HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1925-10-15, Page 2Wbi ► not �'stime.
RDROS good tea'
"Tice AGE PEKOE is extra good. Try it
The Election Campaign appointed to the cabinet hu restgned
A pzaywrlgkt cad a fanteua Lean- hlal poeitio : as pree lent of th Bld�u;
radian ,general were noamlmated as earl. ley' Harris Company and other dlree-
eiidetes for fertheonsl lteseent ter/hips in big Canadian concerns.
ferules table welds the allied nations Leber Party et Lfverrool.. Theile demister of the Kenai* Comm,
at the little Swiss town of Locarno. "Rods" made a str.nsaous effect: to so -
This time for tie .Ply the most vtrii-
purpose of Weems- cars a revision of last year's eiaseba%n ,eater � rights oaf tie eaJd mate.;
int a security pact, within tie. terms to exclude the 'red' delegates from the eraey time. Intensely prowl of
of tls' Verseilles Treaty, soaking to privileges of the conference, but with his family tradition, Cum* spent
prevk, a state of peace for poor old a vote which overwhelmed them more this whole of his life salvsaeing the
Europe . The NaL oosl sta of Gar- than tett to .one the exclusion eras poeitioa of his family and enhaaeiag
many, tis reported, are willing to go maintained. Former Premier Ram- the proud noose he bore. Unfortws-
to the heath of usassinating For- say MacDonald *track out valiantly *tidy, like so many ,sore great men,
eiga Masistsr 8tressaann rather than against them ht his wretches to the he left no son to carry on his name.
allow hiss to consummate such a fact delegates and was 'supported by see- Lady Cynthia has long been a spas -
and other inlluenas are et work to eral of his former cabinet ministers. pethizer with Labor amts.
prevent the European nations reach- The exclusion of ollicial (on► n nisi Lead of the Suomi Cham
ing a satisfactory agreement upon the delegatets, however, has failed to pre- "Canada has the glrsatos. oppoxtun-
prevention of war. Me sinister Rus- vent soatse violently disloyal speeches. sty of any country on the face of the
.isa minister, Tehitehea'is has ban in One of the amusing incidents of the earth" is the cheering message of St.
Berlin for so time cad is sadeasvor- centimes followed en -attack upon Los Strath.'s, editor and proprietor
In to ally Raul* rind Poland is an the British Empire by a few peaxtiett. of the Lawton Spectator, in a recent
agreement whleh would prevent the laxly ared.elated ,youthful araeaaibame 'sddresee, sad lye advisee Canada to
allied ratite= reaching their goat and 'who demanded the abolition of capitol' pick and choose only the best frons c
et the same those making some temp. and the smaaldng of the British Ens- the hordes who are anxious to pour
ting offers to Gorraaoy to kap her plre among other things. James Sex- into the country from all corners of
• out of the 'Locxrno eonfersnce. His ton, M.P., sarcastically pointed out the oath. Recently it was announe-,
last confirm*. with the Geraaau doe- 'Unit those young 'who demanded dad that the it�e'ernasent had entered
gate. lasted for an hour before the the overthrow of the Empire, the " into an agreement with the Canadian
denatureolof their train for Switstr- "abolition of capitalism, eelf-deteroain-,'Pacific and Canadian National Rail.;
d. :.retlrr> ation, revolution, birth control, 'ate., ways in regard to immigration and
^--� i had contributed to all these mors- there was some coneor% in the Dom -
Te Change Calendar meets the naagniticent sena of thirty inion in regard to the laxness whlelo
In lilts and thereafter Easter will
shillings. English papers treat the this Haight be responaeibie for. icon,
be a Axed date, the woad Stsasday in auch-heralded British revolutioea in a G. N. Gordon, Minister of ln9miigre-
par. Ohm orf she biggest matings of the, April, acoard[ng to news frons Iieeee 'Mess humor which makes it ex- Oen and Coleuisetion, now assures
