HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1925-10-08, Page 4GODCH STAR TWMMAT. am. INN SM _- I•UlaNY&AI lor of rws s Rwb M r. i :. .... . prieffoc as is to ]is si ' w` t}• • 1'vot Ow Pon for Lu r on r..» TH TFST COATS tRfv. W. Z. V. Aie1ti16aaa. Basler ed is la st aew w 1 r g h somta gep#:1r kr'` e'• . N LF. a't. G y From TM w..ta G We 1 FillingFoun nIn Pon ecntd wlNrEx 1 , ', 8t. George ■ ehtercb was prrattily et•- i,I CaLOrli CosiTS for FA LaL coveted for the Harvest ThiaailsOvimg a brief mootloss ed UW destr is Citi. luxurious fur rubors and cuffs. A)lost Of lOvely► 11trs Models services on Sunday. Sept. 2Ttb, with sago of Mr. Tiede D. Mareland, a •arae hero:, Sizes iiia' Misses, 1 ralilieu, ostia }. S. Women; ; styles vegetables, otables. frluts ad tlo wrs, a»d tlas wealthy rortradw am rw21 inswn ► Solid f l d fur young Ladies and Matrous, ;specially priced during our s vias for the va loss. serviess at yatdstsmax. at the age at sac years. $1000 ung Ralf the asy, holy coaarmumon .at a3 a, m Mr. Norolsows oil Wfts ryas at Ndie,tionchor al celebration oa'. hely ees•na11" • and h+ t>tadde Pasta" for Crhi-s It r Ott 11 a. los. elk! festal oveaaeass at 7 cage about the year In$ or Inn. S, T F.AC .t"ION- $13.95 and up +i U.4RA.Ni ffT p. na., were cervica out lit t B e SHEPIE A'Va! l! tlaca ¢rognua pvbuahed 'in flaw' I3{ar . p RI+D the previaras weeks tial festival tswic '.Several nganno fra it on rWayattab• f fila H D U N Lo i'' ' the FAI s.1 s1+i7t bol very finely rondezed. weeir.aannon Fair an Prissy of lest' a ■ The presebor far the day was Acv. week. The RerAl Drug Store J!!`aP p►,l tT i ENGLISH FELTS and ,ai 'ICH YEE- W. E. V. McX1110% rector of mer. Miss Joan a3osi +o at"aa mart af ti n?. Smartness lttlds to gllftlitjr Roil, with whom the rector of St. last week with her friend, xiirg Ztpby d Wrd I. il+r Ck ^* Godortch. YES nt exc,ii ive new des r s . Geel'1«'e s,, Rev: Mr. Hardy, slr ekanged Johnston. of AshIIald. in the citaarntitl Huts. Yo1u will be delighted with the lastest in ehauge of ties organist, air. C A. Percy Grekwa lana almost fully re- "nigi will bee 1ialllY sur rises shares such l0vel •hats IL rsraslail aaerrrlces tirexe covered from his recent idlarees, beim __---.-- g cail he scald so rest omn ably. >`lipy are all specially rilced during t confined to bed for several +days. H. ii, Berne, of Toronto, first vice pre- Board or Hoshk riltr else."at6t111 st C. Taking for lois text sk tlae li o'cloc . Mr. and firs. Rabekt Wilson. of SkUnt of the Provfmcfid W. M $. of The local- Board of'Health Met as saarvlt#, Deutereneamy' V11r:7»9, xtr, 1uploy,, y Mr. and Mrs, W. D. tine proobyterian shureh' At the close Monday afternoon. McMillen applied the words to Can- Armstrong, the Storekeeper at Wwp- of the meeting refreshrmmnts will be . F G. Weir submitted. his to- McMillen ads, livor the Lord, thy G{oa, beingetlx pardtarr, litsi fiundy. orved; and sm opportunity Riven those po showing inspectionSilk Fro& of various thea Into a i i"a laved. a 1034 of Uvaks , roam* to most Mrs, Horne. A most and the cause of 'dame nufs.• of anaAs►r, of feaaaetaias aa•d do►tbs'tlmt the a Ladles Missionary £Society of p preuifsse .T NUNUSUALLY VARIED C`i LLZC "' ON O spring out of velleyao xrdd hilts; x lam'Me niiaed church leave leak) their a'rto 3asvle women to attend fs extend- slices, which bed been repo raar:ov Q a pp this week, A good of Mrs. ed to all the wa ten of then d atwn to th . During September he inspected NEW FROCKS, that will a rel strongly t0 every iNoxnan of wheat and b.rIey, and vhie+oo and fig meeting at the., home of eys. lila tion. Special attention ie drawn to the.baks shops and butcher shops,and and Miss desiring correct dress at reasonable cast, leu lustrous tress arid r s rcanhm err, Goa a 13 ►w., «t trod was the change of ante and hour at moot- found thctta in goad corort of mi ,.