HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1925-06-25, Page 2a G ST TH1. 3tSDAY, Judie, *Milt 1111 -1011 •i saoat dmdaptanrlly attempt° of the eaA- et to isolate Chines: unrest and -direct it into a ehannelt of atcrttibn t© Britain. They have de.,ded to have no dealing with any of the provincial governments of China, which are un- stable, and to have no conference with Pekin until they are a' aures that the Chineae people have provided them- selves with a government fairly t•e- `prt•sentative of Chinese national ' Prince Arthur was associated with' views. This latter is an attempt to Troops ire (ape limon An teceedingiy° distressirit; shun- the Canadians during the war, anti, shut out soviet influence, and there tis,, has developed in ('ape 13reton in there have bleen quaint taleo told will also be no conference of world regard to the strike of miners, which about him slice. Ono relater, that,' powers at which soviet Russia has has been going on sine:. Maith and driving along a road in France, he, any place. China must pull itself to- o h e re in the Agri two vti'ecicshe more was trudging solitary anotherntodwn The and set who gether, its houseet over tinfit orup rbad tomer', before the• hay reached the a grim brute. The pkk- ,•t,ng of the mires brou(wht the [roue Canadian talked about his family in powers will discuss her demands with elr to a head, and evrntaall;r when Canada, especially his father. "MY. her. In the meantime, the British the company ousted the picketers father is in Canada,-alao," amid the Commons has been assui-ed that there f.e,m the power station %thick pro- Prince, and to his ;lstuni •ivnent the' are sufficient troops and ships in Chln- v,des energy for the mineseand the soldier discovered he ems driving with etre wutera to deal with any situation !erasers were replaced w,ah a foice of the son of the Governor-General. I which can bo reasonably foreseen. Nevertheless, foreigners in Chinn are tee company's police, the spark fell > reach 'Cartes Less Thun I:unudinns not in a comfortable position, and on the powder. Two thouetend ruiners' Canada comes fourth among the nu- there is real ground for anxiety eon - attacked the power biose, end a rein- tions of the world in the ,•ate of taxa- corning their welfare. forcemeat of mounted mimes were at• tion, when the taxation is applied to 4 + a tacked and forced to Ilse from the the income of the total net country. An interesting figure has step - power house to the town, the mobs of According to this standard used by ped into the limelight in cotutec- infuriated muter chamois the police the British Statistical Society, (sere tion with the evolution trial which 'ing the mile -long road, unseating many is most heavily taxed, at 26 is to be staged next month in r: some of them and heating thein badly.,per cent.; Britain ,•omen next. with One man, a nurser was k.,h•d one don- •22.1 per cent; Japan '-hire, with 21.'l r•rru ly wool did and score:, received per .cent., and Canada fourth, with injuries more or less serious. The 19.2 per cent French taxation looting of the company's shops, burn- amounts to only 17.8 per cent. leg e'f some buildings, and other de- V , - r, onstrat ions of force rornpelled thq France is a little bit late in eeer- government to take a hand in the si- r rising the strong hand over her tinan- tuatinn. and fur a work pawl Canadian vial affairs in the way in which Mr trcxlps have been moving towards the Cadieux,. Minister ,f Finances, now Keene of treuble in Cave Breton. rproposes to do it. After its long Them they hate establrs'.ed n rails- tumble, the franc is to be metered in tary base, mounted and toot troops,some degree if M. Caillaux's bold me- fuay equipped with 'h,' irtpleme"t3 thods succeed. He announces to the of war. and with field kit 'hens, field Chamber of Deputies 'hat he intends hospitals, and so on.h h h' 1 1., hudlget or Fortunately, so far mere lime been TIO/ contests between .he troops and th" strtkcrs. Peace is being main - turned, and, in the meantime, .he fed- eral Minister of Labor, *ion Jas. Mut- Jck, Las gone from 1)tta y,a to the' ,one of t••( uhle. and is negotiating between the emplotme anti the strik- a o Canada hits attained third place in the world