HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1925-10-22, Page 1I
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I *UL .�' � I I " — I MAUJWQ 1��' i tlw proble.st Aumbim ChwahowbAk
. . I
I � I � " I � � � �� L I � Dritisk V**** xiltietw, sw bb 3(1" 11111" Of Valmyor, IS 00
, I Un , ---- sook of Miss Zetiler 310me.
I Owt, - d, fa oda , - the 11011110111" -
, '. --A6 , 111,11,10,111"W""I'""" � prom ow nkqw*w of io:r& ?50 WIWNI ,WS vu tox� 11111ars IX Ow Wmm,oft* bbf~ -.Now wasoil's dal NJ" WAIT Parsons left yesterday
. I I . 6:111111 tile f , r4`00604111 go Voork. rit the term at libo 001000- �
., I 14a .
� , A,,dj�wxj ' on her roturn too IWIts' tollego fit Zw-
� I I " be Tw *XTM I tko �:�:Mw-*Iou.od U16 -V "Pow.st I Wont, wkich In to be 04wwo 3sodless Ra�sins heit'Llual
- ~ *a 1� all 11110111 -L---A— I
.." I L Do 7ft r4ft timpmod wh000, widow lamea0lad I " 5 anaMb t w: in Lod" in DoeovAw ttnww Oata.
4.' 1 L"- W . = tioNpawatAs"" 1OWNW-Rdid ". - ==4 = wauft W � � We buy Sugar ill large q Miss MaeVicar att*mW the *14- I
fAd w po**AW 64"t V"Aw 11
.. V 0 L low wk* 4" 4144 0* ~ I we od. tus winter millinery openings in Toraft i
I � � .1.111",--�W.1,"- - — - -.-- - - -- , I — Bar 111100 ftWA*t We, ftA " gobc Are"* ow W44 . to to Pols"d a" 49- advantage and a c1t) . " W"k. 1, L
. �!�,- - ---,t ItIs ftw"" I am at AV$. W IIIN alld Q1 J*m Ill, xu"d. Germany AWAW *0 I Xho C. A. metianon attfpndod 0A
� .. 46 06 �Imt W" 11111MA XQ4 bau" It 1:14 knew mWK A" =111110110g- Can 44W QC P"', I! = , up 114 .
I . - I " ow ?4`1`1111116114
1, IJ=:V4rXV*, ux J" Ift,fta Yom? Arq� ---W� .1clys up hor idea ot tottvre" YAWInery openings I& Torato " "
L'� t�� , - 4 qX**%4* to."" own Xamat"tion oQuoult Toodows *4pply so With a saw of ". fia Jok the - I Britain will ; . bar lbat til wailik. . �
- W papers lo - if
I JW on"M , tor Y01M. - by NwAubs fw -Atowtool. crw.w tradzTr4d oat;= fair Mon's wool 11lits. . . Mr. and Mrs. a A. JW4 fiad Mr.
. � .---'----'L-Mpf@ill-.�-..'',�1-1,". .
I '��, - � -- , -- � � cilax" In *oft hwo"ilmts L*LMS !�� L _ . 1wr groat out-of-wark army. It is tbo � Meft"SL Wool underweir. **4 Mrs. V. If. Martin wdo ol motair L
,, 'rho" its IL X 1.0"G, DWW4 Asvat Mr. Philip P1. Cam has rosignooit 'or "� tse - L " - - ' ' ;;;,I P#WS that has ft Out Of *=%- , . trip to Detroit two weak. . I
I -.-...- I I I -- '111ilml- I'm Position o4ths boird of lbava Invest- 1ftb. ,it S n SOY*rt yoarti. . �
- -
"= : - ... , - - - - Z - wwp� r awook , 14110 I"baus, It Men's fleece lined underw *vs. Itoggarth WA Min armio
4&JJ( T' - � P"Z* Ltd,, upou takhw at his Now only davemwe< 7 O"tor, of GUARD THE BABY MWOth us' splafflng this weak la '. .
, "isa in Ow" SOU114 #Ad now )w 'awray., �
RA" XWAT*�j'1'DUXU".NCJX I ?ION ULM . I 11 bod la mar- M Wool and Flannel P"t SmA and Detroit-
- . --- .1 -.1 -- toagor coulloeted With that Coisipatly. ---.& IIIall af, L AGAINST Mi
W*Wl"1X10L?=----- V,ZANNG � FARM. Mr. R. P. W OAK I � .-C. W- G. For3�ter, M. B.0 of thhswo,
I I _ ,allsov, MA be% =446 sec. via" to* Nr- - � W441 .0 w0lk-wA visitor at tile botoo ot
.. lk-, .48M STOCK ANO l2UPLXUK',,M- roAwy of thi cotapW. � 1:110 lot* Mr. ; "d Mrs. I � I - . I T
AR I By Koelph SaWs 011M TOMOU *4 pe
.. Illakdo fm "� — L ' I 91111d, of ww w" ' I tb*'L W"o at AD 2U%" J , Mr. and "Mrs. W. X lWor.
it yem-,iat"d bitr�* a hooK lot r" I Everything in R"domm for I 81"A X%W bF 1XV.. X. MAd, and ' To guard the baby scalut cold* Mile, Berttla. (Allard, of 'W*Uftoo .
. dum Y'm Vdi,ere you Mo s0e Money. YMI Sol-bw1willo 45=34" tkot 9, Con. Promw*, vwt *40adod Ify Mrs. 0. Xidd, as m&t.. ` - can a - it J : burg, was the guest Of her covola,
I Nm.w was, othe opo �-ty better. as rp, ftiltern Sion I 1% miles OL not -qual ]Mby'a Ovm Tab�- * :
Iseii on what it will Ow -t you to bW9 . west of D 'M I ZYWY ddfall con"raltir tim boy rOn Of h00W, MW ' m" W4X r letaN.; Tableto an a mm laxottre 11. -Mrs. Oro. Clark, for a few days tbb I
=3, and W what I bave to TI&EYIWAT 130hi"5 * 'Promler's vlAt to Gqdod,eh boa be" Mr. TOV111000 X , - TM bd& stairs ,4 that will koojp the littlot oisills, storawk � Goodo 011yered 1 willlk� - . I
X ail _
OFV have money. This I NVIII. I Ono PA at IXI O'clook
prove,ho TN. , . I -2 work homes. , , I .I 4372wilrod. He will Arrive osi Yrk4y a very 1`000*06 � .. frock Of No* X and bowols6 wor' %rularly. It Is I MrX.L Thos. TAcey, Oxford stroet, h
L � . A *ill be wakomed by'Ns,yor ,Vfth goorgofto h*t, wIth a P a "c"mis*4 t M wbm the $to %WNZ 46 �
11 now am . I fac�l . .
