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The Goderich Star, 1925-10-15, Page 5
• r w 11 1 1111 lid THE GOD CH .STAR 1►AOX nM f 1XVIA"T, am u0b. am AWNG TEM CRS M and seswww ""owioto anthaw. with Yr. sad Yrs. 'l' ilYigy�tnw on —CYURCY ][r. lar. wr o sons esi �► b" in thisn- &Ia�itY. t FREE� �isatc e>enreh tis aeawioet MIli be ��. ''� seraaets al beth awrn- F Yr, and lira. Rosa we. -4 in Txerttr coWeeted by the raiaistw- Spbjeets ad oast t pw. seMov. F. C. peeiott,44' coin . Ross Thursday and 1?s*tty of last t �ho Announcement est lU► tit parlor, Aar. �'• rC'. }:Itiott, Yr. ltosii being in attendance at. then of swoon, 11 A. as.. "Carr bs that ,,Ask in the ii"Wise slog ens► the, feast C•oavention of West Ilur,)n Teachers, Cartr*e Lgggages." 7 I� ns,. "The Arehiteet's of tahsnwles. or, eine =might almost Kiss Ross, of Cedar Valiey school.• Hawkeye plans." Sabbath school, teon-age and say. n the Jewish festivals in *ever• and Miss Webster of S. S. No. A, Ash - adult bible classes. al, for Yr. lithely tQW Of the variolas field, accompanied them, all making North SL Utita d church, itay. 0. feasts of the Jews and of their symbol- the trip by m+etgr. F. Clarke, raiaister. lee -opening ser- lass. sal fulflila�►ext in the, death and, A rtewwo to tl�e nowly i iod y Afternoon, Ock 1% +Calngeranoes NIMBY, (let. l als, at 11 a. in.. wwroet on Of Jesus, or titch fi�AIl lH. On Nook An& ? p. >la. Stiecial preacher fair the naso yet to in the fins: InlAiest pastor of Erskine . McDonald. Rev. I;. be McDonald and firs, l[cilonald, trill be.�, • Pictures 2" x 314 inches, value $2.85 day, of the world. htl#1 in the basement of t1Na church _ day adsool at p. M. nnott3 of Wing- sVW or of tho great truth that aalbvael on �ht on Friday *rohla,R of this week: _ � � ire will h1t�►e ft rtpreselitllt Gc ei"A In ge�rraa ham RaRy lhY seirvia ib the Sum - With th6 purchaaa of 6 rolls No. S Brownie Filins to fit thio at BSc eaoh. Total $1.50 The regular meeting of the Arthur through blood and the Norah without freshmanta will be staved by the k• Circle of Knox church will be held on bltmaish was a prototype of the Lamb digs. A cordial invitation is extend- Manufacturing Co. at out store, with his full C;amt:ra_, , _ „. -.„„ �.$5 Monday, Oct. filth, at 8 P. xn. This bt Gad, to whom John the Baptist ad to all the memlxxa of the co�K�- � range Oi 1to115, Film.. _ ____._,-.n i.5g� will be a short mosting followed by an pointed his disciples as the One who gatioit to be present. boor of bazaar work. A ten -cent eta took away the sins ei# the world. This ¢, The lira public meeting of the laali- � � will be served and all the ladies of feast 'Moa a farxilY affair; there was tical campaign, in is district.,will be Misses' $4.35 the congregatlon aro cordially invited, tto oftciating priest. from which Mr. held in the interasis a# Mr. icing. fist Dresses •� Victoria, St. United church, pastor, Elliott' deduced the lesson that sal-„Frogresslye candidata for North Hur , u for$1,50 The Rev. Selby Jefferson. 11 a. m,, vation was a personal matter for each on, in the red hall an Thursday e"n- "Our Chanes a' the Drize of Ltarnimg iadividual soul. The otferinx of the Ing at S p. m. In addition to Mr. if You are considering the purchase of a new 3 pa 0' . p w , drat fruits in the beginning of harvest King, Mr. Sholdon Bricker will also : This Camera is fully guarauteed. This offer is limited, and Love;” Bible School: " fed its fulfillment in the resurrection KI be present. No doubt Air, Spottonr Drow we ask you to kindly call and look over is