HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1925-10-22, Page 3Raw _4 Alk ,{,�, � �.�•. � +mar 4 '��. II♦ tli #Ask" ` Milt 1�iM� s",/ 1 p , J Pain y trio %earl tlMsle M nidus artlt tWir afatlrw, rrltit etNbes il�1n • ? " � . wal ow i'#'ta f ad■t 4 *bolt that ver, fiiei Froti Mr Osrrems Y elder s~M i~ �. WE l eattise •oim•r fi•■a, the nrasas•fy 1#err, (1Cfttllt:t 3 D S ee �a4 %$A the saw met 1N stn• twd aro an e� Mi1aMs >h4seelrse4 �� beebbnt. br4sos laaaaatM�els saiisif eaA Ysrry 9lensik' i41ar■M t4u4k.) flt�ar aa�sstrsid aaa day now, tIY3 113g CS' ". ' Thim is as b.wor Mr. 1lramk •Aa r. # -04141st i)emtlit a� fu! beJyer wit take 44VI M40 MW >� th�tr � iii �r ih. , ' • • ........ , " < .. " ........ ... . •rte .IOC , siva" ia•irS► isr *ire a «E U■a*'A-+ e�"'i tiita read ts•,wt .. �f +w +�w aeries of tb+lt Oppoebtllity for fiat ,• ,. a c ay � �t et +� �, lent weak titer bra nett, Ceet, hod Uset t�tahe � �` �'a� d"Am ft as to t� � Ido" rnin.e meat to hattQ, made trans the ire„h frraits. iaa•Aod in'•am � week ba I.araiaw A later X* was lr a t it OR A taeai Amities will be laid as: soergWA. ie M11a 4'a:•:Ila extract 10c 3 110ttels for ..5w ' rdi,Fart raid firs stsirsea tuft dsetea!sa tef,R► aemd k i tatsossaNlld tllttst sorter rte now for ctt4ialSl.'t'a Jtrsrl Ps - limsCt !as■r si�lt�t�tit � 1i►+► ttftsae ` lord ghee tap he” of saving iiia life. aeleoped to l0ek *P chs► main the hewn- meats may be mad. weekly Pia, dWslualuAm all + t bw Tea :+est value tO buy and cheaper than the; pr,ka 0s MYb■glua!► 141ny Pxiaaesartsei sone eatasght 00 sue olat trunk OW waist if desired. Rmtatidttitto oasis sum eaiNp AA !X at. �" 'mo"sod wax a 4a- We are invitttt r aur *put for ties lts�e. Ab"d sw 3�1e, grind the whale coffee 1 can in our electric mita f� in yott Kr. G. W. Gtxiti•s, F. A. S., ewe of law of lir. lsrilboe't Crkl4 Loopold street. Wixg- Ws wife bslag:fsrAAsAya, of tdre #rftiash laros+a aaatitdia $ � �' igp M Lida ctu Aetit � d*agkAir of Mrsy, m1i� m. see friends a, variety tofegiftts 1 r fth`'t'3 rest Co ' les it*' th* P9*11AW At AVOW boom ted ActaAry of dens Irpta�rance Co, of Waterloo. lir. tX , IS oft display, eti Arian styles abaa•e in tine aMviow it ' . aloes of the West. y y lrsraM111rt , labOw ieation s dates ti}hand this week for those crate c1)askies. _._« G+ia1s• rear or■i sant �Of the and at very moderate prkt -.*, awrk. >� flu tar'sar �' � j j lfttacoat Life «! Qamr" until v"t � Te+r llltaa2e to il[ew to too. "W4. which la to be p to W , Dokwaro, to beemm la Ltewiost is tr t1 Ra?sins hest qualit; ....... . ..........'; lU for : 'k #asaiitiaaet of the CoAtlAevrtal Kr» Hawaurd Clerio•, at Gaderlch ett►slaal bF AU ilio buy sugar In large u'ttttities of car lots givittb yc�u the jl Life. IIs is a w ai' the Aastatsix4al hlP, Ptvrehats•at teas limos lures Qilt'tlC'1"Rl1T ?mom a howl- society of Anstpt. poxt�r in ltattRmiarrar rtrwr, Clinton, e°b '' advantage find a CiOSt' rtes. roll ire Or•tetai•s1 sesi l 7'e* R. Halsklik, Anel will abet tkx olieuy►y it. rvand AAQ nave �• price. P BtNliewt Tloa of 111"f0th t A NoMw Panes , 'T. 7BOtera far t>M ►�' q The sunamwtA of death came. with The death occurred in Awon Ilauatd � awned. i<lerstttttiy ilio •asst �.�, �... �'' �.�.