The Goderich Star, 1924-12-11, Page 11s
111114 104111111
a,e reLis alto roughs Bret, hard
ills oltt 'riot $i t to oo is
nurrtd'ar veil do to Es rid
-,a, hut cnitalut.
are Ow kitnT that ore danger.
-iatt that 'stilled the Ivugh;
%I allow she gram of emit-
' a festbyw is the opo
torr raisin read inf.
Arlt apps ateueo of
)r. t)r oud'e Norway
n`tales, s- it ru„•
• ig %tripes of
witb *Idea
as. ursine snel
of oilier as-
{:eldten T.a'ke,
'rIhad e
rl it ifcrent
ow' scent
dvi,:+'+i. by
's Norway
taken te
1 that it
ert• rs 0
$ relieved
ar Pine.
s ,. set, up only
iv LTA=uta . . C11t
viiemsessitsimatiseltionsiteme.iimoimulmioitike itionalawilleadresaamamoriat
-Daheld, • strsua sr M ,bs doer ! Verses 11-1*---Za,eeitanses Profession
He gently knocks. has knoeked before, and Bassani.
Has waited long, is waiting *till ; 1 ftofere entering hie hens* Ztc''is,e,
Yoga teat nu other frie:,d so U1. ua paused and lifting his bands ar k
Ada" Hint for the holm* btoa" we to emphasise what tee is al.d.ud
Neer enjser^taiaed so kind a sweet. ;to say, Al sekaoe/lodged a new ,eta•
No rsiortat tongue thei: jogs can tell tieaslatp. Jesus is now his Ioud
With' whom He eer,desbettds to de ell- Melted* he held raltde himself an eat -
Sovereign of souls, Thou Prince of east by accepting officer u der as
Prase, •1 alio* governsttea,rt and :nazi used his'
o may thy tootle reign Iceman; ipdiettion•. to increase his smuttily
Throw wide the door, each willing stealth by false dealti.g. It was trios,
mind; - what the crowd load said, He wag a
And be His empire all mankind. singer but he is now a repeating sin!
O,Itaseph Grigg). net. "The half of my goads 1 give t•
sat:Errs ."6:4•1
'Zi14 � Ii�fl,�
PRAYERto the poor, and if I have taken any -1 •
thing from any Haan by !alae • accuse.Almighty God, Aimee augee.
' I restore him four -fold." 1 deemed the duty of the eourrrdl at the
eye • rests upon and watches over the aserbeeus then gave proof of a:e ',upon !dotes nie�C of tate year, be rallied
d±hiddren• of men, let thy spirit, wo awakened conscience and a change ui Mfr. Needs„ wire read the fotMw-
beseech thee, attend our prayers. heart on cominir into persoml touch/itt* complboettary 'Adrei's to the
Gulden uet unto thyself, and help urn to with Jesus. Thi!: is followed by .7e•'Warden, the council standing voila
walk ye in it," anis \.e shall give the
hear thee saying, "Tris is the wage sus' approval, for he says, "This day tithe. The adidkesa was *co mpariod
is salvation cane to this house, togas• by a beautiful gold -headed ebony
add the glory, througsi Je,ttis Christ much as he also is a son of Ahra• ,cane.
. To A. E. Erwin, Esq.,
and the, life. Ameti. • .His conversion would-be a blessing Warden ,County of Huron.
