HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-12-04, Page 7•
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11111111DAY, Dir.•14114 IN
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The T imam
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Four at the eight men who were ar• ed. From left tr. right in the above ruler director, convicted of neglio auditor, who wasfound guilty of ne.
in the
raigned by the crown on charge* um.. picture they are shown aa follows ; gencei,Charles A.. Barnard, Ki. C', al Aligenee concurring
montreil. director, found gulty on statementin . Three years is the mfakeraxi.
' der the Bank Act, appeared Monday Oceen G. Smith, former chief at:court. three *aunts Of having reads, vied mum on the neglitiencecharge and
hefore•Judge Coatsworth for sentence. rant, found guilty of ; negligence; awl negligently concurred in fake re, fire Ytars on the triple count cantle.
all four of them having been rcinviet. Lieut. 'Col. pirence F. theith, of Mon. mane; and Sydney H. Jones, former tion. •
.... sat A.•04 er
.......••••••••••••.• . •••••*••••••••t...Y. •11•4441.4•14•I•11•14,4 • WYO.*, t,....••••••••6•••••••••• /WWII •
.. 5. 0C- 'a' quantity of iron but it is not found
.si Taylor, Mrs. B.. II •...... 2 00 and it acts as a necessary 'lux in any
Sinelair, 108..1010u
Taylor, Il/r. Alex
2 00 -event. The slag is eonveyee in great
5 04 cauldron-hke cars and run out 011
_. ' . 3 00 ec000micil to attempt to' recover title
. .. fe Templeton, Miss Kete
Thompson, Mrs. James ,
5 00, railway trackege and emptied . and
Taylor, Mr, G. W
Tom, Mr. J. N
2 OC dumped the whole town rs lighted ug..
2 Oe when two or three. cars ot this,,nro;
Tebbutr, Mrs. ,Wm .
5 0e •especially at night, is the two or
5 00 three -streems of red-hot •)slag .slip
When you add OX0 Cubes toyonr soups. stews
and other dishes you me adding more 600-
the rich goodness of prime beet.- which
makes them tastier and more wholesome.
OXO Cubes are so handy and convenient,
too, that they make cooking easy.
Vanatter, Mr.' a. W
Walker, ,IVir. Wesley
Woollconthe, Mr. F. W 5 og dorm fhe side of the dump. Aeres
Wing Chu (British Hotel) 5 00 and acres of ground have been cover.
Wigle., Mr. E. R. .. .. ..... .... 5 00 ed to a depth of many feet with Oh.
WI's, 1/4"' Henrietta * A (IC slag.Angreat amount of eiectricity is
Weitbrook, Mr. GeOrge....; .... • 5 OC
used in the -mechanical processes In
Warner, M. tio ..... • • • • • • • • . 4. 22 000
Winters, Mrs."It. • ' is developed from weter powers with.,
() the operation of the muceinerr, whicli
Whitely. Dr. (T• B . : .. " • " " ' " 5'.°1:1 in a, few miles. A visit to the power
;'. Wheeler, Mr.. R ' 5 °°' plants and. mines wadi be interest -
Tins of ' -
5' " mg, but these the writer vas compel -
4 Cues. 15c. ' A Whitely, The Misses
Colborne Township • .
led te forego on account of•the short.
nig, „ Adams, Mrs. Jas , # $2 00 nem of his visit; • ,
*** 2. 00 °A rtm lip to Sudbury and back was
10 " .*.• 30c.
Buchanan, Mr. (Sr.)
6 00 made on Saturday night: Sudbury
. , The Great Seel trossinty
BBiissaesetttt; IdMrr.. Gordon........Sainue1 .. . : 56 -33 impretses one as a very pi.ogressive
. . .place, and, the outstanding itnpression
• , - . Bissett, Mr. James
„„0,,,0 that forces itself on ttre attention or
- .. Bissett, Mr. Peter
• • IST •
Bissettt,r, .14Wiriall.i_Aairr...____ ,,z, co .tehrnusthowortnr% to and from this north,
MEMBERS ,,OF • 41 • • OR %IV
. the pieponderance ot
-. (croon, mr. J. . „.. , . ...... * • • • • 6 00' foreignerivon the train. There seem-
•6 00 ed to be far more Italian and other
,Kelly, Mi. Teddy
. . • .
