HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-12-13, Page 10• • . ' - •-• • T I 10111 II I NI Ii iuinui I In just a few moments yea aits gift for anyone from our Red Gift Line Unique gifts in red Christmas Boxes corn- _ piete with catchy enclosure cards. 35cs to $3.50. GOOD STATIONERY ChParen 25c. to $5.00, school. con. .., W. awanoalt. ors M. in Christmas boxes will please most anyone • and reflects your good taste. We have a splendid assortment for Ladies, Men and fay tit Piston Handkerchiefs, Done, Novelties, Cards and Sent*, in addition to our regular *taple lines. MISS S. NOBLE DUNGANNON Mr. Jecob Reed is in Toronto this week. I .Rev. J. N. liartia suselated Rev. J. tte 7IteetVodilIA :urcar VA:4'1.T Mr. and Itri. Thos. Brettieek from near plyth, were guests with thdr uncle and aunt, Mr. anti Mrs. Thos. Wiggins, oh Thursday bust. - An entertaiitiont and Christmas' tree will be bdd its °relined Row - w thy, Dee. 19th. at. Is. m.rverybody - T.v.eryilliiiffinChristmas Decorations for -welcomes M. and Mrs, .4oltia, MeWhinney. • V our 14b$ window, fa. wC • or hristmas Tree • - who reside in Algunatte, aro here on a , • visit with the tathe,a -nigher, Mrs, . . PORT ALBERT qrstie Green i kpending som time in Gatigrickwith her grand -par. t-nts. llowouti Quaid and Harvey Craw. 'ford were home.from Gocierich eve the weelr.end, There W11$ no service in the Pies. GI I3ook Store Goderich's Leaditt Gift Shop. The Sacrament of thik.w.dis sup., Win. Shackletoe, atsd eater reattivem, at preisent". The majority of sidteele are• clott- ing oe Friday luetes4de Mends)', the - 22nd, and Dunikentrietr le dellowing the example of the ale**. Which gives full two -weeks'. rsteittkeli. per will (14.1..V.) be di*peril hi Kr. skine Preshyteriati *harsh ost Sunday • next at 11 a. it being PortPouod • ' owirtg to the atoms weather prevail. . byterian church on' Sunday last on ing last Sabbath, e *count of the or severe storm. The date et the Christen** enter. Neve you 'made your ,Chrlainnis taionteet in the Methodist thurcb is • cake yet; if not you had better get --set .for Monday everting, Dee. "29th, busy as Christmas is Just around not on the 26th as announced last r the cerner. week. The program vrlil be highly Runnel Free had a surprise party entertaiting and all ere welcorne. _ on Friday night, all eujoyed them- Mr. Wm. asieltson with his mother, selves with daneing and cards until of Ripley, tolled oi! the sister of the the "wee small hours." latter, Mrs. IX, 'Glenn, on day last A number from here attended the week. We are pleosed fo learn-thet double funeral of Mrs. Cooke and her Mrs. 'Glenn, who has bean confined to mother, Mrs. Jonoi5 ez tee dth eon- bed for the last two vieeki;.lis stead., ily recovering. Rev. Z. IL Martinand Meagre. Mc.. Kenzie, 'Duff and Davidson, were in Goderich on• Monday evening to hoer the add, ,t.miseil on Church Uniongiven in Knox church by'Dr, MeGregoroot 111 ; • `OF ; 4.001.••• •11111•1•111011111 -0114el• -At ur,„ Gift cession. They both! died very' slid. • • Noe may Select an inexpettalid preseet that has artistic dis. tinetion, in, Iteantifill Pictures, Statuary. - • Candlestick:S.414 Book luds , Potter,i.. English "Cblieh Lately Reatiltega and Necklaces. • ,Itatitrolderett Ceithieolds Centrea. Christantri Card. end Calendars. We cause tell you all ser prettyl things. fait mute in *Siete. ft costa noting, - Stop penoever); night. , SaideS Art Gift.Stire 4 • denly of pneuinotea. Mr. Finley Cooke is left alone in .the home and has the sympathy of the community in his sad bereavemeet,„ i -- ....... i• ISITIX St. Andrews& church, London. and Dr. I Dot not forget the "White Gifts fcr Gordon, of St..Steetiensachorri. Win.: the King" at Sunday School next nitt0S. -' • ' ' ••• • Sunday. i • • • iteoltorther the social evening in the 1 Mrs; White leftlast 'Monday tc, Presbyterian chnfels ' �n llondity spend .her Christmas holidays among irtersirig, Dec. .22nd, for the 'Sunday 3 friends in tendon, Windsor and ,ottis. SPhool ohildrel. Supper, games. „, program and