g, El. LEgSON FOR DEC. 21st, 1924. not only to himself but to itis family Dear Sir, -We- cannot :et this, the
lastmooting of the year, come *b\ an
end without ar�reuing in a tangible
way our appre Iatlon of your aervi,;ea
as warden during the year now CLOS.inti;, and also of your Valu cetera of
our Lord,who is the, way. the truth hew,
Lenten Title -The Conversion of for like Abraham he would teach his
xacchaeua, household to keep the way of the
•L ssop Passage -fake It t1.10. Lord. Previous to this he was a
Golden Text --Lake 10:10.•
troubier to his family for "he that is
streedy of gain traubteth his own
to house" (Prov 15:27i• �
Biblical times. It was d•esttoyed by In the personal lntu r yew between faithful =wee as county councillor The position of, vrarden of . the
'Jericho was a city of renow,t
Joshua and a curse was spoken Jesus and 2acchaeus, he teaches that County of Huron is an tumor eagerly
against tide mail wbo •s:tould rebuild conversion is not something to be ex- sought after by all members and we
' it. .R yeas trebhi'lt by the wicked king erienced some far-off da It is •a 'congratulate you on attaining that
•' Ahab and at the tibse of ,today's les- presentt blessing --"This day is esaiva- coveted position, and we wish to ex- -_sees - it: was' a eity of commercial - inn- tion tome to this --howl.," 'We- also press our appreciation of t e courtesy
penance and \vasthronged 15y.cava-
Christrnas Specials
• for the LastMinute lauyers
leerri.•that the Saviour notices every Item have always shown Your fellow
vans passing through to the fca!t at seeking Kinner. it wars not for the members in the' discharge of your du-
Jerusalem. < multitude but . for the individual soul ties as Warden. • '
Verses 1.4M••I.acenaeun' Resolve. that Jesus •died.. "Gott so loved the During your term of office we havc
Wold had passed around that in world that he gave -lige, milk ;begotten "noticed your faithfulness in the dis-
o»R of the companies was to be seen ,F Son that whosoever believeth in flint charge of your duties, your unfailing
the "wonder -worker," and thin'gave a should not perish but bare everia:;t• good fellowship, which has gone far
epeeist interest to the on -lookers. ins -life" (Joh:1 3:10). .• to make our meetings both pleasant
They thronged the way on either side, .. swoiu ri Aims/0N% -= -1 and profitable: While this- year -hat'
Sitting in .his once, the receipt of,PUDA f IIhad no great difficulties to be contend -
custom, wetsone who no doubt had " Ity ilTaltbio Et.:ucock. I). 17. 1 -ed with beyond the ordinary routing,
heard of. this man and of his having
of the Warden's. duties, such difi1eul•
eaten with public -ails and having cal- No laving word • was 'ever spoken 1 ties as you have bad. ; $ e been dealt r
At - no good deed ever done "Omen :" with in a gentlemanly manner, and
1* d
ted one u'e va to.a We can not act in this upborn future your administration of the affaira of
hes desk \ve ease picture hiss growing nor:•inthe dead past; only in the h1- the' county has,'been .sharked by Peter
restless, and atlengt�li, throwing aside ins present.. ova bfui 'oat's- eyid�Pal !urneers we .-others- phial wvitlt
.lois sprit, ho •rises, locking .the ddror � .t. �. w�li "evea•v day is •dooms• �; • s di ».r,•. ant t n r•,
ridable ss the head ttf aur rcitn- •w...
For those wh'i hive left something for "last minute
purchases," we again present a list of specials. Such
prices and qualities have never been combined be-
fore by any other store. 'o see these values means
to appreciate them
Minsk bilk Marcella :bats,
beautifully ftu-trin7u ed,,,
irith's satin and deluxe Vise
Regular $18.50le
�l'ed•iuI `
flatly 1S.ti(l �ir:' tiles a Tttesvy
.slit rhe cls Velour. t'unts with
Freut•h Reaverlttt` . Collars.
Coote early if you really
want- one of th�'stt :'oats.'
Tii�gttl:tt• *27.50. - 15 OD
The - new •. -wrap•arolunl
• Shirk odors-. navy. Islat'k.
brown and grey. Regulitr-
Wool d'repe, • and flannel
i)reas' :;, sesta* . in small
elusek With long •, 1t`evei
it 1 • 1fs Regular•
tb ' character .and destiny, ' t ha ds uniform approval p '
and paaisitfpt out into the .et'owd.. Rut i a comms
f attune and. you'd. day, ' for today holds life. and dnatll, cid, and in such a way as to meet with $12.05. "� and easily hate been jostled aside by the!
