The Goderich Star, 1925-09-17, Page 1r. Fine Wedding Stationery Invitations, Announcements, Cards. Cake Boxes, Etc. For Quality Goods come to Tie Goderich Star— 'r. Roam of GOOD Prermag.' bcrkij SIXTY SECOND YEAR GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1925 Mr. Merchant— You can do a bigger and better business the coming Fall—sell cheaper and makll s more moneye no matter what line you are in --if you use fairly generously The Goderich Star VANATTER & NAFTEL, Publishers A Ashfield School Fair Today and Colborne School Fair Tomorrow—South Huron Conservative Convention Tomorrow at Hensall Sun life Assurance Co. of Canada "WITHOUT AN ESTATE" On, pa j Cfo.rlieombe•Nic1I Mrs.l i bur, ed•1•n was s Ha- Aquetc hw .; Ir H• \�•Snellcated. Wedded in New Yor A quiet wedding wassolathn Little Ch:ch Arcund New York City, on Sept. � °n John H H�,,t� t H We understand Cha the nuavu vestments Co., Ltd., intend mo f Mr. nixed in St. P,ul•s c`.urch, Win •h tp. on Tuesday.afternoon, Sept 8th, Y the Miss Elizabeth Nichol, of roe♦ daughter of Mr. Jas. Nichol, of ton berry, became the bride of Mn , and thur Challacombe, of Toronto, Thee" \\onto dee!) to rte nt_i�orlty of those wain die In uuttse,. a e..r• 1.1g t" purr,:,+I i n1 'lienal. This need out be the ease if e%'1) k age rarn.•r \could r),1C1 nal• call)- lay aside a snide e,wn to apply oI> rnis t life aieuranee premium lein,ult us regarding this sydtri .it t \\ 1)' of the CI ✓ e uo lnfuruuliuu v..11 be cheerfully fu-itlahe.et. 1st, Mr. Herbert n n Noose, son of *r ^� rt near, of 'Phone 115 H. R. LONG, District Agent j''' v}ng WANTED L:\r\\r:t'.en wa -ilod to handl.. Wotklns l,u Qui .ty Pro luck dir,•r1 to uon.es to Goderich. Write J. H. WATKINS GUM1'ANY, Dept I, Hamilton. Outerio. WOULD $l0 A DAY INTEREST YOU? )ours :f you a t 1.u,'LI\ ,'. I'd wen in tee fvllu\\uL premail„n, old trades are e,on,tantl> .0 dew-A:.l. The o1.1 r,'l thh,luvl Ilentp;ul• ..mc,•^u mr:a 4il1a'rt04'.'.1 Srh.00,, der IJ•n:010u -roan to Lake po'111 1 s a, APe•b ileal Urr.tlas, Auteuiebih' tilt I.1,•rlrical Engineers, lush r•s, iirec.'..i\ers ,111,1 Platers Ir you are amt \ trn.ng at latest (4..00 ., .Ln. 4\ rig,. 1. I,;a 1.0.4 \V., 'Perone . and \\e \v,ll ,• nil our Irv,. book it trtl. '.iiia\ II ., ,loin.. pon't \hr{, r:fll bl\\)r,li \011\\ brill tiON'1' '1'\1 1\ .\ at"I', Lt. Clt\ .\ TH/Clil: Nl>\\. ,) REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 71[11./USES ! itvl'SES ! t41 k▪ inds for sale. If you intend t 11 ng - imine let me show you wieve )'ou .alt sr(\.• money. Never \\as the opportunity better. Get pos.'s on whet it w111 oriel you to bulld Shen eent1 1❑ and see \\ii'at t have to offer you and ha\e ,Honey. Teel 1 will . mem,' to you. P. J. RYAN, Rent testate and Ineuranee, Phone 50. THE .Aft.\Nl'Riltii; REAL EST ATI- : and NSl'ft\NGE AGENCY. Life. am Life , Areedrnt and Irtsur ane.1geni Houses u.. i1. Luta in ';oder:cli and t andNairn, f,.1' 7410 15lrert Segg b:u•;zy 1.i for .Burk buvors. ern in A!t,.rr eember of nooses stent lots Ineiul!u, G :- 1eh foil' sale. nt.