HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-11-06, Page 3STAR
From Our
i & IL No. 4. Cabaret*
3 The following is tee report of h. 8.
• Ns. 4. Orationte. fer tie *with of (le -
o*, arkelo-.. 1 on writhe' yea a
_ .
.1, weddietrand /maim
thine, wen somethavg went wrong , the senior ciltern0S. Average. attread.
' . * es. tobir. Tbe mile% stsawliag le based
, illations la Spelling and Llteretttre in
oat their deity work as well es exam -
thew Seat Ite kezteratewee et say ea . A very pretty eh bt Ida band .to Iowa ant* or the aboapk, W. Theis. mark -
Crit with a gnat Rae - R a. things up kis glove taught itt Q. 'obi led wait an &Aerate bare missed mare
took place -at St. Boausee . *aid his load w dream Lie alas; thaa a are4t: Jr. 1V..-liargaret Pit.
eleirek grariela. ea leedaesday mom ,
tire yaws so f Ibille111110 Wry rawly ' A core anger era. WO embed *ad it Naas. Fro/ilia Flick "AArgoot Fisher.
tag Oct. Mk, whet Err. Father
week ate, /wart tuna avow awl ;Maw ' eae• was fcesed that it had to be anspiatitta Sr111.-*Mertle MeClure, Olive Hill,
wir 1 tmk 4" II" 1314II Lis 'If IrCar. X* Eltr°V)*? ttlitit.V1 I n nurrlart la' id at the arst joint. It waa fortunaiDuncan Minkel, Merits Fisher. Jr.
ail, say Lout would stoat to amp iiaa Minnie Uttley, daught
ter of Maand
saa. Ilea S. Seisearei ,Mereisharge
M. Wm. Uttley, to Mr. ethernet:a-a * .. he d , eR ta a.
t th t ha escaped so well. R .M.-Lauretta Flick, *Jim McClure
• ; might easily have lost not Mnd. i e ether. Sr.' IL -Florence Me.
; *E
I (woad eat walk up *airs wittaut Wilds, of Stephen tp.
kaiaks to sit dorm *.4 reit Ware 1 Hearta.Pallick 1 Mori; Beira Ituratiol e -Sr. Clem, Nettie Pitliatio, dna MeCool.
1. -.Norma Hills *Gordon IdeCool.
breath beeeiniag se skort.
Inh6 lall-waY '113/ °I1 woutt a or A marriage of unusual interest wee" -
day nigat. fact nth. At hilli,,Mreaaaen on.bIado Herman Fisher. ar. Pr.-Ele
While doing the clone on Saver.- Sr. Pr. -Clara Pitblado, Ituth Pit.
celebrated in Main St. Methodiet
I etiatrimeed wow wheat a Wert hemlock Exeter, at noon on Tuestlea„ i the 5th of Morris, Mr. elm. ^Wiwi" Mar 'Fisher. Kg. Pr.-Claytott Mile
rar......Nen..„.P11114 aid isI 1%. th" I fait Oct. 28th, when Miss Faina V. Penick i had hie lantern upset ;n wine HSU' liatt, Edith Flick, Norma Fisher,
countable manner, and his ham mai .*Wirtnifred Pltblaelo, *Olive Pittlado.
li. i.,,,,„-alimftarsile,,,,a,and,_ el* 4.,.._/Wiw daughter of Mr. and Mrs.,E. A. Fol.'
with all other contents wall The best speller* for the month:
wee, aro i---Teaa'ae,a.'"aerraeaa" „774, lick, Andrew St., became tate bride of aro*
:".• Laurette Flick, Ret Father, Margaret
,b." aee --aaa a- Mr. Ladle Hearts, son of Mr. and burned- to the ground. We ander °
atiaberea H. k N. Ping " fer isle Mrs. Lemuel Ileartre of Hamilton. istand that hung the lantern he tea in ;Fabled°, Franklin Flick, Myrtle Jae -
at ilif drag and general stores; pee up ' Death of Former Zurieh 1404Y ,his tit h. h r was met by a i .
