HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-11-13, Page 6BID
Qeiesiipve Sty Straka
This Wonderfully
Fascinating Story
will' appear in the columns of
The Goderich Star.
Nr�nt Week
is riot an unduly long
a good one
while it -lasts . -
hest Mrs Ming so Mods Ilaslaidira
- hews , osier. US ase* pact the
- pasture. of Tons ay Tew,laias'
aetyel ,tares from ehiwsood
lisat has on weir of kw Ores
coke tsea'appsra Ona* Um110 ab
273 L.wtlua 11, ili****1-
}T' ` WI TAU �eh� r r
A 16g" .Mega
WIU Mi. Pe..ow stet st ..r ns :ur
dr4tekiatt this. pops ?
.No, my satm, this life-giving Said
doeso not inebriate, dose set excuse
these who drink it to risk* kaag)
spr`.ches, heat it rumor the eMe
to sparkle end the been to (.netlea
with tneressed energy.
Do the p. $e of Oeadurirk pipe this
wonderful water over to the aouncii
chamber, papa ? Wouldn't it have *
beaentiaei ef---1
My son, that arrangement would
take far tee mock pipe rid -
Oh, pupa. I have it 1
Han what, my sot !
An idea, papa !
Let it e:o forth, oh. may son, ideas
._,..., ,�,�.,.,�...,.» , Why daarncrle. *web* amid- his coun-
t -hi plausible manner in wbkh sone shunts. pipe that water to The Sun
of the moat unlikely of them are ad. Set Chinese restaurant kept by Lee.
tented. Batt het ua be a little char or help hint to do it "
Roble. They era some time.; the re• What need 'has 1..e. for the water,
Iaction from the *teen and grimmer my area? I. be not near enough to
side of life.. A few of them have a ° the lake saw "Boron"" to get cop•
basis in truth; a still smaller num. .1 ins* quantities of water for "noodle
i her are.eoneelved in a, spirit of wlck• I wap.. "unser bowlrt"" and ereeeras
1 * tonic to smile ho are do good
their is nth" for ltraaaiant guests ?
Sure, pep 1 -.-but them not whet I
in these strenuous dart. mean; this water causes "the old"' to
Mart Mole Satgaar . , become young again, tee sad to re.
There was some skeptheism whir joie., "the weary" to "pep, up"'
' i cable deepatchea recently announced My son, the "0.T.A.' is still in
that Praetor E. C. C. Body of Liver. force! -
pool. University, had made sugar by Now. papa, .than pciddest ate, ver -
the aid of certain eehemtcale, water ily�+-You know that "bubbly water'
and an ultra violet ray. lie has since is supposed to do- all this, but it does•:
conducted demonetratioata before dis- nit; m . idea is to Rt up Lee's. place
thee�uUnitteedrStates gatherings of
ar ae ieanttaerium far "run-dawxr social
i whirlers,. open the ;tear rottnd.:to put,.
� <x are now convinced .flint �aciertee' is nn
tate eve of dh coveriea ^which will tell; new °main -springs into these people.
able alae making of food rdleel '"On Tick," my son? • ,r
of nature. In other words that sur ,e No .papa. don't box *.armed etif
gat, grains and the :aatata+i►t'ials xnay., on a easn basis; People,fiom Holmes -
be produced. or developed by scieuti- , vine, Mimico, Detroit and Dungan-
Se mechanical processes. Synthetic non, all pay cash no matter what the
food for the world is not immediate- peeele of this hamlet do.
ly in sight by reason of this fled Would you advertise the "Improved
But a trentendously.importaltt avenue Sun •Set" as a sanitarium all the
for ' researches which pamisc meet thine, my, sap '
astonishing results has teen opened No, papa, -a usanitariuin" in -win..
up, and it may lead to. result* which #ter, a "summer hotel" in sumrter•--'
it the moment might easily be, re,' and wouldn't it bring'a lot more Imo.
