HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-12-11, Page 2, 4 ' • Inelpoo
ii0.401 001.0001041aell"
JO* frOt Vim** Os a.•
Rev. Robt. FTILI1C111 Casa"pbell We* First Rector, and Ftirst Chart* a
Red Brick Structure, WiLs Erected On St. ,George's
Crescent During His Incuntbancy.
Old Church. Was Consecrated Nev. leth, 1879, and Within a
ed—New Church Opened April 24th, 1881,
and Has Boa; Much Inspre
Week Was Burn
vied and Beautified Since.
Th' tint Rector of Goderich was the Revkrend
_Robert Prowls Campbell, His father. wee e captain
in the Soya' Novy which, doubtless, amounted for the
fact that the non went, at an early elm to aa*. Upon
the eeriest solicluition of Ws fiancee, he forsook the
wilch he then held of junior Meer in the
Navy, entered Magdalen College, Oxford, on the 1st
tf D tembi 1, 1820_, Here he was prepared for the
%Send nejui0.1y, At the age of twenty-six be woe
ridtie end Prieeted in the sante year, 1424, on, •
1:ctli of Deet mher. He was Met appointed as Atomise.
net Curiae of the parish church of Chartan, County at
. Wilts, F;nodand, in March, 1824.. On 'the day follow.
ing his edevationto the Priesthood he was. made curate
of the pariah or Little -Langford, County of Wilts. On
the oth of February, 1890, he became curate of the
Parish chureh of Iditniston, in the Counw of- Wilts.
From this- last parish he Went to Dunkerque, in Prance.
early in 18$2,; find was appointed Chiplain of the Eng. •
tab Chapel there on the 20th of March, 144,
In the autumn of 1884, Mr, Canipbell- eatieetee-
' A*nada. Ho had offered- himself to the Church
:denary Society of England *a vies *eat by that or
*Imitation, sits the first Anglican missionary in the,
• Mtge Tract. Drain* by the Vorsie which -General
Brock had ridden on his fetn1 day et Qtleetlat011. *Mr,
Campbell end his family tritile their way along tho:
freshly fellfd Miran 'Trail. It was Sunday when the
diately taken to tile house which, 1)r. Hamilton •bed se-
, :.Ilector arrived at his destinetien, where tie eves imme.
rered.ana 13-ertory, eves a Wine that Thomas
Knerehkee had built 'for himself, roogh,
plaster structure, frith flirted woodwork painted brown,
bsvhitPeench windowe- &led With small loam)
penal g ted of sewed wings which
eovered much. groupd, mid had a number of gables.
° The house ,fored North, Area, altnaW clone to that
ntreetts• about el hundred' yards feereeif tr�et
7 Jjetp_the Rector formed Ideilittle permittirc Us •
• werrwenneed borne eta 111*--gcnisorewnott the
cammone, „thtt dubbed "goolieelteeens .but now dbini,
• tied aeethe Court house Square.
There was no church building .of any communion'
when Rector Campbell retie to Gerlerielt In Art.
glkens, Idetlieditts, •Presbyteriens and Xenon Catboc
' tads:held Serviet1.111 the achoel Urine *blab Stood
' j•wit behind the town US. In addition to his parechial
' *diet in Coderich and,throughottt the 'Nip* Tract,
Ilk Campbell was Chairmin of ,the School 1/0011 and
crieb sued bantam the first Incuraleent of tlizzeurieh of
Hayfield. The chinch there, like the tint
was built by him. In appearanet ha is limerthed, by
one who well ressiembeas u a ha&seme rasa.
Ile, was dark, slightly *hove the avenge shoe and POI''
sessed a most genial personality. On the Seth ef
Nevenilmr, 1880, he passed to the Wenn of higber
service. He was buried in Maitland tomalWilf.
The Reverend Edward Lindsay Elwood was born
in the Isareaelte of Celt, Ireland. on December the Ilttie
1810. Ilis father was Captain Inwood, er the Seventh
Fusiliers He was brought up in, Dublin, being edu-
coned In.!" private sillool of that city 'acrid illter
du*ted from Trinity College, Dublin. He married El.