�...... stertling s� to a wee known � oaiel*as•�rd, of ldxs. Wm. C. Let- trice tris � stat► t t"aw"art4la aqa! Ill's Ct?ttdt` gloves. Britain will asaietsre 11am p+ foto iuu. l,s wool snits. ,wr and respeaW reoident of $ea•• h►, mother Of Hes. IL P. Tasker, of Diamond Merchant aced oromw t*40, aced' one i'er forth o�tpesday � Clinton, after an #ilmoss of two ,�eawsriler lose gnat oat -ad -work +utrtq►. bt stet h►. r. it, I"o, So i 8th, when lit. JoleTt R. HA ra+- s Tbs deaetised haFd been, rhesus .lad beat 'pews tkaat leas tsaeaee +� oaf ]resin• Ittelt's wool underwear. strll, ttittl, Nays. 7CRAQAI' sed away at his Noma an John street until her inept Altus" &utas ed lane•, let t gMa s# ape in n" a yeast. before teas o'olook in tial otrn- ozooiknt health and bar, death, to 541tazrt Goalsarkh, Men's flrt'ca. lined underwent; �I.ra uratsiaw t N•aowiisi+wt .t tarn- roe x rheic Mr. ]iablairk had tkosa who was not aware the ateer- Hos ttl,,+aoi and �otakn atitar• '� � GUARD TRE LOO Wool .tied, planneleite blankets a ` r` is Waterloo uloa, Itois. bean sufferin with a cold, but named feusness of her condition, came Asa--- - - t right rices. tl•. bcratrO,4. Tele. to be im ro at, a.- ---�•+ , ,,,�w,�r!•„ r.+W,r*io.u�i�..- r�mir�.�uu� r+��iwr•n��... -- „ steno. ,�. and an Thursday aft shack. She moos a native of 1!lew- �.i 1 - At hotel Bedford, .!a'odericb, am the ternoon had driven down to the Bell foundland and came with her parentsQp EVENTS V , leveriing o! the thud Mender of each Engine Wdrka to superintend sora~ to Owen Bound as a child» • i By Kas� Baby Owe TalAeft its, + " ;aaOMN from ? a'clal is till the follow- work. •When he returasld in the even. Tater.Toadiu"a """"" . oaina at All Tltmes Ing he haemes cheerful and not in any •Sit Mark's Anglican church, Cowan , (Continued arrived fratln pasin u To guard the belay against colder "CiEwen ing day, Tasesday, aft 1 p, m, way tha worm for being down town. ave„ Toronto, was the scatta o2 a vory "�rnier. has arrived kin Rubes In oat caln equal Rlatby'a Own Tab• w V ♦ He started to retire about 9.30 and y wedding. on ,$utrmrda that sturdy little ship At retic, After leta�e Tablets are a mild laxed" MEDICAL Y, when Re r ono of its most adventurous voyages. that will ked the linins vtee's sioam"k ....�. � was sitting on the side of kiln bed, Fvtih at foatt•-thirty p, in, when Ray. 1' `, Goods al�liwered to all parts of flee Tewa CHI PRACTIC when he suddenly fell forward and W. H. White, M, A., unitec in the hely 'Captain Basntier was injured is a and bowels trot tegtdarly. It is a r•tkIlROPRACTOR expired before gild could reach him. bonds of matrimony Alice Tomlinson storm off Greenland but suf#erod.no a recognized fact t aat wlgars . ata* i�Q +1$South Nile. lt*bklrk was born In Ilansall its of. Toronto, and Clarence Glenn Test- pelmsnentlyill effects. mach and bowels axe in good: order DR, A. N. ATKINSON the year 1856, being a son of the late er, M, A., of Clinton. The bride watt "" -" that colds will not exist I that the lie . atered Chiropractor.. Godertch George Habkirk, and ilia greater part attended by her aister, Mies Tillie Now Angle on Hard Times health of the little one ;;&be CM of his life was spent in that villa Tomlinson, while Mr. Earl Kin M.A., An interestin viewpoint on condi• And tkat he will thrive And, ha ,Chrkalc,.,Drganlo and Nervous biwasen ' , ., ppy A watt tray be captain of his eaitl Many in#Ants are infested boy orth�to ke a go he moved to Sea- was roomsman, tions in the Br tish Isles was given Thouasands of northers have boa oma and yet hAyre'at mate who kiln great auQorlib Consultation I+teo ; g worms, which cause Ot!!ce rs--2 to 5 and 7 to 9 A::m, Engine o last aan�two in the Bell AltoA-$elsrjr recently . by St.. Lae