ent-poseibilitiee.: - tole to fol health
?rich•tG exchange money
,,f tenfikaiksb
garded as beyond the realms of hum
The Canadian Dollar
h bar 01,
'a�aarm.'rtxu (aaak.twax deliee«R, aa.esr Since taking 7Claiasre"ea:l�iidaies 7r'31i1
Sta tofit from drinking 8 , , dsaswr IA ear , t as• e
t hof ( derich �U'
p sate. et
Cil. ,a,
• A11 Will in Prance
despatches as hieing. in ganger trent ma>tket, . but Canadians are xrtaicang you're. not gating home beta papa � Fene.baaasa�it ce„�ie�t,iaa: es�,aa, rest aaee.aaanat+atalt tbeaa tea h,Risu'.
Let us take a" battle of.•it. home to.
Not only is the Canadian dollaz Mans,: m'y_..son - t know people at
holdiin et at par with the Qniteu:, home �vho might receive mac a$•
whoa the:: stmpp'idlls
rami ammo to a ",tie."
Wile trum my sort.
Row me. -worts. shook( the citi.
moo el O. vriek dnak to Iii elui+.y
warns" ret factories minim, fen time
Weir p.M,piei to their nase3et to lave
and to improve the vela* et Heek
holding* in the harakt.
It's not a matter of driaki zr
"gaantity" of it, so moth, as of all
drinking it together ' sett trust plan
all must work. --and in a frim city
open•handed way -
The way they dsdy'with "the bead,"
Palm 7, ea
While there's life there's hap.,
my sen, --but I'm tired of "*at.r "
Let us head for home and Ret s drink
The "0. T. A." is ntill in forte
So it S011.
Cr 4`� i A Aad ' •
is superior to the l se Japes",Te llit1 .
n* or Gunpowder. Try it t sr.
Mt SAME of TEA MO , "'MPLa ; 11111i'M
01.11•04.1,0•14V I
tt<• J.
E. H. "`U--tl • Bisset,. (Far%erk�lt. ci0. Proust, [loderieb township. .
H C it, L. Peep 7-11..101 ring• ik;'" # lest Sable, +►t 114.4 tet kat
AT THE C i�1E avis.a�'�'"r r it Rundle t' irrtela towsat p *gyrate mere
414 / L,wo - ranges, Jr.;wee awarded to, doe
I Ash tray, donated by A. 31. Hobert- - Bowmen, , t odericb. -
Fall Shoot of Huron agility RIO sou. - ". t .a. $:► prise offered by lobs Wets-
Lugue Presides Good Day's ;04 -Donlon Bisset. {Colborne, 40.. stet, St. Helena, for a- more -ef ea, - _-
Sport I II'. i'. R. i", • nriee :aapkia ring. - volute wee not woe.
;5� �I4eza (;oidthorpe, t'olhorate, 49.
i.'hpre, daatate!cl
by Frank Woods. The Moron County hilt",, T.ee;rue obi 4rgn tory
1LETCN * , '
held Its fail shoot at the e•olborae' .sO Ii. NerreeraabP; Gnderleh, 48. -
owina i xan>i oa n Y, R3--G,ea..Sxmoetia. Colborne 48. "
3Diin, razages!a were and 6a! � „�► T O '
t b' Thursday tjci 1 II•! It•L psi peach
yards. Where was no trophy .nape• n. fi It. L. prise -pencil.
�IT 7 k`ptcher, l',otlerlch 4R
titiou. or team shooting. hit a large ""t off lank.. her, (ed '1 � . 4i. Ram. .• viola
number of Zea were 'Hilt ups fortelowly
Individual scores. .
