HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1925-08-13, Page 2' ,*14 •
-1111Prill"W.' Arriaaldne41017, „
'Mit' WA Y. 4 tte.its1, 11111,
1 ;A 11htt “trt tit'.'i 4.-1. Ito. Ita t ii at
4 I Ft. - ittiack.
i To'•,titt tfa*IP,:. , t. 1. r.. eaInottli-et
CaRr3, Air °an lure .
or i "4# 4,.-1"4s 111 10 '..111 • -.I. Elli.i.1141. ;VI'
N •.,,, AA."' IV ,„„„„.„, ,,,,„ ,„„.„,..:,-1,-....1.1ir ‘ f..1.- ,T ii
)0'1'4 iit. I1P. 1:441 A -!Al ,n. iif Al3neli,
aciptvain VW' tt,,:,..Ftr,7... T.„,,, .1.4474'„Iii-, slid.. .1%, ,.^.,.. 11;,1
tilt' b,..nly ii.solf' in t e‘in bet ;:t -a-.•••1 itt,
. , ,
. .
Pretlifr,' Illion *A 1.: 1 h it c'.. -e.1 ..f itto
• •
. 44,11-tr.-it tn.:. be r•Liiii the
'Willie 'the itv-st ie =wield jelne•i, brr piael. ninon; Cori...Fan n.lialirto.
te firra-t, 411, kA11/41‘111.P. tt.iAti id tit s as the tiatelm-q.
!Al crt, the ttvents 10.11rit preventil 1.1r. Festival or Nona ri.msvy t.' e•ariti •aet 40110 iii .1 .1 .!
great coal zttrilie lint e01311- I %wont% li,arpt to 111.11"
try, areateno, ,n,sw 4,"1"..301"KiF . toil. Mt( re feria, tor.;
1:11010, Prratirr Baldwin vvlio aver.ci
filo bieng ratted front Mt
Oidrs with realeisni. liven labor leati-
eiv.,1 arc rondentiiing tint 'Stir +Watt they
.cons'Arz? giving tanall but
protent "red'. olement. tlecrge N'Peot
&Wilts who sreyed as a m far obis.
fONV in nit 0111101011h for over swell
)cars is .'isinul,e4.1 by lir arOlath ot.
inovetrosat %atilt a Wins( If 'helped t
set on foot. the organizatio 'un-
Nv0rhr:S. tatt's Vial. he fad.-
t'd In foresee...113*W AV 1ft) 4,111 W
"Jae Inn community. by law throat."
Ramsay •Marlionahl ifins tile chorus by
tanning the govt.,,rriniciat's arron into
-a **sun:Yoder to tbe etual notters.”. •Iht
th„0,..ts plitt. a victory lent been. iyon
(by -•••.ry f,n-tos that, hP110 sovietism
felt to be probably its greaVs.i. encirt.
omit ltritain Pond such, a
ttErvy contr. 11 HI cNIst-wherrlii *01.
v' 1
nave at. Vie, ranntil \V :••,t r
it intythrii. \Nato,. .,, pawl
town on 4',...iatami Hay; Thi re ,r,:e
1.i Liu- nal vIttrahN "1 tut rtittganA,
411-411111; and Ito I tt-tr.!,t a2•1
le,:atics tram itvg•Ity pat:, 44f :41. Wt. ..11
Ar11 411:8'11(131101'. (=.
3tily Bridge tItiattnel
A. bridge aeross I.:1141s'). **:111111114
labia and in,r4 6'41)1,14 61,4„ berf.piriti 4t the present thne. ;And each
gotioa faun ',4 proo,") allot tho threc.niquIre inons.d'ate att..n.
