HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1925-10-08, Page 1i .-V - ,�� -, -,r I �WTI
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rho Godorkh Star �
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I . I GOOMM MAW UWA. TRULWAY. OCTOW S. 1"s _*�� . ,.�,
1, . .. _. __ - ___ - � " .- - �- ___ - - - - I . ...... .._-...:. - - VANATTER, Ak NAFTE4 Publimurs kt�
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I =' I 11 wl" for As MALAA-_ _____ V1
I I Tk Manufacture of Cuada's Ra Matefirls. in Gnada Mans Von Work, hmm &psi Im P"llation, and More Railway Tralle Qlk�� ote fo I
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I . = - __ -.,-, - - - - � - - _ .1 r GoVernment by Melghen
I I of -W —.- _0 wpia"--momm-M - - I __ - ANNOUNCBJdXM k 7 " , -,- __ - mcm I I I =========== I..,
*tifix #,ftss Lp:!toww !Zth Atin
a I _.___�_ , I � TOWN * TOPICS 11, where Ahmial liolp 14 urottly ' allc
J. r. ]CIL1.01PI&N 1 ""Id. ba*MPA *
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.. aun Life Anumce Go. of Canada *111ounses tkat his lAw practice I" .T*,& LoIrs" XWW M61114"t"Ag C41111,00 CIO W *@**gs to �s!tch, and tT ' I
The opaiiiing I t i - r4tr the Assioklio of W ladvatrW . . I
I V I "" .11A. taken offit, by Xr. Jack Lawrtmil is taking ja the It b"bW" rnoetkw at %Wo= a - it ot Ao'erl"n Committee of tke Collegiate aliard
. DO YW XARPM I P ticktA agmts, Ulp, we uAdorxt&4 ke M#nosetuag OR** Cl*b lot 00 R"*XPAOL A*W a Vsditint break- I
V 1. jz�w poft a ismis ww dw . r. X DAXROW and, - :Vp;� be fail was ke&d 9A Toso"y is"faisq, fast 4ke. k.may 40q04 i"* o" th* tw orgailsization of these spislaw,
r - , I I I 7 dow I& oted � WIN* will carry MI P"diiffir autteirs to warrw I wimin booklatio" for the varle," 4& =*M� V;X,6,5a�_ and lluf' helpful, 0alsol will begin Xood*y,,
. ^.. . ISO= U b" not la= 2 ==11W r4sumw f At oullebalsa. and who kils b�wn fiel"isipslaw by I4w 'be &ft wilt =040. V*rlow valftors ed fp];L Oft thak TOWM tMY will Tit. Oct. 12th next$, in the clasa elsealle .
. I 1. DO Lotmp=13r lit* Isaaranoo who i4ld, "t �, an legal pilm" tho A" r4w tZirr. I r"ce *4 the interest were omulderod wlid, provis. aille t�w" "Ib"o the troo Too I
00 for t4o futuW , I muom% kWO& Mr. Darrow trip. Contra I I =f � =of thil Pool tables w" --, Q : ,It I a the ground flour of the public libnwy .
, It ba know 06cupy tho Wkwis slam HAN0110400 Doing froat C, X. IL slince. ev* Ali whl� desire to take advantage ot I 10
4. DO YOU impposel tbarif is 1"qoa& who wo*W 40 IASUO 3� ,,
death W0014 ome so lita w1aft Jiv*. t" or jib X yftm t - - . --= WON* I towil'on MKW was do. jl�_d_ of Xaclx church, . .
_______ M's IMt1t%* .
.% " . - =_ - � cidild oo. . I Go4wi* elovidisslefli ths, torilmony. these Ana OpPoAuald" are roq%mt*d, �
. it on cannot vulwor thil0a 0044ions to your own "tiatiultion consait - R to enroll
I U� an,aywe I Tile Board Of Q*110rWrS of Alex- on the dates mlimt1cm4 40
1 44� . Vill ory It answer them for you. I I LM I JU*M Ku"A 1141101'Plfilt C4*ft , Tlw liest, 111diiiiss I nmq friends go that Classes &y be b"On promp lj� I
I I - I - 0,Y�V.-.'k sov,or wrtlK wat U*rInef *I Hospital whk Mr. ad 31A. yfailm in t �
I I I 0 11 I L Z,_W_jrh acknowIftwo wi r* a n Judge J. 14 Rillomn, newly appolat- so I .1 I The following clasm are biliog ot. I I
. 'Pho", its " . IL R. LONC4 Viouid Apok I fiflyaper, jl�ak brwlot bt- "Meeialif' � od cft*y jo*# at P*r*. how XS 0"Otp , #- ganized.. . I I
.t_; I -_ - . I *=t t and t4i the riklelpt of for $1150 from i Im __.NA&6��__t --"L I .
I � __0 0 I. __ - - twooill. 'a B;;�;h be- , first mrt WrAsy afterillson wbm Ill's �_ of the ITur., . I
- ,. - �. I _0 I'm I - - __11 i .41 low.' Mader piew, 1*OW W N1188 y the 00derick ATUIdAvu--thill Diii4ketm undo Xr. Goo A. Xc_ I
� I - . - I -;:,;;.I; ..;::11;11 � . . , (Innvm 33 on -or leave at STAR to be applied I *N"d aellount. . preswed over *4 �]PAIAX of the Mon. On Laisgilie will be held Liiod,Monday, 7.30 p. m a . I
I � 1.11 � & if"". I , jury, altungs of Vio county cofart. on # Ift, at the St. day, 2 p. m. . :0 Saitur-
,_ ,- ... - - - _ -.1 The ladies of ve been ._ _ �. , � , _%_ . . __ __ _ , - .., I
- t. 'I lr ,XXAL,WTATZ AND, 1$5UAANC1_fj. ,_ �: - I WANTMID . ., I . _,�, ha _. I
I --------------------------- I— Lool:±4fues, purbil'.0ontalaIns smill accomplish,066 " no and are, 1 Greetings we G. Kiillilm rampoo, o y lKnittint, under X". D. Xe. . I
I 1� . ; 7-_ , ' I . to fixtorJAd by W. _ssiV*w1rqr at 8.30 , $i4rjj ' *
t HOTAW 1 1IQU$3S 1 -A Laundreirii at the Alex* "' r omey, �omce keys and filift devoting to. other'0WOns On bobialf of the Bar Amocia- aksrp. ShWU QAQ *mAb4r appear Neyin, Thursday 7.30 P� Vt. . . . .
k . I jW.'-N,,T,r4,X,)�,ar,,, lfogj*aL Apply,to other artlAesf We avalkled, Madly - I
'A** kinds for ado. �- , I . '. FA I I 1* piece Of G- 0- X*- ua$&vMb4 tk# M" "Onsitt0e MAY Millinery. under Miss tt. N. samnoll I
I "' H1 T return 1W STAR 0 . . #Pk�a #.ctt,oeunwwtg,oa&wi�r'Kr,A&Y,-�v Thursd%y,,u*_,p.-m._, - 4 .. - - r 11 41- . - - -_
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� . 4' !.!"V�r*?"r "o , ._� _1 -11. ._A - ,
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- I i if *-O jntefad,buyk* a. boone-K,ino ,,, � � -,, - - - , . 11. t"In I lZ a i -,.,-- - - -- I -
, SUPS N !� T. I.Phe
- sen�_ " Z, I
a ;z�-_ -_ , nin, :Whad" sin '
I," n ai;41 1 1
- ., iw you %Vhwo, you can Skye moneyi W.T&D.--Oood rmuncra on an , AUCTION SAXM _____________U FAR.N the pho,po = W^Ift of shoot, A Dressmaking' under Mrs. W. T. -1
. . was 4be oppor, - . WWAMAS, I 8TOCK, the kind walcomit. , line u=b.w of valuable prize% will pollow, Wed I
1� . better. Get expeaso bonus for unemployed - I . . IMPI.XIMENTS LMUIOLD _ . . .
