HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-12-13, Page 12I %, - -, " -, ,.. . '. I . I I .1 l� .114 , . -.1 - - __-Ia 1111W - -.4 , 1111� - tp� _. . - 11 Y 1 - . . - 11 " . 1 7 •7 -PI . � I I .-W ... I IV., I , ), ` �`, N "W, - . ... I'� TI 'I'll; ." . 41L . F I—^ -.o_ , It. . : .1 ...'. I t - - L .. � I - ; ,',"�, at, 't__ - - �..! A.- - ­%" �" ft . .1 - '1:01 . i_; .,. ­­�­- .. --0. . . ftWir"-,. .- . , Mt. _ -1 , I . . 11 I . . I . . � F - . .110 4......, " � .*- I * . .. t, , I= vkh. IU4- . I 1. VYWAT - _f, . . I I . .j . . I . I I I . . . . . . . .. I . . - I I I - . _ - _�__ . -, � - - . tal I . WWWAIMMIN I I Is Low THE . . I ..�:� sworimy 6am for. - - til PW' ., -, 11 .1 A Urbtmas Wks . Imi" Y* Nt. I I Smw Of fun at adst" for the aidn , , , . . y � % -,- (a - I lks . . V , M,w . I swomm"W"M - - . , .. . " .. I.- b . SwIR thirty Ws and Sir"' to low . CLEvrat little eutertalument was , . F dR a now and jolly I'saw which . , r WTI" - � I 41 • ; t�vsts nothing tit get till Rita 900J' . I 1 1 than half that May b*1001111 WWO , I . AxlTeu on a recent Clarlotteas by . ...... _'. . I sitod, basket with words cut from I I to a fluttoIr at flCitOullfut J04 be- - I 0 .. a number at young sires and ' - ,_ �*. 0 . I fore chrlitmoo. Little girls asked to 9 Ws. lluvii.glrls and wivs represent- . __ . . newspaper hadlivess. Eseh word 11 11 . , . I should be Cut out In A sulsill square. I . . I go to see other bit- little girls "just (ofte 4 I.- - 0 *d wax works of all the clawrou of , , I - berod is - mother . * r nayers sit ar"Aa a for" table atul I few millutepol"t and boy* set M- - - the - . liory. Thom wo* W 4 � . � . R � . UbOt* Allid With CUtIODS 90paturts' oft'"i "W11111wo Goom Red RiftS Hoad,. So 1100P.T.It- .. . - - each receives it'squ#re of Pastelptillrd . - ,� Ingly explosatiqT7. 4INU-4"d 8" Oppor- V . tif, Boy Imue and all of the chilAblOu � _.;r or a sheet of bmvY Paper. In the 41 .. .. 0 WSW the day before Cbriolittanks. tw4litkable train zurseryland. They in;44* of the bo*Kd Is placed %lie bas - I I ,t UE :loads lived IN a little 00. Cully IMPQ"Axt AIII)JOet, and It bull tIol" mmowing, sooll.the " 'Al. . . 1. tsgo at the trery mud of the Sometimes tboll boysand girlx would I woft dressed Is oatummes 0 suit the 00 -%Al 1 -4 -libillikly 181vilth. lived In hat OIW with words. There siboW�,.-. . , . ovornim. - ebarecterl each labeled with Ifle or, _ Is filially little hous'o flop -it 41M 'blPik'"'U'llife or' battles of Pilate oi, in .1 town. .Mr. Jadd was A carPolit, ineVt. lindoaq would beer "What AT4 t The maradou 4-hi'.41"'" ..oat , i;;� t - I nel" , let', And Whell Int had 11144tY ,, ' It litill IWVII ibe )age ilaamiggl, I "I'm Swag as an around own tltw- Of course -t.wqopomlt,iAd %00 tilt- IWAVII. 011i -e I you going to be," Or pound the litittal; room Ort lid talks to atand so erect slid as Immotivattle as I'llhIn of 1114 41141 2PA41410P11'r. Aklm- n� I - of.-Wot,-k Ikerf. wore- ILZUt asolIcheer osA ­_ .. I I 17 ­­­­ Al �� 1wis 144.Ter in turn In W404 *Apat- , eepbaut."- ,11irlotw4s. exrotto and txlkvd xl;out the war W � orkv; and. while *OM 1*961111blOp 11141.1 IliIW It VVIKS Ilk! 4211ly home Call. i - 1A.,1111thilo,flielloult.. Rut pin witich be plunges IM9 the ba&eL A - , . . Cre Would 1101114avor of poolde who wore S"1108 lueWilate opecurripil. they did not darn lalio.lial!o) ;tot:] hill vat Vixoplu had. . .. . I. - � � W 3,:itlij froutt .-I ladder mad broken 144 J,R.%,".,ItP&lly,I •40 net think we ought itiriol too loved Am*& just lit% tile lirlse Mou*. 1� z Ill Mv "1111111141. 01116 414-41141 Ilsil .1114, All words brought up am the 110VIN -.1 I I . . . Irg 113-.111 11111404 VAUIIII to the family IS to jell esoh otheril and another Wift kilvil tprougilit 41fix to the Christ 'Child tonne *I* pW*d a llvel.,r soft to elmint; unit odisivrs tit the suioulAw cot- bdW to (b JUltbing, ,W - I - . I � -_* Versissix ,►bw. ,,, i . I 0 the voltage, ond the two little boy'$. . 4.W -k. . it emb Oyer � ­ � . V not? W4 ul)der Ilia C%IJOAM SUM, - � . - -Ulfolo- -WJJilsW40,toPtber scre would respo;A .4ki#d*kd$ they notleold Ibst Clsirlete *"%M Sleeping IMONQ troft .11W imgVrm. lon('Tis Oe winter. Jut had hor * jill has Jabbed six tillaw J* . I that surel'y sasts Out " the stage In her white ' IC to eat) rooil for hinowironol Vixen. . point. NOW 4"Wes to X" wbo ifta V"17 sown � tb" In rWiner yolparx he W, Eft?" asked ­ , I t ]LUCIOM aix lt� pre going to wear our Own fave%, *NwIlt ­ C 11 tilt IlItl$t rabill WSJ -ill anti turn the plan are laid,altiols' #xd that - .PWtv*a drosm, and when able ftillos %..rk (4, litle . . 