The Goderich Star, 1924-11-13, Page 4The Season forSatinHats is Here
We have choice Nlodels iu
with Flower end Lace trite end
Feather trimmings
_ .
Ladies, Dresses of all
Wool Botany Serge
with long eleeeee. trimmed with braid and
hieten ti inuring. sperially priced for
tlite week, t-
A New $hipment of
Children's Dresses
Wool ernlin, Serge and Flannel lire -roses iu
SiZeX, different styles, extra value. at
$3.75 to $4.50
A New Shipment of Boys' Coats
of all wool Whitney Cloth, lined throughout with red flanne!.
Also Youths -Coats --
Lined throughout in latest style and materials, at a very low figure.
6 I
Dr. L M. Makes is owe" es his an -
Isola hostintele IS. Be. Deesii‘ lieraffeeem,
Prowohse hi MrCeara, Gede-
. and Mrs. Dotter were meat risk. Sommele,
visitor* in Detroit. ImomOOSINNa
Rev. R. C. MeDos**14 wu iao*" A spirit et optimism as the riskt
ilton over the week end. frame of stied wes preowned by Rev.
Miss Verna WeVitty, of TIi O L Drairesemed, D. i. a k. Poor*
logs home for the Isolida,a. dew* Hamilton, lea Sanotay even.
Miss Elsie Barge spent the Thanks- hot is elmirek. Gederiek. oa the
giving Widows in Detroit.
theeek or et*. bright woo, the rigid
*meek. et the ariniversary et the
Miss Marjorie Skinner, of London
is guest of Miss Gertrude Porter; aseve4."retHereritnreehtefotthihijoseneye teat iniia
Mrs' 1..I. i‘tv)x will net. ract've Oaf children of Israel in 'the wilder -
until the latter part et November. 154", they ware commanded tc
Miss Isobel E. Matheson, of W.L. Journey toward the sunrise.
land. spent Thanksgiving at her home We were like the Cleilerea of /steel
here. -itt the wilderness varlowo ills
Mrs. Edward Masks!' is visiting but we should look toward the light
her daughter, Mrs. E. T. Watiese, at Dr. Drummond believed tke world
Hamilton, *as getting better steedily. The talk
Mrs, M. A. Keane, of Toronto, WWI about the good eld days was not
a visitor with her friends in town the warranted. in „the early. days Some
past two weeks. of the Corinthian Christians got
Miss Levine Black has returned ae.. drunk at Canununion. And looking
t the itessional. records of his own
ter spending Thanksgiving with her
people at Dungannon. congregation he found that members
T„, were often up before tb,e session for
Min Strang was hen" 'fro" *Alga- all *arts of misdemeanors in the old
ville and Miss Grace Strong from days which were not dreamed of now.
Guelph for the holiday. It was sometimes said it was too
I Mr. Alfred Gilliam, of Ilromtford, bad that health was not infectious in.
visited Miss Marion Patterson over 'stead of &ease. but health was in -
Rives Cod Liver 01 mi Tar
Tablets . •
will relieve that cold
We always keep a complete stock of all leading
Cough Mixtures, Cough Drops and Throat Tablets.
The Raaall Drug Sem
• 1.1g2=910
. i
tke Thanksgiving holiday. fectious. The tendency eras all to. theee. it was impossible to repay the holiday, Mug "BeYona the Dawn,"
Mr. end Mrs. Flood, of Termite wails improvement.- As soon as a our ancestors but we should try to Sanderson. In the evening there
were guests or Mr. and )ire, Ake. better plan was made evident it would add our quota to the legacy to be pas- were"..two anthems, . "Christian the
hem Smith for Thenicarving. be taken up. It woo no trouble to sell, sed on to posterity. Morn," Shelley,"with Incidental' solo-- • - ' - - ---, -
min Lindsay, of /Wants. was a the new models of automobiles. in{ Dr. Drummond pointed out that iey Mrs. H. Cutt, and "The Golden
guest .4 roe mr, Wm. Forest, at hie Is.-,/kreferenee to -the old. Ae soon as it . there 'was a 4bCald betwoen • his. 0.9,t, •zreresnehl,"„Lohr, with incidental eo-
land Cottage. during the past week. toad be shown that the new were' congregation and Knox church, Gado- los by Mrs. F. Saunders and Mr."Jaes •
Mr. 'Wm. Wakefield, who hes been superior to the old the new found rich, or at least oldSt. Andrew'sThomson. Mrs. Cutt's solo disclosed
seriously ill for some thrie, is gra.