I the stable while he went to put down (lure
only by The T. Wilma Co, T.,W*4 a Lydia ,vubee 4 tin o us orro • G. al. KNECHTEL, Teacher. •
Toronto, Oat. y ist wartz, ove en f 0 !wail of Mune on returning to the at**I
The following is the report of East
itterEOPATII • Markham, on Friday, Oct. 24th, at Oa i pustule
Wetwanosh & S. NO. IL .Those mark.
r$411. A. M. MUST, Onteopatille IMYSICIIM had been a sufferer of cancer eoz-
age of 49 years and 0 months, and of Mrs. Carbert, Clinton
ked thus * were tee t f f
ier (imitate this Moines suit caner of e After en Massa of some duration
Mr. Ed. D. wurni, pasiwi aWaY Mt Me. _ _ _ . East Wawmaah & 8, Nee a _
a n or some 0
Ontarmetity, Licentiate Iowa and ate iran some time. She and her'husband lied Mrs. John elirberS 611s8ea switYael3a.t testst 2nd year Continuation -War -
Mate Boards. sinecial attention to disease* been residents( of Zurich for a llama her home on Victoria street, Clin •
(Once corner raison and $t. Andrea' Stn.
• r o years till aearly two yeeeei on .Sundaa, Oct. 26tbe She Vial in ran BIIIIII*14, 71 Sr. Pf.-*Mel.
er women and ellildren. tWnsultatien rree be f i bourrie Keatina 81, Elia
her sixty.eighth yeer arid had been -, , ne BOOTifOriL
Buccaneer Se Br. Itelleinenn. In neatorta kg* they removeil to Markham. • F,velyn McDowell 75 IV -
Tueensye. ailing for about two years. Ten' 81 t , • •
• SPECIALIST onto days prior to her deara she sufferetal . 62•2" Ed" Walfitat
a stroke from which she did net 14114616111e Wasid•e11' 66; *,ti Itadear•
Seaforth BOY' Dies Suddenly To
errata Carte • *
The rest %leaver s that Wee* the
eiuid 4ir Miter AA is demigod se
remove:: the ataative heart is •)xprised to
*1.1Init.tininstory arttaa of the air *04to the poisonous of germ* and
dirt. The int thing to
a to coat the $eth over with a thio
layer of. amnia*, which bee greet
tuniseptie, purifying and heelitig powers.
Burns and scalds *Mudd be treated and
bandaged up very mnekly. Zarildiuk
ipeeility bentdies pant,. Oars 401 meant.
minion and grows new beehive skin.
buti stalls sq Wield.) and no oietul end
hat been eirly calker A *Mien" %It* L'W4
-11ter," Aie• frel.3 folk t 45. duties everywhere.
ads pav Cftomf *rim
••••••••••••••••••• ••••
Mr. W. It. Smillie, or. Sesiforth, re. rally. The deceased taay, whose; e,68,; *Lee 11„11,,re erlii...,1111maSr,
McCullough,111.-4" DID YOU EVER STOP TO THINK"'
EY; EAR, NOSE, THROAT. solved the sa4 leaellIgenqa of the maiden name was Catherine Bewley.' "mean% ta; eastam 7tI - - - '
i Norman Rodger,. 70; *Bennie Walsh, By E R. Waite, Secretary, Shawnee,
Late Nouse Surgeon New York Opethst- death of las son, -William Robert spent her girlhood days in Manioc
news Eye Hospital and qoalen N4ttare m le, who expireda eniy qn
- ada - - • ' • 69 .S1- IL -Edythe McDowell, ei51 Okla., Board of (ommerce)
and Hthbert tps. Twenty -nate years • • ,
That pessimists and others whose
nue one Aural nosoital, assistant at moon' S or
eesseuelredo° at, ta", 801411.014 Tole- deceased man, who was in bis 33rd bert, of Hullett. &Mali years ago i
__Ernest Snell, 07. Sr. I. -Lloyd back Progress, for the home city
Clower; *Orialle Tunney, 58; Jr. II. propagenda indicates a desire
to 'hold
) Threat Hospital, !ouden Om • Tuesday, Oct. Mat, in Toronto., The ago eho was married to Kr. John CinelMnaiaale CalTIPLelle 66;
At Bedford Vote!, Ooderiek from year, received his educatroxt at Mtn- they left the farm itt Ifultett and
• Monday, Nov. 17th, dit 7 p, na, to ton sold Seaforth Coilearates, and at moved to Clinton to reside. Her Walden,
Gower. Pr.--Jaclele Armstrong. Jr. step.
70. Sr. Pr. -Mary Anna should be shown that they ate out of
Tuesday; Nov. 18th. at 1 p. ni, tended Toronto University for a time husband and two daughters, Mrs.
