HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-12-13, Page 7Tswana% I we. U14
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le par-
es hes
by the
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We *10: your early inspee-
tkin and any article Chosen
will bb put :My .fOr you
Until required.
Let us help you answer the worrying
question. What shall 1 give?
VVe list bekw some of
Christens stack
' • •
the item* fret* the largest
ewer shenby us.
Yotir 1925 Benoit Weathei Chart Calendar is here for. you. Get it new.
' • • • • • .• • • • .
. 1 a 1 •
. . . . ,
,•-• was No. ., Why did these lawfore asked. - • • .• . , ,
• . , .,-,
,--•'; 1-••• ,
--'1- - Dr McGregor and •• Itake that position? The explanation Is church -union in accordance with,
1 - • came in the writ that was issued out the will -of Jesus Christ? asked the
, 1 ; I of Osgoode Hall against' the...I.:Nog speaker. This waa...the emeation he
. 1• -•0 G4rdon Addretf : leaders to restrain them front union had tried to answer, leaving the-otli-
• on the ground that the Doctrinal er two question's he raised at the out.
??.N.-: 4.4t4 . 1 L.,,,ge Gathppinii, Statement in the Basis .tif ;Union did set for Dr. Gordon. '1f. you pray it
au ........0 inot contain • certain statements eon- through church 'union must. be in se-
7,--.. .—•. tained in the•WestminsterConfessiort eordance with the wen ref leans.
. .
' (Continued from • piss .4) •• • ; of Faith...The latter contained this: Dr. Gordon; the ether speaker • of
! vote on in 19232 asked Dr. MeGre- "By the decree of God, for the,maei- the. evening. itinielog, silid it was ir
r In 1016 the matter was decided '4festation of His glory, some men 'and great privilege for hun• to speak to a
pd in 1017 the .three churehes, egreed angels ark prodes,tmated into ever-: Canadian congregation,: on a great
• •
.- ..•; retonsmend a 'peaky of toedeerire-lantlek-life-auei--0' thers•-•are-fereerr-' -Caned:AM question, to' Canadian Pees-
- "-.: . • a eur000siiing _that awl, dained td everlestieg ,slettih." And byterians, tbe:Steatest4lestipn. that
churches wow become units in the. along with t i.. Whs the statement had come before_Canada sinee cone--
Otto •
United church. of OW" when 'anion that Christ died only for the elect fedetation. When he was 214444, to
• was consummated, end s;goo , suchthe rest of mankind he passed by. tome east td speak on this question, -
churches° in Canada; were in some "Dou you believe Piet," asked -Or. he hesitated, but consented, because
ti • .form of co-operative union today. ' MeGregor. "'Have -you ever heard it .ofloyalty topetfli.eatphauAceh.aealdbef,eartirf
The only guest:10i' the PreebYtPrlana preached in your life time? Is yoir hethought 'It
It . could liave voted on in 1923. was, Will conception. of God that he clehbeesites some service, itot 48' 4 champion, in
the Presbyterian 'church keep -her le ;sentenced them to. eternal death? debate, but eittiply to...Offer 'eared In:
0. pledged word, .pledged not only',' to What kind of , God do you worship, formation in a whichitittinbeu
•, _...the lifetiadista and Congregational. brethren 2" • • ' believed he wasa aspeLiiet_t
"-Ids but to her own brethren in the He then quoted the article on the ion movement in its origin and its
. , West. . , . grace of God front the statement of necessities, and how it was operating
The speaker then *referred to the doctrine of the United church: "We in Western Canada.