^, llfly farina I1e;eil to select bettor place to huy a herrn' of any. J. \V. NFINIel'IleNr;. Per.on•a' Peir, Uodrrirh, Ontario. A. But S. TOWN TOPICS The Lions Club • At the meeting of the Goderich Lions Club last Friday Ex -C ens Warden Elliott, Mr. Gallie, (repre- senting the Canadian Manutacturers' Association), and Ylr. Hurry Roth- well, briefly addressed the members. It had been expected that His Honor Judge Killoran \vould be present to speak to the ntt•r.iLer.i but he was un- avoidably detained out ot town, out it is expected h.• will be heard from on some future t'rcasiun. Post Nuptial Dinner Party On Tuesday evening, Sept. 15th, the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Pennington, trataigar street, was the scene of a pretty post -nuptial dinner party giv- en in honor of Mrs. Pennington's on- ly sister, Mrs. Floyd E. Smith (nee Violet M. Ross). The dining room was beautifully decorated with flow- ers and crepe paper ribbons, the wedding colors of yellow and white being used throughout. During the dinner Mrs. Smith received souse very beautiful gifts, after which the even- ing was spent in music and talk. Mrs. Smith returns to Detroit with the good wishes of many friends. 10,1s, Rain. ik J. W. CRAIGIE Real Estate and insurance i NOTICE TO CRED TOR N rTl1;l•.' Ti 1 r;ItEU11Y,RS. from their offices in the Masonic build- ing to the offices on North street being vacated by Mr. Cluff and expect to make the change some time next week.. Mr. 0. F. Carey will also re- move to North street, taking the of- fice at present occupied by Mr. Cav- amtgh. Mr. Phil. Carey has opened an insurance office in Owen Sound anti the firm of 0, F. Carey & Son, Ltd., will operate in both OwenSound n d aauil Goderich. Former AahfieM Resident Dies in Stratford After art illness of only a aveek's duration the death of Roderick lei. McKenzie, of 330 Huron street, Strat- ford, occurred at the General idospi- tal. The late Mr. McKenzie, who was 62 years old, had been a resident of the city for 13 years, employed by the Globe Wernicke Company. Born in Scotland, he came to this country with his parents as an infant. The family settled near Lucknow. in Ash- field township and it was there he spent the greater part of his life, and farmed until he went to Stratford. His father, William McKenzie, who predeceased him by six years. was one of the most widely -known men of the district, living until he was more than 100 years of age. 1 Banquet to key tlumball From the September issue of The Blue Bell, the trade paper of the Bell Telephone Company, we clip the fol- lowing reference to Ray Runib•all, a former manager of the Bell Telephone Co, in Goderich. Ray has been w th the Bell Company all his working life and for some time has been in Wind- sor as district traffic supenntendeni i "At the Elmcourt Country Club on 1 August 12th, a large number of Wind- sor employees from all departments met in honor of Mr. R. J ltumball, district traffic superintendent:, before his departure for London where he I anti iiee-the posifion'of div talon plant • equipment superintendent. The ben- t quet, at which Mr. C. H. \\'estman acted as a toastmaster, was follev.id by a delightful musical program and addresses by Mr, J. W. Ord, division traffic superintendent of London, and Mr. M. E. Moore, who succeeds Mi. Rumbali, Expressions of regret at r , Mr. Rumball's departure and the gond wishes of the Windsor staff were ex- , tended in an address read :,y Miss F. IN 1'lIE MATTER ul'"i11E ESetTE nl• J.A.