The Goderich Star, 1925-09-17, Page 8re
You nowu' Q1)ym.
For the coming Wallpaper *paw w'!# o
leper l artment olio C TLim"
We have discontinued selling 9ntr paplit th r isafla1 ea
leg direct to the con1umeriouly (retail oc.Ap era et the
s1; bis price. lower than you wc�d biv tot pay for the ISOM
paper a .ewltere—with na except4oackPetr w*ilpaper boai-
pes1 Jias grown rapidly the last f*'w yeari, auif oitr
large vulultte enables us to buy right—and
sell' right.
'T ie tic
1:411 Raper" are just beginning to arrive. We'iitrsady have its s
stl•'a.itrui tai NAXibt(Ult WALLPAPERS, the new thirty iuc\patter
whin' wtie so Buick admired at ottr display at the exhibition.
Speeisilly low Aced t--
533, 59e, 69e 8Sc, LIS single rias"
4A° the{ua for Forty ¥ ars"
11 rel G t a good time at the Gude., x "4 jars.. Albert Cana
faair.... ` i entnlly teak in the fair at
sGeogt. Ashton lost " a vatuatbl.1 u,t l,, . a " i $tent to giver indicsittoua of its Ms-
alseifer on 61044Y.. . . Mer. Pentland, af' L eIl H • proach. CMse consolation is it will
The Ashfi.ld° school` for, I beinit floe'roast of her 4wt2lattwgs,.- Coln not lost long. is
beld!thie Thursday sfternoop, Campbell. Our of the village ham
Will Brown has been bs*y;`acment- Mrs. George 'Iv,: her. been 'studying tyro ;protection. They
tar a gangway at Jell. MMcKenzie's pals, ts,,ovs r, and.Mrs,,
loos pasrbap. of lite. Isaias. So fiat .n.
'Minnie Dickson, of Alexandra:hos' I Vire. Swum Ottrtdr eta I dough. -1 ai g •oaf th t b�' them etrhaplsta k
�*Pont Ttasidsy under the parse- ter, Niro. Alesc. Oiosk.�+,, Of a'a'a, as b. to the back. rains •th. wirorir;
f, _ has hose. •.kept back.
roof, ' are renewing old a nnsis itta►ncea.fn thio The evaporator at±uted'Noonday of i
Harvey Crawford 1. indisposed at locality this week taking in apples. 44,a soon
present. We hope to see him improve Mr. and Mars.: Weis.,laateDonell,'Miss aha a suMclent. quantity is *cured,
wrest anon. Lenore Miltian 04-14:11*Evelyn Mc- they win start heeling. Everythin
r, ]Hera gKi11 the bank, where ha Intends to. resslda
•r .
rafter tiro' first of mutt 1a$ontb.
�w *,start We aro' enjoying atp« rfect calms at
present. me political storm is be.
0 :Bro. are luting largewater tanks in vat
Idr. J..E. Torn, visited our school on Dowef,. attended. Goderich *ix on .bee been put in first-class condition
Monday. and found everything going
asiiong in good order.
.Mr. Dun., McKenzie attended the
exhitaition set Toronto last weak...Ilea
•alas* bought a carload of cattle.
Mr. and Mrs, Jtno McKenziewore
at London this week visitingfriertds_
and alae taking in the ssighta at the
,jos.-Chas. Crawford has returned'
• stostmtienm Toronto, where she visited.
1<iier'brother, B. Cunningham, and also
enjoyed the Ex.
Walters tiros. are threshisit In Ws-
., neigh'borhood at preawrnt.
Miss Edna young spent two days
at the Goderich Exhibition.
Roy Atiddedge was home front, the
*A. C.& as Saturday and hunda►y0 bora eery welcome around here.
:,tsar's Thampson has 'purchased n Belfast weal well represented at Whig. ening ;the house of John J No't'ion
NW, ear, Young ladies, os carefull heaviest Tuesday to hear Mr, Metsthen. we* also struck, destroying the upper
(t, hint not :forgot how tela satin yet. Mrs. � elate her Irwin
tnslat►r, spent i Friday.'
asy, i Imp of - the chimney and taking come
,,Tho rein was badly n.Odsd, ss- water of Dungannon. ehtnglea off the riot
wail getting wry low. 1cr, and Mra. Will. Seadelrn sneaida.
huradaay, " s a!?f and a good seaoon is aanticipaatedl, as
Mr. !Mill Ell+ealey- and his plotter,) there is a large quantity ,of apples
Mrs. J. Ellrss , of Benmillbr: • were this year. -
the rusts of Mr, end /drat Itobert Tine anniversary searrrices amd' If.steX
'Snrll on may: � church will be Meld oil
Sabbath, Sett-
Mrs, •iarrr,Arteetlo** entertained timber 21th. next, whin the Rev. C.
the ladies.. of the Auburn And St. G. Armour, B•.A.,, of Brucefield,
l*s churehailf oft, Dirisday af= piaitch. Servrcea *t-11 s. In.
ternaon of this week. r. nt There will b!et.'nV •sorvic° in
'hold in the Westfield church on Qct- awing to the upeciai ' service iii tit.
ober 4th. The preacb.i' for the day Mark's Anglican ehurcn. S»4ay
will be Rev. W. E. Donnelly', of. Stxat school wi11 be held as usual at 9.30..
old:.._._. ... Last .Thursday. evening during the
thunder storm the barn of ''!Iter J
. cClinchey on the Blyth grabs' roe
was struck by .lightninif� In a short
time it was burned to the ground,
There was a large quantity of hay in
the barn and farming implements.
