HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-11-06, Page 8• 9 • • -01111411•4111144.. PAST: !MET As Christnias Approaches , As '"6411. t4t1 I t P ii I ill h I Ift 14) I I A 41} . • 4 4 404...• ..4 1 )11§e :t1g44.74 .• ' t 4 ' '‘ 41 1641414 44111.4], 4$ . 0.....164.14.. 4444.4 .1,,.... ..,..ba. . - . - - .- .. ... . . - _ -......--...... . ..........- s Atimpirwel.1.1104111P....1.^.1.- 411111141Norr+rwror ...,-. ' - - Porter's Book Sion bei. "The Red Gift Line" to Gocleriz.b no WS t many pelp',e, it meiliikt thal te Wt) so!ve trot Gift, Prot -door Inv thorn, GI f.*Ts., hese been our business vow for T•111.11,11: -SIX S1,7(TY.SSIVK - ISIASES.1•Ye feel confide:it than; this is tile woe's attraetite unique fine that we have yet offered See show waraloW for advance Aiming, and re:sleuth:Ye the supply is limited. .811(11* BARI'S FOR cinitsr,wks prizee for Cava andMh Joug Pasties this.liiie fills a long felt: want. BOOK IS TORE ▪ North Street thoclisi Church Ladies' Aid AUBURN DUNGA.NNON Ur. viaitiog la the village mad neighbor. peeled le wet - the Scott. of titelsoner, is Ur. Brea Oefar. of Toremeo,or if.. . hood at press*, " skins Pereiv eitstrelli B.. Ur. Wan. J. Thompson, of the •it dry next. lage. has parchaeod the p-.0perty be. Mr. Chas. Elliott left ow Moeda; _ longing to the lots Wra. Wile. - on Ms moue hunting :nit i* the• It was *tided at a wasting of tht woods of Northern tantace. user Gel. Methodist Sunday school clars tr den Valley. love a social evening' for the echo'. Miss Xsalsorrine Peters eatsorteined err et Chfistaass. ten of her girl friene.v at an enjoy. Several from Detroit, among whom able birthday party at er iv pariliaolgt are Mr. Harry Beadle SIM Mr. and on frattlidaY• Mrs. Gordon Taylor, are on a visit Miss Lura Savage returned on here at present, returning to Detroit Tuesday front the le ess, where she this week, had spent two months pontakintly - bir. and Mrs. Esieey,, accompanied with relatives. by their daughter and son-in-law, Mr Miss Alma Free, who has hair, em. and Mrs. Conrad Nogh, of Tavistock ployed in Toronto for some tints, hal . BAYPIELD spent the week.end visiting friends in eons to Winghani hospital, where alit SPICUL Lease' Up-baDoks Neckwear, Chokers and Collars. Mary UAW Of &strap - ed Goods. MISS S. NOBLE quarterly meeting wilt be held in the village. has become a nursesinstreining. We -the Methodist church at 11 a. in. next M. James Dawson and son, Hers wish her success in her new menial- Sunday. Rev. A. E. Wideon, of Hole voy, of Detroit, are visiting friend* Hon, quaintaneee. They were formerly re- ,onto this week in attendance in Mate mGesOvit'EwRilil CP;IlleTOL WNSHIP in this locality and renewing old ace Ise - Ret. JJ.R.RPeters, B. A„ is in Tor- ' eidente of the village. isey Hall at the Centennial of Metho*ode tied entertainment will be . The Women's Institute public en i dist Miesione which is celebrating . A' held tertainment was quite a Ewes& Ai one hundred year* of sectory in mis. cuit, 9th. Vivan oSunday, Nov, at Sharott church, tialfiski cir- good program was peeve:ed. The, at- I 810n work. . n. ;t tendance was large and the proceeds Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Ideltenzie have 1.TPaeertieluodimelllnexteieeTwee.owp Hospital The annual meetiug cf the Presby- eras, Mr. and *s. W. J. Woolidge as eir guests, Mrs, McKenzie's par- Auxiliary is having a :mitt evening amounted to about $12a. th t the home of Mr. IL L. Salkeld terian Sunday school was bele in tho of Toronto, who Arrived today a: manse last Monday evening. The (Thursday) and will remain over Hayfield Road, on Thursday evening, school has had a very suceeessul year. iThanksgivings Nov. 13th, A good program, games aeoe and refreshments, will make a phew - The same officers were re-elected. It I Moser& Albert Johnston and Everybody come. Ade was decided to have a social evening Errington returned from the West ant eveintf. . Several of the Presbyterian