HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-12-13, Page 9• 9 ',:,r 7-- u/111 • •••..•- ..y1 ggggggggggs a1111111111 1 a sumo Sunday Alte rnoon It Amy 'rum To Consumption * 1S43.& hf4YILTZ', V, Gatrie:h• Oat. .saasostieniesamoistesesseausuesissemisessengusocassaasaissiag • a►�ww.- *sees ,. #.q►4 IrA.ly:F�11 n.N Teo intact rrrr.v .wart be 'father in heaven, to Thee are known their Mileatiea N a *swat esetimiag ee OP hit that, ea dm first pig* of ' Our many hopes sad fears, . se►ed Par the Wiwi to lil.autt'ate his a (nuhk or old it moat be vete* rid. Our heavy weight of moral toil, preachlug. The sower is tit. pra k - of isnaedistoly, se failure to .le as 1 Our bittertsese of tears. i or with the gospel rouses* as the may Cause ears of riferiag freseWo bring to Thee err hopers and seed letting it fall into the mild and i seam ,•Perious lung trouble.I fears, P heart u the soiL He wished to ' tie Ng pm' No Cf A ttegee Qit egis I And at Thy footstool fay ; tweak these the necessity there was I • 110101)1 ' And, father, Thou who meat all ' for tktin eae to give good ed to his ' } Wilt hear ea wilts we pray. words that there might be profitable 1 1 Hymn of the Calabrien living. Shepherds). ! oct. ll6th-'the *SUE of the Store* PRAYER -Mark 4:3[••41. 0 Thou, who are the Way, the Jesus sfaggeatsd to his dts plea Truth and the Life, grants mite us that cher shoaid para over to the '"th" b*art.' sad renew in us right er nide f the f Tiberias t spirits that are may serve Tho 3n await sincerity and in trach. iiia we ever of life, whielt is stilt hofs of God started he fell ;seep and was all un - o t sea o oct from the paws of the people l IIAY FIRE SYRUP hear Thy voice calling us to newness fora time of rest. Soon after they -. ammo itf TAKEN through faith. Por. Thltae owtt,` constellate of the terrible :Germ that name's sake we ask it. Amen. had conga upon them without a tm+m- Mr.. i?. Kelly, 893 iioxre fit., Vett. eat's •notice. At first they hesitatod stn 'teat .tooklassevere airs to S. S• -SSON FOR DOC. =Bib, 1324 to disturb itis rest but they became a#raid the ship wan going to sink. settled on my lungs and my cough Review -Central Period of Christ'b Then they called to him, "Master car - est so bad, at theses, at'n;eetne+l las if blittistry• est thou not that we perish." Josue It were tearing my lungs to pieces,• Rod --Matt, 3.5:31-$s. awoke. end, in three ww a prodaveil 1 neat acid got a bottle of Dr. 14oad s • • Oct. 5th -The Choice of the 'Twelve a perfect calm. 'Peace, i* still." ft rrsy Pixie ASrup sad I got relief-bllatt. 10::1.6. iiia power!. over the wind and waves attar Mein taken the iret.ltise, and Ware 1 load :finished, tine rest of the Jesus had called twely n to be producod another font in his disci- 'Peace. 1 was t•ompletely relieved of.fishers of men and the. tither has come plea which he False rithuked, saying:, *,r ealcl end eau;b," for their being sent oac to their work. "Why are ye so fearful Haw is it 'ibis preparation has been on the He told them to whom 'they Were t4 that ye have no faith 3" siooket for the past 15 years.. Tea, .preach and what wanf to be their ' Nev. 'tttd-.-Tice Prodigal Slit. -Luke don't experiment wbes .you buy at. [ theme and then he endowed them 15:11.34. Pat tap only by' The T. 'ldilbern Cies `with his own power over evil spirits United, Termite, Oat. I and All kinds of diseases. He then The younger of two sons of a ter- instructed them to be faithful in rho twin man, having asked for mid re- m._, 9 r•,'..