Freer end *kr Problems
The FretOt Pirtnt:itt, Patairytt Is
itNiftitinP 1.1 i':::111114,t-s of Muni,
vial rillemi it et Tta:a )1;4 4 oni,st
it4iirml hi... Fier...'t 4los- .rarwrit at
the vores?nt moment a zf., weir^ Iter
11rtatielat tiobit:La. lier debts and. W.,
4.19rarritit War 111'0 b licaNtly upon
liurAnw woompe-rent *Kara-
AVA, Wads* is 441 that le aeopeeeary
te ears *a *moo ot free*
SSW be Pelee a yeor, hoe* Os
Wort to ea,* y the *food Oda. ot
lilt mad be reepeoled ta year met.
tametty tta a ateather of a dleatitiod
Dotter* or ciampactie ,40:voy
an these ttr
of Chiropractor
wilt At yeu the profemise.
Clime twe now htnateg tor a
twelve menthe scum of study.
Writ*** cur Year book -it aivet
pattieutors also* wester thia
at:sided treeonethet, bow you out
est youtielf iel a yaw to sera the
IMAM* sod lam doe rm.
THE TractilT0tunc
Ow. Yew &4101144011blk USA*
watt.. 14 ',raffia 1 ere* et. r tr.
1 10`.-..• 'it g t halt;
.nt Itt,;- It-n.antt. tn.,. e
r tirill;- tn.
Ithairts atr fo L'ttht
csri ost•ert
4•4 lw %ate t.t1 tAirt •
*ft Or
1 Q. -Where is Mount. Bagot and
whom was it named •afte,: ?
A. -A peak of intereat on the kW-
tish Columbia...Alaskan boundar.y ,
Mount Bagot with an elevation of
7,155 feet. It is la latitude 59 de.
grees, longtitude 135 degree.: and is
named, according to the eighteenth re -
•port of the Geographic Board of
plan e's .to budd it In Lie form of two ten. I". N1/441 -n Mere.-.'" F• -'11A' 111"" I r.----Cr",-"Trigilir-2r---777- s etlin-ulat. After Sir qtalen'114404. Bri..
rout: of WI'S sPlAtrtileil troll twit ether anti maze serious. With 04-Tnunt 0 -1 -i -- --"" - -. - tit& Ambassider to Russia and Plen.
by some /time,' .;11111nr.•41 Ill'''i"44 the ire' OM diVeting the itittlan nia:'aVons Ibia-ar " WM' debta• then,. aa;" P"1". ipotentiary to Petrograd in -1982, in ,
ConneCtiOn With negotiations in. re -i
temente); spaco providiug. a s.WIterod aga'ingt the Frelle;li alr111 a Aliment sf le8"ea er"ee Nv:1•1 begia la lest'Itly° ll'I.
gard to the Alaskan bour.dary.
channel where i.wlft Wilii4 einiki erovi. nglIfing airplanes •rea4...;.;ng• ow iiific„, cal reforms sv.1".elt win stabtiro • th.. I
,bri al mo ,..ictifts, es, upper. story nialarni:nn. pravarr ans. 1,..1, nrasre or. ,11quo..LttiOn of vlebt4,• anti stabilk.atical Q. -What was the value of the B..
b,twor a England in.24 Franco FamAt "kern NV:111'11*T We sr? not..told, but tw.) franc. The system is tho evett reCe BRITISH COLIIMBIA.
I, C. fishing industry in 1911 ?
1,:tie of tic bridge would /left 'en nucfr,$) 01" Vial' IS a'"Utiling Itle* BriUsh 44-1ftlt vr41011 1111)%111e11
trictrfs wide, with a roadway. and Per madc .to Londta 4.m.;11IP SW)* (4 ill° Pattall 'bh° e?atVt'
• so
clanst Itaticrs e(tridenin a i,onsmat re rm. b.riti,to %you'd. ,44 0 • 0111 Walsh d'intontits.-so InsIgnlictint
trocrnatent for rieeng, mint a bob.,lie-.1 „ , • s 1 ne, (ALI • •
- Lill attlitted and lifny millet] 41 Wars. •• as IL. less 'thee lieriY-11vo
tainfleit11.. 110Wf.V.!1% Ilallalltrn iittrs a year, tti.•.I at least tittle
..\',1sloy"otr.14.,atftt Bir141:0111' l'INSvta 'st4f14,1:41,11 Nte.a4T10%:14:1 f rIa7AU-sially l'ariCia'p 01.1104. in Ocrilitt0...traarkst A.N;hiet1 tires t
the days of the war, and radical me- safe Alp mato. . • • ilhagn Would be es.pecto4 ronsert
1M. ;:t. 11s auld, 11..1W about to
. Jed of NAM` dadz( 't)r iff.1.1.1mt.pd 14;
sew Reeora lato,otorling 4:41 Itor ota'n retitonAbility.`
thods were no 0.1ssary to brim; !t lo
stiehliiii-s at 111e %ivy 'Alorttreat has t111111Tutt a now rerar.1 trntt(ity Filikps co 12, . t
Canada's Newest City •in tonlit-hamilltif; by 1:111 tleolicery int 1
--' stthieet. or delfts, anti at the8sain41ePtilli)14c.
