perfectly harmless but ,which helpless and kills thousands yours 'be- amen the realities of life. of cause,
1ptlon Paul given hexa is eventually lead us: into indulgences , fore their time, -then you need Rheu. this memory' is not sitnpl that of a
Ail druggists
dealers handls, that. of the whole armour of, an an until we have gone too fax' to turn •,nta, acid need it now•'. "}iealth -minded anon " its ® _ •:- -
them; put up only by. The T. Milburn tient soliiter, The girdle or (sash back, so Paul, mays theie'ls'Beed of Start,, takingit todhy. Rheum Passu y .+� but of the
()o.,; Limited, Toronto. tJai. uvea, in anefent times, an important wrestlin and fighting, learning God's .acts at once okidnersf liver, stoinite on of the Son a.f God for sin,
The author dwells on tite nionninp ofWb _. _
_- .....
.- -T past of ..drefa-gin .times at -peace •Aa will in la worm sod prawinq-al•ways. and VZO64, and you caac .sincerely ex- -
well as wmr. With it the°fiovving Verses I8-3tt--l�Teed of 1Gntercesaion, this substitution invnlverl a d fllus- a
robe •Wags ,'liapt in lace when the plaint: .Goad 'riddance to bad rub "orates' 'iG b referanc�a to in
p No matter hove well protected a • ,, Y
• wearerwaisheed••tn rrjii or work iso as p blah• -._...-, . _
soldier may" be he needs to, ray for—.__.�. ��.
not to be impeded by it. In the girdle Many People,, the m%t skeptical of
was kept inane g vtetory. To the Christian soldier.lt... p �1♦������■�
p y..or.the writing is indispensible:_ He is to pray and skeptics right in •tWo''ciO and in the
instruments or the sword of, the tra-. , g ,
y ` 'Yeller and by it .every art' of the, not .ta faint continuing instant . in country hereabouts . blurs the clay � , ,z .: * Ce �a� �r� ��`
• soldi'er's armour was kept to lace, prayer. praying -without ceasing, when H. C. Dunlop slick other good
p Thus is he enjoined by .Paul: to pray druggists offered Rhe nia 'try the -if- M r� •,an- ai ;�
The breast -plate' -of two' parts, one fns imself but he: e , •i.Jtlf� twatt says Htfi4t 'Ord, 171
pp h goers on tea say the Rieted, at a sim8 1 riga°ancl�i,rfaran-
for the bauk and -the :other for the Christian is• to pray for others, He 1: P •c %"
front and was tirade of lutes of P y teed money refunded of Hat antisfied.� 01 'use' the ttlCphelnt.
+ p TresnuRht the Ephesian Christians to I u- have rheumatism et a bottle
brass, laid one upon enoth+cr, like the pray -y ;h%m. not tlieat 1te might be f you h g y'. i
scales of a;fiph and was intended to Jonpod' from lits. •Mends• but that, he . °f Rheums today.
gaslid the 'body 7from• the -'sword, might speak. -boldly, for Christ. 1A .,
spear oar arrow,, striking the heart. was .Christ's ambassaeior to: home but Ci'ODERICH PASTOR 1<gf�j�,,��rq��j�r�f,�►��
peg .:.7_.. ..
_The ancient soldiers also had their ho .had •been imprisoned Instead of. " ; VIOLWE
_ . _ • _
feet -and ProperIv protected. a ■
entefWned at Court and he asked for -^
' . • for COU6K COLDS
The sandals often had spikes i� n thein t he rolght the more Rev. Selby Jeffersun,,.V615ta" of ,Vic '�
�_��• their. prsvera that ,titAd Bt+dNC##ITi S
; � preach CYtrrist. ;' 1 toria: United hn9rch, Puhliaihes
rG "Restrsiinin ra er we coast to : Book of Meditatie
mer %ts.eDll6` Cti1' tg p, y , m� irl riAtiAii>!
abie remedy. It drawn nut tit,►, i-da'ilyy-dd�zt�rrh : of iota er make ..n • .. • .: _. .
inflamgtati e s y. s tht:lrristia�i armour
can. ares palm. Ake tI ' Willth-" . bright, The following rev eJv fe ss,book,psts- "
"i >romery. Tushed by l'iev. I1ir.: J.ffer"fim, pastor �.