«.. *' ' discharge of •their Cabling ' They had set off eived to't o the world, s portion of the fend waamily gs not ® i received much from him during the long until: he had spent it all and was tittle they had lookee into his divine Pe fine and hotline& . to his • art:ciotne' in •erant: 'i'hc'n�his inew foipt> f>'iends "` teaching and witnessed his powers, sero riot at hand'to succor him'so he It was now theirs to give as freely sought work. The lowest occupratior - ■°�. as they had received. • on a farm was given to him, that of feeding swine. „lie, now had time for Oct, 12th ---The Sermon on the Mount ;thowehe• and he used it to some pur- e' -Matt. 6 :.5-15. ' pose, for he decided to return home. Christ, having retired to the mono confess • his Misdeeds and ask for . '.thin to rest, was followed by his dist, work, along with his father's hired chiles and be there preached to them servants. -His ` father ,had beer •a wonderful sermon. in it he gave, Yearning over the boy and he, on see- - them a model -prayer, teaching. theta • -ing hini-roneng baek.went 'te-meet- ' e how to address God and 'whatto say him and: gave him a 'father's wet- »: APpIy the liniment tiny fair , when approaching the throne of come; .Fie' listened teethe son's eon- hoists to throatoand eltt3 grace. There.are in it six petitions;fession andi;ti rning'td the servants Gargle with Mlnard. a in warn*. tire° relating to God . and his honor ordered th water.. ' ^ . SplInd>kf_ jar Bronchitis and :Astaan a. - aloft *late , - .. ' THE E'a MEI (4' a to prepare rho best landethree concerning tho tfumart -end. �eveeythltig for his' epti So ; i ss Anneilting For the Men-.. Make This ' a Hat Giving Christmas but only to he sought out and resew., est ot. chars, •-the •grant- bead of the Dee. 14tle--'fine Rabb LozanoI- Lazar- } - -Jobia x1:31=14. When Lazarus took i11 word was+ . sent to Jeans by the sisters. The : distance was not so great but that be 1 might have , reached Bethany before death entered the home but he pur• posely delayed. Had be been pre: sent, their trust in him would have lead him to eure the sickness an he had done on so many previews . neva- stone but a greater work was to be aeeompliahed as his last miracle` - the dead was to be raised ae a eym- bol of his kingship over ;heath. At the grave Jesus wept in sympatby with 'the sisters and other mourners; then he prayed aloud and afterwards •.alien alnitd, °Latsaru5. • come forth," and heethat .was .dead came to . life amain. Det. 21st -The Conversion of Znes•, chseus-Luke 19:1.10. •_ There was one man in Jericho the day Jesus passed through it out his •rhumb. way: toJerusalem who was partieu- laxly anxious to look upon this man who did not despiee the class to wbicli he belonged. He therefore. made an effort to see Jesus and waft, j..rewarded by being noticeable an r-- !'spoken to. It was not east a passing look anti casual word he got but'a re• quest to come and receive him free his house. Prom that day ice was a Why give *man something that be puts away foreverb 'Wu 26th? 'thy trot give him a Haat that he will wear for months and enjoy the good appearance it will givt? • Get your husband, father, bre titer. or on a new Hirst. Wm'11 exchange if size is wrong. All the latest shades and shapes to select from. ,r. FRANK H. MART' TAILOR and HATTER t>':'ri4oue cumber, four rine) l* - , e 4' 1 PI • 7llewer of Jesus and showed, his al- Reused as income. iiia honor, how. spiritual. needs of • men•`• : They -Welt- thit :our Heaxeenly Patdibr receiveth' egiance was true, for 'Pe declared he ever, dissented from this and said it to,present their retlueeto to God with' repentant einners. "There.is .jqy it would make mood the things he Iliad made'no difference • what was done • humility and sincerityand not as the Heaven.. over one girt h 4 ""ltypocrates with this -VT -of man an nh; } in Itis bruins; ...Hfa X,1ti the !stock afterward!, nor what man rather- than the eye . of.. . . n 6.1 15. ch .:caul end big STOCK DIYI - - M't'. 