HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-11-27, Page 116.. 7 7r. fait se74.,,e•owee.er eet:sie-7.
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etenla_take on our ()Ribbing piaci
siudisetW CIuIig Lisi se jags Ws ...ask
Star .
semi' nevi *We-
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%Antioritii a 4. res. pusiosery,
_ ••••-•••••••‘tra----
Four Weeks From Today is Christmas Day ---Read the Advts. of Live Goderich Merchants in The Star and Do Your Shopping Early
I 1 J.111 I Niimimmi1 ailism1111111.L I 1
Sudife Assurance Co. of Canada Aid Meeting
The Oboe to; buy ineurance when you are young. The rate at
wilted a
wao can got tusurence lug:teasels trout yoato yea1. It a man
delays he may oaoape dinette, accident, co premattite (teeth. but he
cannot eacape the payment of a higher proemial. Thee, toe. the
younger you Insure the )ouuger you will be *nett your policy um
tures. Before you grow a day older cousult Uli about our many piles
of insurance,
'Phone 115
H. R. LONG, District Ascot
. _ _ . •
I-Itie December meeting of It. chtid
• rt.0 s Aid Society will be held on I ues
itlav u.- '.1 Dec :Md., at 4 14 lo the
office of the comity aupelluteutleut over
toe l'mou Beak.
Contributions to Bible Society '
The treasurer of she Godes tett
branch of the Bible Society neknow-
ledges the receipt of collections of
122 from Saltford and $42.10 from
Si. George's Ward.
Work at the New Hospital
Most of the plastering in the main
portion of the new hospital has been
completed, both coats, and carpenters
are at work putting up door and win-
- doe frames and baseboards. There
LOST DRESSMAKING iti a lot of work to do ye, oefore the
.. .- ... — -- _....... -
and all Lind, •,r u,.:••
sewing. done I.' th. d i ‘111•1,
I4.. 21, Star 1 ' ' 1 I
oistr ion Heron Road, a Car Crank,
24 McLaughlin Buick. Please return
t.. C E. ORDN'Es. R. it \o. 1, lioderich,
or 'Phone 33 on 601, sioderioh Town•
shop Rues!.
trim !ACP. " •.1 LET
141.141 SALE to Feeder Steen. and
z !leiter, err. 1000 lbs All
u.ell•tored Illiehalu- and Potted 4n4.14.
114,.1111 1. OA. tt it No 2. Ho 0 .4,1
1,4',A10.1 Putt S11,1•1 ItENT, too
acres: will eel111 reason.
able terms, with a small eash deposit_
down. Apply to STAR DFFICE
Alt‘l FOB ....ALE 1.of 11 ('.'n. 2 t4cogs.
•n• nett Townshio (Blur Water Hoge .
80 acres. 1 1-2 story team,. house.
with large Litehen. Large bare in good
repair with otabling underneath. 2 ars,
orchard, about 18 am. hardwood bush,
plen0 of good water. Also the north
part et lot 32 adjoining. containing 30
acres. Lots eok) separately or together.
(iI'O, E. GREENSLADE, Hayfield P. ti
FOB SAL;. 100 acres; one of the hest
farms in McKillop Tp. 3 miles
from the Thom of Settforth, i mile
from aetinnt Good buildinsuar
gbush et _place. Ever ing
it. Nies
441444 hape. Price $7,500 or quiet.,
This elite,' Is situated on I,ot .;71,
tam 3, McKillop. For further parlice
lars. apply to HORT. W. NIoNttl,1.1N,
11 R. No. 2, Seaforth.
• - -
1144TELS, Jarvis and Denote- srteets.
Toronto. Room with bath elal,' F.,1,744
t.. 012.00 Doubl. te.00 t.o 40.011 osoraire.
Dining Boom.
• • _ _ •
The annual meeting of Inc ‘Icvatel".1
Deneral 1.'..t -it
will be hold al the Ca•unctl 4.4: imhers
Dee. tat, at p 111
1WEETINI', OF IL' oN ''''4 ;
— •
The Copneilf the t..4rovi.4,1.1.1 44NOTICE TO CREDITOKS
the Chlifity'or-uur,oh vitt lit.•••1 1.1 the ,.%4.1,4t4 pot to •Ittio are • MORTGAGE SALE I
Ghtinahee. tioderic 1. at .4 ifi'1,111%il \‘''P 111I, all 'it go•el Jtape • "
in the Jrter504:111 of Titesday, the numb. r ot... Hereford armies. lie. Imo II.114-14;.‘411. •411,1.: CO: V 41 l' \PAT "1.1•I'l T14 1•HF•1111(111S
tho of December, 192i. .All accounts 1. a purebred .,r '1''4 1?' and ,"" Yttele11.11.1, IN '1111 "
.•, . .
against the COMA. Matt 1)4 iu the Month- Id ! T• .N1 \--,111P • /1.110}.. \ I.. i\ 4111.11\ ileil..141'..0; 1 "1 Ili 110%n I rt. '1'
hands of the Clerk 'not 111 -ter than Moir 'rh,11\is •; ..• '6 id VI 1 4')" 111'114PN
flay p...-4.6-..`ing tfre ineet.nz tit 4� 4.14411 0:1 4,•11 t•11 turnes", '"I I '" ; N•ifjc.P. 111..10..111 •,141 -
building will be ready for occupation
but good progress is 'Living merle
Huron lodge Officers
- _. The officers of Huron ( hapter, No.