brings s p And Satsat trembles when he sees of Victoria street United church, app• `
The meanest saint upon his knees:' ;/R Bankingby
a a in a nation' fi ht sin t peared in The London tress re=
s g ag strong cently n g
drink its greatest weapan,rs the saint The writer of thiis all too brief word
upon his of her' knee CW4 ht and Bta l ,
"J11Qt��b�iS�t po et. > The securit
of4apiritual wisdom and coittfort is an wttseyGu�.Co»c��>�tra„i� p}l;ce to y afforded try the Province of Ontario Savings
„ %cps.yOu. honored minister of hi, United church gather: with the facrhties extended by every Post
and JOHN SMITH AND H{5 RAl1i0 of Canada. .Until rrePntly ha ministr Office in Canada and other countries,'
make it possible for c
yotifpk0eg. ered to the congra.,ation at Dunbeth, --- -- — - -- everyone :to deposit their savings in this SAk. Interest is
g t t (By Frederick C.' Russell) where the book was written, but re- ' A
(1 n �j p� allowed, compounded half. 'yearly, with full checking. privileges.
' ..- •
haveowners throughout the -world CA.N�Di�N NNTIONe�L Ills ..
followed Jahn Smith in Iua Jail cently he. has moved to Guderich. The'
r motoring—and have benefited there quiet brooding culture of the matt we The confidence the rural. communities have shcown in this
- know ,pervades the book we read. TRAIN SERVICE to TORONTO Bink. is Indicated 'bv the lar a increase in deposits, "Which are
pff'' p�,nnr� .y •' 17�a by. Now he has takeh rap radio and � p ,
Rub Rheumatism Q� is.willing that his fellow fans should Thgi•e is no elamnr hur nor tumult Deily tiEliaapt f3attnday noW aver $21,000,000., m '
be ampsed° and profit by his everting of thinking, but the sv)rtei solemnity.
{,• // experiences. Smith lies a.faaulty ion. of devout thinking, end•an approach 'Lve. Goderich 6.00 i►m 2.10 . M All deposits are uaranteed 11 the overtlnme t
NOTICE �Q 'e, ACh{n ,lOft '" finding out things," to it will pay toward the mysterict of the sacrificial " r y g ti of t11tC
Clinton Ei 2,i a:m.. 2,�i� part. Province of Ontario, .
_ radio devotees to follow him In -this altar, with solemn joy And profound, �i Seaforth 6.41 il.na. 3,12 p.mn,
paper each week. humility Here is no glare of light, Mtoheil . 7.1)4 nasi. 8.42 i.m. Remittances shnti}d be made by lost Office none order,
TO (. Rub Pain 'rl ht out with small NO.1--THE BIRTH' OF A. FAIN but rather the mellar:+np0 of twilight 1 express order . or registered letter and h � '
0 Smith had just finished polishing rr, fitrattoa d 7.20 iti.tri. _. X4.] 0 lt,trr, olli has t st r � ' S Gt11d 1)e :iildressed t0
trial bottle of ori his car when I raised the window and t;bout the sale, and ng� ;erode realism '• Hiteliener S..O R.m., ;5.20 (n, y r � inch, where they will• receive roils t attention,
-; l'• P P
" St. Jacobs 011:' announced "Come on In an listen to such ase• this bold age,;demands of �, Guelph 8.45 a m. u.fi0 P.M.
`- .�... vhe radia. ,I've got Cuba."� scene and song, but tneditatNe:wait- ., p p • • � e .
Toronto 10.10 a -in. 7.30 t ,
WATER and M ,. Not "No, thanks," he retorted; "I've got ; Ing as for distant chimes, At rvengong. ) 'fin" Province of Ontario Savin s Office
Rlienmsti> m it to tune in on a nights rest. Its bad We have no harrowing detail,pof -'than Iletui ping--Leitve Toronto 6.40 a.m.,
One cast in fifty requires internal enough being a motor fan." Infinite Death, but whs. We need, 13.J5 rat. and;6.05 m Heiaati Office
a 15 Qttaegea't Park, Tat'oai,ta
ttpttpreuat+ Stop dru Rub sloth. But he hesitated just lona; enough good company Aral, gooa tfare in an f U' .
hag, penetratim :'St. scot: Oil" right „ Parlor Cafe ear, Gndoriah to Tar- j Toronto Branch Offices
into safe, stiff, aching- joints and to ask o, Another I could get ata- hour of worship, ` onto, on morning train. and Toronto Cor. Asy and Adelaide ,Sts. Cor. fltiiversit ,
T USERS relief es matand , tic, too, And that settled it. He Had the author done thing mote y and bund,, Sta.
