HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-12-11, Page 4.• •
, ot, ..•
An Interesting %tory of St.
Coetinued front pen 21
-_ •
Mark Tutu11 received Mt early education the
Kelso Gr Pear School in the Cooly of Roxisewegli.
Seotland, and biter it St. Jelin's College. Podolia 11%
lama, it was after this that be accompanied Ids par -
• trite to SoutleAmerica, ether. be reloableit for fourteen
* years. Basing vaunted to }*land 151i, he reach."
cd to %brit (muida, wbicit he did in the POW year. la
tate autumn of 1878 be entered Huron College at Lon
dent Ooterieand graduated in 1881, He Wee vied*
• Docon in the Chiteiter House, London, on the 21st ef
June in dee sem year, and advanced to the Priesthood
one year litter by Bishop Helimuth. His first *ppointe
loot was to the'parish of Shelburne, then to the par.
ishes of Kirkten, Listowel and Kincardine, all beteg
within the Diocese of Huron.
TheeReverend gook Turnhull's appointment to the
Rectorate of Gederich took place under the Episcopate
ot the late Bishop lieldwie, on October *ted, 1802. His
term of °face in Sit Georges covered a period of
• teen yore. lie is a man of Teeny pert*, butliboire all,
he was * faithful pastor. Ile never wearied of
in the homes of his eople; giving to the netedY godly
' the Sea end aftlilted,
, II I NI 11 1111 IIIJ:111•1?••••11,01•41•00 1 11111MINIMMIOnmormmor .
Geo -
rge s ma, Wench"
cal parpoos while he was in Geduld*, 11* reitiewsi
t. Georges in Amore, 1917, *led assumed done el
the pert* of Goo Cleurch, Bretford. Since loofas
Rt. eserree be bsa boon honouree). by being mule a
Canoe of $t. Pald'a Clithedral, London, and, later, log
being appointed Areledeacon of Elgin.
In the month of Much. 1911, the 10V. A• G.
Clerk **coded to the Rfsetership. Upoe, WS grafter
don from Heron Conga in 1910 be served a year as
Conies to the late Dean Davis of London. His next
appointment was to the Church of the Holy Saviour.
Waterloo. It was from this parish' that ho canto to
Goderick, He organized the Girls' Guild as a subeti-
tut* for the dormant A. Y. P. A. and *roused new life
in the Sunday School, During his Rectorate two sew
memorial -windows wits added to St. George's wealth of
storied Elam The torn:ego placed upon the Church
in 1880, had by this time been reduced to ribettt $2,000.
Just before Mr. Clerles resignstion 100 perish took
effect, the debt upon St. estorge's was elhnineted end
the Church, consecrated * Bishop Williams on the lat
•of June, 1920. M. Clerk left Goderich to take eirs,4e
of the perish of St. John the Evangegiet in London,
One month"sfter Mr. Clark's resignation took efe
fect,11*Reverenii Semuel Stuart Hardy became Rot.
counsel and advice; co
411 _tor of St. George's. Ile is Sire first native,ltorn clergy. ering into the joyo of hie-peoel,e and fascinattng•
hod roomy Over-
' by his charmer conversat ons.
l0 -n5 but three -chief were horticulture, ate *Omitting.
Ile loves nature and nowhere better than In the vicinity
of a trout stream or Where the base are wont to ploy.
• His sketchei in watercolour reveal his ertietie temper.
=rent and ackgn the homes of many of his former
• pasishionerie He *continued to beautify the Rectory
grounds, to which ke devoted great dot or his %lore
• -timeIn the. Rectory flowerhAls, in hes day, there
IVISTI, to oecuPY thet position. Born 1..endon, be re.
ceived his education in the seboole and university of
titet city. In 1909 he graduated from Hurem.Divittity
College and was made Deem by the Right Reverend
David Williams, fourth Bishop of Huron, on the Ilith
of Jule in the mune year. His ordination to the Priest.
hood.took place on the 6tlt of the following June, in St.'
