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The Goderich Star, 1925-10-22, Page 5
OCTOBER A month of chaugeat•lc of Hot Water bottles to pro - weather. Often as the re- tett ourselves at,ainst the sult of this coughs and colds sharp advance in rubber bot - develop. Our new supply ties. We are able to show of cold, cough, catarr:l Rani- you wonderful values in Hot- edies has arrived. M1 the ties at 91.75. well known remedies you are sure to find. We purchased a large quantity early ire the season Two year guarantee Do- minon rubber quality. Also Bottles from 91 vp. Every Bottle new this fall. Campbell's Drug Store The Square Phone 90 Goderucb, Ont. TIE TOWN COUNCIL Declines to Pass Early.closing Bylaw Firs Underwriters' Inspector Makes Detailed Report on Town's Fire Fighting System --By-law Providing for Right -of -Way for Our Fire Fighting . r Appliances Passed Friday Night Thi regular meeting of the town to roof and steps at dwelling on north' couseil was held on Friday evening tide of St. George's Crescent; from last with all the members in attend- Mrs. Margaret Swaftield, to re -roof since. dwelling on Britannia road; from Mr), The to collector reported the fol- Wm. Young, to re -shingle back kitch- )owing taxes collected from Oct. 2nd en on Park street; from the estate of to Oct. 16th: 1922 taxes, $6.62; 1923 the late D. A, McLaren to re -roof taxes, $18,50; 1924 taxes, $8L84; 1926 dwelling on Newgate street. texas, ;70L42; oil 5924, $1.48; a total A report from the Inspector of.the of 5809 86; and his reportevesrefer- Canadian Fire Underwriters' Associa- red teethe finance comniittee, tion, of hie inspection July 7th last, A request from the, band for a fur- was presented and referred to the fire tiler payment of200 on their grant committee. At the time of the , in - for the .year was referred to the iinespection the new fire truck had not who are always ready to help ehoul- ance eornmittee, been received, so that tome of the de- der a good portion of the financing A. request from Mr, J. W. Vanatter ficfeneiea commented on- would now- of-necesaary-congregational work, are for removal of a partlydead tree in be removed, The. report mentions assuming a very generous portion of that the truck had been ordered. the expenses incurred, but when the front of his residence was referred to Among the recommendations made committee of stewards came to figure the public works committee. for improvements in the fire fighting out the financing of the work, they A request from Mr. T. H. Mitchell system are the following: found it would be necessary to raise for removal of some trees in front of The standpipe should be closed off found from some necessary 'to meet the his property on South and Elgin sta., by en electrically operated valve con- $2,00 bons. With urcetoconfidence meet the and calling attention to storm sewer trolled from the pump house. which was considerably below the The supply main, which is 10 inches liberality of the people they simply ground level and hence dangerous, was in diameter and in single line for a asked the congregation to make an referred to the public works and pangs distance of about 3,400 feet to the offering of the amount required on committees. Court House Square, should be dupli- the re -opening Sunday, and the ap- The Bell Telephone--Co..••requested •-cated, the duplicate main to be 14• in- peal was met with a moat generous permission to erect two poles on Light- rhes diameter at least, reception and the amount asked for house street east of Wellesley street There. is a large amount, 69 per was well night reached in the and thin; was granted, the poles to be cent,.of 4 -inch mains in the system, ings which were placed on the offer - erected the supervision oftheare 6 -inch or 4 undera o about 88cent. uand per p plates o n Sunday public works committee .arid the poles inch mains..4-inch mains are not tionForthe'te-opening services Rev. M. to' be on the streets at the pleasure of suitable for fire service and should be the council. replaced by others not smaller than 6- M. Bennett, B. A., of Wing am, we A. request from W. J. Ward for a inch. "S4 secured as the preacher. Pro ' pool room license for West street pre- There are also a number of dead: James, of Preston. presided at the o miles was referred to the special com- ends which should be placed in circu- gen and a full choir was ;fittest t mittee, ''w lation. lead in the service of praise. At bot The following applications