HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-12-11, Page 81 1 11 1 1 11111 1111 1,. • 11 1 1 1 11 1 1
4 •
t '
• •••1
• Many frib1eeme-,lovellve4 to Coming. Out-Higheiiy Sleteet llheosied141:, 0121u-CM141),:inty,
' - • Need% ..1* Toronto. reeognbeed
T-Ris is the store where Christmas Shoppers can find something suitable for Christmas Gifts for every member olthe
badly. And we can save you money too on your Christmas boy*. Just tire weeks left in which to select your
holiday gifts, Come in and see our big range of useful and pillow litylirs fat wits.: and wises, wear of all kinds,
and up-to-date goods ht men's and yonng men's wear. Full lines of comfortable aliments for the kiddies too, suitalk
for the season. We consider it pleasure to assist you in maldng your selections.
For the Ladies
Coats, Dresses, Hats; Silk
Scarfs, Brouies, Hosiery, in
glove silk, wool, and silk and
wool; Gloves ,. chamoisette
'with gauntlets or without,
French kid with gauntlets;
• • Boudoir Caps, hand crochet-
ed; Camisoles ; Silk Under-
wear ; Beaded and Leather Bags ; Bead Necklaces and
Handkerchiefs, the -largest assortment we ever!had, sokl
separate •or in holly boxes, from 200 to $1.25 a box. —
For. s two-piege or combination* Belts° •
.• ette ; Sweaters; 'Underwear„,„,,
Braces, Arm Bands, Garters; Handkerchiefs in lawn, .
linen or hand -drawn raw silk, Cull! Links, boxed,
For the Men
Overcoats, Suits, Hats, Caps, -
Sweaters, Sorts, silk or wool;
Glove, Idd, lined with wool or
silk or unlined; Ties, boxed, silk
or knitted; Soclut, silk or 'silk
and 'wool and cashmere-; Shirts
• silk broadcloth, plain or striped, •
Trobalco rind other Negligee
Shirts, w".1,.'.1 separate collars and
without; Pyjamas of flannel -
Coats; Dresses of serge or flannel; Has ; Caps;;
Searfs4 Mitts or Gloves,. wool or thamoisette-or ;
Hosiery, wool ancrsilk wool; Sweaters; Underwear, in
two-piece er combination ; Children's Picture or Colored__ •
Border -Handkerchiefs. • .
For .the• .
, • ,
•• •
• , • , •
For Boys
Suits ; Overcoats ; Caps Swe11
ater e6ats o
Sets, of Bonnet, Sweater and bootees together,- or
-Bear-Sets zof Sweater, Pullover, Cap and Mitts, at
low.price and in assorted color,:
Bonnets ;. Caps; Scarfs Mitts • Bootees;
; s,
Baby " overs ; Gloves or Mitts ; cashmere or wool Golf Stockings;
veil- Underwear, combination or two-piece;Ties; Belts
a Handlierehiefs • BraCes. • -
. . .
. •, . _.
. • • .Bood rurpo" vas dipieutmed: by .the .. Desko . : . . -
E yo. 4 40i...,,,NV,144,D -..T0-•$.110 P $'
.• . te It ,,letum-inil,wthnitrdt,eatho,1:inil*the4Irpasitlr4eeth0-: ,,I,Biirludgkore/41-42.poP0.. •, . • •
it * t burden Inaceti. on real estate for the
coastructiOn, of ronds WAS pOrIMPA .. . _, ..,„ ....
1 111 1 .4414!!afeeW411ACIttp O. • justified; •the advent and rapid growth Doll tomillatfa
fled u tax on real estate,. except to • Kindergarten Seta. ' • .. • : . •
of the motor vehicle. no longer just'. ... Card Tables • . , •• I
• • the extent that the owner Is bene- • Pleiares • , • ., • : • •
PHONE 418 Ladies
, • 4 •
. •
.. ' rifts', flowerer, to place the entire; shim! • •• , • ,. 7,';', VII,'
r. . .