given with the idea of stimulating Our Own. Finishing de uiG- '1'lSe first of a abort series of Sunday of Jesus, the first fruits from the the Conservative candidate. will be ni ht sermons on the Religion of a the range. meat. All out prints are finished in Velox Poper, V young man, as illustrated in the life d"d- The second great feast, the heard from s a later Batt. � ' + N feast of weeks or Pentecost was in I The harvest thanksgiving senrlcea , Sale Commences Saturday morning at 8 o cl'octc of Jesus (1) Religion as a quest, Tlaptlst church„, Oct. 18th: Senn- commennoration of the gv}ng 'of the which were held in St, l'out's church OM by the pastor; morning. "'Food for law and ayacronized with the outpour- on Sunday last, Wert an unelualified ing of the spirit in tha' New Testa- success, despite the inclemency of tlrt�e. ����� Campbell's #, Store the Believer;" evening, Prophetic went dispensation, Tho feast of tab- weather. Large cougregatlons wtret Phone 86 I Phone 86 study. Daniel, the book of the Gen -1 ernacies which marked the closing of present at both me>rning and evening •� 11 Phone 90 tiles, Chapter 1. Come and start with the wheat harvest would have its ful- services, and listened with rapt atten" The :Square Goderich, Out, this study. A wonderful book with tlliment in the harvest at the end of tion to the earnest and eloquent nor - great visions. PrayEr Wednesday the world. Mr. Elliott went into the mons delivered by Rev. R. C: C16pper, 10100 =ggr�td>•1Q» 0:�14I OICYO p#7A night. Convention of Ontario and =-46Cm various details of the directions for Rector of b3ilverton. The church. was m ��,-----•••-�•--_---��r �-�� -�¢ �:-�'`�"�'- .�` LA'i~T JAMES MITCHELL Quebec in Stanley avenue, Hamilton, all, returned to their home on Thurs- with quite a serious accident, wMdk THE,liberal supporter of mi><a{qns, For tlu't'Qbsrxvance of these various Eesti- artistically decorated for this occasion, many years he was an alder in Knox Oct. 16th to 22nd. vela and applied the symbolism of the with the bountiful fruits and dower$ �,, will mean a few weeks' rest, Xis Known Former Editor of The church and when his warm support of Last, Thursday the W. A. of St. ceremonies connected with them iii a of field and garden. The choir of St• Mr. StauleY Sibthorpe and Mr. Nor- hope for her a speedy recover?. ,,Widely Georges church shipped two bales, most interetingand instructive way: Christ church, Port Albert, asslated In -ma,s X♦ Dowell returned home on Mon. Star, and for the Past Ten Years the larger fellowship which the church one of clothing to Strathroy far dia- ^ ^ - �-^ the service of praise. say night from a several weeks' visit The further hearing of the com union movement- involved called him against the proprietor of the oxpat Dominion Archivist, l'asscs Sudden- tribution'among the Muncey Indians DTTNGA�NNON Mr. Hemaley, of Toronto, preri%�0a at Plumes, Man, p p to leave the congregation with which warehouse! at the dock and his asiaisR+ ly At Loudon. and the other, consisting of clothing I The nova of the death of Mr. James he had been so closely identified for , (Intended for last weyek) I inspector of the Standard Ilesnk, was Mr* and Mrs. Ed, Taylor, Goderich, -ants ht,d been so many e4V'a he was appointed one and canned .fruit, to Gordons Indian spent last week at Westfield visiting postponed far aawtiar Mitchell in London on Monday even- of the members of the session of Residential School, Punnichy., Sask. Mr. Wm. Fitzgerald recently went da Duauper,n endingatt cal n:taSllati n week• ing came with a great shock to the North street United chui'oh. For • Rev. Rural Dean S. S. Hardy, of to Detroit, where be will be employed y their daughter, Mrs. Albert Walsh, of the new furnishings of the Stand- I "�- People of Goderich. He had been out Goderich, conducted Harvest Thanks- until spring. and . ar. Elwin Taylor, " at Byron Sanitarium in the afternoon ~ -- Riving services at Trinity ehurc} .