HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-11-06, Page 2s•
-- iat+t u•• it koers up Your health and areas* for
better work and to resist illness.
OXO is above all a food --a real Beef food—
containing nourishment from the highest grade
beef. Oxo Cubes are rnighty atoms of beef -
strength, easily assimilable, and ea a h alth-
aseuranee alone are well worth the money.
1 mad ,east, rims at s
largescale withWas Troubled WPM
lass e[ lis. constantly tell for rite le
l intrr'ventien of British authorities
x lard troops. These riots are not wl Constlpittkon
daag.reita probably as the sec. -et And Bad Haadachas
plotting against the lives of officiate
I and the best inatitlttions of the coni- Veer wont aeueved sly
me-atty. British people are convitiC.•
.d that other interests than thoseof illiftiVitileiii
ithe native Indian have a hand in
these plots. .
• Brite* said Turk
r, A special 'session of the League of
Nations' Council held in Brussels, to
• deal with the dispute between Pei-
Min and Turkey in regard to Mosul Yew yews O,144 Butte nut„
land other disputed territory in Irak writes,.. -"1 wasvam,muck trtubka
• (Mesopotamia), had an object lesson with constipation axd bei beeasekes,
in the drawing up of documents. It tied my akin became yellow looking,
!wax found that the treaty of Lau- but suttee taking Iiilburu'1 * Li .r
I same which was supposed to have de, pier the constipation an4 kea(lachea have
" tided this issue, was so ambiguous in disappeou.d end lay curb, UP beeoate
some details that misunderstanding clear again.
: was inevitable. A reasonable corn« I would advise ail *Mae who are
promise is more than likeiy to he troubled with their firer ilk Loy way to
1 reached by the Council. nee Milbun 's Ltaita•Lieer Pillar." 'r
'� . Pills P
r Entitled t. a Fain Trial have been ea the
market for the past 30 years, so be sero
{ Premier Ferguson otlOntario bay- and get there whew you mit for them
• ing announced that the Government Put up only by Th. T. Milburn Oo.,
will make a determined effort to en- Limited, Toronto, Qal).
TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO march for club members only, inn-? force the Ontario Temperance Act.
The Great y8�eel
Thiel 4.150.
mE"` "` `xp a sac.
Mem The Goderich rzur of Nur ducted by Mr. Seunttel Westlake. The and will strengthen some or its weak 1 so show that there is a swmg back to
3rd, 1899) committee in charge of the evening's points, there should be a disposition more acceptable conditions.. For the
Sending ls'reit to Paris Exposition ' pleasure • consisted of George Leith-. to aid in, the eecomplishment, The moment this as confined to the Mari -
Mr. A. MeD. All has received 1t1Q Waite,. cape; Harry Salkeld, treas.; major:ty for the O. T. A. is 'somewhat time provinces, and the Province of
belies for Packing samrr?rs of flee John Newcombe. sec., and W. Hawke, aver 40,000. Government; eft,en rule tontario, en the maritinies flay rob.
ural, to be put in cold storage for the I. Salkeld„elnd C. Whitely. with a much smaller majority of the for September indi.
µ an Increase
+ihmadien -exhibit. at .the. Perie Expo- 1 BieltsM Baldwin Died That year . • popular, vote than that, and their rule of over. one thousand scopic, andin
anion. I..'rhriatlan Guardian: In the death Is regarded as the right thing, by rex-Ontario over 8,000. It is not nee.es-
wling in November of Bishop Baldwin the whole Chris- son of their having • a majority, re• �'sary, however, to overlook the Went.
1 tion church of Canada Mourns the gardless of whether :t• ;a from the : The result of the harvest and, the
ednesday afternoon a game' loss of a bright and shining light. country as a whole or from eepalreted•. prices for rstheat are helping the oth-
wls was played on the West
of As a "master of Israel" he wes not ares°.
titre green, and thotsgb only a guar- only beloved and honored b the Difficulties in Taiestine
tette was present, the novelty of- a !church of his choice, of which he was ' Sir Herbert Samuel, the British
'game in November shoes things pier'•a distinguished xtpresentative but High Commissioner in Palestine, has
er provinces back to prosperity.