I . on wt = , IL . . ,40 Al'sdAY, 3.00 P. in. 4rA
� Wt At *rill Vol' to, build Froemasons or widows of Freemasons. 4 A UtnZION SALE OF VA %I $1 OC - F01WITUBE, . L I Mr. Mock Sooam Xxport in , be oorfipetild Alfri Including aggregate, 7.3o p. in.
Mao Ift 04 W what I -have to whole -or vart *ne.,,Experlence un*,*, .— I . 'Me Ex"uto %a Istati of the ClittIng, Fittitig ilad Makin . � ' �
10 . I Ig and have Imam � This I Will anial.' No ,sol", M "m 'hundrod and five bun. Cooking, In charge of Wl%$ I,, Salk. 11�
� o 1 . & ca so ' =f tourk. cRull ma. Wst. powl'ER We Aliarat Or I Vt s�yotarj ,Mr. Charles 9 4roil yards for both tyroa and profes. eld, gradusto in Domestic I .
, YOU. . Zwdst& rue. " I ea - #, .
11 �� I �� I � � late and t-A,o references. Box 10r. I " svill sell,by public auiltion auctloti at no Black has secured ill* Se finesi, of �%. �
. I I � . I STAR at -Lot 15.- Con664i. ne I .* I LqIQII 8, W, D slorial, also extra $*Ties at three bun. MacDonald C6114go, Guelph,' ThUrt. i.
� . , . pail"M and Insuranoe, ,UFk'XX. - - . ,_ .. -1 . - - � . ju 6, Colborne - � .. O . 0 . � 16 . serview of - Mr, jlee, H. Minor* ft)r ids � I . � � I
- -
OR'YO11. - . . � eloc i U.- tailoring- departri#nt- smd he *rA. Itts-,inth round bullN eye. Vatries are - - I - I I . .1. -_ _. �. _.
"_" . i. � . columeneing at J, a-41, I I. r's". w1fo'have movoil here and Mr. Min-, c6mmeretal Subjects, Bookiloping, . �
I . ..� iond'jidle outtf-welit of"Auburn,'on � dr0d,,Y*rds, ,at tArgOts with a ton- day, 7jQ p, in. . .
, I... I � Phone 50. � _11 'ESI)AY, (WAT. lAth, Im WZD*I; �
I � I 0
I . . � - . 11 _ i A4 JOB F .1-WF1I)N a ,
rIE .A,jtWM0NQ MAL ESTNT& and -111, ok ,
t I Alonelad-4 ork too I' lit a Highest Shorthand and TIPoWtiting, in charge . .
, - � " TO, fto DAILY -1 I . norw'-1 itway draft lifiree. about cattle. -I cow $ years obt, milking ore Us qntor$4 on his- new duties. roltod to 20 contit .4k 64 1 .
. INKTRANCK AGENCY, , I . , two som to counL There will also of Miss L. Ro�fnton, in the Collfig. I "
. I __ " I s, I lba.y iriver, quiet and to" orXpoeitd $abe in wit; i cow 4 yeaX Mr. PAIrforewas eamod -with the late 'be a borin tro
uto, (Sun lulre), Aocetaenl�snd lasur.' 50 1MEN WAM.%D, No Previous ,ex- WIMP!" ol suppoW to bo In calf; i tow,4 groa.9t T., Lyons and Co., of Wood, or or phy offered to the iste Building, Thurxday.at 8.00 P.'m. I .1
- #nce emn '. . I perjence neoesory. - Wplia. top jo-pjj8e : Cattle. -I Durh*m'q;w. due, to .freaV. Oki, Ming; I oc,%y 5 yeam old % team of ramed men frow any asso- . Additional classes in at' 4
M �eaat in . ened 1, eo w6eta; COW
,� I -M=1 and Lots In Godericli and oree ))act, whiett cxplainithow n , no of sale' I *Wrerortl cow. duo A= Arw , 4 109ji stookJor *ziumbeir ot years, as mttor . I
.. Flims, for Sale. I 11 tarn,wh1le acarning to Work In tylotyll and November 291ft; I mirliam cow, due old, ,frestienod six vvests; 3 Xserklog and fitter and head -coat mAkiiis airld I ,clation. in county for highest aggre. jects will be held on oilier afternoons, I ...
bargalas for quick buy Noveaftr 2414.1 2 11ol-stein c4ws,,,vuP- dWrs; 3 year) 91fers. Atj e. same has always wcirkod In thi,very beat -04 lcorfif, Winning team to defend and avenings, an soon sia.the ellirolmont ' . .
�� . ers., I lcmn shopil as Auto Aleclianle, Elwin- 14 P I . .. � .
. "Irpre number of nousei 04 Ots In- der, Vleotrkal. Battery or W441ag Zx* vuppofjed ito. be 14 calf; �,, 411 . � . . * _ ., .
. -4 ,a posed to 4)eja calf, I Durham cow. 441he It. Dures I I , 1 cow 0 YeATS xhop"f C eiax , * - - - , ,o-, it, oft.their own. range against any r. uire. it. .
. .. Ing 3 ok ;W , I Oq a . . I , . I
Updortch for sale. , � 1. . . ..ifteer. _ 4 in calf; i bol, r, rising -2 -veara I _ I .1 � team . , � � I
1111heit- old, 6 'heifers 10 ov"Oks old, a ISK1129 I At the Blue Water Golf , , n Auto Koebatiles and
Aboyl. fifty arms ,14ted I$ s6lect-vert, 0aulteur. ftisisman, 01c. Also years old, 5 steera, � Para old; 4 . from any. aws"llition challeng, Classes I � .
., . Brlcklaylng� Plasterfnif,' -Mechanical er� , I hellee, I year old; I ealves. . .. . I ..' Ing for XAMO, and also iOtt the annual Road Voubles will be be on in is
- . . f1*111. , � I Ij, � years old, - I Implements. -i l�ift,iiL*y-Harris binder, avid Country Club. I .. - . 9 n*, . ... ��� ��
. : better 'place. to b4,A homo of any i H MI . 3,11 uprion . I . fall shoot. I . .. -the . I .