# - Mrs._ Lott, of- Wiiigham, wad the and Bank in its present location. Mr. I Mr, and Mrs. J. L. McDowell were k " Bayfield; St. James', Middleton, and guest of her slater, Mrs. E. 0. Duff,, G. M, McKenzie, manager, and his guests of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Howatt, ilami]ton Street calling on C. M, Freeman ( Doc staff, are now to be found In their I►ep")1 of The 'London Free Prase St. John's, Varna, last Sunday. The for a ffew days last week. new quarters on the corner, in Mr, T. of Walton, last Thursday, itilr. 1<Ic- st, fV, who was an intimate friend and pulpit of St. George's was occupied by Mr. and Mrs. J, C. Pentland, of G. Allen's block, in one of � the finest Uowell,toak in the ploughing match. S hQQ,' Q e walked to the Springbank loop about Rev, F. H. Paul, of Bayfield. Grimsby, were week -end guests with and best equipped of the smaller I Miss Ella Swwerby attended the .... G o'clock to return to the city and it The annual thankoffering meetinx the former's mother; Mrs. David Gir• banks, in this part of the Province, ,Huron Teachers' Convention hold in -was while waiting for the car that the of the Women's Missionary Society of vin. With the Rte -proof vault, safe and F Exeter last. Thursday and Friday, °nncr Comkrlete liner of hatlie, - I;ettle summand came. Mr. Mitchell had Knox church will be held on Thursday, � Mr. Orville Ryan returned . to De'- safety deposit boxes, this. bank will, spent over Sunday at her home in mop's and ehi.di t?ti's R1 O' - suffered"f`or about a year with heart Oct. 22nd, at 3 o'clock in the lecture troit after an. enjoyable holiday' at now be .prepared to accmmodate its Goderich township. Colne in %nd conivare nut l,riees. trouble and no doubt it was the exer- room, An. interesting program is the home of his parents, Mr, and Mrs. ever.increasing number of pntrons, Miss Myrle Killougli, who spent tion of the walk to catch the car which being prepared, the cliief feature of gory Ryan• with every convenience, several weeks at the home of her -� was the immediate cause of his sud- which will be an address by Mrs. H. Mr, _and Mrs. Charles Whitely and - A very pretty autumn wedding was uncle, Mr: Alva McDowell, returned r den death: The body was brought to R. Horne, of Toronto, first vice presi- were guest:; J..1. C:lll +llCllr'il oderich yesterday and the funeral dent of the Provincial W. M. S. of the With t, of Goderich 'tp., solemnized act' the Y ams of Mr. and her home an Thursday last e o short r; Cr with. their aunt, Miss Dreany, on Sun- Mrs. Robert Henry, of West Wawa- visit and had .the misfortune to tuset I will be held on Saturday from his Iate Presbyterian church. At the close, of day. They were accompaniciI.on'their, push, at. high noon wn. Saturday, C)Ct,,, -_A._ residence. ; the meeting refreshments will be ,return by their little son, Ross, who 10th, when their only daughter, Lottie Mr.. Mitchell was formerly editor served, and an opportunity given bad been a' visitor at the 'hoinc of. 'Mae, was united im marriage to. Swn- and proprietor of The Goderich Star those present to meet Mrs. 