Pr ealaenneth Campbell Harry Moss i
i . • I That the time for action has arrive
__-_-e---ette- __- - . __ea.,. , _ Diert While rieltang A path James Phelan, of Math, and Althea] '
_P 1 - -
ea --- a ---, • . . Highest -in Arithmetic-Normn Rod- ed. The propteasive ,spitit must be
DENTAL • - . . _ ,.
Truly', in tbe tnedst of life eve are at -"ame, surave* ger. Highest in Spelling -Ray Vizi- preserved. Citizens should be proud
,Dtt. R.
DR. LORNE WILKEY' • in, death. John R. Glation, of How- • Tractor .Accident eent, Elaine Bamford. Best in een- of their home city and be prepared to
Over Ifera's Shoe Store Phone 4:10 iek, Was up in a tree on bis farm in On Tuesday; Oct. 28th, Mr. Harry duct -Lloyd Wtaden. • fight for its betterment.
Office Hours 9-12 &m. 1-6p.m. Howick picking apples, in company Etworthy, of near Exeter, met with E. S. SOWERBY, Teaeher, l' That pessimists are prone to create
Evenings bit Appointment with Mr. Mat. Sanderson, when lie an accident While °aerating a tracter, s. s. N God •rich To -Inaba, dull business. conditions through that;
that might easily have resulted sere 0. ( a _ idle talk and lack of optimism,
Naps stricken 'with bead. failure and
16E17810 ' all dead to the ground, on Tuesday ieelyThe traetorwas in the The following is the report- for
ni. . (awl S. N..
That every city has set.backs once
d one •
PROF. W. H. JACKSON, Organist oil afternoon, Oct. 21st Mr. Gibson hail and he had a team of norses attaehed NO. 0, the standing. being - 11 me _ in a. while -nothing serious -but
(Writer- tne thingsathat- ean- be -easter overcome.
Mettrodist caurca. Instruction oven in before ilia. death had sang couple started it in motion het wile unable month of October. Thome ertarked
toitain an endeavor •th gee ie eue. Eel the-extuninationti held
etor -of-Music-, North --Street beerrin-his eeeetatteelet and -the -night
1,Vhenever these things happen the
Voice 'Culture. Organ, Piano, Violin, of solos at ' G '
• Theory,-elo. •
a concert in orrie• to sit on the seat owing to the peel. wall an asterisk. were about for ore
try their beat to make &conditions
pessimists see onlei the tiark side and
Studio and resielence, NorthaStreet, Drowned Nor Edmonton° • S I -Cla ton
• Mrs. Cobbledick, widow of the late iiion of the tractoie It was madame or- more exame. r. V. y
P* headway out of the ditch and Edward, , . worse.
Pluto ' Lena Calwell, Idella Oke.
•• Ter. -Norman Fuller, Marton Via. That the foundation of the seccess
ADORED 'W.•ANDERTON-Organise Rev. Geo, H. Colablexithk, a form
Sformer ear ng I
Brussels woman, was drowned near went to shut it off when he was caught
eaet. James , ., ,
• Pupils 'prepared fEdinontoa
or ail grades Toronto ire 11tl Y' she was clad in, by one of the large drive,,, wheels, with
ROOS du voice. NanoChurch, Organ London-4Theoryes' . ce
Conservatory examinations Studio at her nightrobe, and hag on an over the result that he received a large
.Mrs, W. iiarrisonav(tepposite Victona coat and 'bedroom slippers. mr, icash on the inside of 1
his g, a frac-
School). ' •
' 0 .
Cobbledie1. ai former Exeter man tared rib and was otherwise mangled.
• ' d 4 't
awee killed in a .street ear accident m He ts now con e
• tr" caltary two wars era> an" tence that will be semi:atilt-le till Le wilt be able McAllister, *emote • Harmer. Sr, or postpone it, but do it now '
WM. DA11.11.. , • . • time Mrs. •Cobbledialc had been de- to work again.
