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The Goderich Star, 1924-11-06, Page 5
rily Two Days Le OF 1 Onsel I•4 I 111111•11•1111 CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE Eleventh Anniversary( 111111111111111111000111.11011 ' AL our • • 'PliCialt11314)*BALL MI aoiia. who war *noble ur bs prevent Will Wok. haw sow out of town Puget, Flaw adi norm st ataet,a:a- was alar an abouts( w.w wax higily i et fez Rx.eattrs on Haliws'et. '4 141", �'• awl Presented With t Iah Rags 'TY. **Alit was a happy way of let- ting boy* of Ow team know that thsii A very pleating function was hit.; e[srts is tie nsld of sport atw appre- ua_N+,1owe'att.situ .in flit mots,,,, elated. The gatbwriar 'lotus with twig Canoe Club room, when the hale ng mkt" Iislat F+t** - t executive of the Purity Fleur B. During the evening a rssoiution of halt Club entertained this members of coxgratelatian to the Oakville teams 'Ow team and odk°ials and during tht on winning out in the Ontario chase - evoking prseented Barb one dow•t to peanxhip wax pazsetl, to 1* farwar ird ,the rnas.ot) with a tine black leather club bag. PICTURB PVZZI.R GAME The affair was quite informal end On page 2 in today's issue will be athforand club rooms were ideal such an found 1 a l . in a Picture Puzzle Genre rrraek2d were indulged inumber . . . at an Empire %ble wi ed in singing popular songs around:no dont pruve very interesting or.. the piano, smokes were provided arcs: our readers, and especially for the refreadurtents of sandwiehes, cake .little folks. The Contest ronsiets of coffee and ` lee cream were enjoyed. sseertaining how many objects or gr- and while the gathering was eoneludr' tides in the picture ata.rt with, tht ing the eats, Dr. Hunter rose and letter 'IV and cash prises are award - spoke of the splendid epirit of co.op. ed to those finding the largest ramp titan„ the PRINCE CLOTHING—..Good hottest re- liable Clothing, the kind that gives the best returns for money invested. Your Snit or Overcoat from PRIDHAM' S Mt•ai:s Myles that young men like. They :ire the kind you'll tind here. New Fill styles. imported ;tit-wststt tabriks and tailoring you can't tind tault with, and s,'n5it'14 priced. Suits awl O,ereoats $20.00 to $40e0 Boys' Suits and Overcoats (ration that existed in the team this her. Cur readers have already won _ yeasts, of how they "started .elf the 'veg..- liberal- prizes -MI ii mutt of eompet-- son; "all dressed op and no plaee"Ing in similar: Contests, and there ix - to go" as it were. They tried unsuc. no reason why some of the awards eesafuliy to get into tate Bruce l.ea• should not tome to residents of thio gee and then the Huron 'League was vicinity. Anthere is nothing formed and the Purity 'lour team like hying. • won the district and went on to the-' A tote heart and a hard head make championship of Western Ontario. an excellent combination, but a h,rrd The emelt, ere -which were going to heart and a soft heat` weii,` thHt's be made were only as a small token Icigrrent. of appreciation of what the boys had done, There may be other torn remover's Brief remarks were wade by Hies• but you will not be' completely sone, srs. C. L. paragns, H. J. A. MaeEw- lied until_ you have used Rollo an. F. Weir, J. W. Fraser. W. H• Rob._ Corn Remover. W. C. PRID •AM SON Mona anal .troys' Wear la tine New Store text to •Bank of M.atreai . •O1ati.�...;�..,ga�.,.r,N�!,, ,. 0101# ertson Mayor Gallow, alter Neftel W Somerville, , L, t. F'iW oway'. reinvestment Knox, R. Shur- man, Joe Lindsay, Recommendations. , al B tow st Ileuses, Model Theatre Doug, Nairn, Sill Barlow and others. and various other members of the r Holders Q team merely acknowledged being r. al. 