HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-12-13, Page 150
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19*Nwlle"41r*ommww, 7'. - W04*1411111, � �_W . 011111111111, a 6 - . . - .-
, . . . . . . W W. 111011111i _AFft.__ -a- - is "al saw 11F ..
4 , I li'm 4 VW . - A -----.A.-.& stim . . , .
I I . bmkftl 4 I ser. Willi .
m, mmy C_642ftmisl•
ft�li,60661 asasowd *,M %U1111111i 314 ell MMAb Ir is 101IM111111111111iiiii *0 =11i 11111111 WOO III I
. .1 64i
do asebt"A I" =4"Wv Dili to Ur W be Is orwall bw amb kuslasais had been
. - xwo I I
. m I - M no - IAL 0#ad"iMr a ase *R blue *6 160jbr to PWWA of alsirim 0006"" I We C SON
. Our Christ. Q0 IM "Allisi sli ~ - tWU* the of sibeirs" tAslawnt The 04180JON of laxam, tv.00 a . .
. was Eros, me 8isoi M Mrask Oig W pW *4 at we a" have., Additional to this yw W 7poss, arralli all the sue- Wish to UPON tb* h;ratitilde to tho
, . of the, W4 TMA86" 1"lieral Messes f"16 asci their* &U*%W lee a ,iii eonstruittod ~ at tbss'pi was )umttfyiw the
: tylli 11111111111111. am . we, it , I 't an ism,", %" jLlj* aism"A tits V44i " Of the W- 11161111111*6 TIR COWM"d*#4** 4' the peep$* aJ,()*Jq" Wd surroullilling I '
I . so" In striiii off fte hor for Well to in any slosslift of festlil 441K W114 SM cie'"I Of t1f mm"y 1W tu* swas"d patroll
WM* tolww6w =W V4. Zal ltills aftearict illus by the town te, the age
. not a Ill yet it woo . I �s�fiiiiIriiO - tills- YM. tow of us rtalbe NA )l previssil cosswasalea, kad NaTed * .
t"= tax, so, §W*— periiil I in tk*-fw aw, *nbg tlile past year
. \ "a& "W row. "As ilei . _
I troe Y" "I vpft tk6 'L biselso � tam. WOOL iii - Oi v&lu* these winter storWo "4011111's"I"Ithk sear in In%~' I
I A Intake Will 404A* VIMW &u the peopic - -
tree No Pepsi " *ad $PI 1,0000 tax. oill. W. J. Clsoi boats are to the town. It is c*nnr- T6e ta"clei d taw new
rare; Yost ptegas be Ild" sad i uwasess tax, $10-12; Allexpili,--vativI estimated that each spends &sd the IsaiprovoilaIi,rit of Ow COW.
: latax In WI in wish t1w,tifts andre Marlas *I Gowral Nell in the n*i9k`O0rhO04 Of UAW; *In gist* Institute had beret :landed. arai A Vwry Christmas .
I . I am luife. we Willi you all a sewer tax. T4."; james Leach. bulil with twtnty-four stearal in flim in all $1s3,000 of debontur#6 k.ii
. . . . win t,X. *,$17; bih-0 Burns, hwe" harbor this year they will expend been 164,sod, jai of qi�*aeiii bilovicht' and Prosporcus New Year
. 0 I tsx, $18.jo; Lovis Murch, ineovi anwr4c mall ii grocers, but- nicely over, par, showing the high
- I . MERRY t", W.77; john 'Ushiiii basivil chors. ieefton, boarding houses. ii standing and, condition of the town. I .
I � ,, . -nii- I . - I.. - tax. $#.I6; Goo. joines, sewer rocrtAll. over 11100M. If by, the expendi- Tho water and lights debenture
I . , 1, CHRISTMAS *. ' "morston at., 41; A. SaurAlli Six- titre of say $M0,000. our Go"rn.* would not affect the tax rate and the
. . .
I I . � � � vel pit, parl; Block A.. $13.M wont can d0uh1f t40 I&Y-UP And fil- 4$,W tot the. Collegiate Institute
.. .1 DAY. �! I That a ctloque for $818.80 be U- ting -out expenditures it would be would he partly mot by the lncro"04
i I -ommi4nity. But A irons the to and tie ,sued to tbl . X collector in payment well repaid to the t gr r44 *in county h pro- ,W. C. P12"DHAM & SON
,, or 1924 taxes sift the N$Uliiftal Ship- this in only a small portion of the VIV& and .,by joJilection in the Call of M
MI& and Pf i ig the New Ywo I That t1w follol bom4t wbkb *eeruea to ol 3ri- upkeeiii, I to that in reality therio
"Wo � Awlis and Boys' wear`
Widing ptil 1. our ways recol on. would 1*,,Vory little ridded to the tax
I I r liusluesi tax he trill Do, their re- dull Is the 14W Stole next to bank of Montreal
- I I . I Opel transient ttai ,,"not an Overage, $126 P"Or Mi in froight rate. I .
CHOCOLArEsmi , __ i tool )toy&) Ladies' Ready-to-Woor, e"nxiiii. It another twOntY-fQllr , An effort hadobeen tuade to C110" - ___7_lkj. - s* - ...1
r . . . . 1 $15.75. Dominion Storims,W-20; And boats were stored in the winter up this,Nlilitional Shipbuilding mot- - . � . .. _ - I . .1 .
