HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-12-11, Page 5, 1'uvw$l. NW atilt, UK • mr4wr•••. JOIr .We invite your early inspec- tion and any article chosen will be put 'away. fair you • until required. Christmas Gift Suggestions Let us help you answer the worrying question. What shall l give? We list below some of the itonss from the largest "1"i': x alliilitaa stock ever shown b1 eas. FRENCH IVORY PARKER FOUNTAIN PERFUMES PIPES and CIGARS ASH TRAY'S SHAVING MIRRORS KODAK$ EBONY PARKER PENCILS TOILET" WATERS CIGAR CASES RAZORS GREETING CARDS BROWNIE CAMERAS STATIONERY THERMOS BOTTLES COMPACTS CIGARETTE CASES SHAVING BRUSHES NARCISSUS 'BULB BOWLS SNAP -SHOT ALBUMS CHOCOLATES . HOT WATER BOTTLES 11* POWDER PUFFS _TOBACCO POUCHES SHAVING c LOTIONS BABOY BRUSHES and ;.. SNAP -SHOT CALENDARS Your 1925. Reza Weather 'Chart Cui letndar is here for you. , Get it now. • H.. EXALL STORE - Id S_ LOP • to (maim 3TAI I_._ 11. mem..onsi , fila threat- 'lar • ewers mad a 'Mall mals asesalmrs el his family have best acted . is Italy sed Eeae+pe. Oakes** was ter treat fu- mes: of theatatte operas betas' play - est And song the mid own *trim Ms life time. Goalies of tease te un the whole more =,natally recognised Aad sore tate scaly rewarded than ever k was. It doer tet *:Mays fol. low that geniusknows how to take care of itself. Puccini was hspry in hi,c work and its rewards. A Defies *atria An echo of the general election campaign in British :s the bye -elec- tion for the neat in Dural's, Scotland. vacant through thr cleat, of E. D, Morel, a Labor mean. rite battle now is between E. D. Sinton, a Mersa and T. Johnston, Labor. Liberal/ and Conserestires are sighting under one banner—teat of anti -socialise,-• and the contest is a loot one. Betio candidates were defeated in other constituencies in the general elect, ions. Dundee hes two seats, F.dwsrel rymgeour tba proissibitionist, rit- t it for one. i x Plcote by ,Q Another amazing success for radio was recorded the ether day, when ' splendid photographs , of the Prince of Wales, Premier Baldwin, President 'Cominent men I weredge seent from Londonother ntto Gies York. • The work • arta done without a hitch II and the p itographs are good. They - have been widely shown through the • press and other agencies. While somewhat blurry looking, the like- ' ,eases are unmistekeaoie, and the improvements to the proems new going on will, it is claimed, soon ad- mit of these photos being sent with as much clearness as' those photo -1 graphed in a studio. It is predicted, that in a very short Vane.: it. will. be{ possible to send any moving picture _ *areas the water for reproduction on - either side of the At:anJe: °'What a marvellous age. . • , ' Communists Out or Lack The, government, of i;sthonia, onc of the new, states carves; out of old e Russia, took drastic .action in the i suppression of a Communist rising at i Revel, the capital. The mutineers against the state, who were backed -e by R aan-Soviet- fee& ante organ-' _ nation. were • squelched after a short but' bloody "eitcounte1•, and. the nest•• day twenty of the leaders were court • martialled• and shot. The Soviet has -a not had much luck wit's its nefarious plans of late Britain and' Gerit�iiiGny III III .I1 Pine tint PRACTICAL GIFTS FOR CHRISTMAS INREVIEWh7�amBaakR° international Debts . Washington sends: out repetitions et the stories that the French debt to • the United :States .ia to be funded on much more liberal terms than those given to Britain. More color is added to the . statements ; by the assertion that the Debt Funding :Commission has received: a hint from President. Coolidge to the effect twat he consid- era France not to be so well fitted tc stand financial strain as Britain. If these reports are found to have a bah - o is in action the latter will leave a bad taste in the mouth of Britain and her Dominions. It -would indeed be in the nature of a most unfriendly dls- trimination against. the one ` countse that made a . shirt •to discharge its obligations toithout •. prompting be- eause it believed that to be the oily decent path to. take.. When It comes. to meeting her obligations , France should think of Britain •first; it was Britain that saved bee fromBank Aftermath Four men, two of. them . directory You 11 SLIPPERS Slippers are suitable for Christmas' Gifts. Our stock com- prises a large variety of colors,„ styles and qualities for every member of the family. GOLOSHES �Sli kinds, all sizes, for everyone. It would just tickle the little l;irls to have a pair for. Christmas. SKATING BOOTS What a kreat delight to have a good skate oil Christmas Day. SPATS - For Men or women. • . SLIPPERS For the ladies. Evening Slippers in patent, kis, s;ttiit and Suede. TRAVELLING GOODS Club Bags, Salt Cases, Hat Cases, • • Trunks, etc, Wt. averinr meek the largest assortmenteveryet shown, at the lowest prices since before the war. . Sem our Special Sgs Solid Leather Club Ba, with leather lining at $6.00 $6.50 and $6,75. Let Us Supply Your Chrish000 Cies' SHOP EARLY W.