HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-11-13, Page 7„
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WU ' ;Pi MRS
.tear. Waft
11411747401i, G.eterki. 4f. •
llanta_wsraaasas manes[
dr maw'
rt I II%I m MV
gars ehamishr
dew SMe'M Mee Ghost." and *At-
AlM** I iteraetet » Beeves
and eine Beim
Tee ;tyre. "O DDa�rr el limn arta
Gindaeea,' tet a lea artlfrat and tweet fear.
1101VOSPINS wreath, oa awesmut oe God, to kit* ea tewee'ls leis alatk tt�Mlb 'q► Jtiil► i1
gait H. Bertha). len AwtLkytttit. It welt eeE eight
tot with taiie stataarts .t etlgit .racer
I� �~- w •• '��."4 I.'•a Tett 1 aw whtadllr Thin;
Ni • .. U lard this earthly pert of tau
Hence mole, ere seegIta twee lure
tae *hatte u[; stick right to zees is
mote of everytl:ag yea .to tq t rid.
of t.k, tee but ri.artut.
Thera ere tke4iad that are Jaeger•
. ewe the kiael that meats the leave
ties keel tires Osier t1►.•rrens of ten-
eeeptio■ to rets footled,/ fa the eye.
matey * lift• Meters. mirk read +lif-
tereatty, if. sat the trot appearearri of
a Norte or .old, Dj. waaat'tr eta ajr
Pian $yrs:;. haat. MFi* taken, se it ewe
bowmao ail the Wig leafing vile -Rex of
tate `' Norway i'iste Trow" with *leek
im east hiss. tike soothiet;► litsLup, aail-
.axpretcarnet properties et tr.hrr ex-
+t.fteaat• kerbo, ane harlot
Air.. ,trate E. ;erica„, Golden Lake.
ilaf . writer►;,- trelatat' rear I hall *
'actel. end et tough wbteh wend to
seed. ex my there. I tried difrreet
. gtrtlwratioes, .Mut they die eel seem
iie help rue axe. I wr,rs achieve. ;ler
,f* friend, to try Dr. Wood's Norway
• Pismo Syrup 'sad *lieu I Iaet taken * •
few -deem I''beptaa to feed that it
waw tfoiag ere gsw4,1,0 11te1►t at it
Awl . ilaairida tote'. ei, weekeT ,.wiia--relievetl. •
est raw trotable.''
'1"leono is axle', ode Noi.wev Telae
• y*np rein thet''is "Dr. Wno,Ps."' Be
Ivmxne? get the Komi**. Put up ashy
Isy. The 'f. •lefflbura; 'Co • i cored-
e entor O st
Glowers week Tit? are .,viae. Verges x-31 Tker Wtrt*aoes. Amok kilt weir fear steers ant in
I most iatiata0s tNwwaal ter. 'liar ewe w
keratic; his three hick are tett
Breathe as rete, Breath of God,
Se shell I never dew
Midge Jibe
Rub Rhea tut G
Sab. Iia right midi IMtlbl.1.
Wel birdie of old
"1t. •taaaeahle O L"
: dieeieiee there eters two persons pre+ eat wf atatoet all hymnals row are ; illtttetaeaat»aas V�rreeMgitea
latent foetal the spirit work. demo elm art
1 ago a pert p: t ow du. eoeada� Moo
But live with Thee the pervert life lame be had coarse not to eie*trmy bort Freest storm* that reamed its rise iieattobloo