. for tk . that the tax collector be 50 nOtifidd- months our railways would accrue tern. Some of the plant had boon "L".-.Z...��-....-.,-.-.,.�..- __ A, I
. - upon the Water and Light an additional PM,00 In freights, sold; ,the foundry was Ift operation,
0 That lying to the'COU111I A mora than the. intrill holtbor Ira- anialthere were good prospects tar. -- --. I . I .. I I .... .
HOLIDAY SEASQN,,,' 4 1 Commission P, ion Aith the •proveme-ats WOU14 mot. . the rental or disposal of the romi .
. I - __ I in Counsel; f
, . wil incurred irva for riatili We must also, urge for a widen"Ift Vag plant. I .
I Neilso,W;and Lowney's beautiful 4 - Issue of Will dewt, � �
I utiful -Picks0s, filled wilil. - balance *T of the channel entrance from the Victoria 1%
I . erworks purposes, this . .:tend Cambria roads It d ���in s ������ ��� ������
to $1., breakwaters Into the piers, which, been built and were a Credit to any I n.I,.
,.. luscious Chocolates, 40c. up proceeds on handl �alltlbunt`IOX 0 .
. I -11 8-IfLlil paid Over to the Con"Thisi while now 250 feet should be at least town. The effort to clean UP the 1;L==-- �:, " - . . t .. . .. . - - I I - -=r-: ! .
I NIS ROMUIA I ......... 11.1- ....... * oat* to, be M feet ill' Width to--eflable latae arrears -of .taxes 'had met ,with sl ,Call &round and see--our.dis*
� . . NE ... 1.3% lb. BiON ,the-iii.tatement Of " , ssells to enter in any weAther with. cql A, disi plan- h4d Viet- -T I- t play. of Christ. I ,
, � t n fol. I
NEL'SON'S 13ULK CHMOLATES,.....ii out ng ed to the lowed In. the care of the xtreets. I%nd' ' I
- . . . prepared by your i1nance committee. ve . . In .. I
. Regular 60C lb., � That, upon the C011'Wate Institute north and south bank by;�,l etir, park. And he thought the council � ' . . as Meats.
I .Board paying to the c04nell the costs .. . ' . 1.
I -why not a Kodak or Brownie Camera in connection with the llissue'dflde- rents, I . in could congratulate themselves On at-
. , l . - 6soN, for Collegiate Considerable rein.orce. ent hat, comblishing more than any other Ing
bentures. for 4 We extend our greet' s, to our cistomers. .
with that gift o(money you received fi�ir Christmas? : - been effected to the river breakwatox. council which bad sot at the board.
. ;
I. . - Building purposes: tho bolance, of the
. , . . I .',, _..$6,108 tip;� ... � pimeeds on bond, amounting to` $R, This should be at
on each, yeat' ' Mayor Oallow thall all the . . . . . .
. KODAKS....' I.;-43 `., - 'I I ... ...... I - - I . I
I ..... ..., ... * . ' I- for."i-�ittirday'i\'igbtls,-spedal,;.
. ..� I . . 55, 4i be paid over to the bosiI the to safeguard that structure frons ice, members of the_ pouncil for their - -
. I , I lure hearty- - en.-operatiolir -throughout, tho . ati
. .
I . .
1 . BROWN11;S ...............................„.............4900.50 ,” up'. � ita�;;ent.ot� ci�gtl tcli. be preparea by 6roill - arid press from spring W. tzar
ir whib% . vs -_1 I _.
I . : . .� ... . freshets, so that no. difter may. -en- at might -- I, ,. . I I ------ .
1, I
. . . I . . I your Abarizie0coinmittee, - - year, Any Contr0trKeft that might ' .. Phone 2 , — West Side Squ'ol - I � .
I I . . .11 I � I . . I D us to winter vessels through pwil have occurred had been confined to I . .
. � . , I . . in the matter of the lettil of QK!, 8 If 'this wall should the board and had. eat Interfel
. Thili � *�:, , Phone Is Hayi, and Heys,ve, sible collapse. I
. � break through a very consideraLle with personal 'friendship. He Pal#] .. .1 . I I 11 . . . I 00111�_
I cam ell S of - a high tribute to -the sterift 4usili- � - _ . - ---.--.
- -.------- — - - ---- - '--.-- —.-.-- - .
I .. ►A ** " Drug Store 90 ,gri arrears of taxes. 6" lot as'
. .. I ,
. . 'Omrlil�,.q(l quantity material would Wash in "
.I- I - � I I . I N sessel to F. Filesson, we rec c harbor basin alril dredged. ties and courtesy 4,the town cler1r. SONG, OF THE T -REL 4 . . . I
. I I a V . ........... - -
- 11 . - I I . 1, � .
. I . I . I id at 011tce,41113,al"Ount a to the 1.4 wb I I . .
1. that, if pal tent. While we see sk numbers of to the veteran asaesel o -had not I W ..... -1 . - .
. --,-;...---7----7�,------------, _ , I be , , �
, I , I%(, -
I . _-1___'-- . I . tax" on roll plus 5 Per . 1. . � vessels arriving tfiroilghout," the 'It peer nor unequal, to the assistant - (),ll vat of tijilitilgitt %%%tot i ;, I,. :4 THE OW 0HRISTMAS HY.MNb
. I . . . I . . '.
I .
01 "I. I - - ..T . , , . � . 1. Cepted. ' * . . ,the .. . sate
or yl there is a decided lakk of pail 'assessor who,was keeping the do- - t4,i-,v . ., . . .•
� . . .i
we- I I . -.1.1
' recomimend that , Bowitri senger seirvicer, and concerted e0ort partment in good.'shapill find to this 'Pile �% 0111101-01' all wandolis lil 10 I -6, it im good ititbillik, of tile uld ,,' .
