HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-12-11, Page 7t
iihnial MINIM belle
r. M. alga Epaeeap
M.E., onion■:• -eq loll tireohiad with
my stoawalt for seas *p. ,tai every-
thing I ate soused to deans site
withoutttssay media. Mull/I wan
advised to fry LIL , ani after ?lav
tax takes several bottles I wee seas
lamely relieved of ate t:aatdesie: T •ea
wow eat lay thing I wish to, thaake
to B.B.B.
This prepartio* Is staaufeetamest
Dale by The T. Milburn Co,, Limited,
News Neta
kicked From
a. •,r • MI m u
TM1M* I. ea tke advice et
i�Y glia 1 L the Comity . kisew time la *tare
as pa7>~ats we Oilotassmilesa Rciool '
' debenture sc.at. aarwmMtiaR to se
le..'"',,;,: . - +..w.; -'t+.:• T. _ _ I su
per este aeord age to Use Art. he
- -- - - - -- -- a t, de payable to tie treasurer of the
sea, a J. A. elocEwaa and Barker It mareuniters/heeil'a>eeed, and alit to the
and k woe deeiiai. on motion of Meet eerretary ed the mhos! board.
Tart aat•Itart:r Chew'. ,let K'edneslwy- ■aaeaieyt ,,,{ are. H. J. A. iitasEwtn carr Nub. that I We recewatead the adeptiw► of the
A quiet wedding tare place is tr eke *loft Urals . elate, elder tl.e ss+lieitar a .deg tof to report at j forlw u mei is rt.Wore
tee- Os Jaunty gtoetiag the council. , ewaty as. with a t eafsattgos. they
trait co Wpetasoday. Nov. fieeek••pt tits 1lrtagblesr of Mrs. Areemeee , of (fall- le read to as a utry has Mr. encode be very applitabie to Retell
nose of tee grosses aart, kirk. Me- tea. bete** (lm' bed* es pure T1aviA al• Getime, Me. review
ore the istfot'xea-' ems rte. sad. Y would siva-
Ja■", when Mho 3iesatr'ed Hardy, Kay. also of Clinton, hug formerly of tion beat eke lily taaots of the Gore pally the re ceatlauatioa
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Kittery. Godasielt. Roads Ceiaattiaaioa alar the year 'seissels, Ye ler wi • We oncost re-
wats united in marriage to Mr. Aha Doak of Dr. Swot-, w Exeter aaeouatei to >14/te.75. eoratinend a uxivoaeel form fes all the
A. Ingram, of Detroit, sol of Mr. stud Dr, wee. Sweet. of Exeter, passed 'District Raglan* Irwin AdYieses l schools, as this sewed be a time :aver
Mrs. Alex. Ingrain, of etessell. Mr. "may suddenly en Thursday. Nov. Moro Atteatira to Maiatcua .. ': if universally adept.el..
Ingram for semen' time wan ox the He was taken iII oa the Mon- et
Renata 1 Ltitseaial cwa,atttee
staff of the Maisons ?lank in Exeter may. l vious with a et ad cold and fee At the Ti4uarr■alay ai'tee•nooa aea.ion Tau special opauatittee rvpoit,4 sat
,' A Homan Death r
three days was oonAned to bed, pas- Mr. Irwin, district engineer, was pre• , follows :
Mr. John Keys. of Hensali, passed sing away unexpaoteely at the ate Of seat lad was Joked to oedema the I Re tellehttievu from Lincoln c<,unty
- away early on Mondky morning of 75 years and one month. The decimal- council. He said that store money , *taking that sues?► seatary grants. un
•last week, 69 ;carr. He retired ed was widely known throughout the should be spent en eutiatenanee of teachers' aalarles to urban sehoois
* from kis fume -west of Small about cometuealttiy,having for over fiftY the roads and that this should t;eeeive and sehoola in teem and villages he
Ave years ata and staved to' Hernia years
practised as a veterinary sur- Brat attention• It was a se us rnia• continued. we rererotaatond that thds
to live. In the early sumitter he tint- geon. He was born a mile and * take to allow the rude to�becemc eoaneil eselst►r• wltk sante, arid that
feted a paralytic etreke, from which quarter enol of Exeter and was x oa surface worn too deep or broken up. the grant should include towns of
he never recovered lis was a Con. of the late Richard sant; Mary _--
Toronto, Oat.