1 Of Thine eternity.
tow ftttftl roll the law aced the ptwpk+cY,' A. itaterlaeetei
(Edwin Hatch). so new witk kiw were to be awn the � Wl� eves eoef Paradise • �'
1 PEAxhi It
Almighty God, thou art light, end reamer to ve Jemu, introdece theta lereaaa Thee, like .liege:►', mountain ems*
in tore is no darkness et all. May Tkey knew them to be Moses and We tier oor pint*. Iaitd, Lather a t I `` g t
'we walk in the light as the s�bi1dz'en. Wier. Tltis knowledge rear * part ;'greet reek a hely ladisr, a smelt ,sea oaf ail. heu it i
tailed to slaygl:rotia»JfedtI* shy e! thin mast myaterieouspkenoza+t,t►n��',�>� cert
ek#et re twee of the law and Thou art a eeolieg faaataln
the pnap *& d the diaeiples did net Oa fife', dry, artery
I *St
i. a i=carom l outootyr. "fit
tizwhich IMMO
tiNchaise. -
;service, and eapeMe of rendering thee. It was night tree wive + +res ascend• �tgwo and tee'
Easy >9�o�v ;fonde eta gladder
• continual praise. May wow know the mei the tumult** lt** rant; ` La diacipfet Num to vert our house ;
high, meaning of our benne, may VV. we heavy with sleep and were won A day or sweat reaction
ery impulse of the soul be towards overcome with it; but it was nc A oaf hely leve
thya.ilf. •We have belated the Lamb dreamt they experienced, for on wait- A isy of r'eaztrreette)rt
as makeusat " yooll sae ince
1 tenger t Mal M t
j'atobit Oil" fist u goo OW.
leashogo, k
of Gott that taketh away the size of • trig, possibly tho bright ir`� ht, they • lrrestls.tuuteees�4et it ±e Above. .
the world, anti in hie ,s .lie all other touad Jesus r±It ahee�rillsir,+tgifat'atitit'ti1!.,..
siesta have perished. We are trona*. With two Inti that ei.00s. with hien. e .
y a Rawer a emancipate e ea y e aaSAit andtae i
figured b pt and tt Th rthi lit of M £t' BiA�rtr fee a singlet constructive ttt.a for the
sada by his grace. Aertart. had etidad eenturidm before, yet •f .solution of this vexed pet etn. The,
e (i3eisaetead?• !Wass
ap ed est, the .;fount rises acted. me though it wit* no coneern of
8. B. i.RB*0'ti tr4it Nov' eerd. 1924 were eh l "men" wit;, :Adios regent- Hoe. 14 --lienar of Lori Robert; theirs.
Ming the old body of earth and with e'er 1.atatx taco, oer liar rich, tiaveauber But the Right Honorable Arthro
Im.sn Tithe --Tire° Treeingurst#are, minds followirtt their out bent. I91!t, i•'i'ht Marwbwl 3.nett lttiixeta. tete Aleighen did not dod&e tfse issue, its
Leese* Pwage-e-Luke .tow 411. I Again we quote from H. Burton: most illuvrttuw s*d eq. I stalt1itr of met it squarely. In effect he said :
•Ge1deem Teat ---hake $ :35. j "Tiley have read the Divine thought the Vittorio' era, Weft et the age o3 se. '•You can't afford to allow this tai.
and purpose of redemption : they are Ifo r►at, boric oa it,e awe. septette**. tuation las renteecti #re;gitt rates ty
The tfleet 'event. on ia` the Warne `initiated_ into its-m3steries; and now visa et ce,mtpoi nin hobo. where blow
'given" to fleet ilk the` #f* pt that thea 'cross is dogei s1' hand they Twtheo,lart.n:.iii• Abiene/ ltnempt.enka-continue, for it - Will. fatale law,
rpd a r , nese. We have a `Railer* • commi
changed in person before the eye '
of three eee his diseipl,s-Peter, tree- t* him, by anticipation, with rebel lenient i•.tou ant i aukuret colleges, rates, and the only cout'ae to take is
James and Jlcahri. Thia event tow. dos of IKtory, aeon tet 13e his farevermo: c end when be entre*; the *rule et the to turn the whole matter over to it.
mired by a three at the- event lliades..;. f p. ......__ ; . ',goof 19 lie ws4 ;mute iietely dee tch- Until this is done there will ba nothT
Christ en earth when he was vie y come to brtnft tq the world's Say taut . et *bet time *tattooed fit t un erne. a! ?