- DeAtistry ,and Barbering. I)orL,t dlo.,a bel er. to months old; 3'spring calves. I
.0. . � . laborer, WX4* Now. 'WhIoli; job., 'Ad- I o . ft. out � I Mamey-Wrr a r4e; 1 culi4*, , of - statement. of �
. .� I r , 1, I 1 ts.--$ young p1g, 10 w6ekaold.; . uavy. In view
, . . 11 '60VNIINNANIENT other articles, . !,.. Itarria. bayInader; ftt bar,rows; *1 . I .
1. 1. , d r o se =MPHILL "i f tho 1R. H. Hill top this ypar it the , I .
� .- .� , Naftid Was the `Wltiner' 8A;r11b*MV'Tr10 Recital -_ ,� the Ontario 0overnment. that at the i I
.� , I � . I I I ew Cuablion t re to buggy ancl vaior"; 1 Plefury outftg ox; 1 '% 10 � k
I .
. I I
I 1. . I . - $� W. ARR$�MMS(i 01TARTZRIMI TE -0111601A FREE Water Golf andlCoiintry I .
. . LAI)N S TER.NIS.-ft moMW credit on forn- 10ockahatt double 14ough; I cotter; Blue Club, r A very goo musical recital w.as .next Session of -fhel House legislation I 11
" Abow Parsons' V4111, Qodorj'�, Antar1Q, rWPLO`YXRNT_SXKVf(,T. 163 Kin,v St. - . 1; I lam Toiler; I rub- the finals being played on Saturday, 914!f On Sunday eventilir in St, Goor- would be'p sed- requiring all drivers - , .
'. . . .- I . 1. ishUg Approved joint notes, A 4. tseed dri - .
I dig ber,tJoed �, go'* church, following the' evening of auto r .0. �
; . P. 0. Box $9, � NV,, Torontolv-7'' � I anum allowed _y; I
,, . I . I eou of 6 per cent. pe, ugg ,I wheelbarrow,. with Mrs. Ubelaokok six the-runnor- 9 to licensed and to Pass -an
". � ;_ I . . - . 1� $or ogslf. Rogg, cash. "Ano resarvv. Nvagon hox; 'I - t' I bay' setvito,,by tho,H*mbourg Trio. The examination before being -granted a , .
r I I .
V .1 . . . _= . . ... �. . I . , MEW, ILrk and oar: :l4t,O0*W .1ir;k cilropetition In thi Xri. - . 1. .
. I ��� . I � , r . ., i . VOT11 .�,IST ..� - WIM '-powuRn. T. GU.N ,keMr-.111 -guet. I . .
. .. I .6 - - j vi� . eir; I set contest Is vo , . .
., I , r 'I T',P0$'FJNG . croam sepurittor; I Illwn - OWL ry followlAr wore.'the numbers: liconRe. this,class ought to prove most . ��
. . I NiopAdtor. . � Auctioneer. b,,vj barness, I set single harness: lelyd"It'sophy . keen- -Tr;o. Op. IL., - - , - .-�. ... -13eethoven helpful to dri to of jittle or 110 ox. -i
_� n. 4)
. . I .. 11" W LERK's. OTICE OF Fill$ .. 'Dou -75 Barred Rock bene: k1yout 400 , . tourna yo . I I . 1. .
I .1 or VOTER$"� 41ST. � . . � ,3AGE OF FAWNT Mr. Zoiis Harabourg, Mit, Reg. Perlence. - ' .
-CRAIGIE I � IS . there are ten yet In the Mont:
. � �
. , CE 4T,�Zl Z, a , 11, I
"I . , . . I .� , . . CLEARINO AUCTION I bushels iiats; about. 0 Un% If% nj�ajjo , The, wee,ly bridge ParUes sk � . I
. . � I . � I I — � , MICM - IMPr.R.NWINTS . AND � re prov- 1. . . . �_
11 � . . , �. nouseholil x1rects.-, U08 ing,verypopulor; last Saturday there 1ruidd Stewart, Mi. Harry Adaskin A to of $1.00 for 13 lesoom of two - � . . I
I , I . lvowkww LIST,' 10-41�, '.HVINICIPALITY IIOUSNH6171Y.FUR.1qr�rLRP,1. -. , - A Iftwic r, inet, i .4 ' we're *44 players. � I .. . .. 1.
, � &044W! , , , 0111,M11FIEW TOWNSUIP, COTJX- � � � _�_ � I Yiolln Solo,� Thals, Meditation.- I �
, � ,tibrary table, � 4 too,- . hours each In charged for an classes - I
- . In"Ce I - ther uphol tered .-o airs ifulood Oak) . _ __., _ . - I . � . . . . � �
� . I 4 � I � . � Tly. OP 110ROX i� , . I . N.M.*,1GE0RG& D, 0 M14y 1 1 11l - I �'. : I 11L Massenet except thi commorelil,".which. I# given 1
,� . . " I � I parlor'laino, 2wicker roekej;� I jarg4 I Wb Sentenced . .. .
I.. . . I ..1101'.111"m I 1111 . . — , " , , t"1111 11 by yublic atiotlon at -Lots 5 rug. -9 9m,411 rup . -out oak . . ' I' � Mr. Harry Adsakin - . 26.1essono for the game fee, I I . ,Ar . - _.�
-9 1 . I *
� - . . I �
- . . I 'given 'that I h4ve (s ,%.n. I , E, D. Colborne, i toile .extension 7tAble, 0 14ttior upholstered I . On �Tuesd4y in ,, e' m4gistrate's piano SO109-Noct ...:Vaderewaki 'J. W. FRAM., '" X P. HUMF% . �
. . 1. and , L� quariter ' th ' . � .
. � . � Notloq Is hereby east . 1. urne. .
I . . � 11 : Post SAve On TO ROT iraoWn,itted or delivered to the persons 1, of W*, 4ft , ; ' ., . . .. I Idiallig dhalrs, I steelgou* I rocker, i court a o6vifition W-44 regilittlred 7prolude, .... . .4..is � .... # . ,.Alend . eissohn - Chairman of Committee. Pri etpal . . . I .
I � � I . I m1oker lilgli,ohair I Sin r sewlrig- ma- � against Clarou .. Mi. I I I . A . . .
. . 4'. ,-*,11� . Soetr,jo2q 'of the Ontariq , NO,NMAY, OCTOBER 42th - chine; i'efttre,-Ql;,, I ,root " , , go . lsr� for. committing I - Reginald Stfilwart . .. I . . � . . . . .
. .. � Im"tWiled fa donimeticia -sliop I - . r — I
. .
� � .0, ��TOA�QBILZ, FOR SALE � . - . . _. �g at U.30 010look ... %varmer. I robbery in' AaWleld . t�z_;!i�_ I
-116iiiiiste'r, I . , -Grey Voters' List eoPleg ftqu!ref1 by -- It - clock,, I hanging IaMp, I hall.lamp. ,3 0a -the 11th of PCOIJ& SOW, 40Air"'. , , . . . .
wh[Ito iron �beft Springs andmattress'ea. I . I .... Hure Detroit. The -bride . was the reelpietij.1,. , .�
n to 0�� quantliy of mor. j� I . .