4,11atm would not find AS everybody will knew everybody Into" Very tb9r4bVuL _ . I : . t this Year. ellope. I thick It Is luucb better to tell **Vvbl4t is The mat �, Svt her Christmas Present* 0111411 Was 111 wits.1he 410.v loofill-V Vis"Istruals. *1141 folprin the cleverest ChrtdiAn "Is. I � boo) tweu good10 the two little WN. Oordon, the didest boy. c"froatod by tits I - . I . , ea(.Il other. 'cause then tbitro will MOO 2 . whole narflOrS b?A" ilitt heittvii vres tough wlik it -e- , xrome from the III ords Jabbild up. 0 i but This year tbligm would be dIfferent. 1#0 so many of fore kind."' - -I am thinking of out dear wood Ily in wax works, Wo talked't6 tbein. --,-j1ntsw!­ said valptsiti Jimmy. an be � low lifteep wittar,a for welthns xmt-. I on Cbristaimis eve. after the -little � . 4 Phil. loroliolt and bow the *now has eavew but they very Immovable and as- - :eft lift; 1. lislit- lispro4e and went'up tot- -, " . . . ' , , as a very ssg* On at tkwj truly starve to . , tb*ft phrastia. The entertainer or mow . Now. till" w thAr fluid so th � P .11A 1W. . - . !k boys had track. to bed, Mr. J"I WbIK- O."Phleal conelusio5n. 1= 111 afterward . approacbobie,� so she Oat. down In their witril illi• V Wage. Ills IPIII(- vs . -,i-- � Itler,ed 101118 wife that $*at* ClAU4 Aleath while we 91% balt'lar. it happy midst atut erk4l. for It was A v4r.T One- -troolea film 01,111k; but he Was not 'twi4. 049 who does Iiot•rnter Into the ;ante � ' ,I "1110.1*41 vitpd,f� tot,, proved, becati" st'tbe toy party that. Ulrlptttnav�" said Clarice. decide& which Is Cleverest. ' Olve a I ­ � , might leave oolliv, . . (set - 'Asloned all this Animation tb*tl ­tIordoe, whIMY4 ill disrus , L .,Oil. I •iy ckriotmas. A fairy than soviliarod ,illg-lie Wit- tolit at lolylvell. . hot* 0t_wJtty saying* as a, 1prIets, In -Rielitnt And 1!A)JJJJJ laud That be liflasielt . Y� L . as4 amid she wooldLmallike the dolls *4* fie #IbJJQ.J ."oJJJv'JJee.JIoCe be kliewilt . . . . L ' . 11 had .whittled khans twit boats that were werty:_%cli-reely two t6ra .stllko to be � rpet.er th"Slit -, I ,,Ill", lie said. and pixy with lber. go Stpoe'llientiradtEd ' WoOld bave ,I 14011r. - 11111W- - s ' and sorem, I . . A lively 'blindfold cotItest yelialts L -I dorilt walat it.,v gm,r squirre)a to _ t, # I I 11 . ,);:I• hi, IV ' L handsomer than those Ili (he %bopfi. I a" pawed bar nkaglpt� watid,befOrle tuag: 11(k hild 114, oovire, jol. t-11.1iltell. -mvI ' I L . I let ague. ,l,hk.lI0ol.:Ir,,. when guests am- reqWred to Its buu- I 1, ' I airs. Judd had boiled tjqkuk� tuolvases The Writ , stlops to the party bad been 'atonic to desf.il: * �.,Jtl I'Aut each'girl sod boy,.*Ad UmefttislY lit. Was vq-e.t, In,, I mud UUdC it Itir ofirtil of walnut talTy sent, 11Y A 'I oling ljdy�* pot friend of "Amd Mr. 110twit And Ida faially-1p - . I I r L I 41" oll ,a. Q4rlstmiaa, .qWWW4991d�q+�1 - 11, from the otblatel; walautt; lit avol girl asked -and she hail . they began to jet, -� , tairvim,iowand I -it A�r*(.itlen, � - . - . ' I 1% - ,hae ­JtAJ$.'1(e$se4 _^��fti, T46, Chlr1stmis " troivt#­DU� ' -6b "' a, �iia ,­ .., - I the OrPrY t00Y.,. added lklabel, . b" stifilT. - a, j* the m Ily t�e linit; ILIAllol"Illi "ILUlutly, limit -� I I ,k . I requested each small guest to APPIM ,,tjr lite onowbird.s. I saw a W they all joined hands and were PIDIA119 I Me]) one arraroveil"In A buckei on on *',',1j -, , , ,�.F . ,L� Attle. . I I , - I gats a It, the t.hpiraettr of his or her favorite . hole sought Killite flotur stud sail pork :tilt] a , at. lrJJik& L ' , - I . . JUK tit That toomesit Sir. Jud!l s. dtwk. yestisrotlay!"T-fied G*rdvjj "goirly. and dancing. ,The pretty effect of this mtri. etorre.. it ran dark ;Intl %nowhill; tAb)eL it J1.0 trimmed tree Is . * I - . . � 11 I . nW-e of paper planed to RoWn S Stock- JOY: -�;lle &'go suggested that- as glr'M --or toy own oilletty bird"' limped Us fly ente Of course the blind tile" Start frilitil SL . . rtminimpent IS prodaft4 try` tillectill- L r."I � ,,I) ivIoll) JJeL : alight. ,not care for mulmsb or UAWY . . .. heard Ott witind at '. � Ing. It vras written in the Wile lad's 14olll* pointing a Cot tinter at the ea- di -en -acting very much liki 'on I - I L toys. each . J0111tea vialtIr-t-if t�rrhig,'hw'stljloped its sitirlorP4e, point its far rrorn the tree an possible. I I -, It big round, lia.vidwritlag. ch of them come drowed like vistij*,; vagal In the window. , ' - � .; , '� .,.