\iha V.\TES. IVP`: ul' '1'111 TDWN Notice 1.; hereby given LIP,' all per eons ha\ing claim, or denl.u;.ls agr.ins of June. fates, 1n\vn of 1;oderirh• ui the Cn.tnIV 0 Ilur„.n, r:ontlemati, !e:laid, e, he di', un the ,k)tb da) of \uaust, .4. Ir. 1945 are rage. red to 1.4.01 er ,irl1' to i': en.lereeiewd, soli, iter, fur tee 1•:r(, .•1 truces, full pcarteeilars mf the e. riffle,, till) \ 1111 ,l t) el e 4u.tt1 n ,1 aflt.l. \it FOR SALE OR TO RENT nn or brfr,rr Pie. tlii4.1 ela> u: ,l' tub• 1. h 1P2:,. \ 1C,pl.q '' hought raves. .\NU T.1Eh: NUTICi: t i 4 art„r Um .\Bels al - 1''lt .th'h'LI:1: said il. 7.1 ,lav of Ilrlober \. Ir. 1923, th. •-e.I Execei-tree will prose •d to .l,etr- ('SE FOR REN'T.-:Suh.1 brick cat_ hole 1110 esus:; of the eel rler.'osed, ' cage Button property'. Appl\ among the It.'rsr,n, 1.ntitl.4 111,hu,m, 2 D. MUUNEY,, East rt, ^k'honl• _on, and that the said oxer iter will net lie I liable for the said asset, m • :my P101 f rr RENT.- Taco newly' furniesed tl>ere`of, to any person of wiles • el:rot 1 room two minutes wale from the they .hall Iw,t then have rer uolire Square,: hot water heat, nalh. t Io<tr,r DATED at (loderieb, 11r1'ari 1, tin- 1•ilui light, elephone, light h,> i.,' Eeol up da) er September .1 11. 1923 privileges, apply at The .tai Gale,.1L\YS ie fLeYS, o t rir 1. r __ i—1 Solicitors fur the• h:xeeulrn'r', HOl!FE to RENT-L'p•to-dale G ronin ' ed house on Brock Street. .\pp.\• AUCTION SALES to •B, G. Munnings, Trafalgar Street. - 1 f FOR RENT. - Apartment near the A11411'14 IN SALE DPT\Vr:NY\' 11\ h: Sgirare, 6 rooms and bath. PO4- `',1IU1ATIII>RN /:.\TTi,E, all r•u1411• session may be had octet) • C'ilh ..r '''1, 17, grade settle, 21 regl.t.er ` 1 eeirc•• perhaps a little earlier. Appl;. to .Mfrs. Orr sheep anri r, number m; horses ..t alolutul, (,hurur street. 2 t LItT 3, CON. 10. C0)LRIII1Ni.; '1'P.. nn \VEINESD.1Y, 4117 illi, t:1,',, Full I•,t p()11 S.\LE,-Cabinet Grand Plano for t gale. Apply to Mlle. A. G. KYLE, !Dtrnlop Apartments, Wei; St. FARyI FOR RENT.--Menesetune Park for rent at nominal rental. ideal spot for market garden. Fine barn •old +dhirken houee. Apply li 11. .1ir;- CREA1'11, Phone 331, Goderich. POR REV -F. -Brick house for rent, all ron\eniences. .4,1$11 a hour' for sale. Apply to T. H. \Valley, eeclori t Street next week, 10MT. 1;LEN, T. 1-ar\DRY, 1 1'roprirte,r Aur.! tuneer i,14 TIi)N SALE nF Hr il•SEliul.D FU'IRNiTURE. MRS. 11.\Vlll seruleee141' will 44.11 h) putrlir aurhon at 11•'r r,i• 41.0' . East ilreet.. ceeler{ch :opp.ede 1're.i>yterian rhureh, on SATURDAY. SEPT. 19th rrm,ntrn • at 1:'30 o'c1 rick .911503. �!OR RENT I)It SALE 4, s•••> en moat.I t nal table. 1 Targe leather purge0, 1 rd t401140, with furnace, bath, rte, ntnhr.gan) v,•ttt' 1 „tatm, arm- e rhatr, 1 had tthl0, `l hall nail rer.. 1 a , .1 on Arure vlrert, bet\vicen Victnrit and 40..re centre 44h1e 1 tr1,h Ist'red ,rn Seal. Apirl) to \f \1. Ilovvi11, Brown.” Bender-Craigie A very quiet wedding took place on Monday morning, Sept. 7th, at 9,30 o'clock, when Jessie Olive Alexandria, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. tlraigie, East st., was united in holy bonds of matrimony to Mr. Lewis Russel