... Lamb, Mr, ..... •-•- rs. • • •• 1,-0 • v •-• .r 4-0 foreign language:4. spoken than out
sheets of the. Nickel Company shows
- .
• ' 5 00 own English. A ,gieriee at the tiwe
. . . • .
•. . . ' MeNevin, Mr. A
McCreath, Harry 2 00
5 00 a large 'percentage of foreign -looking
6 ue names and Coniston jtself has itr
Those Whoia $2.00 or $5.00 Subscriptions Entitle Their* To 's lile Robertson, Mr .,__A
5 00 varicmforeign sections, the French
Sanderson, Alis• Wm
... 2 00 settlement, its Polack village and KC'
• - Members of Alexandra flospitil Association I Symonds, Mi. W. J
• •
1 47;3'2' k
Walters, Mr*. R• • • •••••.•••••• 5 00 on. , , . . .
........r080. tidtets...and twenty*
. . . _ • .
,,. . , . . A2.00 were sold in Goderich township
The Sum of $682 WJs Realized. From Sale of Membership tickets, -IfletdheY do not wish the name .. pub-' .
E. R. Waite, Secretary, :'• .
- • .,:'.1 '
...• , •
The follewhig are the members of Lawson, Mrs, Alexander., ....:....t.i. 00 ,
4,44•414#4 A. HUGE INDUSTRY
__ t.Ssvat-the • Possinest" -.etub, and they
;That every city sboold organise 'a
the Alexandra •Marine -an General Lesslie, Mr• Er• V 5 OC
Hoapital for 1924*192o.. . • • ..... • Lawrence Mr P F • --Iva The Ir.tleutielk nMines ' Near - logintonn
, , . • . Lane, Mr. William...I. •,. • a.. • . r • .5 OC • -
, . • ...,... • ,.. •S"hurY 41°Uld lagitani Or plgeTtlite"rtoheativ We";
• ' Lilo Mears. ----- • '• -Lawronee,-„ Mr.. --Frank .. 4 • 2 OC ..el.. ....c. -re an , Ann have _ . in .t in dor 01.,1 10,
d Industry Em- '
1 e ot
Mr mach* Wurtelr... e . , • •;„ ,:. Judgei.tteetswiaiar.oi e!:. .iil 4 4..4 02- 38 1110Y8 any 11imared* ef Men. thingg. --
Ted: Waco
ge f .• ••••••••• ...... T
10181( 7001„nnr.:OHP4gteW1131'°41.rnallOgrFt".
. •'71Q' ' :. Mr.* Robert MacKay
A1111.354441nr•LI; be-rs" ''' . ; Macara, Mi '...** -- . -:. ' * . t °460) 'al ThAvecartrIng 111'1•Tduoartgera414en't3:11101,.neti; welly into *the 'Annie.. to •rtiou 104_
no something older Ontario has been theingolies to the bigger and better
Allen, B:......r. ........-• ..... - _0...T , McLean, Mr. A. D 5 00 slow to appreent efully,
• ' . Adieson. Mr. R. J.... . •$5. 00„„McVicar, inr....duifer.. • .... .. . 5.-- - ;t but a change things orlire and husintss. • 1
-BrowniAir, Douglitu,„ ,... :*.uv I MdLeall;.:Mr. W. L.... . . .. , . .„., .,5 00 has teen noticeable' in that regard in Tbat we 154glirdint.is the •nun, who.
- 5011lacVicar,- bin •George.... . .. . , . 2 00 the past 'few years and several of out.
