HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-12-13, Page 16' • • - • 4.. • , ,• •.. AIN BLOOD BRAFAEL S.,4,11ATINI Owe ehet west Vele- 1.11 d'eussiria'• .aia skroodo • soiseligdamage to her auk y Gettiestlowe Rory EverToki 1 sea. Word trod lowed tho Jetiavroow held Ave adessem after that thy were a ditto in the eimeekas . :: /A Foodres - rONINVIII, AM eta buccaneers pouring -*.sincal him. And te4, nithouch bl, weal iota leer wail+ SNYOPSUS Peter Stood, a yousg Irish physt. might enterthin no deloirre /sone at *clan, is met to tber Bortoaloes as s ever winning her for MS own, of eV' lotirrottes, stood forward to board the ' Tha 4tstethessa's rooter, purple 1.0 ' :lave notOr. orders et Mktg 'Jams. "MIX her 4411' Yet the 1‘;1444"Y 44 ,, foriatswed cloarkly by an There atlim behest ol. ..1,4dla Ia. her was to abide in his soul se a bit. 1.hop, shoe el the military emlamd. ter******t* 'PtirifYing itnren1;3"e wont taita is =read *yOusif grn*le. er, Colwell Bishop buyl i . 4 ive"ve behig t&.en, ...r. Espinosa y Valdes, es ly. him . t4v41Y ia rarfic,,,...g_orl,,rn:Lareur,,n4,,nintallesion11 sirra-.011 il-Mariag Ise.'",,, treiitkikta.43:40.'. Mt Csarstilar4aLev-lawaseeuriAvala.a4et"„ tlstirier7a at:nell'eudti *Ida yen slisU be re 8Nr:41:1 0- titttrItinStIseLtrilf14411in ith-oull4 tit anal is of the tigheet Spenisli galleon. *oder 11;0011$0041 Mary Tioill and Arabella. i_lmn,le, 4"'; '",-71,,,,,„„,14Eio' ,,,7„, 'which serswa ea wy heads, ter oesr gee rage ' ire toads ills *leo rebots.eenviet o* or nu* "*14 the ''''1*--,. ..1.-lif"--'n th• Itheem,lok ofeeissitrioriotedo%erYtoro,IldelhotI e,:illt, ellitier. inlet dtk 7" leek eliteetrtl order urntfraid Well fit it tioul • r the op andeineartonUalree_rdsorfiloeill/Sorewor" soh. reTereedflowtehrei h'c'errtresildY P-09=f"oat ssy retie, a frieed inivieed ;as te SaYmAiktvt lizet", I morght easy that which Jau will find. si'tertd)' hativfaktiou _ his men with taution and 'dia. -57.4,7riZias osod two yawn sd htlattge to am. eamething of which f hare. brtraY** him and navigates the ship sed lie tidded threeseme, more, pi:k.,,,,,,,...,,, . ._. .,. _ imp is hi port. captain moos hinds eriminetion (end he WAS an excepti ,,osr wowed wodiotwo i , vo, , le 1010 ISOhatiareigS10. *it sic**61 - OnIi - 026 sett --,.arof Do„. mt. t. ths =ono% ot s ems* tonal judge of raero•al.rons IIMOUSS... 1141VOil of my towable. That is • . wev ,'erwed Ilee ers me ed4lb and oge the Don's eou. Eatables, Ilse tha adventurer* of ,,.7ortnitC** 'I 'In- '.- suer -ego, sad L ita ,ra oas ha, .4. •.. -y . 4 *7 444,1 awl low r of - - . 1 tir a szujosSAitit rib "4'1 '1•°71v* OS_ 30, mon, war it is, and Te-,..,.."*" 111:11,,, t?. HisPeo1910.• Where Mr brOtherl jog the, Brethren of ine trait is mumfastmod may hy The Yeer,"6„411 Pn" tt inkr,L" 'wit" In PW911* alternative of seeing his father die, them all he entered into the artichia Wettest Oitl of it stmt../ ' or to telt his uncle that all is welt on walla amenr i le tub man was to T. blithers Co, Limited, TOrOOtOp 00.. (Porter rau hfadersoi- , just leech -ed. a elii40a of genuine id by a share on the prises cap- _„,,, - , . _ " - down with, - rattemou P4.eohontas. Cosi 1 , pt and they vielt the galleon he Pli , r'. 