dually improeing, we ere glee to saY• ed better than ready sale. And eo all through life Goderich. inaarnuela ae Rev. Dr. Me- a voice of fine quality. She will be
new ovethod5and - t that
thseesserdensiverebeprionvg..EKaidm,ilittsonficrshutrpetairtor, came from the a valuable addition to the soloist* of Mr. Colin Patterson, Jr., of Brant-tor,
taken up. I The services. on Sunday last 1.;.61,0 theAfetehorirth.
e evening service a short
I ford, visited bis parents, M-. and Se .stadd all the distractions of dif- 1 bright and inspiring. In the morn- recital was given by Mr. Astley and
Mrs. C. Patterson, for the week -end. rerences between varying iriteresteiing thn anthem was Barnby's "0 Mr. Gibbsthe numbers being as foie
I -Mr. and -Met.---SterlIng -Merlial and the current .4. the age we -should Lord How .Row Manifold." Mrs„ Frank lows: Song, "Babylon," Rockwell).-
Al -Pent Seenlinrafternoon and for tea
look toward • the light and go for. 1 Saunders sang the solo, "God's Gar- Organ, "Itennweh" (Longing), Sten.--
with their old friend, Mrs. R. 11. Eli ' ward with confidence, for the bright den," and Mr. G. D. Astley, a friend hen Adams; Sont
of -Selected; organ,.
liott.,. i••,00m*-e-e-----
wal Was usually the right way, I of Mr. Gibbs, who visited him over, "Melody of Morn.'
Mrs. W. I. Little, Lucknow. has A,'r. Drummond'e Message n the'
been visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr..inlerning was one in which the spirit
of service es the test of love wee
•and Mrs. li. Rutledge, Palmerston
Mrs. J. D. Cooke was up froni "Re saved others; him 'self lie 'could.. ' • •
Toronto during the week end was ae-
not ewe." The doctor showed thee .JUST PECEIVED.""
emphasized. His text was„the etrai*,
' eompanied on her return try Mrs. Jae. all Progress vitas A NEW SHIPMENT
the result of sacri. !. .
flee. -,
• /
i Mr. RBuchanan.
W. Bell, Britannia road, The pioneers, now getting, so few.! and
• motored to Stratford end St. Marys, had done so much for the country ie.'
Where he renewed acquaintances over eying the foundatiori for the matey
Th..k.,0,1,,.. _WIEN' BOYS' .
- - -.___ MI Finnerty -of today, is well as fors
Mrs. O. H. Green and Miss Bella its intellectual arid moral well-being.'
These blessings which we entered in-
„ they
Mrs. L. ' .
NIIINNIIIIIIIIIMIll011111111111111111111111111111141111111114INSIMIIIIINION.i ,. Mrs-. dreen's sisier, -W. Rome, to 'eve •pafd_ no price fee _hoe
Green of town have been visiting who preceded. us.
Miss Jennie Musgroce, of Censer-
•West Toinnto. oleo:le,atneerzunacitee oitan etilife. apnadrtouorflitteh:e_
• s
ture were heritages which wo enjoyed
cirmlaeteron. ilkdosil;
,,,,,, Ritels-sr.entizilent.. Irriato7 omt Ilusiic,,y, ToroEuniottto,:n.ovitedr thheee
but.they held cogit others man, Veers
0....C. L Booed .11-ron Saggeation to Splendid Exhibition Last Week in R1L
---....... —.