.. 4!d of -the 4t, mado,puftafkat to � -e. 4 2 rmeM 3 bedroorn-rhairs, 2 fcalthOr ,chandise frod Neil McDonald; sub in , " - Serenade ......... . of a box . I . � I . � .
� . good Omer. 4ald ,see so transaitt-ted or bay ram, 6, years ,Q; i bir just '
. Dort 11orsft.-I bay'reare" , vears old; I July: In stealing a
� I . -V battery. AplAy"641TAft OFF=, deliver , . _ . Bridge
. ______ __ I. - 1 . . I years old; I bay filly, rlsla,T.2 ars;.1 I . 9 t�of'vsluablo -and wid"Iftlil. I - . I . ., . I . � - .
, r al roolti appearing by ,grer- geldlhg� risin.w. yevs; Mft DO fqm'. '_:Wp�-Waake* f *afllro range th vionth of July at the villa 0 __ ___;_�_. " ,no .
� I said Act, * yp 9 Ur, Borl Hambourg -
I , WUS* ilid. brddk cot- ;the ;; - .
� " Fort RNST.n4o, wlth , vdior front, I � I Oil stove slid I _ go 9 � r. a) Mrs. Good are ,k at home 'k - -w I
� . I . r, and -
lautton , � I . I .. .
O'NRY. �Vast' t. I jrhtw, - , . . . . .1, . - �. . . .
VI - ... . � . . .
. 11 —I . . . , __,".., -_-.1'. - . .,&1dX*t1A1AA:rd1* Rox"u-4ii, _! I I I *(t, Mr. TIarry,M,6G6okln-$y&U , .
,� ., �
, � ." 0Z.1:r I-. I � _ , - -_ . . VA 161al .f�F tho V0P#rW;,*'4 t Wi � �jb, 10M& ft)nbo - . I
11to hood Xi ill.tha -lA jrW*j..l IDU I I .
� I" 1. .. proertg Apply Sam. - ll�Y WAft, ; oven.Aroning h%oard O * ,W). I, I r�,Holmeoville for stealing sk quantity � (Written In memory Tschalowsk ) to their friflAds At Mburno -
�, , to 1) 11 , V re�vl ASS65911lent roll Of the valk3manUisold, 166119 ' 'a t&4 timad � Trjrl,Blogia� Op. O.....Rachmaninolf'. .
t. . did ... fit 1, to iie, entitled to veto 10years old. n��'. , 6�-- , y
- I - ,,p4w" . ,,,tov� I �a _ !!F , Of,VW4W*)kW, ,
U -M t3'r -1-1 A ig. 1211. 19g), du(v about w 601, , . .
a I , -RatIve-Tiiii4fily ,. rot .%, 't . I I . . . . . . .
. I . 1). ii -M. - U6 _1or"%_VT.10 boar4,3 boil,er. A DaL;y churn No. I daskin, Mr. Rd* . .
. . U SLI, 1ftW�.--.r AiNIXillor. Thementencelin.eAchoi A � I
. I I ' An 4an. Iiil, 1. I red cow, 7 �Years old,- i red 3," � - inald 'StewArti iVictorla'St. United tliurch, God - I .. I.
- liouse on Brock .811,110i., AFN ,and A municipal election I P.buttfir bovd., I ladli?, mats, vle- a period' of not -less than 410teen. M� . e-, � . .� .... I .1
., I 9 find. �hat, the OOW#,6 Years old'; i rod cw,vy /*,years- turet, dtshpg. r. Charles A. R. Wilkinson gavOi 'rich, was the scene of,-& charming .1 1. . .
o,he slai0w, re, drook�j ,and , months - nor more than two - years'less I . .
le . . I . .
.. I I Munologs, Ttatwsai sireeL I said list,was 41rat P0.4ted UP lit my-iof- old. I r�d cow, 5 years old ;I, red cow, 8 mlimerops . rr aftloa " orgark recital, whieli pr4gbded' the wedding at S.So otClock *'n.Tu6sday, . .
: -.O- 4m; -1 I I t fte -in -the $ 1 ownshipot Aiffilleld on 2Pth years old,, -1. cow, 4 ye.ji-i old; I 'cow, I Ever $' one I a
:1 . ,,lited. xfold tlovm d - %thlqg will be . day, in the Dritarlo Aefojingtory, Tejo.
, . it iber. 142), and remains. roan, 5 yd 1 418", ed oL ak the he plilyod the following num- Sept, 20th, when L, Weirton, only .. I
. r 11 a�r of Septeit � , . . , am old, I cow; rPd 0 yeats ,law 'has been sold� - - - I the sertt6nees to r . I 4 , - . - � ,
. - , And owe 4wilb-4. A. - 11OU6- ' � I - I ,ufi conourrently. .. bers'... , . . 11 a,W .
I VW, 11h leld & _ - tbere too lospiectlari, old , J. blikk and W'hite cow 4. years bid T a* -All out& of *to, ad un(lor. - I . '. . . . I ter Of Mr. and Xrs.� Richa*&. . .. 4. I . .
I Boa . _; I .*p& � . . t � . .
� .1 - Scott-Rattesbury .,I � . . I - , - yajj�
I - I . .. . 4 1 liii�oby 'gill � upon all voter5. 10 I holSteln cow, 5 1,oais old.74' cow, ,7 ra9h: evor that amount P.I.Ot months, . � . .."...A ...... # ....1theinberger united In.matrigge to Mr. . L
? . I � I I i An r, vlsl��
� .. was .. . : ,
- pba - - S-141's.--ftor, renovated 4ke jMT400late"pr,ocondings to.bAvt er. years old; All so )964 IQ freshen credit will be given on hirnishing ap- At- Bru4fiold United church on Sat- Athalla-Mosch ........ Mendelssohn Hugh McGookin, of Detro t,, Mich. . I .
. i OlIghly . � 111111 1 4 , , . � .
I . c flarlYl, i vuretl�red bu l,-j,jmojjtb3 old. - OrOved Joint -iotft A 6180ulit ,of 4 , 0 . . . I . �
. � eight-r"med ;,olise on Trafaigar 'Torft Or omfoolons, corrected ad ording 116110,-Atout 70 liens and some, ebleb. iW ed for c,ash on, urday . 9 .
*ttoet- '. � . I . ,,,rgj!,,;6ift. straight allow ._.September 25th, the mArria e Cant.abile: .............. Cesar Franck youngest Son "of Mr. and Mrs. John- . .
MO coovealflnooS. Apply -to'.Io .I*W. . I � . . I .
A, K � , - est. . I Marill0ft-HeAvY set of double -harn- , amounts. . .. : . ,took plate cf V . I , .. a liter Itoms�ce * . . * ...... _'.Claude Debussy McGookin, of Belfast, Ireland. The I � I I
. ""To #joara V. DaWd'SepknntOPr 9,kh. i923- so$; set -of - double idoagh hal'JQ668; L2 ESTATE Op I of Mr. and. Mrs., . . .
