HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-12-11, Page 9i,:, /"'INF.SiM , o,ko stns Yl outot lomm--o Y'. ✓n „ Awl- w•� l►!r"..1� 1.�•':tRM.1r ![ aLt SIS fi4‘ tom 4/tip 00 9.' AIN II PIP II , 4• Are itis ll•. •ti ' r.414 4 • 114 mas CAMPBELLS DRUG STORE - -OFFERS- The Write Gift BigRange of HolidayPihs Fashionable Gift a 'STATIONERY The most popular Cahi- ne.ts, containing. Paper, -:-Err velap e . and potrespobdence C,nxd, in -beautiful gift pack- . acs are front 354 tq $4.25 1 .' 4 •o CwbinaLIon To�et • Sets Prom . two to' tive pieces..; of Mahalia1. MiNena, Violet Sec, Yardley's, . Mary Gard- e*, Three Flowers, lloncilix, : M avis and Colgatesr Prices $1.75 to $5.211 LMOST anywhere in_ our store you will find displayed a .great variety of Yuletide Gifts, just the very things that, help fill in, and complete the'iist of presents you will want to give. Not only have we a great variety of such gifts to offer, but we have them, you willfind, priced at values which should prove very attrac we. " COMPACT POWDERS Try Camp*s Drug Stn for the newest, designs salla Compacts. Over twenty-tive designs to choose `from Prices 504 to $540 DQMl ST1C.autd iMPOR'i`ED PERFUMES. in handsome' boxes Prices 25c to $5.O% Christmas Cards and Booklets . F LM H i,iGHTS Prices.•. .: R to $t%+aij. Wi shave .a very 'fine:'as•sort ment. Come and pick the.nt • -out-n,ow.- Leave your order. for Perso nal Greetir%f Cards. -It is not , too•lslte yet. ... ,. TOILET WATERS' in giftpackages, range from 1'T -CANDY .$1,00 to $3.00 • - • EVERSHARP PENCILS $1.00 to $5.00 Gold ,Iversharp • Pencil in Christmas package, . wig'.. chatelon• for ladies, $.5.00. • AlitO:STROP oat GILLETTE SAFETY RAZORS • 98c to $6.00 FRENCII. IVbRYWARE. We K otilti like volt to see our stock of Ivol;ywai'e with the'new prices. Separate pieces include : Bud Vases, Powder. $oxer, Hair Receivers, Nailbrushes, 't'rays, Picture . Frames, Soap• Boxes,, Manicure Pieces, Electric La nps, Clocks, Mirrors, newel Box- es, Combs, Compact Holders, etc. ' Combinationset of Comb, Mit i ori..and Brush, etc. hihandsome c -- $8.50 up.. • What would • Chri•ltrlas wi(hoiit the z.ift of Candy. Lovely , Gift-- Pacl.,lges• of Nelison.'s and f,oirni'y s'. Prices Fiona $Oc t.•+. $4.50 TIMELY •J MILITARY PAIR BRUSHES ' $2.25 to '$5.25 Sti,AV.ING OUTFITS A.. Including Gold Gillette Ragfr, Shaving Cream, • Tooth 13rusb To'otb .Paste, After -Shaving Lotion, After- :. •Shaving • .`I`alcunt,. .complete _for.s,•3 _• . .E.80104 TOILET. SETS range from $5.00 up. sKODAXC .CALENDARS 15O, and- 20c r Ask to, see tI " BROWNIE GtFt BOX containing, k3iownie: Carnera, ° Album, etc SUGGESTIONS k'rtct , . • .;:S,OCi Cutex Manicure Sets. .60c Yardley's Shampoo Powder 75c Thermos Kit (genuine) Weather Prophets.. 49c Leather Cushion ("foyers... $$.00 to $0.00 Children's •Purses.25c and 50c Hot -Water :-Bottles:_. $1.25- up : Hoot Warmers $1.25 and $2.50 Ladies' Hand Bags $1•.50 to $6 KODAK • A. gift .for years of -plea- • - sure. Surely life is inconi-` plete without the pictured. . record 'of family, friends, .. trayels and events. What pleasure . the ..Album will, afford n years to come: • 00' I• LEATHER GOODS Handkerchief Case ... $1.50 Pocket 'Purses • 25c up Collar Bag Book Covers .. 65c and Hilae Smoke Tie Racks.. . ,75c Memo :rads 30a Novelties .. •... • . .25c up .Soft Collar .Hold • _ _0p 1O I fr7� : 1 7r u j rr For ri$inas The i t hey. CJse Ev(eiry Da ►� ant Prize • Years: Parker-Swatl-,Waterinan ' • Fountain Nearly, too : Pens to choosi' •from? prices $Z:50 to C cunbinatlQn..;Set •of 'ark er"t'etr ani Pct3C)1 snake heal. It 1� l•,11a b ► r !IS 1‘ ` • 4,11 1,111 IWDAKS $6.70 up BR VV1441E842.05 uta, • ,ALIIUMS .