HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-11-27, Page 5Frfdray and Saturday November 28th & 29th A Host of Practical, Sure -To -Be Appreciated Gifts Are Here For Your Selection . The problem of what to give" can be quickly solved by A' vie•it t. our Mom -1Iere you will find a lug° Atock of suitable gifts at met remona,ble nrieei... I .. ' FINE PERFUMES, TOILET SOAK: Milt. BRURIIES and COMBS. S %MIA' Ft tZo us awl SI -LAWNS OUTFITS, GIFT STATIGN.ERY. KODAKS and CAMERAS. MUTE I.VORY WARE, • 1.1 BONY wan, MANICURE MS; - - FOUN TA i N PENS, .SILVER PEW I I.S. ti IMMO ' - CAIII5S, CANDY, Torun PREPARATIONS,- HOT WATER BOTTLW,t, VACC,DAI lit)TTLEi, e RUBBER GLOVES, ENC.. ETC. . . ••• FRIDAY and SATURDAY SPECIALS; Neilson's Rose Bads,.. -......,..------ O. • Le go •••-•• Ao 39c lb• Neilson's B9,1k Chocolates— lk. Regular 6oc. lh. CAIIIIPBELL'S. DRUG STORE . . yelp te imine in and foe t free tee look around at'anv time. "r11E-CIIRI$TMAS .CIFT smor-, gee is maw& Os aka* *IL that yaws. -44/1110-- - - moque; Iber River. Algoma, Outt., Mr. Wert Mb. e i . .11:Pellithe Noy. 344h. Int. it the former poen ne Editor at The Gederiek Star, % Ilbege. Geseeriele Qat. • Dear 1r --I am a constant reader bigelitillakeeCaftiss*sisit twiedigWWy on' sea SilisNisitTi'te. of Iola paper and am muck inteiwit- friends in Toren*, wl is the home Dram Perhaps some lir. o..., Mrs. 4.6,... iirr.,,,,uao loft ee yew readers weak! be asterosted isf71„, wool' 17;;; itiaiz. tr, Efd.• ea readies *bot Algenta. on A V st Alma is abeam wholly within the sail auli St' Th.alal* Laureation plateau where, ia the kat Mr. and Mrs. Phillips wetnht to itTtoter•- ageo hate gluier* from ewe aerie ciao lest sreek to take in e w crept slowly southward. They strip. fair lead visit friends. ed the sail away, leaving oaly bare lire. Chas. Straroirtsan wait to Tor. rock. Teen teem glaciers looking onto last Friday, and returned honw forme41 numerous lakes aad rivers. with an adePted ciallgilt4r. Years pain, the weethering .agesita Mr. awe M. MeLeali have started began to change the reek , to 'oil. their irairtseY through WO uX -"kin, whke was carried ke tue liveri to up their residence in the village. *as 'elms, gruilndlY. .allint them.,Mr. Edward Maki, of Seeforth• we. Thus the fertile land 34 TIOW IOItnia in a 011140 UM WOOL He was (met in the river valleys,'whtch were formerly lake beds. looking sifter his property here. . Through one of these lake beds, Mr. Nelsen Hifi and his -wreetmhor. which it has tilted with sediment Mn'. Hill, and leis atater-m-ia , rs. .. flows the Bar River windinghere end Carter, veadeje sheet visit to Clinton there with seareely any currant ort ita . Mr. and Mrs. Farrow, who have 0 --Mast at a Smelt looking, wok tailored tdothe la Spey. brourise. hyena and levet isamile. 404* with polo niug. others qweeset head. withchaok (wk. Prisee $30.00 an4 MOO Men's ami Y Maa's Overcoats at agliNaleintjataarlan..... annegirarsarailnelarMarlanCtaallnlan Fthel cemetery to the east of the Martin es tient :power to act. for the 12.foot vault aite in Maitland vo'rE oN TOWN HALL I referred to the finance committe Rh' ence.to Mrs.„3-1. B. Lloyd's pubes am . - Jory s e Question 4.Are You in ram et a A, request from bliss • Ifyosa at* Woking for soese4hinei reel trim wa want yort les see these Overemate, navy aud brown chinchillas, double texture eketha in tans, grey*, fawno *tot 1..vst, shavieN, and every tic value ndW 828.50 to $35•00 Ovortoats foe Boys 10 to 18 Years $10400 to $14.00 Brown and 'levet eliedies, subetentiai warns looking eiolbe,_ • W. C. PRU)HAM, & SON • Men's and Boys' Wier fek the New *ere seat tie Seek of Misatreel ' I way to Lake George. The banks of been in Detroit during the awasaer, i river overflows. Nearly every .far- village Ma winter.. .1=11111.114"."111111111111111.11111s eotubacted by bee pastor, Rev. P. 1111111.11111.11After triiv.14.11.1111zig it le tine °V; Net ; tha river ire low luta every spring, the are taking up their residence in the ,...