13. C. Hays, Jr" appeared f())"1 or 1 d ca 1" iw-Pte crossi�igg ,the lake to a. the stockholders:: ' this' °talk. with the mgltitudee .:1ea; , � p ., • toot the -whole amount received be as. IThe town solicitor relied a good deal, in his hope to succeed against , the appeal, on changes in the wolyd- lag of the Act made in 1022 and ask- ed His Honor to _note the objections -he mewls in the cane of a stated west being taken to a higher court. This tier t at repent• done unlawfully thblir d th - S aeiwonai iratervrew -wath Tosut vain it Might change bands at. tt • God.• Nov. 9th S T'he i'needing of rho .Eli's." brought salvation tiot•ontq to. hiiu but ,was still ca ital. or an Wrestle. in ea- ' • '1'houssnd-.-.Toh • . to hie' whole family • vital_ - p . . •-y.. 6.e ELECTRICITY Mnapor Cul Wood Coovoide�it, auk. Quick • • 1Ntth $ids $ gnus.• SPORE IMMINOW I 1,e T. $>T8' Otte endorse Liverg Hoek Nobles, plc... Meentete at Strome just olf the'Squsre wearkere S4YEIist fttST•CLASS AUTOS, READY FOR SEtYICt YOU ANYWUM,t1E AK8 soft YOU WMrr TO GE f THERE 'Rirseee• Ms*t all Tratfa asst Paseanger Boats Passsstt ors called far lastly Out at the taw* .tar all trnitss at O. T. ft. oa C. P. R. Depots. Prompt $er'vice and Careful Attendance. Oats Livery arid Beek bervice will hes f*s.i$a stootoseata is every reseect.. Atielleeo Veer Patronage Solicited T. $WARTS Pews 11? tilitetrrtsd Street -CA : ' t *a ll9th The Parable of the 'Sower •,Murk 4:1.6.;,. 144441" The boat to aha e ELEvsus used for th first time'- se&}adgd spot on its nortD-east corm -DENO NON ASSESSAB In rhe caseof theC anad tan Nation. ' very frequently used • by the'Rabgbis er, eras .optedby some of the Pilgrims ' : ' --- s' al,Railways, Mr. 'Watson oa' the coin i He used jerneuaged .borrowed from on their way to the Passover at Jer- Declares His Honor Judge Barron pang a tax commission office, Mon -1,. ;earthly things to deacrifie` siffrllutal saaafsm. .They turned; outs ootheir • In attppesab,•fiiom »idin ;Local ,troll, was ':j Bent. This .tempary i ' and • jisiorsi ly . sh' d-- sotflrht 'id t d " - Const ' of • flevia on . • '''was assessed ,for both gash dividend' *unities of teaching and heating;'- • The judgment of His kronor Judge Elevator_ Co. 'Mr. 'Wataoon. argued I:- tftts. .1iy;;. galled course sn ,,.aa aux in stead of rest be found` fresh., oppose • ' and, etock'dividend sece•ved from the • Judge Barron staid he would do Aetd . would facilitate' an appeal ixt ani. way, and, if desired, would prepare a '-written judgment. Never doitng =tbiingti• b lvet fine, unless you are eating grapefruit.. - The -night came on and still the crowd Bat given .. at thea Court ;#souse • that his eompnny `rias exempt from remained, an ten it: was abate a mind men, ✓,.. y,., ,+na lhou,„the *appeal a,raorrid t, hAldate of �3gir.. e but the qutation c 'El ;tor . Transit ears � a case Co. Ltd. against the finding of the. railwaycompany owned ars Elevator,' fishes; and more remained when all Court. of Revision of the town (which not to -a case where the Elevator was a been. fully satisfied than bad n 1 sa thexo � ed ' Was 'to' beginy with. They ail then realized that he must indeed be "that prophet that should come into••the world." . Nov. 16th -Peter's ' Confession -Matt , 0l..8ECI `E . d h ,J had here on Tuesday night Dec 9th in taxes een the Elevator dividend,quo* TO UARVrR HAIR sand men, besades women and chit- the Goderi h ev and.app to t a e where a dren from five loaves and two arfsall • �: pa Y . ge Teoa and SuI phtrTurtle Grair Dark • y+ f aded kale 1 - . and Grose/ ,Almost everyone• knows that ` Sage' Tea and Sulphur, Propet9y compound- ed, brings back the natural dolor and lustre tothe hair when faded, streaked sir gray. Years ago the only way to get this mixture was to make• it at /tome, which is missy aild troublcsorue.