MOW 6111•Minhillrelip
' 14•04. rs h %pry ellsirattk. that sow*
*ark regulation he sawed la thio Model
1:tri...,..7,..,71.41.a At:matrodiehdriviluesorposter 77..tvadalsitanotirvetioneartuewlitt:460.plaseiltair. wow, et, Doe. stxr.x. til. Dec 26th
f. Ocularly If ft* head lights aro bright,- 161/11411 Ilia TIMMlirlY
1 er thou Ids .0%;,,, tes la knoded to • TIDOS. R. DCX
:almost all .;.-•t& &bumf ut mut uu. proomats. *Awry Clitopilet, Imoiest Pa*.
ttlietelti,PveLiteugofj"gedan unligthehted°1-blinrrse?driawIn* :r• d'44 Lis"eoot or RieLlesiotabor oopoo*Fard f illisdholVerkagri
- :1114.4:11roe.r.tionbiTto tetniarahirrivelutiangthere ia "1• 40Thitilittallig"-Gaglpilra1941.1611* irVait,k.fts '
or ..teelduit into it front behind wItit-il , MIBILMAID cnatiarri -
our seeing it Is time to *void ealll*1 i
Atm. If. however. the vt‘htele carried . "Roush and/toady"
wu hriii:lairwiniguhidt. show
Jul -pent. atherroatirs'oofr I • Data% mime this Program .1 i !
Ow .7tead lights of the car. notwitib Walt why oil Tilurs4y
. ir.arsonae.1 .an accident could easily
Mantling the glare •frotn the other/
. MAY MeAVOY and
- l'The cone is almost as strong in itt the William De IdiDa 'mystery..
_ furor of head light*. ixerticularly in thriller
• foggy weather or on very dark nights' "The &drama, Window,.. ,
, w.:en danger of oollislon between ye. , . impER/AL cousin.
Niece k very great. ' While At first
Hon compelling hint to torry lights
the former trmy,flud the new regulo-1 "The Monkey Far,rn"
= Juaeleout It itnt not br long hernre. _! Y Hil SaturasY
- vexatious, if he I*. A man • of good ft wit
_ he wIll.vome to realize fully that It
.; Is for hie own twartit„•tual sullet-Y.- (X)14t8RN• NI°°18 1144
. ;'in; olteioa.utl , an , others are 4,010010
. nvoirll 4•!ttra ent4Tfrir;,.; 40°s ilitittedll° 441";t1tfl•ift irt I' 7' t.'he4f.ir,hr:tYlrril:RTRIIRR"t°110:tithetara,W13111.44Dark"819rY
might be suttleient• if the horse -drown ....
hut' of eourse /hitt would not be, of ' • . ortigh Brow Stuff"
_ foltieles or hieyeles eurrted reflectors,
iota* use extept in eases 'when" It Illathterra.—"Yruest.,*111 irTh"sura44644141.16,,-
strong headlight Was .carried by . the -• Sat, at 3.00.
vehicle approaching from behind. in 'Watch for Christmas, sport_ ala *if
many enses, awl esoecitelly in rani next week,
distriets,•on ordinary lontern -would . .
'.8WeJrti:re.V.41783( 1.3'il:lio,aLi,se4 otrealt•L'IouldigbOtt. • Warden PetertiOn of Oxford said
'liar. tht•re would be -danger of tile' that he was not in Inter of , issuing:
vehicle. or its contents, catching fire, debeiddi,e5.4 for roads, exeept for eon,.
the 1Ilffleulir could •he eastlY ovoreom,c • struetIon of 'permanent work.. Whets--
*whrithi‘bieuillttaii,,,1?tnetk.frIglandteolirrittr.lonnitalit.Llt, 'itiatglus.ttow•noinrcidelz.nttwtreorsn aorlsii ibeastnootire .tthbee
projected sufficiently far cotC.frOut the debentures aro . paid. off. Ws Adeleu.
rear to ;Avoid any tinttlfer ot ,fir, et would he to "build icse and pay ow
,.. Wherever -possible the ;MIL ' 31iPits you go " ••l'en-Year deDeliturea PA'
••• • --agintild.,11e .ite red .volgr. •. • .
l'ire#418 11_11 ihO AiRb‘v,41!.* , . .(Continned on Page •10)
, • - • • • •
Permanent roods, *hernia •0•Ite tulle: • •
- Sulkl(et No, U was taken .1111. It? 3frt ." '
I). Xeltherson, k Warden . of . ./Irank ,
.Anfong,tho prIncipol-wectiS,with whittle
,we bare to•deAl. lle Said, .are thistle.
