HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-11-27, Page 4Here's yo t opporttmity to get a Win t at
a very price.
• .4 •
Ladies' Ititinter .oats in Teddy Bear and Ca:wel Haw
cloths, lined throughout and interlined, offered
at greatly Reduced prices. Regular
$22.00 and $24.00, at
selleineled Pier abs
them, *Wowatt 7 re
lee peat 'mew * Iw wo tales*. fee mantel •
41 he-illesidew asee. boultd,:-Pot _____ egeseelee,
ady eit per aid
aw Zvi* aro tree* et her etre are to be
the miarniesker hos te re= y
tt to aeon ta the pleats eambelly protectee
II" "Ile- II° ii3.61. 4617 (1st against the chitlins wines and biting
was 7 1-2 per ..m., so *it a great frost of the a reachias 'winter. Tio
hand that tensedthem t quiet
redaction lose been *dieted.
The *Peek* yodel Medi tribal* to -the pave until the urreetien
the Local Hureat Board ler the *nor- Morn, but the Plants w trhnnn *gam
prime Aon and Sloe oonscientk.us in the spring, saying, "She being dead
manner in which the work is tarried vet xpeaketh." The sympathy of a
en here. He pertieubirly eompli- borrowed o?,painunity goes out to Mr
merited the load investigetor, rs Cox and his family.
it• M. Grattan who always displayed sALLows.-From The North
much skill tact in the work as- Beittleford (Sask.) Optimist of Nov.
signed to her. 13tb, we copy the following reference
In conclusion Mr. &Tee stated that 'to the della of Mr. Frank Wows, a
it ix the aim of the commission to native of Colborne township, ylx, left
make the recipients of ellewanees some yeses' age ter the West after
.1 seem as civil servants rather thin as speeding a short time in Listowel
: • -
vie* arranged to help mothers to heip community_ as the atm e
iueeobonefttnirnettni-dinuutrm;h: contneeel_n_Ifig -SPOWlehlt- Clinlelith 101.141"rYthingt . -'- ' -. - '
the objects of charity or philan- t No event of l&
thron...lie -declared-. tlutt the act -recent
PUrPore hes been accomplished fp, the in the firm of /*Howe 4Ig nOyd, f oral- ce.osary for Arnateur Pie_ Otogratphy
their -children to be good eititees of Monday night loot of e s dil
. the eaentry end thin thua far the dunk of Mr. Frank Sallow*, partner
Many problem's rehning to the'ell bad tomplanted of feeling
Oiscussed in an informal manner and VICO" hat no one h the slightest -
bees of the board to which Kr. Bryce even on the evening previoue to his ' , .
mit, and. like alt . tfueew sfsdrientdoosr8tuu*Pretso ifwiasthteehniontuI. . -DIRECT TO smrs m.
e FOR ravine at
answer's. •
The Meeting Was informal through -I tjkOninecie of
"424I table tiallo• . dent is thet Ads two mons, Ariel d _ - isGo. . Dec. 12th. This eervice avoid* the
Mr, and Mrs. CoOper„ was very mob .1111 tfer44ymprelly-tille 44tvo tu:se*auttlro41::°: - A. through
1:15cEsiMeeBpeEril t'llrAeacLt without :treat, and paseengen, ere aaeured the
g" ' necessity of changing. trades at Mon-
; wttathbeey higelaintin ed in Quebec and ilfu!teithaallftvrwe!lil "heilainpgprfere6ismt:11:tre• transportation
' g t vt tt the Old world; 'Reservations . may now bo .•
Sf. ternse attention width has placed the
compeniee in the .
Ivory Good*
Hot Water iSottiest
Ebony Gocid* Kodak* and Attnitiess
Toilet Articles ' Leather Geed*
Perfume* Stationary
Pipe*, Cigar* Chocolate* ,
Aide to sere the
of marvella, truvinarvelli and flaminfo Cloths, with
fur collars and cuffs, marquis de laze lining.
These are being offered at special
clearing prices.