NireF3 liar is CanatlaN Tonna+ .t. eily. ilutg°11.1g' °11P4 i'r 2.9;77:111, 114'4'114 ...11, !France. Is endeavoring ti) raise fresh
itin,l.a..; Isv a preecnted 'with ther ante:- "I"' .daY' :IN" 44'vatitt4 mi'm "I',w"';‘.1', loans in Prosmut? lir; nmid. cola , riiitt.
T111'.. Is, 1.1eitrative offairN if r.:11P tiPelaTri 4TIP: ligill
v.' on Auatrd P -,I, at lite largea trattott• and 15 sift:. NN1're Waled.
rug iii ..„,.. his.t.„r., Norib nal tahvs, lirs.1 Bow '.:14 . VIrilloatc li')-1" :ft nourl , and th , help (-A*, tt'ilt.1 i» ale' 11.1141+1h-
„ . ,
, .,,,-,......,.....,..t.,.......,.................,
, •
.Bn't'ain Celebrates Hundred Ye4rs of Railroading
. • . • ' • . '
- •
. .
A -The Salmon pack in British Co-,'
I lumbia for 1924 W14E1 the laigest ever
made in that Province, totalling 71...1
745'313 " 4"/"Q" cases larger'
Distinctive Designs
with Exclusive Fabrics
. W414~401111~1041=~01.044101.4.41.04
Our Fall Cloths are in
• • t
Straw Hats Clearing at Half Price -
We can xapply your Wants in Metres
mart Wear
"The Meo'$ atuldBOys$ Store Worth While"
North Side Square
Phone 219
(than any individual pack of the last --
five years. The increase is due to the MaihutIfe Lakes in Eastern Ontario,1 It isn't polite to talk about the wen..
beavy output a pinks and chums, oaraong the Frontsnac Highlands. ther-not if you use adequateolau..•
which together totalle4 1,020,454 ea. Nearby is Om Canadian Gibraltar of gunge.
Isets, or 70 per cent. oZ the total out- •the big rock which rises- abruptly .10(1,
1923 the value-of-the-salinon feet ia height -arta extends for a mile' --
pack was $13,130,000, mut the total of and 11. hag. It carries WW1 paint.'
all fishery products in British Coluni. ings on its surface, supposes to record 11111-flok
bia $18.921,100, The value of the aneient battles between the Iroquois'
1924 output WAS approximately $20,-' and the Northern t_ribes:
000,000. , .
