HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1925-10-15, Page 7ilobter-Ta
- 800 Bado
$2.50 per Aqui lip
A: *'pian Restaurant
Gothic Grill
Tea Roan
General Manager.
a ttl@L , VIOL
For 43 Years
lig bee* tpning up and restoring
weak stomachs to a •normal, healthy
condition so that tits food no longer
eauseas distress, but is thoroughly
digested and assimilated, and enables
oneto partake of all the wholesome'
food required without fear of any un•
pleasant after effects.`
B.B.B. is manufactured only by The
T. Milburn Co., Lxiuited, Toronto, Ont.
commerce of all kinds .and thus fetch lion the demand was seen to be no
of all nationalities 'met' in the "streets "ao great and 'one of the leading man
of the city. , One oblect of much in- ufacturers, named Demetrius, traced
terest was the; temple of Diana, ac- the cause back to Paul. He called
counted one of the wonders of tlfe his fellow craftsmen together and
world, "It took . 220 years to build deftly pointed out to them the stat
and was 425 feet long,. 220 feet bread of affairs and the reason, appealln
and had 120 columns. of which seven to their self interest and to their re
were the gifts -of kings, All that -now 'igloos interests.
remains .of the temple are the arches Verses 28-A Mighty Uproar. ,
on which the raised platform on which The people became aroused by De
it stood`- was reared ; but it is said metrius' arguments and cried ou
that eight of the pillars may still be "Great is - Diana of the Ephesians;
seen in the Mosque of St. Sophia at The noise quidkly gathered a crow
Constantinople. (VV, M. Taylor), which apparently went to see Paul
Aceoriling, to his custom Paul went Not finding him they seized his friend
first to the dew in lee mo and lab- and hurried them to the theatre,' the
Drell among them three months, but favorite place for gatherings of al
when some of his hearers were hard- sorts, History tells us that this that
ened and believed not, he, withdrew ire could seat on its stone' benches
from ;the. synagogue and began to twenty-five thousand people. "A mob
teach daily in the school of one Tynan- is the same in all ages and in all.eoun-
tries so every. one who has witnessed
an excited -public meeting composed
of fiery spirits who are determined to
refuse every speaker a hearing, and
at which the densely packed multi-
tude assays to and fro like the waves
of ocean in a storm, smile a cgntin-
uaus babble' of sound is kept up, may
form an accurate conception of what
took place that day in the Ephesian
theatre," (W. M. Taylor),
When Paul learned what was tak-
ing place and how his friends were in
danger he at once decided to take his
3P 'U+?+w+awttii+set.th eel..etens place beside them. His disciples and
also some influential friends dissuad-
;ed him, thinking his preitence would
---- - - increase the uproar. He was prevail-
ed upon' to remain away. In the
IoneAlexander,J w tris
meantime s e d
to- get a hearing but for the space of
two hours the multitude kept on pro-
f claiming the greatness of Diana. We
are told that "four hundred years lat-
er at the third General Council held
at Ephesus in 481, an extraordinary
power of keeping up thesamecry for
'flours was displayed. The cry "Ana-
thema to Nestorius," the 'heretic,
against whom the council declared,
,Sunday Afternoon
'By ISA.eBEL 1ir4MILTOV, Guile/A, On&
*aseuesawwen snow seawl napes saaulewea ollivioeisinalPONO
Look from Thy sphere of oodles, day, nus aid eontintsed tiffs work for tom
O God of mercy and of night. Years, laboring all the time at kis
In pity look on those who stray, trade to support himself. At tit
it okiike t n this lashe et eget, tits' God gave _ to Pug the pewee
Sond forth Thy heralds, Lard, to eall work riirachs, The worship of Duma
The thought3.aa youmg, the herd"- ltul swocfa bo with: atorcery.
ed old, ttrritaaas syntbots �IMese said to be en -
A scattered, homeless !lock, till x11 graved on the. crown and girdle and'
Be gathererd to Thy peaceful fold. when of titn loge t the letter sae arid;
tWrn. Cullen Bryant. when pronowfrced aim tetters were
PRAYEReCu , regarded aaa a charm against evil i
spirits. The eoreerers thought, when
O God, who art the author of pave they saw Paul working miracles, that
and lover of concord, in knowledge of he belonged to their craft and one of
whom standeth our eternal life, whoa' them Sceva thinking the Wena of Jaws -
service is perfect freedom, defend us us, so much on the lips of Paul, to be
in all assaults of our .anemtes ; that a spell like that mixt by themselve
we, surety trusting in Thy defence, tried ft on a'man which had an cvi
may not fear the, power of any *dyer- spirit, But the man turned on hi
series; througbt the Wright of Jae* and his seven sons and assaulted the
Christ our Lord. Amen. so that they fled. Thus the cont,,,
s. 8. LE8 ON FOR OCT. ESth, 1926 between them rind Paul was clear!