30, G. R ('., elected on Tuesday even-
ing of last week are as follows : 'Z.,
Ex. Comp. H. B. M. Tiehborne; H.,
Ex. Comp. Geo. MacVicar; J., Ex.
Comp. H. T. Barker; treas., Rt. Ex.
('omp. 11. C. Dunlop; S. N., Comp. A
J. MacKay; S. E., Comp. 0. W. Stu.
Oy; P. S., Comp. J. H. Vrooman.
Week's Arrival of Grain Cargoes
The arrivals of gratin cargoes at
the Goderich Elevator and Transit
Cu the part week have been as fol.
lows: On the 20th, the Claremont
with 65,000 bushels of wheat and the
Mapledawn with 119,000 bushels of
flax and 76,000 bushels of wheat; on
the 22nd, the Maplecourt with 85,000
bushels of wheat and 35,1100 bushel'
Rex; on the 24th, the Franz, with
192,000 bushels of pheat; the Valcar-
tier in with 194,000 burettes. of wheat
and the Taylor in with 193,000 bush.
els of wheat; and the Glenlivet end
the Rahane due yesterday, the..:Lor.
',pen rubber 1,1... hog,: s : I cilit....: 1 —
Bike esrt; 1 ....1 single !Larne-. t s.••• • MEDICAL
h,,b1i104: shin 1+0..1; qudrt. :. 14...0.. 1 .............— ---
bkinloss; 1 robe: 1 rug; I beater -.be. ; ; I bli WM. 1:. Nieltkl,r• lid5II•I'l.
1 ..et ileurl 1..w. (I...lblotree4 i a ' 11...1' 4 ' to is 7 to g Other
'MINS \II -aim+ of 4110 and ii.:der I lent"- •v• iriPootitment.
e;i4hW'11. a
,'\,'" t4,
ed pont note, 4' discount ..1 .• per • — • ..- --------- - --- " - - ••••••";
••••411 14,..‘k...1 :.,- 4 4,11 '''4 , I .1.: . VI. ‘ 4V1 HI Proust 1411S SS 4.11. ',A,F1'14
4,1•,I,II, III \ 's, I 1 . 1 '.• lin . 1 . h or.a.m.irl, 1., 1. Pls. • •
14111.111! '•
kl./1•14 1'1. '" 1 .13 . \:.;.I, at ‘1'.1 It I IPF11;1;
- .. ; W Vs. il• I I 1,1 I,' Nae•O' S% 11.11....1 .4
..1 n.; vsi, pt10,:ni..1).,111.;.. !•. ti,t11... w:o.. 1111 •
-14, Oil HIM \ isi.U, ill \\• 1,TK1NS (ii'.44'.\ \ N. tr.lit T1,
!11,11;41...11. ottitateo.
Mli leo\ 11.11 11•.141..\/11•• _._:..
1\1‘ 1:1', ,. P‘o,ibir:;,•th.ii.uir.,11•...t at L.., !, \\, 0,11. li Capable man \\ On ...titaii
•••ip I .1 4.,f, I,. •••1 11,11•1'11'...4 ..;..,ninv.
. ',up; ,•1; 1..4,..1.1.-1,... contr tot. 41...id
ii.meneing at 1.140 Widow', e.h.olio 1 ••• I!"••• utlialt..1 114111•04 P0.4. 1111111.1
Ki 0 \ 1'4'4 1. \ \ 4 LOVA:. .1••41
or, -1. .e. in.? 1 bun. The 410.`!'4 10, 1:"\l'%. lidttolten. Optarto
,i• Itt BNALL 4141414)11 '.Tl 4\ iii•
Ct.thl) PlIANhs Ni.,, lo,(14.1.1
\„ 144:t'8 1' all the friends
and ni.behbors tor the Liminess aI141%14 11
114.1' during the ,11111 IleVi•J‘
11.4 la Of 111.1'
. _
CARD DP THANKS. •-Nle L. K•11,1k.
Loyd and Sisters moon to o,1/41111••••.4
Wier appreeiation for the kindness.
.ynipathy and floral tributes estemboi
by the mat” friends In their ree,ed
4.1 ;Tit s )14)fist,-;. /
‘ iti141 littlINESs
oft 4,4o.;11,.10 t's
:1 • • 1.. noibie. . • ..
eli -ti-.'.'I, 1,11.1 1 .
oviTimio, \i .4'
cenimemong ..4 1. o'cloeg sio
I Recs.., 6 \'',l'.4 el P. I !, .rs .
olo; 1,1,0 I Pnetelict no.:0 : I .
1,...10e, is so •...i •ei Opening of St. George'm Parish Hall
k /11,1\ \ 1/1'' 1:1101I.P.
mer with 100 000 bushels of wheat limas on thy °cease... 'rue d Dee
and the tatter with 128,000 bushel'. of
Mr. F. A. Copus a 33rd Degree
Mr. F. A. Copus, of Stratford, past
deputy -master of South Huron dis-
trict, was given the 33rd degree
Scottish Rite Masonic Order at a re•
vent meeting of the Supreme Coun
tel. This is an honorary decoration
and is given only for service to Mad-
onry and the number of living mem
bers is limited. Mr. Copus is well
known in local Masonic circles as h.