I C*t*-1 cow ft# Xarob -lot., 1,6ow, =sell oind bowels an Its good order visiting In Clevelvill, OW, bolag eg-
" ,;= and -In A o be in 00f; I cow, dua-Fw M ol9wan, tki local zoombor ,comage bowpot of. Itutteray ro'sof _ I -- . - led the"
," �" "' ""' that cot& will not exist; -that the . 'by tho lUt%"x of her alsoter,
I Phoar5o., a , t stoo4r. r1*11% 3 ye&rs� I eteor. via- bwoy*l parilara"t and ro of "' lily of the YsAoK A lun. i;—.... ,� "' ....
I I � prementitivois and , .Ott. L
health of the little ons. will bo'CM - . Mrs. S4 .
. bg 2 Years; I ter, rising 2 yea"; I of otbe conforoacis eomntlttoo��, He is choot, was 5ethomo of Mr. 1. And tlist he will - ---I- . I I I
"'MONO REAU ESMAME and sloping ealveg, I I , .11 .
r TOV Ar I Yin L. to thrive ud - b* happy. Mr. Q A. It. Wilkinson, orroulat at
I I INSVRANot AGENCY, . , , I _,pleiniouts, IPAC.-i PrOW & Wood lu 4" a busy week,ond *hit* In. G- U.'XI4417121"1411 . IMRWM*t* � Thousands of mothers b%val beco=61, A nuta'aixy be captain of his s St. Gwools church, is out of twn
_ I 5%Wey.JR,$f+I& mower" 5- GOdIrIth, - - Us wilt'ad4ress tb , ugh the actua use of 044 yet have a lZate Wh .
— . ,a Q. 0. L lvl&ttvQ* *VA-f*14Udx*,' , which Mr. Ir eonv Air
binder 6 X4 L ine#d th I I 4 charts on holiday*, baying taken a trip ap I
. - Jaa.(Sin 14ee�. AocoldfiTit � ft', I Proot, I �Wood. mko, 10 ft.; I Mix- '"Lit" L' O -A -Friday evffdag,� 0 W#U, us *ad Mrs. Kidd left; Sm a short Wed- it' the Tablets ro � L
and, lNur- . A that there in I to "CoUr"' I
- LL 'L _ I � .11,
. *Pft=Oy. .1 sey-Hartts drill. is dleko , t Nlassey-Har. , : tho lakes * to Fort William per Ott. -
1. . . U0 L vind Lots Ili Glid6dch 40d, rb tullitvfdor: I Und Mier; I ,set Rav, 'at the session of .the older boys' and ding trip and an *Wr return will ra. A equal them In boolsbin4 c off ation . 11 . 1. DraTfiniond. � .
-111 Parma fOr sale' *riowx; I vet diso harro": i soutiler; I leaders' 0000ft)206 being held In God. � tilde Ili Oftn'. * . . and'! stion; breaking u 0 d . RINTING.AT STAR OF . .
. I . ,wagon box 4A �O simple avers; expelling I Itunle and
. ,4 1 Mr. And, Mrs. Jimes.
I I =Atl, i th -0k; I -'. — .
. ft,, borgglrw'for quick-tidyers. - 0 2% M erfell. OnExturday morningv he �w.II1'A,.XaIIowo,*a Potty 8 1
� A'Jar 'A & inakint teething time easy. A .. mlly.have returned to, their home, In I
. - go number of flomi. W. lots 11Z gravel box,, I I Notilas. I *11�8-'t 1 speak airold at the conference. on Th%4t0owVan doi" at the Pavil. 0 the thousands who praise Baby's - JAT THE ]RATMOR ., '
I GoLdt"ch f "It ,411di* Plougfirl, National No.'82 Air-., Sunday afternoon he'vilt 'glya an ' Now -York aftor.a.visit at tht parental .
. AbdiA 119Y ftim$ listed_ to sel,q0t row: f finnitig vn*; I open buggy; I ad7 ton on Wednesday might of lost week k Tablets Is Mrs. Al J. tPlarry" I L . .
. set'dolible tWm.em; lwbealtortrrnw: I dress � I " ,The Government lighthouse 1supply homes in Goderleb. .
from, . . -at. Knox SuadAY school and in Wax A, puccessf .
: . 01 qMt. The grand 0 69, X.S., w1ho's xi -44I 4klwo,y,o boat Grenville Came into P0 t 01% Miss JAIa MeDw4las, L � �,
L'�� bott - +" "mr kefa " i ereeim sellRrat0r; It 00'V the evening, *111 speak In North Stmt mer I+. Ttis.40 I a a the house z I . r
l4noo - to T'scer. to buy & home df 'Illy chains; -40 tena; I arimn.- I impa,io nu.' ., To in � of Detroit, Is ..
Z . , . .1 United. chirell. , ch was led ON by -Mr. R. 1. Megawl It Baby's Tuesday afternoon. .
. , , I ladde . q - know of no other medicine for I it vialfing her Parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. .�
I . ,I. 11 1) 16 on kids, er; I Pair fhor4e . I .
.� L . .'' -I--,,- IRa;kks; W 'Ubels buokwheat: 200 Xidd.0 . I President of ths, vowtal Aswiation, The dredge to now, enitaged In A - Malwisime, Nawiratie At. Shis legvap I.
I 1. 1. W. AamemoNe" . I 'hilahols,of oats, diaine. forks, and'other , 00tor I and Xrx.,Folkor, proWdkmt of the TA- 9 on" to equal them."
I - I . Baby's Ow L ... lim, In about the (!rlbw6rk put In this shortly for Oakland, CAI., to *Pmd .
... � I... Ontario) TFAINS.--Graln atA all SUMS Of $to . Aux:11107. During this 8 medicine dealers or'by extra mooring place .
L 1. I . . ifir Pa�nq?, Pair, "Iorlof% artgolow too , nuonlerous, to mention. . I st� .Pateria church, Goderith, was die%' Hospital, � n Tablets Are so fall at the west side ofthe harbor for. t .
. P. . Box, $0. . . . I No reserve., .. . evening many rovehy dances wore � I mail . he winter,% � .
. .. � � . - � the scene of a quiet but pretty wed, . 0 cents a box from The Dr. 3IIJ for the winter Mrs. Symonds, of Toronto,LVAS the
I .. 1. I . I I . I and under..,eivah: over thrd amount 12'ding on Monday put on arid everymile seemed to be , lein Co., Brockville, Ont, 1. L 1. 1 L
L, . _rnorning, . October , Red 0 fleet. guest, of milli Malid strong )set weak,
I . I
, .
11 I I . . . I , . , mfiths' credit will be x1yNa on turn- I L , L -, . WA , W=D- "�' - "', having a, good tlrpe,� Ue Goblin ov.�- I. � I Up to date since the. first' of the Miss Richardson, of the Clinton Cot-
, I wo � Ishinlit approv0d joint notes, A 41S�.