Lesion TltLe -Part1 im Itpheaus. demonstrated and the nam. of the
WAS swot sus*
1Detainee is este e! the first Ageeshoatag tint tM kidneys are mot
w u Poipoeiy, mad that they
eft etteaded to at tote for it
tbuy are nd
egleet., at aim also of
is the genie, arias kidasy troubles are
te- sum to fellow.
There is any. cite way to get rid et
s- the week, law mad sxkiag beck said
Oat at is be the me et
unsea's" are the maelad tgtfd.
aey Pill."
s t They have been ea the market for
1 sthutoptistet
te 0 yam ea don't accept a
m p "Gtet thou a'a' wham ask ter
m thews.'Put e�o�j
stMoira CM t ieuitedw ' gaosto,TQea,T�
, tx d
y to return?" he was asked.
That Number Genet m Four Tears
gays Perini Oatset Feel
Detroit, Oct, R.- 41. A. Hartingtformerforer fuel controller for Ontario
who cause hero two Years ago and is
membership embership secrete ' and dir.
ector of organisation for the Detroit
C'bamrber of Commerce, is in a parti-
cularly good position to observe the
immtigration situation and tueertain
the facts. He himself is ome of the
exiles front Toronto. "1 would say
that there are all of 00,000 former
Canadians here who have come to De-
troit within the past four yrs."
lude some 22,000 who e
incrase over
from Windsor every day to work in
Detroit factories and business places.
1 think that 1 me elf have placed
more than 125 Canadians in jobs dur-
ing the past fifteen months."
"Do then who have come here from atatada enfant to
s y, or o the plan
LAassoia Passage -Acts 19123*24.Lord
^leans WAS m*gnifled and might
Text,-.1 Tial. 6:10. 117 grey the word of God and prevail
ed as is seen hi the burning of the pre -
In the preceding chapter we read clouts books pertaining to their era
of a short stay Paul made at Ephesus After all these stirring ,incidents Pau
during which he entered with the syn- purposed to met off on another ,sour
ag'ogne, and reasoned with the Jews, ney, desiring greatly to ace Rom
They tried to persuade him to'
prolong: Ile stayed on in Ephesus, however, t
his stay but he "bade them farewell, be present when the city would be fi
saying,) must by all means keep this led with visitors attending Diana
feast that cometh in Jerusalem; but 1 feast -a season 'given over to pleas
will return again unto you, if God are and games, " Paul determined to
will. And he sailed from Ephesus. make it a sowing tens for the gospe
After spending some time going message,
over all the country of Galatia and Verses 24.2'--.Self-Interest Roused
Phrpies fila, strengthening d all the disci -
Linder the shadow of Diana's tempi
pies, he returned to Etihesua, ,and there had s
there he began thole labors which he prunyf up' a place for th
continued for the space of three -years, making _. of silver models of .the -:god
At this time Ephesus was one of the dela to be worn as charnel and thi
commercial centres of Asia Minor. It trade was especially lucrative du
had , tine harbor which attracted ing the feast month. On this oce"a
set out on his return to the Gray
He did not travel very fast, spend -
ft. ing• two days in covering the twenty-
five miles between the first and the
second trap -line cabins. At the sec-
s and cabin he remained for three days,
o and it was on the ninth day that he
o reached the Gray Loon. There -was
,s no change, There were no tracks in
the snow but his own, made amine days
1 n G would bel Correct to say
, that 09 out of every 1b0 are planning
to stay. They have established them-
selves in jobs and homes. The wage*
are good, and there is no tendency
toward a slowing down in production.
They have become assimilated, and
are not inclined to go back."
"That is where the political situa-
tion has some effect, however, I em
speaking ex -parte, and simple giving
you the facts as the come to my at.
tention, What 'the who come here
say is that there la nothing doing in
Canada, and won't be until there is a
change of, government --that the tar-
ifa is not high enough to keep the
factories busy, and that until there is
A high tariff they see no. future for
-Canada and for themselves in Canada.
So they have , come hero to look for
Ties -of - blood are so strong,- how -
ver, that 1 am inclined to think that if
something is done to improve condi-
tions and things do get better, a good
many will go back."