Strachey, editor. convintwtd throu>Ih' that actual --nae of , stud if not promptly deal with ma p yearn later A quiet' autumn wedding took place of'the "Spat -fir,"" �r 0 is on a Ai it, the Tablets that there Is nothing to course. p p y ,Y atnd ti pp ens, excepting Alonda , moved his family theta.. In 1885 he to Canada n Bull's grouch, he; equal thetas in banishi cause constitutional weaknesses' dim. and T irsday a ernoons and evenlnsn; at nigh noon, on Saturday, October M. ponsti tion cult to comedy: - Miller's �VOrm Paw - united ours iese days i0 to 12 a.m, was united in marriage to Miss Jean the I,Qt At the°hams of Mr, and 141rs. says, is a *croon to cover a multitude and indi tion; breaki lsAp colda'And " b, gw JOB PIILINTING 1T STAI. OFFICE dere will clear the stomach and bow+ only BeU, of Henaall, who with a family of i{, Henry, I.ueknow, when chair only of Activities ana be denied that the simple .fevers; expellinl . wormis -and els o! worths nand will so act upon tkae Cerner East and Victoria &ts. ;one son and two daughters, Mr. Arn- daughter, Lottie May, was united in British ple mere sinking beneath making teething time . easy. • ,A.mong syatem that there will be noprecur- A�.�P Y old Rabkirk, of Dunnville, Kra, J. P. , ,dAAlage to Mr. S. W. Alton. The the burdens of •their responsibilities the. thousands who proias iiabys-Own .'`���►,li�l'OR3t A:. _I recur - OPTOMETRY Inett, of Seafortii, and firs. G. M. Rev. �$. C, Dickenson oKelateit. 1 ne and troubles. "When Jahn 8ti]l 3a; Tablets is Mer. Alex. J. Pere A,tlan Is ;t:e For prat 50 tfe•rs renco of the trouble. And not oifly tt y: k `wtt+e this. but'they will repair the Injuries Chesney, of Toronto, is Tait to mourn ceremony kook lace under an arch of busy, he always grouches, says this tic, N.S.; who aAys: i alwaayx kee wsv� L. COLE, R, 0., p' to the or that worms cause An A. , the lora, ferns and agtesss with a white wedding famous writer, and goers an to say that Baby's Own Tablets in the house as ,. restore them to soundness, d OPTOMETRIST', OPTICIAN. Mr. Engagements Announced bell and streamers.. the fact of heavy taxation' and hard know of no other medicine, for little West Street, Goderloh, d Mrs, games G. Chowan, work has saved Britain from slipping ones to equal them. _. Honor Graduate of the Ganadiag,.Oph- Clinton, announce the engagement 'of. Israel- Shill glow into, sloth and ease, and he used his Baby's Own Tablets are ,so14 by Itiialn-AO Cellege`of Toronto. Avery quiet weddin took place in Eyes examined by the latest methods, their daughter, Vdra Gladys, to Mr. the . Egmondvilie United church on own case as an ill'04tration, ' In the medicine dealers or by mail at 26 . and -the proper fitting of glasses at mod- Harry Gourlie, son of the late Mr. Saturday, October 10th, at 3.30 p. m. ordinary course of events, he stated, cents a box from The Dir. Williams _.....�.... _ orate prices. Ontario Board of Exam• George Gourlie and Mrs. L 11. Nobes, when Agnes Maud, eldest daughter of he was to have retired •from "active life Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. r Iners Certificate No. 815, of Dunbarton . Ont. The mania e - g Mr• and Mrs. T. G. ShillinglAw, wan years ago. Because of economic con- .- ),iUBIC s will take place quietly in October.: united in marriage to Mr. Geo. W. drtions he is still hard at .work and GOMRICH M,A,,R.Ki TS Mr. and Mrs. Sylvanus Witmer, of Israel. The ceremony was performed enjoying it. He pointed out that even Wheat ,.... �DBOI+'. W. oil, 3ACKSON,• Organist and Zurich, announce .the engagement of by Rev. W. D. McDonald in the pre- in the desperate unemployment situs. ,Per busht,'..