HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-11-13, Page 59c lb..
We herr* ins* received another 10 In. box of Nods w tosebude
1 to be &Cited 44 this ereesilel vies.
14 We *re sparing no effort in securing for this Chriettuse tlie finest
and latest Christerese, Gift lisreleindiee il*V0 eves
I 4.ad.
Special Christmas Merchandise
Amu* wawa warn sw
MITE 1301
asoidens AM Ilesseitor Torso COOT* Aireelld'
Ihdheesiptims Mid* hood
te• ot.lonimmk
tZ181 inksinseloar# pla *a rovi-aerie* Memo Rowed Oner To no Ram, of The Sta.
—...., ' Dear Mr, -- Foaming tbs. presentn.. me ress •frees thnit n
•*177 VI tier) of the work of the U. c. liable
170 65 The steltwor Glineyea, riarrsine Seeiety te the vongregateme on Male i
143.9* lasesbels af wheat for Pio t nuncialy„ Oct 41.01. tin heel Wench !
Victagy Sand intoned apd
promiese 708 $4 Colborne. Laving Pelt Arthur on Executive Wive wronged for at yen.;
PriJoe, Oct. 31st, went on the roves visas for feiids. to support this worth). !
27051 74 elf etellegerie Island, south of eits rause. It is one that appease to lilt:
= Expeaditeres i Ro7 oh, 2111 miles trim mere et t se. lavers of the Word of God ami es is
= Advertising e . .. . 4 47 00i clock on Saturday morning. The trete, that the appeal vet alma Otis
- Notice* to subiserihers, pre- !members of the erew wore saftly an even heartier mei mare isbastai,„ e•e
- grams re dedlencl,on, *ore ., „ transferred to the steenter Gleason. aeons, than het easer. Amen We
vim, and ether Ornate,- 11.4 4W MX, a sister **inlayer. wok•b. %lib wee switesta•ibed in IWO tee, we should
hostage, telegrante, tele-
ete * -.4"""•" ' its vie"atity. Per every $1e, eve:en
mother sister shies this cileen-oie • "i" at 1"gt 1154* iii G4d.rieti eed
J. T. Pego pitotogrepha 2 OC safely off the Glonlyon by
' ate" h ta render hal An a In meetonary enter:wipe it trees
2 feclocl, the Bible Society 31 to Previa* .11•1*
CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE 11(7° _ Colborne% atom, cove.- •Zor
- Sefety Deposit box rent
Rea* exchange and interest 3 teliSaturdey afternoon l'wo member, bles end teetaments fee tee missoon
lamas* .....2 40 leaf the Glenlyon's crewe, First Mete fields. All of our mission Words de -
Deals' McLaughlin, end a *allot pond en the NW Stociety to erovide
named Wilfrid Roy, left the Glenlym translations and to print capita Of
4VO4"6"""rmr."4""k"rilsia7. Mrt2gir are
Rev.fC*00* COdr, V*11MOY
... 10 00 in a lifeboat before astustatice was ad them for their inissione, On tide ha*
e ila C. *lean McCarthy, On 4i,e,-
count of contract for mon- missing. for this work. Let wi do it ghollY•
Aisnd, and were on Saturday repotted sis we should rentrbute at lease *600
e own- ounci Waned in Cairovilen Think
..... ..... 0580 01,
dated Monday Nov. 3rel. la as follows aaartesr in P°41ishist this letter t°
Amara A dispetch- front Sault Ste. Marie Thellinelf Von, Mr. Editor: for ewer
• of Commerce ............ 338 Oe
The feeiChter Gleneannox, of tin; al° eit sena, , i
The Town His 457,500 Invested lo•Canadst Sonele-diet Amount of o----7061 74 Great Lakes Traneportation Cern- GOderieb, Nov. 4th, 1924.
many, whichWent to tsne rescue of its A. If. ROBERTSON,
Over $700 Wes Earned by Soldiers.' Mensal AuldBelMeets
wrecked sister ship, the Glenlyon, in '' Pres. Goderkh Branch IL g It S .- in Canedian Bank a
$ us 00 Siskiwit nstY initlY SatUrdaY MOrMtle. --,....., ,.----,- ' -----
.9 t 082 00 pulsed down toreulth me stliclulan making the trip omits the hake in
Deficit Soo lock* this itfternoon, tarrying 11 the homy weather. he satin
1/iii Works Madmen Introduce. Motion. to FM in Gismo' Pit in 31020 00 of the crew of 21 of the illfated Glee.'