- HE:RN THE .SQUARE ----PHONE 43 W . the Moose. Jaw' st office is , anothe,: r reminder -of the act that the bandit +►. Britain and Germany have reached . is very much with us sand that we • and signed a • formal treaty of cornhave to . fight him a•ctt a:1 the force to in these columns, 'la was that in which the County sought to remove from a farnt frontage on a highway en. Osage orange hedge. This 4 war contended was responsible for ton- siderable drifting of snow in the la . talky, and 'heavyexpenses to . the county for cleaning. •It was propos- ed to replace the hedge with a strand wire fence,: The owner objected :chiefly nn the ground that a `fence sons ' merce and navigation Trade its ' mma d Th Have been at• our co ss . ere tween the twb will be stimulated and.. too many bank and other: robberies,' so `-will the .normal relationships. .of accompanied by. murder to some in - pre -war times. Such .an agreement stances, in this • country of • late was bound to .cone sooner- or dater. Closer co-operation. between all the' It. may be taken as a sign, that while police forces of the. country and in- =. the -war will net • be forgotten- there- creases in a number of the forces is no desire to continue it. Germany are prime needs. It. is. fair. to add, in particular cannot afford to,he hos- that there.is far better co=operatior tile in matters relating to her efforts among., police: forces-dtian there used a to discharge her reparation oblige- ea be BeaCttfu1 Wird Cant inZ've, $ar 29 page7litt�rd Nook f•r4 ._ T. auditora d onetan seountant i ulu '1picturesque"' 't f f o , age, a no any dust. to etUoy having the ladies angle sentenced following trial,. ,on several The court hes decided that the hedge One of the principa. features of for them one an n ac wo epos a us. o iron- I'roPi�ea .for focal Option Some `rich bacbelore remain single' f thedefunct Home Bank. have beer. t nd t bereal benefit l counts before Judge Coataw:orth its Must go, lint it enters task the fence the Saskatchewan government's lig- Toronto One an acco>,tntfint eseag- to be erected on a part of the farm- uor bill is provision for Iocal option • ed with suspended sentence, the oth. hnmediately fronting the owner's re. in municipalities and olatriets. Oth- hiidr'a3 . CSry • ars received very its terms it1. the .siidenc`e, must be Much maree molten-• erwise there is nothing hew in any , r � rot Fi.EiCiNER 5 Provincial" reformatory. Once more tal than . was 'propocied, while the rest of the regulations for the hnndling ad the comment may be made that' there of the fence. may. 'be, as first suggest- of urfaoordu through stores teal der confic C, A S T 0 R I A is an .element of real tragedy in the ed by the county, This is said to be All attempts at us sealed ago ease of men whose solentn duty. it is the first easof its kind: under the p • to protect the public, putting them- amended act for the removal of ob- are interesting, but there will alway> ' selves in a position where they must-structions from .public highways. be controversy as to whether "conte stand trial and run the chance of inntrot" is possible. . Burns and ,t1•te. People• -In. Canada Too prisonment for dereliction of dutylIecausa he waa3 'so much the poet In the present.;nstanct. thesentences Canadaused to pride itself that will -he appealed, and a strenuous but of the people, anything relating to the gunman and the bandit was a tle waged to' upset them. This will Robert Burns. the great Scottish flourishing product of other countries be more keenly contested because the bard, will always find a sympathetic and. could not, thrive here: The rob- • men already committed and others to _ audience : the world, over.: The story bery by masked esti" sansei men of be tried,, are facing still other char that in a remote New Zealand village ges as well as privates suit-arisirg there, has been found tee manuscript. . out of the collapse of the Bank. of an unpublished poem, written when THE FACT' THAT COA g deathbed, has been sent out. ; The BF+TDEfI5E-.pipPl:`AISTt� 1 Judgment was given rn an inter- claim .is made that it was.written to FOLKS OF Common SgN51, , • eating caro recently heard in the_ the girl. who nursed him . tlien, 'his Heid es and. Fences he was on what proved to be his 1 S' '•County of, Elgin, Ont., and refermed wife being ill: -experts -will soon deli _cide on the claims of this manuscript whose owners say they *ought it. Will Enjoy hadbeen published and eo did not ap- preciate its :full