• ' 'Brophy, Mr. Joseph' ' 5 simply will not see the miiver,ilning be-
• - Black, Mr. Cherie*. ..... ; ...,;2 001
„. Martin, Mr. Frank. . . . ... ....: 5 00 representative papers have featured neach the eh ucir,Who advertises by.his
Baker, Mr. W. J . „- ... . ... • 0 • • • 1 5'0. 000" Mae Kay, :Mr: A. j.. „.. . 5 00 the industry. in special editions. The looka auci. actions his utter inability ta,
.4, .... •
Baker, Mr.- L 041•... v. .I 1., , • X .4. 4 ., MacDonald, Mr. D - 6 00 editor of The Star had the opportnn. meet Ult. neighbor on competitive biteire.
. Baker, , Mrs. • Montague. 5 MacEwen, Mr. J..J. • 5 00 ity recently of ,a visit to the plant of That the optinlist•knowa that unene
• Bisset*, Mr. Robert... i5 ,.0.111 MacEwen, . Mr. George, ' 2 00 the Mond Niekel 'Company.: at ' Con- ployment Is gratingly ditnloishIng;,thet
Bnecblor,, Mr. Jeseril... .. • ... 5. u". bleLaulridin. Mr. E.. i (.... .. 5 00 iston, about eight ;Ivies this side of money IS gettiug cheaper: that" the
5 00 Sudbury, and although' the object, of fellotuh- at:lett (51T:6110ms isgtet ins titmhterlobulhoitn)get
.. liteekstone, Mr. Harold5 00 Macklin,.Dr. A. H
• • Button, Mrs. J. F:1 • 4 ' 40 • •. 6.e. Mabee, Dr. .r, m. • • 6 00 his visit was not primarily to see the
Ball. blies Winnifred, . .. . ••'• 5 0,1 Matheson, Miss - aben4permitteil to stand In the path of
• Brown, Mrs. 3. P-........,.... 0 00 McGuire, Miss , R. 5 00 loge smelting plant which is the rea•
' 5 00 son for the existence of the ,toWr
"f Pr9-glitirgti"Milia Perir bPaecriktYoi this movettiont ,
TAO timiatain that on tuntlyrin will
• Black, Mr. Harry,. ...... ...„ S.. OA ;Miller, Mrs. J.; .. „ .... ,4 5 00 Coniston, this proved.a very. interest. 84
• Bell.• Mr. R..... • t__ . s 5 00vii Muttnings, Mr. B.C. „ 5 00 lug feature of the Vint. •
(8 eom. alto". that there is =thing :so radically
Coulthurst, Mr. W. A.... . „„ McEwen, 'Mrs W. G. ' .. . .. ;.... .2 .00 The Mond Nickel Corneal*, wrote end the country' is not going to
° vu Middelton, 'Miss ' ,, 2 00 posed of British capitalists. The rei;
Clark, Mrs. James w•vows. . .
. . Coats Mr. William ..;,.., 5;00 mbEeten, Mri. Peter Br.: ...; . , , 6 00 dueing of the ore to nickel matte
That if it Melts- that way. to Fvnne
• Cluff,'...10. R.. . I........ , . . ; . .. 500 IVIcEwenr:Mrs. H. J. 5 00 the work of the plot at Coniston and,... ,, , , __ _ _v.. .„ 1 4.).
Campbell. Mr.:Itirnt . 00„. MeIlwain, Mrs. David ....:..... 5 00 the refining is, done in the old country r7,7f,i,‘"I'lln'tiVtt"erylY,400.tilinliti7,7ti‘i. to ratreg
Oraiffie, Mr. 'J. W • ° vu McKenzie, Mrs. J. 2-00 the nickel matte being broken.up and tvireunn.oiven (0 111(1 cot:anion or today.
•• CAMPbeil, Mr. 3. A. ,4 00 McKay,- Mr. Malcolm. ; 2 00 shipped across the ocean in barrels. A.II should swat tlw pessimist! °gm.