IL -Marion, Porter, Verna EdWard
*OlivePowell. Jr. IL -Ross Sower- opportunity and never have to. look'
That every city a -tome recognlee
wereblyl,, 'Elate jawnroetir JoohbtonE,veEreunttlece uSocelit
genius of it optimistic citizens, •
of a city isalone brtbe ca.operative
wain, Benson Sowerbye Sr. Ill. -Mal That every citizen should point to
titer alcilwain, Florence Sowerb.y. the advantages of ,the Inane city and
Lorne Poeter. Jr. III.--elIarion Oke, I tell everybody of her 'enterprises and
Arnold Porter, Evelyn SowerbyaEarl resources They 'ahould..not heeltate
•• a u o c a
oenerar eonveystecoue *one a • Pressed' 'by, Bob Oke Clara Harmer,al
*-n111131 .baek regretfully at thinge that ehould
eloNvEyentheel AND VOTARY 0 The wedding of suss Hazel Flor- Bluevale on Monday afternoon of last Powel1Iiutitel. I. 'CL -John HarmerSr.
Plain* o. 296. GoderIch. Ont. • While motoring to Wingaian from flaveeteen done.
111cIlevaiii,' :Mervin Ma- That :the ability to see and gra:sp
• -3201101 'eAgirgeL4:00, elelteld• C'nn" NI • Welt F Doad, 111 Belsize
arid week about one o'clock, Arthur• Allister. Jr. Pr.-Doiaert • Powell.
success c failure et
Doddence daualiter of leir
opportunities often mares the differ.
Drive Toronto, US tar. A: Ltewelyn Met with a. mciet unfortunate acca Graham Johnston, Harry Loudon. once in the
Richard PorWr, Willie Porter. Num- city.
• • Vey/aiming and I•mgera puma, Mrs er
. 0004- Conteinen iteM'eseet#0 ' Stewart.Dorla 'Nuptials -
LEGAL CAltlla Stewa'rt. Exeter, Ont., :ook place at dent. A • freight train Was commg ber on roll, 83. The. businesa of a city is far mole
. re, y using good 'business • , "Can eau aerVe company?" asked
omee • ceitilesVaiee, a h church. Toronto.
offer r Tho service wHE and it Is evident that Mr. Shaw did i THANkruL motHERs
Every Item Here Shows
Savings Big and Clear
The low.price Reath Hated below merely indicate the saving
you get at your DOMINION &TORE every day. We have
*0 " 'Bargain Day". Yea mus shop her* on Monday jurat as
cheaply as you can cia Friday.« Saturdsea wad every time you
buy you save money. Shea sad Save Rosiarly,
Choice Smyrna. Figs • 2$c. lb.
Mixed Nuts 21c. lb.
Butter Scotch 29c. lb.
°F1:Eit COCOA 11:21e
lap 27c
Valen la
•21b. 31b.
25c 29c
3 ib. 25c. 2 23c 49%.
Pitt.I.I.41srzET PEAS 2 TINS 27c
ME SALM nk 35c
••••••ril""."".....4".*""itir•••••* •••••• a•••••• •••••
1{a lb, 19c
• lex tlen n lidaral al b ' -• '
parties, appreciate the oeressity of • GOeti Maki --
teeth.- SEAGER; Ir. C. ' ,,.. , 8 a'clriek Wednesaaer evening, -Oct. aleng the .track",which runs. alemet R. R. -. , . eomp
GRAHAM Teacher
. arrangements made in advance " ' "
Therefore b a
„... , N-1 aarrawasetautsoitetto , atearyeePotte 29th. 211 Yong() stree: Methodist Parallel wthle tbe road for a pleIT .
o give erou accurate Infornietteat AS vyts -botirwsys* nrunir related the • .
sliould be given its plan sfor future'
psounrevr * KILLOHAN resente of a large !MOW of friende up to the ceasing, eaid. ea a despea ' • • 7,-•
..--- ' •
. . ,,WA'e the French River district to Sudbury 6 waY8'
taken by the Rev.•
T. NT. Neal, in .the not see his danger until te was right .
•."anadian Pacific agents are qualified
• Judgment even greater, consid -
eratain t . . . the rnistreesa
Barehaers. Neaariee. Ete.. • • - • ate effert to tura out oe danger tee Once'a mother has used Baby's OWN development. _ . 'where deetemooae-ann nig game ' • .
Office on SOUAIIE GODEBICH, Phone 97 - sedan evidently turned over on thc Tablets _for her little one she aou d
• 1 ne,aanintbaid. ..
ean oun
3 be f d They -are --plentiful
and re eaves. • •
...•••••.••••• •••-•.0*.••••••.1.- • ••••••••••••.••••. " Fire At Winghatie . .
mole , "Yes,rn. So they'l come agatio.