$ 1.34 to $ 1.95 Director of Music,, North -Street their eldest daughter, Addell :Maude, Bence of the immediate relatives. tion, the proportion of out -of -works is Puckwheat, per bush. \?a to 80 Methodist church. Instruollon given In. to Mr. Wilfred C. Jervis, son of Mr. + only one in ten.- He has tremaqdoffs Hogs ...... .... - 1«.S0 'to 1$40 Voice Culture, Organ, Piano. Violin, and Mrs. A. Jervis, of Holmesville, tile Sanders -Garrett q • Guitar Theory, etc. • St.. ul s church Wi ham was faith in the .old land pulling thrA spend- Oats, per bush...... 45 to 6t1 + marriage to take place thin month. r "g and in spite o! lean. wealth for spend- Peas, ger bush...... 1,46 to Lril a An Accidental Deitch. the Bea of a pretty October wedding ing will Nava greater strength of char- r ' otf"Saturday, when .Muss Evelyn May. "Dar1ey, per bush..; . 70 to aE Studio and residence. North Street actor,in compensation. ,:- . BD�kCIK • NOTARY PUBLIC,'. C. - -_. ;�. In a recent issue of• thee. Kincaid Garrett, only., daughter of Mr.' stud Cattle, ordinary, r., " most. BAILIE., •- Mrs. Thomas Garrett., John' street, Stods. Market Suns Wild C4. ; ... :.. fi.9,i to . 6.25 4M0TARY PUBLIC Wingham, was united in . the . holy The stock market of the cast week Cattle, export....... 7.50 to 7.60, Lveo general Conveyancing gone - bonds of matrimony to Mr, George has witnessed the he'�viest buying . of CID" Oood Gem Anted R resentedEY S (per cwt.) PhoCA ne er 'Ewart'.Sanders of ndon, youngest motor stocks in its History,' and on .. iga. sos, °nod icn, sunt. 1 Cattle, cicoire par eCthe 7,60 to i.50 1w1r -mow rvOdveYA►vctrra3 •ANb roxAflY Lson of Mrs. Herbert S. Bailey, of Saturday the blew York market• was Lambs,'per cwt. ..,•. 10,(!0. to 12,00 iaNORps $ ait$UnSLAA)L; Baynetd, tea• . Courtland,Ont., and the late Wm. W. literally swamped and could not keep Dairy butter S5 to Sri rr AFTER Sanders of Exeter England. The R P y ' 5 yeyrucinr dna sou iivaie ' " u with the ace set b the orders .lagga, per doz.:.. , . , d� to 35 t rector; Rev.H. W. Snell,_olficlated. LEOA1L C4"N peering in.. In. two hours of business „Family freer, per cwt 9.76 to 4;86 " '"iI RY $100.OD IN PRIZES .1,682,550 share's chana`e`d'•hands.' Pa►te�nt flour,• per cwx. 5.00 to 5.26. Packed 3>n tins—al a e fres w >r h lt. J3AR1tOW. a �•---*--• 1 Bran, per. ton .. l8 Q0 tit 30.Ofi k r 1' Olt ; f3ES•T LETTERS'. ' Last Week of Election. Campsign Shorts, per ton :. ;IO.iNa to 32.00 .Barr%tor, SoHo' r, ., , t M E 4aa ,y}i�� notary Public, ktc., A new chew: A new. flaLvor-- Successor p J. L, Killor4n , . The, last week :of the election cam. Hay, .per, ton.., ., ,.. $,03 to X0.00 i �. ` The Dr. Williams', Medicine Co. Offer . , �' .F :' bitter and iii . Phone 97 0$i e. The .Sgitatc, l:»der!cii Twenty -Eight Prizes in a Letter paign will see the principal scene net Hides 08 tie . 08 3 CY DUDLEY E. HOLMES i igrlster, Solioltor, Notary Public Conveyancer Eto-,. PHONE 27 . HAMILTON STREET AIICTIONEESIN(I t�#lUrifAy GUND[tY. Live 891ciC .and U ral Auctioneer. Hatuutou street, Goderich. Was -ww r ever Ywhnre 114 sdorti tows to Five you aatlsractsaon. w > armere nate *toted discounted. R011 At AtstJBELITSON.