HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-10-30, Page 12•-•„: - -
rhAsc let Le't E
_,r • -- • -
•11 . •
AvicorOiNk _ los
Exceptional Vallee in Goof &slimy
One _Cent -Sale
of Writing Pads
Gtorgian Linen Vittisli Pads. small, regular 15e.
sal* 2 far 16c.fold-over, regular 23e. solo 2 ter 26c.
large, regular 3OC. sal. 2 for 31c.
Georgian Kid Finish Pads small, regular 20C.
sale 2 for 21c. fold4over 1 egui ar 30e. sato 2 for, 31c.
large, regular 350; solo 2 for 36c.
Thii is somethingyou always need. They are of
the best qualityould you will save al nley by, buy.
,ing now.
/V j��I��"
ItursdaY f't 1841 %%Pet "wis4 to n whispered- aroond that Mr
4-4-•• • •-• 4••-•L--4 • • 4' .7* James W. Bell. • ir mg • ePhail, or toners um, is
. --
1, 1100 I 0 111111. 111 1 mil INCH 111 alimmillipplall 2301=311111"1".
TMUIODAY, OCT. ab. 1.111.
1 .:1111111Mt
, , Matron's teals jet Matt" twe
Ws belle a
fee ia *elaai
n mls irenrib.4
. • See our window diapiay
Friday and Saturday.
Universal lttillinory • 101
Enat Street.1
. 1 i
a••••.1-.... I.. ••• .• 11 t
Ladies' Zip -to -Data
Neckwear, Chokers
*4 Cahn.
11,47 Hama Stamp-
ed Goods.
0 = rw wwwww•••••wwW.IPPI*
Mr. .1. E. Tom. 1. P. te. made be.' AUBURN
,h,„,t „nr wh„„1 „n Fri, A course in home tanning will be
given under the autipems of the
lir. maid mow 14 .4hiot mei,. Women's Institute. This courier
lor ht. hours.. he under 'the direction of 'Mem
Toronto rate first lesson •
i Renee lents the- etnitpletten of the inter- Lowe,
w I a I I II
- • •
lir. simple'''. Medina sinker of Health will ecniimenee ISI°n(lit14 3rlit A
for AstriSted. mode an offielair visit t., 2 p. m. in the Orange Vail. It Is
'Dungannon on Pride)...
hoped there will be a good clase
e ipts Congo eum Rup
Now is the runeto
Buy Your New
lig at Reduced
osaTi t 1: •
4,4011. ' 411.000,
• •••••1..,• Iwo", ...la,.
••*1.6•110.10...**40.4 *
1 Mrk 41. Ptirgireeitint Mite - • COLD SEA; CONGOLEUNI ART.RUGS
roittrueti to her home •at Woliand tht Gonglacg irovvNsHip
skaturtlay after en enJoyablettiree week4
• • Regularly priced Si0.00
We vrere glad to hear of the pro).
xpent at the parentel home.
Remember the Anniversary sees lees motion Mr. Chertie IdePlIti has gat 0 9 X *7 II feet 0 95
wry...4 ......1001100,4•10 4140IPT.R.O.VINIPPROT*,11,P.P.S•044
Itt Erskine Preehyterian ehtireli " next in his work, four titles ing added Reetilarly priced *ii.2a
Stmday when Me. sellers Tottnio to his territory. •
. and 7 pan. ••‘
dal thankoffering servke at Taylee's 0
Regularly priced 4110.7,5 • .
will conduct the *Pr% 1(1,4 al 11 V.101. There will be anniversary snot site-
N• IC 9 feet. It 444•44.4 44 4.44414,4 .444.4r *44444,44.444fflo. *4 -411.95
• Regttlarly priced WOO
Mrs, Hebert Davidson ,0;as kuo;":-1 'Corner 'church next tfunday„- Nei. ' 9 x• $13.95
9 x 12
$1545 G
sooic STORE etily veiled 111- 64)deril'h TEAVIltilli) on 2nd,at p. m.