What Do We Know ?
Day by day if, we care to study and
sant: The day raw rut. warm, but ]was hem in, the highest regard" arc a difltcult.task in •his attempt to re, think a little, we may add to -011r sum
Skip Wynllswas latent on nuking a 'esteem by query branch of 'the church centile the conflicting racial interests of knowledge arid become more'
a record, and is waiting to hear from of Christ. ; ,hero. One of the developments is ly convinced that after all we know
a club, outside of God/with, that has A the insistence of the .Arab population but little. Knud Rasmassun, the
played. eleven ends on a November Rev, Mr. lCnowltM, of Galt, Lecturedthe
they shall dominate the whole famous Danish explorer, has just fin
in Godericit situation, an attitude which is
day. Ished a twenty thousand mile journey
along the Arctic coast of Canada aid
Alaska, for the sole purpose of study-
ing the Eskimo. • Re says her will
soon reveal to the world the origi?rof
these people, whom he estimates tc
number some 40;000. Any_light thus.
thrown will be of general . interest in
its bearing on the history- of the hum-
an race, • and perhaps Rasmassttir't'
findings may settle more than one
vexed question. The North°is begin.
ning to lose ]ouch of its fascinating
mystery by the explorations of •var•
!ous expeditions. .;
BolehevildNever Changes
One hesitateq to use the words
"Boleshiviki" . or "1#o:sbevist," 1'e,
cause they are too ()fan rniisdirected.,
But the Bolshevist propaganda which
was once treated with something like
- contempt in Britain,then with more
anxiety for a while and subsequently
regarded as being at an end, war
shown to be very much alive during
the recent elections, Tree the word
"Communist' displaced that of "Bol-
shie" in the campaign, but the Corn -
SIR HERBERT SAMUEL nimniste were active enough for a
' dozen organizations of similar types.
strongly resented by the Jews ev µl': Their campaign of rowuyrem and vio
iiously--enough quite a number of fence was repudl*ted - by Premier
` these Arabs have received a good se -Ramsay MacDonald and his eotlea=
gees, but this was probable Mess ef-
Palestine and all of them so trained condary education in the schools ofd
festive because of the fact that Lab-
or in.Pariiament has the support of
British who have the mandate for a dietinet CQinmumst group. Theis
Palestine, to gradually establish self- activities were encouraged by the
i government in that eountry. The famous letter of Zinoviet;, head of
"chief obstacle is the )racial antagoit- the third Internationale in Moscow.
The. Brititih Flections in the House after a brief term in of- which openly urged revolution in Bri-
The turnover in the vote in Ltd -ace. Mitined.-
flee, l
� -fain. - -The Russian government's con-
tain which gives ' the Conservative Trouble in India f An Amazing Tragedy tention that this letter was a forgei,v
Party office was due to x variety a Suspension of trial by jury in the There is hardly a 'parallel in this did not go very well in the face of the
reasons. Two mot outstanding, per- province of Bengal,. India, has beep country for the killing by an explus- opinion of Scotland 'Yard and the for -
Mips, were the resentment at the un- rendered necessary . by the acts of ion on a passenger tru►n in Brltikh eign experts, that it Was genuine. .
doubted interferers or Russian re, Terrorists who hope thus to hasten Columbia of eight persons. That the Must Pay the .Moe
volutionary interests in the campaign the day of complete Borne Buie. Not' tragedy was due to~ a bomb or Yscmo Over and over again ii; has been
and the desire for stability in Perlia- only were plots to assassinate lead• other explosive seems to be assured, made clear that wrong -doing bring:
anent, The eclipse of the Liberal ing officials discovered,• but tombs of since the gee tank on the car was; punishment. In ' the sentences re.
Party may be attributed to the lat. great power and quantities . of erms found intact. Among tile victime centl passed on 'men r
ter•, cause as much as, to anythingand ammunition were found in the was . Peter • Ver in leader of the y p prominent art,.