Paul's Catbedral, London. Rio first sippomtment, 10-
1909, WO ao Cureto to the Very Reverend Dean Davie,
was Something of everythine °that flowered. „ of St. James' church, London, anct Ida first Rectorate
wes in the Church of the Redeemer London. After
• • ° 'tinder Rector Turnbull, the mortgage upon wie
serving as •Curate in London, WoodatiOve od TorontO,
church wee further reduced anli brought near the Pele:
• of elimination. In 1900 the Rectory wae enlarged „Wli and as Rector in Loudon, Wiarton and Ridgetown, he
' improved at a coot of about f1,600 .4,14, Pet various • came to Goderich. Since his advent to St eleorge's, iide
. • eintrell oreatizations in motion and geve to 'them his . ditione to tbe pariah property made by his prodooesoore
' personal attention. The Church and Sunday School have been .• continued and extended. .Intprovemeeto ,
* .. registers and record boob; robee ma commutate fleet.' have been made to the interior of the Rectory: a stem
and careful attention to details. ire furnithal
. • heating mestere has been installed In . the Church at a
the - Christmas a
• the initicitive for the collection o un nrcost of $3,550„ mod was iirst %med. on Dy,
1920; the Church hee been equipped with eeetileting
chase of tie present church organ, whielt cost about
$4,000 end toward which Mr. Andrew garnegie made- fans; low memorial windows have been placed in the
north wall of the nave; a veranda Imo been added to the
' -it-subotaritial contribution. This wee the last of his, „
epoch making sett in the development of St. George's, Reetoryr the oid barn has-been -made over WO gar-
ter before the organ was installed he hadresigned the age and the Sundae School hall is being climpletely re -
parish. mwated, enlarged and converted into * 1'440 Rome.
. lull Ittr. Turnbull assumed choge of a parie Following 10 .8 liot of the memorials in St. Gore
n Mexico where he continued W during the • gen and the names of those to whom these memorials
Villa rebellion, but from syhere he was compelled
tire-on-accouet-ed-the-unsettle4 condition .of_the
try. Returning. to the biome of Huron to lias
pointed by *shop Williams, first to the 'parish of
derton, then to Port Stanley. He superannuate('
1921. Although living retired in London, Mr. Tur
re- have been dedicated:
'window 10
Window to McKee Dunn Monition.
1 'Window to Minnie Hawley Morrison.
4. Window to Franc% Jordan and his wife, Fran,ie
Hastings. .
• bull still 4.os:tonally does duty in t "." . • e. Window to William Daniel Tee. -
rendering Sund*y services, . 0. Window to Elizabeth Campbell Attrill.
The Reverend j. -B, Potheringliam 'became Reefer 7, Window to Thomas Pointing' Attrilt and Edwaled
' of St. Georges on the lost of November, 1911, From A.ttrill. • •
Scotland' he omit to Canada when
entered the University- of Trinity
'• Ills first parish was in that .city,
can* to Goderiele Like his predecessors
• r
onng man and • ' 8. Window to Henry Garwood Attrill. "
onto. o, Window to .Istmes Main Shepphard *Ad 1%14 wrte,
e he Esther Phoebe. • , :
his ' 10, Window to Lionel IL Ebot*
mark of alt,erations and improvements upon St. •r- a Window to Philip Holt.
gee pole): life and•property. The initiate:gen 01 be 12, Window to Janet Burns Holmes.
new thore)porittrt wee his lint eare. 'Ile hectete obeli 13. Window to Charles Gotta Dyett.
. vested end introduced the duplex, weeklytennelope us le. Lights to William Loretto nekton.
..the system of church finance. Moot of the Sanctuary . 15. Lectern to Willlint Wordeo;
• and Chancel furniture, *Ise the pulpit said the font , 16. Reredos to Margaret Florence: Jordan. • ,,
were procured in hie day. The font, altar and 'reredos 17. Altar to Edward. Lindsey Elwood and his wife,
are memorial,dottetions; the other furniture referred . - :'.11en Yeats.
• to e.as purchased at a coot of aoproxiritately $1,000, It Tablet to Robert Francis Campbell,
• In his day, too, a new memorial lightieg ay/nem was 19. - TAU& to A, Roy Adams„
20. Cross to Helen Porter.
put in the ehureh.