- :�owselays we simply ask at any drug attire for \ yeth's Sage endbur ieeopound" kod eel( get a t: t'e of this old-time recijse improved by the addition . of other ingredients, at very fittic,;.lost Everybody uses this preparation now, because na,one can possibly 'toil that you darkened your hair, as it does it so naturally and even- Iy. You dampen a sponge or soft brash utth it and draw this through your hair taking ono_ small strand at a time; by memos the gray. hair disappears, and after smother applkation or two, your hair bootees beautifully dark, thick and slow annd you souk yew twining. 16:13-20., decided to uphold the assessor in as- a separate company.: And His Hon- sessing the local stockholders for a or held that the C. N. R. should pay stock bonus as income) wan 'a tom on - 'the cash dividend. but not on the plete.•rmuersal'of• the finding of the, „stock dividend. The amount of cash Court. of Revision, and••.a••complete••.dividend was $2,196. vindication of .the claims of thews who ."-.' . protested against the assessment.` 1 Jesus had withdrawn bib little. • ''Mr•. Parsons, manager of 'the, Hie- 1 A`" ' ''I vaterCompany, was put in the 'tit-' : -1•n • company to a ;quiet retreat in order ness box but thg ex`nnnation had not , •I rim • to' more fully revel himself to thein proceeded very far when it could be F , • and, by questioning them as to the seen that the judge had. the mat:.er t - -,pu'biic`npinfon�-entcrtaineP1-an- to -.who chit welkin -hand and=was_sa.wolt post -es -4 ... DHEulimill pAiNs , he Havas su osed to be' 11 . of froth pP g ed on the law that'he was ready to .:Teter:,as'• ; spokesman.. -of the disgi-, diat*'setof. thc'•case and ,:thetproceed g , .,., „ ......:.ar,..-.„r- .:.�::r.` i pie a a. declaration that"He suis lit- matters ' reafter became of 'argument between tyhen �j•on are suffering with rheas deed. the Messiah. Jesus then told pietism ..n stet ,can hardly them • the Christian Church would be) y tact• around town and the asaessotr on one •cast tr}• 1;<,1 I'epyrr lufr sad youwult founded on '-them:_. and whatsoever hand, ,and the bench on the other.. L.•,. clic quicl:eit relief known. rites and ceremonlee the? -permitted Judge Barron said he' was continuali;, . ;tithing has such concentrated, pone:.. or forbade would have the' sanction handling assessment cases . and hre;trating iaet as eel peppers. Instant re- , of . God. -He : further- ; commandos.+. uoted -copiously: from eecfded eases lief. just es soon as you analY lied theii tO tell: no man as yet that He was the Messiah. •, CANADIAN: AU ONALA : I ysE to TORONTO Daily Qco.pt itarsdeay bvu:•'Gatlerielt•• 6A0,r;v.m. • 2.: pun.. . "•' Clinton li 25 s.m. 2'.52 p.m, ' Seaforth . 13.41 a.tn, :3.12 pan. " Mitchell ' 7,04 a.m. 3.03 p.w, ;Argy. abatfoir"''.7.30 a.m. 4.10 pan. Kitchener 4.20 a.m. 5.20 p:zn, Guelph • $.45 a m.4" is.•i0;s.