HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-12-11, Page 3• i-� 11111IiI 11 IM I`I 1I ,11111ee a, wpm Iw i111uirIIIII•ii WIMP 1 11 11 IP MI NM A Y+ Whore Y Age Caareftd Aaan.tseriva.r spa teat peiames Laltk argaie metiore r alae A factionsaving sad havwh U . y. tothe beet. w • Deolialeaa for:. ItAit aim tom made aim Ales. i hereat t IS head the 1ta 9tga! setts* the lamas* ix pee - lemma w► �e�tbia the Mille of ay e tri 1s the Nemo of le- irest 14 liespolel he the Algae" eat't the etaeeM ty at imp* iiarea jet- ' melees IMP a nt aro -sett . >q *t to ..it ill or M l by a eatedn 411tist lir *bywitI : leSo h sig of each a ion would have no legal effect that the council would only be trouble for it- _ self by pleating it. Mr. Geiger asked for the yeas and nays and the motion was debited- 15 'to 13. Mr. McQuaid then moved, seconded by Mr. Middleton, that the motion be referred to the county solicitor fon - his opinion. and this was • carried. A Greet Seem of Revenue In Ape/ea -aa to emelt iwe I.R brio oak x «a ""1 It aeMatiow or as t woe ale t11et� } tog V ' i amp, MIAMI - fee __ me ler jomplaa +wos>7 ower 1wt aN it idea taws- _ cowl lhrw •x _ skip, w I I am adieu awe - den41111'=__,.41 xtad, col• Re molest t . 1111.1111. remain dims Bea d. tiw► *Pm"' to Jardreca bel#n im rtr4lrle len had tllaaieer 1t rte bis We work t eta tee nauses a a4 or tMillielidled ke t ee dem tuee adar teueenak lts t. wr Nees exceed and bete eielrelatl ea beer. meted that where M. whoa. appl1oai. In mane R.1/ the tai > - on ciao >aeretta villas.* applpialr for oli takiuxr side of ler•. a ,� is ehksr3e a had bare *ase anti the same ;1g.eo. we ramming that percentages were paid as for oil. this be paid to tie' twosome of true - Moved ley 1isierea. 11:10pp and Neel- sou. Haat road eeaard townabip road Geed leakCaaaetlaabaaa And ewlatY ewnstabiee Is. 4eetruchiet,1a1 seforea' the Maty The Good ealasieee mart - motor a motor lars strietiy as te..d mooting at .teeepor's farm tateweity ead derlag the fell Teckersataeeith. 1 re pwec ss. end spring months. Th. of gravel pit did rrist thb k tt rd. recasts leading tkresurh Btephse. II.y, trianbie to hely tbla pet tinder the Stanley and Goderich tewrashipe are mar.date they reported: In dart as _ th .busied by e heavily loaded log follow*:The Provincial femme salad be. nosing Hosea .reads..-..oarr ed. CHOICE COOKIN� FIGS albs. for 25c. mum FRESH ROLLED OATS ik. 29c �DATES 2 21c CAlgV zD LEMON ORANG* PEEL ib. 31e CANDDIE'S JELLY JEANS ;l MMBUGS c E UES BUTTERSCOTCH WAFERS 2 Es 5'b. AUNT DINAM MQtAlsES 7c try." 31c Ostia `5W7 , . 1 HUTS (IUz.1) ieatel,*mss �, glreutds. SHELLED WALNUTS : 5554 : : 's SHELLED Alamos. Tib. :CAl+fltll10FgA; AER SOUPS N1 1 M ‘00.• teal., Pee, Celery, Beteg. Anemia�� WAGSTAFF'S OLD ENGLISH STYLE 29c MINCE EAT lb' SEEDED or SEEDLESS VALENCIA RAISINS, 2 loss. 25c i. RAISINS S; . 5" IraNA CURRANTS.`$LEACHED 21111.'25c ,MABHAVDD F1ACON GOOD 29c n HEINZ NEW .NAVEL BEEKIST COOKED ORANGES HONEY SPAGHETTI SWEET and JUICY pAlk 79c Medium 15c° 29c,35e trit. i se 51;341 l , :+ 4 ' :_ jwsrloi. 29& hie. S. B: Stothere,-Agrieelturel Representative, for the county, who was present during the session. was asked to address the council' He said the a - theta fairs this year had been agreat success. The fruit or apple industry, was one that needed more attention, as there was a groat ,source of revenue in apples. It was a great utter of regret that we here: salting B. C. apple. today in Ontario Some progress had been made in sup- plying the • .demand. for labor for farms. The corn borer, came in for attention the i end farmers were being circularized with reference to this matter. When Buying a RADJO Dtr, Iiai+layr Tltemfdrt up the reefer tween Kipped and :til,+nraall and soatb Ail to who owned the *ravel an the of Remelt is In need of reasuartariug lake boas x it reales permed out that and we reeorasend that ow of tire the general praetica wax to pay for for thea week as atoon sae deal 18 lout county e'ruaab.eria be 'Aiwa In this pit right of way to see vee the gravel anti termite arm agreement setae& in ounce eases paying for the graver Tee hrklge on itaad 1o.' a, at t'il* but - not the right of way. Mr. Neel* Seott drain, Usborne, is falling dorm gave the opinion that the party own- and a new bride is now hi courses of ins the property abutting the lake comitruction .