• len Yeats, daughter a the Rev., John.Yeate, Rector of
Ditmcliffs, County of Sligo. The Rsv. V.. L. Elwood
wail ordained by the Bishop of, Linterielt, efterwards
l'rlinate of Ireton& His first perish was Totolorose$
• County of Armagh, end Ida second, Drumkanighert
County of Roscommon. He came to this countrY
--theeyeer-484)e-After six months -u laemadarialsc
York Mills, he was Sent by BlehOp Strachan to Gad( • !.
rich, The Biehtip Mid he ins sending blit2 among
own people, his two sons, Judge Strube)* ant Maxon -
der Strechan, and his daughter, 'age of Commiesioner
Jones (Crown Lands) living there.
Mr. Elwood was *large man, physically end in every
other way. Arhe extent of his perish is one' indication •
of his capeeity for werk. Miring the earlier paned of
his ministry his perish included Seatorth, Clinton,
Ileirriesville, Dungannon, Port Albert, and, other points
as well- aseflotierich-grel ite. ettitirorie, -ilia held churl+ -
and cottage 'services in score* of •eentree which, he
reached by horse -back and on foot. In -theme days it'
watt not it/tamed for the Rectors of Goderkb to baptize
=• .•
. • _
• .
. 7
• . ,
••••;.0, • .
• , •
'• t •:" • '
li7114'4411111.aseetece"l stilaillid444.4Mer. ifeh,146'
-1904, lese esserelos, ill{ 611/01111Itth'
the. erseekse Sas boopoweilx hem ask-
ed. °What am the ekes, el *hie fee.
doty I"'
All local societies' emelt in moue -
tie* with the Ontario Itier.oriesil a, -
slaty tool Ossir ronsutotiop de*tied
' the ended we follows :'
lite Society Abell elegsv in 'the
,milleetese, preamwation, inikilettion •
' !zed nocation of **torte far the
I stady of iiiseery, esynemily the
tory a Goderiele ...etenring d
'conducting it library of historical eo
italics!, portraiture sued itistorieal
aluseurre Publishing and otherviist
e. diffusing information relative to the
history of Cxoderich."
To locative tide we ?nye inserted •
• the Wood Geskerieh where Ontario
stand* ln the original.
There are very feW cowrie in Co-
terie where there ate *tit* living ite
marlY citisenn. whets memory can
take thern,bsek so clew to tho found-
ing of the town, In a few year!. we
.. i will be celebrating our one hundredth
"birthday. We twee between 75 and
180 citizens all over:eighty years,
,age, and whose memory of early
i eventskis still very clear.
I Get them to tell you allot early •
it4oVertn,ttStrAynatoVirm!iternoriothe74.story down;
.• schiloolsit'ir wYoulisdn:ryttboami7kellutleratt .1°4
!collection of live eel sone' narretive
• that,ewill give ua an nght auto hy-
ing conditiens of 50 and 00 yeara ago. •
• ' that should make es, all Appreciate,
the hxuiy we culoY today..
Try it mit, tee how readily'your old.