has visited Goderich in his official ca•
parity frequently;
Mr. Bruce Grill Chairman ol
Big Toronto Rally
• ToOve expression to the eitthtuti-
aani young people in favor of
Chuty Union, a committee of repre•
sentatives from Presbyterian, Metho-
dist and Csengragetional churches has
decided to hold st rally in Massey Hall
on Dec. 8th. The meeting will be ad-
dressed by young people from all
parts of Canada. Bruce Gray of
Knox College, and J. G. Endicots, of
Victoria College, were elected joint
chairmen in charge of the art•ange•
W kl H G di
Week Ending Novemberport tor
God'ech M'Gaw Aub': n
if • ('v,
Total 1875 26 38 59 70
Selects 561 4 12 it; 211
Thick timooth1019 1; 21 3e 47•1
Heavies 80 1
Extra Heavies 6
Shop Hogs 116 4 .o .1
Light sit Feeders 46
Sow* No I 11
Sties Nu, 2 31 1
Stags 41
Wingham Elections by
On Monday W'inghant're 1925 Coun-
cil, Commissioner and S.hool Board
were elected by aeclamation, the only
changes being in the personnel of the
Public School Board. The following
are the elected: Mayor, W. H. Wil-
lis; Reeve, J. W. McKibbon; Council
--E. J. Mitchell, A. G. Smith, C. R.
Wilkinson, T. Fells, W. H. Haney. S.
Bennett. Utilities CommIssion—W.
H. Gurney, with Walolmes and May-
or Willis. School Hoard—F. J. Hill,
A. Walker, Dr. Fox, J, S. Isard and
N. Fry'.
,4',,, :14 Les* guarsoldes anat.
Set for Dee. 16th
The work on the alterations, en.
largement and additions at St. Geor-
ges's parish hall and house and con.
meting with the church has so far
udvanced that the opening date has
been set and arrangements have been
made for a visit fir Bisho?
r,. I note... 4 ,h.....unt it -it. of 5 per ee.it 4 , , i. n, ha. do: '4.441114 aeains; tie. e.1
4,Lioi. W. 1101.‘11‘, per l: '4, al.0%.,..1 I • • 1 1 444 WI .••••••.1.! "..."41 •• 1 "'Idol 11'..ritz.6-1.e. ''"".•• "‘ • ,.., ,o, 14,,p,•rt 4101,1. 44,..,1, if', 'hoon of
1 ,0: !, rnotint4 he ;.;....111....1 .01 1!1.• .1 lis of s1i4. t' cr ., ..p.rieh. a 1.o. i. .1,1111 of Ilur.)n, 1/...
1.•ros 11. \.,‘ 1:vtto, 191, I/I .44.. .1.-.0.4 r ... -4.1. I.,'• .1',01111. ,, .1. 'I, 4 ,, ....II. ti....1 ,.., ..r ab.,114 141.. 1..1;1
Isos.A1.0 ‘1..ki..\/,11... T. \DM. I .1.•‘ of loo.I....•••• 1 11. 114.1. arc 14.1,141
VOTERS' LIST NOTICE • it;......,..t.,••
1 1" kffl.t.•./1.... .
111..‘i \••• 4,1 \No, ‘,1.; .. • ..I 1 o Neipt or tip, %, - ti, liars.. Itevt. c.
....._ - .— • --- ,
l'oilt•••• •-•11,1•• 1111 11 4. 1'11 0, 1 ,I. .' .',., 1 l' •,1 14.,I•''. i,,,.4.':'.'41 I 1!1'. • •• •110•11 114•1,1, it. 4) 'so. ..,, sione-.1. 4.,...,,.
• -• • --
TioA 'V (iF iseiDERICII j. ' • "tor.: „r 11.,,‘ ..41!, -f Hie sir! itotie -1
1 ' It...al-nee Itt.•pert% II op.,' -11 1 or \1••\1411, lif... 1.t 1..e.'•
, ?h.q..
\41TIC.I., is Iiereti) at '.en that .1 4,11-1 ' 411'1 k•Iroe'm 11"1..n-' .. • ;•. ! . r ' I. • 1 ,v,,n. ,,,: ,,, I •' ., :, t, ,-
1 114110., ..'id ...14re•••••'- .14.1 l'u", par' tell
vt,11 he held, otirsda ' to the tintario 4.41' of 1116' 1•41. ‘Ir, ii1111.'". \I• lo al., 1 ." i''',"' '4 i''.. .." .4' '" - ' , ••• ' we. ,.: 'hal.. i.p.,..,i1..
\ .ters• lo -as 4,o, 4, 111. lt,,..,,,- li,,. ,• 11,.. r.m. i'• fo*1111- ..'.• lt,''' , 1'1 , it 1 'll',"` . , 1 't \ 11 ratio.: Noll 1'1. ill '.1 ,1"1.•1' i',
.1 !AK,' a th.. cowls c..i.t.t . . t..- •• •..,t.)•:, ... , 4., I,. 1 .v.1,..„ 4' •o' oe110.. 4,-, ,11 tol.' ;sod, ti,,,N .if Nio...4144, .. \ 11 . 1141 4, I1,.