I . . I . � I . I (3i,E �� 'Air I I A, collars brIdlefi, . .THE T. GUNDRY. tterlb , to Barcarole (From Ath Concerto) " church, was'lleautifully decoiated for ; - . *
, ' PH &A.14FI-ftite 'trattor I 11 � ,� I0)Q.N HI,-- - setfi,61! sftiglebarab3 .4 1 , LATE ALLAN Gli, . . .
� . �4", later 1. 1141ters, otd. I . � 130�;, Auetioneeri Mr. Itoav'Soott, son of . -. and rs. I . .
.. � Mc- _ _1 . - . , I - ferns ,and - � .
. _ . Towowp�'Clork . . I j I .1 . . Sterpdale 'Bennett. the ceremony. With Palms, . . r. I
- n4lWual .. ". 11 .'Is"Plei"ez)tk---i,VA43$eY-I(APLiq Wader -61 1 -1 � . . I -_ , , - �Andrew T, Scott. - er bride wore her I ... ... flowers . , I 1
4 - #tef-or - - - . I . . - I . ., . .
, prou$bs aod - -,; "
. ioarch. blower "outtiag box for ef I travelling suit of tan ,sueffine w A Million and a Half. Bushels n Rev. C. P, Clarke, pastor of . . . I
; W. -1, ANDW I aurd sproader, borso . . , Ith bat 80yon. Days I I . . . . orth St. United. church, ofliciated, . . . . �
. Auburn-, Phone a" jalytk. . , . .. . .. , 1. * - S and shoes to match. She wore a, fox . . - . , I I � . I I . I . I
. I �7 � � I TaU, single ' ,,01111ilv4tor and secOler; Also . ==-- The bride, who was SIVen In marriap . � I I
th . C�X� 0 MTICS 'OF FIRST POST- ft,,,Out; Deering mower. 6 ft, out; In- I... * . ' * " 'I , i N *
,small air large power. ,�Ij". IN% OP VOTERS14LISt. , . . Iternational - am i .
— , 'i. , . 0 . il
1� FOR igm-purnishe a- 0 R91 LIS I Ift. MUNICIPALITY gra" 06WOr0and roller. iron; scuiller. . - a I . fur, the gift of thwgrooriU .Dur%j: 00'r- thq first seven days V -the VY her father,.entereil the church to '. . . I .
4 Apartine y , . � ..
a t I ,?# . .1 I -
�� " . 17 W N, W,jWANt)s�jj TOWN- root, -,pulper, W4edjbjjrro�%,, Piamond I . -mooth a million and a half bushels of I .. �.. I
' � . , . -register Mr; Paul I ' -
� , . . . olft - . N . I harrows, 4 seqVop� and harrow cart,,, . . .the, signing ol'the' - the .Wedding Motif, . I
. lWn street.. Conven on' , � $HIP, COUNTY OF HtlftO.... . - . ' Vgla.Zvery Johnston iiang, ,110h Pair, 040 were, bsibOtied by the Goderic*k the' $traias of
10 , ON. 'Also a 4rop-leof'table and .1wo — I I . � diso,barrows, 14,114c, 3 singla Ploughs, I ,'w I Played bY'Prof. �Jackgonl 'She w;W .
smallerlables for sale, � ply'at - , re y given that aye t. Oliver riding -p ouo; n oil After the core. Elovidor. The arrivals since the'first , I -
I , - WIL Noij,je'ill; he b I 1h ,Ampbell 911r.' Ha* 116w e -'en - �Pa �' Oh Sweet, . I , attired In a gown of'jvory bridal satin. . . .
Oft �'Soia%*, L". Ve I . I .
I OXF - WeStAranWaitted Or del, vered to the 1. new' �.. � . . . . mony a roes ;l, orl 111eld at the re- ha 1>0en as and georgette, with vandyke hemi and I I
, SONS 1C EMOXgHy 117ORK, 'I wi� gmetan ; 1, ogon buggy, '4� . . . Tty � of the month follows -
. .
: , � , , , I ln&Afted -in 18166ttdft_9 461 .the 9112-410r,01o' r, red buggy, robtford; I heavy," . I at the .. . . . .,..of , The. Xapiftourt on this lot,. with 3 14 , , I .
I .. wagon, 1ruallo . . I . . Aldence ide4 -_ � I trimmed with pearls and touches of I
I Voters' List Act,,the'colslee required by pe -Anderson; _. "o, 8 and a ,
.�, -FARn FOR ap'".9--NdilosetlIng. Park #Md %Osctlon-, - of I � light .. . I . I 1. . . I � terwatds , . - . -, , . busibelo* of whostp. the Frater - -tWer� . . . I
I I . __1. 1-1 - � . -6
- rentAi,.'---ldeAij* L - 4 f'_jU.p be tip tralismitted or�det W490n; I ctltt�r; F(4 - 101"g e1glis I _".-_,: �� _ ldt4n: a 000 Jay _
,.,N _ , — " — -----,---- 76 _. -1. - .,74 � — - _ - -ff'Lik--.W-�7---' -I-----'- ---'----
. ", list" njAdfl r, I . th, 188,000biiilbelo� . � . Hei`velt-of -embraidiered
I .
. .
rent., lit.nourlaal, I , ivere o , e - ' -111. - sealeg.. I Motor trip to. the United S 3, , I . �
", . for garden. 'Pine b , purguant to OWP * 'flalwh* in bariow, _ I . tate )or on er god, � I :, �
4 1; I market arn And aald A04, of -all persons apodaring by 2000 16114 stock 1-U74 combination: i ,. . I .not was arriing*od In cap style. -by� : . I .
I oi A vs. H,. AIQ- the bat. relAsed a4sellesnevt roll of the ladders, bags, barrow, gravel I . V1110n Bayfield Road $aid to as - - � . means of a band of -pearls And,orange .
. FlUeon!' house. � box; soino ... a . of 'Wheat; the Home Smith on the. 3id, .
,,, I - berry 16 t . - I . . . I , . . I
I . . . �
I .
- I � � I
IREA11111: Phone 351, etiol . rt es, v 'OPE11i with 64W14*218:30 " - . . , . with 121,000 buihelx of � whea I t and ' .
1 re , ,laid munlelpatir to be e -led � 4uan""co, of lath. reant Itt Need of, Attention, , , I I bl6000ms�, The bride carried a bolu- .
I � It 1,7tit ,W i,ote
, n the A^M mur tjoai,ity-a elections for Quantity a roles and gypso. I � . .
PA n MY19. cedar pos'l and pales; 4 , 00,000 buslipla of oats; and ill., Franz Oiuot
priOnclolk , 129 Ood, 4641 of 'complabit the ogme daiwith 1$7,600 bushels of I
I .41, ,11KNTi�_-Dr ... "'ose for -r*W, sner0ers of the LOgishitivo. Assembly of hardwood*, I Indian inotor ,eyeld: - I There. is a g � of Columbf .