- 4riends will talk about early times*
whet% --the stock market was opposite
the : present Bank, • of Corolneree.ee
when there were notrees around the
AND ' PARISH HOUSE.. coo the mud, of the swamp---Whenc
1. Court nom*, nothing but gravel to
ST. oactiKIE's • , ' ; Ithey .wed to state though the-ef.der
-A vinw taken from the north-west 400.4 showing enlirgentent. dtisiiig 1924. . ' . 'swamp back of' the British Ifoter, :,,,,
one hundred or mor persons in. # year; *as the moo. --e-e---e-----..'-o----"""'""'"•'''''' .''''"'-'"'•----"'""-‘ ' •-•""'""*. '"'".'"-"'''''-'—''-- '70171).thet:Pp'4.the, i:uteseetivIlltetBs.grri- -
thiel registerec show. The other seersanentel oats, acne 'tribute to the arehiteetural refineinent Of the Rector ' -preinised to praido the funds requisite ctO build u Sun- Breda of shriller recolleetione that
ehureh ministratione 'were f like pri,'Oethee. For •end: poriihionern Who Were, resPensible for its soiaQ1 1j11, if the ,ebtirely were., tet4ae Without.' a.will internot YOU. • „,.„; • • • -
•••_nilles...siround and ii-countless:4611U%; Deetor Elwood ettion. A Toronto -firm cuatmeted • tnbuild the 2. btsement. He fulG.ILed his ,pr,Oreito and t•IXO POh�01 YOU Win be. •euenrlied at the infice
Was )0161rOo welcomed and 'beloved., In Asel teem church for . but relinquiehektinktontract be hope etasbuilt in 1882 For forty-t*-n'Yetuit thie ali inattealialf. sn'..hour'il talk vOltbritg •
married ,them, lniptised their children* and:final!? bur- ••, •: • ; t 'et •the lege tdr, ffielsg resignedihe Curtxi'af,, PW' hilitett of t
• his, housed 'the' Various %Parochiel-nctivtties. end bec •;4A -rt- itk'doltit whi44-14-Y-te'lle 'Yon.
,whon% he, sifterward 'prenatceel toe oeineenetein th ' ie neighlsorhotel f1.7..* and Wile cMtred 4„: whieb, husrideereditielf to• heats Of Present It vat alt 1(44P 1$4"n'ti':°;14-fl '°1.1%e •
, : - • • It .
• hle'•-lOng-Ininistpii-Limrstotiottteogoo,•‘of perm" .. • f;re donipietinss the' wark. , The &taw, eost,
• , • kietit• ° - •
other (Mention that MAY 0001e un, 'sod
ioortgege cony „, Lome peohortiers'of -this am 1.141 itrtinieTgive-the-nlatonsoliot a e(""•''
had them .c • . •The Bishop of the Dioceesi toinf n n an n
• 'rho. Root** teWhfcli Mr. Calhphell;Oanlonn4,•trb''h : time, the Orner4teie We•S1011'w1thMeece0=0 eere111004 ga7s nti vts's gucctiededi;i the Rev. John Walters,: Et'on,t. put' this.'uff until meat year,
• Mr. he occupied for years, was rep1aed in 182 b C411114:1 . ter Xerr, 1311 The' church . as ror Jnu.ry,ib,3 Ile woe succeeded b toe Rev,. do it tins vnnte,,w..lt wilI help tbe 014 -- •
by the present ;Rectory. the gr000ito were then the' • mallyiopencd on the lirst Sunday after tester, April •oweti.Jonos, .Aciignav 084, 'who, in turn, tints folk to Pass the time Pleaseinuh ntlP, azld, -
pride of the Parish. How ,the children hood to the 24th, in the Year 1881, the Proueher for the owe,- eeedea the Voir, W:„ X0111150%. Augusti4-iii. Yew will be Ain•Prisea bow5-.c •
and play in this corder/ on •th,noc ssio -fti nnuaIsion being the Reverend James Cmrmichael: • Per utatii •••Th*,i.t, hvbe years* had nhet elapsed since'the • benelit.Y""erti '
• er4iiiii Araideaaari. Elvioed had usgurned the-R9eterata liAneyig :the e-ononittieo ,et to ,,,be
. . of,,,Goderich. lks it ad been Bald oft•hes Pred000ssPr, . named. by'the HistOlted Society are
• ' - .... se has it frequen 4ta y been -. i huneerth •Iiise ne
---'.c one to intervies, erni'c011setAlte., • -
- and 'rendering C,f the' eherch' ierviceS ...25 extremely our Met' residents relative to the
' • .heatitifel., 'When the corner -4W' 0 ,, Tent 5c' olier" arl$ actrinticac, °tour sewn., .