►''1 satin -,Faced ataKxitan with cut velvets in the: favorite, shades. - alive cold haaiey►; a )orad wiexein thou 114, ! The following report of male, cream shalt est broad without eco erich, t and water saaapies sent to the In ed, Them shalt fiat lack anything in it; a and her niece, of Detroit, also Mrs.. , Mooisi ; tut, of Public Health was received,. }} lama whose stansra are Irom and out of H; Ponnabaker, of Clinton. viotpxed A >Gr nsdbar troni #Goduriah wem . In under date"Of Sept. 8th:. Water of " II£ t 'Fo'r the - Men . and You Jaw hills *tont imayeet did brass." hero and •pent a clay with )►iiia Nary attendsn *at the meeting in Clinton excellent ganitary quality. . I lir eMilkn told of Iliad WOU4sxM Burrows this week: T Drayton. addressed by Sir Ren- piernentages of butter fat in Barn- . E 1'mwramma .. bas . was pri .. t _ .'Mrs. Mrs. Charlia 0=20ani two a bel l Charles dr Middle- les of milk and cream A Special is lacing offered iiaba aG .. _P )Sulk Cream . • - , r _ :. froze the high A berta h , M rtinme a the South Huron Dairyman , ton, president of l lainketm during our "A:1t+r:zatiittt Sala town of Olds, Mrlarzt prat 'padsla Yonngost daughter, Mildred, and Mises Liberal Ca isAr"tive Association, was $Isiah 20.ti Ails the largest size, at '2.5 per pen`. We bave-aa full range of Overcoats lay. The atmosphere wossoi extreme -'Flossie Thompson, motored up from risher 2036.• in the chair, and with him on the • • •`f•i 26'6 We are also a7fierin,g A Special iu i lir clear that the wholoa vista of nal• Kitchener on 'Saturday evening and platform were David Cantelon, W. H. Battle ..... • • ...3.0 ui the season s latest shades and styles. de •18.0 F,verelSt Plaid $la itii[Cts. Special at + y , bills, lakes, prairie r, villages and, x1mat Sunday with their relatives, Consltt, Lieut, Gal. H. B. Combe, ex- McManus ., •,... • • •3.6 20.7 ` for leer t~awt aI1ZC in duel- Yeti wit► find the very latest here in towns, Spread out •before his eyes for Mr. and Mrs. Bert $ogle and family, Wonsan W. R. Elliott, N, W. Trewar- Oka .. r .r. • • • • , .3;1 • lW► ` P+ur . Full Hats and Caps. a good niii aber of plies, with the mag• er. Jahn Cantwell,. an old resident , • , , .. , .3 2 2x1,5 ' gist p1 aids, niticent )rocky lno=talns In the,back• the, M.1..A. W. R. Holmes and the Bell . , , . of. this place for many years, sled on Goderfch goterarl, Wm., Cauipbeli. ground. This scime .he likened to the Sunday night or Monday morning of The Phalen orchestra provided in ex- Bl :l '.. '' .TOWN Tf;1F'I<CS j which is now on. While our wonderlpl vista which greeted tlat this week, after,,* lingering'!lines of cellentliro;iaam for half an hour be- The W, C. T. U. will hold their re - Alteration store is nein remodeled' . *e eye, 4f Alessi• from the summit of four years' duration, In his 79th year. fore the opening of the meeting, gnlar meeting' Monday, Oct. 1,2tn. at Remember Our Mount Nebo, described in the venues , . The funeral will take place on Wed. _ xghich Inas hold the town hall: Mi. 3 P• m„ in the Temperance Hall. You are offa:rin all the goods in oar Stole at reducedprtees Take advautag of this he for his toot of'tkae good land nesday afternoon to Colborne ceme. J. J. Berner, the South Huron Meigh- axe all welcome. PRESS SUPT: 4 silt and coa in and nee our goods» to which God *go