in the production .t two of the most previous metals, silver and gold. In less than set - enty years the ilominrrn has pro- duced 471.000000 uunce• of silver, worth more than tnree hundred million dollar. eitver was pro- bably the first known of Canadian minerals, (bu I lain basing ro- ported indications of pre, inns nm- tni during his jeutness m the ('o - halt country. nrlvton, Ohio. He is Thomas A. Edison, who has volunteered his services as witness ter the de- fence of the youthful Scopes, who dared defy the atsto law which prohibits the teaching of the theory of evolution in Ohio. The trial will attract the attention of the whole civilized world, and thousands to whom avolutioe was a vague word are now .lipping in- to scientific questions of the ori- gin of the race. 5 m e The New Flair to press t mugIS new Canada is not greeting the pronos- loave the political frena. Ile threat- al to create a flag with any de- well had many opinions mcommon or ens them that if it las not passed al subject of British sea -power, and through the house by 'n^ end of June gree of kindliness. There is a gen- hence the King's innovation. It is in - he will hold the house in session ernl suspicion about just what fiber teresting to note, just here, that the. throughout the torrid morthet of July ties may be taken with the old ern - King is a new man :ince his 11editm- and August, or until `tie pulley has blem, which has caused Canada rnncan trip, and London i.. beginning leen definitely accepted or rejected. through so many historrca, situations to think that his illness was a bles- Ne,er has a finance mini 'ter been sn and probably the fact that it was the sing in disguise, as it enabled him to hold, and. curiously .nongh, hie pees- flag of the Cenv.dian expeditionary tier has been greatly enhanced be- forcer will have inert todo with in- have a rest such as he has neverknown since the great war convnene- cause of it. He has one more bald creasing antagonism to the change ed. Bronzed and jolly again, more stroke to lay upon the country, He than any other one sentiment. Pro- like the sailor -king than he has been proposes to raise huge taxes out of test meetings are already being held• for years past, His Majesty he is herr farmers, elm have hitnerto escaped The president of the National Chap-' a fresh interest in many things in - untouched. 1f France had taken her ter of the Daughters of the Empire eluding Wembley. In order to help courage in her hands Ilse yours uCi states that thirty thousand members the big exhibition along, AC has prom - And shouldered the tax burden which of that order have already expressed iced to visit it every time he stn.: an she has so fm avoided sad roust now themselves as s eadily opposed to any hour or two of leisure e. shoulder, she would nave shared .in interferences with the ord fiat. Just . v w , some degree with Britain's return ti what develops out of the incident can- Russia has been forced to loos to • arise. n olid financial basi3, The rest of not yet he foreseen, hut it pro ell her hold on ;t few more aril- the world will wish M. Cadieux (send he exceedingly interesting. lions of her gold. 1V'(hin u' tuck in his dining ' eteinient \vith Twelve -flour Speech on Art month of the return to the gold 1 ranch electors. A piece of art which has hail the standard in Britain, tae million ('liaise Vow Retaliation to rouse unemotional Entrlis;t three hundred thousand Hounds powertoachiny; fcv- c)ne white man for ewer; Chinuul;u, people to something app of gold flowed into F,nrland. and who fulls in the' strife in Clem, is the er-heat is the memorial ereered in more than half of it et me from slogan of the insurgents in the un- Hyde Park, London, to the noted Hat- the State Bank of Russia. Rus- e•asy east.. according to disprrt.e•hes uralist and writer, W. H. lludson• sign imports are now elle bins up from the orient. Howt•,er, 'he wee- who died in 1922. •la.ob Epstein awls over the level of her exports, sad tern nations have set the faces frim-, the sculptor selected to design the me -she has been obliged to pay in lv to fight the conditions .row existing morial. li. was unveiled in May by gold, as her credits are nil. For instance, she has imported in the past