BON ECHO Reduced by Astiosta..--The tonstant • SAVt, •
lilt. 1, 11.,K1Nt1 '
thilitraWa; ltratileIs'
inerrase Irt,litn, demand for Vaeat
in I:1011a, NMI:est, .'„inpartti
hinit 11(14-1' l'iNa`litty 1nel-eased four
iltindre.1 per cent. 4-445.4'
Beatty for 04 taw a 'Post 1 • "
Thor., is a j.r.1041' deal of sportthowa , •
. 10'1,ot:don over lint' app‘',Oltuoirt 'Of ,
. erlTilr-VIIITO (Ur Canada 141 $UITtjeli '
. PY1*:. tort'. Allenby 'milli Prince
:ffenr,v have. alt-rady littyn suggested, ...oti •
ttatuitliatri slISP'Avti
titeY Ntionlil • 111nt tsi see Fart ilalq tat-
etttNy , Now eton..tt,
sligtresletoin, .t
.grttato!.t sea •ellivf, kbe .aPpohliod
cnna.lian post, as his It -rot of olltot at
.1.11111.trapy clods *ai t'thoivi
as of L,,rtl
Q.2: -Where is Bon Eebo ? strain of atAhrna, brings the patient to
- Early use should by ell means be
made'of the famous Dr. 1, IX •Kel-
:A Sweet Breath thari any other acts mjclay and sure -
loges Asthma Remedy', which more
at ati times ly on the air passages and briliks bles-
t sed help. and comfort. No borne
A. --Bon Echo' is situated on the a dread state °f befieIes exbauf3ti"' '
wherd-asthma is pr.tsent. In the least
degree should be without. this great
It was just a bad anitle that might
happen Ammo. -thit it set* to 'Photin
hOW (thickly 1,100(1 poison develops me
less broken 'tissues have the protection
of autiseptic .
Mrs A. Ilarrifon, I'lace-de-Armes,
Kingston, Out., writes 1-"Duri»g 11011Ne.
hold dune% my left ant.le was inpued
roe non :-,to'cldug dye got
- afille tallasrLil Nciv u.intlelook a -turn for
into the tt ow al and its 4llsoned,conditlon
!deevlizeet.he fii..st, time anybody asks his I le ',otter, a most. 144 ROA es 1 Legau
. ' with Zam•lial, 11.a powerful healer
dit,pe1led all pain, 411p1mtannn and tn.
tiaannatioth It beatied yr:teeny '
UR' 404 Bilk 41.)84 -to ceit Ma. rebec.1141n. •
PINS, bOili.all8Gr:88tS. 4111.8 1.A.IXDS 444.1(.8. eLe
.After eating or eitooking
ifrigleytt freahetw the13101101
• and sweetens the breath.
Nerves me soothed.throat
refreshed and digestion aided.
So essylo Wry thell*PmAted
kill them all, and the
germs too.10c a_packet
at • Dru gists, Grocers
1. %nal IT To KILL a
and neral Stores.
Intawrbrool: in the natty Exi,res.4, ' -a r vaimin "%MOSQUITOES, AND tins j,
poladient es being prostc,t1 by Loi.i. it fif
." V.11..`'.1 :-.4t; 74, 1.1.118 11.rop -ranient is 41,....
/enliur1;. st.:(ailile.;,to that of int'. Cana-
.11;tin-;. I 1 , possto.ses n personality
‘‘1;14,1t radial. s and lias an Inintetnate
eifttel, tin all m:1,11 ..t,t,ltott lot velars- al
. „
- etintattl• anti his bilithios. with' ny. so
'1, .11,-.1.311; III' itistac,;01O4 :to tran4dar.lt
lhualet Italtwerh, buttre--The Woke et ibe *wry rig i
awe Weber blegttreto.
*Wei MO grandparents had t‘tadure if vilidiech
Coset*Oherloteottee tine etude, *i{ fitetktoot Old
441i the 1.!**114101 r.1441k Trampto
rrks old Stockton sod Darlington Railway, in Eng.
1'. land, is * matter of history now. Its hoard of
IsIltreetors is no more; its 'inventor has passed to his
leeward; ito ;rolling *tack, or what survives of it, rests
in 11111110U11111-4uwitt.ftervect its day and been
heltind in the mod* of Progress. '
„tut this year -a rentury Once the Unit ',hes the
. tflorktese sod Dorlingten Railway. 41411 retarded *11
eisutildleue eagineering. aehlivement and threatened
likeipprestaty of the stage coach el WHIMS et lost,
.411iteako transalerthtlen--the aarleat anginas kava
takes down from their pediatide. tire wheels 04
teat renteettd and once attain, Ingit hatted
SAS *Mt beltiketted maidens have been bast
Stocktea to Darlington behind the rat
Estlead OVer" halt
the people of Croat Britoil,* titillated it.,
$itattoity tiotoury: rteteettlette of defunct rolling
stietirt end Tinley inset that Is almost deittact MU -
Into the tritehatiOrt Of railway- tratta)Ortattlen sad
gave to tho rising goattration sa ineight jute Pio
ur go from en. plot tc. "MOUT by train. Duke
sad Duch's' of York attended the celebrations and.
watching the parades, became theroughly isfoeteil with
spirit of tins OCCAN111011. All those who took_part
ppotessions, And sante of those Win/ duet*
-dressed in the costumes of the ,perim‘ giving_ to the
celebrations an atmosphere altogether in icoirg
ch. nature tt the Celebration.