•' Quslined: Auctlotieer, Eldon Street. G,oderich, will conductany utas . i We County'of Huron. Forinformation apply to P, J dtgan. Hamilton St., o=, ;rders tett �vitfi him ��III receltli prompt attentloa. I SUR kNCE iiWLLOP X011 AL FM INSUR&ALA einem "d Isolated I... erapaMy tasores. value of plt,Nerry ulsurc,l up to January# ATO aW,Oaa, 6.W. , Oi•ktt;Lit,�-•rine/ GuilulJy, ..Yrgrident, d•aeriw, ; . Jai#. '1:vaatd. icy t'redieunl, ■eechwuod;. T. F,. Itayr. 5eti.•ltrra.; eat,• ro0l�itltCTotta-n: Ir, Mcaregor, 8aarorm . �. U, Orieve, %'Jinthrop ; Wei. Nein, lion - .#trace • Georgd-VecarineY, Tuckersmitu ; i+.er'ras, • • aohn Ilarlom :. ono Hounewisd,' Broadhagan•,' Murray' Gibson, Bruce- iiew. AUSAT5—J: W:, Yeo, ' &dirlch'• Sandy L•itoll. Clinton - mom. aMowey, Searorth; �. Hinchley, soliforth. Policy' Huiders can Iiny thdiP'saatesam•ilts #a R, H Cutt's Store, tloderieh, A. J Nor- rUh7 CJntning Store, Clinton, or J. IL aaa a, Sayneld 11Ikk IN5VKA—NC--6 Hsve4t attended -to dy°the' VUT WAWANOEN AiUTt✓EAt. FIRE WIIUAA114E ala 'Established 1878 t' Heed. Office : Dungannon,, Ont. ,Barry L. Salkeld, R; R. No. 2, God= exicb, pres.; Wm- J. ThOmpsor., Aub - ,urn, vice .Pres.; directors—Ylm. Me. Quillen; StAelens; W. P. Reed, R. R. No, 2, Lucknow;,H L. Salkeld, 'phone ,. 60011, " Goderfch; Alex.' Nicholson, Lucknow; Wm. Watson; ;las. Girvin. It. R. No. 0, Goderich; Wm. I. Thomp- son, Auburn; Tim Grlf w, R. It. No. 7, Lucknow; Chas. Hewitt, Kincar.. dine, Ont. THOS. STOTHERS,. t.,10. ALLF..11, Tress. Secretary. 0. J. CAVANAGH IIENERU A11ENT Cossfaedarsat:lon I.Ift'riAs sioalatora Also tt<•Itn.as•Acridat, McWont, Aatwotil•, siN Fifa litssMas" ° OFF0, I'd lir; 0t" w'a41W-iia the Ward. 'rIWNE 4it. BOOM Bra. GOWRICH T114 Leadit hmi aka aw fAm"m oram os,re" . aieatd'sd 10 weir all ihourt- niAt of Arlie. -low I if at$oils i. Writing Competition in Ontario with both Prfmier Ring Potatoes, per bag..,. 1.211 to 1,26 belnetitR'#4 well and Hoti. Arthur Meighen Winding up Larger plugs g#'$81teI' Vc'1Xii8., _ Some years ago he Dr.. Williams 'their tours with . important public as pleasure. Some Co., of. Brockville, Ont., of •meetings; Robert Fork'e is apparently HealihfuT cial ctse for the tooth fered• a series of prizes to residents of not coming east but is confining his' and a spur to digeatiaxi, stir ibng vntario and • quebee for the best let. efforts to the west. The fight has lasting refreahmant, wothliter$ . describing benefits , obtained narrowed down to -almost a straixht l4arvon and eunvseh. through tke use of Dr. Williams' Pink .Issue. of protection versus low tariff, I The World Famous Pills for Pale . People: Hundreds of vtfth the government pinnin>r its faith $weetme*4 untobew , letters were submitted in this compe- upon the constitution of a tariff board by h*and■, full of tition, and yet there must have been composed of exports who would give Savor. thousands of other users of the pills full conaideration.to tne;rnrrfts of in- Y ' who did not avail th selves of the Popper " �► - Red. P r Rub .taker t1►e ouch A � fa. opportunity to -win a prize. To all dividual imports. -The Premier; has from sore, staff, aching joints. It can. 1 �� as ' these another letter -writing eompeti- carried, on a very vigorous campaign not hurt your and, it certainly stops that , w. tion is offered. Thousands hare ben. but reports show that the . physical old rheumatism torture at .once. ' efitted through the use of Dra Wil- strain is beginning to tell upon bim.'i When you ,• are suffering so you can liams' Pink PIlls .whose cases have not Undoubtedly all the political leaders hardly ger'lround, just try Red Pepper