W e now carryino line of Madame X Reducing Girdles
and Brassieres. Your inspection
province. turn store proprietors. The deems -
eying out of the Act were thoroughly whin indisposed for several daYli Pre- • a
MAW question* asked by the mem-1 idea !that the end wen imminent, for The Rexall Drug Store Goderich
*eve out complete lind sittisfaeharY? death, Mr. and Id Sall the aides side at 0.0
1 pan,
theroughill enioYed. A Weald .4**ek, were away from' home return. Toronto to the S., S. usual high standard *orrice and cow.
nee' served by mine host and hostess.
boys John on December 12th, is a conven.'i Canadian Pacific in the forefinnt of
wire was received from the two
few days. Thi ma .intendIn -
d Stet' er will made on application to any Canadian. •,
A full stock of Winter Clothing for Men' at Closest Prices. of her son, ejoehe caniphen, hy. only /Untie coming" train, and nOhnutil the he etteek.,„„,It8th,„_ta cana4r 'dianll•peeiecijlacific Agent, to T.' If. KIDD.
chmi„BaLL__tnniving the ,denth esti tea% Irks. wired to them on the ,Country.
seven weeks, hire. Robert (*umbel! 'week -end can they arrive hemoi-m. train leavirtg Toronto Union Station! Town TiCket 'Agent, corner Simon - - -
W Oode Oat -
. . at her home on Montreal street. in Parent, and to pay their last hemage '11- , a. m., er- and „ eet treat, ric , • ,.
. passed away on Monday of lest week comfort and advise tne:r retiminn,g1,011.7 --1freculber-Iltbret 9*°°
, .., . her .79th year. She was born at and respect to n father, whose life . .
Watch this space next week
A, coRNIFIELEI . Stornowity, Seotland, and came to was exemplarY. and to wooer,
this 'eountry with her parent* when ter the whole community pays tribute - .
n, , W. T, Pellowc J. Oraigie and (*Aso(' was unconscious and expired
Wh*t Wyandotte Ki
eke was only five yeare of age, the The end came at about 7.80.p. nt
family settling at Rip:0y and. later The deceased had been down in the
moving Goderich. It Watt here basement attending to the furnace •
Mrs. Campbell was married, her hus- and on coining to the living room,"he
band being for many years in charge complained to Mrs. Sallows that --
of the Government lighthouse at this something was wrong end that he
Point. Mr, Campbell -.died some was afraid would be fatal. Mrr%
twelve years ego and the survivors 'in--Ulows runnediately•-phottol tor the
the family are three daogitteret Mrs, doctor, but when' he armed the de.
the nuntY atitilirere of this popu-lar 311624-1'14-f Geilerieh Sane fifteen minutes -later.-- -
ng white ford thie great show awl mid two tads of town, and Deceased came to Noi-ti Battlefore,
perhaps no one eheerxed and st'utued 1..lapt. Donald; of Tonawanda, N. Y. in 1011, purchash3g a partnership io
closely than d •Leolting ck en The funeral took place on Itednes. th ref rtaki and furniture }Asi-
a IS ory ;UV afternoon of la -e week to Malt- nese with Mr. Convey. This part.
T. .H' St' these White Wrandottes any“ mom 11 nt
that occasion, r can see wherein ie 1„1104, .cemetery,_the services being con- nership continued until a few Yearl'
• my ducted by nee'. R. C. McDertitid, min. ago, when Mr, Boy a laittgnt out the
and joined Mr
was the meet naOmentous one in
career es a poultry gamier; tor it was inter of Hoax. church, and the Pall- interest of Mr. Convey
Ontario's Minister of Aaneulture,,Hon; J. S. 114artin, Tells
S re my -sole specialty. INEtitt .1 us -1 " 4 • - - . ter:ening years Mr, Sallows endear,
How Hobby Developed Into Real flied thi b . Le It S tw part er. During e in
• there and then that I decided to ma . bearers being the ewe sons an two al s as n th
