The Goderich Star, 1924-12-13, Page 611 • "IS illig*re
111119111090$11091.111111.1111$11.1111111111111N. 1 111 1 1 1111 1. 1 1 1 1 1 I II I 111111 1 1 1 1111110.1111111.
Excellent achoois for the
• Week -end motor trips for the
- " family, on thousands of miles
of paved higtnvays.
Pullmans via 'Grand Canyon
National Park—open all the
year. ,
lendrYJ. Orm-41rookt
0, ItobertiOn_± wray. Pniek Agent
sante ars itallW*,
404 re** Press 0101$4 Detraltt *Mt, a
Phones Moan
tem as ica side throgh *boor
The Ilea is the Peead
The rim- the poised sterling Us
beim a ssarkea feettere of Use finals.
dal markets during the . past few
i weeks. While it lectuates a fere
points eccutimally it is etandiag'
pretty well at stvla and * little over.
- - 1Verrieee -.--aMM ere rtoolgoosible•
, Britain there are seam whe urge that
, pound weed be further ste$-
l. edema( by the immediate return to
the gold stariderd, insteed of waiting
ant* the *ad at lta• 'Asa that be.
comae automaticelly effective. If the
iii/X A
trisesiaediniathewiredbe a ate% rintgbalive jamakeetaa
lirtuidation of the rit" debt to the
lik* *MA Perliemeat
• The lialdwin government has _ "At emir "ow **4
troduced'into, the British vitediruirt1=4:nr.rittate•fine74
ad 4aPhi.•
- maw weak aa Duek aleseep tree lee *mom We
imp Fe: tir
amed* a gaaara.
*a as when ides *It
stew he le maim all the awry
Vase sea wig et it issiestd of *Wylie
tt fietha her that *are ist las.
Mamie* wham sport.
leelsiem4 Arum Ufa
riles MOW *teem will Ulm part in
the imeraagiumi matereace to be
; held is April co May next under the
asepiese af tie lookeir sof
coesider ,estrismart made Lg. 704110-
States. MA& 11**D, Pfafileatrd,
ud . new in session, Plans for Pr.°144$26 firm a ow biort, faint sardPilse;
ebandenment of this proposal /01 the tbe eczema. te beer that lelliBlerree
klecDonald govetorteent was a sees -ale eirkwine vn,-- is e remetil, ouit
blow to New Zeeland and Australle, will Oak tkaa least front their
particularly as 'they regarded it as treablea.
important to their deteTM. Both at retina. by all droggisie and, dealers..
them have expressed a, willing's'," to -....,
!contribute to the expense at the un- The Big Vhlf Hunt
dertakine, but the suggestion that . The great wolf hunt carried out in
1 Cartetla -. d South Africa might do -
with the, SintaPove boas• 211.- spent, er say reterlowe c ditioe of
the Alone* district with Sault
the Sameis not IfitelY t .noret with
an entimarastre _revel*. 'in eitiwr "lakallrits 141"*11.1114Ws 3"415? not be
the very beet of advertising for this
country. In amt. of the epportufl.
ties of modern educetion 'there are
many weird ideas *bout . Canada
11Mont Engligh-spashing people, *
. -country. It night easily bea
1 that the base is a necessity of im-
perial defence and that therefore all
the dominions should beer a share.
On the other hand one :night And
• good ground for a ventral attitmiir.
The" Empire has many problem of
this nature.
Curbileg the "Rade
-Activity of •Communista in Pran;:e
brought about o, series •of raids in
which many hineirede of people were
arrested. Most of them were later
released,- but same sixty of the meet
virulent "Reds" were' put .01121*• the
_borders into .the countries whence
• they came. Belgium also it warring
on the same undesirable close of the
cgramunity. Socialistic and extmme
well *among those who do not speak
ourAtinguage. The printery 'obiett
of the big wolf hunt, 'tamely, to pro -
tact the gams in the district and re-
move the menace to sheep and. other
farm stock, probably warranted the
PrOPOSell, though some sportnYert were
nth*/ of :Atenpirtion Oita nelpoter
how any 'Wye** *Tem bagged the
gdri."14,ttithepliwtmewitt'ould°hveergwrehaitclhy tote;
*meted. They 'doe argued that it
Would not' be so succeseful, as the
Older methods. of .prefessionel trap-
joi, riewspoen roma au peatr.2;"elloweaver, it wee a picturesque
d •d incident there not
other countries profess amusement at be any. regret: ever,any slain
these figins of goveinmant*1 uneai - ' wea.. -malt" Taps
nem, and breathe defiance of all at. • •
tempts to shack the growth of eom. • 'r'le 'determent of •it Norm 'Carolina
itint-as-Prehabby• •that-mnittotilionaire that . he is creating
they do not road the ergo of the a trust fund or P40,000c0e0 to lse-d .-
tittles rightly. There are evidences voted, to. educational and charitable
every. whOre: of reaction against the PurPOses. valtiett,learY Clueott°48•L It
extreme 'views of the element' which is a fine thing if men of Weillth`vCre-
areinespaeloivithan tho0viz
ent eeniniele7.4,0tbe, impraaoed iyith a sense et their •dut
roads torrty
to the public and to post6tity; and use.