. RA GIE- - ' count of 4 per cetit. alloNved for cash on " chostra provided � i6e- best of music. g GODERICH MARKE month the Goderich elevator has hall, logisto star, W41A the guest of Mr. and 'L
. 0 � 1. .,i,�, , . �rflt emounts, , . . I I HOUSE1W6AX *WANTNDby nj;;g� 'Hot dogs and o4foo w;are m . . � to $ died four And a half million bushels of Mrs. L. L. Knox this week. � I . . . L I
. � . -- I L -of IM now -a frnmn , � awe j. Wheat, per bush..'..� 1.40, -
I . .. The loft 60410,% Apply STAB OFIVICE. I sought after.' Th*.JWg A* I .
L I L " _ a ' I
. � . . . . . , . ... . .. I is Ruckwh at,'iier kaib� \1;) to grain, _L The week's arrivals of grain .
L .brAw, barn MxW, sh-ed--iftio. scow - , prizes, for the fox .
,�. ReidEddewlam stable 1640. Terms WANTED. Girl to help ,with 1house- trot to two couples, eR,,QAP.( were As follows.
, on.,,
the. Miss 114110 MaWlaar has returned. I
, nee.. or Hogo ........ .. .. 10.,30 to I from an extended visit with bar Oita- -
, I � work. Apply Box t STAR Or- coil
�". -5��--, - , . Tvos*.� my E. � - or, "'n w"� FICE, , - . . —. .1 . I .. Saunders, and Mrs. Oran and Mr. IF. Pass, per bush.�-..... 1.45 to, abets. Of flax slid 88,000: b.13sholi Of their sUnimer home Ott the Georgian L I , 1.
. . I qmde known day of %419. fl' .Mrs. J. A. Graham amid Mr. W. F. � .Oats, -per busb:.,.., oiij..to � 14th the Wall 4sh With 33.000 bit, aini,'Mr. and'Mrs. D. R. McKenzie, at
� ,. r"Y'ToRy — - H.'Martia, and for� tho- woltr'to Mix F ,
I .; Pro etor, � . Aw - .
I I .11 . I f P11 . T,� -earW,ng Fifteen - Dollars p I st-10ley, per ,buall.... 70 to 'wh
I I L �, I .QAILESMEN .It& W eat: also the same dato the $&rn- Boy, and also with Other relatives In
., . wi*a.anon. L' ",W L' stud Mr,',0hapm%n. In.. .
r . . :VOR SALU Olt TO RENNT I , - . I I da,11v oellina `dlreot, new NUch.i .01#4 Cattleh ordiniry, Pqr L * 0 . Ian wIth 14L4.00 bushels of-WIltat; Toronto., .1 -11 �. 1. .
. I., . -1 I 'dance the coupt ' I
L CLRAAI;0 AUCTION SALE OF able Cuff 'Shirt. the spot as oc"Pying. ..
li 1. U$F� FOR We deliver and collect We, L I cwt ........... . 6,25 to L on the ,15th the Rlvort�n with. 137,000 Mrs, Mitchell, travelling secretary
_REN'r.-Solid brick cot.: i,�Mms pAwm srocK. i%,IPLEX- Ck�lnjrUsslou,pid Inmedlatel,Y, _ LL 50 to ,, .
� HO , Invesif-' the limelight � wero. Was Tons 384, 'Cattle, eXPort,.'...* 7.50 to , 'bushels of bolrlev, 108,000 bushels of of, the W, M, s. (formerly Presbyter- . .
1. tagoi n erty). Aip�s., ENTS AND hoij$EHOLD FURNITURE. Vnw, . ODERN IRT CO., Hob- ..and Mr, F. R. Darrow, and MI'as Itel-
to -1). -1). 'IfOOR-ilyto, E4Mt.. Phone .. Media 13105.. Tqronto. Su ., , . � )f I (per. - cwt.) I wtts nnd 63,000, -bushels qf wheat; on Ion) will speak next Sunday Inornt"Ir - ,.
� I I mR. J , . - . - .. 1. I an MeDerallil. and W Harvey Flnnl� ' . . 11
I . - G, $MWANZ L' ' , �- V In Cattle choice Pee ot t�, 7.50 to tho InthL.the Marlecourk with 119,000 in Vietort% At. and in. the -�ayenft in. . .
, I I G'USE` loHENT11-Up-to*(Iate o rooln� I - � -, Y POTATOES NVANTED",iran. Fortune telling. by flProfesxor.. t .
I I ,H. I -A21 aell,by-oblic-auotloa at lot 94, 0,ARWAD 0 � - TAmbsi per awt...... 1�1,0.0. to ' � L hIlgheig .of Wheat: on the 17th tbW,.North At., United churches. She bas- . �
I ed ilabac *n ,Brook Street, Apply , , , A OXCh, Shiplied from Mcoaw Nabob" attriacted'miny who 4ealredi � X&, L '
:--L'" , M tl"d (;onoeaslon, Goderlob town- 2i T IR . , L () on ' an interesting, storY to tell of. orgaul-
tOa-1C.`?VlunMr*0 1Tr3faJ�4Ir`,Atr"t.' '10 T n . . H. LEISHKV4, Pho4e P .Dairy butter-- i.... .h5,t6 , L '
I . i . i � lip, tl ties fftm Gode,rich, on I 5 , bunpantion. - I to lift the vell of the future. � The . MFkriR'*Itb 91A.00 bushels 'f Its,
I Ar"'OTNESDAY. NOV. Atli, IWM3 - �� . .1 . . IS Eggs, or doz.. ... .. L. as to.. 0,. Motion'. WOrk IL ft ' '
I I - . might outside -v , . '. . ', . . I �
.YOR SALE.-Loltloro,Wily renovated I oonimehoh* at I 6,6100k slkorp.* , r4L.W f'SA4 U . , the X h West *ad
� I ,. L 0 � npla*Slimt.. I . on the 19th-Ahe Drummond with , Ort . .11 .
I , .. ..
� P�� '. 6o I ht�rd ed Museron TrstraWal? norjzp J3ZL AX'AUTO EXPERT4 . . , 1. ForAily .flouri; per civt 4.76 W' L . W boliol's, of wbii,xt and -4000: W. . . .
I oe . ;"bay :tqala. 0 pars. 014� -L,- , -, wL.,44" - , but.�.t pate _ , J;.06 to� , me*. Ontario. , , I I I
9. Om 10.�411110t;1", 14400
, �>. 1,; .11&A--&- . tit% 11.J&ft_& . � . ,, ,. �, ,"�, '. ,. . � " . . 9. � . -*-1.---o I . 1.