The barn was- insured in the Went
Wawanosh Company„ The: same rev..
T aftttnildarsaary tet+vicelf will be Knox nett churcheakt S bbath Mo Mg
Act. Jar, .Tirane, fir. *peat * week a
'OtOnao Exhibition.
10thonea . Can't you hoar seism? n the
The rano tor the ' 041111 nook have
?'armors are getting their ground new days reoenttyy With Mrs. -Madeira's
Mr, and Mea. A. E. Oke, of Toren lilt, Jsaiidaa ridsteri wrs
baUr. t, Asci. Abe bt. of e, a Harry
to, spent the week -end and,; Labor visitota for
Ur. anti Acis. 'lobs. Hoare, Barry swat nine of
olds** from Guelph, opens a f.w days Day with /Ire. Williain pile. • a,
with their couslais, Mr. and Mrs. John Mars. Percy Walters is spettditag a • of hMiss
Mullin. few dark this week with her dough. er "'"";,4111rs:; Cellar'
Mrs and Mrs. Rose, irons Toronto, and' ter, Mea. Leslie Jervis, Holmiavitte. for a few drecoatly.
1Mtr, and Mrs. a8aitatb, finny Kittcheasr. The services set Zion United church Mesar,, and
apent'tlie weeketatt anal Lubar Dally Browra't aaiit�ad4T.ronto
with Mr: sand Bfts. Gilbert {Vint, will be withdrawn on - tion F next oat for sa*Jras'saa
-- - --* y- account of the decoration service at
ASI ELIC C;alborn« t:smetesyr. 'hitt. Bts,s.e.s
Mrs. Matcher visited friends ,on: the ° Mr. Ifarold Weltera, of Toronto, i• land, of Gaidort
Gravel 'Rossi an Thnr+uinv. spent as few days with his parents, we* term -,rel
Ur, of D•.
t sit'
hie cancra*'
in L.eba % $ ah,p5st Week.
]etre Awad dant. Chis
daaughtrt" . M Josephine.
to Toronto. , sand.,wh
Mr; oblahaI n , . ht` at
Miss ,''tat •.. !«saki
tendon at at the
ter, Miesebbedon Sundiq► P
lir. -G.- X- Salute
end gurat at t s korse
in Clinton:
ready for wheat ,and would atpprociatc
a tele dry dais newt. •
Mr. Jearry Taylor , arrived home
from the 'Fast on Saturdays lost and
Val ',bating iii tbii iaection on Sun»
rRiclis$ Billet and Johns field took
in a f*w days at Toronto Exhibition
and report as good time. Vie did`not
expct to *hese Dick come batik alone,
but: lies disaplsgintted use.
cii-li'.1lIttitedge, while coming home
'from Ga tch • on Friday : night last,
had stirs raisf.rtuns to run into a
washout in.tias boundary and damag-
ed lila car .considerably. Partunately
AO. one wrap hurt. •
" eats E1aie Stonehenge spent is few
'edam in Goderuh tut week.
Mr. Batts, of Michigan, isVat-
tag his sister, Mr's. John Redmond.
lifra.•Wrn, Campbell is visiting'istr
,tar, Mrs. (Dr.) Gordon, of Luck.
Kr. and lora. John. Colwell and
"family, of Blyth, spent Sunday with
daay. et
Apply Sulphur sat Uri Wheal
Vow Skin lrseim Olt
bre g oat of the aria ea fact.,,
arses or body i. -
. right app. islet go
tter manna'Malie
ies at seipkor as I, ni.
It is intends* haat
hl me swell
o`k SWgtioggist forr a tit
Mr. And ears. Maacrr•au. of Guelph.ate visa st,r at cite home ut Air. ,Met
Moe Loom. Lothian. • - '
Mr. Jobe, Jcaolttenzie returned house
on Thursday utter epoudiva; a week as
the 1`ahontu 4xiiibitiou•
The MIsdon Banti, of Aahrield Pre$.
byteraan Church, will meet iu the atter*
aaaoan. of nexs SSaa UP1!.y at it alp , ru lee
basement of the. ouur.ete.
Rev. Halm. Beckers end Mrs Beckett
ASA sin. Konneth wt i `.. end dt. sed
Yrs, &M BoOkeas owl andMr and Mrs►.
Will, Beckett, ut ta,ayroit, are -visiting
Wends in Harvel'.
Galog1 alt Znatdt
iiitoaat.under the pet.
Mr. and Mrs. E. lit. Walters, being ,+ental ,,
home for Labor Day. i Severer hors t* were purclurasof Igo
Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Long, of Eam- fermate in this neighborhood at the
iron, were visiting the former,* yIa�s�i. in Lucknow on Tssaday,:heid hi
mother, Mrs. James Long, and broth' 414 It. L. god"
.r, Mr, John Long, last weak. i •" Mr. Delos Dudes returned on Toss.