1 ..4orM 4".I. liuron. at :the (.'u)'f il.,u.., -vii 4''' 4'? 114.4.101011. 1; Po • 1 ,,,11111 v of Huron and .Pro4 ir." .f .••• e4..,..nor. e.,i. 1......e....1 : i ipstriiti. the
, .deeielt, •-ti Ille VIII «Ail of lb reit ne • , t,v ,, yontrtning 44, aiiiiieasitri n...it .1.....o, .,r th, sa;•I .1.....,..1.1 'owing 1114,
l'....2•,. di $44341 .oes0ek in III.. f..re ...on. t . ''"'" '.. - ... 1 HP ....• •1 .., 'i • iti, tot ul.r.,1 ..twl ..i.41 4 row. a(re" he 4.01...ow. eet.iti..) th4.7.• to. and /lint P-
4 • ar ,in•I .1.-loraline eronpl.rnia or . - . •14.• •.,il!, 1..1', .4' 1,-••• ',,i'la , ,TIIII.,...11 ,ell ,•‘..‘ l.1..."• '4, ...I '1•of he liable fir:. the
4 ond omi-isions in the 1.44"....' 1.441 \\ ,,,' I' i' 1. ' ' '''.1-11.111' \`, .. ' ' . '
f „ p.a...." ,4 to... -ii 4-• .ter. "1' ri "t••• -'''4 I-4. !... •••• .111 ;,irt thernof of An:
"n! 4111111c1p,ility of 4.11, I ••!ro ..! ... i.i.... ,o• I ,i!... a, .,..,,, ,.., ., ‘4., •tP1 , 44p'. •-,' ' '4 1 ' • ...1 1 ....•IT'. .. I ,","' - •,1 ." s'•.••-•• ••16"11 Ine, ,i'till. n
• -ie. i .4 for th.. yeat. ifett ,.• .o .,. .o.., ., •••-•• f• 441.. II i'l ..., • 4, I 1 . C., "- 'I i • ,',I II ./'.14...
..I 1., . • •• • 1 4 '4 • '.. 1' .• ;.." ' i 4.1'".1 .' , i .41".“ , / Int . , , 1... 4 ,
1,4)',! 4? 1 1111111 it'll. 1114^ '1•1" • • ' • . .1'1'
' " i ; o n• m l• to t ' '., '.' •• ft, .•'. I 1 1 \y,..3 & li \i•:.
',110)1.r. %. III. 11/2.1
I. 1., KY4.0X. . , • o . . 1. •1111 • \ , . i '.1 ' A . I • • 4 1 ... ,I1.111. 14 .4. 1:1P1)... 4 to ?!.... 4. \t• i'....
( e. rk of Iii•.‘ . •,r 1 -.11..1 Ps .. .. . ‘. • .. 4.-•. • „r ,,,irilit. 1, dr,- -• .1 . 1.,...„) • .....,,- ,,,,, 'lir. 1.,•,- ,,, -1, r ,...,, ii ,,,.,, ti• •
•, .41.11 0•1.11 .• • 14411.4 4i • .1 .•• s .•. r,•,,,,, - I 441 4/••••
tNistift.tALE AND REAL ESTATE ..;1 4.„,„ , 41411. ,41
.-••••••*o .
. . . -!..‘.• el \\ ". • "' ; -•\t' ; \ ; ftl o••• -•f , .11. NI \\I,N.
CRAIGIE S , it,. ,„; 0..,.,t,
• • .• t• 11' " oi. • \ • ". r.
• ono .1 • -, .1._ ' lo 1 • \ -
4. , rocitneil \ part trio t: to it41-• • • • •• ' • 4.61 11•••i. I. 1' nee
••••-• oats. l0,4e.011(4:1 a', (>9 'n
.4.. CHA If; f •Plireoi
Howie fr— Houses
Aalti ifdo re 0:ta It; 0 aut
\••I e • • •••1. set! !'l 1' 1 •
' • . 4: t. • ,o ' • •
It It, • 4„ 1 44 r. '•• "
" • 1 • • 1 .4•41 14 1,, • "., 1.0•11O.1.1, • • -41 IV., • •
,: • I., ••t.
• 1' !.• ." - 'tt't ' '
•"' - 4!- 4.. 1'. -•
...•: • 4.
• . .1 11.1,11 tt,',...••• \I.• I. •
. ...•.1 .4 I•oio•ro'o nri ••!'
n' ' . don 44 •••• 41. 1 "
oi ion- ! Wt. I
41," II, .1., do ' • •
4-1 44, ' • ,
I 1 I
tom build.bout haitf .•
II be to your interest to see me be- ,
buring Several properties. on ' 4.1`"`" •
..y easy teret4 of payment. See my
r. J. RYAN,
Real Estate and Insurance. 11 A 4)'.'?. •
1o. t
it \ • • ..• .0=10 •4 1". •
\li‘I..14. ‘.1 .,;
0 North Street Methodist II '
It. •4 • ,1tifi I,I1•. ' .I• 111" 14.•1 Arid \ 11 1 4 4i
Church Ladies' Aid u . . • .
.,, • -• Farm. . •-• .
N.. ',.., ".••• pho... ' , ,1
• .1 to 11', . 1 1- ''
1...1 '...,
,,,,„ .:
• - ' ...1.1
..!. 804)041 0
1, i, .. i, h., 1. et , ( l',
II ..II i • '• 4.0.11 ' '•
.1 • : .41,4!
I ow • I. • ' .• hall'. '
tr. ,... ... • lir , •• .11. '
111'111 .... 1 I • .•.•4 ' 11. ,.,:.. ; I ,,,,,, %,
1 •DI111
14•41,' .4,11. . 1 '' 4 to -• ..
•I•no. .-111re
..1 al. ' ...1,..
1, ••••f,
raj ' -' • 1.44' 1
. 1(1 , . • . .1,11 lot - soei
ph ..
Saturday, Nov. 29th g
, in the Sunday School Room
i• a , 11" i .'s . 4 .1110 1,11/
Is 1%01 S• 1.'0 Is ?IV ..••.• 4 4 ;ono ,, o•es
wf ;fie 1 .41 •e• • 4 .14111 4',' .1. •••
iie• oi, I.. •• 0 .o., , , ,
,.•...- p • . , 01 l". '1, 1.. , al' '
4,,,lar .. , .. ' 1 %% \j)%4'4'4 44
4. ,.. ,„ 1,111..-, lo •
ow. ft!