�. � public and financial Rife in Ontario .•
else Some notable ,men' were de• haunts of these . advocates of vie- Doukhobors in thin country,• whosethere ij a warning that justice Goes
feated including Mr: Asquith, nomin• levee. .Britain cannot hasten any .coming and settlement ha:}been fol- not know rank or wealth. Charles
al leader of the . tiberaf Party, whc further measures of tome Rule in lowed by many more or less exciting
will probably retire from public • life the face of the repeater instances of and disturbing incidents. Jr. L. Macs
Labor will constitute the opposition India's unfitness for them. .Religious kir, a British Columbia legislator, kilt)utlilt; smiles Tat.
- - .: _. ,„_ _,•... _.....:. _ _. was another to be killed. There is a
theory that the explosion was due to PROI'ERfUEL'-IS A VERY
* plot by some of. Vererin's own peo. HtALTNi*UL RULE!
' ple, among whom wet* fanatical op-
ponents to his attempts to introduce
some modern ideas and,• principlee.
among them.
A Friend of Many
Peter McArthur, "The 'Sege of Ek-.
1 frid," was a friend to thousands wlio
had never met him. Iris stories and
I` sketches of farm life in his beloved
Ontario home, were familiar to many
i thousands why read them in various
i publications and in book form, as well
i as to others who, heard him lecture.
i It was characteristic of this true
Canadian sage and poet that after
j many years spent In the United
, :4tatee and Britain, he returned to
! and bought the farm where he was
born. There he lived • amid happy
1 family surroundings, snaking nee*.
sional lecture tours or visits to other
scenes, but always returning with joy
a to his home to write with quaint Phil.
osophy and much humor the trials
and tribulations of a farmer. Peter
was a true friend of rural Canada and and and Soft Coal
of all the Dominion. His 'death will
' be s rely regretted °throughout the J Kept hi Stock
Another *flank Aheerption "' ) Always en hand a complete stock
a` Canada's chartered banks are to he of
reduced to twelve with the absorption! sHELE AND HEAVY
of the Unisons Bank by the . Bank of
Montreal. The Minister of Finance
9 having given concent, subject t. the HARDWARE1
a usual ratification by the shareholders,
i there is little likelihood of any bait
to the proposition. In this as in oth- ' Sherwin•William8, Eletldy-
err 1mtgees and abanrptk)ns, the prin �, nixed plaits at
ripe at stake is protection of the pub's p*amu Prices
,' Iia• If those Iasis ought 'to know are °`
satis'tled on this point the develop- PI)rtll cement
a menta will be aeceptnbte, in the main.
j i<to the pimple.
Caftli ]la's' Trail,
We* cow melba Nearly 800 people attended in.
At the annual games in connectionKn
ox church last Monday evening
with Huron College, London, Ont., on when, under the auspices of .the W.
Tuesday, a- Goderich student, Percy P. M. Society, Rev. kr, Knowles, of
H. Tom, won a gold medal. ► Galt, gage it delightful lecture on
_ ... ,_ . � .. _ .. ___ " e.. Cottar's Saturday night." _. r .
TWENTY 'TEARS AGO Deathof Mr. A. P. McLean
(From The Goderieb Star of Nov. On Saturday evening last Mr. Al-'-'
4th, 10g4) fan P. McLean yielded to the ravages i
Oodarielt Township Bills aeat'as Ball of the .disease from whicli he had sof •J
third annual ball" of the Gale- fered for nearly four years and nets- j
rieb Township Rifle Association wail sed over to the great majority in a J
bell! ill the O4dfellows' Halt last Fri- manner so peaceful as to .be almost
day evening, and was thoroughly en- unobserved by ',those 1
�',around him
Spred tsar all present. Only a fear. ii• The last summons had long beer.
s were' sent oat to friends of waited for with a. patience and rejig -
the members, so the hall was not ten ,nation --born of. the -„sure hope ..that
.crowded for pleasant dancing. There maketh not ashamed and he parted:
west *bout seventy•fiyre._eouples pre. from earth and dear friends with lov-.
sent end a large program of all the ing and grateful acknowledgments of
popejar. round and square dances the` efforts to cheer his weary hour:,'
was played. The feature of this • sue, ' and relieve his loner ,Continued suffer•
cestsful annual event this year Was ing. Mr, McLean was until . a few •
the` motile which was furnished by the' years ago one of our oldest and best
London Harppers, and which' proved, known merchants, commencing busi.