•r •" 7 • sudden wicalth of hve sinter, the late Mrs. 13
St' l' M
WESTFIELD LOYAL no not forget your Dominion of can Sning tn take a f" 41°1144Y° thls
Wore biter. •
.„-aiss maws eittnpbeil, is visiting in tit John Patton has eased Ids limbo ode Vi4fl'iorY teem Blind. 1114t1w1"-
44d. Ito building a cement foundation reptebee. 1st. /en /.1r ti i' a f Mrk. James Stout, ot VanCouver'
blackball" Breeetkeiti, liet kiejoar. Mrs. Allen Green .alareal Malt farewell
Ob Therilde•P evening ,of 'last we'r.e.! 111P 1•;'•iellille Mink uf ttanatia vhslin erleittit5s;;Irt daaugrtleYr Veshe illtlie4:e,,tpull.11143,110e1.
ilte kthovi. bonds without eliarge• aid, of '!-`orter's lii11,-Ie Mn the town
under It:. I the Minister of elutmee an -an e
Mr. and lira. W. McDowell, and
tatully visited with Mr. and .Mrs. W.
these' WV for Mr. Frank Clark, Whet ift leer. Mr. and Mrs. John Pwiyage \Vero et and township Visitingher old friende
• Reeve nitelisesa is vaeY Prouti UK the nelabbOurbood. and _presented ..Lueknow on Skuntav being. I•tifi••41 there She came from Vancoovel,•1k., Dakota, = .
: daYet on aceouet WA Eliot -Witannetar -bint-witti a !too ring. - • • • .-,V( log to the faet that Mr. 1) &s Sukeltz,- and then te Gwen Sound, atid -front
Ineing the banner dry •townettip, of, ,- en. 3 brother of Mrs. Sawage, hod suf. there to Qoderich. She was 'irleltine. • ' ' .
/futon Co'.
'Mr. and Mrs, ;Walden and littelly, fita improvement In his roma...for the winter,
•accompenled by Mite E. Sowerby spent Mrs. J. J. Fisher recently of Toronto min <Am., that :How.
eiumleY visiting Mee Waldetee eider, to an a *bit to the old home, and she Is Th4. m. .1on „ netrai The annual fowl saPnet sad cot
Tb, er„vmythAtio It ()butt+ Von hold its puma
ovr.cciriteK Tmg seals . taerriz,e x;:ti-i•uo-wordc'ti•iiwiine‘rar•at"17n73„ thank *offering nteptIng in lila elturell
day morning at 10.V. 4/0 Ow (Welling of leirdak, November
BENMILLER . retell a paralytic stroke. Thet'f• been all her old friends before she itturns
• •
•• .
111, of bridit e a
4 • •
sof ijnion church was held or
Tuesday evening and proved a great
Prie6'd" ,•
9 3,V., and 9 x 1,5 sizes are gristly reduced In prise
$1000.00. IN CASH PRIZES
For beat,TitIO to Coutioleusu Ruil:Pioture
Ask for your Entry Blanks hero
semen. Tice'proceeds amounted to - •
h' S
.L1 t, 0, 7.; p4n. A good program v,1 1 058. The oblVer.ch was served
..0414*,...Ylt_954Or 41131_11ov: ).‘_r4qui,,N,1- -th" -etembers-or the Ill„the ..alitlrelented. Was all-1114t.could s e
'etoss Atomic:1 the oluer Uoys F
' Cote 'lathe after Nsfilit'il lir', Rev. itiltulifou be deeired, •-•For the .eolicert, 'held ,in gi,„
, !Tr te nrrettore last riday or lioderielt will deliver ao inspiring ad. the churelt afterwerd, for whielt Rev,
""'•`?t""Y4 . • .dress. A...titank-effeengwlithe received. It MeDermid acte0 Ati.cheirMan •
Air. Reseal 11111 fond•
bits bride ries the Everybody is cordially 4iivited to every. avail* le space was occupied - ,
Specialties ioWeifiling ilielaare$:. recipients ot congertulatiobs and goird pre,tent
. . •. , end it tromb 'bed to remein outside
arid Floral Deeigns ' wishes. A. hearty welcome's extended
to Mrs. trill by tho carameeity. ,. 111.. tirorge iryin owl. with an :keel- The_nro-,..g Q .
any friends of Mr. Sant. Mediu. Onsist.ed SeleetfOns ort the Nils& Ada Ilelinvvtaftel et h nme
.4 h /vier • - clutpvE Mood, bY Rafael SaIntird, the, greet, the tittle •sheteshep around the core
and saxopheney Soles hY .Mr.• Morgenone; Mrs. A..„..hreque,crri /est Sun- 1.4TY
CUAlip fee CIIILDREN ' - -
t, .lovo story ever told, will beatib litiril' it will Par thelit tO Call ths
shortly, and by ousecribit g Tone laeXt 4ill'alt atter are passing. SitO.R., .-
`C1110. ..firEVVIkIFIT troloonatil4;14::.al td d t 1110, 1.4.4144aant.arear ttle NIP of We small yr iss ?trait 41,11, e
years of •serious einem. dont While returning from Nile ehurell and
ite waS 4144 Minded Itim thathe failed to se.e' that •
The Men bead- ha er " •
OF t Altana OD TN! STATES, The m ote SendaY (welling
g g "II)" 3r Messrs' Mutehl, et. Cihk. near Zion ovezetli eveeek-end.