leading b°1; chosen terlr.. " on candidate, made a brief speech and The evidence of several witnesses ...... .. , people and which kiaaea Was not per- was well received, after which Sir, witted to enter. Moses could see in In the charges against the proprietorthdcic jsF,,+ OpLU 'y R KNOW . henry Drayton, with,the wealth of in- of the export. warehouse rat the dthe the clear atmospbere the hills and formation which his experience as and his assistants 'was •heard, fn the A46- t slleys stretchin,f as far north as the Mias Flora Smith is: visiting friends chairman of the railway .commission _I LDand .relatives, in Detroit. _ magistrate's court yesterdayand anRNmoutains of Lebanon, to the eastbo and as finance minister big given him: adjournment of a. week 'was made, Ig iNVITIO) Ifo SHOP gond the valley of the Jordan and; Mr. E. T. Batson aria Mr. Ea; W31- ;spoke most informingly -of the •Tall- A brass band of seven pieces has SHOP WI CRIS a V AR west to the blue Meditexrannean, son, of Hamilton, motored to town wa' nestion,the tariff" and of the ex- Phooe 4i$ e ' a m s ` p The whole of this beautiful .country for the week -end, agony and wastefgIness of the , been organized fn connection With the local Salvation Army, corps and i t n ' stretched out biefore , bis -.gaze. The Mrs. Stanley Reeve, Of • Sarnia, is present Government. made its first- appearance' on Sunday, ifrwain y text Mr. McMillen had. selected, he visiting with her mother, Mra; Roaet- it cold, was a very true.,descrtption of to Wilson. Cameron St. Wasbington won the` Srst game In. last In connection with. the Sunda C " AN OPEN i.E'rTi R fully rsquoSt.yon to hold joint meet ` .EIEHiTR1 sboth these scenes. Bias Grace Hoggarth is i>1 Detroit . the world's aeries yesterday by a school Tally day services.. There are iirt;s with mR. lktr. P'xasair and I`went lata x' 'The land referred to do the text was this week looking up new styles and score of d to 1. now fifty-two names on the S. S1 roll. ' .•,.a - Miss B . hfo. d, 9f fixator; ins visit- British .Chill . into the last campaign friends, and Promised by God to a .people who had ideas in dremmalcinir. _. me out of it friends. You mads }'og her slate)', Mrs, Roy* Liztklater, never dwelt there' (Abra bam'sad liv. Mise Rutted a of. Steete'r, Limited, 1 Dear Mr, Editor;-- . we came o s } , the electors of . Miss Brma Freeman hag returned ed only In the far south), a land in w in Kitchener thiar week in" conte V 1t is for from my desire or thou, ht many pr mis as . , Cary iu. Aff o rd to Lose Into an newspaper con North Huron four years ago, and I home pftox a months holidays in which T hey had..clone nathiAgli :where vection with the Company's business to enter in o Y peiPe Woodstock. woWd be glad to be with you when everything was 'P nage. -he t by ,there. vers However, the electors Or.. tell them haw yo kept those WeS. Moore has returned from the God for their heritage. ri`iio three i Y. have u, you el y' o f - Mr. Chas. C. 'Lee made, a trip to When yon buy speculative Shares which have no Earning. th1lheRAver North Huron are asking, and s $ promises or, ,, attempted to ,beep them. West. slid is visiting at the h me o great annual Jewish festivals --Vasa ` ht to ask that Al issues of the day P Fort William on the Steamer' Mapiei and no Market Value you: are simply GAMBLING rig We colt both lay our political. frauds Mr. Alex: Norton, over, Pentecost and Tabernacles-- whelming probability that you••will ,LOSE YOUR MONEY. Why be resented op¢nly, and; not retailed " Various belle fn" as Grace H n leaves next "u+ere kept gas thanksgivings