I , Also a hou'se 4or and 111 municipal eleMoog. and that The blacksmith's -anvil, vice, 100IR and tool Through the kindness of Xt, Bit. being. mad � phelia, showered Wlill I Sweetheart . . . �,
1��11_1; NV41lit Vjot6jIj,%&Id,jlstwas lirstmosted no 4t my office e0b'D(krd; 601708 I&Wn POAS. tur",d: . of the Bsylleld'.ioiid tit the prexent
.1 . "le, ,% I I -Au T.,,R.. . i . . a . ablout'� the bad coo�littcn'� whsfaf�, the Midland King ow ihe t4th, roses. Miss RetA Worsell,'of Gode- - , . .
. Street I I I I , ., in 1hP,bow!*h of WA4 Wawanosii. on rO70e'mA0hine' d0rn'Plantor; 1'.robe;.. thanan *W unifor tho ausoces. of t with 100,000 �,`bushilo; 9f ,�Vheat; the . . I
I ��.. �. .- . . -OlUer. 19M and remaing NNifa4QWsA1Ae9'and4(jQOr:2I .1 I ime. All sumn fith, "Y11th rich, was bridqsmald and wo" jj town
. I I 6W -day of a . I roalli * . ler long it"WAS )e4t Thos. 1. Drummond in the . I
jr, R I SALE.,�40 Purebred Registered thm,o fAr iftfspeotion. . InA. 60 ft';,tr6n rods, o-8 in.. .50. fee ; of apricot -georgette trimmed, with I .
, , 'we 1,1 I . t . woomillea 110001tal Auxillary in fair condition for the beriefit of the 105,000 bushels of Wheat; -it Mulberry cut velvet and stepl :orria. .
I .
� Z � 1. I Imm and 1. 8*me dObbIbtP&e5 find whiMotr6es: � . . . 14d,t)le 3,
. TONS.' bred fliam Ax'l(l lhereby MI' .upon all Voters to chains,,lorkgr - tourist trotfitc, but oirico that. hat sub. A. XoXfio, the same day, with 64,000
.. ,
I i �.7 prille ''winnens, also solyli purebred take 1'm0x4J&te vrooeed,�Afi to, have Or- keh,lc.,p,tO, P "U'OVels, Xlec%vOkO, sugar W-dow, t oCt, I i sided the road boo 1,*en:nogI6L,ted and bufshols ments, bli0k velvet hat avid ��k for, -
. I . MorthomV, and Yorkw.rr-,4. I-Itilon", roft or om]MOno �com ed according I" U _ oats and 70,000 � bushels �
. I di . � 14W. 11011fthold, Effftt&_j�,, stoves, f � _-, .� , � �� I ly, 141h, Ow and carried 0 French- -colonial bou- I I . .
.� ted Oc . I r: I lat. .* so that riding Over it notonly "racks"
� n1d erf so Much Wheat; the Sarniih, Xaniaris and quet, The groom was attended b I
lKn9sonou 82-13 JOIL*; FAHHII_�Il ;� I , oat and is a Ina very rough stat
1 � tabor oft Im. - Wood range, also coal o,I. lip
�. :1 SONS. .. i -'�, I . ]DUB H LLIPS. ehen tupboards,. a jcjtah:�n tables; 4. MAP16dourt, all in port yesterday, the y I . .
� � ]F�R RZNT OR SALE. -A sevi NIN " Iron br,ds; 2.vaOden bed%: I di-esqor. 4 I the car but aho the nerves. Mr. Lorne']PiAtland, of Nile, and Mao. . .
,, I In Clo-rk' 114D Fav6rs and NoveltyDanies Surely a Ofarnian unloading and the, other. two ter Worthy Ryan, nephew of the bride,
I .- .---- _T=n inniodes; 3 bedroofn ittandxt wrilln- I
ed fjokise. wgh furnace,bath, 0 C — — <lesk; eenotre table IT . . . I I
4114 lie 4 pie- be pald,Ao it at this season of.the year Agawit And Frater Taylor on the way. ,3, little ring -bearer -in . .
,, f: Don't, forget' North street Unitod "4 and rocker: 01"k. Also pyarm , y I � I I reasonable amount -of attention itoullt ;vaitfng their turn; and the Laketon, made a charming . .
,, t. - on Bruer etreet, between VictoHa i, .; V.,jr1op',n, music b lie GOWU 0*6frs ..
11 ,part or church lAdies' Aid bazaar the 1hot rarost %Nveeppi clock., . -satin I .r .
I Xftlh bir"Ms. Posileafflon latter - for the. benefit of the taxpaysrs of . ult of blue velvet- with white , , 4 .
i in 1 __"-4_ tho The steamer Dayton is expected' at blouse.. .
ftt., AfVly to M. W. :UoWell.' ; F"ATCA. '00 Ills " cob- . I .
* NO__ .. f'T"I"s Outilt- benchos: Oushions, mats.. I
z 1 Sabirday townshipi who 11stand pat' Mr. - George Hyan Mr. . . .
_. _ In � - nIT,ttlift; i4ZIng macAlifift. . It I . .
1..1.;1141. ilil.i __ __ . If lit loys,or 4j&VIty 01111111i ' 411 the the '%VaStoro .Canada Flour Mill'- and' "
! � I .Stanley Vanstano acted &I ushers. .
: . I ii .. I. ; � - .1 . -7 .V j�t i� 11 �__ -, ; � � -,,Z5_;w t"I #'ben 'MAIrg' croaro, efinn, g ,q churn - year round. , , . I I I Capt. Patterson of the MaplOcourt Durint the signing of the register Mr.� ' * . � I �
. . . . . . . I I . I Ifintorns, Nab'oi& Ajidir. F. Barker's 'Garden. Isn't In , r i made 4 word, trip from Godeiirh to Pentland- sang 110 Promise 31e.1 Pot , . . I �_
,. . I I . . �"134 I fflaoddin lainn, ,,,,:. and 10 Prof. , I
I . .. . I . , . . . . . '. ` � limps, ets.;'erpato J.n(l 1111111- 1111310r, 1110'�' * I . . . the Trovicap But- 1. . - ._ . . � .
: . Cock. I Sttix", Vim . ". Aport William and' return. belaz only loWing the'ceremony. a reception. was . . I
� ,� I "I I I . . - . . I , .1-2 loni: I dnielt the Mystery-04ft, hours - days Oaclud,, held at the I
I . � . . I I I . �. . QeftlPrA-4'cr00kg dh0hPs. eoPller boller; . . . Mr. F. Barker,, gardener, Palmer.' * 'few -over four home -of the bride's par.
� . . I I—- ...
� . , . I Ill, - PiW, bo.vng. barrols. 1),ink-, $ton street, Goderich"fix's on exhibit iffit tho, time- tak;n to load at, Fort� . - ..
I I I . .. , ,g!ter (119b. who will be prosent to tell our fa- r I 'ents, Albett;'strbot. 'A 'wedding re.. . .
ll . I . uotv- oil b�ns,,* 6� .. . %.
. .