� , ,111,411�� 11'ilt� _J)ttwn _ . ,� �' . . ,Wp, .
I - � � . _*I , _ - . lihela of oatit.'verterdai th# Volotir. L
- L . , L 6.su 3 , , L _�t YIOUI" Par . L
I I . .1 , 11 . I . Itt . "' hilted-...
I - - -777; iloors, west; , . . horse, 6 years ola, 14M lbs.;, I black Are earning . �tli W it, . ,, I Branj per ton. . . �.. 2"0 t.s �3' tier And the Midl�nd Xing, the former . D6n!t forget North streot L . .
1L International trained auto mechatil" 6ich t event
. I I 'p, Nigh ,,-a $15 a day. and " . I i .
� I A Good ClUxen LAW toRext I �i I Shorts, per ton.- 30.00 - to 0 -with 196.000 bushels of oats stall). church L441100-Ald bazaar the loot ..
� �" -' ' FPR RFk . florae, 10 years-v1d;.1 brotown ihop.s.e. 12 -scores of gr tiates live now suftessful . . : I . .
� , �. � .1. I lre'--trlek house."Tor rwt, -years old; I bay-illiart witti � fool`br� ,her L . . . I I . I .
I . . .. 4 all, twavtMen6cs. A14o % hou6e [V - side; I sorrel dilving lhorse,'S �. cam old, f garage Owners. 000i mechanics and The funeral of the Ixte"Mr, $amss !l(- Hay, 'Per ton ........ 8,03 t I inRs, 8%,000 bushels: flax tinif 91,000 Saturday in R6vomber. . . L
. 4 I �
I �. . awe. Apply. 0 T. R.- Wallis VW60i, i chestnut work botae, 10 ytars Old; I service -men. 11v" t"n a' training in Mitchell took 0 . . - �.!. - :...— - . . I
. I . . I . Stne � I . 0 L , I our big, prMUcal auto � We on Saturday as. it Hidew . ..... i'�.. : '08 t . busheli �of "to, and the latter,with Victoria Relpeis, Class of Victoria. . I . I I ...
. 6 illre tto becOme an expen '
I . I . I . t 'I �' - . . . . . driviAuf aft", 8 Jagra, Old Holstein I in Lyon XOPS, isall th� tarnom lost &in -blo late ftoldouco i Potatoes. Per b L .... � 1,20 I, (0, 1 194,000 bushels of wheat, Th6 Soro- stree . .
4 ' I
-1 . -'..- .. I . I C&M e.--Que vw6W imilking., i 0. 'Got omw thii big ' . 49- . . t United church Will held their - .
I . ]PA. SALE -40 ,Pur6bred Registered eow,a, Tftft old, 4reah in %iftotho; i on Artbuir &treet to.'Maidand;, come- P , ' : . I . . L . I !An with 201,000 bushels of onto and annuo.tbazaar 01% Saturday, Dec.,lith. . I : . . . .
I . �,
", m I I . Holeteln'VOW 8 Viers o0ld, just bred, and I u .. .- 9 not I aars"t auto osor'Dyi tory, a 'good nvmber'of friends jath- It .. I ; � I . .
,,, . Rom aW, Ewe Lambs, bred Trom �. .. .- - . the Maplecourt'with 118,000 bushels � , I .1 . , .. I .
,-L . inIllift In . P'or call for*Our tree . . . . .
. ze .whiners, also goma 'Purebred le, :1,red tow,, 9 years old. ,due li a k to ering at the house to pay their last .of wheat were due yesterday. .,. : * .
� . . Mar* io; I brindle cow. 9 years. old. .,H .,INTERNATIONAL AUTO $P*L Y . . . I .. � The Junior Auxiliary of SL Giidr, I . �
I gorthornil and York0hires. Plionot. due AOMI 1; I Holsteki oww 3 Years old. .1 ito. L bloor Street West. Tor- tribute of -me and quite a numbev's 0. nE stelo ,rhurelt will hold their bazaar on . ' I
. . llw**nnon 82-13,' �JOHN PAUJ$11,'A due ruar ato. . .1 I fg ais am I 11 NEW MTMES IN .
�. . ! SDN,9. . - . 1. . I . rX . y 281, 1 spotted'e24, 8 years . HE UTPERTOR � '.. . Saturday, Nov. 24th. I ...
- I I . I . . THE GOIDERICH, STAR . 1. I .
- �. - old, a Milxtch 15;.1 H,oasteln emy. 4 � . tom, AM04 beautiful floral �, � , . . . , , . I
. I - . 'Pft RMW OR.SAIX-A oeyea-room.- . Years old. I . . AUCTION SALES . any '. . -- , �
. . Implements, Orals. Ete.-I 'Set Iron — tributes, from Arlen.19,111,011341bg some i , , A spe lal line of bats, to clear Fri-
.- ,, L e4 b'ouse. wi,th furhace, buth, Ole. , d ly ondc I
.. In D: L between Vjetdrl-k and flarrows'.5 sebtlelis" I �sd fro" barrows', AUCTION SALF, OF VAIAT.AliQ from Toronto and Detroit, *L very nice W Spatial Series of Articles on go 16 A Saturday, Oct. L 23rd and 24th, �
I Nee otreet.L 3'tectlons: I set Ironharrows, 3. scOtIon; RVIAL ESTATF AND HQU8FItol,l) .thought. was expressed in tht floral I � 1111-UMATIG PAIR . . . and. Bridge . .
I ., )North atrerts. Possession latter p2rt of about 10.8*1101is luborivIlting 611; 1 se VITRNITURE IIN Tit!] VII,LA(,E (IF L- L. . . ,atreduc.od prices. C.A.McKINNON.. 11,
. 11� Sept.. Apply to ftf.* W., Howell. . L t TOLYFIELM. .. . - � 11 , pillow seat by the children of the P 11, . I I . . . I. I 'I.,. - --.-,. . : � I
.. .
- . of Wment, dito barrows; i tiew. bay rope, I . . '. - L. . . .. SALE
A L . . I . I —sto - I tog. feeder.* I tar". I — L I I , 11 - � L I The Godirich �Stsr ".a secured tw*. DAMAGED WHEAT * FOR
, I _ Sapsrtio tchool, Victoria. ftool and ' Red Pepper Rub ta as' the '" . corload' of., Slightly � damaged
� . .FOR SALI�A Rex Oak he,a;J;W ve. car and fork. I : . It : series of Articles .which We believe - A,
I �
A , _0oQ Or W,Ind. '4111��nj#(#] fence .9t1ticher; I OUdell $Oil * �J . I M&9 4f.fl,EX CATAVELL L itiin'trol scho'01, "in I9vh* natnory of I from sort, kift, a5hing joints, I , .