'Horne, Miss Dreany for a: few week . peT Webster Alton, son of Mr. and A moRt cordial invitation *o attend is Rev. and -was always a most active luau, , On Sunday, October 4th, Rally Day Mrs. James Alton,. of Ashitold, �,...% especially in any movement 'for the extended to all the women of the con- was observed in Erskine Presbyterian C. H. Dickinson, of Lucknow, offtciat- RDuP , 1Dead40 l�' Disease of PO 1Remeft- Atr advancement of the community and . gregation. Special attention is drawn . Sunday 'sChogl. Special f 4 itures, _ ing. The. bride, who was given away ., t: .. ri Pratts Roup Reinedy Is - the moral welfare of society.- It was r•, to the change of date and hour of which added much to the effectiveness by her father: looked very charWinir i ", this, desire to be of use to his day and meeting. - . ' of the service, were short addresses in, a gown of white satin, trimmed. ` �iiii�d�eaE�te'e't �0 generation which led him into the; At a meeting held recently in Clin- by Miss Elizabeth Wilson, Mrs. Rich- with silver lace, her bridal; veil being Valu ak,`ie Poultry Book and Advice FREE work of the Children's Aid Society,ton; at whieb repro' ptatives of the 'a She PRATT. FOOD Ckaf CANADAJIMITED, M Cariaw Ave -Toronto• anfl,!as the president from the time of THE LATE JAMES MITCHELI. and MCWhinney, Mr. Fred Ross and caught with orange et of p Continuing Presbyterian auxiliaries of Rev. C. H. McDonald, 'also a' duet, carried a shower bouquet of pink and the formation of the Society in this ----- - - Huron County were present, it was re sweetly rendered, by Misses Edna and white carnations. Little Miss Ferns county •until last spring when he years he was the leader of the Salt- ;deeded t me:ani�a a Yresl>*teriitl: ,Mary. Park. Alton, niece of the groom, etcted as signed the position, no"work in which ford Sunday school, a w.or;t which Al- The 'following officers were elected the funeral of the late Ruby Crans- .Rower girl, being daintily dressed in 41 Sea - be was engaged was closer to. his ; led a real want and did much for the President, Mrs. F. H. Larkin, Sea- • heart than that of the Children's Aid eneration' of forth; first vice president, Mrs. R. C, ton, whose; sad death last occurred last march was played by the groom's $is- I upbuilding of the rising g week, as announced in last atteek s is- march �� Sodieity.,_.He was always the friend that community and the many' who. McDermid, Goderich; second vice pre- ter, Miss Alive Altars. who wore a Just of the children ami was never happier.. m Ills influence end are now sideat, Mxs. J, Foote, Exeter; th}rd sue, took place from hOr 'P arontal dress of brown kittens crepe, trim came under p than when `among the little ones at grown to- yearn of maturity will al- vice president, Mrs. G. 0:. Taggart, home on Saturday afternoon; sympathetic and was in with, ecru lace, After a rumpt- The county shelter: For, ears Mr, g largely attended by many sympathetic e u y y ways have the kindest rememljxarices Clinton; fourth vice president, Mrs. J. friends and ne{r'hbors, Iiev. J. R. nous wedding lunche?oir-tile-happy - -- 'Mitdhdil was secretary of the Gode- y e;, Grier,, 'Seaforth; secretary,. Miss couple left,by motor on a honeymoon Our rely mock og Miner. Rubbers has eriiv; d of him: Peters conducted the funeral service p Y rich Board of Trade and gave efficient Mitchell was an ardent apostle H. I• Grahatiii, Seaforth; treasurer trip which will be spent in Toronto,. ' Mr. Mi ams at the house, after which the remains ffalw and 'other points, the,brirlt Msner Rubbers .sire noted for thf.Ir ex' w'ear'iu� (IrilLlt�r •serilice 'in this capacity:. This ppsi of temperance all. his life.. In the pro- : Mrs, T. Swan Smith, Seaforth, h t "• - were Con- 1 s' secretor Mrs. Fraser, Bay- •were laid to•r`est in.Dungannorl ceme- Bavellinx in a navy blue suit. With beii7� all k'rr;.