ed. himself to all who knew hlin. niF
.in two Years the results were so • WIIBELBR.---The death tooe
HAS SEVEN TO SOT TINNISAND WHITE WYANDOTTE LAYDIG FOWL ci414'llotttbg'411171fistoZ.Mi-v. GrcY '?w"11.41 m°4dal'. shiabsouaned th e 1'
P lab., of Xt. rAte440 Wheettu. father p, the a to ofhis p ramie tty
tion. . . or me, J. It. Wheeler, of amen, who made him friends with a`..1 with wboir
• • • . . Shortly before this deersien I bed etteteled, the 'Mule! oh Wednesday a he tome in contest In the discharge
DocitiijFkiriiii and Fireside, riiosidik, of New York, Publisktia Ar- quit bith•442001. teaching and was in last 'week. ''',. he followbai( referetice Liof his professional duties '' be was
the piano businem with my two bio- tom litet weeles hottte tat the Bruseels, courteous to all, end while not of an
. itch whfeh We Reprodnee Below ' titers. The White Wyandotte t took Poet: When Lawrence wheeler saki aggressive dreposittoe; he commie -I.;
. - • • , . - me *heed oft fest that I sold out my goetnale to earthly concerns last Moe.I ed the respect of all who had business
I lett ett teitelontt high lewd noir. 40 bag me with her to the poultry. interests m tin, piano businesa to de• day an no* * 01** 047e0tlid he found al dealings with him. . •
twenty year* ago, weft hobby, yard when. she Wint telfeed, helping v!"---1141 1.01 rnY time to poultry and twhasellgeregerl'ettaArtesehot4tdri:106t.,,nlitsitilne,,o. Hit loss in the community ern', be ,
White Writidatte45, (level° intO s Mt to-tOddle by bet tilde with a scarf the arm. . _ .. 1 has
ii,oloteawth tfoefltukaeneanglye.me.11nte. was ' an elder ,of the
real halo**, which new earns thou- nrotto4 my chest, ueuer my arms: When I began breeding 'White tj..:eaaw7u:1:v;Piren.lvst;;snilk:"ounialibett work. Presbyterian church and on the Boarn
and the church had
**ode a dollen for tui everY rain azttwazalitiledoiteen etoxpfreetsctsedthetheulteneepewthhealt) eWhYoretelexotttteteac'ki
freolliiintteetiveratl4eof YethrYe it T ere41; t241gt. Illrelee,, woo'. oura no More loyal and faithful meinber
I now have len men 'buoy on my
tom, end seven stenograPhell Ill the the woe done. " leading etraits that it was possibls zkii, ..-'let 'nee I 0 ne 0 alto 04010 tO ne Wee 0 Mendaer ef the City Park's
d for rne to get, I was oat:opened to do "5 °""nth nIxtr 3'es" egnOnter• Board and took g greet interest iri
*Ste • , 1 Being 114E4 On *fano, weV t d. Fold and unwed two nines north of the v:ork of that Mari and the 10011
I now hoe 25,000 customers in the a fancier' Means istomethute in the de- the;because could not n anY ane itreasele in Grey township,. Ho
R breeder *train having all the qualitleatioro MIS nortieulturai iet),. He was., 1.
:Bolted State, alone, and have * big; volopment t e pou tog that I wanted, It peys to get onlY .113 n Cote, vlio tiled
el:oaten am ;tumid. cinder/on member o'f the Knights of Pythiu
busbies', in every eivillieti country inlPolk•wing YoUr ;lateral bent
Pff the best. One straht would excel in eteui 8t1 'Oar GiVir. Old Lodge and also the Retell Club.
the world, and severel thousand cut- any Man, All my life Nevis stuck hoe
. ,, p Another in col an th r e 41*' 4 Ilh 44 -. at 'II
or,_ o e i ,augustoe, °tribe oineetee
tomer* here in any native Demin„.,,,iti to1_ t„ _ ,,,‘ A,„ .1.4 mit head points: but they ell. excelled
he thing / liked best. I think it s ,„,,,,,,,„ 1 It is expected that the uneral will
of Camadie___There are between owl".11 PO* '"s"'"*% to ww "`"'' ' --ii utility qualities. I decided that „it occident. Mrs. W.
ir.tued•aeven years ago ,,,, tho---en,:iide.'070;4, be held from the Pret'aeitorirm 'clitireir .„ . .