'Week of Nov.10th ta'Nov.15th led on. Frets Weir eonttibuted a Maturing victory ��Bond ,�icotch- rlcitatietn to the e►ymtiat� of • ���8y Ana�u4a�jr�' --•-tl all. •RECINALA UE --NY Suggestions for the-nnprevemein t with . a stellar cast ofunusual merit of the infield were. it1ade - by Dirty° in the greatest race picture ever pro. Haynes, including the plowing under :Need. • • Of the cinders which cause the wear -1 writ ing out of balls, so that a couple etre',. e Kentucky Derby" used up even in.a practice. The aug-1 LARRY SERON gestion was made to seed •down the t in a specially selected comedy - ., • freouent-. _mowi_mowing._mayor Oaliow .. This -la.an_ unuanal-paagrann.— ittt►'f- ! made the comment that,tbe use:of the miss it. diamond but thin wouldnecessitate "Her Bay Friend" I grounds for othe>e purposes than. for ' baseball bad to be taken into consid • l eration but if the club would cane to the council with, dennite reeom. I mendations these would he given ev- 1 ery consideration.. - 'rhe tenor of the remarke made was congratulation' to the team on the achieeernents .of , the past year and great .satisfaction .with the qua, lity of ball provided and the spiritof eo.operation that had been evident , among the ?team. Members" of thea '_ exec xtive .and players pointedant the , El desirability .of strengthening the team, by. the addition of about three 7 go players, ineluding an extra ` pitcher. ugeglisn©iarga lane '+ $o that the others :couiu= be relieved. The former secretary and new pre - 0 sident of the club, Mr. Beg Sharman Being Careful- ,;nroch ?" I ut`"in it; �won°`t charge anytaitng for came in` for great praise for'lris val- Pat :,. t to ,.a, chemist' to; et en '."Well," said the chemist "If you the tile.' Ned" work and: Mr. ..1.,.,W igxins was • 1 g empty..bettlk„-, temlog.::gne,44 ao want tTu eti�'bof4r ,�i, ,.'li' A'4ist: eu :"`.Svtre, that's faits.:: enoiigltr'•'• -said highly complimented „On his . goad sweretr ffls`pitrpose, he netted: '4 'sive-nee, "b'at' if yeti want. something Pat, put in ta'coik. managerial "activity: Mao Mr. Rey t IIIMIENEXAMENENION HANKS Went Ke1- trial'rhurailay JACQUELINE, I.OGAN and DAVID ' TORRENCE in George Melford'* Par*ttnovet 8ge�c;aT "" i}1e Dawn of a Tomorrow' SUNSHINE COMEDY . "Rough Sailing" • Friday and Saturday The populartar in his �new stte•cesis "Big ' JACK DEMPSEY rn the .eecond.of lda nervi aeries i "A Society Knockout" FOX MEWS HEEL •Matirides„-.Tues y mum, at. 4.15. Sat. at 3.00..,-- Dominion of Canada 5 per cont. Guar. C. N. 1t..Bonda, -•. -- -•- Due Feb. 1, 11154. Principal and semi-annual 5'� interest, coupeita payable Canada only. Price: 100,2;1 and barred Province of Ontario 5 per cent. Guar.. Hydro Bonds, Due ,Tune 15th, 19:19. Semi-annual interest and principal payable •in t`anada only. Guaranteed by Ontario, bearing ti o coupons. : Price: 192.00 and intact Domtnaon et Ciaia rt t r cent. Caw; C. N. • Due Sept. . 16th, 1954. Very desirable to Canadian Investors. .i thirty year: seeuritya•payable in either Canada or United States. , .. 1 rice iM6,TJ, aMd interrsi, Province of Ontario 41'', per cant. Bonds, Due Sept. ' ls't, 1044. New issue of twenty-year bond*, payable with •semi+annual interest in Canadian or :American funds. •• Price : 97.1es sag ietervd our contplete list eompriaes a large: selection of Government, Mntt• • : icipal and Mortgage Bonds, among which you will .be able to tits l . the. eecutity to exactly 1111 your requirements. Write for a cop Telephone your order to otic •" Spectra Bcntd Telephone Order Deport nt Telephone; Main. 7400 G.LSTiMSON& Co. • LIMITED EST. 1885 • The Oldest Bend House in Canada 36.3$ KING ST, EAST. TORONTO • 10111111111111101111111111.111111011 341 MittiN VINE SPECIALS Nionimummiminiorw Turnhull's Underwear. Every .garment .of the Turnbull make ismade of the