. I - . $N.60- be''accePtOd from the 1919 by our council and other nun icIPOIJ valued assistance of Miss Stokes and ll "I'mill illovdii It mi til ,of i , : tirti chriettalts hyltAlls Axii to '.i, ,
I Ite - __0 - I Pot, whilm in all my beii 1 alin wip
i � . Wn -C uno . Jament.j_11. full 01 1.__.� Ica should Itrh!p_-�iI_ ,miss "%,At ` .11,14.1i - Moil to �get -,
%I - .. .. . I . . .. . I : . . . . I. . I Club as sett] ___ - I . . -590-than whomt there were in tilt. aria orliftPliler of li ('111ii-ionea "! * the 0i 3ii
' . * * . ' " ' ' ' ' taxes "-on their. - lot$- '. . senver boat.til trade frOln_860191dvelria,111� no 'better or imtii ifiler"D -Tilidiles. . " 116ya'. . . ___ _ - F- til ecru hymil - taitiks, -tbe Intl - ---
, . .
* . I . . . . We recomtri that 'd �,iefuyld I -, t%ngels of Innoval in . moria{ gil � - I lilt. litallif t . it . :k
� , to the Soo and �traltg.of Mackinac, S6'mp of the would no d.pub; :
. F, __ Chairilati `-Platt di Water Light aid Hatilior'Conimitto.0 Mabel Trfl , tical rul 41L Willi
. � T calling at U A
I � I . $34,.24 be made to III . prominent intervening -,seek re-election and those he Wished '00a"' look uPoll ill* "it" 11""i fi 1 mS liltift " 11111101w. worl find Via. A
. I I .. smart on her 1928 in ane tat and � - - . . � ,
Ori 'I i 0644. ROjukr - . The D, & C. bosits"PtofitablY the attainment of their ambition, I -Arlif"310%oll iiiAll fill 111mit tin ul. .:.
. 1. . . I . that a cheque be'' issued * for this poltits . 1: -
I � i - ' ' ` 1, . . operated this..run for'two 01. three go himself had decided, not to stand. A lo-ifai thin* in we : OboaRl rel If 10-Asuro,44thk
I . . . if Tuan tue bgre. 0sure or a lirem, . ' * * dtl lid I
. , . . , ,Meeting.,for-the. Year - i�- . . � I - . I.. .. ;.. - ' i Il jblin h.il , Ill, Igory or :
I . . I . .. - . amount. , ... as.'�ut wero-called 69 �i t for the position of mayor Agoin.
. . . . . . . - t_�..:__ , - .,.: I 1920- R, - ,seasons. 11111abill in *very -limb (
. . I . .. . . ... I .. . . ... . We recommend -oili'vvia. restril of the LaFollette billn a il carried on successfully 'for .. - BVINJOI 011(Y.Nill *f. 41114Wt. - __ .'., -
. . kill be . . 1 -thrill Willi pr;Ilae of )Ilei y . .
. . �Vor�e tax itgainst.prank McGraw .now that Mt.' LaFolleite• has suff&� tiIII-o,AN-ears-in thakcallll be-thOughl Vorwhom I stwill In rnerti I . .. It bil evi good 1-1 ril the *.',
-COUNPIV , - TERTAINED AT 1AVID 'NONE kck off -the r.011 fQr.1-620. - ! .. I I . .
I -1 WAS EN I ed defeat -at 'the bands of Amer'wisn it was.long enough for anybody anti . . I 1. ,_, titles Wore of lea" rmalllw.r titi all ..
. . -.. I .. � . I . 41 p atri?broviding that his 1924 iflcot4e-t1l � - *9**oula fidt bW that hnL, . should not stind in 1be wat, )"ll of the a,"r;.ovill wille � men three: a- , -41rdlwi fit our 1�1111,utllg :1.
. , . . I .1 �, I . I *� . ... . .1 mil ibut electors vtobably thei, . . I . _____7- _ .--.----.- wisp.
it ui it, 4 I- - - - ifw ___ - ____
' -
. 11 , � -� " - , . is :paid at, .Once,. we Irecomulo much;'diffictl having of other able fli During his tw6.� * 'th*" W'" - rskre frAnklmetiano .- till. Titers, ace ,11!i - rit -i .
.. on Wet, . I . , WItiv,brouslit to him I .
. His WiNalp Mayor- Gallow AnDounces Thit HiM11. Not a abate of $24.44 be frifi,00 'ril -bill =recalled. ' , yours as mayst. he had given hIS -. ,0J4,nI . .. - Lord's Anointed," "AilivVIth w1fid-
. , . I B ... l 1924 in�iome.'ta*, -- - . C.
!it' picnic; Acc,om" ' ; 1. fair W ziill So 4o. atv. linthi nchoo.wites tiii ' ` no" sten of 444 il till *;til ft - ,
. . .. . --Sepk Reeledioii Ant,ther Year - I ral We 'Ise'..ih�dati0r' best'and had tri bili :, � stir . , ill Ill . . - , . *
I .. . . . #c recommend that -the colatil b aina v fill avid*l"i color, creed ' . % star bebil '!Ailigii from the I -
. . . . . .. - - ' 'elose to the wtLter.:kucb as o t4 .at ef. ir b A
I . � ... passed . at �Ibvtii - - -
.1, ... . - ** - . .. Ill pay roll . Kine'rillifill Southampton. Bruce . ". � �4y' in tiletice I - 'I", 1b, Z reshiss of glory," ,Roia "llark 1
. .. . .. . I .. . . � � . - .� .. � I I � . . 1 6 Dec. MA be4ass *lit' bt` . ' ' d 1" on big In *:....arm airs int
. .