°peeaite whorl the Scott awned the gravel. . drain strikes road out or Hibbert, And DON'T FORGET THAT WE IiAND!.E THE FOUR CELEBRATED LINES . Weise Strookbergtorhoo Atwater:Km De Forest Crossly I ANI) ATTEND 'r0 THE INSTALLING FOR YOU, 1 r 1 1 PRICES RIGHT TERMS IF DESIRED I • W. MCD NALD ,ELECTRICIAN , GODEBICH Read aaad Bridge Committee's Report a 114 -foot strip at land bus been pur- This road and bridge committee re. chased off the Ileegesy tarns, the rue. ported as follows • chase price •being *100, and the new �. -. on Oct. $Otlt chairman of your drain will be pieced otr this route committee met the chairman of the road sllorreance. c A new concrete culvert, left. span road and bridge cotaxmlttee of Perth County at Hanna's bridge and let the .hes been„ereeted on euunty provit,'fal contract of Ruing in the aPPr'o;chew roa dwaar in Stet+hen Just . north of ft this bridge. Centralia. Ile the communication from the Road Widening on jive' Water High. County of Perth, regarding the part WSW the payment held back by the county on the Hanna bridge, your , The road widening approved by the ., count Gouncfl in luno .es under wits., committee, having peace hely into the; y 3 matter, would recon entl that rto fur. Five new eonerete etilverta have 'been ther payment be made on this' bridge oompletocl south of Rayfield. Thr county concrete plant at the lleyroehl bridge is doing the excavating and• roconstruetion of this difficult and hoe) zardouea undertaking. The curve leading to south ap. preach of Bayfield has been widened. new posts planted for guard railing and the cable is ready for instalting also some of the shrubbery has been viewv t oii givinga betterto' trot u t c 1 ening public of truffle eoneiitionn on the bridge. • South ai Goderieh on the provincial county road three culverts hove hada extended to comply .with: the. High» way Act respecting bridges tin pro. 'Woeful county road* rite culverts have tree% orer'0d be- tween (;axh'rtc'h and Auaberley Ole sunitner, all exeetment ntruetnrre, Theo' .'sfeNatn . bridle le in about the' same oousittion es last opting, but it ituf„eruns for benvv l.kaeted vahle'ie,ae. (Continued on page 4) 1• Turns Down Acc*unts From 'London Collegiate* for Hu- ron . County Pupils --Pupils Should Attend Huron Count ColleEgiates Wheire. Possible WARDEN IRWIN PRESENTED WITH CANE 'Increased "Vault Accommodation Needed In Mr. D. Mac donald's Office --Complications Occasioned By .Ac- cepting: Payibginmates„at County• The Decereboi :sessions of the eow .)cert.'s Aid Society and the work of ty council Were concluded shortly .at the juvenile court, of which he 18 .th'e ter Moon .on Friday. last. All :the probation otHcer. The Warden expresses!' his : apere. n*nnheta of the toupee were in at dation of Mr. Elliott's. work .and of tendenee hie full report to the councli, and ask - The jailer, Mr. Jas. B. Reynolds, re. ed Esc: Warden W. R. Elliott, who wag -ported:- Thr • have been 45 prison. warden during the year the Shelter era committed, "Mows: 0. T. 4.. was instituted, to addressthe cow.. 18; .theft,. 9;. vag,.,nny, 4; breaking., til. Mr.. Elliott expressed his pleas - end entering, 3, .indeceet assault, g, : are; at .meeting the council again and . fra rad. , 3; Inland. Revenue Act; 2;1 reviewed his work in connection with totittnon assault, 2; recxle;ss car driv- I the institution and. his Interest in the ins,, 1; seduction, I;.. insasno 14, Cost [slime ever 'since. 'of aaily factions per prisoner, per day: On ' Wednesday afternoon; on mo- • 12%e. • !non of Messrs. McKibben and:Beat- Motivate' Allowance ,dlcc Intended for a tie, the council adjouriteei to attend. -TheseNe!tet a the funerni'of Mrs. Knight, wife ofht .N ides. GW. Iidnaan, chairman of the lex-County Councillor Martin Knight . .. On re -assembling the Warden, on the Mothers' - Allesvance Board of the .request of Mr. Knight, extended his . . County,.,gave quite' an extended report thanks to the"meinbera of the counc:i; of thee operation of the acct both in ' for the espression'of sympathy in at••. this -county And- int the. . irevivit • in tending the. femerai..:• • t" aettasaial Of the