Liabilities. lyon. The ereweknew little of whrit I Left Port Arther Together
Cot, LowatintWinbir ROS4 Lel* to cod of memorial ;7600 00 happened their *end until the exe The Gienlyon, Glensannox and
t Wittoriad
. .
. •
It is not unlikel that great many tinue proceedings.
amount of money which the town ha; Institute Board be paid * further. W. IL ROBERTSON, Cheinnatu square up for the season. aod the ships intendee to elielter hi' Since we cannot get what wo like. A bigot is a man who lown't soli tie. •
bonds. Thlsewm brought out in the requested. en yon, w 1c s 11 he :
report.of the finance committee to the • That the lease nand armament from oomThroisittewom sent .on to the fineness
vainest' 4. 4%. Drown, tit the ...owe leie„,oe the shoal, and ........rwewesoosawieshowseseowwaawewaraeaatoweamaemot siseeeisenowayassabee...007.fee.
4"vu 'env:
• tertler 'meeting of the isouneillaet the -Western Canada -Flour•Mills-Coe The Mayor •vornmentell on how. well sannox, with whom Captain Willianel
theesum of $57,600 is held in these tank and placing of stable on Harbor work and pointed out that. the plan shelter. over Saturday night, tO away until Maylight, and then headeci
Paid on =went ... 65130 00 citement wss over. They were the Glenlinnie left Port Arteur in the or.
o shift. end were asleep iti their tier given,- he miel, and but. a short m of the retigar heavy. fall Nowt While driving **toe or be
ra1tt* 11
Reliance due......,. $1020 00 bunks whets the ship struck. They distance *port. A heavy gale eon', te be expected st this tiro* yeaii. le safer tolceen to the right.
people in Goderic fail to realize the see recommend that the Collegiate • are being tetkett to Port Colborne to meneed blow from the soullawest
en's Overcoats at
Good etrong, ell wool eloth. polo lined, doubt. lorseited
l'14e) clink ember to sidled •
• •
. Oth.rs at MIX) to $IM
Tomo Men's All Wool Herringhonii
in leery blue anti SAO brawn, needle hs Selhotti" sitylee
the tailoring and ti.ituniiite. are tool gaol. We riwominend
thee suite ea being ext,* Priee
• $22.50 and $20,00
mrsies and Bo.' Wows,
la the New Store met te, Link of etootteed
tiialtilwit Rate ;aintitli it eisalmtrle. Thi let us like what we get.
ineeeted Dominion, of Caned* sunt of $2,800 on their 1924 levy es GEO. WILLIAMS, Tresesurer. Tolle or &tem of soisien mine fool opinion* no lore.
other vesseh! teeetend by. The vete -
• Friday, from whielt it aPPeare that with reference to their erecting brine the committee had carried out the Toler, '-of the Gletilyes, b*tanei • ed -d 7 • -
bonds by the tierce the ex menthe in- Park property, hive been executed was not completed yet, Ise the Plot the reaming of Dania' MetAuga In• into the bat: Saturday afternoon
tekost. on whicheemounts , to ,.$1,540. and eamigeted. , should be levelled off, a curbing put mate, and Wilfred ROY, watchman. the olereyonet craw "re transoerreti
Details of this"are foto= in Vie re- The .fie committee reported as fol- around it, and it wwasDrowses; ,to er • who, ,,while endeavoring to „Pr,e„Psrta.-in lifeboats to the •,-Glestsannox and
port of the eo committee as foie lows : e. eat seven stones we mi
ith the date the ow/ boats, were
set' .4""" "r1 Glentionit. This was done for 8111:O.