,% I .. � .r. . :. . . � . . �� -cliled to by 4 . nor Po I lee ��, to.."a, . . . I
.' . . ' iii .paid. upeli being cet Beach and Point.blark. . 'It the vee- actions. . � Aad rettilat (I thtw limool hi, Pei :1 What I***#;.*b1WV----hqil Toll ` ,
Thle'last. regular mail of tile at his prefill on th;.Huron - road I - Commit- `�& 0 it.
. . 1 ,4 -Il werp Ire . the - ch;tjrMap of.'tbe . Anance . Di;u - _10,� 040an .� ,settle - :!fad suggested ,to-, him be .. . - rulino, - �oo , , eli L'Xettirr�tblli In r ithal .,.
$ok lbs i near was held Dec. Oth; swil,they 44t property '44h ., I -111. .
.. town coulwil., I I � _rAe1*d,1* - " * . � . I ... ('I hous re off 116a planted ji 4 making the ;:maYor'll chair - 'Lift 0111111 - 11141111"A $11ill 06 careworn -_
. P the meta.; �Uiih �A condition �thiitueriieot.448 1 e asses levellod I'D ,I, I . I =� soill the III or the Jim I clival :4: .
at, 'V y"kefit, last' 'all I " Alli . . . I
berf,:*6ril(Lin attendance." ' . good. � cost him $55, and he 16'* 'ha��'�pasi the ht�elrl Pay with tteils'%Iti..V��dl& o4erlicolnei some a stepping -stone to admetMitil high- took up with slag. owilbving 9yon, igelm. *0 rbridniclorim, - . I * W
. . I . a ,hgI asked. for c0' ' " ' ti .1 . rolf for 1924' amounting to '$M 41.4 - ,isbre`and*gIv:c an id-ir or. :-Irc.did P W wwy ,� Peopte ind, lookill . . Ill the little church where. the X -
. , 4"
-of roe fln- what of an 6N ' i w1bb.linoW-trol ., A pealtarl think me . 8.
The tax colicctqr iepti I �. a Ion , 60 116nao certified ed f)k the chairman mail bark, . tot kno, xo�o , �� faring *far liollil At bit ungtemid. ;
4.l . . ,;k for Ulurists. . Many should b6'auxl4us to . .
I. %file *as, r . Or" . 1, , ..... i 6 ". ` bn ' - .
. k"'4im.since, 6t,thi . I , �rl . I 1. * "Afors 1 •',Wii - -it" � lly owifir the white head or tin-
. �
pod. tete treasurer .since Dpi . I . : . . and*" committe . -1la-Hrig'tti, go t� Us ble. on hiroji-, and pollites �'%Lo. T
. e6itwitteb. I I I .. � . 0. ,0 ;�st .t - Chan the bore rgurii of a , . .
fal taxes. 19M, $200; 1924j. . I I .�rdl . 4 nobil In ol 1118ab . - .
, bli t I** *110d , f*t1li in in-ailtlit at him , .
,b, },tithe. ,�atbp reserl 'HO � . 0-- � -6 - beloved flootor. *10ilteiiiiii Il
I . . f accounts wer Llris _ and filli Climb the' .
I . .. A -letter trom Mr.�D. F. HoUnes,' X Ili list ., . . , . ..gaging ato'R , .1
rlzito .4 ,� '' ii, . syrnefit, , '" ., ..
, � , .... . .1 _ . . bil Nihap9i stop . '*
. , I- �
. alrJ639. *_ " ,. � . ' .W ' . 42161."V . .� town , so fritior, .'--aaV1s9l that"-.. ty.e - get .tlilit;l�, 111weh. " . . - , , falthful.". omhemd ',Ili tile' d *
'il W-87; A"t, 4""too I i ,back to. ibff,pl =bums .Far whoin I fitand in. imemory, ' - . . Ill - - _
,. - _'T _;� too, , - ' . .
. . . ,. .•, is public wort e0wifiI I 'r- ',the. t)ccan Houk could, bit -tri.A bee elfitarli .
. . . f the taUtjon' of tho Ele- The �a . ., . I I . *q* to_".4".. 4 - ; - -- - +-. -... . --- ,,Tom Dally. - and fit) mali Iiii rant .%lil i lie -
should be submit- � . . -Tqi;>m., I1*l it, 19' "",�4)W.4iiiii .,; . .. . I I
e clillef. reported po�.ted, as,10110I . _i1-`,_- - - _ I __ - .--._-__ __ .- -_"��Ahlutft Il-*--ft0V-f1IK1,4PJ'N*,,l
. . ,:Sr' . Oil M * liC Or 'OFI ,I . .
. . . i1r. vilp. 'Tail �ator aAus itocill formed intb a dail b;LII, ill .t ia
I . With reference ive" 1,01 ftellitles for. 110�� feelings,ot. Jtb# col 100 t
. 1 2 11 . . rence *to. lova. imprii) . hj.*A$.4i I' . . + I . f
I I .*.'the following equipment on hand, ted to a higher court, as-Iks, tould •iot , and otbeiaI The Christ Chill . _,- ,of the illnlla�, hour. or how ex. 0, .
I .� i . .
. ladderil,'I 20 -ft. li osgessmentIli On *T111,011111as Ij4.-eilt0rtjtj*njc1ht- l 'teuris . I .,. 61-tei Ill 4 .. .