-• _
Foci E- Tue, lundern nee
esn•I ail. es .0
cheap •c.1 rt.
'1„.4ertta •atorfaelet1
,,aro a few Ara? riase
rr Michele to equate
Wanimwir Timid* INAN.
D •' "
Tea served from 3:30 to
7:00 o'clock p. m.
elt110. .0=0-
Geo. Williams
I oi ne I 4,., 1'1
1 1 VI: '• •11114/11 1 P
1.' 11,
rie•lar in StOellol and 110,1.
I /Ay
Olio • Mere, Itireet, soa-sl
Phone 53.
• I '
• •
" I 1
1 all
• I'
• II 2.11' •
1'1 4• I • • 4"•4 s
1 Ips .s. ••• 1 •s1 • 111 •
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•ei I 1,1 1 . 1).
lite: 4, • e
o• "•, ..• • • .4?
r! • '• - I
••••••• -1..1 led
••• .1? 14,.'r -... , • a
r ‘• I 1'
. •
. • 1. 1141
1 •
.1 1..
• .44
• ..
• I 1
.1 •
1 1,
• 1. .
' 1..
11 1' :1.
. 1 I 1 •
• • .4 • "
1. ,1. •
• 14 .1 1
10th, is. the date sties:tete andaiY while
details of the program ut the day".
doings have not been arranged it is.
intended to have a service in the
church and also to have a gathering
in the hull with some speaking
Huron Old Boys' Areociation
of Toronto
The annual meeting of the above
Association was held In one of the
Y. M. C. A. parlors on Friday even-
ing, with an unusually large attend-
ance. After some routine business
Mayor Hilt: gave an Interesting ach
dress on "The Country Boy in ihe
City." Refreshments were served
and the following officers elected for
the ensuing year: Honorary Presi-
dents, Sir John S. Willtson, Mr. J. A.
Melairen, Mr. W. Proudfoot; Presi-
dent, Mr, R. S. Sheppard; Vice Presi-
dents, Mrs. J. A. McLaren, Mrs. H B.
Stowe, Miss E. Campbell; Secretaey,
Mr. F.. Floody; Fin. Secretary, Mr, J.
A. Cameron; Treasurer, Mr. John
Robertson; Chaplains, Rev. ('. A.
Seager, Rev, James Wilson; Audi-
tors, Mr, R. S. Bailey, Mr. A. le
F)rbes; Committee, Messrs. II
Meeleath, John Moon, Robert Hol-
mes, R. C. King, N. zL cobblediek
Mrs. II. Martin, Miss 4,, Paterson
Mrs. B. H. Sicereath, Aire. (' C
Young, Mrs. W. R. Ferguson.
.t liar Accident
Near Wingham
H. Jay.‘,.011. ..r
d .lit clic, seen. 441 It, •••• netl, t re tier
1•.4 4'1 '11', SS 191. dill/4141g
84 4111 14/11) ,',14 44(4)l N% :.,,hai-1 thus'
no I ‘11111 ipthet Nel1o11•4 111•41.1,.4n,
Toni 11.1allat • at Iti.l..J.1%4.• entailed tutu
the at Whieh Mt .lachson way ileirtii4,
at an int.r-e, (tot'. The l'211 SS 44
Oman 10 feet rind torned completely
it nad and the 1..iti1ents of the
4t b44.44 Nay IatIt'll, %vit. !AIN/WU
tro o.o. tt 4o414('(' / eSI 441 floe men still te•
intoning 40 the 4.'41 and Unt'Un4C1011.1
It I I Ull' Thr 11 i,'n1 1010 RV lIl4ving
4(W1\ thinhai was them\ ti
the m !mishit -10, ht4 face and 111-10 beteg
bath", eat. Its 1111 1111.11i4OVIN kCil
40 a (44)4101 f trout wheel of the
Jackeou ear we-, token off. Mr. Due
bares est was houlA stiimeheit up lte
claimed he (lid Ill4 aye the taller cal
her. Dunbar was not hurt ie any way.
while Mr. 1:'k,,,n and Mr. sweet emcee
ed with $10M/. 111 1114044 awl a had ehak•
tog Liu. Mr Jackson and M.. swan
thin!. their ear berug loaded eaved
their Vt,44.
Vote on Church ('nion in Knox
Church Opens Der. 22nd
The Church Union Act provides for
taking a vote in any congregation of
the three denominations, if desired,
any time within the six months pre-
ceding the coming into cnect of the
Act, which is the 10th of June rest.
As notice of a meeting to take a vote
has to be aneoupced fpr two. Sundays
preceding. the meetinr, the curliest
possible date at which sun a meeting
,'an lie called will be Monday, Dee.