_ragweed,. meet_ elovere burdock._ wild
earrote. Milltiveed, chicory and mullen. ,
Abf one - of these would be •,bad
eneugh in• itself, hat. when you got •
them all, ,Peritape going to teed ' 'it .
diffe.reut tinfese It will ,he easily seen
• that •tlio problem is 'a r difficult ono..
Attie. mentioning eerteln expedients ; ,
• Widen, for Talions reasons,. ronnot' i1 1I • • •
' he' generall,y• .employed, dho 'speaker •-
wtutt on to say that. in •any ease.. the -..'
'west of tbe work' has to 4,10 done
• sintent effOrt.• ."This IS . an inliori- ,
• with the' seythe and it requires per- ...• .. f • "4 - . ,, •
. ..-•••• . %-
_...,..-ititictute•ttil,lettui)tatals: d:winn4ftie•orn_tijettda:vouth, emood, .:, '._6,•1
•.'• tend It is our .gittty to ent Ahern dOwil ,' ... ...•. .
• .. NO 't feel that -weeds are ours toul ' , • ' t; •,•7.;,-''. .
-work eould best be done by an over.: ,•• 'Shang Booln•Botes,i; ' f•••1' •'•
seer., of .14101147am Who would ItaVe -.' Bodo° nit•es ... • . !.
,._ ,,,,._ ‘010,eterfieIda • • •
Tiro.' ..-,.. •FT"-, ' :,... -........,-
and east them . into the fire.",•
t• ' • thll''Atotd* turItt• 'the l*QPIIItt 1"ue" :" Chesterfield Tables
. the , nek,essurt, help atul erittitt batie •• - • • ' • ''..• .
an4 :Petite, Ninishilmos.,
, THE SQUARE, 0.0DER1017.1,
'It•bitce5n$41117c•e.1Z": !ttitroornr
'Vit'Ardeos• of *truce and 92,ford cOna.
• • ,
. 4
.41'..''''Ittv4.4...14 • •
• • •
. ......,.,....„ . . , .
. ,.. . .
ARDENs, coNFREE cE,, tyt!t00.4.......how 40 eollOot Stod OlOtri- It": tor:Lek. to...,,:etnoritvroi•Tasteltittnteata41114tgPreroaltiae.priltrititivirtuttnititinitoir./.1noi!' l';'i'''''0711',4-i)a's."'•;;;A ;'irth`47.4.e4;iri: =I: tebtlterirrnittature • i r: .,: r. '• . . .• ,
b -u , , „„„.„ ,„ ss,‘ „..,,t,„., ,,,,,A, ..„„•„„• •,„, ,..,
harden upon tjte users of the read sectional Book eosin ' • •
• .
•• .1.•niture. shoniti pay Itut•- only in owe
• • 4, ,Clusalficattion or Roads. . • .•golo With/Mt contretut-----------------r
. • • ., portion lts It 'Is ,benefited; lean. IMO.* gets " ,-•
4 ,
' - iSc' .13n1fOrto e•nottfekeePing . ;Mill or the` OPkeell ;It 14'ast„,„••,•211•111 °Ili 1 , Lights on All Vebirtee ' oftteturer. •the merchant - an,d the : lbell....4,6tals - c• ' ' .