Bender, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bender, St. David's st., Rev. R. C. McDenilid officiating. The bride wore a sand colored travel— ling suit with crepe blouse to match, blonde shoes and stockings and brown and sand hat, and wore the groom's gift, an Isabel fox fur, and carried a bouquet of Butterfly roses. The bridesmaid, Miss Therese Fry, of Kit- chener, was gowned in sand crepe trimmed with pansy georgette and worn black shoes and stockings, with hat to match, and carried Columbia roses. The groom's gift to the bridesmaid was a jewelled bar pin and to his brother, Mr. Geo. Bender, Jr., of Toronto, who was groomsman, gold cuff flink.J. After the ceremony a dainty wedding breakfast was serv- ed. During the toasting to the bride a telegram of congratulations was re - North etreels. Possession latter p in of cher. t oniiiwar,.nrn ex481 ) n” tali!. II; ceived. Mr. and Mrs. Bender left by inning remit (-haws, 1 writing d,•,k, t.p_' motor for Toronto, Niagara Falls and : )fi ti1i,l; - 11' 1..1 \'R1\a;l'1; 1'I,I'1,• retry i ,rpets and rugs, pietur's, 1 .1 1-' Buffalo, and will also take the boat Tftl' Y lfil)ti 20o 5 C 4 111110 hr.ar,t New \\114.3114 s.•.:.ng n.a011111 . � trip down the St. Lawrence. The e kiieh• n rt, o, r4. 1 ,wrl11t e\. epee, t ,rt r;ork-r•els, April hatch. 1,031 Prrf•.11„•t tl.r.•e-burner rook •fn\, :,nil gifts were numerous, including a birds w.t.. .a neck ae`rn4.' , t.'1. 1 ,I,•el rlr.ge. '2 kitmlen table,, 1 y suras per hint per ni.0.11. miner 1.0.4I.r1. ur I: -lis•, and k fibro ut.•n,11s i 'Frinrwn't ..f it,., arae t'.Ir. P,1 rM) tilt I it-. 1 w3l11i11 human, 1 gal\nn,z or 3 '-.sort time Iil,. I;h:.,ltr;": ret \\ar111.41). 1 J -shier •n.11 .1, e u) 1 SI,Ai11:. It. It No 1, It t. e. el la ‘,,ii Ty, ,,,,r..\\r•, it t.,,,,)„.0.,1,.„ hn+•, 1 ., it 12 'nu •;' 1. ,,,,.I' rlr1. heater, 1 ir•.n hall. veil sprhna4. kt: JI TOWN — — - -- -_ acini i.t un Nr iron roar . 1. near ,. ,411 •stand. 1 rm1-,•l. un. t,1:r Zhu f' . j OF GODERICH roar''\, rn, ''4. In' iodine ,'.,I „t:.r•. R+V bib-, , f•rtl"n healer. 1 email opal healer, snow p 'ani .'leets 1. Ii,.Ihl.• " =+ PEOPLE %VE KNOW ,trel.•Iier. anri nunre'rous other article.' �.�ia•,:_. • :N 1'.. \ sr4 reenlist iiiireru.4l.,•,1 n..,tt1. w, .1 ore01,z., 3 >1•,.0.0i. hell r, shads. salt). 44011(1. and ntatl r4:r. 1 rile urrr,t. a anri 444 11 n.” I "1) 1 ) .i!') 8.•1 1 hathr•,Iul mirror. 1 Per_ number of pieces of silverware and a cheque from the bride's parents, also a number of pieces of china from girl friends received at a shower given by Miss Pearl Ritchie ash 1 tl h app. arin>r I ronin- ..,,aril. 41.n. , 10 fool hal ,Ir I>'.pes 1 s. r„tin 1 soft water p. 'blit pia to .n attarhruent' in hath root,. 11 .1, ' •41_ ,\ ea by l(el4.`\ hat .nr fart..., 11i'1 IOW t” '\H•'I.!n,• r\ ...>.,n1 4..k . _ Apply to ere- .Alli.