for thick court; arriving homt .Ata Tuesday take this long chance when, you can INVEST your SAVINGS IN ,p upon the table in theu c °Oranderful ifs.' An 'n our own'la d evening, l SO Itividend aying,Securities of Known Value and Earning privately with a difYf"O salro North Huron and let the people take week to :train fora nurse. in Gorterich o d a n UND P, b. voter therefore; registered a t W ass there Sbonld be deep thankfulness far Dr. and Mrs. R. E. Gaby and son Power (always readily marketable) and be safe', You can do this by a ach l+ their choice will do, aw y wi h hospital. a wish her Success. t the following, the• :maivellong aiM which-G.oa.:bav returned,%% Toronto after spend availing yourself. of bur to my Opponent a whispering carapalgnr >i soul) be Mr. Ed. Shaw returned home, last:•__. _.__r ceasing _, - ._M... .... ._.. _.. and, as usual, lie, far reasons best hath poured out upon us. The words 'Ing two weeks with Mrs,: Glaby's. aunt, „ . completely +glad to .leave the .dateaa and places of , week from. tine West, having spent a `"I',,"a`Y IN A YEAR PLAN" " krsown to himself, has co pie Y ig the meetina7s with Fon so that veil t i this we liarvest fields: at the text describe the .land. of Can. Mrs, Wm. D. Tye. neves it find mad* no feply, Nothing mon h n li sdat for surely. it is a land of wheat Mr. ,John , Stools,:. of Parkdale, Example X500 Inftiisl Investment) It an o n can airange ev oryrtbllit to suit:yaurw. Mrs. Russell King and little dough d e 7bxonyo, .who spout th8 Week.euri with then remains, but to make i dm earf It ou .wis{, to have any other an burl y, and of .xiah mines, All ;600 Invested (Pay in a Year Plan)' will buy outright . ' lI . teak' of Anbuxar; are visiting the farm- is 1 our i Ilex' his. brother and Ns ters 1n . liuran. PRONE.... , . `.. . letter, to the Fxesg .':,..Dividend Rate 8 a , . speaker wash y'ou I will Have 'no ob- er+s en Mr. and Mrs. Percy this , s n , ttanGes and tale text is, County, returner)• to hie uottte. on &Ian-... 6 ,STI`ARr.S DELL TELE r. • Air. J. W. Ring, Eic M. 'v ,• i, , - Joetions. T'hia has always appeared . s prophecy of aur own land. We do day. 10 SHARES STEEL OF' CANADA, . -Dividend Rsye 7 c )parole Oni. o is Stewart. not rreeslize .the;exlent:o th' 3nhexi- 10 SHAR'r15 CANADIAN FOUbTDRY,:Pk'A..Ilividgnd;Eiate ? Io B , to me. to be a manly land ecan m al • Mr, and Mrs: Thos, Davis ani falm- Dear Airr. King : campaigning. Far any fury Several .of the ladle$ of the. Lee tance. We ought, to qu, down on our { t s 'urit'es are long established dividend 1 t'that at the be. way `of ca , pat gning ii ily, of. Winona, were. its town for ser- The above investmen ec i You ,will recol ec . ther det,0111 about thegb aartana#enientst burn W M. S. intend going to. Part .knees and thank God for.ft, ' a afternoon to the ' exal :days .during. • thu week. .Their: payers and possess an unusual degree Of i}aafety plus extraordinary ' inning of the X981 campaign, I wrote Albert on. Thursday y ter Nor is it only the products of the i+s I would be glad - to Vont you any P many friends were pleased to see profit making poseibilitieS on market advances. Fraser,. su gtatfi,al that ; you and Mr, where and any, time. thank -entering meeting.0 the .W;M.S. yield and tialne far which we have to p ° in meetings 'throughout of that' church, i thank"God but far our h m'e' condi. them" (Other Investment Group Selection', for Smalley or Larger Sums we hold Joint m itg ! Yours reMp+ctfuliY, . o . , n . pn r"uest). the Riding. -Mr. F'raioer accepted, but ti •- O SPOT'TON m tions: 'Think .of the :conditions In