�, I . 4. Itf;116r, .1, 4)zipvil�d callistill"Juirmy, Each bundle fins ;I small box of ban- I . 40 - . 1� 1'� . "What Is thilt'll be askeol. r her own dearest (loll And that, the" . I statuary. , .- L . . / .. . � I .. I I . . .Olug to appear Rs bears, dose.' wdIV4w, els- rtwy stat laughed, Anti .kiplsed- little ..._.phis Tbis entertainment ,can be made ver.T �,Ijd IhAA'Vryiu1r _tIoppejI a eine til bons or even A popcorn ball halt tucked -1 (.4; . --the'noaftlellill". ' -- ' ­ . . onkeys. giants, bar*ex,L,_Jm=b4. * I I I away at'its. heart, The bonbons tpi� _ . _ - *41111, . kWAUtiful and attridetiYo with Perry another tulnole he At 11101.0 mo filed over . . I I - I ­ I . "Hilblit'a leger to. Santa 06ug- I lkhante.'nt .%1kIW­twvJbtt alwat you, Clourthr-51ar- - soup muirdancing. Tbechildrp"'hollikI Tw4 tUtto ultildren who were rulliting- Jong to tht; playir who is successful In I 1, . � I ., . haren*t read It yet *bat does, it 2wy,,­ doink L I I I . '' _­ - . -1 . •"I 4 -_ I.. . eys' etc" or as "remen' poll*anmaxt' Ina -0 they asked or the little 011 who. wear cr*pe paper or,qheese0oth: �08`o',aloux the lit-,Iell path. - QTing the pAcklige-rd the-lrec.-- � . .. .. . .4 . :._mPkxJa ]fns; -3udd,-:ks she cut ILI-- taffy soldiers or sailors„ like those $ m on � . . � ... or elmot- that - wt;ops,.I�Isliiag them. . .4, t9y rave Is alvotlyn-Jolly too , 71116 . I ­ . . tunl6to and have their faveS7 and flair ­11cave horl called Ctilitabi Xromy. 'Itly ­ - ' . " , L I � into nice square -t and prepared to,wrIll, toy engines, boats, etc 111tu thinking UtloIlt h1r. "a bit, too." '"P , owd . led red white and the ot2=,0r'r0M _�Illi loot .1 lall- arurvailid, gpltll; Is where wheel toy> are pushed. or a I � ! � ­ neing saw r and 1, . . - . I—- - Mechanical OVUM tike do . . Ste certs&C-ourse-yrith. iiinbrellsok oi� vi)Ueri . ! It In the Waxed pal=er.. boot ortan grinders. gymnasts, will Marlon. "I was thinking it would manst. be decorated with white cotton ,,re.1 the 11(sle ones, vlose tip film. . . I ago- I Mr. Judd.read the paper. And tits ,. ineclunleal toys art- woubd tip and sent I �., . . . . motor of the lit. nice If PAota Claus. remenibered - for $now and elaborately trimmed with ,,WlInt. fire you titling llere,.e, lit Mlollt� , , I o�,'. -laag tOtL etc., Supply !dears for I I . . . . . , I "Ire :lskit Santa co - across the room at a glypu 1. I �_ I �1, . .i I ,•. 'eyetl twinkled, -,. . t L lltin�'* r �'_ . . holly au*d pine.' � .ell. for ,114'. _*Vijld Was. M4.),W L trundling � " .1111ttl_ JIQW. I I I 6ean't C" no"& she said she prelpettrad-to, .1 Ito , itignoal. The person, first to initsh his - I . .. I L to:1wring blin a little sist0r. He At 0ordou got ii� and (1411c0d , rw A6 hooltilsy,lorty for a'larpe'nadi�r .• riley Irle.1 to. explain, Wit Cal-tatit wheel or toy ore ,r tfiV course Is winner, I . I want Allytblnl; else. f1v say,,,4 he can have -them mostly Alklmals. but woal4 1P 'L Z _­,,,., " the matter to them sod the* rdlle.L '.'LeVfi haVea J;0rI6Tvn1oK treeft"'., of Children. might CouslSt of an old ilutray vouttin't. ondersimid it WoW - and The meclilaulea(AUT W. b1ch outdis- , - ile'Uppy playing with her all 4110 3,041 104 . ' , . . . lo�,I- lie stiogted. . - -'i-lablosell,store.- -Thin store should ')a Ilit-y .maid. olo-jr erled vto, tuach. And at tucce-5 its fellows also wine for 11:4 . . alotbom . ". I 1, the Woods � peov 't r I around:' , , d. , One thins, however. aboo . most Is"" � ',kv,jiat a racket there wait As tbf�Y 'tit made In the pa,66t: and the children .. . . . . I . . . lasAl.,11,11f ilraggl�lig. hillt eurrying (Ilent. er it prize. Arty toy which over. I :1"The i1mr,011141"", sighed Mrs. -Intl upoill-every boy and &I most- bott Isli a -4*81,1i4, lots Ole halt after ,Csolls and gfven small -checks keilres�lltlldg mou- . own . . I .. I I . I I he horriezi them Into tile wavui lit,110 .turns fit [be race Is. barred from bon. . v certain "', , e . ­ . I I , -they' Costume 10 iWil Wfirre'll, 41TA�I. * 1XI I ,What liq tint, they both stooke, to- rep a to ALAP% AiOAU 01141 OvOlgillkfes' e�p � ey. with wblcb' they pre to to . . . . . . - a" LL gother, for from the porell outside ,_ di "�Ih check will ti�hpn itll� k( - Or#,,,� I ..ell4L limp wax lighted how, let tilt gather arounoti tiletable, . heard a (unity little sound that, itt"'d. , andetily boy or girl cotsinifti, W* 401" V.ta�jlci:. a 'Ili IL -000111 941111"Ared Ill - articles, Of Course 11141, , . I I . , I , tre gone * long 'line- correspond with It number upon some I -ell ell Aleving I and I . . 