' in 1 `1 1 '1"
#b d it wing the road oyer'rwhrca DPoartyinty' says with -.Toms; llle. ye As you retire: from office with all
and praise'. - -.a ' pet '
ire • was little ' o $
out. reaped
Crow no w have not always:'
Jesus was to pass, he' edged .his way1 We say,' "x wit
•in and out4a-be-wow-tea until lie reached his •goal. t There -is. -plenty--of- tinge: k Ah, how and�yt wishes for your future pres-
the-- asfern `often do we say, seine ether -time, "to l perity, 'end you may rest assured
idea .of decorum- ; rbc- influential, the find that there • is no ocher time! your fellow councillors will Always -
tich Zaechueua xupninlr and climbing'Some things we can do ;not A1- i teherish the warmest recollections, and
in pries that,he might $reuse at place gas's.' 'How shall we find out what. 'appreciation of your services: Wt.
nf• vantage in the crowd ! By so things can be done . any time, .used. extend to You midyear partner in ill's
doing he madecrowd, butlfor• all me ►n . what things now or. never:' - bur heartiest best relates for -eoliths the leering ' Only by living jn the faith that to, pad .•and ,proaperit7, and .
rs�w w -'/r"' q pntstandinb^ <figure .; in watery. ,.He
°.°:...k....1, t ssdoght •to • real- Jesus', Lite Wonder- day is.t'he only day weeIiatttr:eand.'elird :as'. a. small °• memento of our esteem
wordier and' heeewaj , .the Saviour. longing'• every;opportunity for its and good wishes we este you to accept
• Q - t meaning. - this cane, which we trust will always w�
THE PEOPLE'S .SER ' Verses 5.7 -The Invitation. Esau filled his life with r°egret•?oi, remind: ynu„ of the excellent feelings
• �' The publican's one thought was to trifling one day: Father's was full of ve lia\;e eI pay" eberished towards yeti
".... -
see" but; lar' nnote vltdiadt�#ul� "ttlii►t: gXrt+ fits cinC d¢y`s co3rage. a iniitiy heats Voti'jltive >1at at lizd
came to him. Ile was singled out of •- _Peter adapt ono boor, end lost 'a• donned hoaxer -in the county of .Huron
all that >.multitude. Jesus 'looked matchless .opportunity. rdary's naive In conclusion, as we• sa'v to yor':
sant and said. .No. doubt the. crowd .l*frac•rant forever forr the loving deed' goodbye, be assured that we wilttliavc•'
did the same blit'with nothing in their as a day. Do your best-'uow. .'. many'�,opportunities Of meeting you
thought belt, c ntempt for the out- - again, and enjoying your felloswahip'
caet. Jesus':s1ko his. name, which (�C1nn)� v COUNCIL
��11 which his always been
rrtticle apjist•
• would, startle Zaachaeus almost. • rrito T114 {A1,11I TY OUNY�L .elated, an as you retire from the po.,
- txclaijning, "He knows my • came 1'' - ' A41431).3100 ave filled With .credit And •
What .would he do? '1Vould he drop • . Continuednr n c 5 honor. We tr at your future life, eith- '
. f .. a peg
,.;.,4 . • -� dawn and be loaf ih'the crowd.? Not i .,....... - . ,..-....... . • .. M ..,....w:..:y-.»-_. or private ot�as a public citizen, wig
me commendation ar•
your fellow
you from
'the honors aitteched to such a peal -
C take "my chauce5. tion, you, carry with Cott
Gbeapr than Coal or Woad
Cenvesient, Gleam, Quick is a sinner•
he madehaste in coming down butt it time in securing extra help required receive the
was in order to take the one who we recommend that 00 be given. You earn,' with
wished to stop at his house out of tin, increasedVault Accommodation members of tui
crowd to his on a hone, It was al- . Needed .in . Mr. Macdonald's office Signed on. be
most too wonderful to be true ; that The county property committee are ("ouncil,
this stranger whose wrtndeerful. doing.,' poi ted as follows : V, A.
had. gone far and: w44 , should invite First. We have inspected the office A. If'•
himself to be -a guest with him a huh - rill vault ip epi • of " the local The Warden asked
1'ican,' It was all_in defiance. of o
.Our !Christmas -Gift
to Your
With every purchase of
11.0.00 or of r, we will give
free -One pair of high.
grade Rose.
Our Christmas . Gift
to You
hIrNMMinr""• • '�!v '".,cNte,.;;,C.+dwrirMi
till -weal pullover. Sweaters
suit:thl'e for outdoor sports. •
-: - :t, lett �'-watt. _ .ltrgublr
1'nusa:nil;\ stylish Murt;ellel
twat$, some fttr-tl'irtunedl
others with buttons and
braid trititnurm':, linea
throughont. Regular *38.r5.,0w
''' drill' �r5 titbit s w■
•••••. V�V�V
Itttr'herey- routs in the
new Priutee style. -1� t►itten's
:uul :tliss.�es.-sizes,• and atlt
sta(ns•,. Regular t1n.