TOWS: • WO havenenweed• all the applioat- mune on each of one ortheyettles in
The 4143,009 debentttres es issued time for budding permits that wet•e which. the Canadians were ene
gag di
d Lake Superior; Brown -Mrs Me. ty, It being feared that something
• under Bylaws .No. 8, 10 and 16 of referred to us at the' Inst meeting. On the ntotien of the Reeve, SOCOP Laiughtin and Roy were 'uttered to might• happen durieg the night. Parr
1924, lime been handed over to the We have permitted Messrs. Smite ed by the Deputy Reeve, Vite comntit, ge.t the lifeboats ready in order to fa- of the crew were teken back to the -
!ship Sunday by the United Stete. liters the foundation upon which tile SIMMS of our buSit
bank to forward to the• optarlo Rad,. Lloyd end Son to Metall 500-gallor tee are tisked to continue to function, clittsite a quick getaway if such ver'
way and Municipal •Board tor en- gasoline itankeolis their warehouse lero. Miscellaneous Business, necess
dorsement and then to be delivered to perty on West street for private use. The Goderich 3114nurActuring Co. two m
Mk01‘0, Stewart Scully Co. upon pay- The fire brigade has asked your 4,1 Repouter wrote ex line p
enent of' the perclutse price. enstimittee to provide a room' for use tat'"'" perH.drifte
Interest on Dominion„ of Canada of the brigade to meet in, alutwe -i-e- we will -have to hold a lame ear. do no
. •
Quality and-Prtee
• •
When yon buy Groceries from us they IWO told to.you with
them two hes eonatidered by use•
• We guarantee the QUALITY to he theta*, cleanest and Put..
est to MO110 thOi Price the lowest Possible amount.
ay. The boat containing the cruiser when the eeat relined some. has been, insilt.
en was being lowered, when tnot what, and are still on tite ship, ale •
arted, and in the darkness thfY slstiug in the lightering work. • Co M RObertson
Phone OA
tin_Gionlrou4 whith went ateliers oft Men. _
ystack. They •had to -wait
awe/. Captain Taylor couldt Vessel Baldly Damaged • •
thing. to- IVOCIM i001110:43MOMI• -
adding that sueh a move would
3.e -The twrs - Saccesnorto Roheetiorkihrau- -
.. -
tumbled &hoot fur a needle in missing men or the wreeked etecone•
bonds has been received and depoeit. COMMtlia-that-tiwneatter be gone in-
„esi teethe credit of the various fund!' to by this corrintitaf-kiir the *penile nir,...micret-Nr_so...._.tht,"ve_tow4_,notiume,r
age for -our cars, trucks end traistor said,
as follows • • works conwnittee /ointly.
Kensington Furniture Co. fund, six The public works conernittee report- and
sillier! suitable to build sea ha
'garage on..‘ The only space we seo daybre
menthe' 'interest On 34000 1928 bonds ed OA follows :
$100, That the extension of St. Patelek's that would be suitable Is on tht equipp
ok.. The yawl. beau agerie Islond, off Isle Royele. earl, "10044
ed with oars, end the two men: neiturciaiy morning, McLaughlin • an e •
• on $12,000 1928 bonds, 2300. • street ie ?leering completion, and ilor._ street. We conid make it a lean te
north side of the foot of oeurjesee were able to keep their craft head one Roy, are now on board tie barge Rm. /'
lot 535' one alto wind' they
against the IMO*, snd w:th a south- pire at the scene of the wreck, •hay.: , A Radio :Phone For Every i-lome
Baader fund, six months.' interest street SeNVer to the centre of Colborne
fewest on •$1,000 1034 bonds, 227.60. to •nis 80Wer when completed: - fees lona., which would necessitate
Coreetero Perpetuity • Fund, Aix 'We recomntend that• the local lime make it 5rviter wide and 6C .
dietant frorn the Menagerie Island Glenlyan. They tire 0000 ,this worse , . i'Datiiest-Ciesiey tadies. •
Chau!. Blake fund. six months' ire Porter will inake leis own connection to isle. nook, ttftmecili in :we shoulare C
e if I ionoastgualirdsPicand -tauPker114.
ern:t71----' -
menthe interest on .2500 1934 and provement sewers. era Angletsee :street
seo0 .ist43' bandit, •226.25. . froin VietnrIst street to Cambrie .road going out on the street in the neigh;
borhood of 40 -feet. We .would ask t -Sold-by-lendinlitalleid-tii-len. relitisfactieri .
about where the Glen:Yon :Arndt. , i la remaining by his ship.
for their experience.. Captain •t'evior _i ,,
0. W. S. R. fund, six months' in- and on Wellington „street from Bre. you to kindly give uu permission. to Built Huge Bonfire,:
1 Some 10,000 bushels of wheat hat i . •
terest en $12,51)0 1934 bonds, $343,75 tennis road to Elem. Wenn as C. build a garege.as outlined above., • They .wallied along the shore ail been Iight,ered out of the Glenlyon' - I • •
.• ..„ , Y. • . ”, .