• Mri.Fotheringliant's speiddeg and preaching ebil. 21 Altar desk to 2 Reginald Shannon..
iti le well known, as is also his faculty for Organize, 22. .Flower vases to Sarah X. Davie. •
tion. These, with the MEW other Powers be 1)041600 23. Alms bombe to commemorate the Diemend Jubilee.
were unstintingly .used for both eetular and ecelesiatti- of her lel, !dos Mejeotyltieert Vietwia.
Tair atit• inkyrit -Annum' 1 We exernined road No. 27A, Ash. ' 22, est Wawanosr •this account has
• 1' Int .tiuun t T UUUNISIL '• !lid& and 'would 'recomniend Mae been paid through 'Patrolman Gilles.
. . ,• . i maintenence if the expenditure is not pie, •
. now 'over our eitintate. - • 1. Re motion of ?desert. Middleton and
0.entlitued.from page 3) ,
. ! We went front there to Letkeew McKibben asking for a sinedement.
'. ---:e-- -• • - • ' -'-' ' -' ---- land over the hey', Provincial County fiery grant for Clinton of $1,401.94 fet
Paventeet et 111$1h Excellent Pito oi. !Road to Wirerham. En route exam.: County flighwaY eonneeting link, WO
.. ' Work - - • -. i ined the bridge at the foot Of Dicirie!rogoloolood sow wont be made.
The view pavement at Blyth is en H111, We .woulCrecommend a. new 1 Be ,rnotion of me"ro. Hanley and
• II
excellent piece of "road constructioe „ concrete arch culvert or bridge «u ellaYs for the money received for old
in evezei reecpeet. feet long and 12 foot *pan and that tImberebf Bannockburn bridge, sent
nee.. ' .
The:Prairie bridge mite Winghtue 1 thie.bill be cut down and widened, andied to to the county treasurer to be
is ergoing widening1 if found practioaNi to tire hill.cutreturn.
the tres.surer of .Citanley, we re.
' At Gerrie is concrete footing bete. ting commented during the vrinter. . commend that tido be done.
. . been put in on the bridge almtmente.1 A narrow strip of land will lueue to, Re motion of Messrs. Micquald and
- . A gravel it Wets bought from W.I be boned „ell both.eides over the hal IdeOuteheen that the boundary resod
0.. Strong, Rowick, for 5200. 'top to get • the tvguired *lath to between li*Itillop and Over, be deeig-
...The work at the stnk hole east 0 i rade'. 'We wank'd ask the engineer netted as * eounty,road, we • recent,
Lakelit on Road No. 20 has been to errOge this natter. We and the mend that this 1* granted. '
completed. The tnetbod employed new road constructed last year be- ..„.__,_ ,_
'has been to MI in with cedar, ratite .. tween lichltechurth equal to or super., r'Irl•-wr "'"u" to Itnumth, 414 Myth
with aboixt. 10 indite of gravel epresd ler to any road lit the County of Eur -1 We recommend that a further
out to, a width 'of 20 feat. .This ison, _ trout of $1,2/5.60 he made to the v11.
about all' that eould be done until a! :We vielted the Prairie road. 'flus lege of Brussels end that an wee.
dreinage /scheme is devised, and the work has been completed and 18 lo ment be entered into vett the village
weds, while expensite, Is An excellent • ono opinion, * iirst.clase 'A., It whereby they re-imintrae the , county
...jab. • i wouid, in- our opinion, be advisable ,to the extent of the *Mount not cov.
.... _ i.
The committee ..r.et at Goderich next year to widen the culvert, anti mid by the Government grant, vie.
• Nov. 20th, went to Hayfield where the when thin le done it would be a per. *MK
widening_itouth of the briAlote ea feet rod. •: 1 We recommend that 'a further
vont:tiered, a big improvernent. I The committee recommended pm.. 'trent of s2,205,so 1* made to the vit.