their heavenly greet#nw* and to in -
aerie• n. tie watt s•ttueaatrd le bag. Sion appointed- to dent with frellth
Matthew Mark and 'Luke and these Verse 81 Iatterrtt w $reeled. rEt 34 Fatdia;• wee fees served "O"'linir do that dhow �ati`sfai _._ ? tTt ` "
c n; n e mean -
descriptions agree in the essentialHow long the vision tasted we clan. tluuousiv for a period or et yea/►texcept time you will have to cancel the rater
• feature*. None of them gives the not tell. it might have been but a sura: sew hrfef turlousbs,e gr+aat aeries that are cousingall the trouble."-
exact location of the mountain where moment of time. It was long enough _Ott tlae outfit'eak et th.
this occurred, but tit is generally sup- to reveal to the disciples that the an' "Y lei 1867 be was ;tract ranched to The chippers ree.ntiy 'took ''the
posed they were still in the neighbor- great hope of earth'e servation is the, -'b:r fl ing a futon in !the Pa ab Waterer 43ueatiQnete.,it}tihttyl, Couft as#on, ;
booed of .� a�loete Phj1APPi,'Mad 3t; n,Q an ht hetet efeee!Ite-'i'he'ie+t.�+ Otek0 but**. '1!'glgbY..-ariii'cb= promptly eldopae,: the Neettree
e ` -then it• vroi T ':b+r". on . one of • the high . feet ;,Hiatt,,,thee-vittiote diad on'the ,lis- .,,eat` ,auct:sl$erv►arelai reek leer, hat tae; which 'Mr. Meighen staid would have
peaks • of lit: Hermon. " Jesus had ciples was evidenced any the strange hiscorio Debts at Befbi< t?awaapore rent] taken. =The Comm#anion, tartler-
Lncktyow. Ila eiduee the Woaorla ed the withdra al of the rates that
been alone with his disciples for a utterance of Peter. Re wished to pro• p,oxs cit the end. Jason., v iglus fob lits
time, questioning them and talking ,long the.stay so, in• the ecstasy of >;alltuatry tiering an engagement at have been causing the trouuie .and as.
with them about his Divinity and his the .moment, he proposed to bald a n,iilIEsegaol ,.wbore ho envoi! eke lifeor serted its right: to•deai;;with the whsle=
Atonement._ .His telling them that hey temporary dwelling-plaee. He did a nattve•trooper•and captured oreot the subject of rates.
• must go unto Jerusalem, and softer not realize what he was saying When repels'staneerde, Dodge es he might The Hight filar`..
many things of the elders and chief he spoke of making dwelling place, y9, the uext:t' Nears hill lite *torsela
Men's and ee.lr Oil' . r
Saitabis For " . _ '.�rillll' W, her
A tie.el Stuck ,►f IepeUe and Bela' A+,.rena for th.1 all Work
• A New Supply of Mika
L'11#ii.t',NA set*, Cheap. Several other Hsu tlkxok Patterns, ••
y,xt ran keep your Dinner Sett Complete.
J. J. McEwsn%
'NM* 4. wirailaUsra";
+ J . w.
vine may be rather tnp;curare, but� ilmoat anyone spa me te, a hurt:
he would rather ten the truth And of the situatkae whoa it k ateeriAans
ruh J' }sari.
pp+artrrtt a hypiorriteisk of u Riper aa1than 1C e h mire who is ,►#tits
a lie will win out meth the cnuu-
try, for those who hart* Itriportsnt .tet,
tercets at stake csttinot *fiord to take
themes erre lore artftel t3.tlsten _ • .if-.
+arable MacKenzie Xing and his Gov.
pr#ests and scribes, :and be .tilled, and ±on earth for glorified saints who have the history or the numerous smelt tvet,e ernment have. had to face this pro.