•' Cprnlield, Mr... •. 9 " •Mprney,• Mis,' W...., .. .. . .. , 2-00 The company has at the 'present eine 4itni Make him lonesome! Roil the
Connor Mr. T. G '
- Crawford, Mr. Thos..- 4 a.* 4 • • 11 a 'UV meRs-y,
Cornette, Mrs,D. F...• ....,,, • 2 Oil
• •• 50 0,0„,° Miller, Mrs. Forbes... :.... ;
G. ,. 4,....;_i ix) aroundmthaewdibsutrnidetredsohouCsaonnidstsono,f LI! bpemponuleatiositkolliaillyt11,hteotriste‘eivIiiiloloretittlitit)linetivta...eiktee:)17 a'.
52 0000 time four nickel 'mines in operatitin in stow roller 4,,,,,,r mon own, blot so tin
to the
• Currie, Mr. 4111xles.... • . i ...1.0. • e ... 0 meNevin. Mr. Josepi;
... ,, Mitchell, Mr; Their.- „, „.., 5 00 tars' worth of nickel have been re., Amos
•-• Cutt, Mr. Comn..-•-• •*...•-•,- - - •• 5 v* Nand, Me. Walter... .*... , ..... 6 00 covered and many hundreds of thou- 4 71..04....^ ., -• .r.4..
' Cutt, Mr. Robert... • • .......• • 2 00 Naftei, met,. K. ' • p 00 sands of dollars more are available , 1,11 na 1.14,..„.,* soon; Mother"
Dunlop, Colorer...-. . r5 "„„, O'Brien, Mr. D. M. ' 5 00 Other mines have been in operation • - ''' - . .r... II/ • *
• Dunlop, 'Mrs., Hugh..., ........4 5 ,‘";',.. Parsons, Mr. G. L....-. . :5 Oir but have been . abandoned in "the . '. . writes SamMY
Daltort..YIrs • . ' . ...' : i: p art ee, • ., „.„... ....... .. meantimebemg&Lbw*, is -a, sie'ett tn.', hid ' e
werkaeli havetheonesbeei at
Lexotkeseeniutli retinae'. then hu 141:.-ee r
Elliott, ti. hl . 4. ,(.1,9, Patterson, Mr. Roy 5 (10 most productive. Those in operation. „iota t tale „a he hitt& mien more wig -
t r IM•liettel at toe ego, roe
Ellis, Dir. C. W . 1 It",, Pridbani. Mr. Walter.:. • , 2 00 at tee. present time tare the Leveck ;two rear life Worhod In P. foundr
• A Ford, ;Rev. I F ' 1 0° ,Robertson, .Mr. Charles r 200 Mines. - s .- • rnul't",,d't:.:.:q7th51.11i6:11.rittigiliPeuilf._11-11);"
Ernmerson, Dr. A. T, , • A 1 • • * • II •F ,...,,, Porter Mr. Ernest.. , . , ....,.. 5 00 Worthington, Garrison and Freed
' Field, Dr. J. M... ,.. ... . .... .„5 IL.n• Reynolds, Sheriff . 5 00 -.The plants at Coniston are kept° in
..... „ .. . Freeman, Dr. Joseph • " "u Robertson, .Mr. Clarence ..... .. 2 00 Operation 24 hours a day, 7 days o rts."I'sttof::::74b.u:t4leurittIna:pte:0:nte":1°Itt",:aast
Gam, Rev, Father . • '5 00 Reid, Mr. Chas '
• Gledhill. Mr.. M. W
Felker. Mrs. W. J
Gray, Mr. D. R.. . . . .' .. i .. 5 00 Robertson, mr. A. tt......
. • 1_011 Roberts, Mrs. J. M
vu Robertson, Mr. W. H . 5 on week, the men working in three.S. ref irr
6 00 couple of hundred. more at each mine .