>;•. Toronto 10.10 a tit. 7.10 tins. Hutu; ningi L i eavo Toronto 6.50 a.m., 12.5u p,ui. and 6.10 pan - " Parlor, Cafe car, Goderich to Tor- onto, on morning train, and Toronto. to Goderleb 6.10 p. m. traig.. Through coach Goderich tt;f Toronto. P. F. LAWRBNCR & SONS `mint Panseeget- and Tickets. Agents Ill! Backache One Rub sumo sway Real► or Hob yon feel the tingling Beat !n three minutes . it warms the sore stock increase sats represented by in= blrx+ti enamel, and through, the.Dugas• • Nov.. ^ 23t1. -=The T'rans6quration used •valuation in buildings, plant, tiw• a..aud :1;c ulrf rlieutnattKm • t+°. Luke 9:2$•$6.... ate., and in ca ttalizing acute fnrniturc, p is gest.. Prayer Was With Jesus:; habit and land leases. Judge Marron pointed Kettles iced replier Rub, made frotu some carried to the privy council. It was shown in evidence that the so, when• nearing tlic great crisis of out khat 'this was capital before the, red peppers, t:i,its little at any drug •hi>£ lite, he..went up into tiro mountain division; always wad capital and ea- store. (r 1 p jar at once. Use if for to pray and, while thus engaged, hit pital wag°not assessable, in fact 'to Innibago; ttcuritis+.batt aP lie, stiff .neck,. coaaetetiauce was changed; and lithe, assess capital.would .be' to put a stop sore tnusrtes, colds iii attest. Aitnost three disci les • who had eceom aniedlinstant relief awaits you;•lux•sure gto p p to industry. And the` fact that in the get the genuine, with the game Rowlo hint saw his figure, his Paco and his case of ..the Elevator the distribution .,. ,,,.t, •,. ,.hese , dress all become white and glister- was capital, made this case a strong- ing. This •. was in same • MYsterion.:; er one than some of the decidedcases way God's answer ' to his prayer. he quoted. ' They maw also two heavenly •visitor: Even had the stock increase:repte+ talking With Jeers and their talk was rented profit it .would have been un Of, bis coming crucifixion. They wort assessable. If, for instance, the Ries sent no doubt to hearten him for the vator had made $?00,000 profit and ordeal. The disciples Were not to distributed this in the way of bonus tell then what they :had seen, but it stock certificate'., it 'would Ise wrong - • • remained always with themand, was I to assess the shareholders; act tt;e' •, a proof of hie divinity. • ' iii profit would have been assessable to • Nov. Setk_The Good Samaritan--• the Company, and to assess the Luke 10:26.37.• ' shareholder would be to assess twine .• In this lesson a.cetta:n lawyer in on the same profit. t the audience stood tip and asked Je- air. Campbell argued stronglystckthat sus a question as .to what he should the recipients edo thisn stock 'home do to inherit eternal life; not that he. might have turned round and Gold ltd ' really wished to know but to entrap so that it was good as a cash that him in his answer. ^ Out of this gtiee- a -assessed (he fact better,abecar ause he ere. tion arose the question or "who is sty it Was ichanging hands at 110) nut neighbor?" Jr,.sua proceeded to von• in three ,epecifie eases where suet: a ' lighten the lawyer by a parable in ,ale Vag made the judge hold against which only one man out of three who him saw another in need took the trouble In these to help him. Atfer relating alt caste, the stock was gold mediately on its receipt at 410.; circumstances ,Jesus asked hint to de. anaan the 'question was raised should cide for himself and he replied, "Hes that sheaved mercy on him." Thee,1,4,p,4,4t4,*a„a,4„l„i„E„y,i,q,4,4a,ft�� •rt Pain fr to boots with small Jesus dismissed the man and bis sub- .1 HEA STUFFED FROM CATARRH, OR A' COLD ttla1 tie of oil Jett by staying) -'Go thou and do' like. 4, et• '•eft..Moeht 011." Alt I Psis is gone! �t Yea; Almost instant from soreness, stiffness, • la said Lain follows a gentle r Wise. --Jelin 1:13.17, 26.38. n n Mase Creast Aprt.eti its Nestdle An was the custom of yeasts. he tee. 414 Opens Air i'ass�+tel!1Vgr. Det 7tlt-The Mast Bot Mini-. . ed this miracle of crwing.e num born withsgobs f3ii" bind to illustrate the fact that, be - Instant' relief-- All waiting. Your: Ara �a ita� oil trait the Light a the World. dogged nostril open resist up; or air • o r *Kw t,a ;sed tibe Having satisfied hie disciples that, ram iw.