HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-12-13, Page 17.,y Tht SWAMI s Day toks Weeks raptetwt to gindifac, lb 111xISTILAS proper to serer a day, it is really M week pr about g month. When the at. • manse tutya December haft •. cow. then alt Weigle' begin u ,feel ills ptet;enee of that midwinter festival. 'tr•aelt slay adds to this feeling. 'The Ttonlabe perceived that one ;lay slid nett Contain all Um irriport of the tnid. winter gayety. Their S*turn*Its con• flared sloven days. it began -a* a +tae del celebration and was'observett Tee tri:' but, as it was soon found thet Oriel period was a cup' too small t„ ►ntatn the wine of ptmteere, It was extended to three dais. At last It was a nlarxed by the Emperor Clandlau so a* to take ' in the giltb, 1tr torn, the featly*i bis now been changed back into the one de, shape, but to reeth,r Christetan to much larger under our prealdeeets titan ' tt•wae under, Claudian, and Calla)))*. It to a greet Midwinter t)eriod and may Well he looked upon as n type of the pubs)« Lapp►neats or, the.puhllee aria• k:'!•tntie$ ot, a givenda ,te. to 1it0;gur.T Chtri>t}t�tl:;ctjtnrelt''it- beetlee''iweirrli Christmas Eve - In Rural England It was a brilliant mrsoalt&ht night but extremely C slot. 011rehslue a wowed rilpldlty over the frozen ground. Tee p u tloy snacked Ota whip InceetsenUy. sled a pert of the that lobe Meet1* were "11 s-ptitikp. "rte knew* where he le going." scald stir *outlt:doe. 'muskeg. "earl 1e tweet to arrive in unto for 'softie of the nwrrinteut and goon cheer of iite rerraht$' hell. 51y father l* a " derntee or brie net artloot *tut printer M lititeselr Zip keeping 'App something Ort Ash)[ttnCtithe see at►itallty: '' lie *m 1,411- %10'14 swruputss)s to Ise thug our Mott - day* sniff 11)1311lgt UM emend him or fatuity fe'sfteste. it was thea pcilmy of the good t*h1 gentlelpMu to woke .hie. ehildreu feel that Ideate was the nap- meet ripmeet plat* In, the world, aura 1 emu* this .deltelow home feeling as tow ot the4•bolcrsi gifts a par nt can bootow," The ageire tinkered us of *thee w the con►p41ny. whkh was a -esteemed I* s targe, old fashkmr•d hail, to wee 4'0114 isw*ed of different branebees of a 410101.1• nn* family connection. -'They .there variously ta•tetpled. nn11 a twofunlon of woolen horses. penny Irump*.te 0114' loitered- dulls Olson the floor uttpwed trace* of a tittle troop of retry beings that had frolicked through' * hsplly day., While the annual greetinge were go- :Ing on between WS and hio. rstlethrsi r e,1.10,11toss "' k J•. rt' tient, The itch+!- `_fir ,,.,i ed Ray. b*e*npe being asked to stale, tot • the birth of Jame It had to be a format day rather than n week. hitt no much limitation could keep it from bovine • adjacent tithes which partook of .Ate nptl•it *0, (15wu partakes of atty.—Pee- tenor Mehl Awing, 4' • CHRIMAS GAME s Trying to fill the Stocking AT.i'VXI.1 severable game. ems for Christmas time, is played by stretching a elotbeellue'steruAa for room sad ptutitug heavywormed sleetintTs, to it1tMt• A . Ilaskeruf rosy sppkw fs provided and es many wooden spicas fled with bolt,/ ribbon an there Will be plsyera tea• teteting at cote,. Stela a good number, 'for the ordinary shied aril.; roam will hard:). srconamedate more Rata belt a deceit lively eosLe tsnts at.Netine. 'rite object is to bee which of the elk can nikenest flit him or her stockinet with tile' which llsee ie.. lie @(plied .! • 'efts D*aoY.woe *-Pinnal o*.. •• attein.'the 'wide's overhanging 'llrelitact to Make way -for a Are of ttood;'tn; tho wldet of which was an'enortnourlog, gle'1ring and blazing and sendiug'fartb # vast volume of )[,Tilt and beat: .9 This. ,j'bflderatooti, Was the. Vole tog.,whieb '.bloc:`aittgtrsowes 4,111+itchier .ta' geetue hroaght in.aed illumined on Cbrtattuas hie,« according 10 allelent content. 