$t:26: up CAMPBELL'S DRUGS TORE `THE CHRIS til AS GIFT SHOP' • AMONG- THE CHURCHES Baptist church, Dec. 101: .11 a. m., "Food for Daily Life:" 7.00 p. nr., • "A Gospel Invitation." The Pastor: at both services, Prayer, Wednes.. day at 8 p. m. The regular meeting of the W. M. S. of Knox Chureit.wiil be heed'. ices- day, Dee. 16th, at 3.80 p. m, in the lecture room. This will be the an -•1 nual meeting of the Auxiliary, when the socretaaries,of the various depart- ments will give their reports of the year's work, and the executive ask for a full attendance;- of the members. Remember the opening of the new parish house in connection with St. George's church on. Tuesday evening next. 'Service' will be held in• the church ata •o'eloek, at which His Lordship Bishop Williams will be the Just a . few Suggestions for Christmas WHAT WILL IT BE ? 1)ropping in and lnnkiug aver our sloe]: niay help you soh ,r1 the problem Never before hare we lard such a largo choice and varied .01; tsti.rn of tlown5.1loo.e Coats; 1'yjatrua':, F111'8, Hrsrier}, (;Iot•tba. li:cndke;cliiefs. Scarfs, ere Our Stock of High•-Clas Ladies' Goods • Iii full uh'd atl'nrcl. the best :;election bit Christmas (lifts for the loilies•-S earfrt,•Ii:.r4iury, Umbrellas,. Sweat- ers. Etc.. Our .Ready-TosWear Overcoats faro elaaav and 1u:4o-the-minute. Don't forget ordering your bench -tailored Suit for Christmas at once. CHAS. BLAC "TIbs Mateo atad Boys' Store Worth While„ Moot 211 Notts Side &port ofticiant and preacher, and this wilt fore. Of , sours"e, alt opponents of Wise mothers who know the vir- be followed by a social: half .hour in Union. are invited and expected to at tues of Mother Graves''Worm 1iicte •- the parit#h hall. , tend, . and the ' general' ehurch going I minator always have it at., hand,; b/ In • Knee( church next -Sabbath. the public will also be eortiially welcome:+cause it ,provees'ita value, , services • will be conducted by the ' Silver 'collection ' to def ray expetsaes. + Minister. 'Subjects of sermons, 11 I -"iron Dot; and Deuldy": a itodtrli,. •• i:e*trrnn•t•hrir+t111W%Hitt to a. m,, "The Father's House;" 7 p,. nt., • Mother Is the most surprised person I ►er:" iv" Pall 3r'tt.nt.a 1,,s 'ii • "A Reasonable . Faith." Sabbath is the world,. and leased," too. A A. • Portrait of the Little Otte: Sehonl and /Able. aMoies et 3 o'clock. •Kodak is just what site wanted. L. in whom they are so interested. The Arthur Circle will hold its. ai:•• t CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE carry. i To•.acme•-•thea beth not vice and nual business meeting Monday, Dec, the complete Kodak line, • 15th, at 7.'30. Note the chtinge of! . 1 • al tendon to. detail, come now hour. Secretaries kindly have lin- nNo More Asthaua.-Dr. J. 1). Kell iseforpstho• rush. anal reports ready. Members unabl'o ,logg's Asthma Remedy' sounds . the . R. R. SAI.Y.OWS. death knell of this trying trouble. • It to be present please send lenvelopes, as the. Circle is anxious to reach its stops the awful choking anti painful' ." allocation. breathing. - It guards. against night Electric Fiktur Bs attacks and gives reneweel ability tr At' the .victoria street Methodist A tet: %or •1:1 •t•ttre atA►t►cr� roil. church next Sunday, the services will sleepp and rest .the who".e night long 1t. es..ti,• t• xturea?- rf au, wr east leve Meeh is Claimed for this remedy,but ' ou money. Write for our special tate be conducted by the minister, Rev. J. tatatntina. I{vrrk fistutr a' L,�r�aiu, W. Hedley, M. A. Morning subject, .nothing butrialwhat can be lar ion rut• ss�On" w ,,tr.tto handle our tine "Paul, the Interpreter of CI) to'b• EARtE ELECTRIC SUPPLY Co. evening subject, "Paul Before 11g- thine, try it and convince yourself of, lttll B•, CIslr Ave. Wet.: Tercets, Ont. grippe." . Everyone cordially-- wel- its great value. come to all services. . An •era of brotherly love would be ' North St. Methodist