�riatlie true ,Nisei :,,,t,': tit',,'ki alt 1 tie ref costes. "St. Jacobs Oil" in this case at least, the blindness ensu(fiiagt, blorriaggg ltaadte3ee. drj nr+xt, y�i; is _ fa Mariakis ib.dcadse, tar t' and was not the otatcome of sin, .T.su•s initialing ter breath at night; sent rs•Irl. C -- selseka rimed)* which newt din.' made 'day ihsd *Minted the blind roe or retarrtrdiP+ahlteeatt. omit hem • tote slat vot Quit oomptaketex• '� then sent hi* to complete the ''t a .mall Meth. .,f I•IS"e (•,canon i wsts,ioeturotrs "stt$cbes" In * t.tim by **eking in the pool of MI- ?Ulm beet gait d I't itrrw. ,Atrial s in Use giant. The titan was afterwards s littltr of this M ,ratter let � goad taeaaleaa yequ will 3•ofyRlt'tlla't you ever�- rreaara i» eittr It gotta. hM�'a 'M r I m became it won't •lana d' by neighbors ;fid PWtrftPeewP Thrones ferry i tr ' t" Or totem Dent refbrrf Get ;boat thr, method of the ettre s4tyd thi , the ,tache cookMt ten Iral, tot -.rets resertr4 a7er.6wr �et....a old. Takao 3t Ada *'.ed tbeata 4tcoolies-'Itbakes It ovides hit water It Miami any tel Is reasonably priced. Even 1 � th •a shallow fire the•. Cosy Home Quebec bakes perfectly. Besides being very practical, it has a'. handsorhe appearance and is extremely durable. . I sed throughout the 1) mils - ion for many years it has never failed to gike entire satisfaction tbi!eaud it is the-- . most et:onomica1, stove at any pn 4" CALL AT JAS. C. CAkRIE'S Hardware and a why this stow. is superior' to all other Quebec Cooks. also so* oar marSPECJAL. at 69c. S ae • KIDNEYS BOTHER Take a Tablespoonful of Salts if Back Pains or Bladder is Irritated Flush your kidneys by drinking a quart of water each day, also take salts occasionally, says a noted authority, • .who tells •Us that too much rich food,. , _ ' forms acids which almost paralyze the kidneys ill their efforts to expel it from the blood. They became sluggish and `weaken; then you may suffer with a dull misery in the kidney region, sharp pains in the back or sick headache, dizziness. • your stomach sours, tongue 1s Coated, and • when the weather is bad you have rlieunllttic twinges.,. The urine gets - cloudy, full •ef- sediment, the channeled oftrn• get sore and irritated, obliging you to seek relief two or three times r;uritngt` the nigxht• soot bas the milt r t *sense muton~ • To kelp neutralize these irritating t attight boot of dad, hoot* roan *he did iE• rot. his habeas in ns, ulttanr to el relief come inefantlesste 'Gil e+we of Ahr".r lSt�gglet " If rostg relict lirerlaimirntr hem as one mitt of ow It's Jett floe. Ltra't ntay sot stat ;•up hr. watt turned out of the irrnagogttt with a ail air WO* warm rM ems• acids:; to help cleanse. the •kie•teys and .flush off the. body's urinous wag r, fg•4 'four ounces of Jud Salts front . t many here. Take a table•+)' glass of water before brei . • . • t fete days, and your kidneys 1nai 'alt fine. This famous salts ha at. !r;^ from the ,acid of grapes end lemon Juice, • combined With lithia, and hoe be t n p.srsl for years to help flush and Stimulate sluggish kidnt'yts`; also to neutralize the . acids in the system tit, they no longer irritate, thus often relieving bladder weakness. ,Tad Salts 1s inexpensive; cannot in• jure and tntakirs a, delightful effervescent lithia.Wattor drink. By all means have your physician exiflrline your kidneys at Ieasktwieea year.