'i '.11 was really delightful -to sem the oid sgttira .sleeted. *11' hie hereditary elbow ebeir,by the huepItable.dreside yore aucairtore and looking ar-.und him Alpe Out.sua of -a systr,u.,neatulnr warcmth. and•glsdaess to every heart. Event the vety dog that lay etretcbed at We feet. 1ti be lazily shifted• his poileloo bud yew 'nisi, would look' fondly up In h1s masterIs face. wag hie tall against the. Moorand stretch bltnself again• to sleep, sure of kindness and protection. Supper was announced shortly 'atter •u1 arrival.' It was . *erred up in a *parlous oaken ebamber, the panels of which Sbonte with wax and erretittnd which were ,rpeveral family portraits. decorated with. dolly and !Al. Resides -tbt-,aerustumed.11ttbts.-tyro great oras ,1011161104010000000004000(0111.. irbottory,egnwROO. '')lie story,.ot the Magi, as it IIs siren • by .the evangelist. Iifatthety. to aston- ishinply brief and unaduened. ale fella tip afitlaout preface 'that When Jesus was bort, in Bethlehem certain foreign- era attired at Jerusalem, ' •' Ile &ten not teil nit )tow mjtilj they ,: at. were nor of wh*'ace nor of what sta.'. lien of lite, *Ubangi)it is fair to infer - ;;•- trutnille•eenaidTnrnlIUlt with Which they were ree eti ed u tt i lie eeoprt orllet'od' d., s a, td'•ti'otu..tlie tact that: tbey orated*"r - tretisuXo topes, with they were persona of e1li,tinetiou. • '1'tie mast lnw1'ru nt statement in re - gar* to them' t ; that they '• were Ma- .limns—that 1* to any; disciples of Zore- *Stir and -iti tlset•n, otr the 'leered or • prkatly 'order 9f- Persia, which was then widely scattered *u*Ong the ori- ental nstione stud included men of or. sited rank. They' came from the ens', a word which to the dwellers In. Pales- tine could hardly hare any other mean... fit than the ancient region ot Cala) lea, lying beyond the Jordan and the de.ert. Their explanation of their journey to Herod was that 'they had sees an ate - ' Intranet to the heavens twbether one War ,or mitis`• or a' cornetetbey did' not. nay) which led„ them to believe that Abe Axing of the Jews bad been born. atoll,:t4RYthtKd;cpttrlr to°dv•tbtti to fieroil , war gikatty troutil • herring tbisr and sent tor `the chief • priests.' and scribes' t.o••ingotre where the prophet.* had foretop) that the Messiah should be'horn. They answered at, twee that Betble• hem• was the cboFen place. Then tier- od, having asked the Magi bor'lopg it was sinee they first saw the appeer- enee in the sky. sent them away to Bethlehem, prolnising that when they had found the young' Christ he also would •collie to do' reverence to 111m. Having net out tin their journey. they sew once mote the celestial sign, and' its motionwas such that 11 guided • them to the glare where Jesus was. Corning into the house -for Joseph lind now found better shelter than a *table -they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and prostrated themselves Wore -hint to worship Opening their t;e0:enre cire*fs, tlle,t' presented telling, • glfte ,ot fold and fr;snkiuceese a14d• rani'. Then. being w*rimed to it dream ir not to go back to Il:ero41, they took alt• -'' other road into their own country. Tbt,.eofjuuetion.of the planets Juni' ter and Saturn is one of the rarest of sidereal events. 