Tell, George loithwaite. Be il.* Thanksgiving holidays.
I Mrs. C. A. Nairn, r ccompanied hY fro d f
en ,
, e ern o sneech and thought, free. . in dark Blues, Browns, Greys, Hethers, Lovatts
_nevelt to Rica whoa States---, Spite of Dad remit year .
—... Plate Boldwina-Xenneth Ca
secured at the cost of great sacrifice and Fawns, all.quarter silk or leather lined in
cri ee. So with our liberties.
, Formal Openieg- of New School III
+................. experts had sham that Huron Coup -
But for the fact that a 'survey of
George Leithwaite; C. B. Mid eton• onto over the week -erne
It. R. Sloan, Jamee Sterling, maremi Edythe Murney. were visitors to Tor -
We entered into the enioyment of ail English Blanket eldths, some have 3 -piece
Belts or half -belted back. Ranging in
. .
.. meto,n.: ber daughter, Misie--411-ce, 'MI MISS- dorn of conscience -all these had been
Owing to the'lmardmona opinion of ty had a scarcity of apples this year, Clinton; O. 'Upson. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Taylor, of Au -
^AMONG THE'. CliCIIC-11-- ES ' • price from *-
' ' tion mad. in the G. C. I. board to re.
ibeirsilltaxd,tb* at tpdlietinirMee°ftianglilironh Thlehursi."lb - rte' Ida of hall
week, would itaire-136.• R.Sloan,I Ra 0 Re , K. i a n e” the funeral of ; e foe-
-the town council against the imitate- a visit to the fruit *how, given under Plate Spy-Kernieth Cameron, It. burn. and Mr. Thos. Bradnock, of
4 Fruit Groovers' Connell in the Clio- Middlitore T. lRapeari, IL IL Sloan. Waterloo at duriee• the week In., The Jo of. Giving" b t
Iron town am on Tuesday and wed, Plate Russete-slames Sterling, R.! Mr. James MeeVicar and Mrs. Red- ej a. e • ' "tea* Uri Y:
the *auspices of the MIMI County IL Revell, seebnd and third; C. B. Blyth, were guests at B. Taylor's.
..•pastor; St7 p. m.,
uirne.1,1-Re-:erE 'meet .S,pats.iaker, -
day intoning last •week, decided t• lied this. •
take no funtiher action and the 'school It was- a fine exhibit, attractively Cameron, T. Fraser, Clinton.G• •• ) mer's brother-in-law, Mr. -John J A. of Clinton Baptist church,. will . se
Arrengemente were made for the tended
will be lefs a Collegtet,e. . arranged, and gave tethese ei-litti't" •
construction of a platform in the as-
milady room, this having • been left e
of fruit growing in th s county.
pre* en o e counc I. Cap,. 'with Cameron, James Sterling, R. Ft' Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Moran and sort.
Plate Ontarios-R. R. Stead, Ken, Carlye, in Brantford Iminmweek. and mil bp:elle:eel:a. r,tbe,.ruoniadreyin.tovnetribilnyir:;e0tvi:n.giltolit.. _
George Leatherette, Jas Medd of Toronto, event Thanksgiving with the Arthur Circle of Knox church will •
• : Mrs M '
some idea. of thei POschi lea Clinton.tiinnt
Plate Ben Davis -Kenneth Camer.' Abraham Smith, .Bayiielii ivried. ' * at 8 o'cloek in the lecture room. Miss
glho to brick veneer the eonnecting
out of the eoetreet. It is intended
ed iii glee, the newest and most at -
R. IL Moot. and others, showed box.:
on, James Medd, R. R. Sloan, T. Frei Mesas. Jas. Donaldson, Frank M. Pinder and Mrs. Sallow '11 have
Saunders and D D. Mooneyareat
D. , charge of the meeting. - \ _o_w...-....e.• .-__nt ' i.i
plumage. between the school and the tractive mounter of marketing. A * . - .