-- I mer has a boat and when the flood Last Saturday Mrs. Alp, _of .the S. SIMON interment being in Wing. obtatetkintoelcroti home meal taken Ant COMAS, he is able to row from his preabyterian menet, wail Callen toher ham cemetery house to his barn. One year when 1..1.0 4.040.0140'.0 ......10.,1.1* their cattle out of the state* and put them up in the mow out a tire wa- former home owing to the serious illness of her brother near Baltimmee. Mother's ran easily knew when lout F' Id a dan" W4g held in worine, and they lose no time in ap- their 'children art treubled with FOR FLETCHER'S they had a bad flood they had to take 0 ilxieiren Cry would witnt to. live titere?"—These e"4"."" — es ° the hall, Ths:re was not A very large Those who were there *int . a relistap remedy—Mother ter. I imagine I hear some of the farmers. in Huron County say "Who „4„.,..,4 +It attendance. Graves Worm Exterminator. CASTORIA em lv t an early hour. floods, are, however, a benefit, ap Last week the river was covered- they, bring deven feriae scdi from the over with .* thin coat of lee.- tiapliped;r mcoaukrseinganitcl epvereryadreirtt liove.er rhth: :Lhooreugliowithn: weionsthhaenor ‘711.0emicittoldthite 7 14, FRANK AL per sere. Veen Huron County can Aonlleasjfirthstingweterris,SrPettusenPedsrhrilomeSsirst' busabobuetistvrelear itclipolsZilaytz; Mr. Nelson Rill/and Mr. Maitland aver:rise yield ef oats IS about :seven. ter them. the hard frost. MANUFACTURING. FURRIER, of GALT ONT 'WILL SE AT • scarcely equal these yields.t• I Alger)* abounds: g e u t 'Saturtcyc esevflPistrri.p. They report for increase in salmi as stenographer!' vault, we recommend that, subject tolerg Alfred Asquith is going to meet the UNIVERSAL MILLINERY STORE front Southern Ontario are well on at January Elections treasure , was read and was referred purehased for *30 and deed issued for • inclement waiter by-. supplying addl. a wised to come to Algoma to get • New Town Hain" TO Be Voted :in the office of the town clerk and prior sale or charge, tele site may be their deer I..ast egrin whi e out f The regular- meeUng. ±)1 reque,st. from the Childree's Aid eitications being su witted to'end ap- e Vtlement I SAW MY Brat 1 hi eample by adding additiorei cie Y or a gra fr' I for tional warmth by installing a new th 4 e committee ; use as vault site, u n plans anti see.; a wttk on the blu within half a mile furnate. Wm. Robertson is folk:m.1 council was held on Freilly, Nov. 21.st' so • t f nt was referred th-proked-of b the town eentliel. _ _moose. olves_ are numerous, but • present the !Weyer in the chair and the finance committee. the Reeve and. Councillors. Worgell,1 Iteatmg to his home._ Y • owing to their cunning, few are de. re Mien A request from Mrs. Sandford ed that, in the matter of erecting ajovvered, gives little inducement to the lar e num. . Ryan, Platt, 'Furter arid Humber. Stokes for removal of a tree in her new town hall, prOviding .there is a bet. of the .Preabyterign cong g nbled en the church for sorted hunter or tromp& to hunt or trap this asael ; The special committee recommend- stroyed; The bounty having been Last Friday everting * C GODERICH Wednesday, Dec. 3r d The tax collector reported having " • • was refer.; plot in Maitland cemezery poll at the January morucipal dee- wily animal aid the treasurer since Nov. lst, the • ; 1923 ;red to the finance committee. tions, a bailot be submitted to the eyening. The W. M. 8. presented two ' MITY3Calta Mart= Or follosving taxes: 1922, $200 and manufacturee to mare than men, eorigregation,' Mrs. Jackson and Milt tiOn't110111 vrould necessitate your run. MO; 1024, $0,538.86; toted, $7,488.56.1 The finance committee recomMend- ratepayers asking the question, :Are As ter her mineials, -0 t h of their numbers, who have left the res , a ems This Was refired