1t wenn only one lt:9EsJ.yearls .' hie conjntlltion, All as tronomers agree, happened no ` less then three times In thr,,,reer 747 A. U. atwrtt-v•before the Wilt of Christ. It may he that tee have here, in sista 11fait'y tape of selene*." A t'onfirmation et this!.heautitul story of, religion, a hint end trace of • 'lila light tint ied ' The holy 'tido t With I1.t1r gills of elyrrk. —Ser. Dr. [leery ran Dyke tape .s, rr*wiyll�e.�d.�t{ Cbrletinas ciw; far. '.!/Vee*t-bed'1�1[n•kltelns;,ti* (1 'on • . a 'highly polished bidet '10110011--111•' family plate: The table was shun- . dandy spread with eulistanttat . tare, but the squire wade bts per of trumehty. a dleh mode of•gcbeat esker boiled 1n Milk, with rich *piece. bilk a standing dints la old times for Owlet - %)10.1 ere, ' t Was happy to find my old fi teftd, mineed pie. in the, retinue et ! ' • W.% 11ts'' TAVmtO TO CZLZ THE et'rocalso. up, carried mid,droeited tato the stock. Ing.:Sitt,itbe wooden t*poon. Cit rotase. each player Ls given at aertaili stiicl•• tmg.'wbleh he or•oho labors to till, re- etdring no A nee from "any oue else. ".t eertatn'to "01—gpdsten, ne- tordtt►g to Size; in a •ee ' for eat* stocking betore the',fun begin*.e.4 • The -player who Is first of the Nix • to 81t. itis or bore Is'winner' of that iser• Ocular. round and Is entitled to emir for the•.prize, the ttuieilee etul lire beK tng'tierred, •• . • • "' Wheri six hare 'meet)+ deotber 'half (107.011 take their places, and so on - The game le a serenmtnt farce �, _t�troilxt►tptt �tled x•ilnthtt: fnii',to. liA[ally. .r tete team. The stimuli' had disposed etiery one t0, gayety, and an old harper was mom - its hued front the sterrante' hall. • • • The deuce, like most dances after imp. per, . *as a merry one. Seine Of the older Colts Joined .la it, and the squirt 'himself' flgured down several realms withirp ertner with whom he amrmed he bad danced 'at every Christwaa tor nearly half a century. 1Tite 14*11y broke pp,figr. tilt sleet wltb'the•krnd bealtet'f' old:oustom et shaking hands. As ) .passed thrones the hall on the way to my chamber the dying embi'rraf the Tula log oda sent forth ti dusky glow, and had 1t not been the season when "bo spirit dares init. abroad" t should have bee, 'haat tempted to steal from my room of midnight and peep whether the bid - :lee might not be at their revels *boat the hearth. . I had seercely got into bed when a strain of MUSIC seemed to break forth In the air pet below the window. 1 listened and found it proceeded trent a band which 1 concluded to be tbi waits from some neighboring village. 1 drew aside the curtains to bear them more distinctly. The moonbeams fell through the upper part ot the cases *lent. partially lighting ep the anti- quated epartmlut. The slued* as they+receded'berar* tante *oft end aerial and seethed to aecsrd with quiet and moonlight. I tisteeed and listened. They became more and Moro tender and remote. and as they grad- ually, died awry njy heed sent PO* the pillow. and I felt asleep.•'"•Wastls (ngton katal. A UMtorst: !lett, A pretty bell may be made by wrap- ping t large sired' hoop with belly Or pine, connectieg thea with a ttsalier sized hoop *bore . by four trrMlle oe stout cord. Hang *trawls of spoors from tapper hoop to tower ore. Vse a targe red apple for A clapper. e> 1, ' °'1e�'r4 • 1 e t," tt .,,e• ,a • RM...if „i i 1 11 �, 4'1.1 till l! ` " 11.44.". .tr`'►' `e,1ltltelT. • u 'u..,t4 1 le 4. h +a...,, e t Games for Christmas. Aft- ,.. onto lonottoomoonenrwt Gauzes 011 in 'Neely' the 'time "be• tweeia_the dark and the dayiight" on Cbi3`stmas afternoon. A -holly hunt" demands holly leaves 4:ut out of green paper and .ppaged,.about the bolls* .In Plain sight, but in unusual" places: - ach..ehild-.gn.a.p-htmtimg the leaves frith it *basket, and the oho' ;rtfcr'aide the IArgrst, iumbet'receivis et price. ' roe n'ctaabelty mit each couple has two • bowls. ''one partly fitlezi frith cranberries. Bach Person, using.' the• tett hand, .tries to see how many ber- rlee lie can move from one bowl to. the other With n'tlnrepoon Envelopes tilled with. cat -up pleteree of Christmas seeues 'pasted on: card -- board and •passed clue to each person, give quiet fun. 