-Sm-c Cured and Built on good- fittin; labt,, tion lte was obliged to give up when vincial election of 1902 he was Con he per y, ,r a severed his connection with The rid- Y. W. A:s secretary, Mrs, Me- tory. The pallbearers were six'boyof whits velvet hat and Rxev squirrel Ming lcubberir stye guaranteed: Miner Rubbers ai,r the llr.t Me - 'be servative candidate in the former rid r $tar. ten years ago to accept an ap- • f Wet Huron against Mr: M. G. Murchy, Clinton; mission band, Mrs, of Ruby s age. As an. evidence ehoker, the gift of the groom. The � po{utment as travelling represents- ing eron and lost 'Out only by some -H. L_ Gibson, Seaforth; welcome secs deepest respect for :the departed, , , . to Vi E invite you t13 try Miners t1liS; St ay©n. liv for Ontario of the Dominion. Ar- 'Cam retary, `Mrs. H. Arnold, Hensall; sup- many of the friends sent' offerings of onxv rings and tahthe flower, giilaa e r fifteen votes in a keen contest. Mr. flowers in profusion, in -the foam of q C C Cil'"os'bran�h. Cameron, who was elevated to the ply secretary, 119rs. W. D. Fair Clin- child's set of brooch silver, consisting H E ni S a.7"O E. STORE The -work of historical research bench only last year an judge : of 'tan: " " wreaths, sprays and bouquets, Mr, R i1 a.] Ls STORE is .d Glad Tidings, Miss h. Jeckyll, of bracelet, brooch and ring. On was one in which he revelled and Northumberland county, died recently Easter; library and literature, Miss and Mrs. Cranston and, family" have their return, Mr. and Mrs. Alton will many :original documents and re- ' Isabel McEwen, Goderich; missionary the sympathy of the community in reside on the ,groom's fine farm south Vv. 'HERN, Post Craduate Practipedist at Coliourg, their affliction. cords Werk secured by him 'far pre- The late' Mr. Mitchell was 77 years secretary, Miss 'Isabel Graham, Sea- of Belfast. Their many friends ;join Th Square 1 servation in.the arehives;.and besides fgrth, On Thursday evening, Oct: 1st, the in' wishinrr'them much happiness in Phone, 43 W. a Squa of age, a son of. the late James induction took place•in Lucknow Pres- their new home: the work off delving into: the past lig Mitchell, of Edinburgh, a sergeant in The fall meeting of the Deanery of was equally active in preserving To,the79th Highlanders, As a young Huron was held in the, Triv}tt Mem- byterian church o£ Rev. C. 1I. McDon- „ In, the death of Margaret Nivine, cords of resent da movements, which g old, into the pastoral charge of Luck- beloved wife of Charles Elko ;which p Y man he worked at the printing trade oxlal church Ott. 6th, Rural Dean Rev. ter ---- - -- -r - -- *ill lye 'invaluable for reference in in London and in 1881 purchased The S. S. Hardy presiding.. Reeve W..D.' now and Dungannon congregations. was noted -in this column last week, years to come. Hes was a member of Goderich Star from Alex. Simmons. Sanders delivered an address of wet- A large congregation was present, Dungannon loses. one . of her most the Ontatio Historical Society for He was editor, of that. paper until crime, whiph wassleartily appreciated. the church being ,filled to capacity, amiable and esteemed .citizens. The some yearn pant and a frequent speak- . Rev. Mr. .lames, of South Kinloss, late Mrs, Elliott was in her 67th year; ' a' Sal er t ee£in s of local