21°W1:411104Thilemer" Inie-ebreak.dth/Amill wend"' Store Coal. anitalibite, mugs and board the Vino Lieges. The bey tic- Coa4t* under en " • where thr swath nu vier peace with hi's taTed•Neenmer hour of departure approached. otootnnemy heiseroter wehilt.belwaymedta hero.aii he Oitoodleil- . „ • wale. Thev return to the Cinco Lla, Tuvrards the , end of . _ _ errE8,..„,,, .....ltzl/ruoics towsrianf them mastorfas, ondool000 Always on hand R (3-$1;11ilete Otock ° r „ aca and young Esteban learns that- when the harricane :teasel! 'had 140,_•,:i lie saw her, and with a . LBV.A. ii; 14 4 11 li 4 1 . dead when the 'body Was bound to the xounm. wene'llumn- 6 ins m . It would beh*eta !tart about ten irisdutitstja%ut sprain; towards her, of * Blood hadtrieksd him; hi father wes. altself., out,ne Put.dto hip,eInsmhdiab:f`saltl; SHELF AND'IlEAVY *- cannon. Blood sails for Tortngs, the he returned in the fo ow • 14 o'clock on t a OW 41i r4 4g, a , Tea Dutch Touter got in bio. way _ roodawromi of bnoontnnera on tho from a protracted and luiventsrous fwujilienhoo, cmoorebvgirthitOuti.3:1400iimannesth,itroos.with-"`- 45PaniSill "n.' Blood had ism like ripples before the La rewire and *a half caste 'adieu istisobandliwitLrrh uhusePh:nuarialt6imsnsaltttoo)%1114,02!o,%14°'" endive the fame of Contain Peter . ., IIAR WARE ,,....40,. • lad tr. e was e Ter o swung hte poleaxe that he carried. • I d V% bets f fold." t to 11/eell his rnistreal• Ila . CHAPTER 'AUL 'meat- ateVO3s the face of the Carib- *1 stepped out of her and went up the len „, • . One day, AN he fiat with litigthorpe ed scrap of paper for Captain 14,14-. :awl the Dutchmen went down in -sherwm.withams,trady. *Vat '111Olverstone over a pipe once n saeur. 14 contents may be roughly iigood with s cloven ohnii; .The egget follower* wore put eft in 4 boat. 'Iwo bottle Of rum in the stifling reek 'of translated time: - i tint elgveer ,,ate.p Ipt. p•ccar:Ilensitbe h.oscolfvullaril inixed, Paints at At -des:break Dun Esteban and Lie days later.' the Cinco Images sailed ,tor• Whob3sale Prices Into the rock.heund /V of • earn** tavern,aliCt,tilmastfaxebaeoms:edaft.yaaWitiPt1:11141' I DII.'"tMCg t11.71Thej•ISVS:t11011:‘. Iler. oamwbitel; - ,.11/ ; I I .3 ght. , . But mademoleelle _,, woe Portland 4Irgint which natnre seemed to have desig. ...a1 ,,,‘„ IA A re.,,en ,n -a .'go.,...laces. coat of dee., about to aid).Trepar01-Plaater I MUUMUU • to **Parma • shrinking now, in horror. 'Ill a mated for 'ft stronghold of those who blue .setin, with a crimson sash, e us forever, nly mind father a **mit lhoupd.. her werhbeloved was halide ' had appropriated it. - PlarOlAllit, Heating , : 1.0 charge, 1 implore you, 'come to .nlY ' in hit embrace, which , would not:be' „*".'1§1elltric Iffirini/' I I ing me to Europe ill• irir brother's • her. But she 'atilt' elsranic even with. It was Blood's original intention to foot wide, yeobootlit tqhue,ownelestr.pote ei , Make his way to France or Rolland, Sang?"..the fellow hailed him.. , . rosette.