. I . 4i extension � 6 with Judge Savrow's decision ' Inel sewer n . to :4118 1, � - youngstill rholilghtor -
. 1
.40, 1 roof raddal 2200 feel .hose Ogre . livil Ar:- . . i the boauty'ofIll Chii 011"ic � " "•1.
bi�nsidoxad.-it'bsisl on reasons street, *0 I;ellll,!Ilt*,L"".-lot,l,iiwt4. ir .the
a . , . romiftmend, Pti Another. suggestion is' that the a _____ - ' ,than.' - .• I
. . tructive 04 father 0� I.. I 'Mo gentioll tile Brace, -
. . Jm joell shape,. 2 Y's, , 2 &emiail "" be I reagin' re alI4 at oitlep, that. ne half `Routh . ..''. .. . � ,..., J . , I 11�11.li mc�yt�-o Itivili *beat .
. * . vii would not be. qonsidiiarett valid Paid 0 , nth pjpr ' should be .repaired to p7p. �11,i , - - �! - , '- The 1601111ti lot(JIN'titudernaft - .
. , ,
tanks, 2 axes,, 3 11TOrIcTit, uTenches, 6 + berove a higher coUrV. ' I ' , ,, of ,the assessments on pyoperty ern vide a promi#nade allong1ll face. * In.' ..'Tho Mayor having inVitell .'� Tho furstil #nibmeol . _. thelov wall ji'llwill Illeril fila"*
I how wrenches, 4 ncIzzles; i'extra set , . V. E. Bingham. . the it All btkby.I)o().sl 1-t JIMiliii . . - fil "Joy to 111t. World. the Li
. This was refe).rred- tl finance ed It . be 4006fitea"And its. presil condition it Is `very.)k-* ooulll his hortle;fM r�460111161011 . I - 41-.
' . .1 . $ i: be , . . I
1. . nozzles,,J. ig*xa; oc. nozz'-c, bromittee. I .., L tba � the amount 'of '..-.- Men .." il and, rough., - - was deferred to a later. four,, and the . i - wil I)AM lidallsitill ; � - lb ,ruffle,"' �1%ihrh' Allartillitled fill
Of "citif . c I . . ,ty .. rill . All .
. . . . . . r1or I , - , . , , Tot ani: bent mi'l hill Iiii :, ille 1111gli Ill.,110 .,-I�rlxhtefilt
' ,
. . a bose,hangers.for ladders, no lent- The following rate -payers owning' rodii3ed itil Que'llUit 11_1 .� ! ded lack of illurii w officials, water eaftimisol
. ,47a + - I . I , ;e. �ty There in 'a deel. . ,coun I I + - - 4 , alk� -
eras (thea, had bei used . I . ... :.." . so�th 511ae. of thk still the press phuffia Along over. + I like nolt, no-il (it (I,#; otiril t il - �_ . hilitt 04 .1 III 4,wol the tooru.
on oil "Victdrifill stri�et A�dtesied'lnftltis• , " ". ". Rtil siting tiro I
11 . n protiefty. , . � . Miir- of .baii;W-And ihe rti leddihl t1il thill walks t6 the Mayor's hospilt- ' , . MI '11111I the 11101�91111 1111hrelS .
and not ,returned).' ++ fle ll . rep6ited 'saga � Irl passing a bylaw to tax .the . " Will , i,erA that thil ,, . %%'li ror a timsered aiii - I �
" , - 340 floloileg ill ofir Vel llaftlilipl, I .
M"fal!" .. - , .
I and , id the ret"Tin %X1 . " 11'
. having inspected tbb -buildings. = from; I . +4141p 6Q.. lt'ti a. 'menace' wortmen tea- able, home, whose 4�mtbi ,*av' in'. . o. Filill Came, 11101111 lbill 111141 . .
I - . " . A , ' . .. . . -,
1-0C findirig,theul all Ili good , t, of Victoria .street, there � afar -be-teft marked contrait to the 4 Liall Off tlio Il race! - 1I ear." all I
. I . versifig this 'wharf and "Aaries to and Nlly at. - We'ki 1i)i mi til ).tin ,.;,If 41 'ti ilext lifted .
- ' . .
__ takageii and - - -1 coo . il , , , .. 4
. .1 . , , ard we. Would re-. 1.
. � :� shape w# , tb"xc4iVoaj1T&-t*il nlm -- - -fr-lVropert7.4ver, to �te.tt UVI ^ from 'r'w4k of the coil chamber. x4l'trAl, tie q* lit'll I'll 1,:t)), if Ill "116ill '1110111,1111I Ilit WOR -116141
. . � I T)4ng no petWon I . I . year a co _ m thel mos�here � Ill . . . Td�l %%l 1i Ill lilto fit,-**, , , .1 - ,
I . . which tail .be+' Il �'kiv6ft notice 'to , � in thin itutici, 6fAbi4KU?Pv4i * Simimienatli �� ---� 111:11111111 h as 11 their floehm'.11,; 11111il:,
X .
.M.- . I . I
I 1. ,. -, , ; I
., . - the - we - . 11 . � . . .. .1
"... _ I . . . ,
owners. on said street, council -he An"ll '� *ae " .
. e , 01). � J. John i ,' :the _ 'Wal ve' c' ill-propc itali it`!; Uall iM,__ft_h,,_wc F. . .99 .
. . , J Ught Cotftidul&ii J' -
have the6,iijutled . �`iknd ,�.X 'jili.ell when cou c od - -by Wi�1WArm#f o:-ftbt .. I .1.1.414.0.K.K.. 1; . .