, The St. ',Helens contingent issued A special prise for the greete*t anolsa
am trait:teen to those present to take 'cumber of.,truli8eye* at�khe two xanagea
_Iwo. • in.. tbe.. Tbelekmirbrg. •047. •,.beet• • went toe.W..A,.,.11111er, •_Set. '1lslettr. The_ .. .... ........ iwJk1 lL*ca1
r rrhFeh was t *tett' I ere
ou the at. Reims range. p a by �
TIzP prize -winners, with their urns Borne, was a strikfng Statile of a
and t,h prizes on were ct
sitnibar twe etra **tie irais .teak, lams. sad aehtag bs nits
r w v follows: 'bull, for . salt en al5h a d`er : or _ Woeecn .ars
the lreatee.t lantrarsrre
I .f. e.. Portion, 5t. Ifelons. Iltl'. 1 lac ,
h'riya la aif:dozen i:nit a gine fett.s:�. mels. ,belg of ea' It. for the greatest owing to tiger eNttianal i seeds. -beth^
..adonat est. iil'...D Meet: ilrti e, uuwlrer sef ittagples at�. a OG status. was, :_ 41100%4 liftiegso neeerrart-Waitersi_
s air: <;oldtitarT,P, Tt.. M .l,i, , • won he' aS. Rimer, a*zd ea • *taller to their keumbail4 duties.
!traitor. .Biros feet relief` as net Steele*
C. L. ni'tze ,,�ilrea~ errrrnrhtaeY - kiUie7 tt ;.areal Snake testis souse
sugar sat. Hone ' . ' ' hoist data at, pteraiure `° instead of a
I?rucr simai i1; �tund, dm/Idea - .by prize for alter greatest number of Dome* I star, '.,, 'rtet -peat«„
t die sit arei'•... r k tn' W.
,tt 'WW'" ,t fifiii;er. ,,i Moreno tiI �-- _. _ d�_ wheat a*dlfear from baackate>g., tor other
4. --Roger Done. (;oclnrier. C� sae t•a burde,l,
-Safety mato; donated Y wttat•t'eri.s e'at's
Wigle, 'hie I' I'' � �eaKew
r' To ed b D IL
3-14. Sheardown, fiaoiinrith til. Perrloratcd
it ('k 1i. L. prise --Dally Den tt'labrra , liana
g.. • -Jos. Ito 'nitut, sr;. OocltrielII,' 02.
ptlfh.cleaning outfit, donated by
(liver Goidthorpo -
}•4-=k.1wotl"i'4"'ebster, :St: Tfel'ns,.III -
lfrs Edward Mb'- ,
shoe. 148 Cardlg ee
St., • Guelph, 0 1.,
*rites:-•s'T laser
bee* as a, terrible
ro* litioe on *moot
of having such awful
pains "Iry my ''$ek.
Met. clouted' ba Ir. IF. 1 urthn.. , io ria ba -te .sold I times
_r .ease my tsfs7rliiti�' aesaea:rzrl ttirne!aa bo- _ - -
.-<t'lltls: Proust', iette'is.h township, gown] stabs* tlr�s'nt�tsteeermisgl a" sea- foto L testa eat* �t
e, it . mb.w c or •at to
t dollar in the Fitters money ' d ' ki this ma is juice-� ; V:1f, tC, ;t� T.. ,pri.i�;-vc^atrlie rPug l.•a i xk s,ew rr ra .rw.-a•lfpa..s x haver i' unst t .bc+neflt s+a�i oaa-
Pi emier Iierriot of France has se• within, a Here revolution against the Its position more aeecurta by ilte man+ 1 e • _ xI. C. 1.. I.. prise- Luxta,r tlilt,
euz•ed a �is . rlt la a - presentfreelysure Y gni let "ta'.ee a xingez°"' 10 --TOM 1 ora'n, wt. fleI na
hi. _ Y Yeti!! of a anhlitarY control beitrg rtes in which they are i,i an ing their Well, rvo R
#idem. Which wild* pressed on a'1e feted: oars: national, provincial; and municis around "the agnate;' al{ San, -in -f bountain .ton; .dbmitea by 1,trt"u - A
IT r T nnlerp
technic shay was really an '*taste on They Lose_ i o Time • pal Loathe. 'When our clphlar was ne;t
-his foreign polities. It is obvloue pr e a c- ao�-laapular with .rhe United Staten And r. pnho.4uglel to take at drini[ .Xl:.. Ii., fir. ixpeu. dnrni.' rfelua ;
that this rook' lei Itd a poor time for tions WithinBrritain the Ramsay Maacl?on- PanUlilc,aa.it is tad:Y, lung ere bu :tin. of water: Papa 1� , ape ueue. ixnti. <tsinaeetl l,c.