*10 raised agamh- iii d day rriusti 1 `on t d it
e it maven y turret a c, we )n: - in �ntita Ant t,va k here• taasuFtesH. lila
-lam. They. havraitmt all -the dude;-
tq tltelr hegtrEs 1 tl L ll t
heave strsstt. a }
Penes $4- A:YA;cc • ra aur an iy rr,stt..ab+ t t r. • a,s ;tit i»g. the • canget away- with; and rite
Had he °not accepted- Pewter's. conies, • ,o _ , or3;tcutzer and htratc;;ent gattred bion y
'Yon cannot attend a hotter
; drool llo why nL1E..tegihter mfr.
()!'asses 2:40 to 0:411 p. tn.
Stenographic . Cratanutereiiml
Reeretamiirl. Special eourees
Pot intornt tion, apply to • .
VW.4,itD, 33.A:.. Principal
1. A. STONE, (ow. 8pecialtfat•
'Frere Rtinolpeal Mate 19e.
.. - _ - A. cloud,._.sYnthelizizag _titers_ ie• theyhave to face tie. muse,. Appp�j! the liar +etfery !4w gian tub was .the Messiah as _, 1a*' ooutinuoua atdeettaceinetsc stent. Gott+anrrt Art?
borers t i t rout shad +aloetnt he was not to be their earthly king 4relopcd them, causing the disciples tx• 1884 ars commauder.iu•celet ut the ver recently ? Why', he had to raise
eGsrgl. *1t1* .Unna • s t ts*rn* as of Ietaiauatmay, a poen which he ;acid her the passion assumed by the Right.
`" true ? Thie further confession that settee, lesceenced .upon them ens! en- twhiich'etuteteatmt fn biaappotetuteut to *hent dill"the 'Premier eery"' -at Vaiteou• 'J o m ou p i L _
tit# #!�Riti�
they had expected paralyzed then; fear. tjie rearm in rho Old Test3em
water._ How then were their droping spirits, that when the cloud covered th tub• seven sears. Honorable Aieighen long ago, and ads
to be revived and their courage TA. ernacle, Moses was not able ; en:. •elle superintencied the auango,nentt pt - mit that the Railwae Commission was'
stored') How `shall they be lead . to terP , and when it filled the . temple, ewe sptundle timbal'swhtot, *rem held the
:e l pniy body eompotent to deal with
see that+dee#h does n+1't head silly The it
the priests could not stand to nun. = at Mae, the feet ee the u'Casfun et the
transfiguration ie the answer. After Tater by reason of ,"• then no weeder visit of thole -Mee of Wales ht ,,;';Arae;
six days, of which there is no recordthe disciples were afraid to enter ;etc , the second. wbeu Queen 'riotvtiet Watt
given byre tiny of the disciples, they it. Out of the cloud a voice,atm
spoke eroeted :Ernpre.s, or India An the r
Rot a vision of divinity -given in Proclaiming the divinity or Christ and toitoiving year. The most bellitetit ex- a problem free to free. hake a wise
Christ'sown words then:. "Now. D. commanding . the disciples to hetet ploit in his long and eventful tarter counsellor, whose advice is sought.
. Rather, glorify Thou. me 'with Thine him. This was done to strengthen took Plebe *tuning :;bc cxiupatr;u het he frankly tells the country what will
own self with the glory which 1 bad the faith of the disciples when they . Afghanistan W 1ti:a1.1. when Isis wonder. have to be done. • Sometimes the ad -
with Thee before the wen'Idwas " shauid go forth to preach h the gospel 'sal much trout Babel to Ifanilaltar
Iwayr. ;rates.