. - . Ai $ Cott"iv I,. .r. Westbrook, W.� 84, -t e . . I "I.-I-�.�.�.�""..�.W.-",14141414"e-.Ie*.-.�; •. ... .- .1, +
I h , It. , - . - , Z,40I NO "A , �gilliii4y,of the , town fdr improvW -eoi The party #at down to . r standing ! .
:.' )gr. Chal Garil tiii l I t , a, * I .V a I - I
" wi__� . , rA . . .
ft cool I 1. . q, , t - -. - meltill Xlizsk�h-c. -Taylor, a4l ` 1,� ' ' . . . You can estinuitil +y,ou .. .
. , 40batii"the"'ta, Ill 'Voi. lkliz,W, iZiiam, !l Page, Angus: *a :4V6'rJml "Ailed b3 U lighting. The Korth side I of the har- bmifitiful, banil -of turlteY anil in, a ,hick town by .the number who There are still those who wi '
I I +
'taxes iII -this ) 6�r.ty Vir - Pub .st th .. ek*� - ir were try to borrow inoriey ftomi .their bnir bobbed on approval.
1. 1: McKay, Ji Hollaza, W. E., Stotil PU ,c . �Q + boll b9fit been beautifully illuml ,al nii other delietaliks Ili h 0. '
.1 . you, I like the .
go the *. � 'penfle. comilspion,li *41 MOM- - find with Vol .. provision for III enjoyed to fb If .
. . L. Horton estate, - . 11 ,ers, Jail. McCracken, J. H. Pipe;- Win., q6bi .. I e full, undw�a ter. this . � - - . . . 1. -_
, 1. . f assessment. `d.'-tb*.t iitioi Id accept, Ing Powel. for mechanical r"iri . part of ,the - 'entertainment each one-;.
.. .1 . .1 . grottill that -'riotldO 0 - thV, 111r.0001 . l . . . I
.. Rallis, A.'J. Linningt ., . ArA ba .I f .
1. - . . .on, Joill Foley, men irauged" I . .
was not'given to the III and ihi,t Mrs. J. H. Worseft, Mrs.. J.- W. ed 411 tbii�k-tOl 1344 - 't t JOHN .S.- PLATT, was called on for a -tow remarks. . . . . . :. . I 1. . . . I I
, nd.e - "' � . . . I - Chairman: - The Reeve was called on 11titt and 0
.11 the estAW.pald practically the 8 * 4me ] -Moore, It. Z. Good, Thes. .1jiml -be =�P* iietpir"n X0*4 -, . I . a I . I
. . ._ . I
. . , .
.. . itmolant In 4be.preceding Y69T - ioth itid -da,.*."6*InX...AirfI'16th. 7esented the' � . . : 11,
I .. X _ . . .
. . - " , ri John Doyle, Chas..'tuffell, T. ,L�w Yi.. Mi-, W. Ti.HRobortson slid Mr. -Geo. the t- . - - 1. 1. - . . I . � I -
. - the Idil at lilies Poll Mi 7 �il with * , I . .
. . W Cd. bonne, -He also rt:- lie A 11 Drink -wider, A. -C. . - M ' .". be$ pall 0 sun) Williams asain waitea on the eo Miser, on behalf of the coune I, . .
. .. . Hunter, Th' ' ' h, , . . . . ' ' I
. . . que":rbturn of two-Aftbel of. the " A.
on J. s imr I Icil mith reference a Ueantffal gold -headed cane, which ,
. Ron Ali , I. cr ,66ur, James of $56 towards tile:coill vjl;chsl�n . . mid the joys n
. . . . . � - I A affil the sorrows ,
taxes 'piid in 1928, as two , I . . .. of St,: Patrick stred oll to Cot' -deficit on the '861diers' Monume . . .
I D, of the Strongh.. . . ... . I . Monument His Worship - acknoiwleQed very � �
Avill I#jatel did not live in, dode" Cori ting the' petition Dl borno'st. for their betlefiti as agreed, amounting to 4660.86. The designer suitably.. On account of indispoil- I that sgirrOand our liml at this
. n
rich. The prool of the rebates he 6n recommend- .had wired, for balanqq -of- his tion Mr.. Murrill chainnan of the I � .....I . . . *1
. puty Reeve Mannings tuitintleped Thb court of revial . . . ' � - . , ,
a*od'viould be ;772,62, . . I cases in 0I on other streets whem ed that the coundil,strike. off thI money. and," council had water and light commission, and Mr. * seasork of the .year, aw I wish I ,
. I
. . . I . I
. In via* I ,TWO46 parrotli's, deelslam f , rty holders weri- ,paying resit collector's roll the income tax ebar'9' approved: of paying the deficit, trio J; B. Kelly, engineer, were unable to - I I . I . . ..
. prope yoit all . .
I as to +*or Phtock dividend -. being' oil assessments not 'only on their re- ed agginst, Thos. Glazier. . . committee, had not .. received -. the be present. It, was getting on. to- . . . . . . .
I -:468089'ble 08 incomes S--et"103 ,"dence' properties but on land used The -fire Committee tel?Orwl.ailil money. - -:1, , , , , . .,• . . wars 2 00&lc w1fen the happy - ' '' I I .
,. . . . rilift si � . ! . . , finance gathoring. broko up. . . I .
of kequl . for. reduction of USS08- for g1rdens or. vacant In those' laws t ., This wag referred t� the f . .
. I 1. . , . � .. I A MERRY CHRISTMAS. . .
. . . . Gases he thought there, should be m, � W *i*cOt"llie - 1. . . � i I .
. , , arnent wari'roccived. ' . nd that 94rker Bro-1. tomwittee. - - tsie, . I � . ..