DR. A. M.- intone oeteossuol.a.
fcadaale D.4 ltobaes Stitt Uraage
t) .* Latey. Lleennete tow* ani ti :tea
81*1 7uatcis. 8pecue etteattoa re meows
or srotnee sed emig re:1.. cetwontearjien fres
owe corner ir'elson and at. Andrew 8t
`Su�� So tar.. ilelleessop, la -*wort*
x . -, IAL fl
�R. 7. J. R. FORSTER.
tee. R'ka, entee. TrftOAT.
Lite.Mousse Surgeon Now Yorll t1tI1
cmc end Aural tionptrot. essietset at
aid's aye newts cad %A -en teeters
serraative in politics and took an let- Sweet. Irl 1873 he graduated from thought money well spent and that Res tions of X. P. Klapp and C
ive interest in paten affairs. The the 'Toronto Veterinary College at the .good result* were (accomplished. ire A. Robertson, that tbts *minty emend'
funeral, took place on Wednesday at- head of bis yes,. He was the last went rather full into, Highway De- P� a bylaw in eoaformtty Mth E. S.
ternoon to Rayfield cemetery. 1 survivor of that ,graduating class• velopment fa Oastarto ilnee its mop- 'O. 399, s, s. 72, regarding stock run-
- Aftitr ractiaii� for; a short #amt! stt tion and marked th t ping at
or Pe gree proptteer ng largo on puieitc highways we
Exeter Couple Celebrated Silver ?I Brussels ha moved to Exeter. The made. In answer to a. question by recommend that this be done, and the
s; on. Friday evening, Nov. 28th. Mr. !doctor was a big hearted man. He Mr. Henke he said that the gravel clerk has a bylaw prepared to present
atterenjoyed the confidence of • the coins and water privileges on the lake at the January mating.
*ad Mrs. II. Horton, Exeter, .eelSbl�t-1 munity and was 'held. in the highest shore were vested • in the Department . Mance Casesealttea
—.:. td their silver wedding anniversary, esteem. He was* Rcyat Arch- Mas• of Marine and Fisheries unless pur.
laoasglaes Stattttrry in tr ranat Opera The finance committee recommend -
on and a member of the Bons az Eng- chased by the farmers or those own- ed the payment of a lumber of ac-
_ land. 'Fifty Years ago ens was united counts; than the accoune A. White•„
' fr e�ndeserfnl'1 titisAcamanurllt �ofm�lr 11n marriage to Miss T. Helen Tom Mr. Johnston asked what ***Old lee sada for telephone ex�chat►�e, >tmount.
ing the land in proximity to the lake.
is+errt� Douglas Sunbury, eon of Dr. John !Rwho; with one dsughtef>, MT. (Dr.) the most feasible plan to tax the ing to $27, he referred to the Board
Throat Hospital. London, tat.
St Waterloo et. S„ spatronI Tele
stein sat...
At Bedford Hotel, Uodericle
eitelday, Dec. . Vette at 7 p. m.. to T
• day,, Doses astlt. st 1 p. in. -- ntai�t''�+tz,
• Over_ Ilern's 9;hpe•Store Phone t,
Office Hours 9-•42 a.m, I- them.
Evenings. by Appointment,
J5OF, W, .H. JACKSON, Organist an
Director of M` t N th St t
sed, survives. ipopsy Lor Jnr, of tour ts traffic ,Jnr Mr. Irwin was of
Sta nbury, of Toronto, wig, be ;lad to Gee erich, attended the. moral. . the opinion that a tax on gasoline! of Criminal Audit: and that the se.