to the finance ed that the treasurer's statement fox you in favor of A new town hall." IdeBrien, with life membership , 0 tober and the tax collector's report The public works emnrnittee report- nine SPecial edition. ,tifleates and an address. The tatty? eOltrarttete. A tOetniOleatt,04; *dated Nov leth of Nov 7tb, be filed; that the 1922 be, edat5 follows:. We have; granted Mr. ,Prom a forbset Huron'ite . was read by kfre. . eon, a • from the, usolodiao Dow.. weterm•eye come tax against W. 4. Fit.FPatrich Maedonald.permiergon co put in n, d 11" ROBT. WIGG.INS the miseion beret premented Mrs. A!r • • COATS • M. • council to send delegates to their con- I the 111;resselt&lbaber- ,getullicmoirtZ Warren sag onittetii:t 00,09.eas PRIZIM LIST .A good time was spent. The Re".; COATS-Rifd 11321if 2CaZilrilloar.s.ak:Sr RE411141). and Power AssecIatione asking the be struck off the coliect,or's roll; this! sewer eortmection to 2 is we on ' ' with a life certificate of the W. M. 8 vention' in St. ,Coitharinea ot: Nov. fot Itverybociy 'likes to _take part en: gay, addresa illuatrat- ODELIED AND h, was read end was placed on file; collector'ssrsolL•lhat tact; 1924. Sin'kg against any --------damPge, I; emid contests, but ------------------------le Of thoo ne with magic lantern the valote; bak w eoraniumeation from Fund paymente, together with g200 that arrangements h the complicated and flreeeme,m.watero 23t T h be d ' • Id Ege.110ritarisosMuniciliel Electric Asso. arrears, be fait that the Dominion Bell elep one Co. to install • FURS ALSO IVIADE OVER a PeY not the ease with the Ten Thoueend the electric systemin Canada. Alec; 'saking 6 une'l to 'Aced a Road aehinerY CO. and the'Ooderich ; phone in tbe entraree to the to.wr Dollar :Election 'Co:twit, nowebeieg erenee in Denmark of tbe.varione in- s o trittre.-to--ther meeting_ in Arteraft _Ferniture Company be writ. hall building. We have conutienced conducted by the Family llerald and Auatiieof that country. ' represen ; ten to slid 'requested -to •pay - antonatristallation of sewer ow -Wellington Weekly- ,Star of Montreal. It is a (Frotri another correspondent) Toronto on Nov. 26th. reported street air Petitioned -for, -a ear of 0- very simple contest-whiels any rende-The---sincere sy wet • An application frorn 151cDonaldi overdue. The committee 'tegiered ;inch eonerete,pipe has been purchased can enter without dittieulty and with munity is extended to ;Ire. Wm. Mee for permiesiOn to remodet his dwel. I that 32000 of 1934 truly Ung on Warms street was referred Vktory Honda had been Lnway f Which, with pipe on nand, will be aufel aegood ebanee:es another to win Vitty in 'the death of iter sister, Mrs ciaticm, • ng • 9 i .ficient for Welington,stcet and An- a small •fortune. To subscribers. who :Dr.) if, A, Blye, of Toronto. on Fri to the fire committee with pewee te the Ontario West Shore RaF11:(1 I ea streetsewers .0 petitioned for send in Two Dollare for'a yearly; sale.. day last, after a lingering illness. act. • - . at a coat of $2,094.8P; them the mile of g es A request from the Collegiate In- $143,000 of bonds to Messrs. Stewart The:re reports were ail adoPteee Icriptioe. the Family _Herald' elves a .. die Special services are eting con.; The committee then adjourned for free estimate m the • *10,090.00 prize tinued at Westfield this' week. Rev, etitute Board fele paYnient of $050 Scully Co. had been completed„ and the sum of $147,161.13, including fifteen minutes to go into committee contest, a large calendar with a. beau- 4 Ar, necney, of Goderivo, will speak balance of their 1924 levy', was read was been received and paid into the gen- tion of the Goderich Manufacturing RomE. BAKING AND ECONOMY Moores, of Belgraver Friday :seconded by Councillor Turner, evening • and on notion of Co9negior °'" been premiums and accrued intereat, hard of the whole to consider the aPPlica• ' " Thursday • evening' and- Rev. w