Canton erepc and silk lasers• .
ars for the Christmas heli-.
daps tell styles and _sizes .to
i��diibse from. R egator 425.150.
..,.40. ..,.Vrv� and $•15.50
lligh-g alts silk . atndl
•and silk-41tn- ;".'
• the. thing for the Christmas
gift. Regular $2:00. •
special and
`i'ue- • . . BLOUSES
.last nestle cl\ei'iilointos, crepe :
cleellint' and figured-"erepe,
set assorted eoluira.• .Regulate
$4:50. $ 95 anrd-_$ .95
y , • • ..
oyal 1.„adies',
East Slide of quare Godernch
If of the . Cowls °. -- • ,, ,..•
ROBERTSON. your tight, lettingchest. ' Stop
Rasa yrA >g
e')a>rB. the pain., Break up the cpngesiiori•
little ,time to. ,.lived a• badiucold loosen up in just a
PI' eqU m short time.
Na .self -les et tj» no court rel*,istrar, Mr 1)._ 1Vlacbonitld, Collect his.' thoughts to make a suit. Red Pepper. Rub is the cold rent-.
ler custom. .... - e pe - g slid tvc find that lite vault arrange- able reply, and Messrs. . J, A. biac- edy that .brit,rs' uickest•relferf. It eons had ever 'crossed ria threshold, ,rtes menti are lamentably: inadequate for Ewan, Geiger, Sanders: glia, Ann. not .hurt hots lin • it certainly
now the great rabbi. wanted to .snide : the alin° and storing of tee mapy strong, Johnston, Robett*t ti, Beattie end life tightness and drive the em° t-
eling•-of-odittnrthat: valuable legal papers, books and doe and Barker all.made 8FRef addresses tion and sorcnt ss' right out.
had previous to this rested upon deicamental which have been aceumulat- expressing appreciation of th . War., Nothing has such concentrated..gene
ehaeus Van nous! turned against Jesuss inaC far many years past .. den and. complimenting him. n the : trafing heat as :red peppers, and 'when
and the crowd ren+ Ml• ':'hat he i In ease,of fire, thesbooks and doe- affable and :efficient manner inwhich scat penetrates right down into colds,
was gone to, he guest witli.a rnAn that itnients could never be replaced, and he had filled the Warden"a ehrnr ur,
congestion, ' setting muscles and sore,'.
stiff joints relief comes at once.
theloss and inconveni,enee, in such an deg tjtc,past "year. '
The chairman their
The moment ' you a..s . • Red Pepper
•---- .-. event would be incalculable.vacated ' th Rub you feel the tingling jitat. In three
soon k ' chair and the Warden, .tavlug reaum minutes rho congested s t' is warmed
�( tVe therelore cannot tea g y t �pa
n CANADIAN NATIONAL R rr arise •the council tdr obtaln'.tl►e adviee'ed the gavel, made a very feeli»g au,,,
nts thraultlt and throng viten
you are
E. HYDRO Tilt .d • of a competent architect or expert m fitting •reply. "thanking the mem re ekache stiff Hell or sore artulrcks
*".$ds=toss. d TRAIN SERVICE le TOMO, vault and fire proof equipment and i of the council for their kind words of
Have lens prepared for increaseri. ac• + Appreciation and spiendta gift. t
offering from a cold, rheumatism,
t get a jar of Rowlet Red Pepper
store. Ycouu wilom l tbeequickest I
Tlie foa�eric�i Star's
_'lits: •:Sian aandi 1-dttllioin Firee ; Press..; . . '...: , Sa,75
The Star and London in Advettist:r 6.75
The Star and The Toronto :,lobe • , 675 .
_ life Star and The Mir ;and limpirt ... ; .: • 6.75.
The Star. and The Toronto Star t`i•7,5
T1ie Star and �'rhe•I~.t•rnter,' Sun i•40
The Star and: The Tamils !Wald and.1''eekly Star 3..50•--•
1 ht Star and Saturday Nicht.... ... 5:50
1 he Star and Presbyterian Witness....: -.:-....-.71:-3;00
The Star and The Catholic Record - ... 3.75' w
i, • ., . It
9 p Ito
_„..mss ,, ;. )Jl.-. 40l , • elle f thisthe! The •work of the December' meet,
carlieart moment possible. t: refit
$uInandJ8i Liver]
Hack Stables, Etc.