airy contests ata recent meeting Eta 'cans aslgm i to be }tell in. Masse " B worth of Vnewe, r $tractor cesdangly difficult to gauge the sot- the. public that there will be no re -
C•• Haan on October t6, with Premier of . J�sternat;'onal Fixed Calendar o a movement, n r laxation of restrictions concern-
Eaauiiton, Charles W. 73.11, L r p e y ` a of
th Certai 1 the
who will be the Coasesrvativt standard gergsiewn, Hon, Arthur Bfieighen and • H. bas been natiffed to this xaelgeiiattons 1 the labor party ,sig imncdgrants but that the axrantre•
bearer for Rett°7larailtan, has several off halve had a maturing effect upon the' assent will eliminate the middleman in
Beat. B d Ma ata n au speakers Hoz by the I4eVe . of Nations which British public ami Ramsay Macri ld th deal. It simply net 1
plays to his credit and at last Dear Manion is one of the ht hest of the psbposes to rearm the Calendar sack•
Broadway success. General f3 C, ° nd f h ler into y of tlartes the
oma s me y lues c Dent
g ' i it i �r � rthgained a goad part of the peas- oo-operxtilon between the government
tag" Pretater s right hand men, Framer If this proposal Boar into oBet thetaways and speed in collect -
the theater of war, and he wiH be the Creast fawns and lies received a *Cpae+rd of the 444("1"4 t twa wok S of June , party the at the part elections. ingexceptable
and transporting theca who are
Haag sus be m v Meg severs .I ,, acific
Conservative candidate to Boast Hama- ,� „ , o *face over, the Labor party, in the acoaPtaWe lie Canadian settlers.
Mon. re ars a number tirel�mse from lits B. supporters.. and the first weeks of July. Each scar ethatt .y must areae
of iwtniiHitiesns to be made. u► up to month will consist of rose complete themselves against the siege of "lied"
In 'Vancouver he predicted .,great gal
*wwbtuzs's successes war. a lm imager statesmen a one. o t e sic- r< + n mon tire which be had teat since the rout
an the raii
Up -To -Date and Snappy Styles
Come in and see. Always the newest
Men's Smart Wear, at
" Men's end Boys' Stare Worth While"
Phony 219
North Si.cl&ts+sxa
ilio The still big a affirm f orf th fact h ' of the conference of the powers pro -t proposal to pay the United States
Grey'ar Mesaolrsr I►olpd by Great Britain to mediate be-
ef n year for live years in
influence with as much earnestness as The literary situation of the week .ween Austria and Russia in the dark f lieu ce interest .payments. This is
the fiat of October there were anIy thing; for Canada as a result of the wessks. The "I, day of each year will
118 Liberal candidates in the field, Australian trade treaty. be made an "nternational year day."" any of the other pxrtaes, has become has been .the publication by Viscount days of July" 1814, and believes that ,merely' interest at one per. cent., but
162 Conservative and d5 Progressives, , much more moderate in its demands Grey, of Falloden, of a book of mem» the real director of Germanys actions the offer was not endorsed as the de-
,__. -„1111..,.,
M gotiaM a permanent agreement.. It
and thus secures a bigger there of oars concerning his experiences in 0 y legation wasauthorizednl
Lncarno barley Labor Deals Blew to Beds ,.nu- -a, 1111 _ __--_ a-- �r_r, 1111,,., v.t. a., ___..__,r g only to ne-
remained another week in which ger the ei h t' i is the first time that the Coolidge ad-
ministration has admitted 'that their
motto that "he who borrows shall re-
pay,” cannot be'�striotly enforced, and
it may have interesting reactions on
other debt settlements, M. Caillaux
is a shrewd politician and cannot be
said to have entirely failed in his' mis-
slon to the United States. It also
means that the British settlement
with Frame which Ziii upon the
t terms ' granted by'Washington . will';
have to be gone into again.
---- -, the
out of the 245 constituencies. There.