political upheaval in France.:: old government had :evened and the enders in that countay wire buyins; Yes, we could. that all ri rhti, afl;ltobertsana.
hew Premier Startle Baldwin .anti C titad1an bond issued whenever they inn, I'll . just head the plane' that 12.--44. A. kttobet'tf.en; •e;;"t, Larne
Hygsea' power In dt.rr Zest#had �'
v ce, it ha • to compote with -Canadian e v leesans on
` w
•e fes . her..
di a
se as .
" co Ile
plant in New Zealand has just heen Canada might tape a S
the chance." Now they ars~ ' way. -'Pair'spijipers, donated Tl r Goo fits i
.The Tartest hydro-eUectrie power his Cabinet, were . in- ohi Wenadizan lin- . Who is that who walks with a
occasrion from ,lobe Bull, . who ,.in turn ,have:stately'• step ..•:and.:.witia,.titouaghtful
opiensd_rzeaar_W'ellh «pug ---'Its cast.>sgimetitneaad+dared.tt�.li,a.-,kexY#1,nairauble ata aenin to the Canadian mien, wearing a hat•ltke unto a hal
wnaea awn, awe ve�i h t r . >t. ;>,
Tpi ssit 'is ; t' atter oa .,.;. t. a -': as `�' i li4tn act e_.
se. - -' °e tt o t o tie chsanges -in Britian polieles twill he a certaitz
°..M tit' het'snot Iik+slyttluaf any r�ArY• dra�taa►- Ia � itaatt aha 14 klt. "� .. garrae
it -will iriht6 � greet a�� h matter f
piquancy; i is a ma to back, acs from the trent `�
country a Immense ' .accorded in the next tow months or ,national ittnal ilride to feel that our x j That ' is Sir Wigle' . who attettdir
i t y, z obvious that electricoven year!, utiles* .these are forced is tag valuable ass that of any nations
icy' is to.be rhe ee+to c of motive in the world. The existent conditior : great councils of state', a:ar -
pieMrera mor some timer to come,. by outtrida influences. Many r setl:xvauld *rather seem to be en c.fe:ctis•.• Does he carry "the•water"With
li[ex'o Trouble art trawl
'problem*at home are no nearer
sear antserer ° to tllare 'olio azgued that' him for the benefit of the other colt*.
tlement! +than they. were wrhen the
Tho... revolationar movement, In IMacDon.k ptovsrnment took . otitca Caa dna' would be better oaf by bot.. cilHe ,papa 2 . .
Bxaltli la;not yet ended, though so far and Mr. Baldwin and hie Cabinet xo+w ng evert cent She seem abroad. He should, . t'. think" nay son,' if he
d nein her, av llaeble resources V: has hoot already crone ea. • .•
the government aerate
to be sable to have hard work (aheiast of them 'heck ,enterprisee• and a`ndeetries at And who as the ha dr"
• maintain control. The South domes. To 1'Httalaiates Sseelti laame. .. thea .ilat•ltaoked .insist, Pgaie .
can ilepOW* have had Homy domes,
tic and international eisturbances, . The extraordinary :claire conies uniteeed'Suter. Elections '` Henebman, "Mackinnon""•° of the
• ", ., nee not
but there events to be an iThey are lroin Swed re of process for iron is probable that the mass of . the tribe of "Oen mY son , .h e .