* Delive?! nni, my well-beloc-' denied; a look of dread had .come to otatod Madelon, temper the normal arrogance of her ., t , did you kill himr '.'„• S. C. LE- ,....,,,„,....„„,.. • As ) .. But in the long weeks of waiting at "My name," he said, 'is Peter ..ed hero! Your desi c ••°' • ' Blood. The iPaltar ,., ,. . 1. do know me by iwbo, love* you. • ' . shook perfect face. 0_ ...... DonPedro Sangre, and a Vrenehnull The *well -beloved hero woe moved, .swhys why '•':• • ,-_,.• lir.' tay call Ine, Le Sang if he pleases.' to• the, sOrd, of him by that possum- He laughed as a hero. 811014114 Una ` • ' , ; 1 1„- -,! "Goal "My name," he infonted ate appeal. Rh scowling glance gummed ' her beroieally, with the: Hardware idforo-and Coal Yards 1..rt. ' -'":''''' ' *.1,,• the three men, two. of whom at leitat.... swept tile- bay for the Mitch loin. tolerance of'a god for the mortal to ,• at tile Wharf* Goderieh -• - , .2,1 ' were. Oyeirig him askence, 'It is Le. .which he lciew had heeedue to sail whom he condescends: "Re -stee- . ' - • ' That ,liristick ind'igestien from Ana 'anyway a bed doettirCeleld 6 1 between. us . ;,et his death he •••4 ' Phone oiAelli giVon special atten. Which • out ...- ' ' • • ? AAA *offer -how do_ tbe 0401 she has done rl •riethint !et) . ••-• 4 jell, veaveur. You *may have head of ,for Ainsterd's,ni withh Oersted hides . . . . 1 ,".',..., . land tobaeco.• 'Ile roared' Mat the symbol, a IroningTA sii who . • ti,,,m ,- . yOung men eseape . rea,e1cle about. . , • . . . o • ,. • r ' „They had indeed. Be cannonaded ruostleo in his mind. . - : I 'a privateer of tereity guns that had rn answer, the lialf.caste pointed beware* • • • -, - .* - Q,„,,,,,,,,,i ; • _ .,-1„.....,.i,t2 , ._, , _ , lo ago, manned. bre crew niainly cont. !marked the position of the -reef eon. * 1Poti IP!.E)Lvit______CFODERISA. : , . , - drofnAtt onphor it tbe bay -a. • week i out --beyond -the frothing surf 'that ---It. liras io-isplendidir-Itetriffie.-00. .--1"!`r : F •-'''r4 -z- -, - . - --- , "s' 7 , 4 ''' " • - ,„ .. ' y gesture *tit *Wee so broad anrt'fitte, _.**.'"."'"*"'.."'„--, ..:-.--'-. ...4..- ......- ....„:". • ---- -°11*ThITGARE. ' • i. posed of French himean.hunters from Istitutimr. ono.' Of, the. etronitheld's _land his magnetism so compelling, _ '3 / - ..„ - T. . . ' Northern Hispaniola, men ...who bad 'Main 40renses, Away beyond it, e' *that she east liee silly, tremors and ster might overtake:you. And dol4 ' Do you. need- 1 BetteX Trainin to constuand.e.Bigger Salmy,? an intensity exeeeding tbat of ' the:" Jim oat to soa. '. ,, . ., bis... fond...embrace. Thereafter, be...the pewee Of ' this beast, 'of this' cur , ,• . Elora thition trivon amse of shorter moot 4,0*. • treetlerSfAllentl-=, eide:ily. Cli3rrttlinChl. t44°- ' el.. Partica4". ra „ goad cause to hate the Spaniard with !mile- or NO irliStallt, a tail waN stand- yielded Itereolf ,tabely,, inter:kited,. to you Yet realiss 'where you- atiritin ,Euglish, . Leissseer bad' brought . *,Illiere, elle igo," 4e mid .