11 I ,* .1 r I a cr �colitume world be Pellit. 1119" ; Ot 'ttie'lit"e'll and., I w carried v L ll.b�.supposeof to di -L 'I'll 1%ro '-"I'd' "topp . - -aspaper.- . . .d strangely like a baby'li Cry. . . - eou"o this aftnted father- arbiltogi, 'Wlie� tilley,teall e Io24'k'thpJ'.X . .- XMcto, and all will , � And -distribute equal of tir . .. . distribute . ' I "It %ollilds like it baby." HR14 Mt *,#% ' . I . , . - they get. L There should be ,11ul!ed af olVilloth Jititittly. . I on black on one side find WhIti . ' , the but the young b9ele4 Was,%Anlp) _ liti.1,11101-Palmuct., I '. . I VW.wltaf Al:e ymi Thanta Clati-O" one Ilxpoil it Milo -Intl actinsors. ' * 1. Judd, iolux to till$ door *&lsd turn.111r. dialroritig to make the Vftr,ty 0 itokovet - N6,T.''.Nall, ''WAS taken to her Wtb- ,big inrip.rises in the candy boxes. JellY - ' 0 tber. *lilt penclis - I . . � . autflue oher, listle' girl.' who' IiA)ket)- .Tell lutnates are 4111owbd In. %Tbleb,av - , I I . . . knob QuIck1r. I . vweoeK.an4 to do this ibelle, VAUK boll •-. olivilir room. glod�,iloe. inerry youisg-Uru. • . glinits -.and bottlea.'and Immense boixes, -;,ellv like her, .,ic-cled alld Ilion , L ' . . . . I -It fault h9l." sold Uis. Judd,."Oollow- - room. � 9 to ,., draw portrait .. . I .. I L no statirom among the to". I mtuli. -s)o*. arden aflould coutahittoppepris'. apple-,. Cindy "' I I .a lboads) of, ftutti 04us. 11 ... I ; -.4'. 1 L , rail olt.9tuing across tile % v g, , I I . I I _ - i , � In$; him. . . mat vfty &aeft OWL the point Stid ftU to I Ile wouds. � Some -of tb* L' Oltolain .11ininy's biglimod: on thes.whIte side of 06.p4per or'bov*.,` -1 ' l� 1, , " 'L - .,. . '. � . L to'lllipstb Which led" or kifiderg4rien, trIOM N h time ;I& lq'bkiL . ... . , ' - When Mr. Judd o*ed the door the beartuy lessfe"d Into that qlort at xftW- Ifoilriq9let Ina wt�nls Were IV I they , 1Cje6t,�1)0`xe9 "Igu"hold little --tblum - "I *10" Nit), >il. I Oft` 1`11!"118- Chift" � '404i�,ijrjhde 4��ie i . . . r . . I I . . I . I'll, , he *h1pillered. � JpAry fat each to cut out the portrait '. , I � . I . I . swwsiorin tried to enter the Warta In thai.r young bopeftl* far tweip". were to tile illhadow of theloino. a n;l L 'Zked-,up.Ifi ibi ten cent,iltore. The .4 Rtt-,isy4iiii-,w"tijetirts:'et-ied.Cnp. endrawIng.•I 1, . rotint., The varpe,ttter rietred out Into . . . I . , " . , he or she has been . . tieulikr 00091013, - , befuloculd � entolir"iue�tt NN66td rM. planned in 9: JAIII Jibltu�. IIIK t1.Vft 'fIIIJ fit IQIII`�. "I e' I , I I I . menner co'jIlre eapCh Child eomethleg Each player then signs they 411houieq, - . . wfiIiiisess sind tbens down suil lift-- It was a splendid, *note". Of eft sqn)e twli4, tess I'll litive it) lie Salltfo Alaus to- with him )lnitiiialk and the vailoilki out- I L . tilt . I ru ...'O"ftly . A.,, rA t k I eA 1. mild � ; . . . #a something that wAs'liti,oldledaval"gi tile, - tv V a W4, " #tftedj' sod aounietiling fta Protok� IP . , r, r I SOWS did not'Pimply Ott or its" a Iiii.antiful deal lintided lightly Y 11 . I .1 0 Ilig"tt * I I -all elover'. get you i"TILIV Io' line pat -traits thair formed acre. Welt . 11 ... Athe door., , � � I - around audztare Avit"t *totkectl' ,littor *iiii. dwl,w3rca.aluoug-Ithe ill"$. •�, .. . without mllgWag Aq. The'statle- 1. I I . ed . N " . I , r . ­ _ lht� ItIghtin 1111.4 111millog 14112,111,01 ... . . lap black alde'out on,,soluething' wbIttl. . . I ,.,r, I . . � . 11 -1 - -It's a basket slid there's A baby In- Wme Pratty pow mad OL, da-mogm 09 ...,lie WA*._hIIu#ry,1'nsJdL0ordoq.. "Spa I brothers 1�ljpp 1 W40 III I It', gli-L,4 Jauilled - briglitly each aa's a . -L � r L . _ , kil�jfeft abould be be older .. . ,S)dwer' fill crileAl, 418 be ('Jo� Joe door two riefor"bakeftfs Lwp 'elite" the [Wilis . .I . ed _J%4,$JJ"ad,.Itk 4,be hotor. be tra. . ­ L. . I ­ . square or minalln or a -sheet I . . �. . 