for The 6 -inch main on Waterloo street services the congregation was a larg 'entitling permits were referred to the .should be carried through#tom West one. especially in the evening.. fire, conunittee' with power to act in street to St. Patrick street, . where Rev. Mr.' Bennett is a newcomer t rel nt cases', and to report back the. there is at present no main. disposal of each case: From F. E. Hydrants sn some parts of the busi- the London Conference. coming from R;.,,.l,nrn, to re -roof present building ness section are too far apart; The the West, where he filled many f on west side of the square, between distance • apart in this` section should portant positiI ns, among them th wx'ee+ and Montreal streets. with 4- not 'exceed 250 feet. 'Two additional presidency of the Saskatchewan Con ply John ManavilIe asbestos patent hydrants should, be piaced on Handleference. In his school-hov days h reedier; from Mrs. W. J. Daniels, to ton street between the Court House attended the Stratford Collegiate In re -#Hof south part of buildinet on New- And Victoria street: and one or, West stitute, and made happy referent irate street: from Mrs. C. Murrnv to street between the Court House from the pulpit to a visit to Gocleric re -roof dwelling on east side of Re- square and Waterloo street. nn•>♦ stree+k: 4 -nen Ter. Hunter, to erect Commenting on the new pump `thea he made as .a Sunday school acetoin rnr i'e on .Victoria street; from D. report says, The new pump will have of about ten years on one of thea Primer. to re -roof dwelling on north a capacity of 300 Imperial gallons per Sunday school excursions to the lak side of East street; from Rosa Tieh- minute, or only half the standard cap- town, which used to he run from th borne. to erect barn in. Wells Survey; acity of the Association.• It may be Clsssio City. from B. C. Munnings to make. repairs noted, however, that in outlying sec- Rev. Mr. Bennett' has an attractiv tions of the teem practically all mains personality and.an impressive .ma i in the distribution system would pro - x 4G aoklrn airs IN NORTH snLEL-r vasoloweimmisilf Rev. R. M. Seaose4t. et Wiliam, Prweises Ably--Spseis1 Oiterieg to Defray Eurear a et New Reef aid Decoration * Meet Liberal (ewe. The re -opening services of Norris street United church after tear decor - mita of the auditorium were meld ea Sande), Iasi. During the past few weeks tba auditorium and vestibule Dave been in the hands of the ern of G. R. O. Van der Peen, decorators of Toronto, and the gemmed opinion is that they have made a fine job of the work. In the decoration of the walls and ceilings tints of a light haft and brown predominate, 'relieved with light blue and touches of gold. A dada of bluer rwts around the wails, with raised floral work tinted with gold. The cornice mouldings of the ceiling *Iso are in the blue Hut with touches of gold. Above the window arches and the arched opening of the choir loft floral decoratioaa in gold hu been added with 'carry effective *rattle results. The organ pipes art finished in gold and brown toners and the pillar) supporting the gallery and the iron work around the gallery have alio been done in a dull brown, reliev- ed by touches ' of gold, which bar- moniees nicely with the tone of the woodwork. Improved lights have been installed and a very , bright cheerful effect has been attained in the church auditorium. Before the work of decorating Wart done a new roof was placed on the building to replace roofing which had not proved weathertight, and other • repairs were found necessary, all of which expenses' aggregated a sum of close on $3,000. The Ladies' . Aid. that indefatiguable band of workers Is the Trek of GodorIch Citizsnsl to Detroit a Natural Soquenco, or Something Which Can Be Remedied By i' Change of Policy. William Lyon Mackenzie King, Rremier of Canadn, wrote a book in 1919 entitled: ""industry and Humanity," in which'he made the following admissions : 1.--- Industrial conditions are the result of those having the direction of Gov. ernment. 2. --Increased unemployment and indus- trial unrest are due to the influence of Government. 