historical so- ten years ago and always maintained Archdeacon Sage, of .London, gave.a a preached the sermon, Rev. Mr. McCu1- S ec a m tr a high ideal in journalism, anal during moat thought-provoking address on tau h of Kincardine, addressee) the and was the only daughter of the;late cletaes throughout the Province. is newspaper career had been a dir-_ _moral problems confronting ,. the B ' Hardie of Jahn and. Mra, Nivins... She was•born he. _ _ -_, minister • and .Rev. J. 21. H e; on the farm in West Wawanosh now- ltir. Mitchell was always closely Actor o£ the Canadian Press Associa- church, in which he stressed the giaye • QCtober 17th �0 ���� Identified With church work and was a tion. increase in juvenile delinquency and LochaNb, addressed the congregation. occupied by her nephew, David Niv At the'close of the service the congre- He. was active in the Solis of Scot- crime and the harm that was done to, gation repaired to the basement, ins. Her illness, which extended over land when that Society was flourish- our youth by pernicious literature. where refreshments were served and a period of two years or more, vias GOODYEAR OO DY EAR TIRES t R E �r snit in this tot6n, And among his, act- Rev. Canon Gould gave a vivid pic- a. social hour spent. A goodly num- borne with great'p4tience and Christ G S ivities too must he counted that of ture of the missionary problems fac. her from. Dungannon were present, fan fortitude, and was marked till the Ing the.church at home and abroad last by that•spirit'of cheerfulness so C) X i' Ia_briC_�d._w................. _$7.95 pp M.O'&el esecretary. for . years of the Groat On the :Sunday following; Oct, 4th, 3 31/ a a G Northwestern Exhibitiore now called and remarked that, on his last visit Mr, McDonald preached his inaugural characteristic • of the deceased, Her the Goderich Industrial h xhibitiein. to Japan, he represented the Canadian sermon to ,large and interestsel con tender care and devotion to her aged • 3q 31 a , Cord ............... -----..$8.95. Weiek of October lith to 24th 25 Surviving relatives are two sisters church at the consecration of the first mother, wh6 made her homes with her native Ja anes bishop. He had also gregationa, daughter until her death some three Get yours while they last". Mrs. Tim • Patterson.. of., Vancouver, p p• _ and Mrs. George Wilson, of Sas. visited the plot of ground in Tokio ANNOUNCEMENT years ago will not swan be forgotten. Mwlday alto Tuesday katchewan; one son, Hope, in Viscount; where 33,000 natives perished in the The slay) Gr'rvir n, la n r Mr, Clare F. Milne desires to an!• , w h •••er, h.lc tr^ . 'ice • �M MILLER Zatis? ,Grey, Sask., and a ,lister -in law. Miss Blew' recent earthquake while seekin r re- Thursday from her late Home, was r M •..., p has open- Conducted by Rev. 0, H McDonald, of �,r Cf"nr r. r presents his thundering melo dramatic Ptt, with whom he made his home in furs in , the ; Government military pounce to the public that he, f ed up an up-to-date shop in Mr. T. G. the Presbyterian church, in +lie.. pre+ r'Y 4 ^r•r (' .►7 r,iia.1 Pharie 259 W. western story with. Jack Holt, Noah Goderich. brother, C. W. Mitchell, clothing factory, their bodies being , Beeryand Doug Fairbanks Jr. all interred on thei s{te. R, E. Davis, g Allen s block, where he will repair once of a large concourse •of RS moa- •-- --- "� . -- = ': "` •- ---- -- who Came, fo this country in 1849 and. boats and shoes aide -curtains for cars thizin and sorrowing f: }r•.,r)n i ' "Wild Horse Mesa" was educated in London, founds The lay secretary of the Saddres f Huron. g err neighbors, An ardent t -•, �.