tmristittas tree"tillV bis , I The meeting of the Ladies', Aid Se., features of the 'evening's entertain.t ,kitty at the home of Mrs. E. airvin *4'"Ilt. ./kcordial invit'',1,1411111.,,,,ext‘,....nct.r- was largely etttended. This Society ed tti the parents to be PY"(essk-.._."'ss is, doing a goodvrork. ' - ,- Tile' entertainment in aid of pun. . . I e Nile sehoel acholars are bony gannon public library, Which was to Intel:4ring for the anemat Ch'efitria* be held Ott-rridaY, evening of this - ' entertsenteent be held in .h•th week, hie been Poetikonect until a 1444 _ church en ,Tettitty, ereninm, Dec:. er Attain 3'arittaryOrirlug to thalatt 23td,,, 'se eute..te. bo prosste me of there Weir" several soiree) entre. litdmiNion is ati• and oe ono, telininents upon' that date. '•.ciroch and ti%0 proceeds Otte laq ovotod te, for an entlotmceilleet regarding- this satoomoo Canadian Pacific Railway Company Twenty Year 4%96 Sinking Fund Secured Note Certificates Date of Issue December 15. 1924. AMA sead.assuad interrost Uses 11 asal Oeseselter mei in Camelot *4 thio Bankaof Meatreet Fully • '. *500, . $10$16041 Lei 11#6.90e: Redogetalsie in"whs$14 east alt ony interest dot* 1 066 sit Prior sotto* it rex load fe_oal up to teedjaeleditca Deeeethee.16, awl • at a digelittiont premium of sk 114adiming eitelidive ye" emted, siteMafter. Oste of Maturity Decemher 15, 1944. Sims:at tie,I Twitrottot= 43:14.1.,1441.1i Legal invest:To:43 t for Clitadian lus.urizolt Companies, • TRUSTEE *ND REGLSTRAlt: THE ROYAL TRUST Comport. Transfer* may be effected st the Flepistraes officio* or *cootie* in Montrital. Ottawa, Toronto, Wianiftop. Regius. Calgary Hit Vancouver. • Mr. E: W. Beatty. K.C., President of thin Canadian Pacific Railway Company,. has summarized his letter of December 8. 1924, as follows:- 07er'nuateolti:30,1350ertifiesiateAtik rooterescavollibe5idirectock aertioassmomos ofxollosoe coReilwasonsemi Cesas repromoing, ass InteeipaPrjeritYwrily M raw* markat prices of approsin,tely $440,000,000. The Preference Stock has meowed '4% ilivielends withosit interruptioa ware it, isarance in 1895. The Ottumwa Steck has paid 'dividends continuously since len, with the exception of the Year 1$95, the rate since 1912 . %swing beat 10% Per /0300100i• I* addition they will b. ...cured by the mosignmept to the 'Math*, by way of security, ef all "Paid Purchase mousy or deferred'payments owing op atersing due to the Railway Company ' " in raped of lands in the Provinces of Nianitolut, Saskatchewan, Alberta and Britoil& Colton. • hie, sold or contrasted te he sold by it prior to December 1, 1924. The amount due or, • &actin due to the Rain* Company on December 1, 1924, in respect of said 'saki was • $66,000,000, The Railway Company' will covenant to pay to the Trustee all moody "loath principal and iatereet, hosexpenses and taxes- paid to protect the securitY, -receives( We the Railway Coinparty respect of the'eitia contracts. The Railway CompanY caveltattii ; it will not chargst the Pods respect of which such deferred payments are or Alain elonieo as to prejudice in any manner the security' here* created, • All monies received by the Trustee will be utilized for the payment of inteiest on these Note. - Certificates and thereafter as a Sinking Fund for the purchase and cancellation of (hese Note ' Certificate*, at the beat price" obtaineble up to the call price prevailing at the time of such purchase. If Note Certificates -cannot be so purchased ' the Trustee shall redeem the Note --Certificate* by lot- -at the pawvailiag adl-price. 11* Railway- Company -will- covenant that , in the fourth and each societal* Year the anntiel amount available .for the Purchase' of Note Certificates will be least $300,000. 