And then, of a sudden, Bares made
1 a change. He spent a night in the
tepee. After that, whenever he was
• at the Gray Loon, during the day he
e always' slept in , the . tepee. The two
e blankets were his bed -and they were
- a - part - of Neplsse. And there, all
5 through the long -winter, 'he Waited, .1
r- If Nepeese had returned in Feb-
- ruary and could have taken hi
t aware, she would have.found a Chang-
- ed Ba•'ree, He was more.than ever
like a wolf; yet he . never. gave the
wolf -howl now, and always he snarled
deep in his throat when he heard the
e cry - of the pack. For several weeks
e the old trap -line had :supplied him
- with meat, but now he hunted. The
tepee, in and out, was scattered with
fur .. and bones. Once -alone -he
caught a young deer in deep snow and
t killed it.
, (To be continued)
After 10 Years of,Asthma Dr. J. D.
y ' Kellogg's Asthma- Remedy proved. the
only relief for one grateful user, and
1 this . is . het one case among many]
_ Little wonder that it has: now become
, the one recognized remedy on the
market. It has earned: - its fame by
••its never failing effectiveness. It is
earning it today, as' it has done for
years. - It is the greatest asthma spe-
cific within the reach of suffering; hu-
1 Man has been able 'to find excuses
for about everything except a cigar-
ette scar burned in -a mahogany table,
ifse..Mlnard's.-the ever -reli-
able remedy. It drains out the
inflatmmation, eases pain,
bringe speedy recovery. .66
1 am instructed to cut off
all light and Water Ser-
vices who are in arrears and
for 'connecting the servk
again. - So I hope those in
arrears will pay at once and
save expense
J. 13. n LLY,
>z and bras Liners
Pack Stables, Etc.
Montreal Street
Just off the Squat(
•$E/'itkAL TIR$'C.cLASs A0TOS' REAgY
'Busses Meet all Trees sed
Passenger Boats
Pwngerscalled for ti any
Out of time town for all
- ''tenni s at O. T« R. es C:P.14,
Prompts Service and
Careful Attendance.
Dile LP/mil stent Reek Serves*
will be found as.,ta-sunt.
11aevery i
Year Patr.uat. ileiliskted
pus*1•illoatroil Street
Ouch! Rub Backache,
Stiffness, Lumbago
Rub Pain from k with smell,
trial battle of old
• "$t., Jacobs 411."
Baca hurt you? Can't straighten_ was maintained so long and SO con-
uttpp without .feeling sudden pates. tinuously that One would imagine that
sharp aches and twinges? Now listen I orthodoxy denended on strength of
That's lumbago, sciatica ".or maybe .lungs." (C. T, Stokes).
front 'astrain, and you'll get relief the
Moment you rub your back with tooth -
ing, penetrating "St, Jacobs Oil." Froth the very opening day of Mis-
Nothing else takesout soreness, :lame- skins our Lord has taught usthat our
aaess and atiffncsa stso quickly.. You work is in partnership with Him "AIT
comers tply he pain: it It u b veleta and the days." And when the disciples
bum'the skin. opened- their campaign we read that
'Limber up! Don't stiffer! Gets .thew went everywhere, "the Lord
small trial bottle of old, honest "St. working with them." And the ages
Jacobs Oil" from any drug store, and have confirmed the • testimony, that
!after using it just once, you'll forget God has joined Himself in a gracious
that you ever had backache, lambaggofellowshipwith His missionaries. i
or sciatica, because your lecke will Martin Luther Was so sure of this
It hurt orcause any bort misery. that. in the It never disappoints and has been retetimes of great crises he
ontameoded . for 60 year'!'. cried, "Lord Thou are imperilled with
us." : Zinzendorf cried, "1 have one
passion, that is He. He only," and to-
�" L � I a � day we.have the Moravian Mfissions,
1 C 1 r When the night of. Balrmah was un -
relieved by a single star, and the eom-R u eat home would have evithdruwn
Judson writes: "If khey,asir us what
prospect of ultimate success is there,
tell them there is as much (and no
more) ,es that there is an Almighty
'and faithful God, • who 1111 perform
His promises." -
(Rev. Dr. Fraser).
(Continued from page 0)
and was now a prisoner at the end of
a steel chain.
There were plenty of rabbits in
Pierrrot's traps, and Baree did not go
•hungry. He reached the second trap -
line cabin Iate in the afternoon, after
ten hours of travelling.. He met with
no very great disappointment here,
for he h'ad not anticipated very- numb.
The snow had banked this cabin even
higher.ithan the other. It lay three
feet deep against the door, and the
window °*an a whits with ttifek e61Y't
tn, ;; of frost. At this place, which
Was close to the edge of a big barren,
and unsheltered by the thick forests
•farther back,' Pierrot had built * shel-
ter for his firewood, and in this shelt-
er .Rarer made his temporary home.