The county provinetal road meth cline of gravel pit from Mr. It. M. lage of Blyth in sieeordence with
for 5500, one re- agreement entered into, with the Al-
lot Baylield has been widened for one Young, Colborne,
mile. to the regulation width and tr. ported :
. rearfeeed, an excellent job. ' We recommend that. all **counts: The road from Antherley to the,
.. Heyroek "bridge has been templet. on county reeds pertaining to the easterly limits of Grey -hma been ep,
ed and It one of the beat etreetnree Workmen's Compensation Aet or proved as a County Provincial rod
in the County of Iluron, end our any other armlets pertschting to and this has been the only county
county engineer le deserving of goat God Roads should!, go through the Provineial road granted by the. High.
prole* for the way !te Ilse handled County Road Soperinteteleat're °Mee way Department in Ontario in 1924.
tide work. We 'tumid recommend Ike so that they could 3* verified and We recommend that $0.57 be paid
that a tablet be inserted in the MI*. the statutory grants obtsined on Ofk the account of McKiPop Tel
t System of 510.45, for wire and mese
ieg of the Ilsyroek bridge and ales same.
en Bannockburn bridge. amLitits for Damsgbe paid on iteeetett 01 Crediton Rural
ts piegoolita ,,,, • !log poke en Road No. 12. That $15
' :
The road for * nine north of Grat.0 '"ul
Rend has been 'widened and the etf, Re dein: of George Irwitt, Dungan' "relephone Ce. for moving poles and
eerie rebuilt to retraliMon width, the nom for doors to ear, etothint, wires. limit one hall the Hay le
reouriatina, not .nnnipteted. . Medi; Ili .V.a/t!...t.unce, $403, we *dmit no Telephone System's teat of movinr
Rood .4.4i, 4, sterboll, boo betb .02id Ihtblity area take no attkon._ i poles on Lake Shore rod. be paid.
Ivied at two, entverte *nd drab', • Ile Alit" 01A• 11 Ovlassms lio%.„'" And that the eounty par 40 Per sent
statightteeed to 'bring the run oppo. wk, 1°F 990 thunages1 we reeattlwOno , the cost of eakiam chtoridieg and
•_ 47,1114,t on tenuity roods in hamlets and
site dee retort. no etetion.
We ieepeetei the bead, in moyetee Re claire of John 14. Lenno; wing- 4 .imoirk
at „of. „lb, aw ,of. tti ,,pkbr .nrie 'nee!. for broken *pekes in *tom*. Ian i ter ik -k
food inemense quantities of timeline 7;10. 4145* 'oe ver9tokoond loY"u64011- , Y , 41* ACV( 1
rove ouitovio for 1.014 poroofte; Re mowed claim of Patrick lifer." . .. _OW .
*14 them hos woo a fair mod con. an. Aehtleki, far broken wagon twitch At the Therm/ay olorrdag eeeeioe
otrooto4 to thr boo,* to hodtee, sia. pole, we recommend hit settee. Mr. Itolenteen brought wp the mat.
• Redales of Erneett Inalw. Aeltfklil ;toe of ae accident whkh etverella in
*Mel ee or (woke rode. th
In ritrotet to duntphst mewl 01.. Township et Calloorne on the
fleitholl Driolor kbiebeeests Ilteiseiated county road opposite lot him, Its 40.0enetty roe. The cp-ton involved
On the flirt ere weld out to Salt. not Approve of rellidelt blear dataPeCI,Wee ** te Se Oittrieneibilltr fir *tea
ford tertclge. The ementy entliWor on map, mid when he larsesties os*.I reenter at *so ea emesty dost.
ha. bad the shmemeats all repointed mittee with the wee of the eartYllei nage. It walt 'Ponteed ewe tier a
mei *ova aberisernts are new in firtt whet did it, we will take *Moe to him. township bylaw toriseecting stock oa
beirewhip reeds did nee affect the
slid' mamma reviewed.
akar araillAra,
'Wu wort rat tor NS* and then tn Re claim of E. Phrttpo for &motel:lowing at WV of eteek en * emote
11 1 11 01On Ibis read mirth of to boggy and 'himself at Aulsore dieheignated road. Mn Itolierteori e.aid
MIL Sr. irwtok alabaiag itaalautoy bridge, *it- rettniunend no SeIktra. r 711* *Wed le brIalrblelt the Matt**, ti
=/V w ee a az aceedeirc Re drain amesaimeset on Countse we twat+ et** foams' was tio Senn*
.. Mies C. Pest. Read No. le. Idettito. MOM.n
wa' ,,,goltalket7_1* tb. eiwavt7- The 4,11".„,
• '., ago. ' ibuil ilia yeti et au were. reememend that thie be paid tr the ma *Ai rumor elommovii W os-
,. gip width ova rete. -rt Wel 14 letth troesoror 01 Xelifitesi. . ere. Morla. Holey. !tallier,. Miedie.