,1raoaistible to all lovers of dancing, Apse in the tailoring some forty years
4popular slumber was. the grana age.. . -.
1 Kaatthews, Jr., former Deputy Trap -
;surer eit Ontario, has beet. sonteneed
Trap -
to two years, in the p.isiteatlary tor;
a breach of trust. 1 b:a is amoeba/
eche of bond ~mkt scandals emeh as aw
in the aentsnree upon Petri
Seeit , fernier Provinteia Trsaswlrer• .i
! Oittari , aid Air/minus Jarvis, Sr., a
noted Rescuer and yatcbtsman
Thome Melange, together with the tux
eolleetion aeandsla_ in the city u
Hamilton, nut), incline sometimes tr. ;
the belief that a very genes 1 condi• t
tion of rottenness prevails through-;'
out the country. We may easily be-
rome too pessimistic in this regard.
Most people know that there is :
a great body of others, :n private ar•(i'
public life, which has a high sense of,
duty and carries it out with inter-,
rity and honesty. There is, however l
a need for inculcating in the minds of t"
the young as well as of many older(
people, the lesson that "easy money''
should not be th; chief aim of life. i
• " A Big Event
A traveller staying for a week end
in a little village was telling the olti..
est .inhabitant that he could not im-'
agine bow people managed to live in
• ;: CAp�l
Nee... Mew-.. ......4
victory Bond Interest
When your interest coupons become due,
or when • you receive cheques for interest
on registered bonny deposit them its a Say.
ings Account in the Bank of Maltreat.
The y you receive on your - , , • eat
poi bonds +trill then earn interest for you.
ERB'S a springtime presorip«
tion for what soems to ho
the ,natter with you. It
was written out in plain language.
by Old Dr. Commonsense. Ho
says that good coal will cheer you
up after everthing else fails. the
never fail to be politely attentive
to our eustomer'a wants.
Only the Hest Grades of�
CirefbiERIC14 BRANCH :
E. V. l.k-SS11E, • lifjett,lAa,'r
e . mar 100 years
Prepared Plaster
Canada's iinporta for the twelve Pl" ing, Betting
months ending' :September, totallei o'b'it Wiring
.*S$41,11141,00., a deems* of more than"•
474,4100,000 ant the previews twelve
tsaeatlia, *sae exports Stalled $1,•
472.4418.410,art Merlon in this OW•Ce
ales of ever 'MOON. The fartrt Hardwire Store and Coal Yards
able Wane* for the year, ceetoaris(t a
it with the meting lilts whit. is at the %%harf, ( rich
Ono more than $114,000,000. When 1'houn "1"" give" gFllcial atisn-
owe considers that itt isee, the yea' tion
telimrfhig (4rdtilwristlon, titin aeon -
.try hal a total aye $110„'lwi,111711f he P1I'OV1 s
nerd net worry *welt about Carla&,, Store 22House 112
progressing. F,n.ploysn,ent attests t. .w''1
such a dull place.
"Well, zur," said the native, "you
should stay here till mixt week, and
then you'd see the whole countryside
stirred up."
,• "And whet is going to happen next
week?" asked the stranger.
"Ploughing, was the reply.
• Words of wise men outer remind uw
that now and then a wise man ,can
talk like a donkey.
How Many Objects in This Picture ,Begin- With the Letter " B"?
The Abort, picture contains a number of objects beginning with the letter "B". Suet take a
good look at the. picture --there are: all Ports of things that begin , with . the letter "B"-4iite
buggy", "bal.y" and so forth'. Nothing le hidden; You don't have to turn the picture upalde down.