few months more rubber than she has ever had since the �yal'. AVE YON WITH 1YOi $LEI VEIT When your liver became \ sluggish red Inaetir a year u bole bt; • lth euf • fere, and the only way yot coo got back, and keep your health right la by the use of VISITORS FROM SARNIA -Blue Water Biker* Prof* Sarnia X Route Sarnia merchants and urattufaetur era are holding their ,set:ond• annual hike over the Biuo Water Iiiglrvay this week, up to Tobermo -ay for fish. ing and were in Goderich on 11;.ondzy* evening for about an hour. They were scheduledto arrive 'n Goderich at 5:40 and a number of car owners. members of the Lions Cull), motored out the Bine Water Highway as far as Blue Water Beach to meet them and escort them into town Mayr MacEwan and Chief :sallow of the Liorij Club were among thise who. met the incoming caravan. had ex- tended a hearty welcome. «The vplkr orscwere then esehrtettnto town, and after traversing some of the pretty Tercets of Goderich, were takeu to II''otel Sunset, where light refresh- ments were served and a word .,oti welcome extended by Mayor M^erow- an, replied to by President J• tMc#1.d� ata of the Blue Water Highway Asso- ciation. ssociation. After looking about the ho- tel, the party were escorted on their - way cut of town, a atop being made at 11r. Coats' beautiful rose garden at the registry office, whleh was much admired. .Secretary France preceded' the main party to the previous.day to complete arrangements. There were seven ears in the party r high It aped in Goderich and two e an early start had get through the town befot'e they were intercepted, being ahead of scheduled time. The Party included W. S. Hanav, M. P. P. for West Lanibton: big. McAdem: T. H. Richards, president of the Sarnia Chamber of Commerce.; W. E. Beres- ford, manager of the Perfection Stove They will eleur away all the waste and poisonous matter from the rye tem, and resent, es well se banish, , and relieve ill the' complications pf An unhealthy, weary liver." Lsxa•Liser Pills are put up' only ' by The T. .Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. a speech at eight o'clock in the moire ing and terminated it as' eight o'clock in the evening. The king Quotes Cromwell Lloyd, the famous British insur- ance company, has juac started the erection of a magnificent home in London, the foundation stops of which was laid by the King. king George broke a two -century -old precedent during his speech, when he quoted from Cromwell. Kings and queens have been in the habit of ignoring the old Protector because of his unpleas•-east')ant attitude toward a -east') king of his time, but King George and Cront- Indian Leader iie• fL t1 bitterest oppoecill ; r In- dia -is dead. Ile '11 C. 1t. i/a„, \rim l*came the Home Rule lead, r for In- dia, and for the last year hies been omens of Calcutta. His hostility to Britain's part in the war was Uncon- cealed, and he attempted to raise a re• 1 volutionary movement. He was at in spite of any threat. There is a Premier Buldwin, and since then puh- one time sentenced to +ix months' im- sinister figure lurking in the back• lic indignation has been g'owing. It ground, and the western powers 'aye consists of a low panel, and carved in f • w0111- fuality Clothes S' I .fit LLY molded' to a perfect fittting Suit that gives satisfactions arc every occasion it's worn. Of course there aro months of extra wear, because not only 'the cloth, but the lin- anlg and tkinirtings are of the finest, In the end youlil. fiord it economy to lave your clothes'. 'made by prisonment, but was 10 t•'fsed atter four menthe. . 1• , Prince Arthur for (Man •t'.' u aek-nowk:dged their determination to relief is a distorted hg eliminate it. 1t is the figure of the an, unsightly to a degree, designed FOR MOTORIST; Bolshevist, who, above ail else, foals something on the lines of his figure An interestine rumor is going the and hates the stability of the British of Chnet which several years ago — rnunds in London that Prince Arthui Empire. It has been remarkubly caused so much proteet on both 'glitz- Motor Vehicle Headlight Law To Be of Connaught is to he appointed tne plain that attempts were being maiic ious and artistic lines. One of Lon-, Enforced by' Department 1,e9C9 