- learn of his successful entrance into' attended the. _ would carve the purpose In asolin t f C A Reidstettlog pherj
refer -
Grind Opera. On Nov.17th he made � , servrca, amounting t4 ;4etZ, ba reter-
. coup o for ra
from ing Mr. Robertson's question as to
jtls,debist lit pilule wltlt .#he 4Chlitata THE . liR'Il> controllingstook running J back and that Mr. Reid be arced
rend Opera Company, after Moving
ata lnal at large
on to furnish an itemise* statement of
intent several years in concert work Tuneful Muskat Connally SaccesatullY' municipahilityAsh std •Irwin
the notes- r the work in his department.
in New Park wham radia fans en. � o Pat Dia by Knok Church Ghftir' Accaant front Mrs. tit^IAiit
joyed hes lasagne, at thc_Capt o ea Moved by Messrs. Johnston and Matron Sent to Proeleeiel
a 0 tree The Chicago Tribune made the The .musical comedy; "The Bo's'n's Coate that the county engineer be
Brad Rhys 1
as Jail
Bride," ,
'following complimentary reference to ► by requested to furnish .tett member of The: executive committee reported
his first appearance,: •! new bari- cleverly and successfully presented on she council with a statement of the as follows :'
r' tone Doggies Steahury, appeared se Tuesday and Wednesday eette M. a in amounts . expended on county desig- Re request of Mrs. Griffin, ' Nov.
e vie and was a surprise. Here is a1 Knox church lecture room to a large nated roads in.each municipality up 26th, for $610.33, we recommend no
,e fine voice, resonant, round. and aid- audience op bath evenings. , to Dec. ist, 100-A, the same to be sent.action, as this matter wait fully die- -
ertt: 1t; would seem as thou h mpre Tate -cast.. W** well• selected ab4. con- out on or before Dee. 20th. ---Carried, cussed and disposed -tat at .our - June
n extensive roles were: llls ;due, sisted of the Pollaneng: Don• ick Tpm 'Moved by Messrs. Robertson and session, and that this account be acnt
the Bo's'n,M E Wr Klo
Tugger, Ba's'n'a mate, Mr.;Tom Cutt; pP that that Good. Reside Commis- to the Profane with explanation.
Tim Shannon, an oid� salt Mr. J. F. k of H, J. A. Madlener
scheme with the view of reforesting of $700 to the Children* Shelter we
Herbert was ve '
us e, , or see
methodist church. Instruction given i
Wingham • Liens Fed On..Ayer d '
• Voce Culture, ,Organ, Peano, Violin
G Ear Theory, eto. , -
f3 udto • and residence, 'North Street
Phone 384. , -
A WEED W. ANDI$1T't3Tii-.f7hr'gaenfst
easSte James ee-
- sons -4* - voles, �p , lleory.
pupils •prepared for ai`l . ` +rorrato
1;unservatory examinations Studio': at
Mrs. W. ilarx�ison's (Opposite Vletbnia
At their last, luncheon the Wing' 'Thomson; Sam Slippy, Coxswain, Mr
ham Lions Club and their guests fed I Jack MdDermid; Kitty, a popular
NM`Mv li+ilSLeC.. t tt`k
tteneril�*Cponviey■nerc r don.
lloeido line r cif "•OoaeriK
w, raatOttliaZIC1T O,Atth *fN.eMl!>Fr+« :..—
11p�►p�i t.;.alig rtioi,Abli . °, •i4papr
aetsarttrttt •sat Knells'!' IC
G'- fHA:t--:B GI;R, 1i. C. • • '
eaarteter Solicitor. !Notary Publto
anti lonveyseetr
Ofnce ; Court etouae.-'tiOderUUb.;
pagno 'OOT ,ir Kli,LOIlAX,..; .
Bart+Fsters. Not �'ries. Etc.,
▪ Office on SQUARE GODEfIICIi, Phone 97
T WDL'>;°Y E. HOLMES.- i
' Barrister,; Soltaiter, Notary -
Public Cofveyy-__at__n-cbt'.
A..e✓LUW1', B. A:,. +
Barrister, Solkitor •agal
Notary Pat .
North Street '(crick
Phone 411.
Ao•., .
It. *.•
tiro Stork and o al Auction*.
• Hamntoo street, ;0ode1ch.
on bear meat and venison, with the i meriiber -of High �Senool Alumnae,
•. -compliments 9f -.Mr. W. J. Boyce. • Mrs. Frank Saunders; Dorothy, Miss
Mr. A. H. Musgrove- vas-theespeaker1Esther Hume .Mrs_ •Brown, as ad-
of the evening and his talk on the I mirable chaperone,`Mvs. -He- Ce -Dun -
was h
in Huron
r daCounty
Ce -Duo -
pioneer Barbara, .t Schoolgirl.
listened to'very attentively by *11.1 Miss Ruby eleLeod. In addition to
Among other.reminiscences ,he told these there is a chorus of High School
"cd• attending school for a short: time girls and sailors matte. up of other
in. Godetich, and later of first seeing I members of the choir.