Eoliell. Bruesele, is i .
on Sunday,. but that depends upon. the
teed, 8,000 white Wyandotteo on the i year! No I ree ha rst
unwise to use * strain that a daughter. Mr. Wheeler's only sue. arrival ofr* ArielandJack llpi`F -- '
• ' lien who ought to know tell me ;mat'. In eh/ my father bought i °10 maut:cterb' e
how *rang the show quality three *here pretleceasing bleu Xrit. Should they be delayed, the'funeral :
California, en Saturday night, as expected ,......, •
rm . ' I Pureau poultry-40ele 1 vioto eot strong in utility qualities, no 'tiring brother is John. In
t t in the lint twenty yeers I hoe, our a trio oi! Barred Itocks, a
b it no perup0 .th0 snot proittatdelraisnd this brobjel for tortvertetitt rat These lamina I gradually combired Minimal Hughes, Edmonton, is* ester, Ivil bee pyeldiuz,uoritlhheioenifaly:; con .1. - , • '
' into a new and r tolled it the Ur. Wheeler wan &thrifty gotog farmer. i 'ill
iiich my &onetime after taunt u the along both fancy tool utility linee, bei wst toad of 1,e0.eulture and teak a -----------gons 'who !ire left' kir,
$10 000
en's and Boy'sClothing
and Furnishings. -
Boots Shoesand Rabbi 11 besold
- Rubbers
regardless of cost.
lamit itlineY.P°4447 b**1".' rt* 11° on 146441 • 4444 "Regal' one,striae-*e alleten Of which. keepleg everything to good trine fle.111U11itY goes OtIt tp the iviclOW
in the worki. In addition, I run Ai et 1 made no business a whitr.
Ivo/rowan 'aittetenerelstrinteritel onto Ind itneksi, t obtained ta140 ifatit.4%. heeome history, greet interest in his work. Deceased, palming was swift and un. •
was very fortulutte in obtaining • wrote Coneistent mounter of the Medi°, expepted. and while 'the blow is a .
. Dairy cows; poeltry, end hogs, uteri Black Staudt)* end keret them Set dist church and grroosie his support etaggering one to loved Onel who re-.
my. ty insuranee. 'I luere 200 ,two Yeers, addlter. to them the.White .
(Continued on page -7) ' and that body le Ono ot faithful'. main, there•is the compensation. of a
scree o whieh we cell the Begot /*sheens, which „I kept for Ave yeare.. ,ones wheu Lawrenee Wheeler died. 'surety that Whatever the. life. beyond
• . Poultry anti General Farm, It Ilerl , White Cochin', kept during 11101.
MOTHERS' ALLOWOCE -Ile •was a Member of qlluovale Court May • hold for those who walk 'the'
on -Silver Imke, skirting the village, 1892; and about this time, I Mai' :et the 0.0.V. Ur. Wheeler Wilk at, pathway *of life unighty, none ran
of Port-Bover• aeterie. Oenedn• 'Brown Laib(n." - it v Peter Itr ce hid * the Breese.% on Tuesdey. taking all' oll cross the divide with greater assur-
mautokin the enthitiot my Iffe. leen* tyke. that laid big ogre dee Central others Al Wattet:
Wedneeday afternoon of rhbt weet.1 fleece; than the deceased, Frank Sale
Mr &VA* late,* come true even bet- a ',eloped une Beek all through ate hen lion at Toronto, mOttijOr011 LIKIIL With ROW. Me. Clarke. his pester. Iowa, who in his Ility.aeventh
.Thio taro and , htoi01 nsu are tki My White Leghortis were ovum e F lig rni ri of.4 WedAeoclay. Funeral took plaue I
nty. Th: - ia charge. ince or with greater' hoop 'of eternal
ter then I bad planned. When I Was i that produced the beat oggit, from Board at Clinton on est. interment was made in the , finished ii e Y
course that was well •
443111157 'Pl.t' .linlmel etIlie('erY‘ -T"irecommendations run teaching in the high sehool. X used to which I was able to rear *boot feety Meeting. WAS held in the parlor of,the
'build dr csatlear and Plan and hone° lnullete the first Year. After dine* Rattenbury Hotel and era presided aline of Ur. Wheeler will • live long in , roe c atariii.„Lit is one ipsi the chief,
but I error rmMt thetraght my alrefatt I 'kg of ell Om White Legitonsie 'I tried ever by County Clerk Geos. W. Hol- the Metnery of th who kn is % t *1 -
timid come so trus as =herr, ,Ilthe Partridge Cochin* and the Le*. man, who is theirntan of the Buron hie totemIt Al: the be(nt 111.4 47.