I . . . BLUrnl+ - mor, . -
L , I .q ,draugfit, Pries *iC .Apply Box .28, 11 a blikiltir, $.ft out, "f sqa- will sell by toublio auepoir"m tile 1went. a friend of childr4n." The services ft ' not hurt you, and it certainly stops will- prove popular with our readers. Wheat for sale, .cheap, At -� coo"?s
11 � A . I lse�. in the Viliag-'er ni%ylleli L
. : $TAR OPPICEd I. I . . ioos; I , a g binder, new this year, I %WUTIDAY. (I(-,r..2Jth I on . sit the house and gravexide wore coil. A Old rheumatism torturit at.once, . -One is entitled "John -SMiffi, 4nd.His Warehouse# Hamilton street. Would L .
- - . � -
" I A � 8 JoL out; i Maosey-Itarr, Is No, ft low- I . ducted by ReV. .C.,F. Clarlit,"Asslated 1. When you are s,ufferipg so. you Radio," 'which will be found' amusing make good. chicken or , her ffed. - .
I . PPLV5 POR S4,Lf,'2&per bairLwhile --firmptleng att I O'eluck illam, . of the L .
, .
�., � I I - �y last .t,d those who. plok them er; I ma , Harris bay rake; I Me. 7411� 1`01-Pelly he-,'n..r t'v! viorib'part by Rev. J. E. Ford, And. the po.bear- % hardly get ground, just t.iy Red P and profitable by radio fans. . Smith Goods ,delivered -to all parts
. I I L
� , , . , I Cormlekifty ,rake,, I Oliver oorn cult!" nt Lot I -In. Ran,1,6 ;N.'In the Viiiii-q.1 ,)t ers were'Messrs. J.� X. Tom, A. M. ' Rub -and YOUL Will have the quickest,til has. a faculty for find4ig 6-6t things, so t wit. .'Phone Mg. 207, 1 I . I
1" ., I.,. � I . .Arees.: All kooj winter an"J$JV, Massey ore or - 10 lief knoi4n. Xothing has Such.COM" it will pay radii) devotees to follow I ' 9 . I L � . 'L �
, S tlftlns, Russets, etc. A. WAW V00T ,* I -114Ms bean harvester; JNYIPM, ront,.uln TIL5 'WE A'J." .S. I - Robertson, G., M. EIIW4 A. Porter, J. I. _ -1 .
. * t Nhwo manure spreader wifix straw :ims,q. mvp *2 -a u I
. I 0 � - )I) L q , . tratVimetrating heat ;is - . I
. � � altTord Hel W. ,tre tem. Ott IT8 pr*�, thirwen and 0. F. Carey. In addition tn Pt 5 him in this paper from week to, week, SPECIAL OPTICAL .OFFER ,
I I - I . I -- — - I perh, there are gorod o,)mtortahlebuild- I ust ia soqn as, on Apply ed a � � I
I �', I I I -LE. sNtai:4iment; I Clinton tanning imill; to relatives. ftebtioned. last woi* I wilLite L The Arst article, will be found on page Spoetactes'ahol Eye Glasses, the -hest
-011._,S.A -House anil Lqt�.,jlonse orinder,
, __ _ . 'li ill o6niefileaces;: % acres of - -,,...;(�t)-l.t�-niw,,..-oretti�rd and, uwater,. I _ P I t# - , ' -makitim, with high
, ., Xthip .4hnn1ng-:Tn1lt. I-Xi%not, I'm - M!Y Zub yAu the tingling Usti— 9'of this I'' L' '
_ � -
� 1 I b. . t Plellry Apt -of rolls: I Slog Isled-gh" I "I", 0 of the bpAit sommer to- being here fiiithe fumiral ihere,weref- three minutes it warms fhe swore spo . asue. ..'. I .. Mike of the beat r Ir
I -t- - .1 I
i � � , holce tlaardeu , .- - ' -I low -ww-. ; I heavy eL Huron, aad thlo place , ,
I I � n d. C Q&rage Yo fly Do , the following nopliews . t�rough The other series of articles is titled ra ye4
. , . : -1 AP g 010iiii, 2 nue- �?ri�811'1'111 1, a" niftes; - "Y and through. , Palo, and .tore. # g , do lenses from $3,50 up. -
. � 1 It sell a ari;aln. -,Iy .1 ... ltpnriilo��Iklan (deal loarkot gar(len, Mr. ind Mrs. W. J. Edwa L 16F,asy Lessons in Auction -Bridgo,"L examined by Mr. Hughson, formerly 1.
I a D. It. I spritig wagon; I walktit .
.... .,:C. . I moVI noks otreet. . .. . ,*O" L. olow%, _11ftmit now; I 0J'JVfrL C.hiekell fa� r64 -Detroit; *. ness Are gone,, . I . � I
I . I .tllll(,y � 'M or aplar,l. At the �samt! . Ask any good drit , t foe a Ar of horit
1. % . -- - . two -furrow. plow: I tHiepinst fted drill, t)mo all -the ,ho Mrs, Otto and Mrs, Herman, of Do -;n I and Is by a well known allt Y Olt optical expert for Xents,: Toronto, and
'. usebolo fitroltum. and . I ,. T
�11 . R R 11, 9 SALE."A qilantity of 13 filoe, With fertillser ,attabbmeld: I ,other Rowlei Red Peoper ub. ,Pt'xure to' the game, Wynne Ferguion, author later for Henry Morgan & Co., Mork-
" .. mougettold voods, oomprislIng pontents wilt be di-spcysed of, trolt;, Mr. and Mrs.. George Iferman, 0. got the genuine, with the =aue Row
11 . � iNW%.iPy4krNs 9, ft, -,oult(vsiotor; ,both 7 consisting in part of . Guelph;' Mr. *lid ,Mrs, Rkhard Bolt- I.. Go cl& Its of "Ferguson on Auction Bridge," treat. The beat optical work to be'
�. . � . � .. 01tairs, otables, bedrom set, Sofa, china l"S ond atirmw teeth: i Drering 9 M i walnut octAgoh pedestal t * on. ,Gu - 61ph, and Mr. James Bolton, of j- m , - - ,pcksg�. , I � .11- . ... ,We expect to publish.the first article obt*in;d And at . moderate prices. Two , . I
.11, . , oibind,bit m,ek. waWng machine, kit- . I ste6l ral- walnut. loureau, -&%,%#-ri; 3 1111"Ift-olt * � . .
- l joultilvaty with powormftt'* I dt.
I � . leben.ran e, bot aAr furnace etc. Apply "'t. I i Raptly Farmfir -traotor. -in good Px1s, mattreqSeS.and Apilings; ILbird's- Gue1pb."' L � . I I . L L . — in this series 'next week and wobew days only, Mbnday,. Tuesday, October L
� . Ara (593 C-ALEOW, worth St. rtipalr; I ,iron scuffler; I strawborry Ir . . I .