ince and civil war. great amounts 'their money to the
.• draisage system .and to 'expand the to tui er , senushi.aa Heaita ganonetrus, spreadofthe
ing tee much water from Lake Michigan instead, ,p(„•,,,buirdinft pi*per -garbage -kinvms that-stmdigiat -a-irreat--ors so much thit -would .0thee.
sante. Chicago eto-has ter_Yeers been tide. to 4oAtinuo drainage canal system In a.' general way, ' exery 'reader' people. ont posiess.-• It ,onen the
igaM The rerealt *me been a lower- dispos4 plants, is suing the United sistance to' health. In Britain where wise: be closed. Bat there, are same
of lake levels. and a tamiate .to -States in ,the • endeavor satisfy a there'is a shortage of natural 11,111 -misgivings• on the part •of many MO-
dents of • to the wisdent
of antoothing the pith for the ris-
ing generation that it may miss -alto.
irether t,.)),iflpur•and-, invitation off -
fort . on. its own These con- •
siderittkins are apart altogether from
thevii*,that traMY People take as to
the system. by which tremendous for.
tunes may ' eemimuleted by • the'.
proper's yourr men and young
Threw* for Business% *1214 is
Canada's. greeted prof
We whit graduatee to peeitions
and they have s. practical train.
Ing which enables them to meet
• with succem. Stnci•nti roo-
flattered ieach week. Cot eur free-
vetakmae and learn vocoothilmc **
'bout our different departments.
Tattles lake Weter, try by the Chicago Saaitary District.
In its desire to °Main eiteen In ether words,' atcage!svilich wants
THE same old wish, in &teams old
way, to our patrons and french
On Christmas Day.
.14 sv.In..
royal Ladks' Ready -Wear'
East Side Square, • Goderich, Ont.-
.tooszaossia, asaasommeassiauroammoirsupow
mons oi war.. It believed that if would be greatkr reduced. The Par,
• the great nuieufecturiug notions ticipation of the United States has
estoki- rosek. en arranatemett for such therefore been greatly' taloa by the
'rest one the possibility of seer other pew.ers.
• .
. Christmas -Js Just Around the eqrner
the old saying goes--gbnly a few abort days away":'. '••
Make ourChristrnasGif4
This Year
h lakesas
JIL . imitation in both Canada and the recent order restrictme water diver. light a gr*up se
IcntIeta nave mac
Unitedeltees, Canadee Protests have slot from the lakes. It would be' anuming progreet, atter years of hard
been barked up by all the lake Mates better the ease could, thus be set- study in the production of artificial.
with the exception of Illinois, and in- tied aortasthe border,,, ingot/Ai of will*. These • - ecimnieta record:
ternationtal"texeltanOes ' have been, hiving O'er; te en:liltimete deciliter' aatonialling results front even one
in progress for the list taw year*. ke an internetion question with the dose of sunlight. in the fighting of
Now the coo is 'definitely before the *titer of leaving bad feeling. It is, hector)* in the blood, sunlight is most
C the United Statee1 however, fortunate for Canada -that effectivn end a new eta in medicine
1)8 in a -suit brought ageinat that wen. inthiainetence, so Many of Om states seem: to have been eposad up by the
-• recent diseaveries. It; this country comparatively fest. This is *
•. where • we have !an the nettirid sun- ground or debateswhichsettle . nOUh
Pieta •otrep., whiter and summer: dou't tet
voor'kat or hot bet:tanker. WeGVAR-
ANTER your heli viII lay more eggs, or
your lifOlit'S IMO:. from your deelee. We
will sped vet: toiity of PRA,TVS, POULTRY
BOOK FREE. 't Ore tor it
molt rtgle (4* uJ gittAnt. !VD.. IlAttriTt)
lights that humiraihr nol*d 1014;01ablY ing. . orioles Blirden
expect, it is yet tb* arse 0014 4° na°1-1)? 'sea tie question in'
homes. the idea seems to be to keep George rat the burden.