• •
Prom the sou angle
'taster' et ton Owings* &heel. eestroesod in this
utter peedifils sett it was decided that 114 tiergymen
eheand "War visit.
reeetttne4 from the' Church Missionary floeletY
White Rector UAL in all probability, portant..
mi maw mereasental acts in the Hum Tract prier to
• UMW yet hie drat recorded set was a Ilepr.terd On the
lak inky Irehrwary in that year. His ant recorded
ausirrimm watee the Stk day a the same month, 1853.
• l'Ibe ricer& Wenn by Ur. Campbell at that astir date
were faithful.), earttineei and preserved by all Ida
esimartr and are still in the possesaiou of the Rector et
After earning en service* in the othool house for
three raw. tiw Anstican'terteregathin removed to
Ilimititteree tern en West street. This bullatle was
•I as a tomporar3r church, with square pews,
• , fintalsiwesehed ant*, an altar, curtained choir ana
• „ ; sea visor terwitow• was conducive to the conduct.
• .
. it peldie wets*. Here bishop Strachan (who tis-
' -sat Mr. Cerapheit to be the roost beautiful reader
i••• lbeh Mikis Diecere), adreintION*1 the' sacred and
Site Osestrmatien in 1M2. Here Mrs.
lorrhoil ea the Sunday &hoot.
the rina Ishatail for the permanent church budd
P• elmet" New occuPled by Mi. 0. F. Carey.
wee*, ,filhetwe's asperrision a red brick edifice was
oponimostAlss piss et aroma about it was used i'
• tillthla the church, at the west end,
UIS the organ at first stood. 'The
high4suir, hex type, with cushioned
elinsid MAIN eats try means of deem At a
altisseet vase Wilt on t4 rut end of the
Water main eras install** therein. 15*-.
ithetoirreph of the exterior of
tabooed' in ane of the early map-
thia Astra is allow?). With its
*ad lien -like aPilearance this
ea merit factory a* a
the *teeter, token when 11-e
o p, give* essa an altoireth-
pleas et voneldp.
tvaltned the yodels a CM4-
, -at
• ,, •
• • .
latennatwedaymmytool picnien., Fruit trete, shade trees eutil
shrubs errained the Rectory frost. Nelson
street. Flowers war* Waled to *Week ; _
• In ISM Canon Elwood was oppeissinst Arehdosont ,
of Reran and Chaplain to the ItIght Itotetted 1.141 -
moth, the second Bishop of the Diocese eit itmen. In
the MOW you the Pay. 11..Cherinor hewn* assist.
ant to the. Areltdoscon, eritiet dike he oseithiend in tor
'a period of three yews. Ile was stieceedet, 11estet..
' ant, in If" by the Rim 'Richard Inas. Kr. Rieke'
orgalaisheg preaching Power and eiterill of per.
.son, onalsested with kis careful attention to details,
re his saledetry in St. Geotge's meet successfel. • •
Th Mkt upon the church in the Creiseent homing.
now hes* elimiasiteol, it was decidel to am it toner -
crated. Mahe, Helmuth performed this ceremony an
Sundey, Nelninther the 14* 1879. On the morning of
the following Satiarder the church was tamed. With
the *Minn pierieheli *rattles of greet yabee, such is
Wallets and thumb forgoer*, muck of *Mk ked been
dessated reembers Of the thank In the Motherlerid.
Among the things saved, however, woe the beautiful
communion plate sbkh is WS need apse ass greatin
foothills in Ste GeorgVe. Dude* the Hokorral whloh
elapsed between the deeti:uctieei of the oto chore* and
the neraplettoe of the present one, sofeskes were Ili Id
• in this Curt Hew,
Seems* tt ints Moro (6010•60111 kwebet, a Sortie*
of the ar*YortY epee whisk the Iteebary �. wen -
chosen as the slier for the new at. Overrea. It was a '
mod day 'rhea the tries es the = Iowa were
hewn dew* to wake way 'far the One would
to' void of ail sastatment maid los not.thippreetala tiro
imps** widek eaaeed the task is am ceteris wisdom -.
of ale *Met to in dewy* As. esp: Sho,
feesrthe eft them* wars be late the ail*
thi now einerals eadhame *1 theseiellite wash
arrepred-ailmis AsseMe -atas Inainhibiahataithil-
endi la the move el the es=1106 aid Wawa
meat et the Pah* Matill.
ti wow seleswile Eigemsig, moo neolt 1:14:111:i
idle Oak Miss if weath the OW attlfeli -4,10001 lor
hem Imes latiment: %a pewee* 116, lameas's is
. .