�, , tyo bcd; I dres,,;or;2 co-,chei-4; 2 stands'. r and evening of one day. 'Lliete, nail lieve all bridge playorA will find much 26th and 27th. � �. . I . .
1, .� ' f01-- I vootato 'bitter.,, I irisq, I car' I e0fitre table; I borsk THE .
'L .L I . . QTOVE POR SALE. -A Queblia beater, borm"'T"m ,power grindstono about.25 table, J Ne%N. %,11liam clos'3 'I 1 fall 'Nf a been sorite..wild speculation Ott the . ' 4 . , interest in following this series -from . SMITH'S ART STORE, Goderich. I
!i I . & sewin; machine; I . I I . � —
. I . large filse;` In 064d condition, tons of P-1 b,v. ilueern and timothy: I 04,;s cupboard; 2 .,�fol, It;, ella,rs. r, part of the three political wook to week in The Star. . . I .
:', . WiNbp aNdcheap.. A:p0IYJoJ.1J.XlL- a quant0ty ,of bnber: cedar posts , . , I �h . groups as GUNDRY'S SALE REGISTER I
, � I L �.q in .tile .. I
I . - ' 111911119 R-101), I case of wool flowers-, to the line ap of. the partig Ths,choice bit of verse on page O'of .
. I 1, . LWAN,.Pict,on St. .. , .1 MnAckoy-flitrris hii! Inn,ri,v, NoA: 2 bas. Italt.ill)2�ll 1)(,,, next house, quite .
1,. � - . , . — � � ket bay Ir0ka, I Delon lls�htlnk plant,. i foralta Altiomr,. chairs; but nothing con be his issue, headed "Sunset," is from ' SATURDAY, Oct. 24th ,'-Auction
.1 � �". . . TO CRZ S p( lgtfor�i svale%, 2MO lbs,; I set I a zen k1tebon colutirs; I baper raek, . so un ertAin. the pen of'Rev. Dr. Seager, proyost'"It of valuable real estate In thaVil- ' .
l. r NOTICE ;iTOR* l,tf f -c GODERIC. .
i. "" itp �iel I,; (I I 'hookod..mts; lJowel, cook as guessing .it election .
" . . ., I—. . ,� "it . In �.scalp. 250 ff, , i -'t of Ilay a V ral . -
I . . ,tore: I Quebec cook stoV-?; I New Per. n T"sults. Another.'week will piovidoz and vice chancellor 6f Trinity Collegili )age of Bayfield, Also household ferlif- I
. so, I - beams. 5M lbs.: I steel-itired inn buqv; . Toronto. Dr. $eager ]a a Goderich ture, otc., commencing at 1 o'clock.
. — , Vred too buggy:A vni tith- .
, 10T160 T6 ORWITion -1 I I rubber fection OIL stove., 2 featherbeils; 1� the answer to the big question so far .
. .. � I . I Y: I covered culleH I 10. . I � , . . Ietr s .. T. 11
. -ttred bufw writfin desk, I eight-dity f0loth; one its Canada is concern�d When the voice . lr� V I and was evIdentJ7 struck Vy MRS: COLWELL, 11toilm c, 3 �
I . brir ,m
IN' IM MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ... 't in 6 HEAT � PRKS . wil boy
I i . �� SAMUEL CLUFF, LATPI OF THE aet' Of in TUrtifts: 3 gets of 'AMW 1."I. of che4laut ftal; d shop, glass - of the .Canadian people eair�bo b,eard. s I �. � I .1. . I the beauties of iGoderich sunacts when GVXDRY, Auctioneer., . It .
OF 00DERICIH, RETIRE 111arnel"1111 gets 4f ohixle hartleds; I'loaor .,,�i,. eittlery, curpots, garden tools ond .. . revisiting.rthe old home the past' I I .
, I TOWN . D il.nOR: I hair j1014,r., I Nvh,pp .... ' a .. . - KNom, qwxw. kmock � I suln' FRIDAY, Oct. 30th -Auction $,%Is
I IL � . I 'Ibarrow, I . 9 other ,articles. . I . � )- , . . � � � . . . If I r . .
�'. , I r FAMER, DEGEASp. r�' . I micro - . . r
.. . - I -0sc; a member -of bag$: I Viking pream � O. -On Property 10 Per cent. to t '' * , Peate In Rukoper , . . r 'fiffarm, fairm'stockrand Inplevients, .
�. . . . spoarator, .nearl 11 ., ow-orsale; ba.pinci volb- . . .
I �1 .. . 4 �Jvm " " " . . ...THE(W.3 0APMNM . � I .
having claim or demands a . 'in The news 4suprema .
� NOTICE 4's deq�y *ill P�r;�ns mber of"emmy 61, I%Iiilftly &:- . (� fut-rilture,' etv, ' AT TM , AMONCt THE ORTIRCIMF Property of -Thos Rivqtt, Lot 0, Coil. ' .
eXtrilctiDIP, tank,U"d#`1;"11Y0, llivp's of bei:�' it, I It', rimportince ip � ,
I . , -the gold I posthd)e Ilia- I . � e the -concerning I DOM it Id 114 miIiii west of .
. � , ,Jaln8t the boxas; 10 'horgo,m0ars, cash, . the.week JuAt past Is that 5, E. D. Ashflo .
,w I estate otSamuel Cluff late o Rev; I Wartin dlit6her amd pin%V; I Cultl Eversith.'r - wffl I I ,. r — I .
Town of Godeeldli, relifed farmer, do- . 1", AlI.%"(I,..(.4 of, aq conference at Locarno which OPEN VP TO� CZ14A Rev. M
�. I . -Its. of wire mrs. WIN)TIL ;..A'- ,','1ft,J ,.,', J-.j)IJ$t,1iIP . . . , Bilkey, of Clinton. occu. Dungannon, at 1.30 o'clock. -
. lloftplrory nTiqv new., a few fa ,ep* a . I - . ..
beiised, who 4led on ,the 10th day ,of,,f,,,,.,,,. achieved on. ag rowent,which restores . MO, �m - � - ors . -OF THAVIN9 , - � - - -- - �
V, , � axti-mak . - .� I .r .... '', .1 , e- I � ,11 pled.the RUlPIr�*.J.rSt'.0e e!fi CbUrell' r - - I
I'll i r . Odleber, A. D.,, ifti. - tra, r6aulred 'to , trippbotim:; I. valls. - Ing; . . . I .. . �� � CAIRDS � ,
tV 'OMOL *lid 14rd trorms-, about 2S . .
X " isead,or deliver to ,the undo�rolgped, soil* tOns of liav T. GUM)a�, .kiwii "Pace to Vupbo Briteirt, J?vanes and 3"NEk on Sunday last, Rev. Mr. Hardy con. I
_gallon 4!nal 011;tank . I .1). Or " . � , fr. lo%4. mi,tiloll and rquill ogire .