DUDLEYBarristerE. 1101.elESolieltortNotary r
un k nown ort.
t track and was immediately struckuse tiothang else. The II•ablets give . CO PANT • French River; along the
ine of the Canadian Pacific Railwa or tn1 st°6 atwitY.
gio broke eu
Firethe train, and lancled in the ditm
ch such results that the other bee no- • -
Publie Conveaancer alive. in the stable behind Jae. leaugh's shoe. Mr. Shale arasabadly cut en the leet thing but words of praise and thank-
HuntIflE 1/1"13-e and Deer I from Sudbury to Cluipletia and also
fulness for theta. Among the thoue. For manyegears hunters from On.
HAMILTON STREET store,Winghara, on Tuesday night,
ands of mothers throughout Canada tai have realized that the very best in the Maritime Provinces, as well as
PHONE 27 Oct,28th, about 8.30.- The fire bad hand and 'bis face and lag were cut
• and bruised. Dr. Stewart rushed
the Tablets is alL•s. David hunting grounds are located in the, in, the district around Sherbet Lake.
it was noticed and the firemen are ta him to Wingbam and dressed his who praiee
R. A. CLUFF, B. A. - gained considerable headway before
lee.Aneerr, New GlatgozeNiSeawho vicinity of the Canadian Pacific Rail Ask any Cauadian Pacific agent or
Barrister, Solicitor aadwounds. ,- The marvel as how Mr
writes:- I have , usee A.*aDY s sewn way. Ranting dubs, as well es small a copy of the Hunters' Pamphlet or
Public be congratulated on the-apiendid work ahaw escaped being killed. Hie write W. FULTON, District Passen.a
-God which they did in net only saving a many friends willeaneyery inuen at- Tablet .
s for,my children arid from my 1 4
N rth. Street eric . . -- ----- .- ger Agent, C. P. R. Building, Toron.
• Phone 411. •• , • • - • part- of the frame strueture but .to •
keeping the fire from spreading tc iously in
heved to know that lie is not ser
aired. The wheels and gear.
AUCTIONEERING" other adjacent buildings. ing of the auto were badly smashed
• • ernemAs. Gummi_ _ _ Death et _Zarieb.leady • -and-the -sedan •hOirlY Vas. -tern --Off tht
The° late. Anna . Held, leeioved wife chassis and' tented conipletely mann()
Live Stock and 'oral auctioneer, of mr. wanton, Zunea, passed as_well as being smashed. •
her ed
them. I would urge every other JUST RECEIVED to.
mother to keep a box of the Tablehe
"-A-Shipment et -
smoothly enough mita a.e waenet
in the, house."The Tablets are a
An Honor Pupil
The grammat--thereete---peotevacil-
mild but thorough harative which re. •
gulate the •towels and sweeten the
' •
stomach; drive out constipation aria M N'S an
E Boys askede a small boy what kind or a
.SE41* Made everywhere and ait efforts away on Thursday, Oct. 23rd, at Engagements Annpunc noun "trousers" was.
aloe to Five you seuersetton, • home there, aged 56 years, 6 months • indigestion; break up colds and sere. .
Farmers sath notes aisconten.Ma and Mrs. Thos. Vollick, Poxi . 1 "It's an uncommon noun," was tilt
They are sold by medicine dealers, oe MackinAw Coatq reply, "beettuta, *mg
top and plural- at the bottom.
, and 21)- days. Deceased had been N perry, Ont„ announce the engage- ple fevers and make teething easy tear. at Oa
• tinimai and with other ailments, she seemed Beeereeea
arcICILLOP atUIVAL FInk• INS „ s for manyyears • •
to the Rev. Linden Clarke Williams'
by mail at 25e. a box from The Dr.
Medichie Co., Brochailie l(51i f • •• 11 • 1 Pl. t k
• •
sufferer of diabete • 'tient eg theit daughter,Mm' igeouitANUCLillianhan M
exa - • sereourdy only a few day,s. She Harvey, M. Ai, B. D., son of Mr. and
• Mt 0 lea% d A00 at 4.
vane m• e touted Tows Property Iunred.was horn in Waterloo counter, anti an.e. Joseph g. Harve,,, of Exeter CANADIAN PACIFIC • SERVICE Cloths, with ral mead belt, in
mile or property insured up to January. • • . . .•
sea. $1,048.976.uo. was a resident of Hay townshi Psi
OFFICERS -James conotiy; President, many years, until this sprit*, Pwhen . Ontario, the marriage ea take aloe.