• • ' . Audit ' • ' - • I tO'rist• haftle "11' b"4:"""" Illit subjeor W41,14 taken . by.. thefarmtv, and, above all, those' that are reratoro ' "-''
i ' t r 1 1 I ' 4 I4d •
tory gr.fatt pootentagef.of the surface ,
. •. 'f,• lithentlitra tn.fttr Road Pur- should be asked. to ' ekintribute . to /mother of pears existed tF3114.4 re- rost:, , Tim ,rallWaYs 1)01'..for-,..tho 'eon: and e.tVerything in•rliknittare that *III
itii another, or a
'of, tattoos. '
• • • Wartlen „of -Dalton eottnkr.4.110 slated. eontatercializing the roada for private.. Vtleunnt Mantra
leatruetion of our wads. Th(, 100;
, that In Great ilritaiu • theit has tor a .gain.; atould'oll bcor,their patt•og.thti. .4, Biedrit IVashors- •
pose*, Should. turew fte
.rtellen 1.41)r. tbk.rF eomfort ihe ookoeli 4)1. trrikirtihutg oatIl ytebhieiciett., trbether .horsit. struetime. maintenanee and improve-, make a mast atiefargift."
' ARDEthttiO-CLEKIV' OF-IfUROft ATTENI)E1) . o er se including hi- Mont of tho over'. which
Tift3;:per,teilt.---et the life the ros.d4 whtele they &levee.. • - • .
v ••31inistbr 4etated tlent "Seles' when travelling •on the high, their- trains lint*, A Jarge':ntfrober of •
. • .. of the work'? •• •
. • • "
ea ir 'the citrr$,llghts-,itt boat 'front and rear whieh they pas for that inivilege • , • • • ,, 4
ou',.• by wa.rs weett ealf-att-hour after Nan- motto' vehicle* ttse the wtays for .t. •
• 8. $1toukt Separatted cities. or AttileThe was bein' woriell
A Spoosty of Their Report Proses( o 'out) Couneil.Dor"romu, -hear a, greater share of 'the which tut eartricks.' Murk; an. set and bulf•tn-hoitr before -Iontrilik commercial purposes...and titthornount "r
. .
. . its.sesstoiss Last west' . ,---------------------,
- _4 u. Weeds. on she_ _Siigheluis),_ but'y slid that the ....sekoml) would vt.,4 tik,.),;.. and Atm vrageole,-..ouguing damage. ko:•...t.h.e..epst of the highways which tlfey
report :of the recent Vonferenne of tleK I to. Idght* on oil Vehletro,* ' • ndienge travelled, pe'rcontago -•-•••---
• • Malutensetwe Mau they do. buW:. plet.t.Mtr(tor .fcfr meht:would
• ty tonetrtretion ;Indian other cOrkTe$4310eS usetLeither fur ,order• to ovoid danger of coillslons: represents bat ••n small Iraetiete of' FURNITURE - + FUNERAL DIRECTOR
The totkadWit; * eilmmary atthe remote and parte of the cone- , hest to have theardeittroy ' a cax. metalline - 1.114' au' pr4Pert.v*. I:444* .4eIP t6-"ikidt4Y; 11"ilt"-S•tir"'` Gad°14c4; °id!
toutity,Ottkerts Toronte Presented; 1Ve had, he tilqiightt In the past II,. • iDolleettre 11*ying• of Highway-. 00 lunch per passenger
., at the Dettinber session of the *Owl. Duni too much attention' to our mato 3fitterlobt.. • ' • eorrled m freight handled. Tilts •
ty .4:outwit of Huron by the wirrden rotttlfi attd tett little attention to the la. III/hots: I oi el and flog
. . ,
and clerk, who attended from thio common *ads leadin1test to Italia*
g to schools,
,caunty t. cheese latiorles and -the loot mar- 'rem* Signe
PA) 1.,11,,vt Your 'Warden was assigned the the.,,,wortion of Welland onuty wit°,
• !Palm vouference was: mt. lled ,b7 alms say and the fanners ith011•o• er- duty a hortieuelmt the first toln'''t the.t.1"1 otrthadarly upon the lgfOrder
• Minister of illaimartS 400' urv• "*._ given every facility, snob ne ttand -which „he did bY reading a tuner etimar • mole tout their 'traffle,
IRO*. tiltkaAA (he- Vatlotal Pron-!: roods, rural atoll. hydro, etc, in order on Abe tz.bit.ee. 170 minted out the peelalb. those or file southern 60un.