The services in Knox church rext • "
will add to G.
appearance consider-,
gYMmenum and to re -roof it, which box of McIntosh Reds, the apple that
has won first this past two years or _Steen. Z. W. Salkeld, Goderich; aas„two weeks'. beam' expedition. •
Plate Cranberry Pippins -re R. 'Blackstone Lake,.,Parrey Sound, on a
Sabbath will be conducted as follows:
ably- The G C. I. Literary Society{ the Imperial fruit show t in Engiond mew- 1 Mr. and Mrs. Bertram Thom, of- 31 a. m., Rev. Donald MacGillivra
eine of the platform. Is being invited to contribute to the teen the eweePetehee in that clean* it I'late Mann-e-Keneeth Cameron, R -
.preach; subject, edeeming the
London, spent the Thanksgiving sea- D. D. 7 p. in., the Minister will
It is propoeed to bold an °peeing' --
1 The exhibits were mostly apples R. $1061%. JIM Sterimg, Geo. Leith- son with the latter's parents, Mr and eR *
:were also shown, and sonie grapes:
Illit slime fine specimens of jar, waite, T, Fraser. Mrs. Chas. Wells, Hayfield road. , Time." Sabbath School it d 'b
Mr, P. J. Cantelon has retUrned t, Classes at 3 o'clock.
n Bi le
wIten the public will be given an opl 1 Also some **ulna Otthibitts. , Laithwalte. • •
Plate Greening -R. R. Sloan, Geo i
regular montniy meeting of
day in cOnsection with the school1
' •PlateKings-Geo. Laithweite. Jim months lookingafter•
.. textnii safter ending the
p t
h theintearegtists wo
nortunity to view the new school and / a, During the ettetneen and evening /I°f therlIZT. 711! S. of Knox. church '11
' it looks as if this event we:n*1 noi airs- a'a",, ofEthe institutes bran* Sterling, R. R. Sloan, Jas. Medd, Ii his property north.east ei. Regina. held Ta wi be
on esday, N18th, in the -
take place until some time in Deem- demonstrated Ways of cooking apple/ RAMOns S. B. &others. 1 Mr. and Mrs. A. Rivers and Miss lecture room, at 3 o'clock in the Id- I
tww, as there is still seine work to be and v *tables to an interested Plate 1Vagner-T. B. Sloan: ii• W.: •
Margaretsleers, ofueknow, line ernoon, Mrs. Murdoch -. McDonald
done imi ,Intlig the limprovernenta. crowd o women. •• Salkeld, j. Sterling, S. B. Stothers
Clinton: C. B. Middleten, S. 11. Stoth-' Mr. tenley Rivers. of Toronto -anent-and Mrs
completed. ad4ition to the plat -I A the etmeltuden-44:tho-sh4"-u, . Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. '11: N. charge of. theAn-emul-tetiMege4'v•--3Y1111: '1"e •
form and brick -work already roforrod Elliott auctioned off the fruit, when en._ , j
to; the floor on the girls' physical cul- i everything was sold. The beat bare Plate North Star -Geo. Laithwaitej m itived is , At the Victoier.street Methodist'.
I.a. s-
ture room is yet to be laid. It is pro.' rel of apples sold for $8.150, end the Jas. Sterling. an re. Paton and littk church the ervkes next Sundaywill
1 da hter left o Saturda for Ham -
posed to have both an afternoon and beat box et $5.55. " Plate Bei:beim Oranges -R. R. lig n Ybe conducted by the pastor, Rev. J.