• .,.•• believe that Godt oat, .of hio great The origin was not to be found
' tA
cards which were circulated last year in various congregations, asking
peo...love for the world, has given His on- wieti thfieaders of the cherch; eoth-
• - be fart
gale to union without ahother vote. These
sign that prey were opposed to isiinnheerffes,ttrannd•S
mn to et
gospelpo!ereaviere-rotg"I/nteacm°e from the front'lin6 and7from
fnt.the .truth.
fers His all-suflicient salvation to all the pressure of the front line. NO
against •union; they simply asked for
did not pledge the signer- to Vote
men. great movement had ever co
1.11 1 MI 1 MI MI 1 1 1144 4. 1
itta cow-
creels Itob 1411% Ise win1II" 1
solos to oho Ng a mega woe
ptoos and pet hiss reitrAbse irithont
osiosaktiog eaphoity. "Walt of ha*.
dikes Proohomprinea that warr said
Dt. Gordon. "It's prapsolorues.
Tie one Laing teat moat its demo was
for the sottioesset ewnatttaws to go
down and talk to the people and say,
What can or* do to help you to 4o Oa
this( you It cm se do yosueselvea
And of theme settleaseats Wad
toes wily two or throe ekurelses had
been recant a day.
Tke list at church attendee was a
scaadal to Presbyterian's' at. In the
mutt eke average vaearrey sem six
1211*-atIts. You know *bat that Iliealtria
for a eongrteratiott. And he knew of
churches that bad been vacant ler
three or four years. If roe este PM'
dues a worse system in the new
elnveh let's hear *boat 1t. WI settle.
menta involving 124 congregations,
made without friction and artircely
a day's- Vacancy -what do yeu Wok
of that for a successful experiment in
a settlement commitbref The one
sore spot in a Presbyterian tniniat-
oes heart was when he felt be was
forced out of a congregation and had
to tramp up and down looking for a
Mace to preach. Ile even quoted a
"ease of .a minister in Scotland look-
ing for a vacantly for'seven years
who became a great preacher.
in the education of -"students for
the ministry church Wort was work-
ing successfully in the Wag,. ,Some
of •the Presbyterian students got
some of their theology in Wesley col-
lege, • getting their doctrines from
Methodist .professore, and it didn't
seene to hurt them,. and the Metho-
dists were sending over their stud-
ents 'to the Presbyterian college and
they were getting a lot of good; In
every college in the West that thing
'was being done; "the. taissembly told
ua to de it," said -Dr. Gordon, "and
we are doing it." lo Sunday school
work, Young People's work and go,.
dal Service work, there was the
same co-operation. "When we find
the, Church of Jesus. Christ really
strippedand at the fight," -said D.
Gordon, "we find all this dentanina.
tionalisin not only. futility but sin.'"
..was a day when denomina-
• tions *stood 'out for great principles,
.-but -all 'the -Christian world now tic4-'
eepted. 0these principles.• John Knox
• was right when be broke from the
church because he savit'fie old church
neglecting and denying the - great
igospel doctrines of our holy faith.
He; called Scotland to come' out and
Scotland followed him and Scotland
was right. • But are we going to de-
Sert the. Presbyterian ehurch to fight -
for some great principle? Wean in
arden and praise -pod for -it." • n•
The Overlappingof old denomina-
tionalism waif shameful. and the scorn
of the world, and ,when .any 'church
got away front the simple, straight
forward teaching .of Jesus Christ it
produced, a lower type, of religion.
'Comoetittve dereaminationalism pro•
ductel a- low -type:of'religion.. "And .
men eel" ,liest. be got to- go nIt ••••et-ol
the West' to engage. in conmetitive
depermitiretionalism.f.Thet- was. why
. •O., .
not lowisalaries. that was ;why, they.i
would not go to cellege. We Wero
•asking them to go out and do 'a Sob
that was mean, that weuld• kill the
highest and Rifest flavnr ofchristian
"itivice., That is .why •thie ehurch.,un..