44s gismo in print. whets be passed eel The story is interesting.. 'A party
a, teacher, and how'he felt: like a rail- of naval men are ashore oil a holiday.
Hanoi* ,,.when be_ was accepted •as. The Bo's'n- and his elate join them.
"v .e seho h
tear• in the 13tue al 'f'}fe. B;o �.n , ss, chaffed • because of his
magnificent 'salary of $166. e' igloomy appearanee, and explaias'that
Loot Wawanosh Farmers' Club Held he is searching for a girl named Kitty
Annual Supper 1 A°(}air, whore he has not seen for 16
The annual oyster supper 'of. the • Years, and 'Whom he has been ordered
Far ners'. Club of Currie's school sec- , to,,find And wed. Ile does not know
tion vas held at the home of Mr. ane ,where she lives, :nice eat. she looks
Mrs. - William A *derson on reursday { hhke. ' A party of schoc• girls, Kitty
evening, I' ov. 27th, with over 100 ainong them;' enter the scene, led'
persons in; attendance. J.. W. Kirg.1learn 'of the, Bo's'n'e ,predicament.;.
M. P., was present:and made an ad- Kitty conceals her identity, and tl'e
dress, Bailors invite•the glees go festivities:
Kelly -Boyce
selves --likewise a '1 s
' a the glebe I've e t
"' aboard II. M. S. Barrntele. The night
cion consider .the advisabilityof talc- - Re motion
ing advantage of the °'reforestation and Mr. McKibben, favorsng a grant
our 'waste spots in the county. Re- recommend thee it grant of 15011 be
farted to the good Roads Commie•
shin. '
At the closing meets ag of the Sell -
mon, o: n- 'riday alnor hlr.--Philos:
son gave a verbal report of the work
of hie department covering the . past
Educational Matters
The Departmental grants to the
various High Schools and Collegiate
Institutes in.. the: County as reported
by the Education Depaitment are as
follows:' Wingham, $1,633.17;; Exe-
ter, $1,399.06; Seaforth,•.$1,574,60;
Carlton, $1,491,50;; Godetich, $1,335;
total, $7,336.
On Thursday evening a session was
held. Mr. Roberteon spoke ,of the
change in the law regarding the mat-
ter of logia SOAK, bytes. The clerk
explained the change in'•the "manner
of making the requisition as per chap-
ter 82, sec. 16, Statues 'of Onterao
." +
1924, which ay follower 10 Sp
per centum of the total. amount clr-
Sacred Heart church, St.Augustine, ly their chaperone; hlra. Drown, who` pended for permanent • aprove items
was the scene of a gtttet and pretty had been' left on'the.wnarf, appears',{'mcluding amounts expended in gay -
wedding 'or#' Wedneseiay i orning •of Tim 'Shannon, one of the older sailors, ing for the interest payable on such
let, week, when Ines Eleanor Boyle, recognizes her as' an old sweetheart. 'debentures • maintenance
be added the total
blame the. bride of 'Mr. John Kelly, "Kitty Adair," he cries. .Dick Ernie,'cost of . maintenance or the sigh
of High River, Alta. �- thinking thimature lady is his Kitschool; the amount apportioned out
of the legislation grant ' and any
e e emacs, -Diamond Weddiece, ty,; turns and flees. Utimately then suiais. received foreees shall be dived+
• A gdigts ;weddh gA too, ;place . at the duplication of the name is unfolded, ed by, the .total number of days` at-
Blaieva°le manse on • 'Thursds(y, Noe. iifliletke: roD ling bells; ring for two tendance of all pupils at the-acboal
27th, when Mr. Leaser Y. Saunders. happy couples. •
son of Mr. and: Mrs. J. Saunders, of The men looked quite natty in their
Windsor, was united in marriage to sailor ooitunte' and tate • girls—w„11
wee* to,. r . lacca oaeeouat.d.
p+.ou Ifillier
c*it.t.OP° MUTUAL. MB liNaatiliAllea
,floe «--w..
Jotspeeeliiitateel Testa Property iaaorei.