tee ernor-General o; Canada. It to direct the disturbaticee in China don's protests was a lengthy one' ---- would be a rropular appointment, fre mainly again Beaune China's best front a young sculptor named Hague] The Hon. Geo. S. Henry, Minister Canneare: ham, an effectirmate re- friend. Out of an sxchangt of views who, in order to attract national :its of Public Works and Highwaye, an- gard for the soldierly o d Duke, his between the powers, there has devel- tention, provided himself with a lib- nounces that it is the intention of his father, and for his p mule' sister. (mod a plan to work in unity and pre- eral supply of sandwiches and began Department to innnedia.tely take ape- CUSTOM ..r,AiLO: Bed Value 4btairs$hle in en,* Pui r t uirli sand Ready4e-Wea.x riled Hoye Suits, Phone. 21»l:' . kle BS IW BY' S.OWN TABLETS nn ALWAYS IR THE H s adelightful yfray of relieving the. ENE Automobile tourists, too, will fin} b monotony of long QVin land tours, brie; p Once a mother has used.1 u y's. (NM each yea* great flambee of t outlet ?' Tablets for her little ones she always make use of this popular,t'sal'o a (lay's keeps a supply on hand, for the first car-by�steamer service,. , trial convinces her there is nothing to district sales man - The them in .keeping children: 7Nell. I '• •Read3"-made lltedlcilrte.--Yen xtet:S1 Co.; Peter Girdon The Tablets are ae mild -Dahl thetiovttlilt do :physician' for ordinary ilia. when surer of the Imperial OtI Co.; Lt. Cal?, la cate vdh' h i gala 1i 110 your have at hand a bottle of Dr.'l.'ho- Woodrow, county matrIstres ; rho.? vi Gordon Story, Pr. Martin, and sweeten s stomileh, i.nus driving mast Eelectrie wail:. Vol.Vl. 'toughs, French, out cont;tipation and indigestion, eo colds, sore tjiroat, bronchial troubles, Harold Peterson, A. R. Calcott, and e:,W g . it is invaluable; for scalds;• burns,, number of others and there were r"'`" nil easlel•feConce riing them, lies. bruises, s rai#ts, it, s. u zeurltas3ed ; a number of ladies in fhb party, whish S ste Pelletier, St.Dumas, Quebec, while for cuts, sores anil the like it in numbers about thirty -live writes: "I have used Btby's•Own an unquestionable haalet• IC •riepds Tho party left Sarnia on Monday at 2 o'clock p... coming lis W:"' Of c .. Tablets for he past ten years and no testimonial other that.the ust, end am never wi hoot them in the house. that will satisfy anyone es to its ,OA' est, Grand Bend and Bayfield. From, . They have a ways given the greatest %ctiveltes sem,=1;. ,Stglia Goderich they went on to Kincardiest where they had supper and spent the satisfaction ;and I can gladly recom- f mend them to all mothers of little Ontario s Man. y Stitrirner Res& tg Afford Varied Pleasure;' Sae night at Lite Royal and Queen's ho - vial steps towards the enforcement otl the Anti -Glare Regulations ot tht Highway Traffic Act. Leis. Leaving Kincardine at 8 a. m. ones." The }Tablets are sold by medi- on Tuesday. they were scheduled to cine dealers jog direct bemail at 25 • cents a box ;from The Dr Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, 0 it. Pass throntrh Port Elgin, Southamp- ten and Wiarton, arriving; at Lions Head at noon for dinner at Williams ' cent r•mnray at and arriving Tobs hotel, 3:45 p. m. At Tobcrrnm ay the en- tire party were to be talc..' aroun•l Flower Pot Islands. Cove Island and the other smaller islands on steam tugs, arriving back hi time for sun - per. An old time donee .t ns schedul- ed for Tuesday.. A11 day Wednesday was to be devoted to fishing for lake trout and bffss, and hikes to p tints of interest in the immediate vicinity. and Thursday morning was reserved for fishing' in case the weather was bad on )Wednesday. The party are due tosreach Owen Sound at 6 p. m. on Thursday (today), where, after supper they are to make a moonlight run to Meaford• and beck. Tearing wen Sound at 8 a. m. Fr•idrs, the re- tdrn trip is scheduled through Dur- ham, Mount Forest. Guelph. iKtehen- er, Stratford (for dinner'. St. Marys and Elginfield, arriving at Sarnia at 5 p. m. Friday. The perry err accom- panied by a mechanic 'tnd a tire man, Each car carries a Canadian ensign. The 1925 Tobermory Trophy will be presented to the citizens of Tober- moray by L. H. Richards, Mr