Make. a list of all the objectii in the 'picture the nnmea of which begin with the letter "8"• have
the whole family join Sn -see who can lind the moat. Don't nliari any. Fifty cash, prizes will be
awardedfor the itf.y best •}ist,:of words 1Ubmitted. The answer having the largest and nearest tor-
rent Iist of. vi,lble objects ,!:•bona ,n this picture ,tarring with the letter "II'• will be awarded first
. prize: aecolid b t lice 1 t d Th
The' Mall and Etnpirc announces to-t1aY an-
other puzzle game in which all can participate
—from the tiniest child.' to grandfather end
lsraadt)lother, No object is it email but that the
poorest eyesight can see it. It is a test of ,Skid.
Your ability to find "Il" words determinea the
prise you win.' }tight .after supper this evening,
feather alt the members ers of, yo)(t'r family together;
wive each of them a ;pencil and a sheet of paper
You willbebe Yna •pr'nede Irfht) can [tnliind how slarg t „ate t of
words) you can get with a few minutes' study.
Hit down NOW and try it -•Then, Pend in Your
list` and try for the big prizes,
I. Any trail. woa,au .r scold wee Ilvem lit Canada.
W le net a remotest et Toren**. and wino is net in the
eaayl.y et Tito 1441 and Nundre, ora iaeniber .t as
eir)Wye'• /goodly. pray atibaolt an answer.
S. Ail wowing mast be walled by November prod.
11i1e. fond atwre..ed to C. A. M.ts.rt.ry: rause asn-
ager, ]tall rad R sweine. •
et .Alt 11.kkr' et aarten ak.rtd be written on one
one side
ere. Irr1M ye r oar.
Nll same awl •ani tla 111,. 1. pppe�
Atha head nears. if yaw desire to write aaytbiar elev.
a lee 4. Pepfe�crwt.. M chis as
!honey ttr(li be eeattteti. 1). net is the ohowsh ran
wb.re tiro Omni M Meed, :the .Irgaleorisarit sated,
.Mei rftte r.rma.
i. lY.rde .r the wore opaline rah be, ■red IOW wore.
erM ,burgle ..ed to de lgaatr different s er articles.
er ,tarts et *Wert* er artleke. Art ..r .rustle
raw b. raised Nay NtY.
M 1)e ret ase tyNteaaled Or reworeend ward.. .r
saywordsformed b7 the etnabl aria et two er� wore
•• k went In hear k *A Wert.
-4 11t aiwswer be.,l, t%verso. where o lbs lam.* acid imarr.fr
mot Wt .t )taea.1 .t VIM11e *Wort* sad a .b.wn
la the arts begin whet the�feeler
fee ll r "W" will be
Mars a'" r1 doortiro wHr+rtse i he"1"'
Arr .t pt•ple tray re•eperwt.los esteveriwt
the PeasJe. Mt only owe Artat wilt b• awarded t. IMO
..�Mie,t bera.ttldi air wilt usher in awrarded M ,stere
MAW wee .f T sr.so Metre two, or store bat. ,urea
*line rat .e a No ter say Woo .thr.i, /M.
trN tem .f Wien Irene will be awarded ie •••k°tied
tiab.ocklte Met si t1tt . w ari rolostr.l). a ft
rice iiy Ila liaairiiihelt, writ be a Belo ir.
it woe netrIllihroweir. in �wadsWe newerlM Bait M Ss SUN Illhoune dk
I`' eloble_The 11110 t1''yt'yr >brs r'Neboorntrone wino `t1 M'. been
jf�t Al ia.i . , ear akesos:. iMiawa
1 AM /tine isompestorkto *NI be emeurto*y- ?Stifled
jaW Irisle ]Casale .e�,�
fMM���'1.r �I lemetel
�" efiiti.re w eft•
a t+e1t1 rtf�i� kes as sod
w.rda� MlFt1l .r ifimmeaM.r+r stir
lwibt t MweLt° Wes'
e ad K
1gM aadwM 1� tea
cs , one 1)r 2e, an Po or
THE . pRizE
Young arid
Old .loin tin the un E
WIaninx Awwen will Cuckoo the anti ,emus
paha* •epor'dtn t to air table below: .