Value 44oeeriteets—e res insuredHtv t°Pieenear.
,toderica ; �,ta. .;1Cvsos, vIce•Pratskletu,
.,e 1wood ; T. t Nape. 8ec,-Trill., see -
TOliil—b. P. Mentalism', Soatort11:
ll'{ v George_
in�itcWinewr sea Con -
r lona firsts. Bostock ; loon sennewue;
Broadbagan; Murray Gibson, Bruce -
nUttaTS-.1. W. Yea,' aoderIcn , Handy
5 Htnetd r.,5esloorrll aaiseaey. selarortn ;
Policy Holders can paytheir esesements
r+t1 1*. p Cutrss Store OodeMeh. A 3.Her
a44'1 tea tri, Genoa, or ' J 1.4
,t•�. �,.#fitikNC1E
'Have it attended to hi?' the
.NicST WAWAI4OI11 *1)10*5 Ref IutSURAIlCE CO
Established 1878 .
Head OlRcet Daaagannoe, Ont.
katet: ratxrN sista le es* meows Himont
% .alto. A. McKenzie, Kincardine,
pees.; livery L. Salkeld, R. it. No. '2;
#Goderich, vice Pres.; directors—Wm.
McQuillan, St. Helens; W. P. Recd.
It. R. No. 2;; .Lucknow; :f. I,. Salkeld
'phone 000r11, Goderleb;• Alex. Nich-
eleon, Lncknaw; Wet. Watson; Jas.
•Girvin, R. R. No. 0, Goderielt� Wm, J.
Thompson, Auburn; Tina Griffin, R. R.
'?fe. 7, Luektssw; -
Tread.. Secretory. `. eke(, fobtbail, boxing, wrestling
•r Clinton's jatbilee celebration will be what he did when his Automobile
held Aug. elst, 2nd. 3rd, 4th and 6th
of next year Th f -1 ' g ,q 4 ,broke down in'a big race and how he
Miss'. Elizabeth Caroline L>amond,I tits a 1 god sweeng:
younger daughter, et sir. and Mrs,' propriate scenery was sectored for the
Harry Diamond, Wingham. production. the resulting •amount there shall be
New Well a1 Seaforth TM solo work'was gena and the added the share of the cost of educe
during the next preceding three
years, and - the resulting amount "shall
be multiplied by the total number of
days' attendance' ere coup
during the same three years; and to
o. �
ate Vele: 1
_ elfin 4 -
tt tnetr a�a •-•
ne�v ' •tft:il• - . _ P _ _ . �` i. _ tfaat�a>i:county pupilte. which the toN-u
Seaforth • News: - The "'hew iety and were given with proper s u
which was sunk lay 211,. Wm. Hopper • its village or township.els ca canatitutce
Iasi wrnt'er-as an aauxiitary teethe Ivo- the. High School district pail- to -tate
ahead in use,
was cel "ed out again. Tletween. Acts 1. and • 2 Mr. Fred County during the preceding year as
.Holmes contributed solos in good included in'the rates, ;evied by the
last week by Means of an air pressure voice and•,.Mr. Jenner Selections .on
system which Mr. McKay, has instill -.the cornet in• hfs 'usual clever st le,, county a cemcil according ta the ta-
led himself for the purpose. A pipey anti equalized value, a.id the total
is inserted In .the welt to a consider- After the production the first even amount. 00 ascertained shall be the
able depth. This gibe• is connected ing those taking part ,mad refresh- sure payable • by the council to the,
Medicine C 1i 11 .
with a pressure tank into. which sir naents together, which titch brought hoard. The part in black type is the ,
hich with them, and the second 'evening new atnendment .made theeast session
ie forced by en air conrpicessar, wwere
tart week was operated by an ordin• Wilson's restaurant,ted who a the were year. Mrs. of ent and it will apply tide
aiy' Pordson tractor.% With this nim- x Y. year.
y guests of Mrs. Wilson.
ple outfit the new well was made to Tarn Down Claims of London '('elle-
Miss Dorothy Bell presided 'at the
discharge into the reservoir at the grate for Huron County Pupils
tiiano skilfully and 2►11. McDonald •
rate of 240 gallons per minute, which Gibbs we musical director and de- Attendfn; There
is rver'doehle the capacity .of the too The education coinmittee reported
serveis credit for the excellence of
pumpis now pumping from the Did the production: Mr, • Fe C. Weir Ilia as follows I.