enineeto Renfro fend, six months' titioned for he -constructed by •day is s re ere c . day, and in the evening built a huge
e hold. Then. the 'work had to. stop or '
ZO. .
letereat on $27,000 1934 bonds, $742e %her under the emervision of yowl
o public voiles committee, provided the of the. whole council. • •
funi‘'IcrofWinfore. riet-ztaPoittfrioerk1;2ste42, inf°w1hirce; -tide 1 Y1/441'il "SCU. S"‘"tea `Ass‘guaru erO".ei Glenlyores • decks tire shoved -up 2C
' • bonfire .si eignal which eras fen uY t ' fe h ‘•
e, „e e . ,,, e accoun o • eavy !•eather. Ths " ' W.-.1146DONALb Eiectiician
The sum of $1,285.60 heti been re- einaienusn of the finance committee yeti? he was married, arid me. stall from Portage 'Entry, The rescue waft inches from No. 2 hatch to the boiler
. ceived .• from. the Toronto General . tan make the, arretgementesevithabh. oes tee.
, „ a appealed against - paying - any deferred. until Sunday morning. on ft'-• Goderieh . .
house, and there is a bite tole in the
Trusts Corporation as , the town';. bsok for the neceeeary lune*. ,
• shoes! of My. Ist int,erest on O.. W.
S. R. victory .bonds as held by. 'them . The cenleterytsexton reported that anent US elle'.
. Those reports were adopted. business tax as he was not Maine count of the rocks and earkness. In .starboard side. The .eegiee.reete .
. •
warraitt , am ,er
, •
• • • ,however,floor also ur shoved up.,
had - or free demonstration hone x74W..
.i.• - ,
The amount has been deposited in just outside the kitchen door the floor- 1341Ying the tlbc'• " " ' • resumed their march along the shove • , •
If the Wiley sea subeides before • . . 111"."
' our 0 W S It fund and we recoM4 in of the v rand at h' househad. These were referred to the financi with the appearance of daylight and the bi 'boat i t badlyd d ti emeieese eseeee_____. - — -""- '' * '' itirl.s"""s$ • '..
ntencl tilt this smount,e•togethee rotted *ray and about 25
. fee e, committee. • • • • ' had found a fisherman's shack inhale •ork • of lightering will continue. LI -------7.."7".14.
',nth fund* on hand, be Invested in flooring wee reouired to mew same
" "'• Mrs. Lloyd asked -for peemession tc iterI and provided with food.' They work
boat ean be &rates: see will br • .- ir'•
. by your committee.
We reeemmend that the account a with 8 otorre Windows, 1 each on the .
obliged if the house could be supphed the iierk to be done ifees year. She
would like to purchase the 12 foo end a day;. They did not'suffer from sit the drydock. , .' . ovember Skirt Speem .
. .
' fully- registered 1934 vietorte bowie hest make it_ !safe. And he reould .be erect a •vault hi Maitland cemetery. had had nothing to eat for a night brought into Port Arthur foe. repair:
t t f the31 1 . .
-.----- -'.. ebld, though a strong VIM prevailed' • • , •
Messrs. Hays •find Hays &montane! east, weet and north eidee, 0100 oth• Thiss was referred to the cemetere ee,
and were In good shape when piekee
A Steamer 'Tarr et Crown Agrowail ., ' • ' • . . ' '
1100011101000011110411.110, • , -
be '$.5.49 for .costs in connection with er email matters weft -reported on. Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., Nov. 3.-4 •
• . . co, mertgage be raid and that the. etoil, ennunittee. •
, .ess uin up the Kensington Furniture The report was referred to the cen. MDF: Holmes- wrote remigning eaptain Brown does not believe the The Steamer Turret Crown, Capt. W • • AotiouncIng the arrival of .
committee. • . ' . ---.„. • . .