�.,,,,..� .�......�.."'" •. - d stave ori inspirational address ant}fled ems• He also carries a full uRsort' admirer wf "�.�.w..�. WAIT= HIERS in Ottawa Free Press -in 1869 and owned it Are We Doing Our Pest""" A boun- meet of accessories such as shoelaces, 'flowers in life, she was surrounded by "Oh Bridzet" and. conducted that paper until 1905. tiful luncheon and tea. was served by shoe dressings, rubber heels, etc.. and them in "death, the many beautiful r•� r„ u » The son, Mr. Hope Mitchell, will be , if you wish a'shoe-shineja can ac- tokens bearing testimony ..(1,U��A [®N►�1DSON sERvtC home for the funeral,. and Mrs. Ed the Indies of the church. commodate you with that. Come love for, and a teem of, Vtho n}eparthdlow iNildri�sday Slid Thursday wards,'a niece of )lir. Mitchell's is al- The regular monthly meeting of. where, . you can get regular and efli one. .,Beside ' eatr'ice 'Joy` 'and' Britest R`orrence ready here. ' fVictoria St. United church radies Aid is her sorrowing husband` Y tient services at reasonable prices, she leaves to mourn her loss four bro. �. with the fourteen international beauty In the course of an editorial refer Society was a at the home of Mrs. (Advt.) there John 'of Teeswater• William of models in the smartest production on ence to Mr. Mitchell, The London Free Geo, Wilson on Thursday afternoon, ' ' � , In business to do all kinds of plumbing, lIg lttitlir and the screen a� Press says : with in attendance of thirty members, ' coder}eh. David and Charles, who ars Mr. James, Mallough is visiting .*e- in the West. Tvcl brothers Uredo_ tinssnithin to your entire satisfactiau, "The Dressmaker from Paris" "Mx. Mitchell was one of a genera- when it was decided to .hold their an 1'atives at Teeswater this, week, ' ceased her some o PARAMOUNT'COMEDY tion .of newspaper men that has now nual Thanksgiving• supper on the ev- years ago) The re. _ largely passed away. His connection ening of Thanksgiving Day. , The var- Mr. Henry Fowler is having .an mains were "laid at rest in Maitland �-�r r e "Kids Wanted" with the Goderich newspaper field was ions committees were then appointed, auction sale at his home in the vil- cemetery Floral tributes, besides rr LFRID DUNALDSC)N 'Phm 431 r also it was decided to hold their an= lege on Saturday of this week, those from friends and relatives near Plumber ' long and honorable. He was known c. Pride and Saturday widely throughout the province and. nual banquet in the last week in Jan- Mr, and Mrs. Charles W, Alton and by, were sent from New Idskeard, I3AYFIXLD ROAD GODIERIGH, ONT, Y y his -writing was vigorous and incisive. nary. TGv�o new members' were re- little daughter, Fern, attended the Leamington, cavi gton,CO.,e Detroit, Th British of Sunset Hobart Bosworth and Pauline Starke .I1'e was a gentleman of an ceived. Refreshments were served by wedding of the formers brother an In a ,thrilling dramatic story of New hider type, courteous and kind, and the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Pestle- Saturday, ! roses from the Ladies) Aid of Erskine England and the frozen North his sudden death came just after he thwaite and Mrs, Elliott. The next Mi. John Kilpatrick, of the 7th-, church. The pallbearers were , four "Hearts of bale" had'taken the time and the trouble to meeting will be held at the home of eoncessiwn of Ashfield, who is retiring nephews, Messrs. David and William FOX COMEDY malee happier the'liours of one tem- Mrs. Carey, from farm life, will have a sale on Nivins, of, Dungannon; Charles, of SCHOOL OF COMMERCE +, porsrily cut off from customary acti- The twenty-second annual meeting Tuesday next, Oct. 26th. • Auburn, and John, of Goderieh. - To. Ct,INT614, ONT. "'Tile Amateur Det$ctive „ the bereaved husband to whom she vibes.. of the W. M. S. of 11$etoria. St, United The annual thankoffering of the had been married nearly ..G years; is time. .. Matinee Saturday of 3 p. m. .