3. --The Failure to stimulate immigration is the fault of Government. It is therefore very clear, accordi g to Premier King's own written statement, that°our depreed industrial condi. tions, increased unemployment and lack of immigration, are wholly due to the failure of his own Government's policies. $PECIALS for Y and SATURDAY TE FOR SPOTTON THE BOYS BACK NOME AND_BRING .. _ ner. His theme in the morning was the nation. A quartette consisting of built on the lily work which adorned Mrs. Harvey Cutt, Mrs. Barber' Mr. the top .of the pillars which stood at Wheeler and Mr. Belcher, rendered s the entrance to the temple. The pie- selection, and a .program of songs by fare themselves representedthe exec.' the scholars and memory work by tical and the lily work the beautiful, the juniors was given very interest The tendency of the age was to the ' ingly. • ,Miler utiliatarian and practical, but it was On Monday evening a Young Pea - the lily work which symbolized- the '►le'a- League rally -was -held- success - aesthetic and the spiritual. It was fully in the lecture room of the said that drudgery was work with the church. was Work with the art smile off andBRIEF TOWN TOPICS 1 mot- the ''siitua spites on. It was p r ive, the lily work, which took away The firm of decorators who had the - ! the drudgery; which kept our mission- contract for the interior of North St. Prof aries "sticking" in the face of danger United c urch are now engaged In de - and our social workers remaining- corting'the Masonic. lodge room. h l amid sordid surroundings. The regular monthly meeting of the For itis evening theme Mr. Bennett Women's Hospital Auxiliary will be e spoke on by-products of life, taking held in' the Board of Trade rooms on for his text . a passage referring toOctober 26th at 4 p. m. o Jesus turning aside from the course Monday,hecommencement exercises at he was taking, to be of service in a Central school will tae, held Buis Fri - o'clock, different circumstances. Happiness, evening at 8 o'clock, when the was one of the by products of life. medals and the prizes for the vat ... • i If sought for as an end in itsilf it will be presented. • seldom war found; it name as a result . Tile. Maple Leaf Chapter,'x.O,D.E., - of pursuing the path of duty as our e main, objective. We must have some will hold a rummage ''sale on Friday h .main objective. Jesus in the text and Saturday, Nov. 6th and 7th, in ✓ turned aside; therefore he must have old Hydro store, ,whigh will be vacat- e .been going somewhere with some ape- ed by the Hydro by that time. Any- e cine objective. It was often the by one having good second-hand clothing ea product than proved of more value- to donate is naked to phone Miss than the main objective. It . was Norah. Hamilton!, phone 272, and the e John Stuart Mills' philosophy we re- goods will be called for. 15 Lines Torr*"..iii; w v!a rail all wet to nor l' -w, 1 34 be kine angel Sleek Serge, navy blue `Trioohne. *reseed otie.. eelsaeiM 01 all swot tires% finite*, `Tire regular price,. ut t psi, wee frau: $11.x30 to %I.WO liar "ord. rridsy and Saturdat�„........,. 1.91 Lax1s sage Banat Towels with lana and link hone. 49c each ars, Awing at a Cotton /leak Towels, 14 x +i 4 inches:, a real value l C _ each as.„ Jam: SPECIAL PRIG IN— a.,,. LADIES' VESTS and BLOOMERS IN M4 BIZES 35 inch Striped Fla me"e.te 24c per yd. Silk Broadcloth in all shades, special' 89c per yd. We invite you to esil and have us show you the New goo s we are receiving daily. U Phone 86 f F. E. HIBBERT I Phone 8 • RELIABLb GOODS AT.RIG HT PRICES.• lessor lfinellrao= ==oxece otmo Just Arrived Our new Stock of Miner Rubbers has sr4iveud Miner Rubbers are notedfor their excellent wearing quality being all Pressure Cured and built on good fitting lasts. Miner Rubbers are guaranteed. Miner Rubbers ;ir,3 the best We invite you`fo try Ittinera this season. H I N'S SHQI STORE W. HERN, Post Graduate Piactipedist Phrne 43 W. The Square n- membered, not the fact that he was a servant of the East India Company. 1101110.11. nt Character building as the objective g would produce influence as a by pro- of duct, and the following of the pathof h, duty and service as the objective 1 by would bring happiness as a by -pro - 0 y pro-. k duct. ge. At- the .morning services theeinthem, e "Holy Art Thou,” Handel, ' was well , c- rendered by the choir, and Miss Tud- en hope, of Orillfa, who is visiting in r- town, gave a solo in fine voice. At' n- the evening service the anthem, "0 gage: terest amounting to that sum, due Worship the < Kinar,” by .T. 11. Mauve The brigade consists of fifteen men, Oct. 1st, had been paid; recommended der,was sung and Miss Esther Hume one of whom sleeps in the fire hall at that the Public Library Board be paid night. The strength should be in- the sum of $350 on their 1925 levy; gave