Henry pointtik out tha+ the Act 0111-42.41:1111111141400LICZ requir4 the- headlamps on every mo- ' tor vehicle to be equipped with an ap, proved device for the elimination of elare and at the recent seseion-afAhe Legislature, the Act was amended so as to prohibit the ese of headlight bulbs of over 21 candle power. Motorists would be well advised to inspect the lighting equipment of their rare and make sure that they havo both an approved deviceeold the prop- er strength of bulbs. The Ministen pointed out, however, that it is not sufficient to equip a cur with an ap- . proved device and preper bulbs. The main difficulty has been that motor- ists have not heretofore given consid- eration to the focusing of the bulbs , and the aiming of the lampe. The motorist whose headlights glare aml dazzle is not receiving the best. results , from his lamps. If lus lamps were i properly focueed and adjusted, the I light wheeh is so objeetionable to tip - 1 preaching motorists and which is fres euently blamed for accidents would be concentrated on the roildway ehere it I is needed instead of.in the tree-topm I The Department has just issued e pamphlet explaining in simple *- gunge the proper way to focus and adjust automobile headlamps. I Mr. Henry has intimated that this 1 practice of driving with but one head- .ilight or without a tail light must aleo he discontinued. These are ^not new - ireulations but ones which are com- monly neglected. Motorists clamor every year for a Itiw which will re- quire horse-drawn vehicles to display sieOZY Flett4Cet ovem eunrou.ow lights and .yet these sante motorists will operate their cars on the high- , nearby waters, while Trout Loke wa .s with but one headlight or with- out a tail light. Both are A langerous practices and offences foe which pen- alties are provided. In thc pamphlet just iasued by the Depar.ment, the suggestion is made that motorists carry spare triiiip bulbs the game as they enrry a spare tire. Another regultition which is , fres quently ignored is that of mirrors on treeke. Aside from the fact that the law requires a mirror on a truck, It is. in the opinion of Mr. Henry, an ar- htiocrItel. of equipment as neceseary as q The Special Waffle Offiectra attach. ect to the Mntor Vehicles Braitell Of the Highway Department are remit.- ing instructions and will shortly pro - tions of the law. The uso of Miller's Worm Powdere hi tin Ter Over 30 Tess YOU NEED THAT VACATION j I Busy -men ate apt to put- off much needed vacation, but it ptitys to take s --t- s time off at least once each year. Onthese summer days there is nothing.so restful and so -enjoyable as a trip on cool sake Erie. Steainera of the C. de- B.tt' Line, the Great Ship "Seeandbee" and. her sister -ships, the "City of Buffalo'~ and "City of- Erie,", o}ie1'ating daily `, betwee-1 ft%tirtlund m and Buffalo, carry thousanilsr.4..p Sat tsp stingers each yeah some on 11' eleess j bent and a vast amber seeking' and finding pleasure. • Travelers may . 1 Buffalo on C. & B. evening at 940 (- Tigre), enjoy a el' sleepeon Lake Eri stination the Poll tr- Ye- Cleveland or e Steamers any. elm „Standard trehin I'rcr.}ve” nit, eye- °}Corning at, Plytttkc4lie vmy eimmer tens of thousande men; others delight In sailing nnd of mseers reitt land recrea- tion. beelth snd happiness in the fascinating hmterland of Ontario, where woods and waters abound on every hand, h ith its especial A fascinating retreat for. fisher- men in thie port of Ontario, is the feretteh River distsirt Since the toms bungalow camp,e Stich opened in 192, visitors have flocked there in numbers that linve tared its capac- ity. Fighting bass. grown caroler in the swift waters of the Meer, and • Nage, muskellunge ore enueht !ergs numbers. Other speeiee are plentiful too. • okra of the Ontario places ere sty reached from Toronto. The eilineltaka and- Kawartba chains of Mete Ors annual haven a many *UAW* filaiilies who occupy cot- *** topipt and betels of varyitag *goy the rfry. pitie-tteenteil air that paddling canoes. The summers are all too brief to satisfy these lovers of Ontario's out-of-doors. Camps hidden miles deep, away from the railway lines, yield excep- tionally good fishing and wholesome food. Sueh a one it Billy Burke's