_-__--_ ----- ___ __�._ ._ m__-,� .,, 1111,..,.,
nominators Ina et he wade. Hon. r e c e .en s p n tea dramatis events WAS the decision of forced the nations into the war. He
Y Y of the war, the representatives �of Britain has been dealt a severe blow .
in thoee days was the military part
with the
;Nizsr.nt Massey who Was teeently b Lady Cynthia Mosley to become a 'places definitely upon the shoulders of
Germany are sitting around the con-, y the action of the conference of the Labor candidate. Lady Cynthia.. is . Germainy responsibility for the failure
"Start a great big immigration movement into Canada, of people'
riot only willing to work but for whom profitable work .can be
found, and 41 the pressing problems that now beset our country
will be well on the way to solution." _.What E hod
v#ry y Slays.
e --let us do sof But to be sure we're on the straight and sure road to our goal, let us
begin by doing some clear thinking—some hard thinking -on these tyro important questions
class of immigrants do' we want? 2.How • ' going to attract them?
1. What are we
Valuable Lesions to be Learned from
Past Failures. ,
Heretofore we have always taken it for
granted -without much, careful thought,
'perhaps—that" it was farmer immigrants
we moat wanted, people Who would settle
on our vacant land in the West, and produce
more from the soil.
And complaints being loud and nuznerous
that ' fanning in Canada was not ai pro.
fxtable as . it should be,we have , tried to
convert an unattractive situation into an.
attractive one by lowering the tariff on
manufactured goods, in the hope of thereby
lowering farm production wets, .end so
Increasing the farmer's netts
Has that plan gotten us anywhere ?
In 1924, despite tariff reductions made
oetenaibly to benefit agriculture, there were
actually fevc er farm immigrants than in
1923 ! And when, against the total, immi-
gration _ for 1923 and 1924, we offset the
total. emigration from our towns and cities,
we find that the country has suffered a net
loses !
So, obviously there is something wrong—'
mere—in *the plan we have been
following, ---either in the assumption that
it is farmers we most want, or in our method
of attracting them. Perhaps it's a combin-
ation of the two.
Population trecteaies `1-osrd bo _._ 11.11.,._
Property Balanced.
In shaping our policy as abdve, we have
certainly overlooked one very important
point. Partners: as a rule don't sell to
fanners, but to town and city folk. So when
we try to increase farm population by
methods that operate to decrease town and
city population, we are actually making
things worse for the very people we, are
trying to benefit. We are curtailing a
domestic market that our farmers', can
control, aid we are increasing their de-
pendence upon an export rnitrket over
which they have no controll
An Alternative Plan that Promis
Better Success.
Let us now go back to the beginning
again, and ssbtrt from the alternative
,, as eimptlon that it's primarily town and
city population we want to attract.
Are 63 Countries Wrong
and OnlyRight?
Canada l�'xght.
While Canada has been lowering
her tariff, these 63 countries
have been raising theirs:
British Guiana
British Honduras
British West
Finland •
Repub. of Georgia
Germany - -
Gold Coast
Colony .
Irish Free State
Netherland East
New Zealand
Persia .
San Salvador
Serb -Croat-
._-. __Slovene State°
Sierra Leone
South Africa
United States
And now even the United
oat has begun to protect
her Bone markets.
63 Countries lutve been rnak-
Ing it more difficult for Canada
to sell in their markets, while
Canada has been makingBet
easier for the whole to
sell in hers!
Have they all blundered? Has,
Canada alone shown wisdom?
Obviously the way to attract that class
is by switching - from a policy of lower
duties to one of higher duties. The one
thing above all others that the inunigrant
wants Is the assurance of a steady job e
good wages. Give him that, and he will
cotne in his thousands; --yes, in his tens of
thousands ! . And in a policy of higher
tariffs he :will have his guarantee that
;steady work at good wages will be await-
ing him.
"Yes," you say, "but what about our
farm population? We want it to increase •
tool" Of course we dot But with town -
and city, population increasing, can farm
population do other than increase in pro.
portion? With more customers for farm
produce anct with a higher purchasing
poweer per customer due to higher wages,
isn't it inevitable that a domestic supply
be forthcoming to meet a domestic
demands- particularly if we protect farm
products in the same way that we propose
to,,protect manufactured products?