I -4, . , .6"%' . - , , . I .e,., sl� I etc., I blilek., tore by Palodstr 11C in the Star Offivowindow a sample of Willhim). The - Maplecourt eleared
I I I . . . I 11 bonlind, I X,e,,jr OW '. �y, cards ;l crystat . past was served to sobj6 forty #ve
1. . . I I . . .. . l"vo"Ablas ,to be- 8(ild fks"fa' -, gazing 11 hit Giant � Prize Taking vari,ety, of on - . . .
. ir � I � . P0,14411 rm U I I . i. - ItOin Goderieh harbor at 6:10 p.m. guests, after which the. happy coupW
� I 0 " . , T.t.tj',1iZ_�jj I . I ioAs which wiiigh� 29 ounces. � It is. last � Friday and vas back ag,4iii. - at left on an extended motor trip, The ' . .. .
. . A111001116 . -11.-v- sl,,f ailing or Ald and linde; - HPT DOGS AND COFFV.8 'sound and of good' flavor and Mr. 10:30 -on Tuesday evening.
4w $111101 ,
1'� . I .,Ii�. I J10" . bride travelled in a 4rpsei of ro 41 b1ge .� � � : I. I
lkl.l!ll '. I IM011110'mnlith.41 (rpfilt . y
, " '- `1lTifi,Wihf;r nppra�f,d E lie assured -, .,Harker has a goodly crop of .jhem thig Goo&Wslt0FrA , ' ' ` . satin , trimmOd with 4ilsvr, sea, green I . I
-, T- ,
. ,
� . . 1. ".
. I , � I— =YO ,of a tood irri"; �� 6 - year, and Instead of -producing tears St. Gs4rgols Epis * I . . .1.
iand curit jOiltil, nof4j; A alo...,,11�` -it the nite of -- - - . I I.-
.. . Y, G'VN'0M11`. .- -4-,., i�� . I ... I __ opal church was Ooat With fox trimming 6ad black hat. I
� I We the Sjjla . Ir'n erNIP& aw,"'o". 1, 111.1wP'l for eagh � ;; ...�_ of 'sadness they will he of joy at the the scons. of a veryepretty ceremorty The bride and groom were* the recip-
. � ,are repre.: Cal demon'strAtion of theit VIRO: D. MYRRET '. =*Z=:= I ==== r. good beAlth they will bring if you eat on Saturday, September 26th, at 10 ionts of may beautiful .find costly . . .1
. J. -.T&jlly . . I �
I I . sentative and Sub-undcrwrit- soundness U Inveslineiltb of Proorletor. Aflllfi� ti,�r.. them plentifully'this winter, It used, A. m., when tMily May Walters and gifts, On ,their .return -from 'their * . . � .,
. .
I ers �,—, i-_,1__, , . � . Dorinion of C&IIA& -to be that If A good sized onion 'Was William, Rruest Good, of Colborne honeymoon, Mr. and Mrs. McGookin ,
for issues of TUE S;� W. - the 44911OSt Character,.,. A VC ., it'i F, '. I'- 1, .. I-;- . I �
SM03 Mi, Matt Wirt- I 1 .&�J6 nlPLP,,M9,NTS XN ' I 'Offered for sale it had tO'c4M0 from township, tpoks their marriage vow.s will reside In Detroit. I
. Vftw 809do4 for Goderich . Ask 11S. for 'nm Sfraus P,FFE(,�,N. � b Hot% ",::11 ;'.:v � - 19amuds. or some other tropical, or litfore the flowfer-decked altar. The ___ I 4 11 — . . o � , . . I �
. and Huron County., ' � �� Hooldot, "Forty`111*4 Years Pr�perty nf IV— . , , 5%% 1. jilemi4roPicaL climate, but the hom& bride, who caMe in 6n the. arm�- of her The Jimior Auxiliary Of St. Geor. . I
. , . VK0106t tmes To Any lit, . , I � grown vAriety Los got overythliltr in brother, Mr. Harry 0 was ge's eh�rch will hold their bazaar on . I
These bonds arle the hlgh-�- vagor*$* I Aft X. it r.%tPSfj.V . BonjS, Ithit onion linel.beaten, as evid . Walters Saturday, Nov. 21st. 4 �
I . . I L . I to bo, ,Ilpned f*,jr, In at if)., Aloe.', :19334937 ' enced by daintily attired in a gow of White __�__ I .
. est class, of Mst A�Ortgagbs t, !- ;q (TC lioad. 17AI- ,� Mr. Sittker's $AMPle in our window. satin crepe, and pearl, 11b c as I DA51AGED WHEAT FOR SALE I I
IV I I Sholipirt ton, ,T,aj�-j sill, , . - -
� 1) - t, . $% 1130Y f;,ence to Take Plato ' brought from, New Yorkv; WIPIr wMW A ' earfoAd of slightl� dam4god
and will, bear m s� figid in W6 Wal C#A "r*tt COW borne, Tp., (la At ;�r
k,� ' Vatigation. " * VOW Of Any Stmitis hatioa. Till'�&,4D;ty, - 60TOBRII I. -,it, I . � , . . I I of Ath . I I � greed Volt of tulle was. fastened with wheat for Mille, cheap, at Cooper,s , .
I . I e-ommeatling at I AIC106, 1'. �m� - - _ � ; � The-propoxe . d -boyslconferen-tva tfW.-�,,-Orit"96-iblOssoMti--.aTitt- she carried a,Warohousep Hamilto troot, , Ou �,__,4, �
* , "" - - , � ,
t I , WWA Aft PtOweW At- Ali . n if IV Id
. i � The 8tA'U'_S' Sy'.0CM ftiflir Oftle FVieft 0W . ;01�71yhip lL,VQP,: I 61w 9 yeapi 1931,4937 Boih was talked AboUt oeVerAl weeks ago $11OWer boududt of Ophelia roje.s, belle make good chicken .
I Nav 1, JCW To 0111, ditt-Mav-1ill, 02ti, 1 r�ow'4 �-F-Vni . or hog - feed.
3, 1026: t Irril'itein e.11j. .� I I -
protects the invesior; -,.r - ' � 7U Ujwog ZNktN At p&r. old. 11114- F016. Ir � , I is tatako place on Oct, 30-gl, Friday breath , and asparngty fern, The Goods delivered to all portG of th� ..
' I AbOut 0 1-2 all fl#.',1.4 MQ I ililit; ,fb#jljt arid Saturday. Arrangementij ars bridesmaids, Wis.,; Janet Thtjiw! and town Phone NO. 207. . . � . I
..... The bonds have It ready Mite, Phone ,or Call on fiftV 11PR3. 06',ftekens, j iltiol,4; wjjjj,% . Holders of tho at, u v a is. now being Made for Huron COuntylIx Wall Zlizaboth Walters, sister of the . — . I .
... PuIIM$. Vdit ,Awn )is. 1,tyjll':�: i,jilinf, bride, were gowned in pantel shaded GUNDRY'S, $A1,8 RXGj.jTZU. . 1. . .
market And can be snld at. us for full particulars of thm molee eoekr-mlq. AnItAlile rf�j hV14,111"; sUeS Of the Dominion of first b0e Confftvnce, At 0.00. p.. m, 19ATURDAY, Oct. 47th. -Sale of " � . .