value. Itis probable that like other poets and authors much that Burns wrote and which would be treasuredtoday.got into the hands of friends and cronies 'who could hot know that its price was be=. yond money, and lost or destroyed ii GRED•, TES. The exquisite flavor indicates the perfect blending of choice teas. Ask for a peic$age today. • FREE SAME of NREM TEA UPON REQUEST. "SALARA," TORONTO Stop and Shop `lEverything Good For the Table" also For Your Christmas Cake and Pudding New Raisins Seeded,. Seedless, Sultanas, Valencia, Oil and Sulphur Bleached NEW CURRANTS FIGS : DATES unthinkingly. _ Canada tit the Fore• : Twenty-five' out 'of thirty prizes ' were awarded to Canada Ina'the red 'Winter wheat division of the Chicago • - Livestock show, exhibitors from :our West taking these honors. lb( wheat sweepstakes was won by J. C. Mitchell, of Pahinda, Sask., who her. twice . before been hailed wheat king of the world.- In corn also Canada trot into the prize classes. This was the first time of winning in corn in *. which American exhibitors usually excel, Sheep was another division where Canada, this time Ontario in particular, scored heavily. Canad- ians also won timothy and clover seecl honors as well as those for alfalfa while' T. E. Gibson of Itartney,,Man. got firm prize for a fourrhorse team. These results are all gratifying, the more so because few Canadian exhi. biters at Chicago or elsewhere fail to TIE N Solt want...0 \y, et tam W things up a ;showier a, ton or Moto of our superior - coal. You won't be disapiioirtted with the busineros t1ea1 auu get At this coal verci. Yon'il inakii tino of the feet, that, our de=(aeries are protupt and that our pric•c•alee 01meet.• Onlythe Best Grades of ard and Soft Coad . Kept in SS pck ,'lust recoiled n car td of genuine " l'attereon Pocahontas Coal Stove Coal. suitable for rat„o and hamlet,. 11cuys on hanci ct complete stock of learn something. They are eonstant- s SHELF AND HEAVY { ly on the alert far new pointers in re. c Baud to allro thucet r stock to the per- 'Hauler o•HARDwARE , titular produce . or stock which ' they show. t QMiet in E1 opt Sherwin. Williams' Ready- Thee trouble in Egypt and its echo in the Soudan seem, to be over. There may be all kinds of .room fot discussion as to Britain's firm and -deast'e *etions. There sue tralti- SHELLED WALNUTS FILBERTS uerthhfe *sti et anyway. probably°t the man uite satisfied. So far devlopments BLANCHED ALMONDS have gone the crux of the situation it 'Lemon, Orange and Citron Peel Candied Cherries; Caro, and the agitators are Peel, strongest and moat .easily trached by outaide influrnees which would rejoice at any trouble for Britain. A Remarkable Family mixed Paints at Wholesale Prices Portland Cement Prepared Plaster Plumbing, Heating • Electric Wiring • and Pine Apple Almond king Extracts and .Spies. : Sturdy's Caiti Giocery Telephone 299 • * ve inllti,ii/ Ila notate Stere and Coal Vaidi Famous the world over by reastsii sit the t%hart, tieaeriele of the tremendous Mimeos of "Mad- Plasm, et dem given speeial itten ante Butterfly,” "The. Girl of the Clot. tiers den Weet,'• La. Tomes snd other Ytitil:�l:S operas, Chaconne Puertnt, the Italian . composer died latently .n a Brusrris Stove`24lTtr.ser 11 meow.)hospital, followingan operation on •. . :-,1 tees• • CA ter ilentNl'' ancierae' $uitabie Christmas Gifts OUR stock of Christmas Gifts was never more complete. You an save money by shopping here. The stock is new '7iiid of the best uz each and every line,. the prices are right and proper. Space does -not permit a complete .list of suitable gifts, but merely a few :Tseftd: gifts. Pyrex hare, • the well known cooking a ,� ware, prices- try 'aro .Ci�1 l $1.25 to $5.00. A • complete new stock of Old Colony 18 a 7 Rogers' Silverware, .prices:range from $1.00..to $9.00. Don't spoil your Christmas fowl Its hack ing at it. with a pttor knife. ties r,ur t 'arvintr : Sets fr1'n1 $4.00 up., • The most complete tine •ot Pocket knives in town front 25c to $2.50. . Special values in Hockey Sticks, Straps and Pucks. l3cns' Sleighs ,from $1.00 up. E.ilectric• irons, $6.50 and $?.00. One . and tive year guarantee. Electric Toasters $6.75 Electric Heaters $5.50 and $10.04. 1 Ever -Ready Flashlights and BatterleS complete line of Ever -Ready Flashlights and llattories. The_ Fetter kind.' • Solo' agent foi the Celebrated Auto Skate. 4ee the new Olympia 1'uh.'. .t'rices from 90c. to $600. euMwes PA'TINKO YMKE'✓CR.VP�+/YJ+.Iti.YV- 4A.. (ti..+.i�+- .hl.a- R. Js:F.Y: vJt3tJ aaS.=1• v'k>'.<.f..5"V�%Ci.PJ L....f'..3-v tt • tf .�J' t..'CFYr-cry • Come in and see our stock We will be glad to chow your anything. • p-, . ...,, .1,...,...,..,.. > • . . _ - _ ... , ,, w.,, JAS. C. CARRIE Phones: 363 Said 334 OPEN EVENINGS at RieL