• ' a:literati ; Jan. Evans, vice-Preseasit, early in November. • • A National Meet - Drown, Greeraffeather cheeks;
eeechwooe ; T. Ea nays, Sec.-Trete...Sea. she aria ner husband retir•ed to Zut. ldr. and Mrs, Josepa :Ereglar, of As the greatest transportation ite sizes .36 to 46,
DIRECTORS -D. f, ItCGreirer seatorm ;• Ethel, Ont., announce the engage,
Beat es le .acifie Railway has niaintaineet a nu -
e Elinor Gertrude, to Mr. I, a S
rota Perris, ilerioeti; Ohn netinewista tonal service in the Trans -Canada
Broadhagan; Murray Gibson, Bruce- A most highly esteemed resident of Lake,. only son of Mr. and Mrs. Lame
• . ' Limitedeewhica is second to none and •
.orthr. te .
company in the world, the Canadian
G. octave Winthrop : Wire 'Wale Corea MIT. 5IcGavin, %Ingham, Called Be merit of their •youngest (laughter, p *
stance • (worse "McCann? Tue.keranith •• •
• tied,
Wingham was Mrs James MeGavin. Lake.- R. Brussels, Ont,, thton the conclusion of the summer acne,
AONNTS-1. W. Xeo, Donerleh 6*001' and it was with deep regret that her marriage to take place quietly early ;lute- of this crack train ;las transfer- • -
leafere hue tog see our ririeee
, It will awe you moves- •
41Vii0 11000111. 064.1011 M40 SMN.
genre, Woes asstaree WHIN TWA?
• weaerertn..4.1• errarrivor weennowna
MOre.,E ggS,• .1114#
a e' 2t!!). aP,• tit • "
yeif eV4 ei1(191tlitl7.U.
ourAe foWt,•A-
aAN Tyour hens 'eat. lay More e•to, Or
eaur MONEY BMX from voile (letiba, --We
will. eau! von a copy of PRATT'S POULTRY
BOOK FREE. Write for ir 1t aRAV.
• THAW 12001) CO3 oANAok„ rm., I °Rost°
1.4 , . Se Us •
S. Hinckley, seamen. '. friends learned of hoe sudden dead, in November red the equipment to the Vancouver
Mei Holder* can psty their assessinents while visiting at the home ofMr. and The engagement is announced of
ot H. it. CUtt's Stork Godertch. A. J. Moe -Express which leaves. Toronto every
rates cement fltere, ellaMit; at t." H. Mrs; Gibson Gillespie, et Whitehurch Lillian lit eldest daughter of Mrs
.0 night at 10.10 p. m. on its trip across
Reid's. neyentil. . • On Saturday, Oct. 25th. She had on- and.' the late H. G. - Hutchings, Clin• the continent, via Winnepeg, Calgary.
Banff, Lake LOW: the spiral tunnel
• $4.50
FIRE •INSOli,NCli lir been sick for a few days. Her ton, Ont., to Garner A., son of Mr
and elle was bereaved of ter heist:arid Ave.,' Toronto, the mart:aaa to take
Sicamous •andaparila J
maidea name was Faizabeth Wallace
e• and Mra. Noble Charles, 130 Victor of the Canadian
Have it attended
the to by
Pacific Rockies famous throughout
about seventeen years ego. She was place the latter part of October.
Established 1878
the world, oil its way to Vancouver.
57 years of age, and was re devoted Mr. and Mrs. John E. Ball, Clintor
Head Office: Dungannon. Ont.
where the travellers are unaniname
Alm Tow/ sago pia mono) °mugs member of St, Andrewa Presbyter. announce the engagement of theiz
• daughter, Emile*, to Mn Norman G in their praise of the serviae 'of the
Jno. A,. McKenzie, .Kineardine, inn church.
• Vancouver Hotel. The Canadian Pa.
presa Berry L. Salkeld. R. R. No. 2, Had Finger Caught In Machine
Mr. and Mrs. Heat liakbirk8,"Set)af. cal: also o erates a teranshi
Hakbirk, Grosse Ile, Mich..