Air. John W Salkeld, .lei; L. A:, oklet "The l;old to Pik' ncfal Independ. GE Our new investmentbo i you either declil ed or ignored my re- $AYFIltULl) Russla, or In Chins, ,where the little Moasomtn. Sisk.; Mrs. Lucas, of New was monl r - chi) work i York, and' Mrs. lDunamore, ar Strut With gives a complete ma market pricesandexplains Paying w you can Start ` quest. Afterrbaida i1i. corm y} 1n the presence of a largae Bong a dren n ihw factories, with their.high and low t p ,gip '.:. reported that ilia reason that Aalr. ! COL1 iQl ''s gation, . tnciudinJr ten ministers and Again we Ought to thiole a od: Think ford, are visiting their rrelatives on investing small Ar large gums with absolute,•, ,safety bur our "Pal+ in a King did. not agree was that he 4 Mr: N. 1'esraon shipped a irload their wives, Iden. ii. F. Aennee B.D., of the church, services which we may the Bayfield Road and in town. Y@ay PIan.,, ,Send for it today. No obligations. thought Spotton might be abuaiive on Of hogs from McGaw on Mandday.. • (vas formally inducted iota the poets- izo'easfly attend regularly; then ihfil - The following from Goderich were S ACT AS OUR LOCAL aRRPRESENTATIVES WANTED O C the platform.. This of course. was a Mr.• and Mika, Robert AldMilliaa, or ' orate of St. Andrew's United church, of -the people on the prairies riding in attendance at the Huron Deanery, CORRESPONDENTS naerer subterfuge, because it was well, Goderich, visited, vritli the lady!s liar* Baylfald'.. "triao wdreviice v►aic held oil , sometimai ,forty mittwo an horseback ineetmg in Exeter on 'Tuesday:. Rev. A known that in my twenty -416 lrei4rra intoe 01! Sunday. ' Th:urada ,,00. Ie and; was ptosked to attend a service. and Mrs. Hardy, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. ,.....,. ...... •...... MAIL THIS COUPON ................;.•..-..; csmpeigning that the various Liber-' i A carload of plank w" tritloaadod' at, Aver bg rev. Geo. Telford, ehairma<n. su,raly :the4 wards of the tei2t are Brown and Miss Brawn, Mrs, :sot xis whops I hacl met upon the pal t- McGfaw. Station .thh !Meek -to b Wsed of alae ixuipn I'ro+dbytory. Rev. Sed true. ;gurely we should realize these. mail,, Mra. Foster, MV. ,Carrie," :Mrs. Date......... , ......:....:.... r farm through tlab province were life. i long friends thaarasafter, jor county ptnrposest ' by xeltexaaon IrrewoheE the sermon, wonderful blessings which. Cod has Garrick, Miss Dark and. Miss Taylor. Burnett Sainte, Clair ak Co., - upon moil Cornelionw and Investment Bankers, " Of course the great historic Liber, Mr. and firs, SeaiiauAl 8hearcdown with Rev. J. la ke., a$ odor prayer, showered u n ua and $ive their, sem, and hie. wife' and Mr anti Canada Cement Bldg., iii lied Iraadtdons of which it and family hpent Sunday at the home Rev. Chas. Clarke, of GodbrichX ad- thanker Mrs. Jluaoa Corneliau+', Of Whttechureh, Montreal, Quebec. ,- -.-----y-- Pasty. dressed' the 'niinigterc''and Rev.' Mr At the evening service Mr. McMit. d a 1 u n. at Mr, J. . rebl'r, _ . _ -- __ „ - -. spentlsnu8av at the hom►,--of `Mr. Kud -- -- ap wag truly, Proud► an , lm l iia j Arnwur, of Bracefield, addrsegec' alis leis isresrclied from the wrarda, Bellald d. "Xuu naay acus ti►e ilntails of your "Payim Year Plan and. . _ i which it ;stood; therefore they Iiad ! M J• CS. iyaarneat is relieving agent congregation, At the ck►se of this s Sower went forth to sow.