'rho' Nott Certifiattes will be issued ender,. secured by and 'enbject•to a Trust Agreeeneut . between -the Railway Company and The Royal Trust Company aa.Trustee. Titer Orntissfji us alter flaring au filtobeet;inrges, including iatterest 'on " . „ • •• • er plates. • , ' East Street !h .198 ' , nUnglY $041,1Attitosege t•Oncert: later. •• , • • Rev. 3, is giving a vey • • •• COLBOR,NE- ' iselpenl series of Sunday, evening ed. • • • •• dresses on "The Ten COinmand- Mr. Inimter, of Goderlehilie. inents.” Next Sunday the subjects ing her daughter, Mrs. E. Will he, "Th. Sabbath Dv.. Speciel -• for a few dayu. . gitapie by ibe ebolr, **inn** v10 'a • On account ot the cold, wintry bright song liervie;: You are invited weather ° on ','Sunday' there was.' no to joinin these Serviese.tO learn some ',church at North. Zion. •••• • new hymns' and fent* some vet*. ofd Mr. and Mrs. Ofertrert, of ones. - visited the 'Iatter's Atter, Mrs. /no. The Wench; of Mrs. Staley will be Treble, one -day this WNW glad -to learn that she hat, so far pro- We are pleased to 'see le 'grassed in her new line dLreorkas to Ravine, of McGaw Station, around be able to present for sale 0 ullinhot; again after a week's Abases. a very pretty baskets. Coriiidering kelnenzber the) consort given In S. her handicap of heirtte' dial.` dumb, S. No. 8 sekool mondAT affierionni. and blind, much credit Is due to the 41.4,10. Wilsotestosfectiosel the littme Quality (taa.b. Specie! Christmas Gift Razes and Candy in bulk, 22nd. A good program le bong prn,, •patiante and persistence with which vided. •• ^ she opplied herself te her week, Mr. Geo. Ryan has let the °mitred 'these' beakets are on exhibit on at t of the cutting or one itandeed oorde Mt Wm. Sprout'e• furniture store. , of ivood to Messrs. littrinen Itackdal The raisalonary banquet at the end Jonathan Pieher. blethodiet *itch la -t WednesdaY - evenivee-was a great success. About .* • ' eonseSdated ,DebenturPSIeelvend all• other elerutailens, haws as follows * , yeto qioding plitemotar 316 j9194t.k.stt ‘,1.116 •••••••••••••••• ' $31,320,968 4: • '4 1920.. 6 • 6 • * 6. „•••• • • • • • *** • • 326114.0.a.*00 =. • • A • • • • . ' • 411 14: • 0 1921... „ 414 • • rei= 6 * • • . 336160061,0.... " 44 44' 11.''192.2.6;•••••••*.••=.6„.•••• ,13,545,panic .44 .41 0 *"0. '1923 *** ...•66.06•••••••••• .1 41• ' 44$99,40. :•.; • -yowl, Wail* ees Oboe. Note Certificate. amounta to'st„.350,000. The sv,14074/870iw fotiluttutifivesoirl aherre eet,forth'emonsit to 933,159,173, ar over 24 tau almond interest rectirentesti ea dame Nato Coreirwitte. . . , • . Tim Sinking Fun41 Secured' Nate Csrtiflca .ir.off.reiif, u onet.when issued! wnii.rsoisivett by tU id'itib(*• approval of all legal detail* by Maier* Mersolith„Hoblen;, Heivarill 14plitea. ..,.Truiesto Certificate* m interna fotwe o 1401*_ 41afilliti".11014 itrei!Ole ler deli, Yf•rr •;11 •-01[ u; 30 30. '4.'24. • • 7 .• ' • -Pike 92.5 anainterest, t yield „5./41% , . . • , • . , . . . • ••,•=. • • •• • ••., ." •N• • ••. • • • •Z, • , . ztt • 1- 4 ,4,, • 7• ,.; , • The Royal Bank of Canada .t••• Wood, Gruli*COolPonY Harris. , riorbes*iits1a9Y , Sitilheive 4k Company osi.iw;cm...4, • The Bank of Nova Scotia 'The Ceneflieii Blink, of toinwierce The National City Compaq,: • • .!•.• , • ,„ , • Doroiltioo Securiti Corporabon r• E,Ame.s CmAtiany. • ftajtsonBros, ' It. A« Daly,* COmpouiy thibitt;:rionnon &torOpioY Rezei Leclerc * .1. Greepihiefds fig . Imperial Bank of Canada Bank Of Toronto, .Banque d'Hogheiaga The Molscrns Ban1 Unlon &A of Culada The Standard Bankof Canada The Staling Barc'ef. aanida La Banque Pipvinciiie "du Canada The' Wretwetiew ocatalied is thil irivotisentese Used lipen t;111144161at60e1100460M.*twistie#110***Ish 11000 601101 d$ matchese (4010 'NV* Ciirsi4citee. we 40 0,4 SUARISeet bilk vows 4550 be ccenue. Peevish, pale,,reetleu, end skkiy •children • owe. their condition to worms. Mother Graves' Worm Ex. ternunator will relieve them and re. stortihealth. ("erns disappear. when treated with • liollowayss Cern 1teinover arming n 111:. • art UGG S • V 1::;001 • ' • 1 one hundred people sat down to a de. • s'. Wittig *upper provided by the la. • „ dies of the circuit. . The .program of .., 5 . pktairea as given by Rev. Mr. gad:. *-----'---1, tour on the life of the 'Chinese. people childrenChrintems would be a whopi was greatly enjoyed, iail .s Walso hi' great disap ntasent unless we try excellent address. The A (40;4 by Mit to make It a appy •one. Articles of Merl* lallotaith wore splendidly ren. clothing, tom fruits or vegetables dared and much appreciated, as was will be glaly accepted. Please have. also the number by the mixed guar. them wrapped in white paper, if pos. tette. slide. Specie"' music by the Sunday A ' be held Dec.:leth, wax postponed un ..