- g , b y Students may enter at artir C"omin --"1; want m Man" JOB PRINTING A'l` STAB OFFICE church was held on Monday ravening, Willing Workers' Mission Band . of extended the loving sympathy of all, y K g y Oct, 15th, at the home of Mrs, G. M. Erskine church will he held in the A (('R�b opportunity of startin on the ratul ('(1:Yli1,ItCLAr, 0%sot" ==0=09 ed,ionclud g a into y from the Study t 7,30 program was provid- church ntn ridgy evening, Oct, 30th, �, i' D Heise this t)ppoltTI, KIT'Y anfl register NO'W at- tho SCHOOL, 0 "�OLa10 "ZOL'i<O i Mr. and Mrs, Earl Wi I) TEACHING STAVE. e U Brook, by Mrs. Philips, and a salty by Du anno» Bakery ---Taste will ghtman were with ilio well (�1 i1Li} lIs" Pair visitors last week. , , ()ur I'i2A(;`l'ICAL UirF31NESS TRAINING will fit you for the N VE ''YEAS TIME 0 Mrs, Harry clanderson. The refresh- eviint ally tell. Have you. tried our, ,Teeswater 1, Will You Be 7 What W�1 You Se Doing :e "p' meat tofYfhiittAe we're Drtre, Adarfne sri)J' Raisin Bread" Raisins render the ors• w`ni• Stackhousew of iilyth, is .. 111011FISli paid positions lu the 13 NINB14S wVOM). "bei* ,tort" WhoC'answer depends very largely upon your action NOW. 0 Mrs. Chase. The president, Mrs. Ran' brtad• not only more palatable but visiting herr niece,• Mrs. V'm. Mellow- is alwava 1tI,WAIMEU in proportion to the HERV1('1•; xenderul. doll, provided the birthday cake, dee- alae more nutritiouM. ell' CO1.,Ilt3lrfi : r utnmcrefnT, f300retarlal. Te aches, c fvi! fiervfce an.l You C:tnllnt 110pe for the realest success unles3� yU'a fully Mr. Walkom and Mr. and 1lCrs, I Mrx• Albert Walsh is in G}oderieli special (Courses. p• � opted with 22 candles. The next re - prepare yourself for it. gular meeting will be held at the home this work at the home of her mother, f; 01161 classes for Goderich Students Write today' for full information regarding our courSes. Alex. Campbell and family, of ')Cin- g g of Mrs. Sonlay. eardine s nt .Sunday at the home of Mrs. Ed, Taylor. The coin letion of one of these may Inean the differeacc lac- The Goderieh Baptist ehnrch looked ' Four weeks addlttoaal flaw given te) students en tin, i t,t ruc;ptk y p New cla55es foriltel ever v rilr, and Idr,e, David Errington, on they Mr. and urn. Mc;<Calten, of Strath- Courao. t1V+ Il 5UCCE5S 2114 failure for you. y very attractive last Sntiday with its ,Nth con. of West Wawanoah. Toy, visited sit the home of Mr. and For Information apply to B. 1', WAitD, V. A. week. �i and grains, ns of lho, har, fruits, swots Mie J. E. MIN on Tuesday last. Y1i. A. STONE, , and gx•aina, for date harvest home fes- Miss Mary McCourt visited friends (°rim, bpccialint, w ice Z rtne3pat Yrine'ill ail. ' a CENTLU S17SINESS COLLEQE. tival. The ehoirr traxe` a good account near Clinton for a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, of Toron. Phone 1t. fr. LU1YiMSORMs iL A., tsi*hseal of themselves and 10 --dem d in the bright Mr. and Yrs. Tha Bradnoek and 0, who have been via➢ting Mrs, IipgMp O>I1 ====0= and hearty singing of 40(tal,1c hymns son, Wesley, of Blyth, were guests Thompson'ti aunt, Mrs. Robt. McD w- 4 ° h , 3� • f is