'seetned to Meet .with genera' up. ,
prnval. '
Ciassitkation. of Roods "
UV V) 110iicet No. 4 was Introduced Wi
lems invoiced in rarrYing out Ike to. =age farm life more attractive to
• highway sIstent of Gm PrOtineet lattt .• a* young andoendeavdr to counteract itl"its of such signs to Ow travel.
ilary, When. Geo -tourist and other.
took the form of papers road and dk•
vOssiOns On the various QtteStiabl Ws- 4144,111.2211,"4004!„.:1"11b143 inre of 'elw itng trIttlyzuArrr4rarestni their vinr ttlIsre_r°b.111-ii;" -:tibritefriele*ftiosalld'er•ge boelnItyyr.orolivelaselsetini,74.1eorft
Vatted. The. meeting 'wan . presided wITY! • 11110tee era* ShOUld be a6 toady ' provbudid.....4114. vont% dohig
1,11P3 ;lit the absolve Or th'e
11117 #1000100ed4 4:11POr beint lioduatimit ma time was 110 inereasetl. for county modal and
. •. also attended 'and delivered an ad., 1. tniforim •liangtn, re, lion an ammo II* **elation of the .inotorl • bo t
eowelett ;a' those. having bear-.
• i over. by the Deputy liblister or . Iris --r,i,vikao the, ionowiag .. topies... were 'forth the 1,1r.l'
a. During the forenoon and afternoon *Ild-.0de Its..• as possible. setting tewo•V'ivith "minty Provincitte' roads.
•'• ahead without pie. amt. thr GOverrnilant grata material- ,-
4414/ 114°."°4/ 111. 1° 1111"41' INlirt I b One 0'0* Wit' . A Ag an to r..4 Autreihoetorr "Iilaulitt("" iinit, vountka ohouid retelre gratits1
Members of the nth/easy tonilalttatit 1111;oduflory td each. td„eusgod: '
were present and Premier itnelttison 1 ) • . . .1 . , d Ili* Ors1.14 166111141 be-alh‘11 413 14 MI6:inn* to their Importance, the
111.3m,ict a A 4.1(01/, V* '41.1.01111t/NI. tOratiog SIP& . an *nor, Narrow Uri*. These Sy trarell*d•roads, reretring tha pra.
auti spoke at eonWrable lentit on ' 2. Numbering Ilighwayx, • 4111ch shoot.he wein 151Itirroaaptinanls
the Importattee of „haring veil WO. ore inter-eOnnty. outt.t.6 and mon ii•-• todpbone polo) ;trent*, and *some system of --••••pay 11S
. •
W41!4, especially for those living Lit 30 Fees 011 Alotor Does on comp might be used to 41,9341 theta wheK' "II be Ilse • 1118UKUrldetit 4114 . 'Ulla
should ' worked out bY the Invert -
''''''''''""1•"".''' .__ „ _ _ _..„.„_. ,..-- ..... , .. . --, .„„,..„-....-, '......... —..„-- shipunemtoow rbl'e lir Yonizet. annai*ptipelhel
' tuent to ensure unifortuttr• •
From Friday, Dec. 12thsi
3 Tina Old Dutch
Paula% per tin
Oxti, 10 cubes
Glace Cherries, per lb
Catsup, per bottle
Mince Matt, Per lb
Shortening, No, 3 pail
Mixed Nnta, per lb
at * irtforut alstabar toms Ore doo.1
• . Chtform• 041.4kattatic • ,
sw point. say 000 bet, and shonitli Mr. .1. 11. littNeeift, elerk auti
be ANIplird bf OkINerbbala to 1-treasu15e15 of , the ,vouotr of Vklorht,
vont(' tbe teet- Sag enstre gave 0 spkndhl add*SS.ou sub$N1
- .Xo. rt. Ile .gare 51 hill explailietten 151
Tjw, tobbwas emitter do•totsel detail • of his vOtilltp"s' laetted 01r.