officials last week where they had been as. mission were in Clinton last week attending testing in harvesting and threshing Council met on Monday bust, all the -- a church union meeting. A °strange °partition& They report good croPe' members present. After general question this church unioe. In the in Southern Saskatchewan, the dies Ibusiness; the following accounts were LEEHTJRN 'past there was a Luther; did he ndvoi Wet in which they were. . ordered paid: _A-. E. Bond, damage I este church union? There VA /5 a to motor car, e24.70; Cliff It, Keyee. e-- Mies Beanie Grant le atber home in Knox; elid he sedvoeatto iti What Mrs. Free returned to her home in idamageste Moto ------ Dr, W. • about Cromwell and even "Wesley; Dungannon on- Tueedasr after an en. TO THE P Tbs Arco of Robertson Bros. has been disolvwi and alt es- counto ars now due sad payable at the store. We whit: to take this opportunity of thinking our many friends for their kind patronage in the past and solicit s continua.' tics: of tike era for C. M. Robertson,, who will carry an the business in the same up-to.date way., ROBERTSON BROS. GODERICH, - ONTARIO. Ladies' Oxfords for Fall Oxfords are suitable Footwear for fall wear and the most satisfactory for wearing under goloshes, ° as they hold their shape and do not spread and force the Goloshes into unsightly shapes. We have a large range in attractive styles in Patent, Kid, and Calf. • PI on Art North Sala '7 es, - I , • --GET THEM AT - in Goderiett hospital, $24.54; Srpare did he work for it? Wnat is the JeYable visit with her son, Mr. Sidriey- F Gallow, medical aztendanci-for I 43w °Pi trouble' . with Canada? Selfishnees. Free, of Brantford, sine oer daugh- patient steel culvert, $32.25: To assist in carrying it out, unions ter,Mrs Thompson, of Toronto. She What elasa in Canada today is not was acco'mpanied 'by her son, Sydney 'Pedlar People, J. F. WitSrOati, repairs to scraper . been etaying at ehe helm of Mr. from' Brantford, by motor. • • y Goderich Star, printing, $158.95; Hae. . d • s $ . , es ie Jervis, m 1 , . , ! o Me. and Mrs. Lloyd Young have united for that . pui•pose, in further- e nil ing its own ends instead of worliing urd,a7 test, , ...k..during the heav eon* excitement preva.ie on at- ' on the 6th eon. of West Wewanoile Harvey Aleiander, cetnent work, ' Ashfield over the week -end will Hold their Mr. Elmer aennett carne ft. Detroit and spent the week with parent& -ON- • i Mrs. Percy Stewart lance they had or the benefit of the whole Y gale th Satordi3T Nov 29th $ _. • _ ,--__!_- The eilo-filling-is- over -for anoth eityheealtr., ;Ile; in, the Sunday School Room • : there is a lot of threshi to be done yet. It is 'hoped the 11 00Mmerteing at 3 o eloch I weather will continue. ..' 0 a sala at Feney Work, Horne- . I iiiirrY Freemen and Here" nett . are very Nippy these days. A you ci Mat 0 Baking, Prone Vic - son has come to Mr. Freeman and 7t00 o'clock p: m. .12 1,rtozig daughter to Mr. Horton I ,On Sunday next, a special Theta e. Oprely. Toe sorVesel from 330 to e roof of John Durnin's house vey Alexander, cement work, $26; (Intended for tan week) or I - StressErlear_ lawaon and. „family,. wasedieeoeered to be on eire. For- $68.50; Bell Beog., cement. culvert, ng spent he end of last -week visiting tuuately it was exterminated -before $362,-: :* .' , ,. Ine friends in. Galt. Council then adjourned to Dee. lst I Pulling' apples) is the melee tine, doing much damage. e. a Th k f sup.Iat 10 a m R. G. THOMPSON, Clerk. , ' on week, This year the amount is small Per of St. Paul's church will be held , • Wish to annotinee to their customers and Atte general public) ng and the color poor, in the parish hall on Monday, Nov I , 10th angmem.. ,en in- Blyth Agricultural Soceity Has Nice that they are now carrying. fresh Dairy and Creamery Butter and also Buttermilk pn their regular milk delivery rims st all. times Onr Better, Milk, or Buttermilk can be had at the plantson .,, ,EAST STREET at any tirne between 9:00 a. roissend 600p. tn. The JAS. hteMANUS PAS EDWIN°'k The Management of PLANT to McVittie, collector of Hullett, ,nuidc and a good supper is assured. See I At a meetinSgurPofrwathe directors of a ' The latter part of last week Mr. teresting program will be presented I the Rlyth agricultural ehow, held reel .0 his annual visit to the village, posters for Particulars. e" 1 Last -Week the Farmers' Club re- /- A contribution of Preserved fruit eently, the sseereary-tre•asurer-pres- in Lee* ceived a mixed car of flour, shorts pickles or fresh vegetables is beine giving service will be held sented his report for the fair held on Marine __and_ General Hospitals, AO r• and bran, which was •gulessy dispoed made from this dissect' to Goderieh iSbeapttettesocr . i2e6tr, ,hTahtli,s etreepor _part ysibonirw_aeli_d of. • • • e • w,epenses, a handsome surplus from 'b t' tie J IIIII03.61441011.0440,414.4ois 4111111L.. .4). burn Presbyterian churle Rev. M Nat TING -411 TUB -STAR l'Whitfield-will-have-charge of. -the se - vice and the choir is preparing one in the community. desiring of eon. , Miss Eleise Lawlor and Mester Ttou• Spacialties llitilaiss Beaches sad Moral Oasis* f1.0WilltSINILIVEIRED TO At PARTS Of CANADA AND TRE SOUS (3E0. ST IN A RT *non* 105 Goderlah cial music for the day, Service at 11 m eLeod Goderich Cedlegiate stu- u ing ary ing may leave then the fair, and the treasurer is now bus- _ .. gift at SIverwoode Store. whence- it Norp,mwer, Le your. Christina* Gift to tele- j eclock a. . Everybody welcame. dents, speni the weelc-end. under the will be forsvarded to the hospital. • engaged in paying out the raize NILE parental roofs, 'Renterelene the Thanktifferinre of nwneY* • forMmee.rjapsterKt .ofj°Inisst°wrielevkasdbeluivsyeritnhge in Erskine 'church 1rriday evening Mr. Jas. Elliott is nerving on the the "Willing Workers" MissiOn Band a carload of goal ,which he received at 7.30 1:). ni. 71 f •kstetrogram will be give Jury in the county town. the latter part of last week. en- by the ienibeee, 0 thebandafter Mrs. T. G. Sheppard is in Toronto ment. (111trer4anliamtIt' °fACrcoodr: and Mrs. White are at- Mr.. and Mirs. lanning, of Cooks which Milered General Hospital undergoing treat - tending the Centennial Missionary latt t Walkerburn rad renewing are vis ting he parents of the °rich w e address. invitation• is extended to all to be old arcquaintances at Present. present. ConventiOn at Toronto. " Miss 'Amber 1/feketzie, with some ' lMrs. Wm. Gra- onto fas village alter an ab- I Mr. Alfred Rol nson Wend at the home of her parents, Mr. ham back to the Mends from London, spent the wweek.Wh are glad to see e settee of three months in the West. • '1 t eekvswith one of his chil- e. and Mrs. R. A. 1VICRenzie. They Remember the box social to be belt': econyttiryr.aging-r dren or medical. treatment. He had were acconnetnied on their return -by- , in the Orange Hall Fritlay eveetng ing-reports os tile speedysre- Mrs. ltleltenzie, who will attend the The mutual meeting of the Bible annual convention of the Women's No Y0 7th. Come and enjoy a good Society, which was to have been held Institute, whichls being held in Lon - 10 4•Iiis tim4utting it up to Patty" is the title• last Monday evening, was indefinite- don We Week. oe, masteros of the play to be presented at Nile ly poetponed, owing to the agent hay- While proceleg north just out of Fritter. Nov. 14th. Come ard Inhgattcloattyt.tend a funeral. m Tot:tette on the village on'T esday,,Xr. MeGlisiv'e. Victor - i, es church w the amateurs> of Nile are pro- truck, driven by Gordon Anderson the cause being a Valet", ' greseine. . , Last week our churches were:uns left the road 'abd struce' the fence der 1 i . Te t I f th with some fore, go rig repa is. e s eep e o r d fr m -the steee'n gear Mrs. T. 0. Sheppherd is in General Presbyterian is painted and the inter- broken Apart from the breaking of the '.rind• Hospital, Toronto, where she under- tor of the Anglican has been reeecor- shield there was but little damage ' iwent a very serious operatMnlest atedand the vane on the Baptist, donedriver :.4 congratidat. Wednesday morning. Latest reports which had been badly bent, was re- . and the * ihimself that he scaped without are that she is doing as we as can paired. injury. • nn e be expected. We all wish her a , (From another correspondent) On Friday afternoon between 4 and was the surgeon in attendance. i ery s y orr that Mrs. Ed. Taylor 5 p. m. Mr: W. A. Culbert, of the 5th speedy recovery. Dr, F. 14. G. Stela v • turns s were unique church was a huge success and varied. the West. The cos_ Many friends of Stanley Sidthorpe f eon. of' Ashfield„ bad the misfortune tO lose hie, bane orithe.tialnes fern! MRS. TAOS, YAYLort.. , br" fire. n tOOK fire arum a eye" Mother of Mrs. B. E. Taylor, corner The masquerade ' held , in Nile ' of Westfield, is- seriotutry ilL Yomair folk and parents eijoyed h Last Friday evening the Women's Taar8rn,infor?PtretIpUrn plus? oofuttshirtshitnh:..ia,., celebrated her 91st birthday on Mon- splendid evening of game& etc. The Institute held a very successful clover, and as'the barn was full of ' ." - .. . Records and "His Master's Voice" Yietrola Portable Model 50 complete $70.00 Cash Price it 1 and the balance on monthly terms Arare opportunity, ouperb Instrument, Compact, I fight, usy cany-and- about in appearance, poefect in performance -no ixistrts- meat for the country and home. A Luting invest - molt in coundesi hours of 11 entertainment. I d h h ADVENTISIR IN pre STAN New Bulb Bowls in the latest colors of Black, Rose, Mulbery, Blue and Green. 11126111 itde Ynses Wonctsrful variety of Salt and Peppers in Bird forns and 'lustros. ' Beautiful hand -dipped Candles in all coloirs and Just the thing for • Prizes. New Tally and place - Cards.. Smitles Art and Gift Store East Street Moat 198 are g a to see e ha returnedrem from the Ihreitring nnioune which Waterloo and Ltghthouse streets, who . eotnntunity spirit -1e -developing a •good concert was put on by the .The threshing machine was getter. months` will bring many -such happy . events. and chicken pie supper, followIng which hay, it soon -was mase of flames ' • GODERICH MARKET . growing and we truss Vie winte) Noir is the Tolle , e , Holmes Co., Goderieh, out of the ever with some difficulty Wheat, per bush.... 1.25 to 1,30 , . we understanu .1 - Anniversary servicee at the Eben -I Last Monday the home nursing b i nse l''' , I , p • bush 52 to 5e ! - 1 b id " ladies in attendance. Mes Lowe, a Despite the 'cold and :nelement Berley; per bush. 80 to 85 Su day :the anniversary Earle per bush 95 to : I 0i y nsurance, • Peas, per. bush.-..... -1A5 to 1.5e ezer appointment of the Nile circuit • wile. started,. eiltb Afty-seven will be e next Sunday, Nov. eth, Rev, J. W. Hedley, of Vietoria St; trebled nurse of Toronto; lathe teach., weatheron Su*day, master- , Cattle, ordinary, per per ewt...... 9.00 to • 0.0t3 . Barley, P • . • • church, Goderich, will be the speaker er. The "first lecture was very Inter- services in the Preebyterian church mogs, for the day, services to be held in the eating and ; instruct'. All, ladle; were very etteeessful. Two .5.00 to 5,50 afternoon at 2.30' p. re, and - evening are welcome from 2 to 4D. m. , . ly and forceful sermons were deliv,..! evst iered by Mr. Morrison :Sellers, of II. E. Jenner Goderich, Ont. • temeteerseve•weereeee• Millinery Many new ideas are shown in the latest winter styles . Prominent etyle3 feature the small hatof metal cloth, velvet, oath' or ribbon. The largo black hat is 10 vogue for dressy oensiotN. New ttinamings of flow- ers, „ribbon anti inount•, give a particulaily SitiCtit WWI to the latest winter Cattle, export ...... 6.00 to 6.50 7 S I' I II t Mrs Margaret Andersen, her Tc•ronto, which were listened to with, (per cwt.) • . Cattle, ehoice, per cwt 5.75 to The Ladies' Aid will hold their Mrs, Anderson, whose maiden name gregations. We predict a euecessful • Lambs, per evrt.. .. 