>, Mrs. Tea" -tirn . Mrs. Gray rnd Mr . our booklet without obligation on m art. I am- interested somethitor to preseiti to the glecEarrt.,'at McGaw, .Station; while A2r. %a 'v xerxi 1 CoraglfouR `end non, anal M>C. ,.J ft. y p i f the Progressive "ileicqub Sit 4A hie holidays -rote Interesting ._pmt. , _ . , k. _..,v _... _ (Steel•, of_-Tzrbuto,• -lend Xr. Pb1llu, in the following Securities: Now, Mr. Xing, I srogre• .0►YAL Rteels, of &shfleld. are brothers slid ► Paity liras a policy which can be pub. I Mrs- Fred Soobrook, also Mrs. Chas. aaat down to tables )ascan with over . , things, and. wafter sapper was over Bias :Char1<ttte )?atter Is visiting in aiaterb- Another rennnioa. hely proclaimedi, and not merely . i>ed* Clark, visited at the hems of Mr.:. ')veils . • , • . • • .. . ... . . ..... • .... ... .. • • .. . • . • • . • . sled privately, would again rrespect- Char Allin ort McN+fadsyr last* several b the Visiting ca members or .Detroit. Mrs and err, Robert ltysaedl, A ..'..- the Pra•bytery weave coolies upon for street, received the and: news on Sun= , , .. r ... r , : -.. ,+ , • .. .. Y .. .. `' Mr. and Mrs. Urns Rodgers are . ,. • • . • • ...... .. r ... . • .. . r • ,; addresses, sonic of which were highly day morniniC of the death of Mr. Rus• r r .... complimentary to Mr, and lfre. Kan- thea proud: parents of a baby boy. sell's - youngest sister, Mrs, Thomas nedy in their splendid work on formerMrs, Johnston, of Goderich, is visit- Ramsey, who died in Detroit Sunday Name..:...... •........................ cha'rg'es and bespoke a happy and suc- Ing her daughter, Mrar. Cantwell. morning In her 77th year. Shor leaves The Huvests snand cesaful; future for them•and the ooh- The Wamen'a'Missionary Society or her husband, one'son and two Baugh- Dept. D. R Address ................................, gregatian to whom they have bean Smith • Hill Held their monthly meet- favor, and one slater, Mrs. ildary Rob- Gity . ....... . ............ . .Ir . • ,, , , Gallia to minig'ter, • :Ing at the home of kits. Wni. Sallowr:, inion, of Detroit. . , ,... .. ._r 2._ w„.. { .. - - ' .CAMf lYLlF•/ MTML/J4/ _ + .I.OdtG .4. .4,R:/ V+FMVJ..l 4.1'{, K......................M „r.• .r,,.r.. .. ,. .......... . •.•,•r.,.. ,. Mrs,. Pouulter is under the doctors Mr. Ed, McDowell, of Toronto, is The services In Knox church next visiting Mo at Westfield Sunday will be condu4ted the pas. cxrefarthe.present. - lid# by :P!+,.r ..r..a.,,r;o...,....ww..,.,. ,v,...•.+,...rr.r,ur,., .,•.. „ " =» ' Fe are glad to report that 1d5r. Mr. and lira• Vodden, of Geodes- tar. Subjects, 11 a.m., "`Speaking t' John It. Long In improving very- •rap. Baro, visited at Mr.' Alva McDoraatl'# With Authority;”' 7 P.m, '"the Use at di SundaySchool, idly. - .4v W 1 i t71.i an Sunday" r n Classes at 3 p, m Adult and Mr, sand Mrs.. Laltmctue are on their Mr. and Mrs. Bert Carter, of near, ° i, 3%E: im iC1iV"t'Y 'holidays. They are visiting' Montrsal Brussels, spent Sundays it Mr. Waal. " Rev. ill. Jas. Wilson, af' Brampton, and paints east. ' formerly of Dovercourt Presbyterian' ' Aixs. iColin Campbell and.:children"church, Toronto, was elected, modem- Most 1rothes Look Well p - - menu in your. fpm. Which win Mr. Edger, Vanstone, of '1"oranto, for sof the continuing Presbyterian was in the community lost week, cal. spent over tha`weak end with friends'. -synod of T`oroaoto and Kingeton,,which In Dungann . s bring you bigger retui'fu 1 linin on old friends. t 9 mat at Knox church, Toronto, this n e,,w ' Mr. Durst, who had been ill for Airs. Jairieaa Eisler, of I,andeuaboro, week. ' some time, passed away on Tuesday visited at the home of Mr. W. F. Baptist church, Oct. lith: Harvest ea " Crmpbell last week, 1 )jilt the beaaut Of MARTIN TAILORtD afternoon of tial• week. i home Services next Sundry. Special Ptrh g You i hould begin. 