Thlais another tribute to the Con:
iterative leader's eeerege :n meeting'
After this vision and •voice it was len• gained him the thanks of both bowies' ,
Venue •28.29 -The Great `Change. possible for them to"'doubt that he , ct Parltatuent and a baronetcy.: alt the
What they. /saw want Christ's own war: truly.. the Son of God.. When the' coaeltai of bis 41 years t. itl�tservice
rvi Galion,
person, ..hia_:-own,±fact,,• own gmrment'?:,_,g :e•,ellaSed•tleeiediat"scipelee•sari• t eke &vii g , ,a�
bvat•euvo: *Merl 1 .die algwre; tele ';eases aid; KIia* , had �'aftisshed ,tried iaii•1±p tr. :�vat>s.1n *ff'a IFYcol btlitir
>rr >iud'iteltf'usati3hxl eanU uir<esn afie•Tewin:
.rrre,.v s%"�`�~•a• faee,'the dt+esis, all.beesfne white'nd hesus was again alone. What the r
Yet: PEOPLE'S �� 6 h d y nand of the levy in rreland
:: glistering, Prayer mus VIM JeSua: Ja seen they kept -to themselves we' gene after the aeries of etiev.ttcs
.e. w rr ..;I.M. ■ a habit; the atmosphere inwhieh hetil after
iv i l t cath anr< rresurrection.xwelter;khat )reit the Baily stares• at'tlta •
'•tTb„fti'`gf8 ho `itn•'thilt-great crizia hi was8 en them 'to confirm their Boer that in P309be-wv eat' out' te.
went up into the mountain to pray faith in the truth that :te wee the .South Africa, where lri5 sttluderrut.
What was the subject or ;its-Prayour Messiah. There were three witnes mastery or strategy, speedilychanced
#0 which' this great change seems tc sue to it; as many le the haw regnilM•the aspect of affairs. 1ty -;hes end- of
have #teen an answer 7 We am ,ed, - so that the proof • was clearly 15 )fro wits able to i•etutu to England,.
gather it from the topic of. converssm established. Besides if they had Eating annexed the two leaner lie•
titin• with his heavenly-' visitants 8 i ant p
r and .hastened his deet , .but hie time action, and lett the anal crsiabin or tee
a few days, previous, told his disci tC'x'iep
WA rat et 0 nn,nN►OnH guerilla leaders fn 'tilt asU•
told it on going down from the h a nhhc,s sad scattered their modest lea•' r. `
They spoke of that which he had,'use it would have provoked itis enemies Sand ai1 hope) or any further eirr;als3zect
s y come, ao tie enjoined 1 s a ae+
f h s ff ft ddeath
pies- is : n erin s anwinch , r sit.
he should accomplish, at Jerusalem. once.:'`A.s theyu is a time et no speak so able bauast/;,acct Kitchener. On his 'ti,l,zee.. t •,,. ,.,...-"'
shoe ` #s a time to keep sitenee. Their 1etut•u ho Max elevated or an enrktom:
"The vision was in some way God's
inn to tell all they knew came on made a Knight ur. 1l,e. Garter autl
s olacer.'to and prayer, giving him the the ay of Pentecost **ten
appxtniecl t onsntaurlor-iu•cltfer of the
solace ` and street her', ng that be .., _ err the spirit lleitish n:my .-s�lslcat.pXirrtYru...iteitl ritmEil__
sought,as the Father's voice attest- was poured out upon all •iiiesent and
ed His Sonship, and celestials trttnre' Pe have been .190 $, when he Aldred red firer; tee army EO.PE.
•cR,ie'.,.1jappronSCEI,.Ye3n8t2! aItelrfA,ycnisattat!ia:lpttaiservh:e.' IIERT..
forth. to *elute the weilzbeioaied, ;and Ne l aanF tom the lesson theeevaltxq Tho j raincl olrl veirerau, tlaeai to It=s ' #f fi
t Jesus t ;teen ' 7:irc1 year, Mahe air her; wiiIl•earlreeh •
PPrayer and the out- ;cisme, ru;eteach the guenel or psrepare3- ..
come of 3t rn hie o ex
e/ it hemi
wet pertence, It hese, and had.shot uatntu ,n been beedell
CANADIAN NATIONAL RY, was while a prayed that a far"k uv rico l;titfi.It tit vetnaneut, nt:ony est thea t Y .
tTNAl - ERVICE 0 TORONTO Characteris, portrayed to the canna= Goat War w;orde have bleu `averted:
t C shone, refleetang• the .glitter within ,tlislaieters in tett early slues of end lata
I tonance and prayer determines char -In eloiensbei•.191e, he wear to Tr'ance The ;:eat of, red revers takes the
Sunday acted: to Yissit, the lndiati. FolEtit'i'K ae. the ;eerier "ouch" m sore tame back. It c
Daily .;sliest Suisfrom eat
Lave. C3,xlerieh 600 a �are 2.`..0.11.11. ivottLD• missu ? S • and there 'be psaesed eway suddenly, notkhurt you, and it certoinf}I tads the
" + +• God's Plan for Canaria • eying, as he wb±alai have tvlahEHi, aniQU;; lif arc at btiCC.