ettrbility simony tient an, They are trading pure steel lana; tarLle iron e a d be the .mater' as he partakes freely of
o o a ratoryr expos meat$, laic =er outlook was .to'vote for the continua•' hoes -he get the "hot air" from his
A •growing feeling in Prsnce followed by arxanprengaessta Sox test„
*gaited the use of tales has found on as very large acale,,.,It is ,aaltmost than ' of the Republican regime under *"clientele'" papa •
expression in a bill whit% eliminates impoesible to excaggerate the sRsctl °1rnid nt suns idger '1"hpt 'view is i some) my son. ml
government *recognition of the -same of such ala discovery it -tate �claaire% fog emphasized by the failure of i,a Pol Oh papa, who is tisk with "the 1.
of smelting izurnaces The
el rate • in the Unite States„
more .e ager to •trade than to fight.yhtt treat irOn'bre direct without :the sae lieved Chant the one way to ensure air .both "cold" and . <,
►} Prspte Against Tititaa r t 1 ba 1 h 1Y stability in business and the political drives
hot in his
And any _lprotection. _Heretofore ti. it are matte good. That it would re. legit,. a Peogr'esstve candidate, to lion dollar" arils ?
titles of nobility,have' no onlyboort volutioniae the iron '.anti steel irdusa to eke anything like the impression Rtes' Walker; rage son, iso nailed cm
thud; some experts of the older pat •. '
recognised in governmcn,, Pete hand tryis certain, fiat it would not ohs to ter: wee;inclined. tar', .him'.as ' aymelt`inecn cbestetondf
ublielitione, .>t been a • tseteei ;%T •aha aax.;aa, e tas earllect;'paY!nents on ch
esnetetnenr' tsrl� , is `'is • to eek brought .a ►dot .Nat , a � hitt. a+k.ite moo. Jci ', >tvis4 alai eultes,, tap ,sot,.
right. 'fie notelet(-'is.thus destined :discoveries or the present are so Dentocratas candicatas for ilae Leh b lass. that sheet of hi. apauti ul
to gradually eliminate titles .instead many arid so varied that the wotld det'ey, 'was Mandieupped as notch 4'an sur he donee s on one of his beautiful
of abolishing them at one swoop, pati aImoat needs a breathing *pane to re, hhiis �'ni nninr tnzrtof aWW. J. bye si Ytninje chairs nous in frapt th leis amp iffy
soiree politicians had urged. vino tizem impartially sand deckle all e s . p , the weathe6r is chilly at
T'trsgedY in Sieh Case* ,their benefit tominuend,
1 e. Davis, who appears to be a sin- t 'No son
linearly attractive mar,, made 1 t real this time of the' year for Gemonstrat•• Peter Srnitb,
a .ave J. Provincial X�+,,,w, w, ,a,. World
a M.l aaa,a V,,.. w.aw.a, .aMv '.lase goods • ,. v way.
Treasurer at e-nterio. pltesded guild+ Among' nercoticis opium has long • that of Coolidge! was aro colorless -at Did he who ;Johnnies, cal t•
the Herne Bank, urimiw out of the has been vividly tired �beefore Cans.' great country. That wee palitieal in manner aura ? nt wager he drew
conspiracy on conviction of which he by abxb winters and b,/ strategy, of course, the evident atm ' p ra: tore. T ate dicl�t+rtt,
i �d o"I'ici
• 18---•W I ,31itirt; S. 1k -lens.
'' '4af.etti •ratr5x;• dbiiateal t'y i'ssue'r
.fr14:14, -Drat :fir( ", f N
1 wester. *mated by w: S:vmitntira. ;
7t--dos.°llrophy. :tt..tugu"tiii , u+,
alilillt, dented' lir• trims*.. Tlixar:a:
10-.1. 1'l, Anderson. at. Helens" u r
Butter<lcnife. :donated by' I:'► • re. 1
t 17• ---,Barra' Venire. Eiugehri lee..: •;'f
Collar bolt, donated by alet.eutt
Tiros ,,
1ta-w•x oliert Bisseti. •Gaii'e'rieli4. VOL a
Safety razor,.. .donated ty.
ltixset.• Colborne'. :;0'.