Montreal Stine: '
lust off the Square - -
' Kassa Meet alt Trains and
Pawed Ccr Sects •
Pad rot called tet in illy -
Sart- of the town for all
trains et 0. T. R. Or C. P. R.
Prompt Service and
Careful Attends ace.
eNr,L1v�er•,y and Meek service
sift he leand ata -to -date
Iso every respect.,,
Voir Patronage Solicited:
nese 147 Mer a Steel Strom
Dagy Rxoapt $ uaesdsyi . ' comm t pit .-in respect at e • dna
in having been concluded about Hite:!'
(,vg: (3tnl18rye1� .U•00 a M. 2.50 p•n1. . Re re et st from the ,matron of the Friday, the Walden addressed the
Clinton 6 20 a.m. 242 ir,tat Children tt•shelter for dome addition council thanking the members for .the 'i' Ssaldirtlt 11.41 a.m. I2 p:ta1.
al linoleuM and needed repairs, we re: cdiuite'asy "extended to ,him during tltM '*
" . •,'Slitalist' i`01 am; . ;3'.42' pap. ce�fjtmend that the redjt,est bo grtutedi year, and wished all good hedlth and
qtr. Stratford. •7.30 sten: 4.10 p.tit.. 'We would' also commend Mrs. Wilson prosperity and a Merry Mishima .
" Kitehenet• S.20 a.»»: 5.20 p.m.for the splendid condition in which we and a happy New Year.
•• Guelph fi.4 5 it n►. s. ,0 par, 'found all matters' at. the Shelter. ( The council then rose and sang tier
`.3 . , 4ntbem and, on motion of
xorbrttq It7.10 a u1. ' "r.1 � pan, Her good Judgment and discretion iso i National
lletw n ng--tenve Toronto 0:504a -o;.' 'Much appreciated by your comnut• s lile!isrs. Hays and McQuaid, adjourn.
l2:Gu p.m. anti. G Ill pail ., tee• " 1 ed to meet as per statute on the , Perim. Cafe Calle kart r6 /0 p to 'Tor- Re veport of the Jailer, :we would' fourth Tuestday in January,. 1924.
like to express sur appreciation of
onto, ori morning train, and Toronto the very satisfactory reports which Miller's Wenn Powders are a
• to Coderieh 1.10 p. tri: train. has Steen presented anti this ceonomi-• prompt relief from into attacks of
Through coach klodrr ch to Toronto; cal homier 4n which all aged. tent:
worms in children. They are power- at the jail are being managed. Sul in their action and:, while leavinii
C . 1". 1.Awgnicc t & SdN$ - Your committee mad a very thor- nothing to be desired as a worm ex.
Tow* Passenger and Tickets Agents ough• inspection -ot the building and pellant, have an invigorating effect •
"Phone 8 - ' find everything in excellent condition upon the youthful system, remedying
....•••••••••.. ,.,....:----....-s....... : ' The room* and tells are spotlessly fever, billiousness, loss of appetite
clean and the heating and cooking slreillessness,
and ether ailments that
► "' """ follow disorders caused by worms it
arrangements are particularly good �llthe, stomach and bowels.
Rheumatism �r while the satisfactory ventilation it
especially noted.
p� - A letter Tram the Red Jacket Coal
A woman is getting old when she
So Aching Joints sed coke company re supply of coil no longer denies having done most of
• J to the county buildings here, we :the .proposing.
would recommend Abet, as our stop. 1 «..,...,........ •
•.•.•.. ... , ......,
'tub h till e a cit is .alta limited We eon.' .-
b is4n right out,�rwit wn't al; c pit y ,
trial Pottle o-- cid - •imus to buy from local coal nl+erch• STOP IIs CATANRH: OPEN i
- td$t. Jambs 011.'""
are, !tatisfartodw'.
We would slim ask that your run.
Rheatalatiani it ".pais"': Not mittee be empowered to make xotne
one case he fifty rgairee mien* • n Jed repairs. at..the registry ►i!lice`f
tr'eitteleitt- Step Rids "eros . w w•w: t r•.r: «r...,,r r.,wr r•r•,..w r w r.v-:nn...
peeetreties "5t. aoohs one right • ars ie.gneetedd by the inspector fif re. ,.