S, way ot :hewing the woridaitaL diealognaiat,
thet bee takee photo in rellreedbet ohm ek* grit, '
engine palpfully puffed its way fro* Daellagtoa tot
Ma is haws ohm tam of the anemia •
amid la the reittertery selebratierst aulliag a replica, •
ot tits, Wesel train contrattad wft•Is the ntnoa-modora`
Treass-Caseds) the C111.6113% 110.41.04--Tra
Unwept ita yasiongers twat one port;
the Umiak* to another, Woo tbaossakd slaw
ten% at It 044 cousklered Inettaloable by *or
feeitathers, eat lit. grotto (vadat eiod aocitrita
Sal them sajoyed at koala, -
'•. Ihnuittiott. Defence ' •
. .
• ,Cittuala 'sporit: bajf upon( her'
dofonce4 AlisisAM
trata has a popun'tion about bait' VIM,
Cana.(18.• ti.mewr, ittitylai..41
soon-, three times a.s Pouch Soutb •
Afmczt. o.r.. Nd,w xpoinii. wording, to
-liknntes7iti-velt-In,t te--r..,iiisit •Ilotte ef
aaninin: 4.. nil trra• as fellows : Can- '
:olio .$12,134,000 ; Ato.'alat., 5;03,000
ittnnals t , Nr,,w 'ZI.N.O.ttut, 013,000 poinirls I
told Saab). Areica, 808,099 Itainds. ••,.
'Carlotta tried . int ekporintont -ti,:s
spring by shipping back to thi.s "0.
aorta, 11100 butt:dors wide!' had "Diva 1
11)1744 tlt Walnwelf3'31., Pork. :‘111,:.t.to, :
whero the. rerfaint et thP trilr;s w Welt t.
ruled the. prairio.9 In .t.tys. gone n4: hail ,
been rescued from estinct:,an.ity ninth :
,eitirt they .w4Te 1,`...111*(11ed by raft, itel 1
Unit beyond the rall, by mona4 of, i
s,',,,ws, l'a -the edge„, ot We: Aretle. Orel.% '.
Nem-, liowlet•T's according le Itablors I
nrl.i.P. Yalg: Kilunin tti,n.... tae butiolocs . 414,!
. 1101110MM: for c:vilizatton and.ure, tt.-4.,:h- •
''''' - .., ing va.;:r way baci: Its r4i4 aq they A 111
- irasei. 11.1 lite !taunts of white mon
. •aga:11, fording rivers and ot.ectotatri:
all sb-rtli of tEfilcultie,t. the slut'Y' 04914)!
Joe .; lip lot sorts of 'amusing pletur..s..
I 'en WI' 0011 41a1NRY PNIT1't lin; Wain- '.
1.‘cialit Itrrd buffaloes 1.4 be tonad
°bilis' Big Mid -Summer Sale
Continues yintil
a lir ay;
,Meies Ail Wool-S:weater foals
In V -Neck siyle, 4
• $2.25
All colors and size's
Men's Bathing Suits
clearing out a.t
Balance of the Working Strailalielearing out at 15c & 25c
Men's Athletic Under- - *- *Boys' jerseys
wear -
. Clearing out at 39c
Cmaring out at 65c
The Great Bankrupt Sale of Colborne's
ontinues all this week-ussiErids Saturday; August115
the Stock on -"h.-0E6re Stock Must Be Sold to Make Room for New Stock Arriving Next Week
"the Old Reliable Store"
Under New Management
. 1 .