Clinton ti '?5 a4 m, 2.x12 peri. ' tbo tear S be) it ICC and IUVeli i o well,t '
o tomorrow It op►vrigttredl hardly get around, just try Hoch. you
be : it will bo what, by the grace of •
•' ;'Meat will the Canada f t i ' >rY hen you arc uttering .a you an
fieaCartlt • G d 1 n, m. 3.i l pen ;
iibtaper then Gout, pr Woodae
l ll '~i: :
etc 1e +± :s ass. " preen. Gad, Ave
make ' • We can get a v1s Rub„end sou wail have the quickest re.
Ctasvaailiat, ekes, uiek Arr. Stratford 7.'30) :a in. 4.10 peer. ion of our cities vastly increased of HONESTY THE BEST PPOL.IIW fief known. Xothrttg has such concea
" Kiteheuer f eeff ears ti.".d0 p.m. our land filled with a hundred million ' • ---• seated, penetrating heat as .cd peppers:
• Guelph 8.41) rt re."teat. pa.m.:People, of the empty places tilled with The Libtrala, especially the Right just'as soon as you apply Red Pep.
" Toronto t0.10 11. In, i.iv p.m. rhappye ho pas, of a people exalted by iionorabie ae'Kenzie'King, criticize Intllitreeminutealit wattnett,Wa one
e spot
" *' � � Returning -L
Returning -14%1V, 50 ascan;., ,gig, HKoiss es . hest, are nxily the:light Honoraltio ttrrthur Dieighe» t h and through. Pain and sore.
1245 peon. and 6.10 pair
'Pottier Cafe ear, Goderich to :Tor-
onto, on morning train, and Toronto
to Goderich 6.10 p. in. traits.
Through coach Goderich to Toronto.
P. i 'L, *ham sr *ors
Town Paseeager pad Tickets Assets
rtli°W S IS Own very severeiy, but on some questions •nese are gone.
Plan for the nation for which he tore -
of poliey'they have to accept -hie posies h3k'anp druggist for a jar of 12otwkr
pared so magnificent a 'foundation. tion. Take the question of freitrht Red Pepper Rub. Be sure to .get the
a cordineto the measure of thus if we do oure plan rates; the . Conservatii a leader hats ail- genuine, with the: Ilene 14"i" use cede ,tl R#l# i� I tII UIiIIttlilRt NIIIIRI MIIIIIIIII iltl# 1111IR INN
Be. reveals to us. In His own goo$ ways said that these should be fixed r n 11
time the full glory of His gleut. wilt by the Railway Commission .specially
stand,' revealed, "a crown of beauty in created for this purpose. airs tk,tlyjji
the hand of the Lord.', body competent to do so. Th#'s post -i
c Chis Dominion),tion he took in 1922, and he bas mein-
tttined it. '
titThe King Government has not had
the courage to follow eueit''a eouree.
It has' had its eye op the political
i side of this matter just as much hN
"0 DAY OP REST AND •i on any other, With it the question.
GLADNESS" ! has not been what, in tete eyeet of.