a � been reported. These will furnish the. will welcome the pollix dew aril the Rub -and you will have the ,qutckost ia• ` material for letters to be written in lief known, Nothing has such-concert, respite from constant conflict of ton trate penetrating this contest. There is no demand up- g haat as red peppers, C - i on the imagination; every letter must' goes and ideas.. The ,whole campaign , just a soon as you apply Red Pepper j , - deal Willi facts anal facts only. has been mavked �y the extraordinary I Ruh you will feel the tingling beat, In .SULPt1t THE PRIZES flow. of oratory „from men of'all par- three minutes it warms the sore spot HUR IS BESI ties and the work has been extremely tArough ?and through. .Pxia arab Wo. 'The Dia Williins Medicine Ca., of arduous for some of the nrfnci als. nese are gone. . Brockville, Ont„ will award a prize. p Ask �a�iy and dru ist :fate a ' TO CLEAR UP t1GL'Y. of $25.00 for the `beat letter received ved Ston. Arthur Melghen probably can it` Red urs of DA1T�t�tt OUT on or before the 21st day of Novepi- claim a record for the number of epee- Rowlt ed Pepjiei ub. '.sure to "BAvifiJcil� QYT .SHIN get Oe genuine, with fife iasis Rowles. . . her, 1926, from the residents of these cher In one day, having on •ane. whirl-: vin -each packagt tea provinces, 'on the subject: ."Why I wind motor trfp in Manitoba addrea- `Recommend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." sed eleven audiences between morning Any breaking out or, skin irritation . A prize of $15.00 will be awarded for and evening of one ' day. There has on face, neck or .body is overcome the second beat letter received-; a prize 'been some wild speculation on the i THE quickest. by applying Mentho-Sulphur, of $10.00 for the third beest letter, part of the three political groups as says a toted skin specialist. Because and twenty-five prizes of $2,00 each of ' its germ destroying proliertfea, Doth- 'for the neat best twenty-five letters. to the line up of the parties in the ing has ever been found to. take 'that' THE, COND1TI01jS, next house, but nothing -can -be quite GODERICH place of -this. •sulphur prcgaration that 1 so uncertain as guessing' at election The benefit derived Exam the use of instantly brings ease from 'tile itching, ' Iyr. William's' Pink Pills described in #"sults. Another week will provide ' burning and irritation, the letter may be in the writer's own the answer to the big question go farHEA , leaving the skin '!foals a nd s right, Lige, orthat of Borne one in the writ- • as Canada is conceruA when the voice. MILK �, GII8 rar��eed 5AtlafnCtO ' up, leaving the skin clear and smooth.. 1'�i'.�1. hopping Sel'VICE' It seldom faits to relieve the torment. i'vnte, of the Canadian peopll ran be heard: THERE is' a satisfaction ih1 shopping at 170ihdINII�ia1 ar disfigurement. A little jar of +More than sane caee•may-'4e describ- , ---. KNOCK, 1;t 0C*Ri�i�OCK' PPS g Rowles Mentho-Sulphur ma be ob. , ed in file tetter, but every statement Peace in Europe 3 STORES that you cantlot obtain elsewhere. The savings twined at any drug store. �t is used must be, litera:ly and absolutely true. The news of supreme importance ' are guaranteed, the qualityunexcelled the service a like cold cream. Every letter riluit be signed by the the weak just past Is that concerning AT rtHL II complete and personal ops. ' full name and correct address of the UPEI`1 ( TH i - - Y�- - - -- the conference at Locarno which t Fr person sending it. If it describes thg, . case of some person other than thq�, achieved an agree rteni which restores 'AMD YOU L J1 `� •�� m 4 writer of .the letter, it must ,t,so ber,rpaee to Eupbpe, Britain, Vriinee and 3HNEP- Orders of 1$2.00 or over, D lt'V'er• signed, by the person whose case is Germany, each putting aside naturaled Free, rt„ , Phone 461 described, as a guaranteeof the truth p••njudfces ander' •wait. hatreds, have t,• .. , of the statements made. clasped hands on the subject of Eur. =-t a+.