• 0 r't .ur 'Ii I Public School Beard The monthly meeting -of tt'e public school board was held on Tuesday evening„ Sept. 8th, present Trustees I Wallace, Acheson, Sallows, Saunders, Craigie and Carrie, Trustee Thomsen in the chair, Alex.. Elliott, a scholar, was trans- ferred from Central school to Victoria school, on request of his mother, Mrs. D. Elliott. • Mr. Wm. Ruddock, s'bc .was ap- pointed caretaker of Centra: school, sent a letter of thanks to the board for the appointment. He was also appointed school attendance afficer for the school, A request frogs Btiis Evelyn N. Dougherty. her name was placed on the list of supply teachers. A list of kindei'gerten supplies, its asked for, was approved, the secre- tary to order them. The purchase of H dictionary for \ ietoria school was decided on, the chairman of the board and the princi- pal of the school to make the Pur- chase. The secretary was authorized to purchase two owe! parer buckets for Victoria school. The purchase of paper towels for both schools and of a number of smell supplies for Central school waa left with the chairman of the contingut,t commmittee. A number of accounts were refer- red to the finance committee to pay if found correct, and it was decided to give the public achoels a holiday on Thursday afternoon of last week to attend the Goderich fall fair. Smith -Ross A very pretty wedding was solem- nized at 9 a. m. on Thursday, Sept. •3rd, at the home of Rev. Dr. Gibson, pastor of Olivet Presbyterian church, Detroit, Mich., when Violet Margaret, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Ross, Elgin avenue, Goderich, became the bride of Floyd Ellsworth Smith, B. A., second son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Smith, of Columbus, Ohio. The pretty bride looked beautiful in a gown of old ivory flat crepe trimmed in heavy dyed lace, with picture hat and shoes and stockings to match and' i carried a shower bouquet of yellow and pale pink American Beauty roses and ferns with streamers of white tulle. The matron of honor was Mrs. George M. Ross, who looked charming in a gown of blue silk crepe'with hat and shoes to match. Mr. David R. Ross, brother of the bride, was best man. The bride and groom left by motor, jmtnecilately after the cere- mony for their summer cottage of Wamplus Lake, Michigan, the bride travelling in a dress of olive green jersey cloth with green coat and hat, green stockings and black pumps. They were followed to the cottage by some twenty or thirty decorated cars of boys and girls of the Edison staff. who entertained and showered them with many beautiful and expensive gifts. A reception was held later in fl' children, accompanied by Mr. their Menton and dautibter, of Stratford we*Eth, to guests ot Mr. and Mrs, 11. C. Walke,of Mr, Cambria road, the past week. to, and Mise Leaella Croak has returned tte mar- dyraouse N.Y., to resume her p°altiot,r.ancis as nurse in the University Intimary, On her way aha stopped MC to visit al' Port Colborne and Niagara. gy Miss Emma Campbell left Monda; „ma_ afternoon ,on her return to Toronto John where she is engaged. in Mr. Proudomo itr foot's office, after a fortnight's veer( health tion in town. death Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barett anbbtngs, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rutledge, u Plum - London, spent a very enjoyuhle week; c me eupd with Mr,,and Mrs, Hall Rutledge young Palmerston at. since. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Young have relit bus - turned from a six weeks' trip to thlt; who Soo, tit. Joseph's Islaud and Ping chit - Island, going by way of Owen Sounet Mr. where they visited their son, g her, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mair, BritaxAnt, of nia Road, have returned from Torovtvnt, at to, having spent a week there visitin,a and N relativesExhibiSen andn. fPe. alas taking in the Oor,Mr. Ldward Biddulpht motored fro and Detroit, accompanied by his daughtr sur - and son-in-law, to spend Labor Da J'lure- with his sister and brother-in-la\enmber Mr. and Mrs. Chas, A. Wells, Bayfiolii Road, The appointment of Mr. J. L. Kil loran to the bench will mean his remo\f live al to Stratford In the near future, thougl Nat - ho hopes he may remain here ter a 1'evowing woek,, yet In order to close up his bust the evening when seve of the Edison Company gave acjdres- , I res, referring to the ability and good work of Mr. Smith since he has been! with them holding such a responsible, position. After the speeches the company of about fifty danced and enjoyed themselves till the wee sma' hours of the morning. Mr. and Mrs. Smith will be at home to their friends and relatives after 1421111PyI Sept. 21st, at their new home, 12$6 masker Ave., Detroit. The bride was the recipient of many wonderful gifts from friend both in Goderich and De- troit, among them being a very sub- stantial cheque, the gift of the groom. May they live a long and happy wed- ded life is the wish of many friends of both bride and groom, A new shipment of Dates, Figs, Prunes, Dried Fruits, etc. Seedless Raisins, hest quality, 2 for 25c Shredded Whoa 2 Packages for 25c Sunlight, Surprise, Comfort, Gold, P. & G. Soaps, your choice of. assortment 4 for 2.5c Al Bars good Launch y Soap for $1.00 A good assortment of Curtain Goods for single and double Curtains'. Floor Oilcloth and Table Oilcloth in different colors and patterns Assortment of Linen Towelling, 20c yd. up. Medium weight Underwear for hot weather, Men's Caps at close prices. Boys' Outing Cape We can Save You Money on Dry Goods 25o J. J. McEwen Goods delivered to all parte of the Town PHONE 46 South Side Square r statement: "In Leicester., the old aged ram, best ram lamb, champion reliable, James Snell, Cliotou, took lamb, shearling ewe, ewe lamb, grad - most of the firsts, Ile n:r1 the best nese here. The people of Godorloh will be sorry to see him leaving Goderlob Mr. Rex. Clutr lett to -day for S'rat ford, where he is opening a legal onloe The opportunttes which recent changes among the legal fraterulty in the Classic City opened up made inducements h felt he could not well offered to let slip Mr, Clutf made many trieuds r, Gudorich while here who will regret his OUR 6z" AN NIVIER rititzrel°Oval ;PEMLPRICESALL WEEK Mr. Wm. Campbell had as his guests an Sunday last hitt brother, ,sir. James Campbell, of Brantford who is the only other surviving mem- ber of the family, besides our vener- able townsman. He is 89 years of age. Mr. Campbell was accompanied by his son, Mr. Alex. Campbell, of Preston, and his wife; also by his daughter, Mrs. Free, of Brantford, and her husband and their little 4 - year -old son. AT Tftg (ARBOR Good progress is i1r\Rg reale on the cement work on the satire pier. The steamer Glen Isle Waite wheat for the Western Canada Fleet: 011ie is due today. Good progress is being made oY? both the cribs at the west side of the harbor. A gasoline engine driven saw is busy on the bathing beach crtting up the timbers of the old river breakwa- ter, which have been towed around and drawn up on the beach. What is said to be the largest cargo of coal to come to Goderich arrived, per steamer Glenelg, about 4 o'clock yesterday morning. This is slack coal from Toledo for the Western Canada Flour Mills Co. The Glenelg is of the self -unloading type and the cargo was discharged by midnight. • i"ir!..