' All the next day he rereiained some
where near the end, of the trap -line,
.!skirting the edge of the barren and
investigating the short aide line of a
down traps whkh Pierret and Ne -
peeve had drone through a swamp in
,which there had been many dins of
ren hes third day before he IVAI IVARE
Letter, from Mrs. Ayers Tells
How Lydia E. Pinkbalm's
Vegetable Compound
Helped Her
Sprieg Valley, Saak.�-„I took the
Vegetable Compound befog' my last
confinement, when I got to feeling so
badly that 1 could not sleep nights, m7
back ached so across my hips, and
could hardly do my work during the day.
1 never had such an easy confinement
and this is my sixth baby, Tread about
Lydia E. Pinkham'r Vegetable Com-
pound in the 'Farmer's Telegram' and
wrote you for Dae of your books. We
have no druggist in our town, but I saw
our medicine in T. Eaton's catalogue.
I am a far'mer's wife, so have all kinds
of work to do inside and outdiide the
house. My baby is a nice healthy girl
who weighed; nine pounds at birth. 1
am feeling time after putting in a large.
garden since baby ciente. - (She is as
good lathe can be.) Tours fa the best
medicine for weenie and 1 have told
about stand' event written tonty friernds
about it." - Yrs. Mania. IL Attu.
3yaring Va leyIr, rich.
Lytfia E. Phrkham'e V ble Com-
peaaatd 1. aft excolieart mialeirla far pedant
he wire . inothees. tied It buss *genbe taken
tortrengthens lied tame up the
statin systema so that it fluky work fin
every respect maul nature Maeda. Ali
�t >
You're behind the times if you don't
know that t
a Cod Liver Extract is one of
the greatest flesh producers in the
Because it contains more vitalizing
vitamins than any food you can get,
You'll be glad to know that Mc-
Coy's Cod Liver.Extract Tablets come
in sugar coated form now, so if you
really want to put 10 or 20 pounds of
solid, healthy flesh on your bones and
feel well and aatrong and have a com-
plexion that peoplewill admire -ask
any druggist for a box of McCoy's
Cod Liver Extract Tablets,
ozlly 60 cents for 60 tablets and if
you don't gain five pounds in 30 days
your druggist is authorized to hand
you back the money you paid for
It' isn't anything unusual for a per-
son to gain 10 pounds in 30 days, and
for old people with feebleness over-
taking them theyworkwonders.
One reason why all the world loves
a lover is -because he doesn't count„ his
change: •-
A Real Sink
for $12.00
Op to now kitchen sinks have cost
reit money. Now. at low sort, you
can put lo the newest type SUP
E:namekd Ware Sink. This is n
strop( sink built of rest teslatlaS
Armen iron, with three coots of
purest *bite enamel, some es ow
bathtubs. Complete with I2' beck,
strainer, br.tkets. Stange. red full
directions for setting up.. Standard
rise 20' a 30' s 6" deep.
Price, complete, $12,00
Noy one Or two of these SUP'-
anameled Wore brain *ODed. rT.e
Made to At SUMP Sinke sad li
Lie Tali` Yr 2 �:' a,
Wane sturdy construction as Ott SUP
Sinks, Very handsome and a great
labor sayer. Sold caa*pktr With
brackets *04 fittings for.etti.g telt.
Price, compkte, $6.00
lror sale by plumber* rad hardwire
ammo throughout the tourney.
•wsS EBT i tiAt: PRooutrs C.'t, s
.M ortim. rower* V5($Nir.ta
ktzssotueww+oaut veeeatmta eeassee
*IOYE' *Be A k $ANN LE9 SY
I x. it wait t S*[E*Mlt EXct..V$ra
Out Goes All
oison,. .
itheuana Arts on Kidneys,, Liver, and
Bladder the Very First Day
Get a 'bottle of Rheums to -day and
wear a satisfied smile on your face
It's a remedy that is astemehling'th.'
whole country, and A's Just as good
for gout,sciatica, lumbago and I,klnry.
Misery as or rheumatism,
It vil!ives the •polsonous waste from.
the jents and museles- taut':; the ae-,
eret of 'themes sueeess..
But we. don't ask you to take one
word for it; go to ?l.- C. Dunlop, or
any good druggist and get a bottle of
Rheum to -day; 1f it tloesii t do as w,,
promise get your money back. It .vltl.
be there waiting for you.
g. Keeps EYES"
Cleats, Bright and Beautiful
Write Murine e.o,.e6wsso,Satilreemebook
Daftly Except Sunday
Lee: G,oderich' 6.00 a nl. 2.20 p.m.