• The writer of each letter must give opean peace. The conference in said, '"a~f, 1 lb. JAIL AREALBREAKFAS`l' A DELICIOUS tEVUAC= the name i the paper which he or to have achi6vod the most solid: and' j� H STUARTS FOOD RICHMELLO she saw this announcement. practical results of any gathering of - PURE ORANGE «------ 1 less writing wa got win the prize the nations since the end of the war, i unless you haven good ease to de- , r ,,� MARMALADE WHEATLETS COCOA g scribe. The strength of the reCom• due in most part to conciliatory diplp• -L. E Ib. TIN mendatfon and not the style of the let- mace. As one English observer puts ter will be the basis of the award, it, "We may say truly that there 'las REG.REC The Dr. Williams Medicine Co, shall peace in Europe again. The seven 25c . 19(: 5 lbs. 25C 21c 1 C The link have the right to publish any letter years after the armistice we em- `" "�• ► that Omen entered In this contest, if they desire played in disagreements abouts en, L to do so, whether it wins a prize or •tests' plans, but at Loeatrno tho our. FOR REAL CET YOUR SUPPLY Now a»i814$4� • ' dation stone of Europeta peaoo wait BREAD p r+� 21st, contest will clpo t will be solidly laid and the real' building by- O-NIVORT is USE PERFECTION FIr04JR $�C , *.•a 21st, 1925, and the � gat s©mohady'a �+ awarded as soon as possible thereaf "�" -- . hoose: A carload of happy he.,tt- bUMINION F40 40 ter. Do not delay. If ou know of a AUNT DINAH t sten,vile I,,e til nestled in it �,iOte- BAKING POWER 21 O,�, IO,� wq. fl ape P�, W hood, case write your letter. NOW. r ftti }silt. 't:Osi tkia furnaen will have C(s(t %a Observe the above conditions carefully no inure colic. Tho weather forecast CONTAINS NO ALUM SS S .,,,:,_,,,, _.,� ox .your letter may be thrown out. - Address all letters as follows : `Fr far this household is h "fair.aud mes,- The Dr. Williamil Medicine Co., or." The Rom i,'`olks Furnieh the 13ULK :..•� DOMINION S'T'ORES rte aha IN. *� . Brockville, Ont. D � E stmosphard for lifer and g;tiety. They PATES QUALITY tJ r R. �,e�,eLetter Contest Department, mind the firers and tsparo the coal, SHOE POLIM ti �.. TE► `tiriralI'eCtiOx and ttellevea Anthmr at Little Ylitpense, T'Ge larg the apritet that IAfeital thiitAs Il�as. 23c', TINSt' —Thousands of dollars have been bright and choery. Q I Mbalmer vainly spent upon remedies for as- —CALL THE MOY.1�iSSES ou 59c thmsn quid seldom, if ever, with any a51�a�lTsJ $ �� COTTAGE G odaielll Ontario relki. Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma ROXj»dr� Remedy, despite its assurance of ben - -M-- '` - - All calls promptly attended- to v, costs ao ittle that it is within raaseh of all: It is the national rem- 'crt s,�oroQQ1 C60 'aAti , 11rs. HC1IlIpLb r� I. ,�i�. MSR der or rI Ron" Pi+oltea: Siam lass; 8onou xSKrr f class a! cl+tnbtlAl and expeximerttal , :AiA! I Be �YV��II� N "1=59,c+ �� � (%JVLD SOA 10 C.i ► l A p rat'iisonr.naYour dealer con supe ANY ,.,"i_ _� pis, it, ►aoNli ffl' .. Lai d a— I' • l