. - s Cern
, .�, cit4" for the ex0outors, full parwoulars I lArom nAlk can, i double-barreled -"— — 1, . L . to re . ratoful than cz a � I tit 4n
': ..: i J , - nany, each ;utting Aside natural ducting special services In St.Paulla,
i I � . of their claim, duly vedfled'by dftlara- , , *4 SAGE or 11 !I- 4i;'-,iL,) t p-judices and wir ,hatieds, )live - .. Clinton. . 1� -ani 1, I Pa. S I
.,hnf * i A UCTIO, � I
, I 4 . _Wun. 12 Ir$tIlge. _ larga eoppor kettle ' '-� FURNITUBE. Olt r the subject ,C - . . � in On . I j,tivrnwith� I
i . tionoraMdavit,OnorbOtt)rtthetvixth -ith ,stirrer for inakini; aople buttet; 4 clasped hands . Of ,EUr. L . et. 25thr: Morn. t ,th tl 19111ink q 4 85i - .
dav of 4V4vomber. A. ".. IM. , % . - Baptist church, 0 . I Allf r
�, , . : . -- 6pean peace . . a . f . J3 all(, I.Ptllo,r.� �
AM TAKE NOTICE that -after th number Of say) pals with covers vnil Gontenbg6l th;'�resldeWn of the late said Ing,
Anileg: i lwd,e AlIctap kebtie, I to The conference in . $'Food for the Believer;" evening, .
, , .PttlP. .
. . .
'S, 40 901(ml 1 -016 delivery . ,,: to have achi 1. The f3mill f,XprPss their appre- I
slid oixith day of November, A. I Judge Cameron, on , ,of tho lato Mr. lamPs
this sodd PxftiitM *Affl pro',Tg r *6 if; , iftIvanized'. 6Ved the moat solid aind' Chapter Two in Prophetic Studies in
� r1w* I,ront 0111PIT: I get of blooki WIM TUMAY. OCT. 27th ---------------"-1-Mk�1 I . . 511teholl tlp4lm to. -
tribute the assets of the oat de ' . d. rowoo; a ,minber of govs,+,; I Coilio door. ' etimniencing at loolelock a, m, I I Of 1,101' � Daniel, Illustrated. "The Grest'Im- olullon of man�- klindivr,twi and .11110�ve I
1, amontsIrl the per,sonspittkIed ther 01 all , Prayer meeting Wednead Y:expressions of ,,,,%,mpaths% .
that - f�rks- MVvtls And 'Other ,attld" too Library tpea4onan, maw- Nal TOWN OF GOVERICN. ", - r r age , � *4 . - .- I d
, I - . , . e " 41(1aSZtMAUt.4it' wl If � 3 11 I numerous 4o pei*66. editions; Istatu ,vable I .0. � * I nig . . I . DIED . . .
, . I ftr the sat or any Athe"Of- 901111110010114F%oftital-e-Efor,-Ono ward, arY. VP1iu4; billiard 0- � . . I .1 I .M. . I
so I I blP its in Xnox church the services will be .
thy''Person of whose @11 0- tI Olt TN* RW I bureau; I Home Comfort , eues and markers-. carp( -t; ont;
. mKA son Ih,OV,a TftdVfd notl r . I G(OINETT.--rn 4;,,nl-no,'4-h. ',n Tuf-,41y. - .
, MY": I P11,00YO - broldery.fra-ine, Nvainut: wainut vasit N(;v is in.charge of the minister. Subjectir j)ct. 20th. 4j#�plrIIjlp 4,jilprine 111apk, be- . � I ..
0AW at GmIerich, Dot., 10*66kl, I kitchen ,ex %.,j.th hlrd.,l. large walou,
I � �,*,ar r , 11 . .� . .
I . ( a. in., "Religious Ill. loved wife lot Mr. lmlfwl rilatt, oged
, .. � , ,,Ufe,s Royal Sac. 30 y, � - . � .
f October. 1025. - I ". folding iron camp bed with mattros, M. ,eav; andi timpth-4.
.� ., 0 this ISM day tension table. 5 k"en chairs, it olle , WARNI 9 *11 � of Cto
.. frigemlor; I 106ft; I kItMen calAnet . .
I HAY14 & HAYS, , I - Walnut wa, - all; "' . r . . valldism;" 7 P -iii -o .1"to., front 4110. 1
. op wall. .41 stand. oule, chalt", � . � . I 141P. funeral %%ill Nhtl 1, .
I PIM: knobell liton
. . eolleitors for Vie Ex"utors. m In: 4 W60111"=M� 0; I k?k-hen 016ck; CuTtatils: elothes ba4kol, 2 JIl-qS.i4 hplIS %I- I . I I '*fr. J-1:4 lilaek.
:��=��:. , , . .ret." .,Jabbath School, Teen-age and rpjideneA, #)f bpr f-Ithor.
! , - Persons riding bicYclea on in. . Lielithot � 140 4, ,on 1�ri,la,,,, oet. 3rd, at
- �
. I TBNDSUS WAXTRO Nvith nftdY h6vV Men. I 0041 oil bftter. brRS3 feltilers, brasa fire, ir)ws; bAh. any Is sidewalks as . churcb, Pastor, 2.30 0,00ek t4f, 1111m."Inivill .14,11114ero. I
. . ' .
. -----^--�� I bodroorn thatalopr "t; a numb" Of room Jbdur .; liton ruP4g; W(Yven will be So- Victoria St. United service at hottow at 2 P. M-4 . .
. eq N'% CONII-70ILT is callitig at someli . .
( � JqOTICF. . I r 4mall tables; I DIrlily 6holva: vlft�%gar rugs; Otair (V,Arp(A* 4 (1111alir ellairg, )Gdy's 'The Rev. .Selby Jefterson: 1i a. m., GLEDIIILT,�- -In I ;fNiArlell, I'll lvothloq- - '�
I . . , lzr'-Xi- I FlOftWe Autoniatia 3-burno.r ntove with hair ,olattresses -,Ind springs" S I/ Adult Bible Classes at 3 o'clock. � .
of the Town .
1. — . . bwrrels.* AboUt 20 Yarida of rag carpet: dilnLz -covers; 4 dild"Or ebaim.. real ivirt. I M I boutte. A earlond othappy heat: �,Aiss Mitchel, missionary Aeld seers. (Ily. 40t. 14th, Jull-t Pfrillimor, I)PIO-wft ;
I r1148.1 2 Mites. Vne 9640chewan and 11her lNivers; I breakfast. table,; I ma- IL C. POS 0 aterg will goon he nestled in a gi rite t,4iy; 3 p. ill., Bible -School, Olasses for 'A", .