22nd, and on Monday, Dry. 22nd, the
meeting will be called in Knox
chureh, Goderich, such being the de•
11 -,on of the majority of the mem-
bers of the session present at the
meeting of that body on Monday
evening. Section 10 of the Act Too -
vides for at least two weeks, and not
more than thirty days being anomi'd
for taking the vote. We unclertitend
that those opposed to union are ar-
ranging a meeting for the Thursday
previous to the opening of tne vote
On.' night last week a number of
those in the congregation In favor of
union met in the lecture room whin
a onmmittee was formed to arrange
for the presentation of tote union side
of the question at a meeting by '.in'
•peeker, hut at the time of writing
44.e hot e 11.4 learned of :Inv arr•arge•
tn. nt
Coderich trague 011f to
liniod Start
ssr 14'1 lUhl ati e41t1111-ri• •
eseettint of h. 4.','.. was held at
Wosod.' howl.ng and pi.! mom, ,....huto
en.tht- team lengue ea., C/1 WI"
.11.11 1, .• bedoile for,11101(1/1 44,24
u'. The t)'(4,4) and i•apt:111,
1 1• si• follow.: 1;0(1(.1'1,11 1 ;,44 1.
knit hill 4r,,4 Hunt S ilt o7
111,101;- W Ito-o.t; 1,ioniq I lull No. I
1/ till/him, Linn.' N1/ 2. 4.. I)
Deo her., Jim Itted: Merl 11
As 11-1. I;1144'; ltankeo-s, riot
poor .nte.., Tewnsend The
locdoe• 114 n ponce -le. for
! 44,1 I .904,0, •'a,+ Ntnnda.• .111 Tu, •
.1,14 ..VP‘,111Z (4.10 ..)11 ill toe Ch.. I
.1,4 (,•1,411‘ 4,..44k 4 n110 at 7 31) 4-4
tho -,..-9...1 ;11 4) 1/.1 I... ths -orb/oleic
too .2.. clic.) 4 Wining f,,,,, 44,
' h Mori h h Tho. fli .? tea.,,
1/.. 1, 1., la. A.'10, 4 el 411.14 X2'., Ito I
ti.,, fototh Minh three tram.,
no, ',Imhof I ondo% tdotai silo
o. r we. 17. ffieh 11%t't PI
VII, S:I Ow.44" , '
111.94, ;): r‘ 111/1"." 1.1),4 h
1" :14'
1:71, I
.1" r rrirtit* titan 111,e A ('li
. . es., slime 1,1114,
1`.• /41.4 ,111.1'1% :ill :4 4.1
41' 1 ' ram", lit' 1,4 oral.,.•
as 1.0) o vti Ili,,'' ;Z.
‘1 hi; 4111,
't,'• f;'141114 11', 4 Pot,
k•tri, ot 1,1 i• I t/
•I .
1,-,•1 .• • . - o .11 .1
1..,• . • • .4.. ".; ,„ ,
! 7 I ,•. • - •••
4 I. '1 co.' -• ...1 2111 4 2 ,1„ v
1-citfortn nf 4 a ndoda t 4,,,
N...r.h 11 uron
) • .. ..co 4 '111 ; 11.1 • •
. '1, 1,1111 ,, 44'
Int 1• '. .11
Ill.,- of the 111,1, 41.0, • l'o •••
, 1 , oert meet • ntt r• •••• ligo
• Ili. Olt (..••. ...Vs.- H.
.11 • ,I.`k - ?hal Id•I•t 31
f 0. I . 1., ti• ,',I 1 e.
1 '1 • 'qua, •• 1, 44 ,• • 1-,
h... • o....1% ha, 4. T
Irvt1 'here mot, ,fol 4,44 .1 lire
t that 11, 1.• ••
•,••• ,•••1,
' h aro,' 4,v1/
IP.' 3,111 .11`
0)17•1,lnitP ...I no Ili nu, 41
'l'oo 1,1;1,4 Th,. I,
p.otf . Oal. he.
np id '4'', .h.... • ! I ak, 11”, •
• 4. 4, vh, • ,•1. .4 .44 ,••I vrIv”
, .n1a • .1 1,170, '04
•.• '1,, 4'
e • . •
Principles of the Organisation Emir,
visited by Organiser at Banquet
Last Friday Night. Which Was
The Lions of Goderich held a la
dies' *lit at Hotel Bedtord last Fri
day evening. Some sixty or more
gentlemen with their wives, sisters
and friends. made a happy company
It was expected that there would
have been visitors from Seaforth
Kincardine and Clinton present also
but the inclement weather prevented
them from coming, este occasion
was a visit from Mr. Arthur W.
Itrookwell, who is furthering Lionise%
throughout Ontario at the preeent
time, and it had been peenned that re-
presentative people from the towns
mentioned above would have been ot.
hand to hese what he had to say of
that body and its relationship to
At the conclpsion of dinner, which
bv the way, wax interspersed with
choruttes, solos, short speeches from
Lion Brookwell. and piano seleetions
by Mr, McDonald Gibbs, organist and
eboirmaater of Knox church, an in•
formal program was tendered, time
taking part being Mrs. Frank Saun-
ders, Mr, Fred Holmes, Mrs Niches
Rev. S. S. Hardy, Rev. R. C. Mel/cl-
oud. ('hief Lion C. C. Lee, and others
The lions appreciated ver much
the service:4 of those: who contributed
to the musical part of.the prograet
both vtx.ally and instrumental. The4
most generous iu responding t.,
numbern and also encores. The
musical committee, of which Mt.
Frank Saunders was chairman, de -
verve credit for the excellent program
at ranged for the evening.