Ion is a great thing. And the daY
was coming'when the great Anglican
church and the Unitedr Church would
tome together. The day, was gone.'
when we needed to stand apart for
any great doctrine on principle. "He
was not onewho believedwe mind;
to have them. But the statemerit of
-dot:trine in the Basis of, Union would
be found superiee'tkthe Weitminster
outnilfeasomistellbox.ssidlor Ikea by the con
Ther* wet to ho a doss 4 PmfrobY•
miens, wet disserv:Zigs,
wbe beikkored intrirpteimiy•
tion 4.4w Maripwayea.* 'Me state-
ment of the Berko ist Untea on rive. I
Wiest was that 'wo wean* the Holy
Scripts:vs 4 the Old and Now "Now !
eviants,R*ratitna.arrgiiianinicvine:thirt:latyttim.inseetepylresr.sainfai:Etiontilttee: tienitulatykee.':
it was. put in the Sborear Catechism.'
writ on him Dr. boldos said, -1 w•pti
you to get the, terrible ti4cnreare
that writ, The statorsont on the,
vise purpose was ono the groat ma-
jority of ministers have retailed to
*meet or preach and tho wore told
it was not necessary to ateept them.
The statement in Quiettee in the
Westminster Confession was based
on a pure philchooplite detatrine and
not on a religious comvittien. Yet he
(the 'speaker) was read out of the
church by that writ.
Referring again to the trowel' of
the Weatminster C(4tOomdfra Dr. Gor-
don said- thaw were advanced men,
looking' for union, with the idea of
making one great British church -
whet an ideal
A question the speaker Imd never
had an answer to was, What essen-
tial doctrine is omillihd out of the Ine•
oda of union. He had addressed
Presbyterian Assemble* sa over Br'
fain, and the Pan Presbyterian eoure
eil'a verdict on the basis of union
was to admit the united church as a
member of the PerePreebyterlaa
• There was nothing in the te-
ment that union meant a cu oft
.frorelltie great traditions of
terianisrn in the past, Nothing
rob us of sulh traditions and the
ion would 'be the richer for the tat
ditioft of Wealey,..Who, when religion ,
was dying and dead, lifted lenglend
into the light again and religion, iu
• England was born anew.
In Eastern Ontario Dr. Gordon
saidhe noted a rapid change in senti-
ment and the people were rising in
enthusiasm for this new thing." The
young people were with.% • .
A. eongiegation. remaining out of
bide • Then
union would aunt fiesrssetuttyminjgoohltatebtel
called' of various. churches and a doe-
trinaL _statement adopted. Organizo.
tion would • have to be affected and
then the new church would have to
look -out ;for -a field of sez-vice. To
justify their •existence they must feel
that Canada needed the denominat-
ional work they alone could do.
They would not find their field in the
'Canadian West. In the foreign field
there was eurely room enough but the
speaker dquoted the question of the
'n China; "Why do
you insist on sending us a divided
't 9" And... other • peoples •
ions of Christendom eindered the 711c -re
mat conference
Chrstiam y.,,
•had the same question.- The divis-
work in foreign fields.
Dr. Gordon closed by presenting a
vision of the united. Christianity he
saw coming and �f' the blessings
from -It which was meet inspiring.
At the dose of hie •actdress• Mr. •Extra tuition given because of shorter sehool
• Santa Knows
for young folks, music is
as much a necessity as
food. •
The •sweet mellow
strains of mandolin,
guitar or banjo in the
parlor, in *inter, or in
• canoe, on a moonlight
night in summer, mean
many delightful, never
be forgotten hOurs.
• A gift of.one of these
• musical instruments:will
pleasure tb some- "dear
• Do you need a Better TrAnin to . command a Bigger Salary
• Write to School of Commerce, Clinton,. Ontario, for particulars re
classes tor students corning daily by train.
Hume moved and Mr.. Tom •secondeti COURSES-4oramercial. Stenographic, Secretarlitte-Special
a vote _et t*Inkle,•% .ehn soeleeue, Wink -Term ...heeWs
whi h was -heartily applirede 'ALA.