Oil" y who hesitates is -,-well nowada s a pe to Godermth e3.i)5 p. mr train. 519 Danforth Avenue
"St. Jacobs Oil is it birmless rhea ' y it -is well worth while td -provide a
mafiam• lnrimcub whichenever disc " radio bug. ,
P- Cuba g' convenient, and on the, whale antis- Throu h coach Goderleh to Toronto. Branches at -
poiatia •lied csinriot b4rd .the• elfin. vt'as' corning to pretty well. it Other
L , t,ecm lalain Crisp. air; The nes hborhood turning factory, synopticon,of t'h>!: records of { Hamilton, St. Cstharinex, 8t. Marrs Pembroke,
1 am instructed to cut off gl Get ghe batteries 'new the events which lead up Lo the Paso- F. 1�. LATVI2EN(.8 & SONf3 1 Hraptfurd, Woodstock. Owtq fie and, Ottawa
s simill u ttie o . •-old,. honest in for the night.
all. 1_ig,ftt and Water Ser. "St.• icobs Oil" at ally dt�g•stom arid, working.'" first rate. $mlth was over at which the Lords Supper'was •I+Qws. Pwrefrk6r and Tickets AKents Seaforth, Walkerton Newmarket rand Aylmer, -
and h'1 lust a nnament you'll b2° fres ,immensely impressed. instituted, of the suppers itself and the 'Phone e
ram_. rheutnatic in sareaess, stiff- t. "Tbi is the first decent radio 'set.
vices who are In arrears anal mess ;w4swtultig. D`oset iuffert Re- ; I've heard," he declared, after swing-
he the
.-..�...,.�...,„_—..�..,�.,,._.�....._ .,..�.....
CHARLIE ONE I)OliLAR lief awaits•• "St. Jaecabs Oil" has g by himself until
�, t
retic od m s of -rheumatism suffos+- g y stations and -
found it wan playing his favorite song.
ors iii the -last half cariturY; quid is luau • . •:. . � a
for connecting itiu Se rL"iC: sus > for neuralgia, lasal- wad ht's tiie Hamar of this outfit, any
' � • bsd e, sptahtt. n,e
g 1'" `» I held my -hand over the name plate , ,
again. So !. hop" tit'jse in
_ _...
,• and asked him to sit down a moment; •' '
arrears, will pal• .it Once :iiia "Smith," I began. "You've got to
save Eximilse MISERABLE AND have a good alt, of course. But that "
isn't all. You've got to know how to '
-' operate it. I t youldri't advise you to •gym •
r. B.' K i,l!'Y ALWAY PAIN buy this set miid guarantee you.imnie.-. � _
r diate results any more than I would Pat Red MotHER.
aril ' r I recommend a Rolls�lioyse to i Zulu. *�' EYS
Lydia L Piatik}teta *s Ve tA- • Furthermore, different
sots give di#- �ln�Qitl' If1��,
ICG ferent results in different places.
This one might not work quite as well
�taa C+�upo�iYnd fa I�pendtt►ble' _ Right at the top of the list e!k ,
iu your house as It does, here. Then cuapint; nec�itier is a• tits Tape a Tablespadlnful of Salts if Back, Pains or
H4 for Mothers again, it might work better." a tHer of reel l+[ustard.
•yam s T...._ _.. "That's not so g000," Smith wor- Men who fish and then w,ho
Ta S'WAR l Port Greville Nova Suis. -"I took Fried. "What have X got to do; take a • ladder 1� Irritated
ri�ar •your isiediehre for a ttfrrible in m ..chance, mI getting one that won't shoot know what a spiciness'
Auto and Norge Livery, alae and for weakness and lieadlachor. i .work 7" rad flavour imustard freshly
seethed to bloat all over, too, and my sit' haiv a,' j t t explained.. wanted you,
n *d Win, bold bacon, fowl, ads Mush your kidneys by fritiking a Acids; to hhelp clemise the, liitittey's And
p(� K �i } feet and hands were the worm. Iaita flush aft the body s tirinafi8 ti�it4l e; get
46k Stabl �, Etc• the mother of four children and 141% dealers have solved this problem by. iron and other good things quart of water each day, also take salts
nursiag my baby --the first Duras of fotiat offering to let you try out various gets they eat In camp. four oiunces of Jad Salts from, I'llux-
( flMo nt"al strssirt I could oerasionally, says a noted authority, ,
nutria. I took Lydia E. Pink- until you find the right one, They'll
just off the Square ham's Vegetable >"omporind before the charge"you fire or ten dollars for an Cors AN -haste (Consda) tdada:d who tells us that too much rich food lnacy here. Take a' tablespoonful �)i 3
baby's biret
th, so can sae how much aerial, but that's only right. And r4�taasoONTRICAL $» glass of water before Ire+tiitfai t fel:' '
5EYl1tAt, lIRST•CtAss XUTDStR4'AhY it helped me. I cannot praiso it too you'll have five " or rep rimes that forms acids which almost paralyze the F ,_ .