The speaker of the evening was, of
courme, Lion Brookwell, who stated
that he regretted the unavoidable ab-
sence of the visitors from the other
towns. The subject that he had chos-
en to speak on, wax therefore charged
and he spoke on Lionlsm Itself as it
might affect the local organization
or any other active organization of
Away beet. in hietory, newt, tw•
thousand years ago, One came to this
teirth whose teaching and example
lifted mankind to a plane of service
by which the world has been bettered,
and that One, although here in body
only thirty-three years, His word,
Hie teachings, His life and spiritual
influence has come down through
these years and is today the most *e-
lite force in the world for the uplift
of humanity. Lion Artour
well went on to say gomewhat as fol-
lows :
Lions pride themselves in not only
having a standard of ethics but in
living up to We fele 'in word and
spirit, -Every organization prides it-
self in having some high moral code
regulating the relationship between
the individuals thereof. lhos lo•fty
ideal may have refereno to the ,nor
1444 of the indjvidual, Inc 40
human eonduct, character, or 111141 4,1
other eirrn- appertaining to a,: 1,'111.
hers. When 11111' (41.411in4 to ASS111
himself s% 101 ::: ergantsation of
tending' in the «immunity he alv
wishes to know what O • ohteet- at,
and what iondition. mu
with before becoming it men,to .ir
that a:sotiation. It' he hould • .s
You what are the i.thi• 4 • .
what would be 4.1111. 11 1
er words, how mould 4,4.1 uphold 4.11
ONAT111.0tt l011 :4:1(4 the. '.i !plc • iior
v.hich 4tood, if :,iou •••••te
¢atoci by one .14.1‘1,111).1; t•,,,,111'...1 r.
desirous of rat, i/onfr the .11 g 111 .1
t1011 11, a whole, Vnti :lend enk o.
mind such per -...n making On no
quitthat, the. ethics..• 1,1.,111 -re .•
,,r restricted 111 14 1•11(11 . • 111 I 4 e1:1511.
and that the as-,ci)4teir. might 1c
weft exprew«ed a- 14 hand ,,f ••I
nrganized throughout the Cro•ed
State, of Arnett, a and Canada tool
reaching out toil he utii•i 111),:'
a OW Wolt 1.1 flor ,a1 4. ivh
and 0I14, purpose. “Ifoas . ••0 \St
-4','..' mankind?"
ice is 11 14111' )1 .11111 , •• •'
,I1.10,• think than when the, e I
ft 'lined from exeri istne• 4..0.. tit..
TWIfOrriled or el`.4•41 ••0414, ,
hile other, thank if an o!
4.1% ,..• pet tot utt-t •he., 14.4%1'
tome puhl 1.enat.4. a".1
Heal", ether., think tha• mrti'11 'hi
pet rot rn a deed m h 11 t he.; • ie.....
oe,ing to ;whit, opomot. •1•••
the \ hove por(a) med •10111.. servo. • .
on, .ommunit4 All of the -o.
dua I • a re not 're'' co ant •.4'
i',17.1,•1 1 1111', 11 "1,1,1 • I
4' ••avg, the :1,1 ••• .140 4, ••I'l
• oil • ithont ?how"), ..• •
.1.1,..1. or Ind.r.erl• ,o...
ro• 4.,1 kird .vv.1 I
lints of performing that service to
the community and as an organize
tion cullectively will perform errvices
to the state and to the world at large
i1 may seem almost a dream of the
rdeallit and in order to convince tine
that it is nut a dream we ran only re
fee to the many Lions Clubs orgenia-.
ed and performing true acts of ser
vice in the various communities
and throughout the North American
In tinier to bo * Lion au vesiotniaed
b) the loco' organisation and the in
ternational association you must not
only perform a service or services to
your fellow -man when the oppurten
sty is preesnted, but you must go out
into the world and seek the opportun
ity to uplift your fellow man and to
place him a position where he can
battle eith the world on an equal
footing with those of the don* who
49 more fortuniste.
The Lions pride themselves in not
only having a standard of ettues
which to the envy of sister organiza-
tions, but in Irving up to this code in
word and spirit, as between the indi
vidurd members of the den and the
citizens of their state and counte3'.
Perhaps one of the best illustra-
tions nf how the ethles of lAonism
peetetised is the fact that In clubs or
dues organized throughout the noun
tt', men have met each other for the
tirst terse and have at Ant'. broke*.
down the hat Hers which modern del
lization hits art up. They have Or
Cto1114. as .1 h0,11b0V4 la play, knowirte
hese, no creed, or coin!, with the
result that the oftener they meet the
,Inier the friendship is cemented, and
a,. the 4)I•01.1'•48 of co.eperetion i. in
• oea.ed between the individuals so
the organizations derive greater been
Oita by way of increased service in
the iespeetive , communities 'h1) 45 in
they meet.
Ily injecting into the governmenta
'with local, itrovim lid, municipal and
forlioriti, Pth/e4 011 which Lionise)4
founded, they will make this obi
.....11,1 a better place to live in for 1111
%hli are de-irous of imprnving the
lot nf those les. fortunete.
At the o.onetusion n't nos most on
teresting address the tables were
cleared and put away and a plelaant
how. or two Was spent In an Inform
al dun. e in which most of those pre
sent took part
The friends of the Central School
are invited to the commencement ex•
ervises on Frodity evening, Nov. 28th,
44 o'clock.
• ----- • 14' ('4 it's it cheap Trunk we have it; if
Trunk of the better grude, or
Club Bug, nr Suit Case, we heti,
tht.ni, or if it'. a Wardrobe Tetink,
we. can got it Seeus riret. SHAR•
Ntim, Sallows wa4 the guest
of her brother, Mr. Frank Sallow,
Sarnia, over the week•end.
Mr, and Mrs. Peter NIcDougati, .if
Porter'. Hill, .pent Sunday tt ith
their uncle tied aunt, NI , tool %L..
Rebt. 44.u••o.11, Guile, it h.
1 mid. 1/ F11.1. 1.. II l'icit
- ill lioi!.
la a la , 1,, ,ita 4)and Mr.,
44 44 I„.%,•41 Ind., •• • am.