• swung. her td his shoulder, and sten- . born hi * kerinel.andbred in thieving -; c91,1llgy,„3-.40etaierolei; Stertegrapide,A . ''t ' them. beck to Tortuga frau!. SA indif-•-, ',The rrenehman gated and „stared ping:With eseehenestit that burden, ' sod murder?" . , ' , . _who* Torsi Inv* Monday, jaa,,, ini. ' , . i..., ' - ferently suecessful Cruise. A roar.' ' .„.,,;,,,,,._„„.., - • .. • •. . .....- bore her in a *sort Of tritimph,iitstily - litt might have.said more "Wit that. • fd, A. llTrllex • „ •'-, • , . rt r. :iirattn*.it. 4,--..- _ ing, . quarrokome, , hardchinking . 1-• .• ,.. ,-.• „ . , ' • * • cheered hy his men, 'to the' deck •of Levasseur struck liiin 14CrOOO „the . . Com..Spechtlist, - ''' • ' -. ,' * • • trinclital;„ : ,... • vice s*rim *,, • , „- • -r• -.Timer 194 ; ' . liard.gamIng..scouridrel, his repute- '•*',.„,*.., ' '-'\ N . 1,4.'".4N; bill 01'711 thin. Her ineonaiderate mouth.. MadeMaiselle suliProtted, lk tion as * buccaneer stood ,higli *Meng' . . -.brother might bave. ruined, that re., strewn, as.the IOU* :09;1,00. "(lg.' ' ' - ' • .. ,: " $011/SUSO $111 inter 'At Skalr 4;1144‘ • . ' ' • ; ' _ ',•he ',wild Brethren bf :tile -Quist. . . mantic sone u. or 'we, tin or . *. • ' ,,,,, IN . Csihusse, Who quietly tripped hire ilp,„ ; "You seer'. he SOW elinplY. lle 1... , - _ . Royal La. Ite*-To7W ear • COMINT East Side Square, --, :Goderich,, Ont. oasimemsmsiostesozatassit • •11•01.-•••••••••••• X ,. LI' -•• 'It. 'was . current...1014n that Oven . ..i. liadeinolselle ,d'Areron,, the Prem.,. „ it#, epea;;dititaltt,or' 'badi: ' 4 illieitiii the : ', ' snare of .bie 'wild, attrectiveneea, and ; ‘‘'..,;:\ ' \'',;:• ' •.' tiOtt LoViii00110 bad gone the length. '•*). ..-. 4' ... of audacity 14 ;wilting heehand; in' ,...• • ...)47.,"ooe'is Lonloweer...... , Air hadrisgseh:tto'bdutanr fa:4011i 44.,,•t*.l.f.. d'Oger'*' , ,. .......,........,,,............... . . , . . .., 0..................: - this. .„,...-TAine.p...14it,„„=n.ow .,tbt.not alihip 01.'1400 bins to himasif,74"“'ivox( Captain *at '"a t, -.SRAttOr Of thGOO 04Orttrfat, propoapl ot 1,011,, .415tIns• Wm. ?ds • ' dwindled, and ilMillY .not only his sword, but his ship and Nanfaht41*',14110. 'there *al.**. toed the men who isailed in - her. ' ' • ,,, dost•to Ortalsts, Peter. Ble°It**' 'fbere• ',' Because,' be disliked tne hien, P.: -- •• 'VMS , th*:. thortglit of ° Arabella Bishop. taid• Bloodvmuldriot-coMnift hi, MR.. ' • an was,inaddened'hY the tottlenting at once. tut, ii00#11110 he ilk the i lure of the unattainable,. fie &aired ptorbeeot.he consented to consider it. , . -,Arehella, yet' lutew her •beyond ids, Beim ,oftetwordo..vrooso4 by both. . .... . •.* ''' " . • . reach irrevocably reed for *11 tune . iisgthorne,sod weleerstone,, who. did •: ' Be wes, when ell is odd, an escaped not ebore-.bio own yeroonet diiiike. of , • - shore, an 'outlaw in his OWD, land and: the $'reneliman, the end of the*niatter !. • a helnele**---ontc**t - in '`)PY-0tlle•t•-- siouLthat-withilirk_iree. wore_ I „, ' to all, and particularly alluring tet. tilaoNadva,..aanPri:bsrgnwedeanliyijatlivaemaar rfral:Ifilit: I Th. A• ri‘be., 14.: soil".!4111.1ret4,. dre ". l‘'-rrt:tj6:47t'hi--.'v';;"i:;o.:a-,;ke.t74'crv;;g4"--.e;;: .. .. , . Therereirtaltied.theSea, wniels is !Leo t . • those who feel •tbernscives at -war, was usual, by the chosen rePresenta* I ' ..