I Tender* will roeelved by -ander- One for; I work b�heh; I mliplit water, y de*k: I Umbrella stand; I bra" �.. TLUTHWAITE ' * 11 4M of NIP. I Tll�pq. 61poltiffl, Aged 74 ;
Signed tip to priday, oel'. 1) 0245, tt'AIWI; One Wood Wiltet' trough: A good diniter Xoiw: J round wainilt li . I Chief of Police. , �,,, ftil bin, T1 on the furnace will liave 4111 7 p. m., The Rev. Dr. WeVidar � . . I
for Nfir pereha of 4% acr'F of 310,rd rMir reakfast : I 1,VXW.)N`In41.A'qI(0h (InThursday" I
. , i bjm% 4e O. Tile weather forem4t Aissionary dn -furlough front 110nAtI, Oct. IWI, J411n Lltxt,�R. i� hi,,4 6111d year.
-W 4AMIJ; 1. lArge 21fi barrol, Iron 4able. 6 Tniple bureau. no more colt I
I . Wit knd Wng e Isouth Part Of file lot kettle. I . y I *Ak , . I
ilm[Wr Consolidated TORN bureau; Auti e. walnut bed Anol bur- I 1� - for thig IM11861101d is "fair And warin. Citilla. . � CIOLTANA)N., tit IWItArial. On WN14 .
kMY6'n *9 the IS. --414y. ram'; on other goods c6iku: walnut rmwde table,. electrie fixi - � .
.. *Owl =rt.y , . All ftnis of 810 find ,undor, rash: q)v" turft. tw6hins: biluds, 189 clumerl - St,rvices at North St. ttiited, n WAN'. .(Wt, 2t4t, W0111ii'll Collavloll. in
I A140 tp " 6 lbe purvhA , solld br 6r." Thim Reat Polka Furnigh tile "
to 40f *rA 96 or the that Amount twPivf 700IM'j' credit will Wn rods; walnut lialt table: stuffed . I L . attliaspbere fOr life and �41ety- They (hurch: 11 a. m,, Public Warallity. his 82ril year. .
aliget! W,hkh is At Pre"ht 0A be 1xivett ,Ali fur"Minir appro Mat Ovet arin "r; wa)nut arm chalri Town of Goffidell , M1T0I1FLT,.-Tn CnIhol-s * 11
I C Senmil V sail000l yard. noW. A ,dWount wt the T*tf5vocltl 41 DO Zw*r work Mand., walnut mull Jesther . ruind � thei fireA and sparo tile coal. Rev, Dr. Maevicar, Itul"lonsty of. �
, 11 I jithip.. on Weilnesday, Oct. 21st, 1925,
., ft*h k'ndw $0 b* Acotimplitilett by a I" . " A 'allowed for rash tn I of* desk: inotho . forimer Preshyterion. church# ,1 10
- 41#1111 of I It 1*1 ban book shelf. walnu . wainui p. tit,, Sabbath School; 7 p. m., Pubt e X, ho,nas
varked dloqw V Igany rA r gt#rA �Tha ato the sprites that Maud thillLs the Mary Robert& Allen, beloved wife of �
'01 to to PM - Ong Ir. TAXES .L ,
� $be teader. *hi will be raturnaii in I At , same Ik,dfq the� following r*rnm. "Oft; WnAII W&lnut table; lame walnut . � bright and cheary Mitchell, in her 13rd year. I
ft". VIKIfV In " ACteptP11, ItAlanft- f "Ady sold. will be offered for table: lffielwoigy, . . . I . Worship. Miss Mitchell, travelling The funeral will take 'Place front
16, not antiltle mad 0 . -CA - . secretary for In 8xioni
- of pur ribe to be pa"d wtillin,50 nWh".MY dinirw rb. I LL THE -1 I of the former Zion thurch on Saturday, Oct. 24th. at
ftmi If fttens on) with . 1. t . I I
4ay* ft�)Mwz at ao"Ptince of forNk r � NO- I- 4'On**nX Of 115 'w"s. sixtbAirs,' I arm oftbir. ooverM to reAl - I . I
' - , lot NO 94 . Presbyterian thurch. A Welock to Colbbrite cemetery. Ser, I
"NamodAl. it. T<w I P. Millitand ,00nomW4n. nods. ; I walnut dkMer wag Ono Imr c,.snk (Imeounk off W. � ' N. i 4 L �---� . vke-at'.2.30 (�Icloek.
M(h U�6;whjp , smn: I I 0
. Sittimmi *vm (;Ode,riob. side 4OIA: Inkid liholtu 1 � ! I It 1 '! I I
I Wft* * �14. 11 n1115: L -WT"A%F6A4W ! . I
(104krid), (". 6 0 'Arm No. 2. toffl*40 or its Aarm taw, *Helm: MVI ow"11W ond insttllmont (A taxia if MW . . ,. Don't forget North streot U . nittkd, IN MXM0A%tAM .
� , MIR of 10111k 141". ft and 25. 11%%Hland e � rAn": kilohou )P. ut- on or befol* lJov. ISt. IM. , . i Church rAdles" Aid b&%Aar the last - or ,mir 1.
-- ftnoesdiion, to ek. I. Rardon. 4oms, i ow Olson coal , Saturday in Novemli,er. I ift,itr son and brathor. Cho%torNY Elliott,
. (11A"Idl 4ownithip. 5 mil I '. po,,G I waow , in iio,hiw m;mor%
"M Oodft*h. hw. spli.nk- ,%
-t Ab"t a tn" IA vark" parts It. temot <M thio'lAfto Will bo mid'm . alra h mmofk, oIt.; I .41 :i J0 04 MUSTA.- - MAL ! U'llol diell on(, yomr Ago loday, oet. 11.1th. �
*we Wawa &Mn at tho k r; rug: Im box: I As a vermioide *n owell#tw prepar. iqti .
I Ve "K- . , * tub. � — - - — rool I I;
� all -
"4 ��
wfuii I
't'w 'I
,a It,
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p .ilg An thm r , � 7rE
warinot- �,
`ly $1
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st" 14 J. "'GAW 4 71, 01J."Ry. - ftw� . # IV* T1. T. P-DWAADS ft* is - IMAM ation is Mother Graves' Worm Ex. 4 of a 10% M 4�,.ftp I'AH to ront. &.
� I I . , . f. propri r. Auovtlftee.� torminstor. It has saved. the lives -of In Menwiryl* fr&n,w wo %ill koeft it,. �,
early Part of 610 Week- P"M. 4 I
I � It, a. % 1. Gillison. - bu.4my"Wwomer, 1 1 1 -AMAAA 0 . countlegg childri0n. npes,u4e, be *&%,.lane of the best, I
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