•'• Toronto,, was;laid, Bishop Strachan seat or Mr. El- 2. - dk committee to arrange a his- •
• Weed to intone the _service, scrteh Ainet musical was tory of .41P°#' 3" 4714t404 h• Val
illiti,°:,6a.IVrtestIltneet*itli.,13'hYyb;.1111iliff$10C.111)Sitit:YPT:eetilkni.tetall:1114:tr4fleal'Il'91;nedets-nt,Fetbel4g1Petit77.. sce;atirl: e:lk:tout:t,I-ao4;"ase-4:31hera::e‘otbaltvhrPeldvtede21:1voc'euh:aciiPlis77111'et°1!
'vice. he hest Won for hiniserf a• '1e'rY •large Place ill the ka•one of the meet important
, neretien of his people. On the ist ef Mereh, DM: he lake ports, oerte, the history . of our uturi„
• tvgg enlieri Minot leaving all who 'hod ever come within gation should be collected and pree
' the virile ot, his heneficient influerice, to mourn his owe setyod. • „ ,
lbe' mantle of office fell trent ;the stioultlerg of ,These are only suggestions of .ttk
Arelideecon Elwood upon,-thosgeraol•lat'hi; 1%iess4iete- etited_in any of them? le there
A ittivities which the Society infield,
A ; mange this , winter. Are you intex.,
Young. , The parish had been aaoy
Goderieh, and Ste Stephen's Church, on the Heron/load
tireit until new it comprised:M.1Y St. George' -church, ether sUbject you 'think wotdd he of
iuterestt,if $oo outline.Your Our end
' 511 Gcultrith 1" V641.4 Mr. 'Young' Present it to the neXaVeeting tho
•' REV. S. S.' HAR•DY, id;A.
eerved tide perielt,'nerryieg on terviee.4 'in St. Steidle Seciety. ; ,•
'.°811:stp,,u1t84,14erarr haetteatit110711ittaa- !inatia:nitS:*elnn84Jit'Uliteg4inYt4hit(ti. halt eneec ee'n4tityhide..111441o"n2 ;*
• tod, 0110 vat ntiting merit that, the lake trace or Gode- • ; •
•earuleitY, 'for the Pet
. •
Yeung'S incunibeney the mortgage upon the thifreh Goderich has *lamp been of consid-
erable imPortnce. The following ‘A
• Rector et, At. Genristo• Cttaith 104
"M. Yedilted'UY the. V.9111 (*f S'111)*°"'Ana PariA W" list of boats owned end trading out 'of
Rural Des* et !arm. - drawn together- in hermotous activity. He resigned Goderieb by. Aciy, means
eeeeeZ;eee.:e.e:ee*ese.; lit 1802 to eissunierthe Oflife'ef Dieeestei CaltrabOsner pieteanti TS:: -only pablIsinKl'iri' the- "
Yeers he ited been Peesoind friend of looter 0,wood . with charge of the .peileh of Woedhoose. He Was herve-L that aomaone .011 •fill ant -the
• and -a-as one of the most welcorile tout frequent visit(4s made Cerm. and later 4ppointecl Archdeacon' of Nor- missing information, correct any er.
to. St. Georgees.i With What: glee they ettildren would folk. ?tier to hisitiPerennuation he strvedlor m'my -tors,- and give any additional infer -
clap their hands when the Archdeacon 'nould announce; Years as Sceretary.Tremuter of the Synod. Now he methi: nthey may have.