10.00 to , MOO: and others. Inr Mr' Sellnr8 1Dairy Butter, per lb. 35' to 35 - riggest was Fox, was born on a farin in %.. and brilliant career 43 to. 45 puntpkin pie social and bazaar on Fri- °nese% in l'eterboro County, MA I ,, who, although -only a student, has ap- Eggs, per doz day evenings Nov. 14th. Ar, excel, mediately after her marrage to Alex. parently all 'the outstanding qualifi- includitig vocal and instrumental isiu- Watvanosh, where she resided ter ed to *bout too. no sided by the Dungannon quartette 92nd year, died on Sunday, Nov. 2nd. much pleaeure by appreciative con- -TO CONSIDtlt A - lent program will also be reudered Anderson came to their farm in W. • man. 'The freeswill offering amount - cations of a fully ordamed clergy. Family floureper cwt 3.0 to 4.00 Patent flour, per cwt. • 4.15 to •4•26 sic and a very amusing and interests sixty-nine years. Mr. Andeson pre- • 'rhe convention of the Goderich dis.1Shoriss per ton, ..... 31.90 to MOO 50 HAROLD BLACKSTONE'S Aid bassiaro and socials hefoke v.11 Settlers in West Witwanciah. litre Dungannon Methorust elnurett on Potatoes, per bush.. 50sto Assortment ill OW11. )3ran per to.,,.... 29.00 to 30:00 Those,who have attended the Ladies, Mrs. Anderson were among nefirst senday Scnoorel ,°wPhluicsit h ld ' Hides, per Ih. OT to, 07 trict -Young Leagueseand Hay, per ton.. ...... 8.00 to /0.00 • deceased her fifty years. Mr...and . ing play, "Putting It Itp To Patty.' 13. Byes .4nd Wendt, be ',port:sit of the little Otteil .are so.interested. It *111 spore. '- dated. To wore the bet serrige and full attention to detail, •enInV now before the rash. - • , 11. R. sALLOWS'! 1 • WESTINGHOUSE RADIOLAS Radio' Receiving Sets, etc.' f W. MacDonald ?.4 ' - ELECTRICIAN ° t Phone 114W - GODERICH . Go To rooman s For the best service and value • in Cleaning and 'Pressing. His. patrons wear the, smile of satis- fizetion. • Goderich French Dry Cleaning Warks NOW R MA su re • ORDER STORM WINDOWS FURNITURE EXCHANGE not care to mise this one a the Anderson re in a g Ihursday, . will be aniextelitioniille :good offer' „I up to the last and her stories of pion- costing own the point of view - of mg. It • ter life in the woods were very inter- both . litteqdence and interest. ev ,s ea On the Broodway of OoderIch I mission 36 cents. ty and elsewhere. She was a Mette tile morning sessitn;, whie ' of useful and fancy erticles, especial -1 tin Iter kindly disposition won Percy Banes, of Aubovo, tionductecl ly good for Christmas gifts. M. for her many friends en Huron Court- the devotional exercises which open - h eon. Get our money saving price list chewing ed complete, any sile. The Ifeiday otetgeersemeseeeftworee,,,, en:seeeno, .,Sowing Circle, of Blyth 0010 on Hallowe en had about 25 of tete 'fornis 'Of apes' sold eburca work. intiting o'clock dinner WAS served by the la - of committees. At twelve The Girls' Co.,. Ltd.. Hainiltore Ontario. Phone in Stnet $150 for Blyth Hale Debt odist and took an act:ve interest in slated chiefly Of discussion ind nom, freight Paid cost ot atom window& glare • s-14 She is survived Itwo nog. r• • ' IViethodust chuteh • - strel show, considering that they had town, and Mi's' Mwis°"." Fulttul Irwin* °tSea;°rtili 'made men of the town put on A good me. Mrs. (Ref.) Robert Barber, of Frank- dies of Dungannon Toronto; and three James anti I eon Mrs Rev.) Peters Buboit was followed by a fancy dress dancer the cone u . • ( of neats and spicy afterdinner speech at such a short time to prepare It. Thie sons, in the basement of the ball, which h esbn South Africa. Alexander, at home, en,* Charlet, of o anti rg. was replied to by the president of gave the_ address of welcome, which the district, Rev.: F. es Savage, or - was well attended and stli had an en- joyable time. The girls realised which we%rfiled over by Rev. F. L