5 00 my retie at the mills and probably a
5 00 hour shifts. Over 700 men are on the
lowbeteeming', nor the 41tetoftatt
thte.4„nirit" t.;xtottltierbeeald":„ rirt I"
take O. rest," 'But it Wettn't Ill° iltbd
Girvin; 'Mr. Charles .• .. 5 WY Ruston, Mr. worm . 5 00 The town of Coniston aad its origin utettr'ty
8 on e TheretttgMik;" fl;:17!„
(bourn, Dr. X. 11,...:.••
4 i .• 11 • . 5 00 Seeger, Mr. Charlee....' 6 00 and its mainstay in the industry; in
Gundry, . Mr. Thos ,,.. • 5 00 Sutteliffe & Wernher 5 00 fact practically all the land on which fre:ItisrtI""'"' viredit,,,T1-1,11'''7o`vse`d*
. Graham, Mr. I B. 5 i;t1 ;gherreeikly„..,mt. Aeg: .. , . ; . „ 5 00 the place is built and most df the hott: ,,riloitet..isteatuttimeitir4h,',„ hope i 1 ..
2 00 Sett are owned by the Companyb Y W" 1sud
Getable, Mrs. A. G. ou sturdy.; Major Fred '
• Hooey, Mr. W • the elltrt;Y" *its li.tert.• as tat vIrit't te ter':
g.. 4?)) thaeffer, Mr. G. W.. ...... 2 00 which also has erected a fine large ,„„,
. 1 • f, winger', Mrs. Magnus 5 00 hotel for such of the men as wish to ---
5 00 - make it their home. This institution rives. If m I
Humber, Mr. 0. IT .. 2 up .
LexibitItteuitm.)1•1.N. f..t, bl.t., I.drilf4..1. Nitille).
osq./., Ille I ChCrIr nathitte In.
• Holman. Mr G. W, • , •• .. , ... 5 0i Saunders. Miss Josie..*, .... 2 00 was partly destroyed by fire last year, 4 I t N. .1 •••• ..r Preto.. itl.t...
Jin z, Mr. Ileoter.,. .... ... ... .5' On Sault, Mr. 31r. Vr; 5 00 but hits been rebuilt better than e...er
Ile.ton. Mr'. IV; L ' • 5 oo &nits, Mr. B. s .. . ... . ., 5 ,o0 and ' an inspection or the "Nickel
2 00 Club" as it is known, was one of the he ,wreie in his bud letter) 'sad lie
Hill. Mrs. G. (I Sault's, Mrs. B. I
Huston, Mrs. Robert 5 OS Saulte, Miss Irene 2 00 interesting features of the writer's At,r421141,11:,r4,13. ro' 11 1* n!"1116
Hardy, Mrs. S. '4 2 tit, Saults,,Miss Etta. 2 00 two days spent in this country; .the .. .1).hc. 31,,,,$,,,ka itootail tar, ,,,,„
5 00 past week. The building hag hard.- •cumpther, the !raven .1. th, poor sr.
Hunter, Dr. A. C 15 00, Stewart, Mr. George
Holmes, 'Rev. .1. L 2 00 Swafileld, BUSK Jessie.......,.. 1 00 wood floors throughout ancrthe roome PM') sirelt,!`"gli.11?""' " ",1;11a,
Hawthorne Mrs. Walter 5 Or Sturdy, Miss Gertrude......... 5 00 are furnished very neatly, quite the cao:,ity 0 us rood, u., ,,,.,,,,, ,,,,,,.
5 00 equal of settle of our beat city Y. M; its work.•• f r . - - - . 171"--1-.: -""
Hume, Mr: J. P .. 5 00 Steep, Mr. George
Jackson. Mr. C. L I. 5 00 Stonehouse. Mr. Roy 5 00
Knox, Mr. L. L 5 00,Shephard, Mrs. A. M .1 00
',Moran, Mr, J. L 5 OC - Salkeld, Mrs. bum 5 00
K. Mr. Jim 2 00 Strang, Mrs. H. I............: . 2 OS
Kidd, Mr, Terente 5 00 Straehan, Mr. Jas 5 OC
Littleehild, Mr. Fred 5 00 Smith, Mr. Frank . ... 5 00
Shawnee, Okla., Board of Com -mei -en
- Dater, Airs. .... 00 Porter,. Mr. Andrew • 5 00
C. A.'s, and large wash rooms with, enntriblitiollit may b., sent to tem,
tubs and showers as well as hand be- tlf.t..,,A,4:11.tglam;,1),8;e4lau
n.dtlt' 223 °"11`11°
sins, suffiefent to accommodate *-
good- number of men at thesante-
tunda and the dining room permit of your name?" the teller politely aric4
"x beg your pardon, sir,' biewhat
time. Folding doors between the so,
the use of both for the. dances whkb ,,
edNthiteinnelr,, presenting -a cheque.