A Precedent That Shows What Can
Be Donee!
We have tried the plan of lower tariffs,
as a means of attracting farn>ler immigra-
tion, and we see -that ithas signally failed,
and we know the reasons why it has failed.
Why not now try the alternative plan of
higher tariffs, as a• means of attracting
urban immigration, when it seems per-
fectly clear that it • must bring farmer
inuxiigration in its train?
Even if the latter were mere theory, that
would be no valid reason for 'rejecting it in
favor of a policy we have tried, and found .
to be barren of results.
But we know that it is far beyond the
• theory stage. The "United States offers a
practical demonstration, of its success! By
the plan of higher tariffs, to benefit all
classes of population, the United States
has managed to' ,*ttract .the biggest and
longest sustained immigration .movement
the world has ever known!
What better example does oda
Sassializesaraaas 'flaws Osmanli* Ste ass
.*1 .A . o:y, „ 1, .. ' e ,! xw ,yk 4: :k sy;' ; .1111 f • T •,f,(! . -.,-
oraar Vit ,• , r"i„ Tflipeolp ;-+.. "°, ��� ',". . w i. ..w0,e+w....'1 ....*qV1, Mrwyy,.
•ambelo„ .,......1111....,
Fame Neck and Arms Easily,
Made Smooth, taps
�r : e:.•..a , : „ 11,11 Specialist_
The Archbishop of Canterbury's
Plea for Christians
Into the arena of the 1Koaufdispute
comes the .Archbishop of Canterbury!
with a plea for. proteetion for the
Christians of the Mosul district who
are waiting in fear and trembling the.
outcome of the dispute over the ad-
ministration of that province of the
Kingdom. of Irak. Turkey, it now
transpires, bas been mobilizing an
army for several menthe past under
false pretences, so that .she, Will be in
a position to strike a strong blow if ,
she is thwarted in her plan to secure
control of this ancient and valuable '
settlement which was under her rule
before the war. The British fleet in
the Mediterranean is beingmobilized.
as a 'reminder, to Turkey that Bri-
tain's fighting arm is within reach.of
the disputed area. • It is ' said . that
Turkey has already 'mined' several'.
towns which might 6e, -involved in the
fighting if a'` struggle ensues.
War Debt Negotiations
The French war debt negotiations '
in Washington have ended without a
definite settlement though - the final
offer of the United States was a much
more lenient one than that accep,
by Great Britain. The French off
was to Pay 34,210,000,000 in t
course of -sixty-two .years, includin
principal and interest. Washington
countered with a proposal similar to
that accepted by London, . which
involved a payment of 810,000,000,000
by Prance. M. Caiilaux, head of the
French delegation, them differed $6,-
220,000,000 over a period of zloty -
eight years, and a clause in the agree-
ment which would relieve ''them of
their payments in the event of a na-
tional calamity. This ..proposal was
also. rejected end the Frenehnien are
now on their way hack to Paris with a
Perilous Position
Any breaking out of the -skin, even
fiery, itching eczema, can be_quicicly
overcome' by applying a 'tittle edentho-
Sulphur, declares a noted akin special-
ist Because of its germ destroying
properties, this sulphur preparation be-
gins at once to soothe irritated skin and
heal eraiptions such, as rash, pimples and
ring worm.
•. It 3eidonr fails to remove the toxin
and disfigguurement, and you do not have
to wait for relief from embarrassment.
Improvement quickly shows. Sufferers
from skin trouble should obtain a swal
jar of Rowles Menthe -Sulphur from
any good druggist and use at like cold
cream' _ 1111. ,
Men's :Black
de Pants
These pants are well. made.
-and have•`five pockets and
side loops.,; Reg: price
$2.00. • Clearing out
foo this week, only
Sizes 32 to 44
vmbe stop the