'rho contest 114 putting the puzzle* together and seeing who can du it quickest. A variation of the familiar -donkey" game IR played as follows A ld,tye tree is drown on limper and -fastened --4ib the -wall. 1'b:tures of Christian gifts eat from ndrertine- n►eats 'red estaloxues are distrlhute) ' among the'' guests. 1':nch i* hlind.fold- ed iu turn: atnl tries to tA0ten the, vitt 0Wtboabranelie0 0t the .tree, Some ihexpriistve Prizes', for Owlet- ' mks' contests -are' blotters. decorated with holly in water corers or oil,' and . bntterlty neetilehonks, ));tint,• .bonbon boxes tit *,v be rnitde of weer*' color .pa-' Christmas In A Scotch City • Ole 'Kow,the rem mere lei Iusiropelts ot *eoelaad, with its well 01. n unlhtls W bebttatnttry ens be cheeses'it. 811 th'orm& tag 1llustratkm of •[Me outwore w w tuck wser•faurth ot the poop* of lbw atry spend the bolld*ys. Maty days'bstet* the attire fronts eft Argyll st —tt thoroughfare as lousy as any the laid -*are gayly sad profusely rated with holly and evergreeaw Aber* +F . eviett, 1y11rlibet: An%Ort wM- ' come and the *s mptitspats at the lied - see eshibteed lulsnt r Week Os Christmas -eve the' *ISN 1 steep 'toner late. tither aide ot the ibreeaghtare" le a tease er biasing. ehaerfel *gbt. mud thele pea meeing ataIrotbeams. sty between. !tut wham the Store* close Wry chase until Moline. day. Ail Ore workiaa people Hew Kut tbolr C'hriatame bottley. On Chrtet►nee foreboutt the tord pre - Tom dr !toque tie pteesides at the alma! ltie'etttst; olid. br•e*ktttt<t gtres by the 'direeturs at the royal letlrauary.:Ilte lerdshyt tunkesr N *[,leech, after Wbleb there is a 4llatrihution or good tbtots • to n11 the patients 90 the targe bust -Hu- tton Then he visite settmdry other in- •ftflletttuna for the eelte of the sick• and pouf, where there are (hr*0,tnssstreciit seta restating. lir the war. Chrtatmes .day is ole or.tbe lord piityont!tt modest tlnyti �t ; .0.010ek. neeurtitui to en. • nual teaato01 for your* %5u4, he pre- sidel at the annual dinner given to from 5.01)0 to (WOO poor hued. woolen and children its the city bait. Albion street. Ills lordship ni►d the elty magistrates weepy the stage and take dinner with the poor. During the re, past. which eonnists 0f soup, beef. an entree, pinut puddiu. tea or cotter and trult, etlrr)ng Seotrp airs are played • on the big orgati by the elty organist. At the clam- ttie . inreeu1p makes a speech. wile!) is reported e'ortnriitn In • the newspapem. iC It 'weeny a Inas. • terry production. Outwertlly the espoet or the elty re0N*lbles- that of Sendu.e Nerrrrhe• loss thousand* of' iwupete• are shoving about. 'fire myriad of •tieetrrs in the ° inure of shipbuilding yards along the Clyde hare•eome m the city with their wiresam) fatutlien and are attending the matinee,, or evening pantomime irerforrancetr•that hare already: been running. ')'bene pantninbnes'tire a foo. hire of city life .Ib Scotland, during the_ Winter. Uana!iy three ogler at the big theaters in 1tasgow l:hrlstmaa • They *re ,reitparst►pt: for,. wicks `` beitirb ''rtie`�i sty iFr.