end account; $26,000 from Consolli Co. for permission to erect a garage Many or our good housbwlves are Specie/ music it provided for mice . . dated Debt debentures had been paid on Anglesea street, and on reassem- -justly proud of tneirt,toren, dbaohlte. the Bankto retirethereport ^f the cojnmittee, night.Lat Sunday Mr. Bendei. of; tre to 'lid ted thater4Osilrille chi tedandveryiofit tts s andstir- model Thea e ness, • . a ; o ws, was a p , on ofin the. summere• season, more Blyth,. love a sane, strong • been transferred to the Collegiate. Councillors Turner and Platt: We re,' indulged in during the,winter month. ring address on "Christian Steward- Buildi d $61 780 '77 had •corrira nd Gorier' h !whit the ifelnireiret. 00 -Week of Dec. Ist to Die Oth 1924 • Monday and Tuesday • RICHARD BARTHELMESS and MAY MeAVOY in the fascinating story ortwo misfits -Ey Sir Arthur Wing Finer° "The Enchanted Cottage" ng account, an • • ethatthe e Manu- c hometiles'Able in the Methodist church. Re rotalte Account: the sum of 343.20e the council has no power or authority an eye for economy as the main rea been. transferred to the WaterwOrkr: factoring Co., Ltd., bo- informed that In Indoingno,_the good housewifehas also addressed the congregations in .advanced by the bank for Collegiate to allow the erection of a building or son for her extra Jabots. ...- aWnedstealdidadnrclesaDeosnwnWereeomkutehbuirprhre:. building. purpose:: had been retiredltbe street and regret that the coin- But is it real economy? In the and the sum of 1157,850 advanced by i palsy's request cannot be granted. first place, even in winter, the fires eigTtedh; funeral%L the late Mrs. T. If the bank for water intake mimeses I Bylaw No. 25, authorizing the con. have to- be stoked up extra for 'bele- , Nawanosb last Thursdaylwas atter& Taylor, of the llth -concession of Enet had been retired; the balance was instruction of .a, 0-inelr- sewer on Wel- the respective accounts. The emu, lington street between Elgin avenue YOu have a 'failure now and -then ing, hentthere are the chances the ed 'by n lerge number of s oath/ Yrn z. mittet recommended that' tbe Celle- and Britannia road, as a rood, ine., which means a waste of good meter - LLOYD HAlauras, in giate Institute Board and the Water proveznent under the revisions orthe ial, and last,. but not Idiot, the extra ing friends and. neighbois, Service and Light Commission be rendered Local Imm proveent et; and • Bylaw drudgery aside of her daily house- A "Jonah Jones" . accounts for the cost of their resPeete No • 26, authorising the eeraetruction , work, which has helped to make many ave debenture issues. The commit- of a 9 -inch sewer efi Angtesea street women ailing and ape before her Car O • Wednesday and Thursday tee recommended payment of a num- between Victoria street and Cambria timwners!.e. .' • Jail of Ore and vitality in the great The fire . comm11 ittee recommended the Act, were passed their three read- • 'OLA 'NEGRI bei of accounts . • • road; as a local improvement under Let us not be foolish. ' penny wise and pound ' 4.,„01 - Aii. oar owners 01°01 protect Dinsitri Buchoweetald drama that Mr. 3. W. Craigie be granted ii ings, and the Connell then adjourned ssoubletybyri:udur 1 WEE:Zia tlieir rail -Moss tram fromt by use osiess very reisonable prides,. and so assist m f h permit' to erect a garage ono* * "MEN" imPEittAL comEDY My Par corner of Colborne and St. atr in Friday and Saturday b t Mae Haack Conrad o ar lloawartb. in Sir Hall Caine's mks- terful tale ."Nante the Man" REGAL COMEDY "The Gobbler" • "AESOP'S FABLES Matlates.r.Tues:, Thurte.. At 4.15. Sat. at Md. Ceating—"For Sale." streets, on •eondition that the se s are either solid brick or concrete; aed reported that all the other arr.'tions referred to the committee at the last meeting had been passed; also that the matter of providing a Wont for the exclusive use of tbe