Sloan, C. 13. Middleton, W..,,, ilton. Mr. Pattoti was connected V. Hedley. m A. mrnmi„.„ ..„;,.
an evening. for the opening, and to' In the afternoon Novella OMIT*
at 11; subject, "When Joesus Watched.
invite specially the town council, the{ outfits were demonstrated at the Smith, " with the Home Iiiikery, Goderich M. ----1" -"''''''"-
duririg the past' summer. the Treasury." Evening *vela at
r e
Geo. Laithevaite, Jas. Medd.
Norden and education committee of 1 side of the town hall, the/ fruit men Plate Ribston Pippin -Thee. Fra- m
impecters of the county and the two
the county council, the public school.
tion. -
taking Ilona interest in their opera. ser, Clinton.
Plate Tolman Sweet - R. X Sloan fs.,,,ridaainedommeS.,DOi attel 1111,1 a21 motor.nd71114' eTlbejlletCfr '..SG*clund8ayMelchhWoolazirnft.cwri:
Ugh sehool inspectors and otherlei It would probably prove wont. A. W. P. Smith. R. Revell. Jas. ed to Goderich and spent Thanksgiv- 'cordial welcome to all.
mg at the home of and Mrs. Mei. North St. Methodist churcht 10.1
nand both afternoon and ereninr to different
Pupils of the Collegiate will be on; able plan to, hold the stow at various Sterling. Geo. Laithwaite, Jae. Medd.
points in the count, in the Plate Wealthy -C. B. Middleton, 0.1 vin J. Clark, Colborne St. r.. m., Men's Club; subject introduced
show visitors over the Kneel and al -I dimfferenu agane,..111 Clinton.edele.Ra,Lak ithpw anite g' I Mr. Ogle Russell, of Kingarf, and .by E. Pritchard. Subject, "What is
ter the inspection there will be a few • -'•gr Sloan. Sterl.. his sister, Mrs. Stenley, and three Christien Socialism?" -Church Clair -
addressee and in the evening pro -1 e list of prise winners is as fol- inst. j daughtera, Ruby, Cora and Hazel, of ',es And Mission Band. 11 a .m..."The
bodily tome inusic. low* t •Platt A.. O. V. Red -Kenneth Cam'..' Portage La 'Prairie, spent Sunday Prayer Life of the Church;" 3 p. m..
TA.. ••• a. Cc I Plate Snow Apples -George Llitith- or", C. R. Middleton. Geo. Leith, with their parents, Mr. and Mrs Church School and Bible Classea in
- •
Many people are almost crippled waite, Goderiehi -0. Repo" tootles. waite, 0. Revlon, J. Sterling,,,L Rap. Robt. Russell. Well"; St., Goderieb., Toronto:" 7 p. m., r.choes from the:
-with comm. But it is needle.* ant- born; I. Ren, Londoeboro,• R. R. son.
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Vanatter and Centenary in Toronto." .
• .
" tering' which caw be speedily ended, Sloan, Be d; IL H. Tell, :node- , Plate A. 0. V. Green -R. R. Sloan. • son, Billy, of Toronto, and Mr. and. '
with rfoliowayli-CernItemover. I rich; R. . Revell, h. C. B. Middleton, R. It. Slone , Mre. A. T. Tanner ana daughter •
Plate Kieffere--Geo Laithwaite, R. Tonnes. of London, motored to Gode- • BRIEF TOWN TOPICS 1 Geo. MacVicar
Plate Bose-lt. R. Sloan.The Ahmeek Chapter, I. O. D. E., —
R. Sloan. 8. O. Stothers. . I rich and spent Thanksgiving Sunday
1 with their relatives, Mr. and Mee. will hold their regular monthly meet-
R. R. Sloan. A. W. P. Smith. . ing in the Board of Trade rooms on ' , North sae of square rig_ — _ nit.,
Monday, Nov.•17th; at 4 o'clock. ' I
• Plate Clairgeau-Geo. loithwaite • Jno. W. Vanatter.