log camp on Trout Lake, reached by an 8 -mile launch ride from Paget statton. Ka-Wig-A,-Mog Lodge, hid- den away from civilization, is about tstion vie the Key Valley Rail- way, owned by Milwaukee lumber hus, mounted on railway car trudge, and fitted with a Ford motor for power. At the esiwinilletteafts this mode of locomotion iiercluinged for to Ka -Wig -A -Mop Ledge, on at- tractive structure delated and social affairs. In addition to the Ledge, there itre ot built about ea, of a * sort, ell both MN Wog, mato* tat. thus litre affords plenty of small -mouth bass. Bon peho, an outsof-the-way re- sort, is reached from Kaledar, On - taxes, by automobile which passes along hillsides carpeted with blue flowers and seeming to emanate a blue hate. The Inn is boated on a spit of land that separates the Ma-' sinew Lakes, two lovely sheets of water. They are of great depth and from them rises a sheer rock to ever' i'.00 feet, possessed of it three -fold echo. It bears on One face • bas- relief of Walt Whitman, to whom the rock is dedicated. Bass fishing is good. Thera are two fine beaches; one of deep water that delights divers, and the other has a vast, sil- ver samdy floor with shallow water, and makes a safe, ideal beach for women and children. Port an Bari! on Georgian Ray, is unique fts thatsits especial** rustic hotel is loceted on an island. Meh- 1 bathing and boating are Rs chief 10. 41t. moo roppiqfp for hay !eve!. Mint vittatientit,d age ardest fisher - se st lotions, Georgian Say with its thousands of Wendt am laikuited ailments attributable to worms are and aperto end le sought by many children is traerible to .s.v.i.ma. These visitors from the States with enta- gap the sCreingth of ittrantn sta fiat 0101` WO* 4:41 th6 '1810111t11. ThOtto they arts tumble to hiMntaiu the battle Who prefer the risalultrol, Will OM * for lifo *ma toccoviti to wetkatqs. insuree healthy children so far As tin). to Ibis 1410 healtit iiitaltep'i thup Emily is Asa kesuata- gab WA* at•fea coat -to kill LICE AND V WAIN Men' s and Boys BATHING SUITS at Moderate Prices Men's Alt Wool Bathing Suits in a variety of colors Men's Cotton • Bathing Suits from 95c up Boyi' Bath* Sas from 4Sc up. ROBINS' 1. rem. The link. that birals jriendship will soothe and heal -skin- that is itri- is covered with 'ugly rash or pimples. or is rough or dry. Nothing subdues , noted skip sPecialist. The nionientlhis Sulphur preparation 1 is applied the itching stops And- after ,r two or three applications, the vesetna is gone and the skin is delightfully clear - and smooth. Sulphur' is se prectouS parasites that cause the 'burning, itch- ing or xlisfigurement. Mcntho-Sulphuti always' heals ectenta right up, ON small jar of Bowles Mentho-Suf,. store. Don't tear up road surfaces by immoderate driving It's the hack wheels of your car HAI push it along— and it's resistance that keeps it moving—the resistance of the road surface. At moderate silted.% the surface remains in place. At higher speeds a portion of the surface is displaced by' the friction of the wheels. The higher the speed, the more material it displaced: the speed limit exist* in the law to ittiVe the surfaces of roads, as well as to prevent accident. Because the highway is dear, you mayothink the law may be broken. This is a mistake. There is always danger of damaging the road by excessive speed. The niatetial which is displaced each year by. auto- mobiles driven too last would weigh hundreds tif tons. The repair work made necessary costs thousands of dollars. • The public ol Ontario have Aped $1,60000,000 to make roads easier and safer for you to travel ore. The law seeks to preserve from accident those who use the roads, end to comers* the weds themselves.. The Gotentroont requests the eit•optratiort of yourself, end erry other *montane driver an ntsioutirting the' eonslibon of the mar. Tat pride* the highWaY* Of Ottlarkr. You era integrated, fot they are you% *they ea* being mei* - tared with your moneys - While the Govermnent *ell on tho toovia Ana cow operstion of the MVO l'AlirOrft useterrunl notice ie goers thet the ottott oerhe Simko Ad wit Iso the kw ortd this' requelL *ifftli fa Anent the At* ef she wads skr ratIMMIa. iftw4ro, S. SWIM rvintslaskite` 24