eat light rather than let it But the British ofcorcm.teher allies oi
we are nevertheless coming 01 a gen- Britain is jearrYing 0-
• lie showed that Bntain
oral realiaation of the fact that by-
lUg conditions have a tremendous iti-, ,herseuiad loaned twa twat
fluent., on health. Light and ruPlIr sterling • to .the allies and borrowed
sienitetlee' *re the mein Q,LujettiVeig nnOttter billion for them from other
any 'rending who" owners Pi*" countrien, Its4 it not :been for thecae
' t* b41 "n"nwl *bat* its extulumtl• amounts, issed to furnish them with
supplied and munitions Britain would
not have needed to 'borrow a cent
front any foreign Ouetty. ' The cosi.,
than is a delicate one, but it ieheeont- -
int- Obvious that ' feeling int.ligitala
will force the government to demand
of Mich of the allies as are till in ac-
cord, that they begin to PO, back
sott-ii--irt) lie money advanced to them, _
This lerillegwill be strengthened by
the latest compilations of the cost, of -.
the ' war. which shows Itlint Britain
expended, over eight billion pound:"
and lost in killed and...missieg •over
nine hundred tigegignd. men. Since
this was as wet net: of her own Chnt$*.
but to help allied and friendly nit -
tiers*, the least the letter eould do
would be to start paying off their ob.
Stations. Winston Churchill, Chan.
miler of the thdtfiala Excitemsei•; Imi„,
intlmat.d tbst this view will be pros -
tea. r,
Boa p. Prefetel'eas .
Good Things for the
Christmai:Diinei •
• 4"1611!"
EVE made every provision to assure a successful Christmas tier.
Never before have we ben in just the mune position to supply your
demands for the good things to feeA on as at present.
We Have a Fresh -
stook otOitron, Orange and Lemon Pfeil, Can-
died Cherriee and Pineapple, Batsmat'oarrituia.
Ingeoe,-Mineetatett, Cranberries and Nuts. • have bean for years.
WATCH 41int 11110411411100Will
Navel Oranges
hate just arrived. They ars ak good color *tui
ira gaol to be pleutiful end cheaper than they •
1 • MANS
Co-operation with all parts
Empire and thoganying at of 40014
of the preference proposals eberelen-
ed by , the previous gorernment, ire
MS* planks' in the Platintitt ur the
Baldwin Ministry; We are likely to
see a outlaw of Imperial et:enterer:tee
et grad. Import taring the t1400 year
or twa, The mutation of the Genova
PrOtheid—Wherrals, OM bonus of N*-,
tient *mold exert force to pfevent I,
war -will probably be taken up with
the Dominions at an *air' Period.
Brittle having &dined to 1* bound
until elle him had an opportunity to
Wendt them. The whole states et
i imperial relationship/ is liable to un -
Idere° some theme* of impertanee. Berkey and gamy
Nockey a Csnadiaa game, the fast -
eat in the weed, and probably tite
bast winter geme.berova, III in danger
of utter dentoralisetet kthestogh the
spirit of eocamerelalime width has in-
vaded it. Noted itheaterate all
the comity are astraller Pitotoaelonal
lreesosee of the big salaries offered to
them by let/sate widch ar* in the
ga Woody far the profit te Ire meet
Practical Gifts
i known as
"The Store of a Million Practical Gift Suggestions"
- ' Make it your heidguarteil.- Never *fere have we had suclua Varied and •
• extensive rartge of Practical Gift Suggestions as tiiis year. in fact there is
A- Regular Sea of Gift Suggestions 011 Our Three:Flooris
. and if loW 'prices and botattiftd merchandise will bring trade to Goatnicki•
we terusilly etteulti/eve.:emolbetw come m seetloek ranthid. :NO'
•,„ „
• , •
obligation to boy. ' •
Hem a Few Suggestions for Practical Gifts:
ut solid black walnut aud reed work in
• hkeitand geld. •
'SEWING )iASiETS, • . • • •
• (sed Meek walnut). .
, - in l'ollychrenie WA.
izajellres*. Silver and Polly.
ASH .7ItA.YS • '
114131` BOWLS
° is PlAlyiluresat am' 9.114 It:%e.
• hi vas( isrimae.
fe :vet 014 ranimit, priced trivet at.7e
Very arid price alt ',wahine
leather rule Bilge. • .7
• • .
of Eery Quality and 'Price. Some
inautifid. new errivels In pastelles. •
Boupont LAbik ,
(in silver nisi Italian bronze). ' *
a special in Ileadoir Lamps in Italian
Bronze at $8.50. ;
° In /Wien Bronze,- - -
chthrolirmeit.Inat, Mahogany and Voll.
, •
We Have Not --Fotgotten.the
In our ,basement we have Reeking- Heroes, Shoo Fly Horses, Yelocieetics,
Automobiles, Dell Carriages, Dell Cradles, Doll Cribs and Teddy pears. r
Watch .Our Window Displgyi
You will find our prices lower than many city,stores for the same goods.
We have the agency for the STROMBE1G CARLSON 5 -Tube Nentrodyne
Ito& Receiving Sets. fleas any due.
Wesley Wa.
Tlimiolkore of Ovessikr ,
i Open the Cheapest--Alerays the Belt West Sias Boutro, Gimlet**
• • •9194.tro..9+9;
- •
• •
• a
• •