•n, us • 11 i,4 \+ it,i• - \-''' ' Mrs, W. E. Kelly, of London, was a week -end visitor in Goderich. County Treasurer Wm. Lane is 'y thing 0(1141 he d14pm- -d of, a, 440'-te l.lar•I 1134 sol.t Di.. pri ,e'rfy 1 4 R\t0 (ash 'I' i;1'\rHl'• .1., 0=0 (0 1•..0 away on a visit to British ('elumbia. - :nh.• pl •,: f,,. n Mr. and Mrs Painter, of Hlnlev, spent SOCIOr (rdon.,o .✓ 1•..\\n „f 14,.,4 '.,' . nr, I•nr1'. the week end t\fth Mr. and lira. url. I O hon.l' \ 70 r•••\ el I• Worthy to town DERF.NTIiRFS FOR SALE (Continued on Page 6) AMONG THE CHURCHES Harvest thanksgiving ser \ ices will be held in St. George's church on' Sunday, September 27th. Thu prep - cheer botktw. ,,,.twld .evening willt be the Rev. E. V. McMillan, rector of St. James' church, Ingersoll. In Knox church the services will b in charge of the minister. Subjects of sermons, 11 a. m., "Fifty Years and After;” 7 p. m., "The Heritage of Youth." A service for young peo- ple. Sabbath school at 3 o'clock. Baptist church, Sept. t Past - 10.15; ANNIVERSARY PRICES nets bible cllaa in ss the auditorium at 10.15; subject, "Who will be raised at the firs resurrection ?" Come., Olreachtng at 11.00. Evening subject, "A victory without powder rir sword.” J Everyone welcome. More are coming every Sunday. The Arthur Circle cordially invite :4 lbs. ' all the young women of the congrega- 'TE SATIN tion to tea in the lecture room on :ST FOR 1 Monday, Sept. 21st, at 6 o'clock. The PASTRY regular meeting will follow at 8 p. m. i The topics will be taken by Mrs. Cutt •ersary and Mrs, Tebbutt, North St. United churcb, ittev. C.) F. Clark, pastor. Services Sunday, Sept. 20th: 10 a. m., Mena Club, classes and Mission Band; 11 a. m„ THIRD YEAR IN GODERICH MacDONALD GIBBS CHOIRMASTER KNOX CHURCH will receive pupils in Piano and Singing. Large library of choice Piano and Vocal Music. VOICES TESTED FR E i4 O:phnfe�all+l,tse or chtirck'or 'p41r 0600 1014 • 01 Tr' " "' Mrs. Ifoldsworth, of Hohn'-,\ idle Is Vie guest of her dalklite!, firs McPhail. Britannia road 44iva (lark, editress of the News -Record, was a caller Stair ()dice on Monday. ! Mr. anri Mrs. Grenville 111rltannfa road, are visiting the nr k>17 fd), Inc tee Fair at London this week. 1 1•'1)4(141 ,11Th\1p1.1t Irl',, 1•, 1141'11 14 41 • N.1'u11Ell I,t. i •' ..r., t, n borrl, n ' .1 .wa \.. f for ftt0., ,7, .( 1, 1!•11. 4'• 2 for $4257 ., ,111 1927 \ . .1 For 5117 .rt, O ♦ , 4 rot 5119 14) ,111 1"2 Ne ' for $497 -Il. do.