;true 4w GODERICH
•.o4s, I moo Hodge of ihe G. C. I. staff
A. W. P. Smith, Jas. Mockl, R. R. her brother, Dr. W. Ray Hodge, who "11P'
I Mrs. John l'reble, Colborne tbwit• ' -*
v filr"."0 .. .
Mate ll'Aition-Geo. iLititinvaite -was exiled to Toronto by the death of
Sloan. s ' picked ripe strawberries hi her
Plate Sheldon -en. H. Revell, R. R. Associate et the Connaught /rebores
of Renenrd, garden on Monday, Nov. 4th. Vohs
held the appointment„...
Sloan. 1. Sterling. is truly a on,
date for ripe bertiee--
skaPlnat! Duehess-J. W. Salkeld, it R. red on Saturday, Nae...11A. perhaps it predicts a mild winter.
• • .
• {tories in that city. His death occur-
Plate St.ekel-R. IL kevell. Blyth Standard: ,Councillor Fing- eeesful hot supper and' dance in Inc
The .L. O. B. A. held a VerS” 611C.•
tve Yourself thts
Basket (Z1 -qt.) Pears-elt. R. Sloan
nate Baasick-Geo. fAithwaite• -tat at Goderich on Saturday, where
iand returned home irnm the heapi. Mamie Hall on Wednesday evening.I
Nov. .5th, and intend having a pro- Tre t
reseive euchre and dance on Pee. •
he underwent an operation for ateese g „
II* Medd* It• XL num, & a. Stethere (ileitis. We are ill plowed to- 'set-. .5th in *id of the new hospiteil.
HOES for
----Wally new models have been ai.idea,•givieg
attractiveness or much higher priced Footwear. The special •
• vices loop turnover and 11-..e reliable shoemaking in the
hest of trade building'featuree. This is no time to•experi-
' men/ 'with unproven ehoeil when we are enlisiting every
• aid to supply you With footwear built on merit; and the .
• well known chameter of our geode ensure,' you that the
greatest values aro being offered at the lowest posaible
Young Men's Life Insurance
The riniire Life Insurance Company has a rialte low -rate
policy Ilecially planned for young men. /Onus women
also written at same rates. This oontract is written on
' ages front 12 to SO.
C. D. BEN1HGER, Genera 1 Agent
Th. &wins Life Inatresoft Co.
West Street — Goderich, Ont.
1:1:,01011. 01111114.0 MN ) 10011•18 p111:&:1111 :
ileliki's. art ,ky'sStere Wirth Mile"
The cold days and • -
the snappy nights
•ate coming
Get your order in early for your Fall Suit and
Overcoat and BE PR.:EPARED.
We tau give you them any way yott want--
tient Tailored, Special Order, or Ready -to -Wear.,
&missile. and Brock Hats with the guarantee
art tbe leaders today. We have them.
Abe's mod Sore &two Wore* Wigs"
Netith &owe
Geo. Laithwato.
Two Mot. Baskets A hirti home agent end look forward to THE PROSPBRITY Or GODERICH
Wes -R. It romplete arid speedy recovery •
prosper and advance.
We rah no doubt, wish our town te An OVERCO
Sloan, A. Fulton, Geo. Laithweite, F 1 etre. Cel -in Paterson returned to •
1 .
Lawlor, S. B. Stothere.
Barrel Spy ---Albert lloifrerteon, Vat-. :she
town recently frorn Brantford, where
had been vieiting her daughter, individual meet, in so far as it is notc-
h' order to accomplish this, every
Mr*. Geo. Gee. She was acconinao- sible at all, patronise Nome industries',
Barriel Balklwin-Geo. LaitirWaite led home, coming by motor, by Mr.
S. B. &others. The more artieles are made hero I
Barrel Ontario -Gee. Leithwaite teandr, aillaors.biGeexramdcoliiitutlep
aftrtael"kirsona;u1cJrh•-• for home consumption, the more em; 1
' Barrel Greenlng-IL R. Sloan.- Geo , end Mr. Alfred allheme. . ployment it will wroduce, and it is the
; Mr. and Mrs. W. 3. Tit lor and the real life and prosperity in the
active wo ker after all who .producee
Sweepataket Barrel of Applee- daughter, Minion, of MooreLld; Mr. community.