11 I I " L .1 froin. I hv, A�14 mli�Ile of ilie Ifitle f6ft. and the - 7� � r . . . . . I . . . and set (be b$XketL1nd its! 4"p)JItentS on tolut'rig room. prhe.r, corAwk, Ist 43114. It . ,\, r , km(l ittol, off lheir red vloilkil; slut) Univ of white PlIpe'r. where lh�y'wlwshow ' L � lf,tl V:11)", 1141 leg . r, bellilmlitsi., � store itiould be As �mucb like, R country .1 'ghjg� orpol 1.11111R.1 . . table. . L .4 . 1.4 . age. . . . ,a" the L . . . to' best advant.. Some 'one. who r L • tilt . .. Witches and eak" sbape(t JIM* dolls i foot_. mt6rot� as "I imialble. � . . . .-We`.re, tool,O." said twito ofjIll. livill-4, the jante. In then called . .. . . i ftre.titiough. lit a nest of wartu clean Animists- lee. crenin That was rooliled .k..j t)ver� .tate ...;now Were � does not enter I I rJJJtS Uf 11111 ;JJJJJknJJ4_rJJlfoIt�' t;4Uhl* r It mould be & el*y*r idea for a patty . I r e . Itild sae told :1 lin;,- of 11-vt tllosY oil to say. which in the clertrest; m3wr . Waketa was it sit mouths old. baby to represent (rult. regmAblao. froS% P . trail tot )I fox -wlllclt ' for a boorteei to send out Invitations to 11 . . &1*, blue eyed. golden halved, dimpled.' Comi,, flgores and ft�prea. *Ad- Jo*ba- rels, eVellr lbe . Itild goblleltr 1%. k lyfill 1411NO, W114) Iffirl the guest .whose work (hit Judge PM '. ' I I I � Intl ter, , I Ilt.111 in ..,fers wins a. prJ9.'e_ _,*_ eandi L - I . I . . Her clothes, WrRi-4-4411`86 but Clean -'it'd &49 a" other ifrim 40., 1 oi;ordon outolblul Pointed 0111L. 'Lpat- ` the friends of he Children and state, slidgivilly 'rim woray .. . . box rep, . . : . �. � .Aud*Jhre;lqlIug In solid out Ilke a . (bat )Are, Santa-Claus'would entertain 'tllt� t,,(,,)Ilv.,. ..We thoill,leetI. , maint mal'tei al, ^ , . I I . . . . 1'('t !Lllr�*' r ,resenting the, Christmas ­ ._­­ P .. planed tip liar While frock Was it roto . . .,. . t�I�Jlotr hwo"Pirk *,o! -e lite dainty foot- the obildrea, at' her howiti all r & certsilik Wotildil't •voine lisivk.­ mid Unuiw ,40- golad'elititee lit- pritt ' ' saylua. that the babylb Inotioer was . : . . . I $I 1, . . . . I , - I A .t dftd and that her father was going to L 1101414 till birds. � I . . bight or afternoon between ChrNtIlPas -�Nl.'r piiiiiiiint seowe(t iier, ty,1% .art- . r . . . I * . ' r . I'T' L I . . . . JF 06, 1 . L 0"WWWWWma "Ll,twi little woods peolile!' sigheol* *ad Ne>v Yeses. - The house sbould be ernobo." . . . . ', I . . � . � - I . I . a tar eapauttir stud made a prwent of ' , , , I Urs. - ., I . "VOW"O"MM Von . r . ­ .. � - ft clill-looll. ,,I'm afriold the lills voy", 4*0rated jot the oecaslo and Wflat :lir .e L 3.0111. ki'llnes? 'Where do . . 1. )ier lathe kindest pqople to The town . 0 "NO aW 0 L . . , #aft Claus most wear a ack or red I he knew. I . � "OS I crell ALI �thq seells pond Iline ('0116-s'" - ' ' S I roil live',** oNlitill Vollotilill .flmmy as lie I . .... ' . *11 we have the C41+01rion dress. large white apron and cap mud 0 r- - - - An 'Alt � - And there was 'lite money Ilk the en. )VIAM1141100AVINJIMAN "Whery Mak IUAJIQd (Ilfbill 1111.10 the taple before (W Wow IF01 -KWd* - ' .... . no 441M . treto.t!­ itsked Idshi,l. Junilling Ili, and . tApeefitclai and 4.re WtAo';'Wr.""* ll I ­11I.costo't,orld - .funL ,1111110 . wo fabler cipillol , tp��%%+ :.off. ' Mlfk , � - . I V41ope, all that tile poor fatil I great .4 , .1 mlfta I ", I L L. it kir.. San, , - .i, �1 0 . tpoy,, a" 'dowil,willi, delight. , I a *11tieti-11K*21t it ..11rovvil", 4;6,otlll�s i Ille.'l, Ilov I. bk'46 - �_~;,. 'f' . I " were. , . . ,& family or,fou lovins Vrie( ' hi it rit L I course R e e l .' '.�- ' L . .. It Woo vers little. . . - ml� �T J I � . �. 1� i,shall we keep her'!" asked mr. jutid. girls an amusing, Christakes-ofir. "flew:" I it). polating to a will add tbaf much to' merriment. or, ally 1111nivul; Air 11 to lhe* Point, ­ I . I � . It I$. . .1 . , . for they wets, quite poor mud Ida. fit- ty,. It, was entified a now iltill 90WO =111 .holly troo. **KtvL, it $.,I ttfrea4y if little girls are. Invited they U49111t. You'll llllvil� fit "tky, hero till morning" During the botflitly school vacatwit . . . I ..... Ir L L dress llitle,dofll� TO ,.