PORT ALBERT' Seaforth. At the afternoon session about $150, .whieh goes to the hall Lorne Ashton has tone sailing on *wage r rte were received from tlebt. the Great Lakes for *. while, Roy rritsier and wife, who have schools thxonghout the district. An Rub It In for Lame Back. --A isrisk been at Port Colborne all antnrcer address by Bev. Clayton :Morehouse rubbing with Dr. Thomas' Ecleetrie returned home teat week. of Clinton, on "The Essentials of Oil will relieve lame back. The *kin Jesse Tigert's -house is progreseing Sunday School Work" was followed will immediately absorb the oil and very fast these days ant promises tc by an interesting diacuseon by sev- it will penetrate the tient,* and bring 1* quite nice. It is *boo qulte an int- ,,eral laymen andsatiniaters. Aftee sPeetiy relief. Try it and be eonvirit. provement aur little burg. individCtal societies end Sunday the eloee of the afternoon sestion the ed. As the liniment sink,' in, the Teel Green has returned after young people enjoyed themselves or pain comes out avid there ere ample speeding the summer in Detroit. the church lawa in as "arks of sporte W H Lrurnl article. neet at Mrs. WM. Grey's on Wedr.ess hfoes, of Ben ar, 4141. It. Long in the basement a question grounds for :saying that it is an ex- The Ladies' Guild of Chrizt rhumb and games et11 teted by Rev. of Cesderich. After the serving of supper Tour Miss Mac Vicar ICingston Street GODERICH, ONT. , A Photograph Is an espesielly &Writhes* Chance** renneabranoe sad 5 doses, wire twelve gift pro- blems. And Beeneesber item hiss& stm buy say. thing yaw eaa Ore tbs. ex - r110. ruse POus~. PISIPS 3. T. FELL eoleheerfeeeteleevelIeeedeeteeetes day Aff4117/0414 • BELFAST . drawer was conducted by Rev. Mr Holmes, of MrPon. The'Reva. Moss - Mr. Tone Townley spent Thursday White, J, PI lido**, Snell and Peters In Wingliam. and Mesa% Ylitridev and Bailie tat. - Mr. and Kra. Will Lane, of ,Ripley in part in te* discussion. The ova spent a clay recently with Mrs. David ening session Was presided over by Hackett. - • . Rev. J. R. Men, S. A., wet Rev Mr. Itebert Vint and Arnold, of Byron Snell go* the addrete' of the Wingharin spent Sunday with re's. evening on "Young Peoples Work:* Um here. Two clinical visSIPAheir. V the Pen. Mrs. lre Cam is at pre.ent "cannon choir wore *web erijoyed. 411 spondimr a few wfth her sister Mrs. Donbas*. at anreck. children Ory Hallowe'en prank* were celebrated ?alum last Pridoreight by taking the dater off The parties are lorry well hymen CASTOR IA YOUNG MAN OPPORTUNITY ° Large Brick Manufacturing, Corpora- Ston.- Toronto, require ;venue meni, general work, steady salaried oosition. Five hundred cash required. tulle eeerir- ed and returnable. Locators. 331 Bay e 85., Toronto. • Big Money for You , Ilenipbilre hive *ow made it possible for you to become as expert it a short period of time at any of the followiag voestionte Automotive, I:US:Welty, Bat- tery, Welding, Bricklaying.Tilemettiug, 0.„ Plasterlinesliarberitig, Ladiete Beauty' le, tultute work, Mechanical Dentistry. Iit you ate isrobiticins and want a ettecesern I More, ACT NOW. Can or were" for Inform teens to Itia Kies Ste W.,Toroato. 11 0 Grapes for Sah I Anyone wishing Graves this *taloa, alit please h4.ve his order in eatly., Good eosin mettle Vittlet13.3. pound lotir at eeists pea lb., smaller quantities $ rents. Write or ren en then. TAM/. want. it n. NO. 1,i IfiltO3 rn�dl 41' 'phone 11 on 601. tartlets fa eetureyet. inr ' mix -err motet will be &nowt - h attended to. ewFallShoes 11111111111117-11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111MISMIlnelsilimi I • Are arriving Daily • t You will like their appearance. You will ftp - 4 reasonable prices we are able- to se}! such agreeably surprised when you learn the predate theirfitting qualities; and you will be goods for. \1. Your Inspection is In SHARMAN'S SH STORE W. Reg. ,Sh • AIDDERICa PHONE ISS 1151011111111,11=011111., • r,"