very best material and it will not shrink. We aim to sell goods that will please. our customers and this is one garment that has our highest recom- mend. The price ism() higher than other makes and we carry a full range of different styles and sizes. • ` Vests, Combinations, Drawers for women children and 'infants.. You have a choice of either natural of white shades. Greet .the cold wind of winter this season with a suit of Turn - bull's line Underwear. . Special for Saturday Flannelette Blankets, either white or grey, la ge size regular' 53.25, limited stock to clear at -per pair $2.69 Mc CALL PItiNT:ED pArmaN5 4, %It ilini MI6, ' ., �s � . ID N t McCall Patterns Dressmaking worries are eliminated if McCall Patterns areaused. The `accurate printed cutting line is found only in McCali Printed Patterns. 1t is this printed cutting line which does. away with the. home-made - look. Our stock of Patterns is complete and - we can now give you almost any size or any . °style. , " • . ,_ . ,• , , , . . • Be sure to see the big range oV ttt'W •winter siyles illustrated in our large counter book which *how, the season's lat- est designs.. - . Special for. Saturday On Saturday, N,ov.'8, only, we offer Flannelette full 2,8 inches wide, shades blue, pink or ;grey,.per yard. 19c Knitting Wools MONARCH DOWN . We carry a complete stock .of this wool in all shades. - You will find it a very suitable• yarn for sweaters, scarf;: 'and pullover's, etc. MONARCH DOVE We recommend this wool for children and infants' wear. as itknits up very close :and makes a splendid soft 1, aro' ; •:it - merit for the kiddies. CORTICELLiI SYLVF.RFLOS This• is a very finely woven wool and silk mixture and comes in a splendid range of dainty colors which are very suitable for chip dren's and ladies' fancy knit : weaters and scarfs. MONARCH BUTTERFLY Title, wool comes in a two -ounce ball and in a heavy wool` and Stick mixture offour-ply quality a nd very suitable for ladies' and children's wear. Aliso a good assortment of Scotch Fingering, Yarn in several colors, at $1.50 per lb.. Special for Saturday' • On Saturday, NOV.' 8th only, We ttrt; 6,31141.141a ,31141.1 nut ,n1e ,ft our best iiva.lity, Ids a :idle Hose at rehtlously low maces. This hose has pointed heel, ribbed top and is n heavy weight of soft (silk. :1 Iell..t'atige.{)f;Rltade4..liottatzlay, nee pair :.° *41.49" Women's and Children's Winter Coats . We now have a complete range 1,1 cltildren'a warts Winter Coats, trade of the hest blanket .cloth coating.. lu Costs we have all sizes—from 4 to 'tit Tears -and ttur pricey --are the best. • - This week we areshowing a splendid. ratite .tit ladies,' and misses' low priced. Coats in veluu!,.-tl:rntingo cut ca nit hair and' nnarvello. n.. Now is the time to buy your (;oat;.tri( llte, prices are inti;,• and we have a splendid range of•styles. t. • Special for aatuIrday Ladies'- fancy. dots t.' lilfltt, v,': (doves, in splendid range #n shade.., ';earl, :.t tier pair 95c Crown Brand Linens . Pure Linen Table Cloths at $3.2.5 each. Light only lure' Linen' Table Covers, size" 70"x70" in a good assur twist of designs such as, Fleur-de-lis, Tulip and ribbon, and poppy pat- terns. This in a good' quality linen and a real Thanksgiving value at each $3.2.• - l'ure Lineri Table Napkins, a dos. ;7.50. During Thanksgiving Week we will offer several dozen Napkins in the most popular pat- terns terns such as Thistle, hose and Dat, Flu -de• lis, Ivy and Fruit, and others at a speeial price . of $1.50.a uigt. 20"x40" Linen Towels, Thin ,is not a nute Linen Towel, but is made from a heavy quality Intek, and will • prove a real va- lue s at 95e. each THES.A.GRAYCO. 4 musumwellecompommumemotesomfouleaccomemomitemonomonittimg 1, Mc CALL PAM/MD PATTERNS • p)