. pll,w, *(*: I flaublo light ipr 114 %vilwin. e
0 1my tin%* either St ow Of&* 1"ues. ' I Canada, call on us or writ ' �'On VvidaY evening a, banquet will.. 1jel crepe de chino and carried arm bou.
* sillitablew rf)rfarrm"�Or TV.1ri'llutn: I rilb- for out special let!ai* . . hold for all Uligat4ex, .
f or any office of tlj.�, & W, her Afrod too 1) , For the even, 4uefs 4 pink ten roces and fern. Mr. vills'96 Pr011ert�,' touring car, Imple- '
uxg*': f Mteel ffrisq lsnir� ng I
11 No --h- . We WM 006W in a. few KY. f Cutler: f 011hift brox: I Z" lh we think will prove ' �Vhleb ; I there Will be woral Addresses by 0smond WAlters, brother of the bride, ments, live stock and household cf. .
. I ,-fists at Dungannon, proper y of A
C0111i1lowl. of valued boy wZkZ 11110 OlOction of confer. and Mr.Veorge Hallam,' of Dettoit, .t , tr. I � � I �
days an Ime o viattorm field"; f itooll lots,% r.104i 16i; to you., ence � , 1161ity flowler. . - , . � I
f thesa� botlds� 3 O'r)ft11o4rtMPnt,% 40 hisp,ii. eAplelty; I . Saturday will be thil ANXIMed 1he groom, Immediately M j
80r14 Which we sold in , WhiCh in addition to tha tis. rildOdonp; I 40t 41duble If-tht lwsror�4; We are of' ftla gpin, 'big day. In the morning the del#, after tho'cortmony, the wedding I party _. I
, P t. , . " folt DIF9 1, I I
� . I _
Julv Of this.-Ye4f are now ual Vruwe features will "' siriKk IfAt lmrn",I, . hl�* IsAl- these Bonds should he COn- vates will ro"I". explamationg of repaired to roll's Studio, and t1jenee .
. �
0tAlling at an advatito of I carry -11- ,oway robft. horseblaarts ..),,# Taxis and Trial PAnger I #,,'ANT%VhtjI,-I8 0,41barw Tomfivillip . I
t -* 2% Of 00. f autofflawd 1pray. I 11-10014 Irs"ll(, verted at onCe at .-I consid- Work. in were driven to the home of the bride, on 516roky, fle,L oth. J#jhlA GAUtNUAI.. R .
1 $2.50 Pe . r hundrtd, a pricti. mal heater: I hn'fr.r, mml 1gr %%,AN,: I trable prdfi't into the **ft tM afternoon a Tuxis eonclay,e will bo where they were recelveil with thirty agem 79 ys'arp. . � I
__ - _ awft &""a T.W.. fillflrnOv 0sok slovp. With ro1wrvoir; I I . A beld and afttarday fevoninig a (. -111 I,j,,"tjj)ff, on 31,J103y, .
qO11ing Slitsts, 10Y hir parents, Mr. find Mrs. W VA T 11.,
. I (vat (At MOT--, Pft*%-fI0n. %-,*ill ovrn;� Loan. Our letter sent an Oct. 5th. Elimbeth t.linfilapbal", bpiuv-
I I Dolighfaftr 4) n " t r0tri.orprainr. ro- I request will tell yoj�, why. cOutemef $"$ton. A full ditaiNd Win- WAltors, and gat down. to a (dvviry -of Wat. 13pury Wiatt" .
� , , � "Ierttly, ",IIri414:TsiW0b0jkr4T; f exto.twon Account of the tonfilrdnee wilf be pub. thickeli dinner, which Was prepared , lit 4-1oftwi. ()a �Atjtpjjv. C.
�k 'MON myww-,� tfihle': I 4411VANWd . tuhx: 2 %rinir'". 41 Ils&4 In noxt wfook's Issue, by clome �`frlonds of the bride. The , 0110140he �:Qelljt SteeP. dikupht� -
, h(WI. ~ I I 11111"!_ l`11A"11 Stet'A ill her 13ra ., I .
th"T M.
# I "no "Arly 81"W; 416011t r, fA�l rubN r , &M Iffedaill is, thoked Yaw-Kole4rogor 111111101Y, coaph left on the 1:30 train 'f1r, �Avi-s I
'.I 1 toc" "M suff0m4a w*X(Ai ,jAek: 3 MwAl,& %"Il, �, U040is 1"It 3*ilditis 0 A quiet arA pretty we"il,* took febm 'Xedaw .station 14rw.
I - 11w1tv of I
4. ftMWl*)M fW11HUM'. h IN9 chair&; co,det;ch - Ontario. ,wh#r# tbey spent 'or 'GuMb", ,
t40WH stuat their Lit,....... bl7I1FW.Io *MbArar-" 1;i%-,ojq!lip,- oll . ,; v
. tablow. J Pliift at the home of the b""s par. With ji.1-fifilds. X 7s"S�,. oct. Gth, **in - .
., WDER" . I � rX. Good travelled in TWO pear. � G� ilurst, ill Ills I
Avg. off') oind ft , morAsly, V*60b" *&, *rkht On A Now York frock of sliver trepit 11-U,lQTT.--A% t)im0WVV. on Tlll.l . .
. . A ., - ONT. TXR le ,eredlt a q1t.'r. ext4l: .1tv E. H. HILF. Manapr, tnts, W*Wr*ton stratt, God _1
� lM8%,f,d tm filrilisTling -
I F. 1i Hml,v wftaw. **Of 140cy toww with panty, and ltAt, coat and 1114Y. OF4#jber 40t. lot,\ Mar rpt Niv,
A MV J, int n4tr% 4 P,r eint We Sell over ill Huron -Fv*lyn, Old"t daughter of Mr. Atom SO#& 1111OVers. of beige, Anions the Wito of Me i -iris" M,# � - .1 .
: oral t Allowed to __ -ii "'jij County, PAft Of PCrth all,'. . ,r I
0 -
I. L I
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b %" MOE by F
S. D"OU 7
x4ret- re
4. Do 'Y'X I
and We I i I
1"vee 111111-111111��
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we If* bP16-M"
nty I kxw %Vd 54
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.1 We #411 avel of Home 00unty, "A of ftih � Part of Braft cou I Yoe" A if lrwom-1 I
__ - - ____ .- - � - �! - _ ... I part of ,Bruce. "' '"lli"'if" Out -Of -t6" eftsts vresf,tt vitril Mrs. "M Tworil
____ T". 4411 of Xr. arA f Mir. plow#-tftm 4114, . I
I -11 . A**V J. If. III 1.1_1 .0 - ______.__ - I Wm PArkiefts. UIqg FW4 %am I
I Aaft~. - Ik. X"_ V IN" v
IV. L At low W !�#"�Al 0. .
.1 11 I I '' :�% .. % .9 WIV "t . �9,%. fit yr ** , _,pL aft"14.r-_ � . �� W
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