�i ht uwitil a eb0bse s `alt late' tbeme'1 lair# tale, "Jack the •. Giant Killer." "All 'AAbu and the .Por: ty' Thieves" and. '!ataddlu' • Mid ' the • R onderfat Ump" -tiave beenlarorlte :themes.- Ata rute;'the piaynrrtk+ht re. tains enough of the tale so that, the . pier or eft e•atedboerd r0reh'd :with crape paper. Them jibed with uiionie wide candy are ale3•n7s ,11 r3l',tg 1o. good Scotch ale. from 1.111rb the play- ers regale themselves at belt ,time, Thou tide gawe t•esnlltes. And the sec- ond Alai[ Ie fast and furious. Around the ropers are the ydumlt women of the estate looking On with pldkure and dtst•ussing their rbulcets in the dance list of the evening.--Itrooklyn Ragie. natfiletWAYM1PtlientAtalt Santa Claus In the Yeo. ;IA1,4)61400 can; reeogulIe l)Ie, rhe- • ttetens., but ttilcen ittfol#ethe the_ Amro doetion becomes really a . draatt itic • bu1•lesque oflocal life and cbataetter. interesting, entertainIng and even ole - eating to old and young. Actors and +tetresses'ot renown take the leading • part*, while there 'are danztliagt'cos- • moues.'mngnideent eeenery Mita1" a tor• geous ballet [brown 11►,; bo ,ix'andet It is Viet often until the' mlddh of spring the. ,ptntotmtmes',eitjoy''a con- . tiououir rum, Latterly 'they hokum, In a Reuse (tasates, for their libretti undergo weekly ttnprurement tit` the . suggestion ot 14111[1 tel.. uu.,d .u, the pungenty • eye. DtltSTr •r ekingal Wed; ibe. -• toad of dry Sccutch' Wilmer they •pos.. seas. it is mo *tagger atlon to fay that these pabtb011 es are melted 'by some peraone each night *It the season through and by others fully a score of time.*: --- Then there _hi 1he..itiustl exodus or young men to the cuilntry at Christ- mantide. It la a common saytug'amung •Wcotchmen that all made lead to Lou- don. This 1*'t•hangeed to Glasgow to some caries. There is scarcely a fam- ily of note to the highland's that has • nor is eon et the unlrersltles of (ass• gow et: Edinburgh studying for the professions or• law, un'dtutne, the put - pit; rtre army -or the hoose Or tOtefgn vizi) s0rviee. WItb what hope alsd pride the advent of the prem student IA looked tor .tit the tltrl,! t•atb•nstt 'eta. thin Up in the niountaptts 011 I.:lariat- mas eve or nioriling! It he 'titre on' en estate the next day be Is - glare * side by hie rustle countrymen in their annual Christmas day foothill towel). • 'pie game le usually a 0►uutly entite4t- rd one, umpired and refereed In t110 laird and heath, el the estate. .t't the cot nest_ of 41t. -deli U .pstm,e( r cart- u 9►n7fiirtAmotoJtvo*/t' s Christmas Game For Very Little Ones • "Little .Tacky Bine." often played at Christmas parties. is m very aimplo game and seems rather pointless to the onlookers. but 1ittle e$lleirenr tore it. Tho players form a ring. with one lett Ott to be Little .tacky iongo. Jacky walks round outside the ring. The players call out: "Whit Is that walking redid tn, stony Jacky inrwertt. "(hey t.Itrie 'Jacky, Bingo." The players: "Don't 700 stent One of I11y tat piled' • • Jaeky: "I stole Otte last eight. and 111 stern another tonight: so conte anent." Thesst Jaeity torches mune aim in the Ong. who [pas to tall ont and walk be - bind hist. 13o int pent' goer on. the players tenet to one behead attet04m said *WO (:tone: • "r►s Chrutta.s se. 1'rh. at0rhals 10oked pi.araltlt. Ano each of you *111 new ,ec.ly. Alt• )early rim mai piso.nt. But l'd be Glad or every guest Would mention what h.'d tike the beet" The tapir sold: "'That pewee. run, 1'11 state aticetnCtly. therefor., if 3 may uo so uutJ'ano tr•s, The on11 thin* 1 care for K'uuut tis lho.* match*, ha the *het. With *rack 1'd Ilk* to light *0).011." ,its sorer was ;rooted 'rh.8 op .pikb5 A 1111,18 mill. 