Glenlyon can be. sniftess from the C. jordare ran *ground in. the Storm e
Iii preittion aft si• inemoor of the town
town solicitor be instructed to eon- • The tax collector reported •having tely, rocks. The p was in bad shape at 2 O'clock yesterday morning at A
council ,to take effect mmedia
paid the treasurer during Oetobee
- T- • ' 1922 taxes,1350; 1923 ta 050- This was accepted in view of Mr and a high wind seas blowing. pound- Illeideum Point, accordieg . to word -1 adored Wrap around and Pleated -Skirts
,t . - 1024 taxes. od,8.72; tote!, id.29'0.72.• Holmes' 'appointment as town .soliel• ing tins craft • unmercifully. The, reaching the Sault today. Tugs have
Model I heatre And since Nov. 3rd he had psiid 'n on tor. . - toastgnard deserved much prairie fot been deepatched fr.orri Midland to re•
• in Tweed, Serge, Poiret Twill, and Crepe to he
taxes. $350: 192.4 taxes ,s4,1017.„,.building following
rpelfieeartrieodns fol ' •
' tome her. She is . reported to be
to thc in- n . • loathing a little, but Is not in bud " cleared at, the,,lowest p,rice. A skirt of this kind •
_. , 26i total $5264 26 • -
sth ' ' e - . • . • . .--e----eee.. ... ... -fire-committee .withopowetelto- net ..ie- building -orth, eide of Elgin lane!, shape, • •
e report •was referteu to r,ne fin. •
7Week of Nov..17(h" to Noy. 22th
------. . - - 4,,s *nee committee. • . '
• . . - urgent. cases, to twat back the diso with cedar shingles ever aehestos. . Al r. t Ow .' So nil •
arin a , , erl la . 11 a8.11ever been,offered hefore'in' the store ,i..'
. ...
. Neal or. each •ease: From J. W• sheeting;• from' P. J. Ryan, to put eel. .
*oho pod ToradoV . . The Soldiers!' Memorial 'Pima ' Craigie,•to erect garage on south nide anent foundation . under dwelling es 01,en , Sound, Nev. S. -Over the
• 'LLOYB HAMILTON 'and • The Soldiers' Mernonat Committer of. St. Patrick etreet, between Col- north side of Angiesea street,. and week -end a . severe ' store* haft been
BEN ALEXANDER reported se :follows: • borne and Waterloo streets, adjoin- make other repairs, estimated toes sweeping over the Great Lakes, 41e. - . . . . . .
bt the, mit National Production . Herewith we submit •at statement,, ing and oisitig =west wall of present $600. - • ' . laying, and in some Minces, Imperil.
to •date of the Soldiers' Memorial „bellding, Atrueture to beor . .Tilie Jut of goods was made exreksly for this '
,frame Moved by Deputy Reeve 1funningS ling, lake shipping. A telephone
"A Self .1Vtade Failure' .'
. Fund, ea prepared by the treasurer : covered on *vet sides and enda with seconded by Councillor Worse% that message front Tobeemory on Satin.. • sale, and has never been p
shown in this store be -
TUXEDO C0MEDY .31t Geo. Williams: It will be seen heavy rock-feced tooting, . estimated the. elevation • in winter road to the day stated that the Miehipfeoten of
"Never Again" • . that a sum of $1,020 is still due the" cost $100; from Wm. tloyee, to erect cemetery be cut down to a grade that the Chien Sound Tranepereation COM. fore. • . • ' " • - '
e contractor Mr. McCarthy, itoward- garage on west side of Gibbon street- will conform with Main eeseeway, of PenY the Manitoba of the C. P. It ' -
... .......—,
. ," which we have on hand 3338, leaving from Frank Bishop, to melte sti 15xe nearly so, and that the earth so re, , -
,• Werluosday and Thursday a net deficit of $682, fleet and five freighters Ivis.o.
'' frame addition to dwelling on nor,th moved be used to -fill excavation made • - - --------* werein shelter at the head of Bruce Pen-
. THOMAS MEIGHAN • There has always beer a tacit: un- .aide, of Bruce street; Bliss Mar. by .reinoving sand for surfacing. ter.
as. poosisr. as eeer. in •derstatiding that the municipality garet %pilled. to :shingle dwelling 'ria.covered streete, wort on same to -
insealit overnight, and uritil the •
would meet any reasonable defkie o uth
ierhe confidence man„ 0 te •• teen Watson,ide of Britannia road; from he done at once, under the supeivie- er had. :Cleared somewhat.' On M
onS ,. A shipment of new Hats for sport and dress
f r other sources of building up the IL L. Vrto re-rfsef shed . of ion of the public works Ona cemetery day morning X. K. Donnelly; Dentin.
FOX COMEDY , fund had been exhausted, and we be- dwelling on west side of South street and parks committees. -.Carried. , ion Transportation Company Superin- . • wear, in popular styles at moderate prices.