•• 4- ' '' . . ''*' ' . , , .„• pointing ' to her ',' brother's pinioned 1. • with' *hunignity.• And ' temptations,. tires of their ..foiloweivs,..• Thsoe sr.. , . ..; ,;,- • ,..., i01,... ,- ' proefedernot c.nly bons adventanto. tides contained the conimon*provds- The belf4ceste-'sbreele' r'e _... ..# " "r dePlore iti, said he. "I desliti •• ., horeaneerieg ettinaintaneeti in the ions that, should the t.ra vessels sop.. fore bit fury. "Then up'arrnor! 1:4* it lo end. . Let 5u d'Otoroo give ba .• taverns of that evil haven of Tortuga, erste, a strict ' stemnant Mat *Am. •b* US after the putehroanohe. t„z„. his parele. . ..!' ' • . . 1 • • - .„ • but .even, from M.d'Ogeron, the -gov. wards be rendered;of all prheirliev... "SteadY, .t4P41;4; ', What'e th* 111.7.give, you nothingit.[, , , „.: ....., _ .. restraining __,. „loot lune, thte 'le fooliiht You - ere, errr of the island, who levied as Iii, erallY taken, whilst the veered taking Ther Wel a • • • of •' .bAbor dues a percentage . of one- a prize should "retain three...fifths or big, boulder. and ths !)rele _.,!"'' l tot behaving as my ' brother. TO' ter/rh of all epolls brought into the its. vole ,surrooderhur two fitiths. to. his lieutenant Callum -el *.bumbti'•ca„ - „ • o chaired to convert into .bille of ex. board h. 11 wh. .Irma Briton steoPPAJOIA ,nvirttitsch, tuttlotisid:ty: :y.,:u.t..irtt..41,,,k, .tdoatinywnin,tthey.ahaire.titee. biv.:11.,,, ,. silo he "Ittlimaildel We e °II g brotOt already? *Lives leaVe: 13t%11 ., ' ",o.'', - ''''.•,... '., ' „, • 1 • ' • boll, and who profited further by emu ito..asoodote, ... 014 . . - mblemne Illum meneY: which he Wee That • night 'Ltir*Silhor Nlept on 4leefreetlpff b1m* ' • • • -thatige upon France. • . ' I" Pi 1°4 With eharak*t' never be allowed*" . ' -loot-men ,hare died--Nthet this MORI, f '''': • , . emetic ilandioyania, he had named ...And who, the :doll will oeny - . • • 000%1144 vdth Peter Blood from'the. in day he reeityea a, viitlt frornmatet vat" 1,401044r wit between lem" - • • ..... ....-..---.......- ...Moreover, to a. nm, the* Whe had Ls poiuire, and there on ths follow- • . . - ;• ,Ilarimem plentetions, •and who, COfl. tain Blood, whoa. s* voted half • iit• and ...,1 . .;•.. . • ____ SANTA CI AUS ITSLS TIIE • ADIG • • • ' . '• * .. , . ,.. . . . $equaritil, like himself, IOW* not mockinew, a,his. sdvirsi. ime" i "Per Ole 'thing,. Unwell lour own . . . ''',L • ' wither to turn, Were 111 resolved ep. - - --ed hut gantirit to di* • ere,' will he none too willing. For - !WU ORtert4O1 ' .. ' . the ring. as thongs rovers milled to 'the expedition so copiously' on,*.1"tke'rsI OW* tbarentothitgCloPrtaCi4tillri.n Bi"°°Li"‘ tot Jeirtirar the great Brotherhood -of' ner And, jointly tboy *soh swoon . .. thosiselves. ,And they milted .7t. -1141g8 tu..sart of Levaaseur that "awn Ow fateuldikt its 'I" it. _ __. necessary .P10* YQU', . • . .. ' • leading Blood, demanding that he nearly drunk as it 11104004110/811* *realkikt 4 li44111 1144 pt 3"v"'.114't1 •..