�' � � l;i+tr pities. If your nostrils are clojtf;edand tour
'n i t
ants t o long xis the price and quality ' NOSTRILS AND .HEAD
SayarCreani Applied in Nostrils
Re} erea Neal -'Colds at Once. i
into hoar sore "tiff aching joints artd
Also that tsetses oma ' cepa rfi o i head it+ stuffed
and you can't breathe
muscles, and relief comes s stsntlt. ' • treed tannase of s coli or retards, just
., pig« a harmless rinse- Ineke and furniture be made in the cf • get. w small bottle of Fly's Creatu Balm
fnetisar liniment whiehenever disap• flee of the county Judge. at any drug time." .apply e. little -of this i
' points and+lvwct berm .the *In. ; We also• recommend that all old' fre gt int. antiseptie a rerun into,your nos.
I,ilsher rr1 tarsl Get .chairs and junk be removed front the tens and let it penetrate through eery
tidal �+ii. lesraset that proper van• air' ,as4nge of your head, soothing and
a petit jury room and a p pr l
"��� o" �' �'�'• tilatton dn! :hie room he arranged fol' iiieal,ng 'thc , inAsmed• aswrollen snuaotta
�"'t► A TO RIA t �cnon.s.t •r,,„ai e,. artrmhr,aue and ; ole get instant relicP.
Warden Irisin Presented With Cater Aht beet t feels. Your nos. fnrtre � "t t trill acs o der, tour ural is clearerr.
Par War* stall assn noes a,tict fl '. y bn reaching the head of unitnlnced man, bee,kme, memo ig, weepier; no
� Flrr r �t reldeted alms of (' . . ,' wu hu'lnesta at the Thursday evening arse- most hews, br, drtness or :grosser
ors"in the hint half century, acrd to ;trot skin Mr. Hanley weird moved to the for broth, i..v'Is crease Raley is just
e••a WIMPS as good for srciatica, aeletrslgaa, III* their and after a few well choose* what suftsre•d,r from heel colds and
to et
ie loge, isat�taeles, srlrwtias. words ;itis reference to what' ht. retains mend, 1ti &>�dalfittk, l
•The Star and McLean's• Maazinc. '
The Starinnd Rod and (sun..
• The Stllr and. Montreal Witne•s renewal 3.85
. new. .3.50.
The Star and W9rlel .Wide renewal, 4.25
new.. 3.83
Special Clubbing Rate* with other.Feripdicals
may be had on application
Take a
blespoonful ltd BacktndT tr,cvia!,
Bladder is Irritated i jlug cket
/lush ' your kidneys ay drinking a
. quart of water each day, take sail's
occasionally, says at note authority,.
who tells us that too nine rich food .
11 ' forms acids which almost iia lyze the
kidneys in their efforts to expel 't from
the blood. They became slugginht and
weaken; then you may suffer with odull
misery in the kidney region, sharp pni s
in the back or nick 'headache, dizzines•
your stomach sours, tongue is coated,
and when the weather is bad you have
rheumatic twinges. • The urine gets
- cloudy, full of sediment, the channels
often • get sore and irritated, obliging
you to seek 'relief two or three billies '
dnt'in'r the night. • ,
To help neutralize 'there rritaatdng
111e.:Ses stwaatglr
acids; to help demise the telt;, 1 tther,"
flush oft` the .body's tlrilloltr"iitr;.tltl'nt •t:t,
four ounces of J'ad Salts frt set; tdr id'Ed,rtit,
macy here. Take a tall:„,
ems of water before la,.}tit i cnet, er
' few days, and your kit► t`I' fr'1 s.udde111:. •
act fine. This famott:a " cett:lt „im his
from the acid of grapes itis secret .iri:a,lis
cotmbined with lithtix, an
for .yearn to help iluslbrttc 11, ill 'ni►id
slt:ggi.dt'kidneys; also t' it's tinte same -
acids in the tlyaterp•* Claw; to than,
'irritate, thus pelt" Claus: to us lobs.
rtikt' jtC-SS "
. . ds itlt i+l int kohughtl hrceaks. ' list
jbte and ;hakes a dv I�e kiiew.
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