are held at intervals. Another tomer, "don't echoed the indignant elm -
house exists in Coniston, this one or you see my signature
the staff 9t the. 46-100e9Y*;• • • - en
deoh,"e'queLwered teller
own boasts electric light aid 'That's what Armond my curiosity.'
water systems, fire hall, two good
public schools, three churches (Antra.
can, Presbyterian and Roman Catho-
lic) and other features of an up•to.
date municipality which are good for
aplace, of -*bent 2,000 inhabitinti.'
And a cement highway has Net been,
eompleted,to Sudbury, About ninety
automobiles are owned In the town.
The processes at the nickel plant.
itself are most ititereoting. dome;
• thousand tons of green ore * day Are'
brought in front the nth** sad pee.
Red through the plant, and correspon.
dingly large quaatitie* or cool are
used in the ameltlag furneens. Some
• five ,locomotives are toed shoot the'
lidera Moue. A peep Tao tee bloat
' furnaces is interesting. In the synett-,1
Ing procetmea the lighter slog riot*
'to the too and is pourer' oft at eite
;idde, while the bossier Meisel is rot
" ?el on the other. The gag metals:1,
:i LLJ
MEM. 4•1111141b
also in AZ
14011SACT1.1100 IMbleitRIAL TOM CC* COMPANY Of CakaDA UMI110.
••• • ••• • .• • • ••••••••••••• ......••••••••.••••• •••••••• • -
,Christitnas Is Just Around the. corner
•As the old saying goes -"Only * few short days away"
T_Ixis _Year
38..known as .
. •
"The Store of a Million Practical Gift Suggestions"
, . . .
. Mat:e it .our headquarters. Nem: before have -Ai, u 1.4 suchlrfirTiCatut, .
Regular ,ea., of Gift Suggestions onbut Three
extensive range of Practieni Oift gu,tmestions as this year.' in fact there il*
and if low -price* and beautifid merchandise will bring trade to O,orieriCh,
we certainly Auld have .our Share. • Cnave in and look around. ' No
obligationto buy. ' ' • 4
.. • , -. •, • .
Here .aFew Suggestions for Practical Gifts
in solid Week walnut Sad reettworkla
• friar sad , .
(.solid black walnut).
p Peliyebrome linieli.-. ,,•
. )
a .very apeciel ,price on genuine
leather Club Baia. -
of EVerY Ileality and Prior. Some
beautiful new arrivals in pastelles.--
(in silver and Italian bronze).
special in Boudoir Lamps in Italian ,
Brunie at $5.50.
•in Italian Brans.. •
Mahogany and Pollyehroiee.
• .
• in • Italian Oconee, Silver and Polly. ...I,AI)IES" WRITING DESKS k
cltroale finish.
Pollychrome and Solid Bronze.
in solid bronze. , •
In oval and sqoare, priced from .441.75
We Have .Not Forgotten the Children
In our basement we have Rocking liorseii, Shoo • Fly Horses, Velocipedes -
Automobiles, Doll Carriages, Doll Cradles, Doll Cribs and Teddy Bears.
Watch Our Window Displays
You will find our prieslower than many eity stores for the sante goods.
We have the agency for the STROMBERG CARLSON 5 -Tube Neutrodyne.
Radio Receiving Sets. Demonstration any time.
Wesley Wa ker
The Store of Qoadity
Often the Cheapeat-Alwaya thq, Beit Wes
Std. Sou" att rkh