the fest% of Seats local hoards that .Taeitaast of Beaserett, Beethtst4.:tet
tame rapatity for tots liftmen, thins, *II the time keeping Barred Board. *inured uf fire a ist th rret rcii'!veleetrie 011 that it Can be used in
I love it rind it is rapacity for work Plymouth linticie 14te in tire nine. Mr. 'Bryce Wait accompanied - by 000. • Y Pa 0 w e tertian), with as rnueh success as it
ran outwardly Sufferers from
*et the auccessful poultrymen need" tit% beftwe I finally decided upon Mrs. M. Greham, Investigator of COX,--Iti less , than two menthe terrli will find that the Oil when 'used
ova but mete .k.ula4 "loam, to toy rfarposs. kept pm. Hurons Middlesex, Oxford, London. ion congregetion, Goriertela tovrnship, prompt relief. Many zufferem iron -
for to go to the top witkopmaltry you ir White Wyepaottee, ee beet adapted the district* eomposed of three of the most worthy of the tin -1 according to directions will give
and iebift t in requtiest in -reose.Wyandottts and mune White Minor- Woodstock and Ingemoll. Alt of the have gone to their long home. Theft -his ailment have found -relief in the
other 1,
r then
. hie col
ho (1001,
told 60,07
preening. that hoc tiez- ,vere the lino leYing of the Odor* of al were Angel of Deeth is 110 respeeter of Od and hove. sent -testhrionials.
:take uthe white vierietTi skies At• 1.•• Coo their nicht to Mira' beyond- Tin Let your Christmas Gift ft;
e for the butrineee tit Golden Wysindottes that led" me to Presatiurat ellthlotthel "•04 be* ons, calling all ages to wink
have the potato', and I hadstarted keeping hitt Wan- er,Slintote Secretary; Mrs. McKim latest o the three to worrier tne relatives and he a
to breed it better*, dottea during the year of the Pau- of crentrith; Mrs. (Dn) Fowler, Of summon* was Jitney Patton, -wife of portrait ef the bole falx
worid *bout it via i'Ameriesui Itxpositlon. 1901. At the Clinton, and Maier R. Mays, Sea- Thomas cox, of tileeh coo.
a and the advertist',Pan-Artertieau biteutiful let -of ford/. When the last century wee WU leas ,1; whom- theythare mo'laterested.
estalognee. White Wirandottert Were exhibltell, Me. Bryce had in the two days, than loaf ran, there emigrated to eseletn* 6 heat °ureic°
leiter% tmsintes was And amont the vrinners were rime Monday and Tuetdarr 144 all the Canada a yarartg Man from Ireland s
lritsstttleticnrur.detidi` c(*** nowthe. I home tree exceptionally dna *Pediment in tYPe Sea** a the Distrk% that *It 11* *" end rnnnt w"1" 11"1Stvtiand" R. R. SALLi)WS
t.grandmother need (*lob and condition. I was one of lminoen
g the last, and ferred with md aWMr
et as . and...M.T..,
_ftwoi,do„ them as to the working out Of Abe Patton witlied in the then bush oft..40.1. LI,
bliutleera! Allowance Act. )r- SrYta Heron trod and' reared among the
la ait *inherited en the *abject atWi ration of the times an estimable
thoretty patted an the work to ally. Thirty -eve year* air their
t.; re has been *or** tenon to the awe 04 another pioneer onside, Mr.
whieh has given their study • daatittarp Janer• liee4°14 t/14 ridt of
lether, the fir...year term Probation and Kra, Cox, 'and together the/
to supposedly deserted women. This nude their hoist Ott the farm where
aloes not appeal very strongly to the else died Werineeda lei Nov. link
chairman, elm t Ave ,, tbe following Jo her With Year- o We". fiord
Matra why the term toe ebildrect. The one ems, Charles. '
mule% at at twslaM 1now fames the homestera Belle, the
He explained that the period of de- oldest of the fantill.ball alwala lived
• Ergo sonic $., 28th, la cidiesieg for oee week metier, netiesary to entitle a wife to at home, Olive kitirs. (Dr.) *even.