firemen, was being taken up with the public works committee. The cemetery and parks committee, reported as followm_We have exane• ned the cemetery sexton's report for October and recommend _that elanle for burial use at cemetery, lumber for verandah flooring and three storm windows for -the metton's dwelling be purchased as requested. With refer - you to melte life worth fiving. aple ea oo o Let us verve you -daily. We will attend to any special:order you may send in, If you have not yet used our bread, try a loaf and you will al. witAiewnaollizAo get the ob.; drop in to our West Street Store 'and see the as- sortment of seasonable pastry. Try our new whole wheat Bread, a . bread with a natural ;raver, a brea6; that has a purpose. Leave your orders with our driver, or Call the store. This week -end sikcial:' Shortbread • THE GODk..:ZICII HOME BAK.. Eltr...-Wel_ Street, Phone )14. • • ... --ALLISON'S lANITARLIIEALNARKET__!_i For Saturday Specials, we will make.-. our prices suit all pocket books Prime toting bed( took .... 20c lb., no trimming Prime eirlion -beef steak 25e lh, Good btieket boil of . . . . . ;. . ..... . .... :.......Se Ib Try, tow e0ek anusitge 18c lb. • , Watell OUP WintIOWS 011 AlttiflkyS, °Phone 2 - West Side" Square The Empire Life Insurance Company WILL own YOU SAFE AND SOUND PROTECTION. 'Ask C. B. BEIVINGE1? • West Street, Goderich • • 'PHONE 414 To tell it the small annual d ,posit reqaired yo. •A Radio Phone for Every' Horne oliteinable at.any garage, bard. ; • wale glom or The 3fisner Mann I The DeForest-Crosley Radios factoring Co., Weterfoo Street. • ORInIt. STORM . 'WINDOWS'. 1.* NOW • lerijodt stiewang fEeight (...hpkt Of sforttl Ong 7.- ed etntipaefi , any LittL. Saiiiiitelie-ositairley, • •----i- Sold by and installed to your satisfaction hy MtDONALD Electrician . Goderich • . r rign.traliOn phone 1741V. . - . . . • . . *1* Netainneal PENN/NNW*** *tlk VieelieSENNIMOI 311E litailint*I ,.„., Some of Our Spec:als. THIS WEEK About four dozen of theee Scarfs at clearing prices. 'We have New Rugs at Reduced Prkes Silk Scarfs any. shade and no two alike. Regular value up to $2.95. Clearing at each; $1.0 Cliristmai Towels Thee, are a rriaimfaeturers' deicontinued pattern and were pur- enamel at a special price. Rose, blue tie mauve borders. ReemVit . .c• • • Sk Knilfillig WOO'S Splendid for sweaters ur scarfs, sold in one ounce balls. any shade. per ball 15e Chamoisette Gloves These are a two dome Glove in shadei beaver. valve, tvown, grey or Hack, per pair 1591e Colored Curtain Madras We have just received several pieces ot Colored Curtain Madras in 36 and 50 knell widths, he color; are •• We have just received a large shipment of Tapestry. atvl Wilton • gold, rose and brown. Splendid value at per Rugs. They are all the finest quality, hut teitreliaged by tuAt low prices. yard 5148 and Orm Ifsott nefd n rng, tit•11 dn• ma hi lit t. ape le Wt %%Mrs at tbe,e Iow Prket;* There le a I; ; 4.1414.k, row 't Children's Fanclaudkerchiefs PLEATED. SKIRTS ow New Komi sweaters specially priced at each • Cbittit'enle f-ancy flandkeraTeTs in several different colors, Ladice PlfatedFlannel Skirts of the beet 4peity. Priced at... MAN rhilyiren•e Pleated Serge Akin% good itas. Sty sand full range of pricer. Priced at *2.3 f' ()ur new knitted Sweaters have justrArrived, in several . differentcolors and weave. We also have a few Prusbed Wool S,weat. ers left at reduced_ prices. The S. A. GRAY CO. 200 Pair Woollen Gloves • 2011 pair of Woollen (Awes, the colors aro white, black, red and brown. These (,loves sett regularly at Vic and 75c per pair, while they lasrper pair on1y......211e Sc Comforter Chintz at 29c. About _twelve difierea patterns 1'1,1 Ostiltterivii t;dib, This inaterial i', tis'inchen wide 311O extra cord qua- lity for the price we ask, per yard 1 3$90113.21111011MONNEURIEMINUMENICONININVOYAMIN MOM MOE 30114130$149011011MMAINE • . 1 1".