Primo it If• Trine it 0a. retie It Tea.'
RttaorhNtone Subscription tinbnoet/der
Aire aunt. - . 11 writ s+.mak.
alt ?rite...: $3S . IMO
Ylnl Prize..:; 35'' . 511
3M Prise.... . 35 500
4th Prise.. 25 25*
Sth Prise.... 20 - 1511
711, PrisePrise...15 .110
.. . 10 75
sth Prise. Il
911 Prise. '" i 5•
lfth Prize.' , 5'
Prim. .. 4
12th Prise .. .3
3th to 20th
Prizes imitative •.2
In to 5111
Prizes useless* 1.50 7.50 15
In the errs, of • tie for say prise Ofti'ed• ,lila
tall amount of ,nob prise wilt be pad to est* tied
25 $1
20 40
15 30
' 20. '
You Ctn Win $1,000
icer sae the popularitrd y of Theetry Mail3 and Empire. ist 1rltlr osis
nothing In take part and you do not bol, to send 1n a
single .eberrlptlen to win a prise. it your list of "II" wards.
is awarded PlltsT.' SECOND ,Wit, Tllii;l7 Pitl'!,I•; lay toe
;toasts you wilt wig Pi; bat If you would like to get
mere than t.: we.make the following •,Taal titter /hoofs/you car win btg1tr cask prima by mending In'.Nr O3: TWO
artaterlp. tl..to The ''mail and ittny:re
IiicltZ'a HOW: 1f your answer to the "II'• word rte.
tare nasal* wills PIRSr, sitcom) frit TltIntt PRIZI4 ,and
Vali Nave flat to ens yearly aubrerlptlon t. The 'malt ani,
EMnt.lrre at ICN by wall .r $11.1111 deilverrd Ly earner boy
In Monate*, los will to-Nt. stat, Instead of (li; fourth
pilaf,illi,: fifth prise. hill, and a. f.rtb. (sr; Is, ond
eels n et- figure. In price list.)
tt r mower who*FIRST. MOONY) Oft THIRST
dM ,.r bare neat In two yearly Msb'aiptl.ns t. The
Ma* 1tenolro (.ri now rot .iae renewal. •r tore new
V. yea will teeel,. *4101 ►a ,lore of gam; fourth
brims. , OM .eke. 4111, and .e [arta. (See (blr4 retaatt
et r re. is brie. bot.)
Mow vs that iera liberal alter? Rut. l•n(Ili% there err alter
Lie* 1N Th
prtera. erelure..,iI pat *toad *lam sat (IND Olt
• 1I1 , ted herr will it tw. ;Party wbeeripti.a. at 1j5.(a,
51t�astW bp awn er it* delivered ky tvrrkr Noy tr
000 or two oortr).
N'ior .111.•r t 1tttr. blti bre ;ware' ..beerlpliora or
11.11 a ever care (ere new rad .ao rrneMM), er titlf.
) t. ytsr*ey /Mr the bag 41,111 r.war.Ia. Ahsoititerr,
Is (ie seasistow, too re* der this wit's title effort.
. � . i lrM newt. 'Ma's et also e* on
a r•.
ttiR'RA >t.N1M1r MOST r7tt 011 .�],rM�.rtat[tri .r moor (p.p. i.il. sett new. to 7aMr
wttwwia/u d.arery•lora re* paper a/ari end wr w11t hitt
Sts>imer'dption Rata••P(ryistr1e in irk. THE MAIL orad 0111011l'E enyurhert in
Come& lot moil l $5.01 Per roar. Dlelsa(rred by warrior troy in Hamilton, Of p or yttsr.
RaraiTwo otter ap nits to IteralREAM Rentabus, aaWell as subscribers tiring in cities
lust ti*MII. It yen are already rec.hiag The Mali and i".meire, )cur cute-irl;,I...e
t t> t t�tratt+ft. Rowelin x yearly aktt)ecrlpttan at $1.110
„a„ t,, i TIE E MJrDeft. 1.r1z A -