a4tel,lndlier, 'donatef4l '' by'
(:- n -v -y. • ia.1:ngsbi'1k lo', sin ' •
Tie Stott,' sleeve- ikraclt,,.:demoted' lir
'W: eC1tieliolias
:1 •-Tobtt Welister. Ht le it „
Rubbtei .'doh aced by W. Ito, Spar-
mati:: {
22 Win:' ttillaan. Wit, "felons, :rx }
skintttod` by - lt,. t 1l,
-.Tom: t arse3;. lei1ag^abisidU 't. ghee
Pocket -1 udfo": • donated', by T C: t'
'.rin*ee. • •e
24-.4.1hert Ifs }ties lfittiCAtsriirl;c:. ,"'+2: -
• Shaving' brush, trona bt• .1' lr i.
T4audr. '
far --(•.co G'aldtbarpn,. - olborne..:,0.
Puree. donated by Fla x. Frisker.
to charges of accepting rebates from had a place of dishonor. Its menace to be unworthy a great party in; a bourne" sell "hada-tubs'" in the same
R liana y Yacrowds to• lei store #
was recently sentenced to three Years actual condition* is some pert* of the of the .. party managers bsing tr
in the penitentiary. `Ile wee givena country. An international confer. strengthen the impression that t;o'o, who
mea tince.dus mins with earl.'
similar term to run concurrentlY with gemse on• opium under the suspkes of lido is a thinker rather than* talker, ban+. ctntutansa.aea, stick In. Hand' stall
that already ianpoeese!. this plea and the Loom* of Notions logo bosun in' and a safe and sane man to whore to Peneeftxh t'ipe hn mouth.
of :his
second conviction fo�lowed the '4la..Geiieva,' The reeults will b.'watclied';entrust the destinies of the country
Otie of lea ng tinartc3irl' wiz:-
missisl• appeal _ *garnet the nal• with soare interest by thou who are Canadians had no particular interest as -da of the' hamlet, my son; his' name
ginal astene;e. Tits whore carte was concerned over the drug aril which in the conteeet' as the policy of ne.ith.i is Sir Williams, one who has laid
a sordid one. The tregedir at this ' *very. civilised *dies* new combat: party was aimed directly hist tide down "money Vis" and "notes,"tc
like esasos Is that the the i 1 " his outiz" agate* ' "
. and of other k ,y with 'vigor: Boise start assert -country, and in any event Dom n renew Y 6
involve men who had a high place thane have been wale hit respect to ion is able to stand on
its `own. or Bather theft '"renew" afY macre
isnud shin" have be►eent leaders in pub" the spread of the evilAt' this. Canthus should be. "notes," papa
Ile work end inspiration. i
ei1t,batt happily the 'people are *led .11 " Tested 'Tlt Yetis. my sort', the "review* of
Ciatil4a Welt ppliattpr tm rima Izeaeernatlonal to.opa• i leetrie Oil has been he kat, notes" is enough to put a "eltetue' in
MV atiatirie,as irate beets r saasr.eai erOatioat e, liooniae ; and upward* of, ° Years a �1 thiat :"enV•roan le (*Hit!' .•
fees a tresis a,pksMarratrade lite tJait. eamplt Oaeiaiy�l in to be yrs h d mimit him proved a ielessi to H. za lAt be a valnable.aiervant toadit
bet sand it sin. Tia used. n. but it mow, s - crushed,
thousands. It is in high Laver the people of Goderic t. bap*, in Nr
between tits awe is nos s,aiall, but it If '� �'� leanest wart oras this is, tiro hast Canada and its. oasaccel• public capaaertY---ha right 'be king ex
stilt 1 •nth al
hg t be ramie to. snerett ae it to st r� 'seas* .If it tussis. tioublte the price it 141aat of thos sa eMee � are herealhtcry
very cons* . ar;,
reniteaents eatidaetory to beratiht althea." alma town in &,aerie cleans to 'have p- That is Hat a very paere>cl arranp,c•
'IThera was * edgy vstttn Opal* was * lege Moaisd wiltb rabbits so big anal;