MT. And 4111 Welts' N..ftel vi.iteu
Mt Natter, hotelier, Mt Hart's son
o hill. in Cooni.toe toe. the week•et
Naftel 'nen' .4 14.4' dtr. - 11
1,1.1 1 ' 111e4'i0U•11)
111 4 41:111 110 I /1:iplIel ht•
\to . 411r. Home so Nil.
A..11, ft oni WI'IP 1,itorog Sun-
da) with Ind Mo • P., oeo
4% . 11 • so , • 'deo to 4,
44. .n.4 too. oho P. de 4 111 .4)4,4)4
41 a tto .1 1,, '1.0 ..1'. v •
1,.. ell.. • 1.11..1 1 r
• r• • "4, v,.4 • 4 1. 4 11 at,
14.• «l..i,-t 11 imit
•• io 11 ' Ila• la .• A1.1 41
III Anal Nil, V Tremb1.44 atal
tam.14 art horn,. Saturday night
1 elk t.. N1.41 , ..heri. the/
lo•%. been ('.1 the pa." two month,.
11. T enottl.s.,, tn,t ht4 narent w for the
ono,. «, twenty '.414
'1(110 • Iro the o bett1.1 11.411
thy', ha% twee', 1.'1- •Pl. Prod ,i•141,,
/11.. wtr'41,t'4 a• lontr and vet'', 0111
and %I, and Mr', Trembler agree.
.‘,1h M14,1,4 oth.11 who tt ,lth•
41141, 0.• , 11.:41 h4'l' 1. no that, 0 111(•
,)4,1tli 11/ see
• • -
is .4 .• ,.••ble O. prat we Iv"! ter
I,',4)4)' 'hs': we offs 1 at '1.h,' littl••
-11•••• rho', at wed the .Ikrner," Wt.
1141, ' tote nisei.
• 11 4 It \I A
110 N('• TUI" II .RtH
.411pathe to. 4,,,,• ,• •' .•••or :eel) 11
•• ;•••1•• 111.11 1111. I. 1. .1,.„4, ,,. 14 , •1,111)01 MOt fit
, , :1 •• 1, , .41-o t s
./ tioetnuts picture
c•erem.ien 40oh
•4 Th,„ 4fliho,.• and ilk. 7 c, no.
oilt .11 al. a I .
.Iti:al „4" .,I4,otp t ri • sr,' s ••• P'.,>,,', , hut, "I riewt
h he conducted by the trim
, 1, , •t.•1 Stibiert. ,4ermon4, 11 a 411.,"Fow.•,,ig
''444/1.4 1.. . 41, , . 1, 1...• «," 7 44 41 ,
,t• OvIo.t. '411114 WO
• 1' 1, I 1• • 1' ,t't Ito 1(
1P. •• 1 I:11 h • ••
1,.•• t ••• 11.0 , • .
,,fl,,, 4.01 1 1 Iss% • .1 'is •
ill • . 4+,14 ' • •
11, ' ..111 14, 1' , ,- •
1 •• i • tin,. 41.,... i
IP •l1 4io. do., the ...• les. 44' 44
1 11 " d I 1, '11 111 he . /Math 44.4 by
v.\ •« r" 'f o., I •/•• ‘41••1 • 111g 1
• 1, o 1. • h• 4. • , . • • 11. • ...I I ' .ow, • ..• r,.• • •
• ' 1.1. .141 ":•tto:t. I of. ' .1
• • .14 . .."' " 54)%ing
Vol ' 110.hr/111,11 h in
• luh, chu.,h '1,L4 ,
41•• Hand, I I rn S'1/1,t
. • 11 .1 hood o. • lonYloct
• .11,1 1.4 !.. t• ••••'.," ..al •.f the ninon euditus.uns.
• '• 4 of 41, • It, 1-14)r.•• to, the Pli•toot t the
(4. 4 :ire' .1..• I e. • 1,1.1 ',kr 1..? 'MI Atuf Mt • 'lb,' and th,
• 1 e .1•1••••• 4. 1••• -I • •I1 " 4 ''4''Ilner• " 1114414 hy Juw entle
c '141 0". II' I,• '• '4. • , h„ p e:unria.. S. horol anti
44,441.- 111...• • ;45 rn
' 1.. int Youth •-m
, • A s welcome
/,• f. 11 '4,1,' • ,
. 4 • •1141 ,A• 11 1, .
io. •• •- ••,,t II.), .1
1. '31414 011 1.4
for, ••• , /1 I-, 11 1..r. •
1 s1.1.• 17.nit • 1. 1
V1oof, .1..•••• , 11. 1.
11 "••,1.1141. 1.
I •114,111,4 %.
. 44 11 ow ,
• ‘,• '.• • h14..• o • ,
4 • . I ••••,) ot . 1,,del
If • ' .1, 1:1 k • ‚41',, , • Raja, merIong NI the hoe,. of
ie .1- • • 1.. h• 1.1 •• • • • M ( n'., K.ngrowion l'hut 'fay
• •• .. 14' ' 1 'I, si II, 4444 I. 4i", I. I ea' at
,• c • oe Noir). ns. • ho,,,gs
• . ...4 rot ••vry ,1 ,to
V•1 h11,Ph$111. 1."” • h,, 11111.:1)
or 1, .04 1 he e $11 1 1. ••
.•• hr.4'
plank 4. •,nd s' • 1..0..4 \ so
• ,,,• . , . ng • 11s, t, • • • • .14, hi •
4,0 • • , ”ut eo • I 1111 • v
4 I . 4, :wake .•