tiii Dee. ill
191 and 1 resolution Ira* adopted that bookkeeping.toul keeping the vonnty _
there sbniti bet,uniferat *Bus ou all accounts. The system. employed by
thlignitod roads. -'"fittelt county to ',Lids county IS very similar to that' of
par for its own *ml to be furnished Moon, with tho oteeption that *ale
hy the /*miner. orate elmotes are Issued to the
smotephy. dot, 1000,41-8 erai workznon Irogtad -of okyIng thp
Tow No. v. xviestivrtat the itigh.!iettroln.lon the whole stun for dlatri•
• 10c
25e our,. wee nticeit op by Mr. ,IleTttr.1 • „nitn; _ „,,
Me, who *poke of the weed of a tad- 'wi•'1*"."4"14_,
50e roma 11,1,,tou of nnenheting our our.4, The subject of Assemonwmt aniwaillo-
13e important 1ater-eft/1'1y and counly tion 'wan taken by the. Ward** of
highway*. lie 418aarat this moot Perth oonnty, 'who gate SOO* ear-
23e orme by the Pressittee, elfte eon11110 oklualgt`o OE Inegnontir 111 logni ,
Notes would he the re.tult lustmci of volutions ma oilwonsotloo i
53e italtforialty. AMA
20c tntelp i,taniip•t*nitdeoardifx• It wax koutolOrtited.
*thals**md pot rr wiaaen that In order to
resx sfair *ad quitabldistribtno.
, lag ttroaher of mad. dharoeee. ete. Donsibility aranag the townie. there
s ;should 13e soar vatilhera "7 81
' Banquet Sardines, 4 foi.
New Patron Currants
; Pore ose MOW BOO* 1 tyttalhattkat. olio remedy or anbakia
7 NA a. 'Mk was %troths -ea by the • ality with anotber. It would he im-
r wsrdos or mot, lobo pointed oftt Iputsibte, uthegeriese to **draw). groat*
...25C the jesetlee el tier motentent to Make Or levy respoitaiblin, wit.lt any fo`
. 15e Imes Sad ail VeArrililikee ellgaattl STOP of aatisfectlem sr areeartery where;
• , . tst estramerehel vomits par their lair Abet* was: such dhwilower I* ottio141*
, Seedless Witt Seeded Raisins, 2 lbs. tor... .„ 2 tei of Itto *,a,tho, eott of tolld'i. *Gov; it value*. Is- wow tayntslitaa
2F,'.•:••• .4 ratitiatagert aat that ittig WAS done at tato seammots varied frets slaty to
i Wil Saticft Yeller Patrortage .., ome. nu* hy. tonitet.. out 11,1 town .su•reetr-flvo pee root one. with an-
. Its.daveilienf-e as these were van no:, other. while the law imade it laspefa-
be reonetett to. too that tholtto rottitebto ttro to Monis at ten value.
• .. 'sinters. of taxation owe he -.melt, ro remedy the wraps, mu,. it
. .;4CALVIlit CUrt , .: or, sea inferred Wo him *tootle anti affair* the appoints...at of a Irwin.
‘ " I WA. rathrara well•10. titaturb Intitst flat heard of otillollettiost la Itrorikil
• , t - , , . ; i it.. 1, t". Now" hp •41. ftr., phut. ' ed. A resatinis. was adopted aP0rovhix i
"D. Ise U.
• . eitere &reef wad, 811•1•It IN I•ry unfair 14 A' IMO effect by tile Gettertonere 1.w t.
• ' *4 r" illabill Met* alto 4140' 0 wet the idea. Red it 1*. likely to. hr put.,
. ••• v*.
-40011114*••••• - tome*
- 'Why give a man something that he puts away
fprever on the 26th? ,
° Why not give him a Hat that he will year for
months and enjoy the good appearance it. will give?
Get your husband, father, brother, or on a new
Hat. Wen exchange if size is.wrong. ,.*
All the latest shades and shapes tp select from.