%VIlf 'fli.111(a 'QMIJ4 -eell :the yo ' tare 11 "ft bad broutbi, rattly beary bills ,a party W helped it butaber of you" leg " come prepared ril'Air . s eilrae L It lit olliftTetilt �o 'k ungs q . .IfItIllmed vrilli red biltir ! heZt' , I i I I It sald am I ... . I I I % I I 1. people to Pi1w.a. Christmas evening ,,,Just the.111ing. Gordon,a - often- *and to 1118 _11100ils ' Or thildreWs asked tAtInie., , . . oat of mixettlet 41141 act UVelip Jb 1. . Pay. I ',txpoe%& Vt. "Noly,. ot resil dolls L " 1104 got to!" W1141 (,101110111 illutaw. Thbi in t�llrchtllY 011e It, the � 1 ­ . -:-She exwe'7 , it) -uz4,tt- whiltispared Mrs. �tW.Y#oany without tiIucb Ilig )Its loa.4k .. VoIIJJgSIe"l�.%tep � botio, fto if filter cand d amused. i t it I I I -'I*, 7- 5111f -,holly yotir-it-tva% 41,90(tilles"to _tatillt they eauld­makV caud3t and a(ler tile twhip; had sallot evening. 'whelk they coijuot play out , ; . Judd AS she h a e of ollmggy and In tb*. -- !4, ` � . L .. I - _ fly xnol.lpy� - .. . .1 ... . --ot"Llbe L - i - ' ' : found in the show. "we call Opera .: I pIll on the Cbelstinas tree. . .L popcorn to, so" to theme little'tollcL their prayer.-; niod were sottlid asleep on. of doors. A tiktgpkited mointioil , I L . I I - - I .- L . I ter of a diartil I mak . I . . I ,elitough for tier. And the boy# will be , Ea&- "it,wora a filling isaft &M -11#" arc bats nor the i4qdIrrels. I.Ifs Another alaasolneut'wOul.d , be the - Captain Jltoniy'm bed while Vilen, pur- problem may be found lit the follow- . 11 . . - l I , I - five billf. Jayne and the , pretty Vaper dolli� Itiout tber* in nines: L .11 I . I . am happy to bevo berr' . goggial. "M noe" were purthm".91. of NNW' for 11novir jug Jot pi rohl at thvii feet. Captain Jimmy walk.- I . "That settiwl It!" "ki Mr. Judd, and Mdox by welmr filligars at• heavy card.. 111100. !nine 10111ve still earr44 for Mr. could' be Samm , (it �dllrereiat kladw , . ad Lite Dome i . md whistled it June. - .. Give each. Child a WWI .of popcorn I ", . L . . be went up Into the ltttlt�after that lit, beard cla" with charoola'sad, well* Uallbil nuil Illot family, soave vabary aulock as tbrawhig,bean begs and -while "I reckon that Santa Clans could sh(l.a sileedle atid ibvoekd. At a signat . . 11 . I I . . . thli,cloth And Itliples bnofolded histighic lite Cbrimijusas bell Weser get down Iny little stove P1 It stringing the h e tie toridle Ili whivit Richard mild Rabin .Not ramovolod until &ftmor ft-f-evakwate secd 10 stealrell fill . her 'Per� All IAW . . 'Und to sleep. . � . 4K'L . I , . for v 'irybudy." up" a Pam cbrimmas tree Pinned dit It* elitualed. "so I'll just have to ill stringing lite most In a .-Ivan length' . . I WU*'$W . .. ,�� 11 "'i , wonderful. (lbriiiiinat' tree this wall or 406t, Wilen the iAkTItAtiml those two, little A I of time In nwitracil it prize. X11100 014`161311148, 0101`1121129 dawned Am tbalgoalft artivelA each was glysm. t,43,k . loeklup .M.Tielf.'" . I . AlietAid'and Robin crept out of bA ��#;t.V;�! , l4virytiody brIppol to trluo tare ap" .tell the Mile- 10,91 or -40Y 110 - sametime artetward. a - toortiber of Give ehildreu I*uclIm and paper.'sud I . . ; I ascend Wfamfoad with ribbon, no . I � I " � , ,;t': � � I people horrielf-tbrough the snow and, then read 8 PRr2gr9PII from a book I I ; I ,;kad tiptoed Into tho� sittlagrooin. They tbrougk, ha, older to, west ill* q&rd L , it, alid when, the � bring bar or'jAv brorite toy. I - . ` . 1� , lettuce suit Carl I . L ,ward. .. 11 I . IW back Uted rich word sloisly . I ­ 11 - . always did ill&$ L Sroll"d the Mek. Sill. th=at al'rV7 9" L'�', - . I I ,. ­­­­ __.._.­_. -petered Into e*460it Jimary'x window, kid have the obilolreu write them . . .� . I . � I rats *bad been . I, on Gbrialtmam COUM 64 % - . I I What did I hoe.t o4v? Why, just Captain A . . . . � I I . . V I I .. on to the , mftomm i i . 0own as soil read tham, Whoin you ke . SWO & AqPbW' L tied . I �� . - � - _'� 140YISINg SO U no 40"k "a on *SO I , . I Jimmy. op -11:11 Itim ability Pit*, Intweeft � I 1, . � I I I . tietwit --- ---- "A *604w"_ IBM L 1� .1 �, . I We: Jewlt. Vt .7 -U." thel I It I . . ,I , I I lowest III i . I ft . two little stock- . 't L . �_ . ; I I ! trot to awsk4a by. whith ad, ldtftC1A4"*:,*ftk44 I I I .. I i each P"t was kaolm'. ital so khat the ratobt t , 'i av . , I 1.1 their parelitA. the *the We a list of 00ro-1, 2. Ilo . . at the last word they b i, I . 1. , . - . : to could . and write the pars ph, orward. 11 . WAS barely IML.