• owl tar a eeneelleratie divetnee.
. ., Re drain selteestrord oft Nord No ". ((enUeeoll on pegs 6)
,k. ,..
• NMI : I 00.1W I Woe OM w Wow' 1 1.00.11 • 1.• 111 •11.Ni
imAT, Dec. taft.
idd• •••••••••••
WOOL GWVES.....Grey, Welt etr... white, with latge''''' ',-
cuff, per pair •• • 900 and $1,26
Gloves, shades, black, beaver, mode, pongee and
brown, best quality, per pair. .,. or 65e
Plain tWOI`domed. Gloves, any „shade, per pair 59c
SILK GLOVES—Speeiat line, in shades, pongee,
silk Scarfs, each •61.65
„ Silk Lingerie -
Vests, Bloomers, Princess Slips and Silk Brassieres,
neatly boxed. We have -a goodstock. of" the best
shades. • • • ••
Silk . Scarfs. _
We have dozens of Scarfs that you can choose from •
and this week we are offering a special range of pure
Sweater Wools
In one ounce balls, big range pf shades,
per ball, , ... , , , 15c
“W001 Hose Spedal
in black only, any size arid splendid
quality. These are pure wool, at per
pair , ... .95e
Pure silk of exceptional •quality,., with
pointed heel, sold regular at $1.75,
shade, special this week, per pair $1.50
Cbarnoisette Gloves
In shades beaver, pongee, black, brown
- ' and grey, per pair ...... .59c
Boxcl• yilandkerchie4
LADIES' -.0-Boxed .two, or three to a box, made of
the fittest lawn with dainty corners, per box- • • •
50e,•6540$0; 95c and 51,24
CHILDREWS.-Three to a box with nursery rhymes
•, printed and illustrated on the box, these are 25cI a
• boz, or best quality with figured :Corners, pr box, ...Eke
„ .
They are always appreciated as a ,gift and you will
find that we have a splendid rangeof patterns.
Single Towels sell for.. . . 59e, 65e 75c, 95c and $1• 25
ngene a en s
„ ,....
• Tubular knitted 'Silk for vests, fri.shades, white, or- . •
chid, maize or flesh, per yard.... ... . . ...... - 51.20
. , a w
. ,
Linge'rie Crepe, with dainty patterns or 'plain., width,.__,
30 inches, shades pink, orchid, white or, sky blue, at . .
E P oc)F
D EM EMBER y 9 u r
IN friends with Hole -
proof Hosiery this
- Christmas. It will keep
reminding them of you
..for many moths. -
Holeproof is beautiful,
and wears' as well as it
Styles for women, silk
• or silk and wool,
• - $1.50 and $1.-75
Of Thtly cloth for every day use, size--
14X31 in., each .19e
. •
Wool Gloves Siecial
Children's or ladies' Sizes, sold:. regular
up to 75,C, claringAt. pAr pair. ...Rae-
. .
, •
Sold regular up to 520, good range of
.. •
styles and sizes, almost every one brand
new, clearing this week at.. . .513,95
Ladies'Llfouse Dresses
Made of the tindt English print, good
loose styles • apd• guaranteed Color$,
• clearing at each..... • ..„ . .51.35
Just the thing for Cold winter days, the shades are grey, fawnitantel and buff, several
different styks,,sold regular at $6.75
Botany Wools Pongee Silks
In natural -shade only, width 32 Inches. You "can
Soft Botany Wool, 4 ply, in shades black, White $4
several heather mixtures. Just what you need for - maryakedrodzens of dainty Christmas gifts .wtth' raw stk.
knitting warm hose and mitts. per 't oz. skein.......21c .•-• pe.600
Zia amoi=ala a=aiwo.aalaaaarosaaa===
Prices on Coats Reduced to the Log This Week
Special Attention to Th s A GB
114(e0 Orders
and Phone Orders U • • a
, •