Christopher Wordsworth, author of competent experts, is 8 •fair rate, but
this beautiful hymn, wax a nephew what will get by politically. Thi:
Road s of the famous English poet, William • explains. why the Government has
'� ; a vi'�' 1 Woodaworth, and his biographer.: been dodging the *eight rates' isru.
rteetteilt WW1 i,,jreltla• �. rum- As a boyhe showed exceptional apt- since it entered office.
nese with . his studies, and, willful It was lack of courage to take a
gVegetableCompound .•Weeny fseholarl boyo, was keen. own ',
tr. 1 S y ' - . stand on this subject that got • tie
I' orost,Atberts.•--a• Perha ou,wi l tereaded in all manner of aromas. Ne country ,jnto all the trouble over the
pry had a very brilliant career at 'Cent.
remember *aiding meoneo_ fyourbooks
North Visile Beware, ' $0141IICN
.gnia a ' lose } hhero.
flack .Stables, Etc.:
Morltr.Iat St root
lest off the $quare
weell ase
'noises Moet Mt Trains apt
Pawnor Beats •
Paesetgers called for le any
part of Etas town tar all
trailer at 0.1'. It. or tet P. R.
Prompt' Service and
Careful Atteneancee
oar Livery and ,'lack hervice
will bo tadod sp••t.wlate
In *WV rdprct,
"Yrhritr' ottreelteig • sllaitsrtt --
Moho . IS/ Mlu�tr.Ia1 Street
t4 NEY .'leis
II:t .��u ale ��11 1: f
Pw Ili reed %'lilJ1rreft
U. For 011e Years
A)rs.re beets
Specials in :.MATTRESSES and SPRINGS-
atAa K
�II Mann
tet n;il•felt•Atat:treee, Caney etre t#e±lsiFig, roll edgo,, rouad7 corn-
• .eee, regular price $10.60. for this Week *7.75
genuioi ,eggtit� and'•i'latt� aril spriup a,. gu*t•ntiteed .for 20.
.yearn, regular $10,00, for tithe week $1.75
Thee pricetri are very diose to nisinufa ttureee oast, and it will
Pty Anyone contempintint getting at tu:tttresss or spriage
its tnteettf;ate these pelves,. •
A , New Shipment of Club
;'lu extrti, special genuine leather Pits.; ise-g, letttlit'r listed, double
itttri�tie st. !weary c e net -I. for 7,50
Aro! hie r'.3,ar1 si 18-1101 4,11u6' ling. Rinnrt nppnaranee, vvi�dro l
. h', lett.1•w. #f,.I.9
A New 'Shipment of Bridge cps and,
Junior imps
:' 'it t.t• +,ei•:.,! •.1) tIl;', zili r ley, el1rp es Burl prices.
At Very Special Prices
One only square Piano in good condition, will sett lar
Often the Cheapest • • Always the Best
The Store of QualityweNut
West;Side Square Goderich
Crow,'. Ne. Pass cuntntodity rratt�v
bred e, x+viiere he carried' off' many of this car. C ilovrrnment wee
a yearn I war in a esondit#e n the' ighest helloes. y q told
and' *out softer aortal.'pains at titres
and would not do etaythin The elector In 1�, at the -early age of twenty- • what would happen, but it tool: a
mad 1 could not hays cb en unless 1 nine,, he became heed/nester of the chance and the .beeleess .nterests ref
west n an opaatfon..• 1 read testi- famous Harrow School, where he re- the country suffered. During all
armors laore, dee L pinehitnea woes. omitted for several years In 1863 he this time the Government did . not of -
to satioarltiwras appointed Bishop of •Lincol,_ as --. � :..._ _.. r..r.,ars,eser�
t me to��r tak- charge whxh he Bela to within a 'few ,i,.,,,,,
hOf tbro. battler I rano iwurh better months of his death in 1880. B �
and .ow 1 NO. l bossy baby giti four While he won golden opinions for NOSE
mutt* old. 1 do i*t Itesourork and his work as a headmaster, ai parish
baps, littM withiwithtkar craar.Ir. I MOM- clergyman, and later as abibhop it
Mood the V.�g.tabte Colnpoottd to my is ars a hmn-writer that he wilt be A
friends aard%m willing fort ort to nor chiefly remembered. like the Wee-
this 'testterwsdsl potter."-- airs. A. A.r
ADAF , Box 54, Prsost, Alberta.; treble means of making the people re -
ley±,, he looked upon hyalite as a val.