are pleased with hle recovery atter two•
• ff' you will get t.he olestory.-- 1VIAlkili, , It 4
• 8 Mtn a car tortes he was mertituf ton; **sidings ley Mims Grant; cornet- -
atid* Mits. Jam Littlet visited at
MU". 1°S - ' retfult was that the enter wheels et les 0 means. tv,
s•,.. • • rar dropped over thi edge upeettleg the 14:1'.‘eiewel; &mi. "we
:12°1311Zr, is warm
Visited Mends irelltwilarree karat Sun- the Year for colds- 4
I . al iittat porre bt, ow "PdPants.'°"hr mr. • antended $or last Week) . ri, an the good thihigg' tire hear mother la 012 her.thward, the 11414 0008
' ' Elaidift liOrSeS sua hilieg idiom.
see aro vice/nil to we etre. ateomose were beet seems 1411110St eurseulous. , vtg„„. * 1., 40.* v_
4MA 4.' 0404. orree nes r tif d fro 1}0. ...rjetv.., ' w . trap ,efe would ate seised with Okla that 104,A. hang on
Fon R/RE • *nil her little daughter, home node.
miss Giaaya ,.1.e,b1"4 hoing, IL two, .__ polo ALBERT. i. a Li,:..w!lifilLrleirl.statlirtue.Trib.u.4. 4. rn 1:te,11 ;tlei-of '100'73 ‘f:e110-1;35:-. , - , ria1110•Vhstbotove.r.iterotts.brtire8n407010_pte-irlelnettsit'oa,orre
NEW 'RED BARN ' Vieektf,:bolioey with her sister at Pee- film If eXenile speat the weeltencl at ''''." "n' " '1C"1".' `"`e a"" 11111" .• Threshing is the order -around here benishing boo., They act Aaa, gentle
SOU 111 ST., GODERIGH - It nem . , •,„, Ristau.. . , these days, and if the weather keeps laxattle. kneeing the • ,b0Wels and._
Mr. Ernest Mitchel bought a valuable Mi es .11azet Green is at present 113 dry All the threshing will be done this atrowitehfretrand sweet:, Au 00eallkalat
Mr: Gorge The ;veil .•raftitaad Ulm/heat the
eeason Of
d:15,.rs.,•, and:1 .Mle. B Tile; rim jo.tho, mos
l•t4e treat cold end ITO, and oulesa-tke
Mr, W111 Long is still busy thrasbi ear with its .passengers into tee water, ghat' efftrar,:.0 Milton,. • •
dy spent Stmday with <relatives at
lantait. " '
• Mr. and Mee joint Newcombe, of
Godoricit, were the guests. Stmtlety of
Mr. and MM. ' chrls...lohrostorc. •
The IT
S. met 'at
The re
of sweet era,
Mr. .1.'1"itrill; h ctas„ which w*5 ing early. It does no seem to railt" •
fire Wisdnesdit* evening, stilt * num» ter bow much land a man owns. SOMP'. ewt • 0_ El
her, -who thought it Attlee be ft house thing has to ?en on -the metre. maw s. unnesissoc0000
es barn on hr., l'Aurrying to the scene ' • •••
; Good reliable driving- horsee ,tor wee. boar Barold--Wedters 'laws Godlitre:-.1e1Tit-o• ;I) mow.binne, nt
alo at all time . ..werraett,e about i*rge .c00,tittees: ;. 7.0u, dp0:47:ptif::::11:Itertt:zoill. prevent 441411,
' or it it doeM home on tehuedclbribirY. tteht:
• Mr. Mid Mrs.'• Patterson motored troth (Weeding Howe rime at Russel Free's. Wartt atik Jack litieliocie he _rats Tablets are **lib by medicine desders
Good storage tar elalthy day. week Toronto and spent a, few -days with Mr. mr. steOheosoo.a new bon, wee some very large. ones., it was Otte or by mall at .26ets..a box front The Dr.
r month. • • * end Mrs. Chas. Robertson. • • •
• mociliery of the, W. 74,
erne of Mrs. T. C. Cox
TtOOtt Or Met "'Seek.:
< •
from attrge' steels
straw, belonging to
raised on &turd& and wilt" be
The weather 'the last few dos la *11 completed. • • •
one wild with. *Tina the, tamers an Nr; and bits. James Quaid are'visit.
etellertanitY to gather APIA** sad Ing their daughtet. Jee. bleXeiretei,
reotefor winter roe. at Preheat. • • • • •
• The anniversary serVielni at -both meta Mehittlate wire is- tiochine In
Ileemillerand Bethel were Well atteild. Watvan0414 alluailt OW. week.eird under
' last. surehty. The preaching sod the pawned roof. ' • .
pee i music was touch ealoked by • Will prow,* is busy setneetine poise
AutnAnd,liorso Livery
• Nei Oahe sad FArchange Bern
T. M, •
Youlni-t-P1a3ra -Tune ---
00-tt Colt of Corn!