On Wednesdays of this yuck the .,Mn bed wen S*nd, after s start hoali-
e1sUr to� Kta►•en
Enron P>reebytery at the XTAfted ° slag *pent at the honee j his Parente,
church hold its first and inaugural he Dishor,
session in Wesley 'United church, .° lscxa M. L. Sof Godarrleb, with ' oaf
Citn"Fon.•''skis* Evelyn, of the Clitdu a' �L e*W..Th. road eatBre church °to School of Crce, were gusto *reed bi'
Iltolm.+ville (the Maitland Ohs esso t with relati'res bra on Subdsale.• stow aetlor 'bo,ti
Ilion) is closed to trifle sot repair ; Mu. Whitley* returned to, her bon* read.
work is being,dose on tote larids+ over id' Dungannon,after betaei for ascribe On ninth of
the Maitland rarer. F. ;. time at Point bark, where she wwas 1 en the f.11swh
The Benmill.r Ladies' Aid meet last acting in the csipsclty of nuriee►: ` i St d:Mlle > 14
week, Wednesday, at this parsonage. ` Messrs. Kap* Disher, C.�artnat*'laser- in ,*'
There wasry ' a Yon' good stt.ndemon and Peale Wiggins, motored rS
tialtber IN,They prepared and gays a donation on Tuesday to London, where. Aar ,,-;., . .4vA6--t
to the Goderieb hospital. ° took in the sights at the Western
Mr, Ambrose Vooeten* has been •Faisr.
ailing somewhat during the pastnt,w MaKsr A,r4' ,r,_,
eid kyr
weeks and at present is under the►
doctor's clave. W* trust he will be
days at Wortern'rale torws►rdtlse
back to normal very soon. latter part of lila week, maize the
we are pleased to raoporrt that litheo trip bl motor.
Dolan and Miss Cannibell, yrialo did ilia. and M Marko lithately wed
such excellent work last year, hawse x*n 11y, oaf 1.
manna Oar dutioo at the Khoo! '""41`Y at tis.
attain. The *attendance is g.od aa+ is Thin Bt3lr
Ilfre, Jw T, Stillman. of Stratf ed.
Itev. E.,Townsend, recently return-
ed from, China, visited this ar►pak.aaL
.the home of his aunt, Mrs. John
(Intended for Lest weak)
Mr. Les 1'ot. r is visiting in. De.
Mies Aute spent the wook-endr at
hex hon* near Parkhill.
,tants ltary Green is spendintt oho
auk with Mrs. V. Young at Nile.
Mrs. Nockolds and children are
spending a tour a of 'docks In Toros.
Miss Eamon and Miss Kaiser, of
Stratford, sprat the work -end at the
home of Mrs and Mrs. John Young.
Last week Mr. Qitver Lawson took
as ton to Sarnia.
Mrs. /Aside, of the. Wog, ted a for.
mar restslost
ronewwrifg ofd as nt alba% lost la
tMa lee silty.
Ower clergymen and estate' 111 chorWee Irma the aibesti
ds iarrria waleat Fressbytery at
Inst W.demeh r.
0wsa th. Oak et this awssaih the* l r.
Mr. Agar, .t Sayibsil, wit
maitaftwery skaters* to the lariat
dm* le the Oates,
loft. Ears, imaisser at the low&
ham it p elperint the roolssas above
also the interest, lee*
and hear lathier, Mr:. James •Eaarford. Asa aaKati4ns
of Woodstock. with 'Mica II sod akaa
Mr. Charles iitillaasn, both .t t'_. its I, aekssew
of hilde
E.eaa, be staidat rg
in Bias by
LLsccimow and best
will taloa ;hire
'I'essiap' .v.*.
.owes Irma do Attie at Last
Aspigoolo bidden for aeverni
among the other
"' era"' in your actio, that
baand of pictures hate at hosts
hoe brought to light •--sats lease
we hope ea..
'Why not hare them frame&
taaasd haeg sin file walls-°-Ihant's
wham Oita" Won't. Tot et do
the work for yes bo -ahoy.
two .. T. PILL
make We.*
branch of tits
obit haul he rags
Mar9t haw # *
'Malik *die to
teams 'late ma
. Write 11116011. � *ail esu*—=taint pot
lire lea jaw r stem et thein*,
ttishealar and whoa. winch puma
emir ask illailriet4
as1y �Iyf,�erka.stdal..r
awake et Ilse., Mr. M ,1.
lfaas y ed baspiiard.r rte Wow a
are rib t 'wird, a trot herb
hew Nowa dews* Weast tet, waist.;. it
a alaiidd), Wreak aaoaasjd abbe mei
mold or white and fetors Bt; bed
room is her tpisrasts .wed haw sin
raps has gess elf the boars ' hers
fore why 1# heave H eel a'i duty sal
furl** sad tssla'ai as pig t On
bedroom ladies oak iia aMx • '
M ,a1►.reeterellSreeIli wa.,.�......_-
�rr 1da� w