we11s. It is believed that the well is charge 'of the staging. Re rerpeest and •accounts of Centrai
capable of •producing, very much more Collegiate • .Institute of :.ondon, also
than .this amount, if tiecessstry, -• ' South London account; for 'heron
Those. who saw the new outfit in ac- ,FREE ' PAINT BOOK `FOR THE County pupils, amounting to $860.53. CHILDREN
tion feel the town 1s to be eengratte i we recommend that thele accounts Lc
fated on having such a splendid sup- I Christrnss is • not • far oft. 'OXO : pot paid, as aur• solicitor think= the
ply of firat•class water on hand reedy LIMITED this year ag>Iain Are helping •'Act was never intended to apply to ..
for any emergency. Mr. McKay is mothers reduce the cost of filling 'the pupils passing out from 'their ,ad -
also to be congratulated on his enter-, Xmas stockings by or ,Th a very
print and' acumen is adopting a aye- tattractive little painting book, entit.
tens which 'has done •away with".the led. "Tommy Tomkins Paintir:e
necessity of purchasing an expensive Rook," in return for four OXO Cube
p, I wrappers. It is filled with picture;
given, -- .
Re motion'af 0. Ginn and J. Hayes
that an allowance of $120 be •made to
the Mothers'• re *nee Board fox
mein -Cou , elivided-oseeol,
lows: .0 Chairman, rnw,n 8•
, secretary,
;30, and three members ;16 eitcli, we
recommend that this allowance- be
Re ,notion of A. H. Nee$. and W. D.
Sanderson, thet the, Warden' and clerk.
having attended the. Warden's confer:
,. j
T�b V
Love that endures is best expressed by
Gift. 'that Last
Waterman, Parker and Wald FOUNTAIN PAW: I
Dar"•stool; is large and well assorted.nf Oki.:
best gifts for CCristraas.
East Side Seruare JEWELER Coders h
AI fif / U ED DLSALIttt IN TUE tlENt T�IFI Wit-t:1ct1B itheeseet
ENGAO1 ]f1:NT AND WilelnNt: PINGS, , •'
Y.. • _ e
_euee.. at Toronto, ri'e""cently, be paid Ile *notion of J. W. McKibben ,and
thein fare end eve -tete; shads-Tbos�-ln iseethat.$14o_be_ printed our
amount. to $886, 'we recommend that• county treasurer to as'slst ae chic"
the same be: paid. - '- --"__ - - (Continued on page 11).
The..$ad Condition of a Brandon Lady
—.How. Relief Cance
see owe in »regiment gee health to
Dr. Williams' Fink Pills,” says Mrs.
Annie Tnsberne, Brandon, Man.. who
tells of her new found heaith as461.
s.— fiotaie is
years had
tack of • pueunionie, a isd 'title me is a
terribly weakened and -rum down *tate.
I was unable to -walk-tor a long Omens
.I had practically lost the use of my -
legee, and liikl to be carried upstate, for
I had not the etreuRth to go rot -eel',
T became deppoudeetover ,try condition
for I haus tried- utltay..r'eredies, whloh
tailed to help rue. While is chi.* .
wretched cottOition * lady friend urged
*te to give Ire, Williams' Pink fills :a
Mal stud I procured a- supply. .#Mori
taking the pilin. for it while I could. see
that wits grpwing "stronger, and t'.
•g1 d1y continued their use until' testi
rally regained my okl•thno btaatth and
strength. Now it I feel at ail inn down
aE any tittle T •44t once take Dr. W1lliemit'
Pluk Pals. autt theta novel tail inc. i
Dan therefore warmly recomnaen,i
them to others Who may be run down."
-There atone ds sea •lrettre :.tonic than Ile.'
•viriniaa;tre~;i'i'ntt. I ttlrr.to.trnproia• the
loud vid_bring. bilskfstrengtth__atteri.
Aare•-cllxeam,s such 'lair fevers, peen.,.
mania, tufinhnza,- ate. (liven a falri
trial they will: sot disappoint you.
You eau get the pilletrpm your erne.
gist, or they wilt be sent by •ma11 et GO
Petits. a box by The 1>r. Niliiatus'
seCo.. Brockville, Out.