• Princip4 •
The choir were•preseet for the. ser- • Conf. SPeciclicf. .
vfee and led in several hymns. • • •Wee Prin. ' Phone 198 „, I
ponfeSsion of -Paid; ntid 'reutd
Students may, enter at any time. •
, r
ill a le PIS mas Gifts
UR t ck f Chri butts Gifts Was e I t
or. They were .aelted thei , be consistent, in the statement of the people. He had had a great deal
best in each and every line, the prigs* ere right and proper.
have money by shopping bore, The stock is new and of the
leaders Arleen'?" *eked ' Dr: "McGree..i'inellide--the old stAtement_irLorder to movement came as vl• surging up of
• me but s o o siever in re e e. You can
1 another vote, Were the sitti,,ni:ieu 1. The new Presbyterian cburch must from thgt rink and file
very great
• — -
woulcl 'down to your children?" the apo 01 ministration and theqerplexing pro- l'16 CONCENTRATED NEAT
abide by the decision of another vote ;belief. "Are you going to hand that to do bit the Weigand iti
• ,
• • and the answer ream their .lawyer4
blems..,,of the mession .field came Op 01)A*Atraeli • ' - Space dens oot•perrnit .2 -complete list of infield*. gifts, but merely a few
again and 'again, beseech' of -you,
.10 ARM YOU a 11° • 'of the more tiseftd gifts.
O *A Sure Rend for Women's Disorders... -
10 dile t, eatmot f
11 he, &sift,. to think of the problem in
• orange Lily is a certain relief for all disorders of women. It is spplien the West. The question came up
locally and -is ebeotner.Z Into the suffering. tissue. The dead waste matter from the froritier•towns,..hut wee not
.11i the congested region is expelled, giving inunedlite mental and PhYsieel to be tottencil
relief; the blood vessel's and r ed,
ment is based on strictir: we'"`
„ptrves ate toned and strength. ,
to normaL. t.;!:litohnisistrreoant: so There
elreette, wreasofii•Gobirhaecet niott.7tergum;
and humiliat•ed to see the papers
.44 iv: - well known' Cooking -1
ware, prices try
Pyrex ,-Ware, the •
• -
• •.' ••:•. "
tiflo Principles, and aets•on tin Por in this matter.
actual locatiole of the disease it. PileWiytaeTilanw:41,01ohand4ePiothirns aftrelkiuwp
- forms df remade troubles, induce his inind to stay With hie church.' He
cannot help but do good at;
going to be sorry' for the man
ing delayed, and painful nuensitran; ,,,,,,unhaioson movement and.Wits going
ation, letworheee. falling 'of put himself-61*(0f line with the
which Is sullielent for fnif struggle -to build up *wither denture
womb, etc, Price $2.00 per box
to -
mon eatineut. A prat Trai Tree tomtit, enough for IQ days. worth 75c. ination this denomination ridden
• hemut Pree to sing suffering woman who will send me her addrees. &cog:try.
• - enen nY nnunnisTs' ' the .1.alcas anti t'ehe Pacific the United
waitihg to ftfnetion, but a church in Kept in Stook
Inelose 3 stamps and `address, 318 rt. LYDIA W.. LADD. Wiadeor• "1- What about• the West? “,Between
was not only a.thurch in fact
• being and f1 4: Manitoba
111:1 cosi we';selt ie 1110 o n-
eentrated essence of enmfort.
A, We're tho allies of Coolant-
( moot in Um home. We're the coal
dealer% ?vim will ern you pnlit•elY.
and fairly. Let us demonstiate
this fo our satisfaction. 000000
ly the ..Best Grades of
Hard and Soft Coal
S -t o p'.
d S h.
o existed, :tog itterrteoocrtletuiva
UltildtelirethmeisUsnkint"edfieCi hstn'zieir.e renarsarie4skaott!
not so eomplettdy). • In British Col-
" - !"Eierything Good For the Tabl
to the sante extent,
umbia the co-operatian did not eeist
• - - ' also fors.- • % ."