Pales IR Left member -Church teachiing. Ile tr,.roto •hr What rrixef3 Yater chilled
that he believed it to be "the forst tri rigkt *p, the air prssetyam _,,L
if , bee:._--" I took Lydia . duty of a hymn -.writer to teach mound r bald ars ether end yy*eap reit erastlw "
Pi as`a Cois o lis- doctrine." Ile thought the matmeat �• 3% neer" kawftiaag, t±aafllsrr,'
I awl with la my left for hymns thew be trued in fir 110 F reseears dirRJasirge, heeded*, aftrooe-•-ta st r
xsrd beselt seaef wit w.aktoaar and pie, and in the early Christian wilt- rttliteli* for breath at aright, your veld
sthe • Wmsblaa wormer so oito .;taw.. ear. estarrk is .roots S-
tintwale this msec *3 tabs its oth& 1 raw . ins i Dia.! #a staged opt 0.5 at email
tine T ,.,�,,�,,y, aettr...ieed in n hill; lee Pe""ehed a colieedt#ot1 ot, Witte of Mme's C're.rs,,Sehre fret yerr 1
the ' i wtihl l . d r rot I km" hymns railed ""The Hoty Ysar." Tlti< ° dri 4.t from_ Apply a tittle *t this t
Woo low b.dtus mai it, I was a very was thief! nude ap of hynm.' Qin" s frngr*at, aati*eptfe treat" in year time•
Wilkriereeaala reed 1 fl+aet as sock ioetfwr i hepar with the ehereh reaaarts. itsorde . soil;, let it yers fists tla merry air
ilemitaid lass wr3 ust it.. I mels vies worth's hymn*, to the number of 32ia; et the lend: and .earl
lie r Ilsottiws Wash. 1 were art fogad in thio bode, the firet' ibae aware, , I attamird siu efts wrbra*s,
rover ream; stem isetliolue es ase/ friss dr of which was "0 nay . of Retandhog you Won raid, Ir h's crowncrownsari! mesh yen to rase tares lot- Gladness." hoary of tete hymens aro f It Bibs to ism *tot every Md gad e e
taus aIhs Mrs.M.W.a0r, no tomer familiar. lime elsite anum. ;„birth .spare* las keen *Akio* It's
MIR limas /teniae tl1.,'I.eaeidsur, Qtetb.e. Tref retain an honored place in the rest ,y�iat ".id.
Take a Tablespoonful of Salts• if Back Pains" or
Bladder is Irritated
dumb your kidneys by drinking a
quart of water each day, alto take salts
.nerasicmally,- :5`n34sTic-totet -"alit tority,-
• who tells us that too much rich food
forms acids which almost paralyze the
kidneys in their efforts to expel it from.,
the blood. They become sluggish and
weaken; then you may suffe ewith-a dull
misery in the kidney region, spar' pains
in the back or sick headache, dizziness,
your stomach sours, tongue is coated,
and when the weather is bed you have
rheumatic twingea. e The urine gets
cloudy, full of sediment, the channels
often get sore and irritated, obliging
you to Beek rellef two or three timet
during the night.
To help 3Wi trainee that irritable
acids; to help cleanse the kidneys arse
flush ell`' the body's atriums tenure', tet
four ounces of Aid sults from; n_,•• phtt•-
• rnacy here. Take a tablesptoovf•J iF
• glass of water before brvr kf y:
few days, and your kidneys war " +
• sect fire. This f&Irtous salts is made
froln the acid of grapes and lets:on ju eve
combined' with lithil, and Into .)[yen w'rsl
for years to help flush and stinietlati:
sluggish, kidneys; also to neutralizte the,
acids in the system so they no longer
irritate, thus often relieving bladder
Jed Salts is inexpensive; Carnot in-
jure and makes a delightful eifrlrrrfescent
lithia•water drink. By all meow have
your phyaklsn examine year kieiha'ieya
at kart twice 4l year.