Clinton's Jubilee Celebration Aug, 1st showing hoer Tommy won a long din-
tb 5 t*nce race; how he won fame at cri-
Bro�lleu. eros.;
the teadt
hovel Dlrector�
and Fdfbaimcr8
Order carefully attended Eb
art Jai home—nigbt for day.
J. ire Wheeler
rimers' Director and
e Ontezio
411 nine+gay atttsntlee t,
Peasre« elIe`+ len: Rosie
o, pwin c �1! suceeeded in keeping at the head of
have been appointed: iron. presi.. his elass inn school. etc., ere. To se.
dents, N. W. Trewarteea, M. L, A. ! euro this painting book you nerd en -
end the Mayer; heel. vice presidents. ly buy a' smolttln o: four - OXO
D. Cantelan, If. Wiitse, C. V. Middle.' the outlay being very smell.
ton; president, A. J. McMurray; vke and as OXO CUBES, are really deity
president, Dr. J. W. Shaw; secretary necessities in the home your interest
S. B. Stothers. iii this offer will reward you in tiro Permanent Improv+anent debentut e.
jacent High Schools, aver as a matter
of convenience going to nigh Schools
in adjacent.counties. We further re-
commend that, in ease these outside:
points, are upheld ante' tea parent'
are allowed by the Act to-.se1ei t. n
costly highly equipped Collegiate or.
High Scheel and charge thin up to .
the county, at becomes high time for,.(
this council to memoresltze the ("la �.
lature to have this act amendett, ao
we contend the act is only appliestde t
where a pupil is more accessible to i
an outside County High &hoof male
to one situated in his own county. I
We recommend that the fo111owiim
be paid to Blyth Continuation Seheel:
Ray -Armstrong ; whys. "The Mighty Atoms" are al- 80 per cent., 3701.32, to village treat, -
A quiet marriage took place at the WAYS ready for making 'aeef tee and urea'; tltalntenence account, payable
Otttarib street Methodist parsonage,. consomme and to put flu-: o: and near to secretary -treasurer of school board
strength • into soups, stews, hash, and $1,711.50; maintenance, total of Atte
e i (neat pies. Ask any grocer, every 412.08•
r •, stare of course carrier them, *se t Nail tier recommend that Clifford e'en -1
',the wrappers to Tommy Tomklne titauation 'shoo' receive $G07.47 pie -
into Limited, 232 I.emolne St.. Yon- viding the lett of Huron County pup.
• treat. P. 4, and your copy will be for. ils be furnisbeai and that this amount
;� warded by return in tiene for plain ie' found correct after list of Duple,
in the Xmas tstockeng. is received by the clerk.
We received the elatna of Luel nova
For ltlieantatk Pa`ae.—The matte Continuation retool for $1,453.11 but,
'and ache; of lld*tiea and lthennta. the report Les faiteeT to show tb(
firer(sbeeiel be treaded frith 71r. ' vestries and number of Huron County
:Merge Micelle eitl. The 5oothieg pupils. When tbi+ in f'arnisheet, if
nee loathe oropertiee of this fatuous found correct, we r-eretnniend r ty-
•^sed. have here demonstrated for tient of above amount.
Ofty votive E'ere it Aran for tnflet»-i Wr PeentrUltPT14 that Weextetrr ('en-
money pains, tote, wretches, twaise, tinnation schm
ool eet'! a grant of '
and epraine, eititer it eutran btiatg . $1.064.23 accotdlrg to repose s,11..
or the lower animafs. i atitted, .wlrieie +Iris dad correct.
• .at
"with tivast coufidene-e..Oitr stock is fre.tl' n 1
C S ana �O 1
11' .'4 1
Our Christmas Fruits and Candies are excellent.
`\'e have ■,
O1,an es; Figs, I).it:s Nuts Rait;itrs f3ttves Caudits
'and many other dainties for'y'our table,
Our ,braces arll• right: Courteous Service. ,
..N,...w.,.. ,
'Hamilton --Street
'Phone 146
Delivery Service
They are a comfort and conven-
ience ;for everyone• in the home.
. They save time, labor and money
—and perform their appointed
tasks in a. wonderfully short
time. +
Buy-'Hydro".i asps.
eire ..