a solo in her usual very please creased to 21, of whom five, including recommended that a refund of $10.32 Ing manner. At the close of the ser - the chief, should be fully paid, with- be made to the Goderich Knitting Co. vice Prof- James gave a short recital out other duties and in constant at- on business tax on warehouse sold of marred music, closing with the tention in the ere hall. May 1st; recommended that the 1925 "Hallelujah. Chorus" by Handel. The arrangements and accommoda- business tax of $10:75, against Mes- A rally service in connection with ed the Sunday school was held in the 925 afternoon and the largest 'attendance m on record for some years. The inter - be mediate classes had a very nearly l; full attendance. The Bible classes, s- with a proportion of out=of-town 5, students on their rolls, some of whom id go home for the week -ends, had not e' quite as good a percentage of attend - he ance on this account, and the Prim he ary also was not as fully represented es the Intermediate classes. Mr, ng Walter Hern, the superintendent of passed all applications for building the school, presided. An address of permits referred to it at the last meet= welcome ' was given by the minister, ing; reported having order rubber Rev. C. F. Clarke, and Mr. J. P. Hume goods applied foe by the'fire brigade, gage an address on the importance of also two new fire -hose play pipes and Sunday school work and its place in 1 two extra, brass .nozzle tips; recom- bably be unable to supply an engine Theatre of standard capacity. statement, and the auditors' atateme O The alarm. system is not satisfact- after it is printed; reported stearin ory, as it is impossible.for firemen to a cheque for $716.97 in payment ascertain the location of a fire with- principal and interest to Oct. 13t ,Week of October 26th to 31st '25 h'Iondav and Tuwalav MILTON SILLS AND DORIS KENYON in an astounding dramatic revelation station, tower striker on the general count; reported that $2006.07 had be made. to touch the hearts of all who alarm bell and tap bells in the dwel- drawn from the Goderich Manufactu site it lingo of all membera of the fire bri- ing.Co. fund and the debenture and i ""I Want My .Man"' CHRISTIE COMEDY • "Sit Tight' out loss of time. In a town this size •1925, of Logie mortgage es held there should be'a fire alarm telegraph ,the general sinking fund and recom system, with `a sufficient number of mended that the mayor and the cler non -interfering type street boxes in execute a release of this mortga connection` with ' electro -mechanical and •the "placing of the amount to th gongs in the fire hall and pumping credit of the general sinking fund a Wednesday and Thursday LOIS WILSON, ERBAWALLACE BEERY tion at the fire hall are unsuitable: A sra. Cheer and Mumby be remitt and WARNER BAXTER , new hall should be erected having sof- and the amounts struck off the 1 will rill you in a fresh clean story ioient space for all appliances, aceom tax roll; reported examine the clai modation for Men to sleep at night of Mr. C. E. Allison for $10 damat and stabling for horses in rear of the to sheep anti recommended that he apparatus. paid that sum as settlement in ful Moved by Councillor Lee, seconded reported that the ten debentures i by Councillor Turner, that the matter sued .under Bylaw No. 16 of 192 of the deep•sea life-savers "Rugged Water" PARAMOUNT COMEDY. "Love Birds" • Thursday is. Novelty Night at the of C. N. R. trackage on the breakwa- amounting to $5,100, had all been so Model Theatre. Between. the two ter' at north side of Goderich Harbor and delivered, and the proceeds shows there will be the added attire- be referred to the Water,. and Light ceived and banked; recommended t tion of local talent vaudeville. Don't .and Harbor .Committee to take up payment ofd number, of accounts a mica "Nip and Tuck" in a new act. with the Government as to env rights reported haying arranged for t or privilege the C. N. R. may have on printing of the voters'list. Regular prices. • this property. --Carried. • The fire committee reported havi w Movedby Councillor Paltridge, se- I:riday ane Satulda Bonded b Depute Reeve Moser, that y • the matter of selling $2.000 of Ken - A special production is being book-sington Furniture Co. Sinking Fund ea for these . dates.• We cannot an- bonds so as to provide funds to meet niece the name yet but it will be nayment of debenture and interest due wise to make sure that %u see it. December, be referred to. the finance Matinee—Sat. at 3.00 p. m+ co'eimittee.