%I�%&.A* Inge lit his bands. I ­ - i a It ottoj�. (as family figurow **.tbm *0% �_ reaelt 11hint the ,;k%jtojkM����- . . youngster whose paragraphshows the I 11 daylight: gowto-with a brificit oppoialte Wh ft- I , � Sboldeoll, fie bo- putictuatlatiol placed nearest to the W I or L I . It .vallux marmiltno � I I I . . I j A ,, . They could, oft "rotooll a natme. . all drew ft,way lhv,rM* grow owl jMd ribbou at � San to take things they. are printed the boo). gets tilt - I . i I -1 � their stoviclap In tilis special coa iortioltion wit" bl- anti bid 1pefilul , About, two Inch" lit w ldtb. Divide the . off the mantel- ook rt. . . I , hatislow .train Mweo each guall; guawea who kU or , 11 elump of beka. party into skW, giving one side red,L I the tuantelpleAv. b0i tolortollowitt. - Its. 4j, L L .. piece' And put, Place a, row of ,plittei on, the door I 41p.m. W Of odumot with Joe reamers. Tbose IkaW them IrLio tit* ' . 1�; I out of Ili* � I ke, tills"otber greask at long one side of the room. Havat sk ,, , . I *1 . I L - stud Jutfuente friends the famillar volese Ile- I I , Ilright eles Ing ftd mt* belly: the green are OW .stockings, They 11 I 1. X� *. _. 1. (of" were stick- vealsid the poersituality. but In Nosy 1. . JUUAt have bettl 0114011, O" POWD hOWA tholl end of . . were thlogs that ,,late for esoelk elilkl and let each plate , . �,. in;; Iwo' ed JAI lit, wit 04K easily dovies It (W � ribbons At his balm. a child Captain Pwmy hold to orange. Ali apple' acid twenty [„ , to jIft k*sax, this 11 I ,wotelsing the hot- all the . eel solillociat AltelooWd to dinguAlls the vaoltamo A" ­ loved-thopy, were pieces of candy. An equal numbei of '! I . I . . alike. " ly tree. for very holds the end at &*Intl* ribbon, Pam timply phitei should be placed Oil the I I It the much worriateat and many abrarol e000 the guests *. cirelat ,with the ribbons radiating . a 0pp0nitC AldC of the Mow. Arm each I gueou ware ma"on. ,*5 - Iso".11% to -.Irrl%-* from the center like the sPok*% of A , bits or' IYJMI stud of the youtignters with x4easpoork and � .r • I IoAWL4 Were were .11 pretty slielln from . " warn red jult. A,,4 tools gum WAS Mad* 11114 IMY" WIIAT A MONDISRI't .41 I hit' C k. r I a t- wheel. The test Is this., . � R. for Countries. at It given signal let them transfer the .. . 11 "mox c."Mr, To I"R. ten=s, . Itt'sol by was Vilicid o"Ite, tb# number on the UllitlISTMAS Trit.t" follim Itiol-tv. suell Wbom the Iteaftir calls. "All holly Jet . . contents of the flile(I tolites to the � 11 . " ti luxe I W,%sl , 'moome odd wooden 1, I I I ., I W11111911FRIAW 10JR1, I 0 V I it g fingerli. card of the guesser corresponding 1A a twittering of sort they vtw hold on tight, while the .. Mpty lwlstel;. Only one object can be . at'lloill. . . I tiber of the rAMn with * l4rds solid t-riseking- Air bills anti crinuch- mistletoe drop their ribbons. d when toy* lie had play- carried at a time. and if It Is dropped . And tilterit werl. the "%it . b4ft _ An r I at I "mous walmlit Wry Wr.,.Pj"1 In 'JAKI. he or she *" talking. For INVAlkee, Ing fit # �l I ot% mail crisp lettuce! Vault the Command is "I"et go MIXtIetoet, I ed with when be . - ... the carrier must return It to the plate ' I I 04� it settle one thought he kiler No, 4 be .Nou linuk Illpill IIII,10_4 UVSVtl,4 Sent lip the 166111" must obey. The 016" Who �" - - was' a 00 paper slid -"line Ile'd opli . red lip. turn" his card and wrote tholt name Ifiiiial.% I.* the lo,iltu; Pmthtw, whit had , Cali to do the reverse of the command I• I . two red apple$. end start over again. A torlye tamy I* . I I = - And just as they reaelled the I 'Just as be was given to tile 4"OutestAht rho fills his I . . I _ - plea the little boys lopol,eil (tow,% Akd QMxWte ,,,Co, 4, etc. it was voted by rVitillintlod III,. .%lat-44-ii ehildrou not to art required to W st token -recite. �'A III'A:IN J I U � V 9 KLD Plate Jarst. - . LL . I I . I . low the old eradle with-tile-susove, boot. A H the toy 1**Pf# who Wdft pfeMt IW fur' IIJ-4 lilt)%% 1AA10414 pt'011te? %ing, draw 4, pleturito or -do some tutw 'IVIO 6,10eximpo IN hanglarthent&-k- . ­­_­_­_ . .., I -1 arighkal war ,%till wt the 0,11141rell IS(.441 across lh* Ings on the edge - I , � by's [)tight almi bl*e.eye-i Ntari:j;X up )II) oud at fun and 4t, Most I - rue they mang Chrl%t- fug"staut." PAY11111:11114tPON11101101111maY HIS ITANM I of the sibelf tbq "Kitolpholon Xurnpany.