HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1925-10-22, Page 2remise vortrasuis. SOCamt hem. been in Use Why not nowle RD R ,.• The ORANGE PEKOE isectra se ill* these • nee am _iggitarr toe hetearl late *Mee ea, the e and hesztemot to people sink hog idh!of the mil[ be predaedve .f threeIt le row way tarsest ins se the �iaslaswn, send a... dewot lutes rookies b alae hes= ly the ,nan.waaasant nea ail.. �nriil irritate is the Rintitresinrsd Jmict mae these/ 1* he -weight either -With Primes or Germany in the event of .i1b.1ar sttaek.t bar b.r. Tbm recent waft et to the; Aline terms es.eeraise r man reaee auue in the Linos loth her .nrtry bto the sed tit .aarnwtanation of the na�a• history for a while. Vincent Witessey.k Indy makshinks it lejnu for chanes...-Henditon Herald.. C.1,ra[b+aa' Nome nee Selo , A..d.s..ndaat. of Chriatopie.r Col. the $psaieb, Due of Veraaara, fallen iPon hard times and ksa to pert ^with his celleetion et pertothdm to the *dims - famous forefather. The nte start with the agreement with Wielia and Ferdinand and ado Coleraine' ' and reports, and Spainorganisedhasfa as>ne Cohlmbuns rachis aawng the Imo - h/ order to reline the neaensary to wore for Spain these his- ✓ treasures, Otherwise they ne offered for 'melee outside of the Vodka ;,4 1* R.sda is once wee b the *Oak Mr• ties of the p're' aX ee the sone ,.E The s. 4et-ridolow r wintry peat �kae het tiodziortios heiea were pfew �'�- MINA with mew Mr mese pa enahie when with Orem iigrera---Toronto Star. World CMte'ee#e. in Ottawa Tie neaderenese e f the Iaaarpat- iieusen.tary Deka have shifted this week four kadrepresentatives from erty-ena imam nation et the world ars to the This is ties twang -third year if its week. The lelegates' first os, ►°f a ttaa was rese p s�t aemenisedetlen i * thhe eir from whiskto, dhea hat pro more VattedStates, ineteding maim ears and re- try modems rodienry eonrereiene. Th• yieitora were eharm.d and de- lighted both with the travelling sr- e.masodwtion and the arraaarensents for ba d iag th+dr lunar* and tram - porting and so on.Canada had aspl.n leadsd opportunity for a timely bit et rail- way advartiabur, zed grasped It. From Tore to" the :arty went two to Ottawa where on Tuesday they held the arst C+enadlan aaaidon'iw the his- tory of the Union. r A Noir U. S. View 0011 Debts extreterdiamy statement on the moreler et war debts spersered in the hook WOO sr the Mawereeturers' Rec- ord in the United States, which de. 104041141 thet the Waited Stories cantel swan points out that because of the ' war soposs in Reasepe, and the trew reerieshe opened ilmerican trade (Wanes ilartiler SWAY in Bor. ape was mot sto. arnoented in five =too an increase et thirty-seiren dollars ever rsonnal trade re. Tao etatesmint points out Mettler too Pore ef the conflict, the United Stater hold stood "exeoopt to grow fat ° *kW te the 4111441." "it WAN decided 1.1 UPOIC 1.7 the United States against ", Geremey,” says the Record. "Before r' we could put a single soldier on the 5 Railway Crooning Tragedy ere almost wiped out occurred on ning tour adults snd three children sohnost wiped out warred 04 en elegem train, Only Id survived, a ioul4year-old I waa *eked up by Attorney. r en the train. There was no eye. the accident, and there ammed excuse for it, es the approach to e railway creasing allowed clear s on of the approsehJae trite. The Itt Campaign Niers Rai ! The ..ststivities of the three party leaders in Canada grow as the der approaches for the recording of pub. sive Wrier. has issued a very Nitres -1 sive manifestos to his followers in which he denounces the polities of both the old porting and deelareathet in ilfty years thev have mewed neith- er Adequate development nor porteso- ProoneritY to the Dominion. Ile makes an attack upon the Premier for his proposal to group under his ban. ner the Progreseive element of the west, and charges this method would mean Government hy caucus instead` of government by parliament, the de - CHAS BLACK CUSTOM TAILOR Up -To -Date and Snappy Styles INDIVIDUALITY DURABILITY COMFORT AND SATISFACTION Corn* in and see. Always the newest in Men's Smart Wear, at CHAS. BLACK'S `Ihit Meles and Boys' Store Worth While Phew, Z9 North SW Sonars - cialons of the cam= merely rallied as nuttter of form by an obedient parliament. The rest of his maul. festo deals with progressive .policies on tariff, the Bank Act, iranngration and transportation rates. Meantime, both otthe other leaders are working i their way east for the climax of the I camnaign. Premier King *peaks at fourteen meetings in Ontario. Fri- lley he visited London; Saturday, Osh- ewe and Bowraanville; Monday at Montreal; Tuesday et Kingston; Wed - neaday at Brantford, with Toronto and Ottewa following, concluding hie campeign in Toronto and Ottawa with ' a day. or two at his own constituency of North York, all in a whirl of act- ivitY and optimism. In the mean- time, Hon, A.rthur Meighen, who luta been suffering from an attack of neuritis, is once more in Ana righting trim 'and gave out the crYetic state- ment -HI am more than hopeful; I have something better than hope." He al- so is winding up the campaign with a whirlwind program of nrieeting. When you see a man all sleepv and worn out he may have a bad baby or good radio.