"On Wednesday of this -week we *hail bold our Sunday lives ,retifki in London, Iniving"the distina'tionof being twBeohnoorothorsner 4f.arYsehooWnstonvivr jrScpalmottmonr,,
sohooi peordo, on the Rectory- *ea hove he the senior. Prishit in tho Diocese of iltrron.
woad hold the *.od news for p tantelleIng•rnontentr , .The Reverehd Mark Turnbull was the rohrthZ.ei;. tuis3thiltawnfiscn",hnet4epurnatAt; ritt000rrilesoe4os:
Jos -
and Mr. Carmielmel is to be with tn0 At the thut he tar of Goderich. Ile,was born in the Shetistid r nuf.1 .Leoriara and c, yr
(deleted et the openint Of,. St. Ceerges, Oar**. in IMO; being the *daft son of the Rev. George Turn --Schooner. Lily Dentey, C.apt. Donor/.
h nay Soutle,t(rpher 'Cribb , owner" Schooner To
*heel was Rector of Ow Church of the Aecenelou,• hull. After long service in the'Reeleatitt the BEN' Waller; Saborter AsseXat/011,
Hamilton, „previously he luta been Rector of it on
• owner; homier Jennie, R,
Bi h " of the Dioemo of Montreal. -•• veal -*vet,. and* mbar; ac
and, eubstattent to tits opening of St. CeolSe's, was, "'America,' wider the Bis • hop of the Falkland 'entollahr nottott-Thembie as
. Mr. Charles George 'Dyfott, n.yerishianer, bad (Contiriued on page 4),
. . .
• ,••
-«. • .1
• a
in •
hfik. -
• • Onterio, (built here. capacity 18,000 ., .., •
bushel grain),- Seymour, owner;
- Schooner linthissrus,•Wnt- Lees. own" . , •ir
-er;hooner ;Create(etieed-Mae.•
%wan, minter; &Moller M. C. Caner.
en, WM; ten owner; Stheenwr Sephin .',,„,„•(
built here; Wm. Ittliten and lee. Wil-
liens. o-witers•*Schooner Maitland, .
evened hi. Company; Schooner Even
, Ing Star, Tborburn and XePhereort, " •
*wrote; Sehooner Mary Atm; Saloon.
er Wanderer; Schooner Elgin, Capt.
Laween, owner; Schemer a N. Car-• -
ter, Dienneed-Thesselore Mills, own.
ere &boozer Garibaldi, Jas. Parsons.
owner; Sebooner Niegare, Capt. $c.
. Leask owner; Eithofinet, Toelmen, Alen' • •
Lawson, owner; Schooner J. a trot
1 Wrict. Leellard, minters Schooner Mo. .,
Grine Hugh Donlon (trot on Late I
"trial,- iwarr; Steam torgee-Vsinct. '
eriellt. Hawley, owner; Mary Robert-
.. eon, Fred Robertson, owner; pitmen.
rim ateerrient-.Xelula, VanEvery and
littuabolh -owner; .Cemuliati; Valley
City, VaniCescif and numbed (name •
changed to Sonny Boat); Meucci
Lkrole carried int* lake by lee jam and
arel'It*Pelifiese4N.leireea, -e, *dot -i.- ..,„,..,..,, •=,_
eltitneenY, Seale,. Ridd, owrir;
Seymour, Seymour. owner.
I Ptionnetew bolds inside trios `daily
botircon Gooterieh one flowtharaPter .•
81041 WM litti Per week went to Ramis..
1 'Fitemerr (linter) ran "'determent Gmbh
rieh And Saginaw Valet * weak.
1 More wax alto a lift cetervaw, prik.• ,
railer*rannthec between Goderieh ivtrl
ChiesOro earrying fore Mr the 1144....
fairs aad Loire Herat 71. R.
- Vows
was a pesweager maertio, ---- -
that had haler* of diseit. am %lamas
hare sod flersaa. Claurkt ill MO '
ma sad Yawl hers veariseerd '
Can sesselerve Ott name or Ms boat
• so aMr- imetteelaraf 1. . . -.•
•• 1 • -View lit
anet •