--. . to the other Veleta .that were Per* ‘tie. came to separate be Was im ass the power,. : • should continue now lan the leader- for him to he sod 74 town his mt. I loom him at all> hen alalt- no *RP which he had enjoyed since the r dot -standing. CAPtlihr,,B10011 was a fere bell autew Intellsrligtee with tree had lett Itarhatlet, and swearing to Hole , hoorly.hoetted, •.../ •,, bow -said Noels ...Ate, hika his sem +Idiots% of .folkor bhn loyally Whithersoever • he, that he *no sejudwo of man. sod his prisit7eiting, flit O*Ptain Ille•di at I . _ 'rho" lead 'them- - " )adgment of Lavasorsur filled him , It he resisted tio ION,g, it W*1 the W., ith initigivinge, which were *rows. two the anchorcursgin kiii‘oH4413.frolthadl. *Ad ,an ba‘es: thought of Arabella Bishop that re• big heavier, in a measure, as ale , . • into whichlte bad Mitered.' . - - ...., ., . , . , i Toseepeoesosoe.00.01 - a., The Gode ri cli Star's . ' .- .. CLUBBING LIST "'""-"t"'"171."1' •C••IJJTJ0f;.140.1 4L 'it, • X )11: t, 717) 11,1" 4w. • 1111 • 4 71 ''"*; en truesed .himdike a lewL - *: Altrikes ..... a `• untie': wholieMonris, - are --... - ireeftero;VeKetY,titne'Vle*Calitain• kkaiiiii,l'.•• . . ' . ,:c languished Whiz. ladesi.staile Within , , ,. (To be eantinuedi-' the cabdn, Cal:used war dealing with '. .. .44.... •,. res .....• -4. ., I. ., .• ,the • spells 4 Th . war. .e Dutch ere* . .Ver years • blether Graves", Warm. 1 wai ordered. , into the 'longboat, amid Exterminator ham ranked *4 A .relia....! . ' • . Air they- • •' • tower than thirtki,,maintain* Its renntation!' - . ' "' • '1 4.. • 414,- - bidden 0'p:el • -40161. Fortunately, ble womn.preparation. and it alwayu '..: , . the lengbeittos h perilousiy. ovine.. t• '-• '. • .. .., - • • . . f . , crowded,' eoelId° yet. Contain theft', " A. mot lown-is , a 'plac. 'where , It' , :..,,,,,. • '‘ M. • WI • Nest ,0alintsae boning inspected the • pronunent man can reveal his sug:., ., . , . . • ..,_eat . ,rd, put tbs. quartermaster and a Pendeit. • .. . ' ' .' '',, ' . , • score of men aboard the.lengvrotrw, if she. boo: brehel'r -at writ so ths. ". .., , .. Curraats,Raisiss,. ediess Raisins, Orange,• , -:Amil' left her- ,i°', follew -141;:lebrae° .he • no longer Struggles to esealie, he • - erbleh be nerr. beaded. rim* Or Ille is called* SeitOr. - ' • '• 1 Liiii6.0 aitd eittosi Peel; Sholled:•Nntroi Dates,.:, , 1 4 . , . . * • - . • .........aso • A • ,,,,,• Candled Cherries; :,:tittraCtit.. ;SOCest 'Slime - . '' :- I The ,ladei *brother* was, presently': 17; , . ' - • ----,7 • , . conducted tothe calthe The Contain ,•• • ',, *,. ''' ' . e , • ' • . • ° a•P . -rose to receive him, bending, his stet; t - •Aktiti all. new sock mak toch itO 'e' your Christmas ;... • 41:' . :wort height to **did etriknar itheeeir " '''.' I 1.‘ . :. . in roof with, bil. heed: ;Maderaolselle, P14(1,itigs; eillai ittic. P.i!‘i•:, "' . .' • ,; :- ' .• • . . - . • . . . • • • 4-• • •, • PHONE 44 t The Star and London Free Press jl45.73 The Star and London Advertiser 6.75 The Star and The Toronto Globe. ...... . ..... 