The settlement '._. cobunittee slid-
° • .4%, . . i
- •
Your Chrigimas Cake.:aii00 Piii:ii )„,sli.e,re:int:threaymis•
ft w. 5ers he
t.something sibout. He
, 'did not know of any worn • wey of
New. Rezioihi • • • Peesbyterian. system -or of unsebs
settling ministers than the present
• Ping ministers. If A • congregation
SeededoiSeedlesS, Sultans, Valencia, Oil and desired St change how Was the change
ppiphtir,Bleached - . to be brought about under "the Pre-
sent eystem? To this question, whit+
ei.....,..,---- e
NEIN—Rap TS . ' FIGS • DATES ; he asked when he was down ma, st
Glengarry man answered, "Starve
SHELLED WALNITTS1 FILBERTS . 'ern out." There wag no part of the
• , for a pastor's severing the hoful. His
Presbyterian system which arranged
,,.,„ : . .. ....„. . advice as to the system of the United
Lotion, Ono. and Citron reel, .(;anaiw unerraes, church was Try it. for Was dead
. a and Pine Apple - certain it eOtild'itot be worse then the
present system. /14 Manitoba there
AIniead king ' Extracts and Spice ' • had been 42 settlements witbout
.. .,..,
r 1 .. 0 •' • i
friction in plans *here the denom.
inetionsl churches were too *troll to
Sturdy,Ni Cash- Grocery ,, - :teiireA. :dadthr„,,isctorttg.
Sturdy'i ,
of Manitoba had lieern to help then)
-• Yeleph•••• 209 to get totethrrwhich had been the
• . , - .. cry of all parties.
, ,,, i this Ite took it would he pretty
Just,/ reeeived a carload of genuine 1
• Patterson Pocoliontas Coal •
Stene Coat. suitable for range and '
• ,
turn ilee.
.110.”„s ou hand a, complete stock
' mixed Paiute at —
Wholesale Prices
Portland Cement
Prepared Platter
Plumbing, Heating
Electric Wiring
•CH• •
at the iN hart tioderich
attiwitre Store sod Coal Yar
{ d.
l '
Pbone oidere, given ApPoial rItt(qt-
• Con
Stode H'i's,
$1,25 to $5.00...
. •
A complete new stock of' Old Colony
1847 Rogers,' Silverware. prices roma' from
$1..00 to $9.00.
Don't spoil your ChristMas fowl by hack
ing at it with a poor knife. Se‘: our Ortin-•
Sete from $4.(l0 up. •
, •
1 •
' A
, • •
a 1,
• The most complete line _of Pocket knives in town from
25c 'to $2.50.
• • • Special values in Harkey Sticks, Straps arid
• Boys' Sleighs from $1.00 up....
fileetrie Irons, $6.50
and $7.00. (inc and
• five year. guarantee.
lilectric Toasters' 19.75
Electric Heaters $5.50
and $10.00.
• .•
.. •
'A complete, line
of Ever -Read)
Fiasidights and
Batteries. Ine
better kind.
Sole agent fin -the celeboted Auto Skate.
See 'the. new olyinpia Tube. erfcez4., from
90e to $6.00.
Come in and see' our stock. ,We, will be
glad to show you anything.
...,,, .., ..,...,,,.,,,,,,..,. ,..,...,.....,......,,,..0 , ' _ ,,,,,,,,,....,,,,,,,....,,, •Iii,e-GAIGS"....""Ise,... f'...10,...1.04.4•41,...n.... ,r..•I1
.. 0.4.......4.•-•,....,....,.., s....... --,...,,,,.....,•14,...-....;,,,,,d..,..........• ...-..•.- 3....:.+.05.0..., ...04 .... .'#"4* QA......,,,,....,,,,,,-... •,,,..-..-,.......,,,,,,..---.. --,..,.., •:.•='-.
. . •
. •
.. . ..
JAS. *C 0 C..' ARRIE
Phones: 363' and 334
" 4 0
• •- 0i
a 8,, .1