. These were referred to tte proper. r6sit�i He thought the Victoria st� iiiii granted permisaitil erect al The time tot' collection 'of ' .1 I'll FOR CMUSTMAS P9ACF ' . � . ... .1 .
" , , .
committees, sm was '. Also, a. - request people] fail l should not object tion to their ,garage on;.Rayfieldroad .wus..extended to Fl Ist and the Christmas peace °i4, Godi and lie . . . . . . . ,
I— - -, - for. cawlIation of lne�ojna. asse.1i I i � I . he must . I
, -'',3, to paying their assegamielit16 grido also f4 . ffistall. iiiiiiher 99801itil collector walk authoritei retain t t give, it ,Himself, with Ilfs oWn I . . . � I ,
I, riletilit v 'paity',NVho�hsV6 -moved. Thd�-Mgyer m, tha� �nmp, an thdir.pis perty, aii requested. iolf,,unill that, time . . � hand, q we shall- mover get it. Go' * _ I . . . . . . . 7 . I .. .
. I frames : I I add,the.comment . ,.. . . . . .
. frim to,VM* . . I those seemed to -lose sight, of . A building permit has been itift"d 'There were three WltliL re- then to Ooa HimseW, Thou art Iiia . ,.' L
a . - .C. W. Rob6rtsan,..-.. .... -,
. . I Mr. - 0. M.., O'Brien reported that the fact that petition wus not ne- to Thl Gundry to rerool a dw0l'il' ferenW to road oil assessments thy child, as Christulds Da) *�aetilarm.. lie I .
. - - . . I
I . he Ill -five laril
attacked If by 409.4 cessisty. The Local Improv,ttri Unlit house an Bruce at., , I streets for which. lid petition had not afraid ,to. go, Unto thy vathel. . . I .1�. I '... YOUR GiROCER . I..
. . ' .
._ _. Act gave the council the right to r - As per letter til 1W.Cahada'an been received, and the t",ri ul Pray to Itiry; tell 111in what thou. . . I -
� __-�- . 1111111hone 1 434 . I .1 . I . . - ! li
. )literili Atcodatt . . . . . .1. .
I make such Improverriftts without .it Piro Underw ' ' oil We into committee of. the whalli to i wall Say, "Father, I am not - . . . ..
. - ,patit4i ,from the ratc.paycr% affkt.� have instructed the Itil warden to sider tboil and durinigthe councili'li- moderate, reasonable, forbeirin I I 1`1
. � PMA , , . rt . �- . � g, I ,6 � I I , : I.-
JL lWat . . . ace that all the fire fighting equipdjournt�enti firiance"'rioninittee feel 1 -cannot keep'Chrlstmag ari,-it, I .. . , 11 . . ....... . 1. . .... ,.."
!Madel I ed. ,Igo met,
. . . . . , 1. I . � . 1. .
. '' Councillor Humber claimed that' a friel in In good condition . :and ready. . 11o), I have not a peaceful Chr;stmi 11 NNONWSM" r ' 1.
I — or Prooperow N*w Yew to Mi - petition was necessary,- that in any for winter use. ' )oi:tedr7ai4 committee n the council. reassembling the I fill in me; and I know that I shall . - . . .
I A Week of sinddith event, as it had bean passed by tho, 'The special corlimittee rel of the whole reported never get it by thinking,' and rvadlng,, The Empire Life Insurance Company
. council to complete the road with -follows : . . }}having considered the bylaws and th,, and -understanding, for it pfivai,s ' ,
])to. All to Jan. *3ra . tarvitt applied, and the work was y beyond it, I Hesd office . ' Toronto Ontario.
. . . I In the matter of rue resolution Petition against the passing of tits- all. that, and lies far UWA:
. . I .---------% . done under the supervision of the submitted by the Ontario Municipal ,,bylaw for Victoria street, but re". does pence, in the very .essence of
. , Me" Is represented i Goderich and Ykinity b
.. . Wool and - Tuesday - county - road superintendent, the ctric Association regarding delay portei "as we feel that the petition- � Thini undivided,,, absolute, 1 n y
V . ... .
C"LIMN . OOItlg and FItANK' *hold Cost Of the completed' road, in developing electric power,,on the ors do not exactly understand the eternal Godheads which no 'change , .
. . MAYO ' tarvis and all, should come out of'- St. 4�wrence river,, vs, sI muni,jiii particulars we have iiiiiii'other couT.All nor decoy of this created world, Ill - - I C. -Do . Beninger , ,. �,_. 1,
. . sili surislii AVD11910 a riot of the town's. paymo.nts to ,the countYlentellprime, we have tontirdered the ' than to recommend the final .passing f4irk of, folly, of, men, or devils, can al. I . I .
I t1l in . . highway fund, ., I a rimutst: of these bylaws wither chall ten but which sbideth for ever whot , . � . . Goderkh, Ontario.
,. I matter and also have had , West Street
Perf"t Fkpper i . ATr. Munnitigs pointed out that the from,the local Water and JAghtli011 ,The finance .committee reei it is, in Perfect rest, and perfect pow- - . � need.
_ 0 -At er and pet -feet love, 0, Father, give A
.. highway rates out of which the roan mimloit to endorse the rI lutions, mended. in reference to the rel There is an ittsuraince epritract to fit,pvery
. MWCA!rIOXAL X031MY _' . was -,eongtructed,..hAA._bft.p raised . Mgt we recommend Olat no a - . .
. . etion, W of, the $oldlera' Memel Comml .his Thy Christmas lfeace."—••� ' .