church: 10 welcome if you don't care what be- ORDER STORM WINDOWS a. m., Men's Clubl aubjeet,"What is comes of • lawyers. NO I a Safe Guide in choosing One's Life Z $7, en . aC r y' 1�t Work?" Church Classes. Miasior , hand 11 a in. *'Our Burdens and Fell! r rrg1Eit'S p �r"r.t�rw� �R.1I� What to Do ` iith Them." S , m.. ' • Church School and Bible Classes. '71 p. in., "The •Reasonableness of Our Religion." Strangers and visitor! always welcome. On Monday evening next, bee. 15th, the subject of "Church 'Union" will br presented to the congregation of Knox thumb by ger. e. W. Ger- j don (Ralph Cennorl of Winnipeg, er_- Moderator of the aeneref Aaseniblir. and Nev. Dr. D. C. McGregor, of ton - flan. These two leaders of the church are amongst the ablest exponents of the great Union movement, and their scanting to Croderich will be an gape['. tunity to hoar the facts discusred �-- uueh as has not boon offered hereto- I tint our Wow saving pricy list showing rr, fight path cost or stoma windows, Klass• ed oempiote, any • sizes The Itailtley (0).4 rttt, lIatnllton, Orftario. Don't be a Desertor . If t, en were gong away ou a ',is months' journey, butt .• would•prncillo funds For your fatuilv'thiic you were gone Vest tswhil ,- tlesert them tus.l leave them unco.red for. Yon are going away on a melt longer jouruey sooner.ii later Don't be ,u tleseile •. • LIFE INSIMANCE IS THE ANSWER C. D. SRNINCER • -- • Cetera Agent • TheEmplvir Lifslnsur:►nc, Cor»pscny West Street, Godsrich 'PHONE 414 • rh• Star* faith the Christmas Spi ri t • mime PAIIP '14,4 • D.L; ffV t Oar Most Appealin Assort- ' m of Useful Gifts for MEN and BOYS The first Christmas inoar asw >itar""'�.Mitt'i •..it4A, ...1. r.wm to show gods. pod big sseortment to choana fi . It oto wont the Smogthe „market affords or the mow►;wive, you Kill And it in this situ~. We Suggest Thee* for Christmas Gifts: Neckwear, Shirts, Heeiery, Mteftlers,,Glewe„ Sweeter:, Hod - hawkish, Bath Bella, House jackets, Underwear, Stltltaltd. ere, Arsenals, Garters, Ciff Usks, Tie rues, Cellar cases, Untirellas, Hats, taps, etc. Meas and Boys' Qtprcoats and Suits NE EST STYLES AND EXTRA GOOD VALUES. W. C. PRIDHAM & SON Meat's and Bops' Wear lathe Now Stora next tollltek of Montreal Allison's Sanitary Meat Varket SATU RDAV To get sono: money quickly folowing BE • SPECIALS we will sell our goods at the sadrifice . 1 1 ivae R ,'anti Steak Sirloin Bt.oak 3(le Prime Porterhouse lttsnat Primo -1'orlorbor(se Steak 11l1t Roast ". Thteli Ilib I east' • 11+1y 1"irait :..0 .0. .h E -ilio lb Ib, tai lbs. to each oustotner .. ,... ... 23c Ib ado lb lie lb 16e lb l.i mesh Badu Poylt. , Montroat flan .Vresir [Inas, Pxath Tenderloin 1, ng of r,amb LAMB ,:.trio Ib frac lb .•Itlttlb 4iclb. : i,arb Chops, loin or rib • . Breasts. Try -our _P. rk: Sau9oge P. tt G Soap, 4 bare' fof• Lifebuoy`' r 30.• lir 'tae lb Mitt 17e� 11► nor wrapping. . York. Brand (corn untl P 'l'9tn400!4«..r (art nuleteit .Sugar • (ash must bo ;3300 3 hara for 'tlfie OA' ,lSe. a -cap 3«(• a ran ti,90`per ewt. sent when srrdoringsugar. • ' 'Viten orderialg yattr meats, you can order canned glands. Wo.carry a. full lino.. Try our Bulk Teas olelted up .by our own &arontee." The 'House of, Quality, Turkiel, Chickens and Geese No. 1, wanted. Watch Our 'Windows Saturday Night for:.Lower Prices. ' Phone 2 . " West Side Square. Santa/Knows /That for young folks, music is as ;-Much a necessity as find. The sweet mellow strains of a mandolin, guitar or banjo . in the parlor, in winter, or in it csnoe, on- a moonlight night in summer, mean . many delightful, never to be forgotten hours. A gift of one of these musical instruments will bring immeasurable pleasure to some dear one. H. E. JENNER CO1i/ERI `H, I I r ir1�r •. 1 • 1 1211.6)1■�a1..,� st- E AMMO 1 ) res