Clinton ti 25 a.ln, . -2M2 p.m.
,r.. .Seaforth '0.41 a.m. •3.12 p.m.
Mitchell 7.04 >;t,m. 3.42 p.m.
Arr. Stratford 7.30 a.m. 4.10 p.m.
"Kitchener 8:2O a.m. 5.20 p.m.
Guelph ,45 a m. G.,ar
O para.
Toronto 11.10 a m, 7-.80 p.m.
Betz)) ning--Leave Toronto G,40_a.m.,
12,5 p.m. and 6 05 p.m
Parlor rxdotn oon morningtrn, anTrno
to God rich 6.05 p. m. train.
Through coach Goderich to 'Toronto.
Town Passenger and Tickets Avner,
Wheat, per lash , .$ 1,40 to d
Buckwheat, per bush75 to
Kattr 12,30 to
vats, per bush 45 to
Pau, per' bush 1.e15 to
Barley, per .bush70 to
Cattle, ordinary. per
cwt. 0.23 to,.
Conde, export7.50 to
(per cwt.) p
Cattle, coots .r cwt 7.60 to
Lambs, per cwt10,00 to
Dairy butter3$ to
Eggs, per dos....:35 to
remit), flour, per cwt .1.75 to
Patent Sour, per ewe. 5,00 to
Bran, per ton - 25.00 t•:
Shorts, per ton 30.00 to
Hay„ per ton8.03 to
Hides ... 08 to
Potatoes, 'per bag,1.25 to
$`, s T. have the children sound alui,)etrak.
Les thy is the first care of a mother.
They cannot be healthy if trottb1
1,100 with worms. Use Mother Grams,
_ , Worm .Exterminator.
1'7r,Cf 1 Fur coats will be worn A little law.
ger this winter. Also dad's pants.
7.50 I
ua1 r
1,25 40
et -by
mhe ++t,sr os() only tried to e
only does` that.
While your salesman's
on the train your comp
. petiitor may be on Lo
0E4`27Distance calls costing.6
sOld + 6 lbs. of meat for�� Jr
,77' If688
-^writes a Bakker
' . Cor. Bay and Adelaide Sts...... ,. •...Tor. University said murales &s,
'519 Danforth Avenue
Other Branches at
Hamilton, , St. Catharines, St. Marys Pembroke;.,
Brantford, Woodstock, Owen Sound, Ottawa -
Seaforth, Walkerton - Newmarket and Aylmer.
Banking b.:.. Mail
The security afforded by the Province of Ontario Savings
Office,' together with the facilities extended by every Pet
Office in Canada and other countries, make it possiiile for
everyone to deposit their savings in this Bank, interest' is
allowed, compounded half -yearly, with full checking privileges.
The confidence the rural communities have shown in this
Bank, is indicated by the large increase in deposits, which are
now over $21,000,.uoo.
All deposits are guaranteed by the goveriin.ent of the
Province of Ontario. •
Remittances should be made by Post Office moneyordeer,
express order. or registered letter, and should he addressed to
Your, nearest Brahch, where they will receive prompt attention.
.Province of Ontario Savirgs Office
Head Office : 15,
Queen s Park, Toronto
• Toronto -Branch Offices
Take a Tablespoonful of Salts if Back . Paths
Bladder is Irritated
Flush your kidneys by drinking a
quart of water each day, also take salts
occasionally, says a noted authority, .
who tells us that too much rich food
forms acids which almost- paralyze -the
kidneys in their efforts to expel it from
the blood. They become sluggish and
weaken; then you may suffer with a dull
misery in the kidney region, sharp pains
in the 'brick or'e%lc headache, dizziness,
your stomach .sours, tongue is coated,
end when the weather is bad you have
rheumatic twinges. The urine gets
cloudy, full of sediment, the channels
often get sore and Irritated, obliging
you to seek relief two or three times
during the night.
To help neutralize these irritating
acids; to help cleanse the ':icltifit'n .rS,d
flush off the body's urinous W.+.4.0, 'c t•
four ounces of Jad Salts frcla,cat;v
maey here. Take a tablesl,cc>a.ftal l p
glass ° of water before breakfa:t
few days, and your kidneys may'
act fine. This famous salt; it ra
from the acid of grapes and lends.0 j,...ce,
combined with litllia, and has Well . 1
for,: yearn: to., help,, .flush and , stiinlir'e,
sluggish kidneys; also to neutralize the
acids in the system "so they no langrr
irritate, thus often -relieving biatlelc
Jad Salta is inexpensive; cannot in-
jure and makes a delightful effervescent
lithia-water drink. By all means have
your physician examine your kidneys
at least twice 4 year.