. . "The Goat Gipttors" fro;rl, the whole town; the ratepayers taken. I . - . that a "and
be made ,to cover Mi Kingsley. . I I See Beninoer, First. . I
I , I — ,y of tbo- whole town had been-iml I Tb� following report front the wa-' deficit' and that the matt*r be left' in I . . . ..
W1111,106-A&V ma t6rshv -, bul one and a. half and two mills. ter, light and harbor rommiffee was the blind.-; ,of the chairman--o"he $ Poets, and people who van wear 1.1, - . � . . I I
MAS MIRIGRAN since 1918 for the construction of. xubmittod and was highly commend- finance collilmittep t0 arrange -pa..... 'kilickers .ire born � and not filed*. il ___ I . ___�_ .
11 TH40 iiii4gre, Shisill,illi try •,tilst4poal and It Wait at the rMUOA ed* ' - I 111f,"t, or the ,exact aniot.nt arrived I — ' ' ' � .
. In No Wt slow '. I.. I � . -
I I . . 7 6f, the town that the, c4unty road At the close of navigation and our at. ' .0kildren l .
ap&-Lav rettwort , knt supie"Ifted the ,*
4 of Flat" 1111111 , gUP0rint*n& work. vest service to the town it is per- These reports were adopted ratil. . FIN FUTCHER'S 1,
'Tongues The. road was a splendid rood 0114 haps opportur& ,that Vitt"harbor com. the bylaws were given their . KIND REGARDS - -
. . I I ' I 1, .i IC�,ASTORIA 1
. I I Fox COMEDY.4 , 'I * * ' been approved li� both Dolviniolf. inittee shoum of V.e reading.
of , had I Siva an account '
. . ,,Pain &I Y44 gintdir aI Provincial Highway officili ill"VettingA in and around the port. A,, bylaw appointing Mr. It. R.' 11.
. � ; i . - . -
- .%If,. C. L. Jackson town �e I
�, , � .. . Coual Platt .thought it wa-,' The train traft has far imeeedilllti LonK and 1 . and BEST WISHES
� Fail SW satuil . .small business to oWod to .,the asarly previously har4ed, *,4 Ift the siWiters fat, next year, at a, salary of
? . se.48111il rude only ol bell of neighborhood of twenty-three million $75 each, was pawed, alga 0".11I Car Owneps I
I. RALPH .i*.qcg a #Max road *I (not tarvia) and said be, be- bushels iii r * retekii ,IA%t year tli6intilW Mr. 11. R. Long to the l4pi- We appreciate the kind favors of past years, -
. wesomift awUlf " "a to lieved he , could set altmost all 'whe. ,we atori our port. lninetf#0 largC, raii board In plate of Mr. J. (kIt I All- i'st owtierg abotild pilpt-pet, I , and extend to ii6u, out Friends and Custom.'
will maw yell gas!' . , , tbiq illa- tyl laillatoto from froAt bT tits '
. . till signed the protest,, e0hVineild that laltut carriers, . year the number remignel acid one ftinor polling _
- un 4? 'il illi; . .. 1, .
-IU L%kw*9d-I043'P$1 . - - they should pay the ashe"Ment. halt, JMril to t*e'Jtyl-foUr' a -.V;. efll Stkd offleerill - for the it i il). I I I ere, out `beat wishos for a Merry Christinas
. i not or tmx plictart to % haiiiiatf(Ill, . The matter was referred to cam-;fIl eirgi were refused for winter flettlen'l. ' 1. t% IN I � - and a. healthy, haPPY- 1925. - I I
. 100401121 06%M mittee of thi whole council. Ivitorace. in November owing to the no business of the Sf!ii Ii ,4' . .. . " . I
. -
--- , 11111111** A11111111111111 , 0 .
r, "AM r.
r zmm, sad � =I�WjEr*
I 11 i
- -
'I I I
.1 .
1" 6�!O' .
, I I
88N TURM. is : roe r8plabil committee reported alt lark of harbor tritimingi Iiiiiiiventiftlit rblntil tat Alcohol
. i at I - , � ew. flit; worskip mayor, Gal., maple .\�,.,
. I -,$16.00 or Ton Days . tollows : - -, - Itheir being stored Ilefioii* all other low made a short d6ftft9 Iddril".1iiii . I .
i im examilled the tax collilill rall s to arrive had. elil When he Wk oll be, Ili it did (,bffilllab"�e lit %my 111"%K11130 hard- , . . I
. "Asall , Fal MW (I Wi- bX . 60 I � WaII HERN
I .
I Lodwe. . I torl ft"ft ot Dft. btk And X*""' tp. %%ott , ift "Clialft rtm"sk, 0 I
y fif "ot look its it till Vilill IW�.an At- - watts or Ike *11-atr`staau� ' ` '
I . that it be AW. We hal rx- our Gavmft*tWA FKV oi I!il dal year, but it had tutted 4t t,.9 , f"13011111 .0" 1111"alw1wo, W.Wt. . I SQUARE PHUNE 4".
ll� :, X%thW#*_Tftl JUrs: said Set. sit mend, within the h bill, the mbill 04001:1 IN thii .1 .1 I— -
it 1111. \ Jamilw this tre4flurer's statement of er at" for mooringr- -1 . -TC-01. 7, . t __ - 6
(.-*wWJ4 WW# MOW 0"fill alld ,olpondituves for We b,,,:-, u1iii .:an be wo)mpliswaat histwy of the tots. ;X"WI frl alwRW . - . I•I -
, 11
1 . V
. .
i - .- —.1111111i — ---.k - — - _ ),