Here that it is now time for the fund with cedar shingles over aaboatol Ur. A. lligginaon bwit.trig been the ;tendent, stated that both the Caribou
4'1Aret and Virea s' .. ,
. to 0 08 , there being no furthee eheeting; from Miss Intents. to erect means of securing thu sate of mole I and Manitou had repoyted on their -
subscriptions , in sight. - .- garage on south side of Lighthouse $500 of machinery from the NationaIlrunie. and that the Manitou had react. Also our entire present stock greatly reduced
....1,44.7. a...,...
We believe the statement will show street, in same position as 'present Shipbuilding Plant, it was decided te led Sault Ste; Marie after her Lairs for our November Special. , • ..
. • • ,,
. •
Friday and Saturday
___,_ . • that the committee has administered one only a wider buildin h . a few allow. him $25, this beng ;fele the we
the fund with economy ; in tact feet: from W. 1 Lannan, to re -c. r nal' commission charged for matong
.• i
' Superior trip, trip, and was now on hcr
wee to Owen Sound on her regular - . • )
• . • .• . e .
.LIONEL IIARHYBIORE and SEENA while the expenses have been kept at email part of kitchen roof of hote a, sale. route
A persystent t:umor WW1 being eir- . ..
4jUrateeina Eves" • Mated. in Collingwood on Sunday , oya a les ReadpitornWear
OWEN • ft MininiUM, a very contiderrible with, patent fire-prooe rock -faced * bylaw appointing 'dr D F ' .
in •Arthur•Stringer's great story amount of interest has been earned': roofing; front Thom. Jobrostott; to Mimes as town solicitor was passed •
eo that, in addition. to the subscrip • move present stable huildirig. Erie Iltill. the council adjourned. Council.
. STAN LAUREL in . time received, a net amount of over *smelt road, south to rear of the lot lor Humber was absent and itlie that a boat was in diffieutties off Mee.. • • ..
"Smithy"CO1VIPANY . • .
$700 has been added to the fund ir, •ind make minor repairs; from J• Holmea haying resigned, of course; ford. A thoroutch inveetigation se ' , •
this way. „,
1 (killingseood, Meriford and Owes, • '
• Marriott to re -roof present.Atabbt his seat wale vacant also,
Matinees -Tates., There., et 4.15. townships of Goderich and Colborn. 'whir rhingless frorn A. I). '31cLeine Real happiness can stand ri lot of, out one foundation. The Aeons EAST SIDE QUARE . . GODERICH, ONT. ..
"FELIX Tab CAT" e We might add further thet 'tin lord: rade of St David Arent. 'with Sound proved' that the rtory :ea!' with -
have each given $600 to the fund, flu n re -roof Abed or leas -es to prestere hard knocks. 'which has been sweeping the lakes is - , , • ' .
Sat. at 3.00. •
Some of Our Spe dais THIS WEEK I
Broadcloth Blouses
Overblouse style, in shades white, cream and grey, priced
at $3.25
flannelette 27 inches Ivide, Ehades pink. Ohm ot.grey,„at ,
per yard..., .tee
Let*** Wool Hose
Heavy syeiiht, pure woof tibted Hose, shades pink 40r
IIMWtt, per pair
Chintz Comforters
Goods heavy weight, cotton Med, size 60 X 72, Priced
at $3.15
Reduced Prices on Coats
We still have a splendid assortment of Ladies' and 11%fisses' Winter
Coats and this week we are' offering Thent sit nig Rellttetion4, Casae
and see -our stock. We are alw ays glad to show tan mervhandise,
Double bed size woollen Blankets, with
= blue and pink borders, prices range
I 0
from OM to CIS per pair
The ,colors are grey, scarlet and
• with fancy patterns., Friday and Satur.
day each $4.78
Ladies' Bloomers
Made of tillglish frost cloth, good range .01 shade-, thew
11311e double knee, exceptional value at ..$1.26
• Children's Wool Pullovers 1
.10 ,a good ranA,e ;of 'shades and 1,7.es„,tiy!Se are AB ,W111,1
garments, priced at eaeh- • • $2.36
Knitting Wools •
..Spletidid for sweaters or scarfs. sold 'in one ounce balls,
any shade, per hall
Chamoisette Gloves
- These are 2 Nies dome (Aye in shads lie pongee,
lwrivrt, grey or black. per pair
4111.1111/1.0* .4.10 ........•••••••••.-