• 1e40 f O \e 7 for i13ia3:17, hie ler;' I Mr. Douglas Thornton, of Toronto,' 07, dun 1P11 spent the week -end with his grand- parentey Mr. and Mrs. Hall Rutledge. Miss 'Aiiifta Cox has returWi[ •borne after vatting- risi4tirs' fn ,8t,'141101iiirs. RililS G ode. defy, of ----- spelit itta,*astr hitt c41,111:. Y)t►r s11"oti�ttif lti°M, Rtlidiliftf{tlil;f� a�� 1tClw4 t ague,* td Mus " 5111Ct 4IUlt.eiiilt' public worship; subject, "Moses at rn the Burning B n 1 g Bush;" 3 p. m., Sunday school; 7 p. m., evening service con- ducted by Rev, P. S. Banes, of Aub- urn. The public cordially invlt% Victoria et. United church, Sun Sept. 20th: Harvest Home th `giving services, 11 o'clock a. , 7 o'clock p. M. Special muni IiAir silted by the 13 1 Qu�artette, Morning subje 1 'thing;" evening, "The Gift." The pastor, Rev. fers(Iti, at both services. and Stitiday school begins winter sera lona at 3 o'clock. I The Huron Pteebytery ,(continui g') held its regular Xfiarterly meeting in the Seaforth Pref "terian church on Tuesday, Sept. 8tf1, 'kith Dr. Larkin In the chair and attefldlitttce of fifteen, including Revs. McDerf;llll!, Maefarl- ' ane and Foote, ministers,, ,11'11 repre- I sentatives from congreg'> etiee and groups numbering eight if • t71'i. Ifhes- srs. Foote and Strang were f1l',t'ed as a nominating committee wi'0 p*1k' - er to appoint committee,. RepoiI'.3 were received from groeee settin'(, forth present conditions at d indicat- ing for the most part situations now• gratifying and full of promi.e for the ! future. in certain cases steel were taken for making' new connections • that will he in the interests of some of these groups. Brurefiet•. now re - Price C CALIFORNIA SEEDLESS 15 oz. PKT. Anniversary Sale 2 FOR 23c VICTORY BRAND SWEET LARGE BOTTLE Anniversary Price, C FFEE CHRISTIES' SODA BISCUITS Anniversary Price 5c lb. C 3 COA and y the Class Mid Rs able elby Jef- ble class s fall and reaves weekly service from Clinton_ <'har'es and the continuing congrexltr.ion that worships in the Anglican church at Clinton Bengali taxes the rapacity of the at the sacred edifice. Arrangements were I made whereby' the Presbyterian case Clark, from Hensall, Clinton, Brucrileld and Western Bayfield may be adequately presented before the Commission tp meet at Stratford in the near futot . Be- sid e a Presbyterian delegati sir tie Q 0 \e R for 4570 ria' 193:1 \m 9 Mr $5 No. 10- for SG? 0`t, duel •44433 Th.'we hoods bear I 'tared, at' ffve per cr'nt. with interest xrupunll attached and are offered to 1 sal euleterfbers et par. Tho list is now . ' Co titspn't1<\rr at tette 'Town Trees(' 's Ofnce, and after O , r cM tet the i(7t liallauliat atptliijlr null will allot' ilio Yceaigftlitireec . bd; I! '7J +'l . Pant tterltrel' ' OildoP; O11lltt 4 ng of Messrs. Foote, Mimi Strawy congr.gatfons cone instructed to flgt ' - ;in ferrous rept'esentatfcn, meting? lasted two hours avid f!t reale* ' many isuattees clow. ( tio'Pell• "trite, Pa ° fife oy the I �y "gill ifte re$$ r, 1 Si P1i t •s hyteriast. church, iledfortltt -the con - lane ted F u wig a t' w yo h to cosi a i�eblt 4r :sr( party in another section, you can have your banker draw a draft on him at sight or for a given time. This will be presented through his local banker as request for payment from you. When your 4raff its. paid it is turned over to the payer. It is his receipt for an account paid. 'i i5 is only One oft tie numerous ways in which the Bank of Montreal can be of YCrvice to its customers; veer y tT LARGE ASSORTMENT MMEND ,MER" ''CANADIAN s2 we 21c D QUICK PUDDINGS PKTS. 25 imprimv PURE MAL VINEGAR 3 rms.