1 ghC The anniversary aerrice• In carinae• Air. and Airs. We•. tackhonse and musical Services by extra choir. Ser- f Clothes", is that the fit and shape are hand _K tion with t%* =on aappmintmost 'wily, fsmlly, of 'Biqa ftdold, shout Sunday mons, by the pastor. The, church will llbQi. be held on Odobw 86th- 'A former with Air. Roland Vincent. be sultably decorated. Evxining sub- tailored into them: pastor, Revr P. '>s» Banes. B. A.,, will lir. *ad 1+irsr Lockwood, of Blyth, jot, -This Feast of Tabernacles, The.[y %iaSja"ab"aL eGood ?Lookseacbr of ` be the prr• visited `Tiro. Lockwood's Barents, Mr; final harvest of the work). Be sure tX The Mana%U Complying with the xedlueSt of the and Mrs. D. Carter, on SOndry", i:and be there. t1Ci 4111 ' moderator of the United Church of , Mrs. J. );)0147 and gon,''Will, of Brn-; North St. United church, Iter. C. b'. 1400K OVBPI THE Bank" Canada, Dr. G.1, 0. Pidgeon, the pastor Mlllw, visited at the howo of Mr. anal Clarke, minister. Sunday, Oct. 11th : 1 1 bow is holding a special service at each of, Mrs. J. Lr 9eN*$n oat *21d0-110 a. m., +C'bdssar, Mission Bend and Crown Tailored Overcoats at av< ,...G..._ 1r 1 t you 1 uW the sappointrnaiats 04 week, to stndY Mr. j. - r. 1 11s returned here* on Man's Club; 11 a, in, public worship, ' `, '(i o srtC 't4 iVlf:Jt Bt y our tf1 at.'Paui's'Spistijto the Ifpheaians. ITuesday of this weak after spftaing preacher, Iter. J. R. Freers, of Dail- 1125-00s" • s The 'enrallltr Circuit Qulk will arrival days as judge at frirs at Sim- gannon, s P. tn., Sunday School #od ' t you ` ' text hold their first mooting for 04 fall cee and Blenlaslm. i Bible Classes; 7 p. m., evening wor- y the InIndstor -coaatin- 'W WANT YOU TO SHR THE and whiker oat I'Maa>r ea'r+a11t►1t at the Jiiiss )levy Rlil• is spending a fever s1►IP: ', : r1i1d )roma of the proadsnt. All ia"nab0ts"woeks visiting fi,fends est Stisthroy, ,niter otsdfes In Epliaelmis. The spar; NEW HATS amd any Versions who would like to at- also, with her, slater, Mks Boortba El• eW ae'rriele will be toatinued nsxt tend ara expec*, and lnvited• lis, at oowtwrlght. , week an Mm yr, Wo4moday alis rrl- They're right its $baxde and Shape. The fatly Dar service at Asthal Mrs. J. D. AiiW* of LealnlAftari day rreriluga st $ Is^ The rs-opoe. • last Siandaay morrilve was 'reg r goad• anal lura. (PAv.) Medd, od oaattuia 11W s•eviMc•ao of tial ehrarck will ba Heid A special feature of ties ptor a= wast a few dsys last weep with tia•ir ;'0 , ilak" Ietb. )'tet. M. M. f f aril QW , rliraalo and l tbk' Seto. " " >bkaitett. of Vi;;",,*M be too sre- .the pageant given bar tie, baali•ei Sister. Mrs. J. N. Craawpitsil, 'Ty3lC wo the vrry l. Smri„willyMaid W tbtiir '1"laa ummirrarsat'yr aaerriceaa bt V1'kt•• eis►I ya, nits• tear flw der 1 FRANK MARTIN t3eii Uirito•i elsnroia ew lest Itany Day gamice next'llmAoy. } .vara wary' u ti* Atte sled• liar►. tho w T O rs► railer and Matter " STANDARD BANK lir. L1e aaaaFlyr. ad r ra scar^► tww W +iw,i+ 2 r,raa.04*6. Acv; lt. Cr Mcller>Maid le t>Ms wlrtwws• einaoiiaflt a se+a ulw M+a f t syr. Oct. !!a"t. at 8 eekak it the )me. E • of tho mile trap ('lists sae _elf C ra"loI a,1 two riga aa. ,As' rao r"16 IdcWt 118 DLCaox ON JUM fi31;hB +air 9QVA X, QQDWC1t TM = M 1 :1 1,1+M M wide as rrst scow st SK wMek is t! be- try the aa ssRiha rakgealg•afi row 9* the mla4•f f"tisre 04 law rat'. 'Zke duals fern fire (:atter w Tbr 'aa Wm wr•'T Mleetelr of velli t io14 socia rift W )torr. µ "ir,,yware *A tot loeea oared et. of ''MP a+atabs ialwi cLRairoli, Mlsatrl- ' [R 1