Act, Ytd'ssaid, it izr;The CAee:of PPyiag Patience at the one of t110'06 pi"e!ces•ed lest:datiort that', Cosraitr stotne ,,l`41iens mot be "administered firmly but sem. Complicatioaaa pathaatic ally, with a due regard to. the Nies. Abraham, of Portland,' Ore• aeretitive nature of these women' whogen, appeared before' the council with to rose i it were of wises endthem-. reference to a claim against bars Aiwa as #t up against it through Thos. McKay, an inmate of the douse no gaunt of their& To such we mush of Refuge, for care, attendance and travelling expenses of several traps from Portland. Dr. Milne, Mr. Buchanan, Mr. Get. ger,. Mr. Sanders, Mr. Armstrong. Mr. U. J.• A.• Mae1wan, 'Mr. Mun• pings, Mr. Robertson,, Mr. Hanley and Mr. Neeb, spoke on the question. The following motion was present- ed and adopted: Moved by Mr. 11. J. A. MacEwan seeonded by Mr. Middleton, that the matter of the claim of 'sirs. Abraham on moneys in pssaeesion of the county Of Huron 'itr:trust for Mrs: Thos. Me. Kay, an .inmate of the county horse, he referred to a coeimittee of the ' whole council and that we ask Mr. Petty of Tlensall, the inspector and our solicitor, to appear before the council tomorrow. This -era rase where a lady having some means was taken in the County .rte them tef Ina with the eertiflcates home as she had nowaeMre axle to go. extent& our sympathy and tieip with net erudging or fault finding. The •Acete intended for those only in nod of help, hence all the more reason for there not in need to hep . enforce its provisions: But We have round that theism are some still who, -putting self beferes all others, try to . crowd out there less. fortunate than themselves. It May be through ignorance of the scope of the Act and not selfishness: many act and through a belief that all vedette are equally eligible to apply T would like,to eltlist tie county coon - ell M helping to 'overcome the wrong impression. There is ales one way to proceed to get the mothers' allow- ance and that is by submitting an op- pllieation and fulfilling.the conditions therein set out. These application forma can,•be obtained from myself at Klodarrfch or Mr. A. '1'. toopen at Olin - ton P'i11 those out in duplicate and asked for. It is not nelccersaryyt toant• `411d i,et'–, a sty'�.:aa-t* tete ov�rr�•'ley the °ploys a lawyer. The .n[teestigter via., comity for her keep. The solicitor its the home of the person miaow advice was that the county had noth. anti mates a report'. That repeat is h site with was tided by the sent to Toronto and the allows nee Abcouncil tom, i . a just dotal against the grrtnted or every I The 3nbothlp e. estate of the inmate, and 11 presented ore work is eery important bath be- before the estate was ,taken over by fore end rafter a grant is made. The • the county ebould have been pald. AS etufnber of northers rek4trtng the al -smatter of feet Ibe Coaslaity Home i letwsrtcee in Huron is >r7', caecal umber not Intended for persons having itt tate province 3810. Ines” f" Sir owtt t*tp rrt, ilr1E h i-M`irir�le * ill ttt Asti alae, Merron a *timber ref peerage hem been, COMA * # erecetpttai AS 'inmates mho :read esom,e ` Cys Wediieaday reorniag Mr. G. Montana where the County- Home made aa1l011tt addrell.d the tonne%, giving.a; aArtvenient place ler ahem to ten to very- gall aecosott o,.I work as *patted their declining years. 1.h^IClevsmy Repo rim debt all the Chit- winger of adjusting !eel* a spiel • T— m('a pair oroll ePI{I ,U' 1 Ire, ol II,ip( tll1 • HERE ARE • A FE1 ' SUGGESTIONS for E' 'ands; BUY Men's Fine Shirts in 'Christmas Boxes $115 to $4.50 Mends Fine: Gloves, silk lined', wool lined, and unlined - 95c to .2.25 Men's Peccary; Uncor ne and' Buckskin • Gloves 2.95 to $3.95 Silk and ' "ao Sox, in Brown; Grey, Fawn, 01 and Black, in Fancy 'stouts- ' Bona 50cand Men's alt wdol lanoy °check Sweaters $4.5O Men's Bath Rohes and Dressing Gewns-- a large assort i ant of high-class imported silk velvet, and Shetland wool SILK MUFFLERS $1.25 to $2.95 SILK KNITTED TIES 50e to $1.25 $7.50 and $8.75 SILK- HANDKERCHIEFS 35cto$i.25 -MEN'S FINE nB�RACES IN FANCY SOcto$1.00 Silk and, Wool Comhinations 33,50 and_$4.54 Shop for Christmas at Our Big Sak ROBINS It Means Big Savings int I i i I I a ma IN I F •