'rdtlrr `• "ea. 601 a (11it 11 sin take 'to *0*1t* sty Chretnlas ala4d4te. A elate *rd ,penell, it yeti plea*, •wetee fist me ite'$17 *Mair $*h5 .tnkFti TO* ret,td.er a std, "kola soy begot, 14 w * happy tallow le 1 ems sur« 1 route remove A good N1*d olsketrolklen And Mee 1'd like tear Italeslte. talk and wtabelr *tackhltaah." :C*Her tflltiesee. TMAS ...o Ballade Far Cluitmas "Gee e. A •M I original wields that 1e' espeelalty geed *Whoa jelly crowds, are ileac/bled for Christmas tee." tivitles 1$ an all ONO Lhttatitw. The iavitattlone ere writhe Ott cities *hap ed tike an eetstretebed band, and "all Wide" are l*v14sr1 to Jett is lire tuts to LeBow. • Ot coarse than is a gaieties pew where hated are the pusale edbjecte. Pitot the young men guess the gide' bards, which are thrust through holes I*a curtails or bold above a Isere**, and afterward the Middens inner say whieb bawl belong. to which DUUL There should be a lett handed gabs, where each man •or girl meet "Write a copy.' uelng the left ineteid of the right hand, and the prise might be se autograph guest book. Then see whleb of each ser can tike the biggest handful of nuts trove s basket ot these goodies lammed to 011. Most nuts grabbed win tete prize. but tare timid be aconite awards for the ;b4s'und the 1*ep. Or have each guest plunge hie or her hand into a basket of nuts Land, taking up as many: no poantble on the back of the hand. run itraund the Neill ''Ommensto **woe • with the bby . `TJtt) nu Tibor o!_ poiute in one's more is. represented ..by die number of Muts un the back ot the • hand when the runner completes the tour of the room: Drawing a band is another. good contest.:aud.it would unto be amusing_ • to have the guests name ,is many •virga tt, .**dntes•1•onnected with !be hu- man hand as -can he recoiled at the time and w.•ritten'down. Or the hostess inay prepare i:r ad- 7 vane a aerie. ot puzzle gnestilnl'1 to 1►p illswerd by her guests,.. tiu.•h spies. tion as the following will 1•„11ri.v :u1 idea of what 41uestlous lire menet: YVbat talions lady had greet dint- . culty to washing her !nuns? l.aely 7faebeth. ' What nursery herb Is .suggested by part of the hand? Tom Thumb. What mune' Is frequently beotoW'ed upon theSorelluge3' • What delicacy Is, suggested 1by- the • human land;?' .Lady fingers, It would.be aumeing to bare index .singers with signs tacked•up in sill-the rooms and corridors to which guests " have aceese during 'the patty—tbna. "Tide Way to . the Refreshments," "Tble-Way to the T:eruonede Iioty-i,'= Me. Prises in the Kerns, should be• arti- cles relating to the hands. Bueii ar- ticles, air gloves. bab0ker, ebiefe,-tbita- bletl,.ete., are suggested. Thio b 14 Oriel 110,167 IMMO the 110111160, • Tioe Had flanfrtrie 5t.` aloest tip AO lett o twe essernft5M. with Ream* PreelLtil r Oldt t"`hrt!-IJAIM* 417 111 Iaft M here. The eWierea MgO eIett tire bear* Mead beteg. wiik r*alw *holt worth. *54*. merry owe Mutt,- t White Obrlatesdels *Se la their tont: Alt 1a7, leer at tris seams p11 are glad *ed q7• And area hove wee**, with their, heart* Weer. Sheat stat with etre accord on Oulu- nae filar. "Hail to the Tule log and the might - 4•411" KaebMmt* of realty ea old time Mitered Otte. Of boteteroao mirth and homely, boa. fat tiles; The Yttle log, Gaming high and Mesio t bright: The mistletoe, to youths and middens dean See for snapdrigan hoer tbey tort a ring ' Or In a ccntradsucs their permits awing?. Lord of misrule makes good bis so- briquet. And all bis mandates eagerly obey. Be wields the scepter and with loud ha Cries