1►011 S:RYIC11 -6CT YOU ANYWHERE highly for what it has done for ifs. I mtutjt fun out of it even if you can't o kidltpyfr in their efforts tta expel it from few' days, olid your kicizley� may tiler -
M WNIX YOU WAn TO GEr Tun took all kinds of medicine, but the Vag ' decide on one right aviay." erev � act fine. This famoud salts iii r4 `tilt!
• etable Compound is the only one that a "But is an aerial n essary :? S. the blood. They become sluggish and from the acid of grW$ and lemon "thee
linasoa Mort all Tratr+r unit bas bol ' "� J ,
Paeriwxar Boats ° . t>rd me for any length of time. Won't some of these machines oper. � weaken; then you may suffer with a dull combined with lithia, and has been m>;(4
I tiscommondit to anyorA with troubles ate on a loop, or whatever you calf far 'yea. s to Help flush and StlnlUl:ite
lrarwesmxetrr called for alt hale like mineandyouma use myletter fora ftu g" misery in the kidney' region, sharp pains ,.
Port of the taswrr for sill. testimonial."--•1[mcaftrucCuarar mlr. s "It depends where you live and bow
traiaa at 0. T. R. or C. P. R, Pert Greriliq, Nova Scotia. oft ch,of the world's brwdcastinir ya�a MAS in the bitch or Tsick headache, dizziness, sluggish kidneys, also to neutralize the
" > ; " :' "BdYQtmi rAdaitiCchtsi-liittihtlso alotliitt' r. a
rotnpt Sea VtC�t and will orad Iaydia 1C. Pltslthelasn'it Yerafaablr •wa Ito h+` her it's "id. d .,k n hr Your ettomach sours, tmg� a is coated, acids in the sy stem iia they no lunger
Compound a blessing. stied when the weathe>3r is i3aa you have irritate, thus often relieving l>letelti r
ClMul Attendance• iii room or concealed in the machine, rheumatfc twin
a+ity. many letters are zooitvod tliv- cuts down your rereptloft About one- -�_-- _ __..__�- a- gad The urine gets
ft the Sarni sort ate experience as is third. This wouldn't make any differ cloudy, f j
flwr "1.trelty ascus! tisak fiesrvlsis Yen In thin letter. Not it the �� to anyone living rfixht near a , full of s4 ment, the channels d'ad Salt;t is inexpensive; cannot in -
«rill bo formol 80 -to slate �t�tto thtted, but these rrralir number of station*, but in your case C A TO "` I A aoftctl � i jure and manes a• delightful effertresee'nt
Is ovary iroNreat,d prro a9ti to toe cltiii. I'd advises getting all you can gat" get sore anti irl'it>Rted obliging J g
1 No brttntal drugs are wed in the ..A jbnp'/1 hatady iri an auprrtment AOR TabAt AA4 ck t'r r ;�, ye7u td seek relief two or three times ltthla•water drank. �y all meaans •havalr
Pewtoi-mot alh3smeCitresoihkoolf4ta house where an airterk its 1<ara tb %airing_ the night your phvsieylu eyAmine your kidno.." '
Yesasr liw4bV01 0 $*U+sltrel lwrbr-wti stat be t�tkeaittrt►fety tlA i� �1 YaBM *Srf
Ta SWA by the rmaarsisg wsotiwir. iviredpby or
oil ia'larianti� s]lqt all Always benne * help neutralim t�lw irdtating at leant twice a YsAr.
i7 trTm ie se out of eyory 100 woemob report" your eose It's differs. t. Y'�mtt up it the l
PM+tw toy Motaro4l Wont bimo it froom its mss in a totem esanvsse go,� atrial." "toe of
atttat►Rvrostttit netrrsi af` this taodlrlar; C Smith had a potion t]rat he could «.
a 1 Ia +