---Carried. re - Matinee Saturday at 3 p. m. The finance committee reported re - M atlnee Coming—"The SeayHawk:' commending the filing of. the treasur- er's statement, the tax collector• s SCHOOL OF COMMERCE, Clinton, Ont. Students may enterat any time. Our PRACTICAL BUSINESS TRAINING will fit you for the HIGHEST paid positions in tbo BU$1NEHS WORD, where work is sheave REWARDED in proportion to the SERVICE rendered. ' COURSES : Commercial, Secretarial, Teachers, Civil. Service and Special Cameos. Special classes for Goderich Students For information apply to M. A. STONE, Com, Specialist, Vice Principal Phone 198. 13, F. WARD, 13. A, Frinelpal. .carr Pember's The house with the unrivalled reputation for quality hair goods. Free demonstration and die - play at Hotel Bedford, Goderich, on Wednesday, 'Oct. 28th See Do retiwend's Patent Structure with the new gee:. proof parting. Telephone Mr. Knight at the hotel for appointment. THE W. T. ?EMBER STORES LIMITED, 129 Yonge St., Tore" entre Ont. f 0 mended that 43000 be paid the Biekle — Fire Engine Co. on account of com- i e^______ _ _=e0 O) t left bination fife truck; reported, enclosing , a draft bylaw, prepared by the town I HURON V solicitor,rfireproviding for.right of way nU V 1 " ItUl 1 LM1U it 0 ,for apparatus when respolidfng"to • a fl alarm and recommending that 0 it based. CLINTON NOV 2nd and 3rd Their special committee reported p s . having had the solicitor prepare a by- law providing ,.for early closing of shops as petitioned for, and submitted LIBERAL PRIZESWrite Secretary for prize List. it for the council's consideration; re- - 11 ported having instructed the police to strictly enforce the bylaw prohibiting the riding of bicycles on sidewalks; and reported,under temporary ar- rangements with the Canadian Pelee, graph Co., having hid all their poles removedBylaw No. 51,, a bvlsew providing for These reports were all adopted. MIR) > t01a0) (0rtO) (0 0. IOLaO>E rirtht of way for the fire appliances IN FIVE YEARS' TIME when responding to an alarm, was read three times and passed. A syn - Whore Will You Be.? • What Will YOU Be Doing F opals of the Bylaw will be published in the local papers. The answer depends very largely upon your action NOW, Bylaw No. 52, a bylaw to provide for early closing of dry goads, gents" furnishing and boot°and shoe stores, was presented. Councillors Paltride° and Hays moved that the bylaw be - read nn hit and t nn tend four for to week success and failure far you. New classes fo;lne:t every ave ayainet. Iteevg Mannings rind week, Clouneillo• Cole voted with the motion, CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, Stratford, Ont. and Deputy Reeve Hosea Courrellors R. P. LUtNSDtiN, S. N., Principal. r r pawl, end Turner and the Mayor lereggOL OlgIt0 01 0) (0X 0 'against, The motion was therefore You cannot hope for the greatest success unies3 you fully prepare yourself for it, Write today for full information regarding our courses. The completion of one of these may mean the dirfere,ice be - o)Clo lost, and the council adjourned, 110 oR. R. SLOAN, Bayfield,, S. B. STOTHERS, Clinton, p PRESIEENT. SECRETARY. I_OCs.) r.. t0 OL.... -......40 O "QUALITY" DONALDSON 'SERVICE" In business to do all kinds of plumbing, heating and tinsmithing to your entire satisfaction, Mumble WILFRID DONALDSON'Pbrlle 431 fAYFI LD ROAD GODER1CHe ONT, pecIai: Sale October 17th to 24th only GOODYEAR TIRES 3o x 3%, >+ abric _ __ _ - .-.-,.7.95 3o x 334, Cord.�.w ,. $8.95 Get yours white they last. MILLER F. R.M GARAGE and SERVICE STATION Phone 259 W, yAf!tr`l pvc h:'� %�"•`/.+.Al''a`:�' U �1 ,` When Father Shows Them How It Should be Pia ed • Never took a music lesson in his life ---but he loves rinsi;.. T; nf,- i* 7.ives So „t'> t,.kes :: player roll and makes others . If Daughter who is studying piano thinks she has not yet reached the stage when she can finger the Second Rhapsody she puts on that roll. "Fine," says Father, "but here towards the end, let those notes sparkle faster and louder." "The crescendo," explains Daughter. "Well whatever it is --this is what I mean." —And he adds his owls expression to the piano roll, HENRY HERBERT PLAYER PIANOS Possess exceptional qualities of tone and perfect control ©f .ex. pression.in their player actions.. Their workmanship is assured by the fact that Henry Herbert pianos are made by MASON &PJSCH TORONTO Limited CANADA STRATFORD BRANCH : 907 Ontario St.