6.75 The Star and. The Mail and Empire • 6.75 Tall Mkt and The Toronto Star. 6.75 The Star and The Farmers' Sun. 3.40 I Ilst Shoe sad 'rho Farr* lIkrald and Wee* Star 34,- T ar and Saturday Night. •. 3.50 The Star and Presbyterian Witness • 3.90 . The Star and The Catholic Record • 3.73 '. The Star and McLean's Magatine .- 4.50 'Me Star and Rod and Gun 3.90 Ti.k Slur and Montreal Witnzts . sesewal 343 ettrw:3.50 The Star and World lAidt c ma" • resinval 4.25 MW'... 345 /rid tothes7/1,644cosia he was already studying ways of ervelort. What, Calms** implied waw trost Blood would TATO suffer via. hltierk to he deo, ha hi. MINNOW to * r.hutan. Bet it might be clone in thoottee, sad, being done, Mooti. net perfects, ooroloss it, shire it would tliest lee toe tete to protest. the hoer the Arabella am1 • nuke were beating out to sea Without deratsr share* of pies bait:tined, Co nerorthelem, scespied 'it, treeghed minehor before the appointed time nposi 11.• , hie **iodate to itt Alt shy the Datalt was 14 *lett tbsteirk by ONtiiiit shit feeci ihriagied to ths *serest *peek rat the motion* •tioristra. The emus era. ter ands=m4:41 the Rispo*lobs.- • 're that vee=t11:: Jersholle seethsood to loll gereogbeie the eight. Whim do, sg.sia eke was them oat* emir 4 the struch away to the, asethoret toad rig et MOM COL her 144 ate sot *phi amteset agaiart this. "Tilts devil two rye. larraweem eitewered Mat "A shies e *ha DA* *mi* ami •Wge ,411" .•11"16 rsobeetta tOpe sot a Ala leisr very the, JO00116111/. ( , , • 4 .11 .•••••••-trVor... Management of . *- 4. .318 ICM�US Phelf:ti wfol-to announce ketheir ttaistewereititui the genenit that they are ei)vi, •earryitig freilx".1htirok aaa Cfrottmary Butte NOLT.OL!*6 Ilittterniilk ou their.regular toiik dalivery Vigil at ell- . time* Oar nutter, Milk, or Bottertnilk nara„be 144 ,b 'the '. I.,e)tsr ,grRszr •: . • c , t, oft : M. any tune beta min 900 a. no. and 0:00p.m. gr. Crud this your 1i01e Loy. *NI 'kis %soli only writ. to Santa Chant Ault ' their letters *ad trust to time postroo.1 sintiror theft. Dot *is year tit, finsAti Des d tia-Viodellan Narieraalltailwari mato lso wit* Sento Clops anti Utters front boys **I Otis. otior Cun*. are halloo broadosst from tint C, N. It Rail* Stations to Soot* in Lk wetiMinv, iA der Far Nardi. Santa' sAnestimigor. osoilt 4tvontng toy tatill% time 1414Itipmehitt ',kat Id. *01. ottiontli hove to is hint. • '-or troy ewe. Soma Chu obit*, every isrooileostires Toombs. W14*. Sesinisons. oost-Itemosoms. *Aft his • Niosotto. hilootosel. Oolrie*, eteeiso Ms Moo** waits hew into of do411 PL. R. awl thoorossin of Imams him Lows mod seri* loom has roolivid 44 hososhost Sossit. Thusvto you oft hoof root *Iwo lo woo of the* esofissons Sams itos to his he owl Orbs eit.ole the mistophoskoe tails& * lostrostiwit rod to wont the swami of the 'ohm thimble oat ever *to wod4 tea *AM wow* / book 41.1•441" 4116 rir0041,6 010.• 113:1111Zrielheil ;10o kis *oft tro swim* • iltiomsormoosmormwriwilmiga." When. Buying a DON'T roRon THAT WE HAN= , THE YOUR CELEBRA.TED I;114P,,S • •IeJ 'Forest. Cas* . .AND ATTE:sin TO THE; INSTATING FOR YOU. itiat nutertitasut, 1.4