—Kitchener Record. Bernier Back from North Canada's veteran explorer, Captain MAKING The sure. e railway probl our perplexing solved. system is in a hole. untitithfulness, to sheer 'folly.' )tlut this huge and MUST be pull men arid. women v nal'. Railway ould, be rank rice would lie terpriso CAN' it's up to the Men's Fleece -Lined Shirts and Drawers all sizes 89c per Garment Men's Fleece Lined Combinations all sizes The- nice thing about beittg a man is that you doP't have to •+ay at home • after' you Wash youe head. Hubby: . "Why are you angry at Wifey: "Just think. When I told him I was so awfully tired he asked to look at my tongue. -Think of it—my Children Ofy: CASTORIA Men's All Wool Shirts - and Drawers Sizes 34 to 44 $1.39 Per Garment Min's MI Wool, Scotch Knit, Combinations size 81 to 44 M. ROBINS I Loaf Big Stough for Two If our foresight had been as good se our. 'hindsight, -we would never have built the excessive railway plant we have today. " But what is done cannot be undone. There is no use crying over spat - The problem now is to‘ chart for ourselves ithe course that will most quickly and most tun* place the Canadian National Rail- ,waY* on a paying basic nut far the main effort of its manage. great has been to get more business— freight and passenger—for the C.N.R. by Wring it away from the C.P.R. ° By that method, the coot of -securing business is roc* rear advantage to either. They are merely fighting over the division of st,loaf, which isn't large enough to provide sus- tenance for both. The only way Our railway problein will ever be solved it for the voters of Canada to see to it that our railwa,ys are given a 'bigger Iola to divide --a loaf of freight and paseenger traffic that will be huge enough for both systems to thrive on. We Mao* the Acorn We Must Grow the bah How to increase freight traffic—that is the kernel of our problem! Tat average Canadiart fivight train earns $5.06 per rnile travelled; the average passenger train earns only $2.00, So it's upon the freight end of the business that we must concentrate. Of course, some kinds or freight are more profitable than others. There is very little margin of profit, in carrying grain, first becsaiee tire sates applicable to it are lower Per ton grain calling for that are r But th "Profit in What can getting Nigher inunigra ' follow thou do to ProsPecti '..stesady job form of A big teetive covering under A Lowy. A Tariff market to outside reduce the railways. insufficient plant in the haul* per year! If only had we import every year, our railways would have the Watling of another 60,000 carloads per year of taw material freight Picture to yountelf the scores of other things that under a low tariff policY we/. s import, ivhen under a higher tariff policy we would be, making them _in our own workshops, and you can hardly fail to realize ,that the sane—the sure—solution of our railway problem is all ready.snade for us, and awaits only our order via the polls ,to put it into operation. The neces- sary traffic is there. All we have to do is reach out and get it! Cleans'Like China - Wheel Ye* Oro SNP lerunieled Won tteakils, yett'wer steed to 'serape, seem mod send, the way seine warm demand. *Hot water„ soap, a doth—thatie ell you 36404 toe else* them. It Waskee - Woe, has the elearelineep end ear- feseor chins, hat wearer** Med« Don't he the slaved year making wars; dodo with chnii, Woo sod - tam nazi Increasing Imports Mean Bigger -Railway Deficits Every time that low ',duties take away market from a e it to a foreign er in four. ways. irig of the raw industry would Bruttnelod W ARE' los JAS. CARRIE GODERICH EXCLUSIVE 'HARDWARE The Only Hardware On the Square. . uct, instead of ey get only their through import the long East get only the e international 4. They 'lose the hauling of all mer: chandiee that would have been con - turned by the workers who, due to the resultant unemployment, emigrate to the United States. Lower duties thro throw railways out of giving thorn leas work. to secure them more work y just as surely our railways by d our courage tariffs will do it. ATIVE • FOR HIGHER T TMATION The Only Kind of Protection He Believes In