Goderich, viee pres.; directors -Wm. Mr. Clifford Holland, while filling a vice to ic erne theMecca for win -
r f • 'P "r*
forth, fith wedding to take place tee ter tourists.
McQuillan, St. Helots; ilia P. Reed, silo at Mr. F Lobb's en Cloderich early part of November.
IL IL No. 2, Lucknow; IL L Salkeld township Thursday'afternoon,Oet. ................. . ---. Not only does the Vancouver Ex.
'phone 600r11, Goderieli; Alex. Nich• 2ard, had the misfortune to met with * DESERVE SUCCESS press carry touriat and standard
Never before has any paper offered slertepers, butbit alsoivarries -a cont.
olson, Lueknow; Van. Watson; Jas. an accident which restate° In the loss
Girvin, R. R. No. 6, Goderich; Wm. J. of the tip of the second finger of his pa ment.o servat on car complete to
nitich for so little nioney as the itself, Thompson, Auburn; Tim Griflip, IL R. left hand. II: was feeding the ,rna. "
Family Herald and Weekly Star of while a parloa car Is 'added
No. 7, Lucknosa• f o Revelstoke to Nericouver.
Montreal this season. Besides the r 111 *
Added to this national service is a
THOS. STOTHERS, T. G. AseLeLreEtaNr,y. , wonderful •paper itself, each aubscrib. feature service from Tiworao to Mon.
Treas. er will have a free opportunity .th
win as much as Five Thousand Dol.' treat via the Lake Shore Linerd whieh
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The Leading
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A pitatiant
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bltlil*lit se -
Wall. •
and ddinwadon•
Maks* Om
most affair
toads Indian.
has been •entirely reballaste •wiri
len in cash and will also receive a
large calender for 1925, with a bean- .eruktied rock and retitle( with 100
pounds railM
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in ore entitled n eotnfort • for travellers ac'3 night tis
Sale of Old Dobbin." For thole who, well as an absence of dust in day.
raise clubs of new subscriptione . ti ;
me. Traina leave Toronto tinier
•thete is a catalogue of attractive and Station at 9.00 a. nt. dailyee0.00 peril
useful rewards. Their' generousef• daily except Saturday, and 11.00 p.rn.
far is meeting deserved success; few daily. Arriving -at Windsor Station
homes -van bewitheut -the Family the traveller has the benefit of itn.
Herald and Weekly Star who such mediate facilities in the women's rest
value is offered for Two Dollar& room, lunch room and Ithrbea ((hop
d••••••••45..... ••••.,...s. Ara se•
1 After 10 Years of Asterna, Dr. J• which cannot be •dupliented in any
D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy provea ot
her station in Montreal. 'An add&
the only relief fel. eye grateful ueer convenience is offered those who wisa
and this is but one ease among nutriy. Sa travel to Montreal front North
Toronto. in the 9.45. p. tn. train, daily Apply Sulphur et Told When
Little wonder taat it has now 'become
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make your reservations and supply
you with any information you re.
quire. They are fully qualified to of-
fer a "second to none" service to the
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"May 1 brush you off?" asked
ed a station. a
Ob.ildren Cry.
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makes every-Deecham's Pill
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The Constipation 'Habit costs more than time, for it
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Beecham's Pills make your bowels free and regular.
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Sold Averywhern Canada
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eifie within the roc) or Offering ha.
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Any breaking out of the Ain on feet,
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est by applying Menthe -Sulphur. The
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Nothing has ever been found to take
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like cold Ma*,
A Sure Benet for Women's Disorders -low, treatment free
orange 1,11y is a certain relief for ail disiadeee or %smitten. It is applied
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In the *-ingested region is expelled giving immediate mental awl .PtlYstettl
aeitel: the blow] tees.* and
ilk -r%4* are timed and etreetta
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dered to normal, eie this iteat.
tine principlers, arid acts - the '
mots based on %Ueda' si•ten.
actual location id' the diseeee It ;
cannot help but do good at all
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nsodetheed and patent menstro.
ation. Purolator*, fatting of Use
web. ete. Prow *100 per nee.
unfelt 1,4 officiot fur ea* f
month's, treatment. A Free Trim Treatment. enough tor In days. worth
will he Sent Free to any setter's& WOnlittl who %Of nd• vie her ealreee. t
Inclose 3 stamps and *dikes*. MS- LYDIA tetige„ t
11.0 t,E, tittele tittereala lee LVER't Vellffitt .