Geom. Ultimate.
Geellejort titt,rtIpplea_R. R. &Nan :tian;c1, AMorlre. Aevrittreir; Imarm, ilanddanimt): marisLetttoiu! motto be: Patronize
egox ereentosh_R. R. Sion. R. m tAmlbetsrtoutand
and ila4 itrs
vechiidfEenlwian The Goderich Home Bakery h.,r
_Revell, Geo. Laithwalee. priteaykr sow ditogitimtr, xoritst, bmreasode itoete.thenicieettohntoontivine therpuritpuyblaiend_o
BOX Middteton.R.Weetiloth•were suede over Thanks- wholcoosemenses. awl the demand
box Tolman Sweet -it. R. Sloan Waterke W. mad eat vapply it at times to all our
•weeds. Always * complete showing.
O. Latheate.
Iteg Groolitnire-it. It. Steen. giving itr. and /ire. B. Taylor earn. hes been lately se great thee
• That fits up sting around the collar, (that most
desirable feature ready-matie garments seldom
provide) and all the other requirements that
good dressers seek. Let us build for you a gar-
ment that will give you real pleasure every time
you slip into it.
:roe. Weird. We are glad to welcome the Kisses patrons. .
, lee lleattet-•-Thes. Prater, B. et Mena% el Goderiela towoakip, to tleneciolly great has been our net -
*Et Ilther--itee. Lathwette. ' kovit hs*.,Idligt if ever a flute dee* tread, sad we Will endeavor to meet
iGeolerick. They here purchase/id a tut hi Or new netetal Wade wittati 1
Dor A. O. V.--Ose. /Animate y oorvoi it Utley tertainty de. Tears We %crowd demand as bear as poo-
georling, t ilt whop. Geo. Leith. wea a home fear erevryboity. Poor or sato.
watts. erica' it was always the wee in the W. would invite all them, whom e*rt
sweemiseve, akro...*. it. toaaa. woe et tremble anseneet we' et the low pure and Witakiatte feed, to give
Moe, In suts_.4. x maim I neigidoors. There was always the mor products it trial.
Ila bend. Now Ire helve t3,., Toone for filmic. and Community
MeV, 'Went P411411Orst err a 7044. WM 'MO 'UM" Rt.* I Spirit.
wait isialishoe ter werat-ittlested AL' wip are _glad to kora that Mr. ' VIE ROME RAXERT. Nowt St.
Ike% see lbw solit tabs it whitwat eb. .0161117. 4It Ittrettala Vibe Wan labia WN. AHL. Proprietor
eilittlit sot Wove the mot &New arrival be visit his esagsser, Mrs. A.
Wiest itheethew are taw. weat aa Mt** of attilm.M146is " Ms "44* 114.
elstiot. ea Wire le tesibbeir at a* bi. J. litecKain and who undertook as
lbe• Leto
"wives estate le Ohs sellaPtalth*. 6,41114.611* b hNipsvir Ina 41a "Whet are yew wowing that thin*
Ater 'wit esseity AS s figu of ter, xi, Matekie. Thibiebelt fOr" 401r$1 Mrs. ftweRow, wise her
taros awe rider, the b•am a es, aalla Mg*, II tows lad We- Mat' )dlital" ell" is." *tea a latial ar
auk eel/twos wham vatellitr boa bhp. shell des enes ap ha. a ther del& ere* armed bis bet.
new tatiedrae * lie alluths et tamp Me. Oases beakers hes Toret4e Voir 'mar tiro* Iwiskeet." resthel
letereal peals. } trot* here ever the wedt.ead. lir_ :twelivrs. "Fes sorry he (11,4 "
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