* , ," " � j'. I i _ I I at them. or apeatillug it jolly *10viag. Pistipw t0hoOd 110 be 030da A IVOY outefIXISIAt fieltUrs To make it sue(eas of --kitch.eb-11111m. " . now aw Cottage rams With thOr ,.. mitts triols 1111111 thilly were overheard , of an evulvg`4 fun. .'t; , A040V ll;:*Pst open And, soma it"Ple, paill"', a' jolly chilatmas game, 'tb�6 ­ . ; Illow they'lintgoil ft*. Joy ,I great sitltIghloopid of Iwople couillipic .. 11 •. 4 -11 -hell Ilk Alma IWgAu to huglim,and '. . o - eirias of joy! Hool"lins the 41mippow. . s consist of eight te I mow laby, simpler. whoul they tb**Xbt is this same the table lit Set 4104 libill frotit the riptHroad .NIN(lou. 41 , atwip"It" 40*06 opie4tion him. and thty',-All talked at . ,. lea girls And bo.va Who Are All jut I S&mlm (' lolortl Chrlmants!" they vallimL read ­1*hoe.N,JSU (tet onee. They proved to'be the father . i - 'IS*$ hail left at lintIr deer! NVolodO *I* ftoold to Olt down t6 it. I. -:1 I. . X IVb6d8y017s mately itequalitted. ,I tort Mrilttlngitpr, 00, , " *at we all know tholt,tollnellm" When though not a sign of anything to eat it .%1Iqt.v'(1u,ktf"*%P' Mad lite vlelK* .it twiloolis oC Yiew and mother xed nueles And Aunts of large bowl of hatter I -, I NRV#A CIA01111 it % el.% till".1i IIs ILAS to *$k rJoidloW. 'Phan Ill* tkisten,,Pl*t," 111114, ""ill" Aad took iltiora All Ili. for tbel, , two 111061101111.1 MIRY tj6ea� ft In So is- the'lost twhv+, and tboey, were so grate- I 0, : . grolotnup (**I to IWIP hiam Alsitribute 0" of A cow JIL the hattli at op"it uvre all IlMlkog tit stpelid Christmas at ter4odug Intolfillctual Christmas XANO fill to (-,*plain Jimmy for bit kividumpa for imuesikes. lta(li boy if, pravidolid . I- "Joilgood t1dar at chrlitmal tW* *We* polat, wit* is tett wgix. &PA boast for I the Uxrodoills. There were Marldti'll ft- to try to met 4110*111 IWW Plweb a" *#- to the twins that they Isilitolita.4 on tak- with an apron sell,110M to ebok a Cake. - L , . - iiii.inothor. and there ",�re aunts His partner, it girl. WAY statid, by &*A , '* 0 . . he 4ma*ot Net arallv4d to all that boo" his stow. The ,ralt Is WONA op to. , I "Ile It ITY Intiabol,ro of the veroso. TAbkft AmC Jut Illn, home with there to � : . I I # ,,stall all tits, ZVad c1lUdifelt in ane #VOAWX III t1w Aber 04 It SWAkA Who as ' .44 i.-fick* x%d grAndpareftts, "Itt "' Ill" 141INIZOVIt bib. Wt StAt must not take a I . sae It other. Woolle an, pawed. and opeelt P%rer IN (11till,14mAill, . hand Is (be A_%*illug at tit. - --- - Jllikb"t drist; hie ra4adiper too mat Mob of 90"bing WAW it t"1111C '�ht'J'Atritan'-" ItWY #11 "Jil le . %*OdL to write an tn*eh An b# W 6110 And Vixen. th*'Mt. welt 01620-1took ,z ,,, . Tho'coliple making the best cakis I*- I wt� **)' I .•telvaitaprisit. nen-therilimn 4111larrah!' *Ilload Richard mad Ito" It MY be tr*k #404wk4 44106i 46 I th" Joiteft' 'loopopil-v" �lft "ousiomblit, of the poem. Allow 0- And the ,ittoPkINgs which Captain Jiw . V"%j%X to awakipa tbHr pet*& dr at what litint. I . And I*IK an" It $Jtlpt 4rovuld hart U11- k" adautte (or the wolw4titim ass aur hat) Oiled. " Ito tea- , mK*M Cileataimov. lAtbair and mobW. AU the dtillipotolk arp U01110t to *6 tat Aolorst*o a the twfitforlow *"A rhAt- N,witterf, thi, diftalont papm with that Mr. Ilronit evigs"4 C90tialb Ji=W ly 'NaUht- a*W as chocolat* or art . 4*ft lot And oft tbip balavoral Ilooky blil, wilita I)* mvillow books. The ."Ing amin* thr WI.T IV" In the too,dro,". wl;ltrop A" IlloutratatiloW tow Ile explain of ,ole sae bt. asil ftploX NW, Slid. Who OR the callm or* ,vwmls you M1011 IIATAv lo"rhilid that thli Prl" a prift lluor tlw but Jimmy otmialtod blo 01" 4*4 IN" 1i baked the kiteba tehitt'is milt timi i10 I ~ Santa C,M" 6" UWWM M! *11111111111111 *Od autiol'104ft at tint " , of flopp'llam *N . . 5 . w3w. this is the hot chaktams Woo O"**Mr4," Of nm� , tvaeoft I"40 looft motylag .".M,rry Ill 00*00 "s of " k. . Willi hile hApplepot chriellmooll, wilow oat tile frofts at their, labs!.' .. I . I i ov.w baAr . '?,,ps llhot,c - I Orbotmalall, tft4L * - . '. , ­ . - I L . ` I I I . I . . il: I I ­ . -Jumd6tut . I 1. � -MIMMAlle.- . . I I . . I L I i ,, . I �� . ". 1' i 44 1 I , f I . I . I . I .1 . . ' I . I , -11 .-,.-, I !, [A " y oil'aTOY P &S, , M� Fon at =:] il W r4 W [7 . _.__ _ , ,� F I 11, - . LLLL , I ... '' I . I t " . . L" , 1% , L ,, , I � - I 11 ­ ­ I * � r 1. - I -*"W' *0 I WIT 6 •"11111W - _V . , . . AL % 14LA , ....-•.. _� * , . I N , .4 1 1114 U " ­ Jol " L' AL . 21111- M"Lft�� I blo k I a �­. - - - I __ - fir'