Iuelllotlly. with aune to say him nay, "Ball •to the Tule log and the mistle- toe!" All climes end (gannet, own the setion's might It rite* alike the peasant and the ' peer; The humblest home presents, a happy eight; The sternest Judge turgete.to look se• fere. , The very bids dy by on lighter wing: The blustering north wind seems to lose its stings The old and young. the golden haired and gray: ,,,Devote the boon to tnerrimeat ant play, Anu tar across the crispy. treating • sn9w • We pear a chorus from a Rytit4.atel$b, • 'Hail to the .Tule log and the mtatt,- 'tort Lively • Tom" woyamotooleolotot One Christmas game that is sr* cilli *e the records of games I3' usually known by the Mime of "1,ieett Tom." A small;stlek,is lighttxl sit oue end,.aut1 allowed to hurn;'or n few minutes irl• tif, wIteu Lite •s•1tlone Is eSitta • v+. ,. there reomiuw It it (.1 shut, his: in•it.l The 1110 ers,le•ing *',,cued lit ;i a ire,*, the stick is missed fruit, 11.110 .o 11.e:01. 1Caeh-,player before•-lmnd)tt*. the stark to hie neighbor tt11141 1.4'!le:t1 the mortis. "Ter's olive." So soon as the 0n:•114 are uttered the next player must re eche the *tick offered to him. The unlucky one who ha* Tom die i,t his bands trust pnr n forfeit. The moot convenient forfeit for this game in that the oue who is the victim should suer mit to wearing n mustaebe or eye• brows drawn on.the face by the charred end of the sttek !melt. Yule Lea and Joyous Ravel, The eti11 observed (Mslon) of 1lferrie'� Legitrd or bringing in the 'rule log with muelr r'ercmony and "joyous revel fol 1x,111 yonge and Olde' fnsv roe very rharmingly adytptedt,to the 11000 of * t'Isristnas 001 party. it le not even oee;ereary that the home possess one of the mighty fireplaces of o)4 English cope. for the log In this cos. le figura- tire rather than mina,. .11 is eons!tn**'ted of : C$rdbgard or, light wood and is l,uller4•, with to con - rodent (Tull' throuKli whk'h the gifts here Item put Inside before the etre- neatly of bringing It in Is commenced. ?sheep srt many gnatet though simple feett'r1tiei that nosy be enacted, and they are always Inteneefy atnntileg to till at last Jacky has them 1111 tyle eb114ren. er� "it tit. TO VOX 1111,5 ZOO AND'rrk fitaifii Toto" d•., The chosen theme of many * fancy's eight. A ballad monger or a tonneteer Yearly We Cbrtstmae poem will indite or coy mildest and Mir cavalier, Shakespeare fall often had his merry ding, And litltott tuned loll harp to noble wr string; losing the scenna of Christmas'couId betray. And Dickens its true spirit Could cmc. toy. To songand story 'a rich debt • we Ow*, • - And with trltrmpbagt cheer ihla Whole est. "Bail to the Yate log end•tbe miens. • we:" And et the snored M kket1 eirctse SOU 1,1 .'te 1tu'uuIlis AMU -themes are, 1.8111`-t(e'll *11111e; L. 1ru, ne ••, urcume mire gentle and On', Uur hearts eau find no rdiim for dole Or spite. 1'Aeane of pnIlee from thankful hearts upapring • To cerebrate the birtiody of the King. Alt humbly for our btw[der'e weal we pray And ask a blessing on 0110 tuture way; Oar generous gifts on others ire be- stow;,:.• "Peace upon earth, good'witl to went" we say. , "11[11 to the Yule tog and the mistle- toe!" ENVOY. Spirit of Cbrtstmas, we accept Ibee- 7*1. Right willingly we bow beneath tb7 sway) We jets air amigo to those et fort age 1111tb this refrain, for ever aud°fot aye. 41x11 to thi Yule log and the toilette. toot" o Carslytt Wells lane* York lialt. A Christmas Suggestion. A book corer' makes a good Christ - max present tor the girt who Is apt 1s be aecompeeled by her hook. The revere cern* la natural Uses Wolo 1 t