.,-an allowance is Ave yeses. lt ot learedell. Gearelen
help he glom et wife end her and Bra Mee work to
4 no. Rico
s is .....‘„ ......,.....,., ......, , _2se ' menta at aa *miter perked. of Theme stith the levbet inclined and
the desertion and seem reerimmenda- three
thins to Aix eteet lam hem sent to lees onlatitZtentail decoln"ratad *fifth:
eat that the existing hoe eras drafted wheat lieleimet 'it:
a leardiend and wife aid
S tie. geed eirtralitt* ............--. -ISc I s the sigtideft of the ad***1 ilhat 44 = fie t" kW a bbtaemell' PA* -
*t 4 •
/._..ttUi 4 •
"110._ $00110 AMMO/ 4-44.4/.140.*04,C--,...•.44‘44•9.},R.R.041$44...4,..4 itit 4.8401/4„.141"1.1414 Ilikitiftililltrailit‘le ilidlikaiddilliTirebith'ASIL ..11.16:001101"Itirli* liftlitlid.t 11:114.11"...illie'llif -'
1 frzomota or orsto. ?ma .............._ _no and vide. *leo maid eat *eras Well twee evert Ifilderet. At *et a mew
teemiliher were the mire
2 No. Moo Defoe ---- -....... ----I& units** to semiknow 'diet thorret14 LI lira" coo,ablobligVitirr *I
40 nee oda* ....____....... ., .....2ac prima th. "elk *id eldletree weed SA bib. Ugh% aiWI them AM talk
III. hiehea aftale IS' the Gremmetent pliece ha the Ir. IL & sad Ludes' Aid -
Gliellidell Syrup. por qt. ...., _,........- ...-31k "4.16."'"itzr- wok te In all tire patristic WWI phin
Prosherial eheinern, she drew berdiersolie week et the
":"'l• , 1 14. Thistio wt.Tier , .....-........ -,...11Pre attalattos we the feet ti epode' re.. **el her snare. The feee=4".414Pe -
1, Sikorifra 4,11olly, 3 for -- - - _........... 24c lisose rot utral":" tor= itrattaftwatts:=.1",:zicTiA,k,Tha
; 2 Ma. Adocorroloi Shoff* WWII Rood, Cott,--.2pc' • ths C144174/4/It' Mr* *lee Pelbvtud and **thaw. illetitaVt ere 44
2 tiro. small preareet edited*, fir gala between her awe* with wisdom; aariTi,thir
ors. Ay a spaasi arvassivvriaittellmt lly loot
mid kora * recede* usher their age. sit *tees. Seam
tieve -the aredree will he peed es al- O. Rdwart. O. illeiheedis MINTON .: 1101111dt 110111111111111
leereere. The ernesheriatelLielenzilitt • _It wee hers* siderided
eillkileee tie . Kietreeten *reed' that hi OhS (woe at meg wetsithere and etre ete- Iterdiesio liteun, Cosleetele Dat.
Some Beirootos
attrawt.. and others tepel. It all
depend* upon the furniture' and
It * .ftera0gMatent:' 'Atree+Itrasat.-',
that if you Olt in search of the
most apewrpriate furniture or
nee or reline of 1w:boosts
yon will corns here sill look
over OtIt kieh obeli. You
will AO our expert advice on
rift:peeing el great „
the Retissad biotite* ter the _sw the Vibe 3. R. WHEELER
it a laid fether. wilt Wee tresehnent -
Here's the- Overshoe That Solves the Question P
The question of tallor.tqade appearance. . •
The question ot untietebility to any film leg.
' The question of protecting skirts from buckle tette.
The question of buoldee opened- by oat bOttOM.
The tinettion ot perfect tit, warmth, and tightness. • •
The kineition e.nocealed fastenerk. -
The new "Ailleite" Overshoes wade exclusively,by Orrin not
• • only answer all these questions bat in qualitv. in and appearance eo far
ont•distance other overshoot, that theta is no -comparison,
There 18 sobetitutei for thein -ask for them by name.
14fe-Buoy Rubbers for Every Purpose, told by
&sm. ,‘ Mao* 220 CODERICII
. .
if your appearance is not just as
as it was some years ago, porne in here
A Made -to -Order Suit
that FITS, and of the BEST MATERIAL
41.1d a
of the LATEST DESIGN, will make you
look, good to
Plenty of shoes in town where you can get
"clothe* if 042are just keeping
w'Ain the law.
III II II 1 11 11.110114110
max* wad turrEs
The 'Firm* dinalier ie hear Se*