• Witdt for it,fatire date. ) GI/310Y is what. koPe. deacons* tit the new year. For the **Ole Via- I , There si no services in Ilieetfielci from coning when eente_ women triei son the play eetitlecl, "Martha MadeJ.inicels Sunday, last„ the ,stortn bow. to run the church." Gm." whieh•was to be held Dec. 19 blocked int blockedthe bighwaY.... , I ' ft, In Westfield:. 'church, i* PostPon....:- ed,i , Let your Mulattos* 014 to ......._.... ____............„..--_._ ..........z-...•: 7, t `wle's004"0""0.0*"..`"401"0".°0 I Electric Fixtures i hrotit *I liklotathal**. •, • in Whom they are io intAref3tea. I teuktivi Am friend* ka 's• . Am: 'rot. itg, Tilli 'IV AR*WL' Vol4 • •1 4-e•liteettietrixtines?..-If se. we Sliti ..,..e you tummy. Wfite for our %metal All': To secure the best *erre undo • catAkasc. Eve/ fixtore ° • ' , •attention to (Weil, coin now el • • -.......---- ----\------ \--- '. r-• -,---- , .,, I 144.111111P. 444 ttl4." ‘ 1104 St. Olaf PM*, Wed., TOM*, Mit. # ilef'C!rt'. I: t16.1Ftnr R. SALLO"—wS. 4t eats **RIO to *milt our lives. UM WAY* WPM' 0*. osesommimiteatiiimia,sitloveztooptomesit=,... * CRISTMAS SHOPPING' The 'first birthday' of the "Willing *chord choir _ot this service, also Workers Mission sane wax c.ele. Christmas address. Come and bring brated on ,Saturday last at the home your of the ptliaideet, Mrs. E. 0. Duff, with a goodl7 number le ettendanee, W$8141nEW the stormy weather. A Merry Oristman to ail. Ths band it to Too ooutratulated upon owing to an epidemic of chicken Christmas Suggestions Corsage flowers in the new glazed and metallic effects, lovely to brighten the mid -winter costume and spread Vultide cheer. liainty accessories i`n Novelties, gifts that will make Inertir. New Satin and Silk nets. Miss MacVicar Kiatratat litre* • .• • 7 77-- 7777;7 777-7777-, • the good work accomplished during pox the ash . concert. which wee to the year, much of the credit being, due to the faithfulness of the pros!. dent. The following is: their linen - tial report; Collected, 440.00; ex. perm's, 61.66; gent to Presbyteria/ treas., 430; balance on hand. _ They are at present occupied in Mak. nig, an autograph guilt, for which they have tteeured almost 100 narnee, this being about half the number euired to complete it. There will be a *pedal Christmas - nervite for the Sob &heel in the - .Yethodiet church next Sunday memo . her. The school will ,n*et at ten es. clock as usual, for a sheet service, of. _ ; ter which the "White Gifts" sorrier !will be hold in the auditorium at 11 • to *Mt all are ircriteci. )aeh child is asked to bring homw kind of gift, width will afterwards be soot to be distributed ansantnsedy t nis a he &try ant= if yen hare some photo. graphs nt,tde while •the folks are home for the, holide)s. etas is7 T. PELL .4..wwfwvawerw4wweee'vroWs. . FUR SKINS WANTED AII kinds bought. Best prices paid. 'PHONE 210, D. BROWN Now is the Time L. •• -TO (ONSII)Eit A isirovE t Biggest Asserts* * Tim MHO Ottn he made much twin if Non eau Arrange tn tfn it 410.0,r - Let turiteilr.vou'ru.the %Am solection. frOin our 1111E111%30 kOakq Oi PATENT LEATHER, KID, SUEDE arid SATIN SLIPPERS, GOLOSHES for LADIES - DRESS SHOES, WORK SHOES, SPATS and OVERSHOES for MEN PELT SUPPERS POR ALL AGES, HOCKEY1110013, MOCCASINS, RUBBERS OUR TRAVELUNQ GOODS DEPT:ist filled to capacity. We have some new spcistls suitable for GUTS for the CHRISTINIA% SEASON. Give no call now, add' we eau pttt aside anythiag you care eh age till yon are ready to take it. • WOW OUANDITONO nom EMIR* Oe the Stoodiray et Credefich SHAWN'S SHOE s • THE LEADING SHOE 3 • W. Reg. Sham PHONE, 11M