But YonCanon a •
1 hoe some specials ,in
ovetesuPply of certnin keys -
All Good Lines.e.for instance i
Marine Band at 50e
1 hose Akin novae votntur
*nit student 'music at Half
Nov? Your/ChanceI
Not holt of Cuomo*
conteact to:getlthenroutt Cie dry• Medtelne Co., flrookeille,
grceitldt • . °et' •
'Phe Crewe BOVitte Club met at the If Meg PerSea in town Or.Serronitd*
tome of Ike GaldeY on:Sender Thera'. Ins ,erentary2 has not paid * visit to
• Flawkinw' heowle:. Se also pat a tleinent. • • < • .
The • CARLOW •,:11. will hold their monthly
• *
_ floor ino....Riehruditmea..oellar axed Tite marriage took pike in Sep.
also& °totem and stops., • tember of' Err 'Wm. Bari Elliott and
The Misses Agnes Kennedy, A.lberte Miss stow a Detroit They.
Medina la the TewlisillP 'tell se Wed, DeWitt Minkiie Dickson *ad El. Milts svi I 'lit Detroit, • where the
.1.ovtuuber• bourne, of Goderigh. werevirdtoreat,T.. groom, who free son of Airs. Edw-
Tororito,4,4111, lead brills% tirade, coinite
rgiurbri W1armee ea arid successful Orteleates. !that is
ien Parties
Lantern*, Mists,
ette crtitouti‘ Caps, •Cart.•
dies, APecnke. CanciSt Base
Jets.- /lotus, Crepe Paper.;
See, our window display.
liSildfiftSteri. •
east Sitiat Po*e 13
Mr. and Mrs, L. L. Knox. returned whY tn" 1"3"P".4 fr°r41 lo tI I"
Reining' -411 located in ToroutI.' whore` '
to- tow- IltiOndity
Mrs. McNally is visiting bee an gredeates tat emptord. Pree eat -
dent, ie, Moor West, Toronto. impt•
..•. .,•- ire4ords are. yearly proven and Mari)" ,•
) Mr. Tom •Wilsott lia httsy packing ap- Inekson's ou atualear overdue. Elliott, of tbe. pfireettroeti,, bee pe*,,.. ford. . • .
pies these wia*Ys. The Oople t'r'op: es - -
vt.1•1* 'Tor tititt7 year.' .
This beautiful Wealher is ftivtnit the • Miss Mary etioniugtooi spent a day • • ' ' ' • ' •-•. oil opening! in Toronto., 1 . . ..
tamers tee* time to get ther elk, recently with hitt taster. flys. Roy • • - - ' v
Sties Vueierhurett or Dunlop. and ford, tweets* Suedes? with .14r. Val MM. doelletriaErt' t" SaturdanlyadaenCli rtrettr.edlen.e. f/gt 71).:' rLe fap?rrengtielteart,14°11117;,Iatited ;I:tre.'"cl., R. -so(1041.
threlitng and go tle.ring. 4a tt all reties Alton.
t 0mPlele4t. ' • ' •; ' Mr. and Mrs. Will. Mereen. of Strat; • 1, ,'.
Mies 1)1 (j' of Stienliarlon, spent - the George Ladle. ' ' Tueadirr. ' . . ' Russell, Wells St., Goderich. . •
eastk•enti 'at tite home 11t, me. and Nies. xr, And ism Will_ Love,- hum Mir. Meesrs.- 'Gem. -ItIePhee arid Frank - Xt. and Mrs. Cleveland •Ilisbborne
11" Mr. *'14un'5.• . , .-n°°/c' sltes“ Sunday etsetbeee IS the Bay/kilo ' visit*/ • their fathit•in•date. here returned to ,Walkerville lifter -a
The S.'se.ranient, of the 1.-ord's Suppec home. of Mr. Gilbert Vint.
w111 he „obseesed mixt Sabbath in the rdr. and Mrs. Roy' Alton and children Mr. Untheringt°11' 1114tit Wee*. ' short visit with • the forrneeir.perente
Presbyterian ehttreik and OW pre -coin- spent the week.end With Mina Aiary • - . .: .
The E'beneetie' htethoe-se obtlich on. 'Mr, T,i_. 'IL Tichborne wiceollt Posi4+1
.• • . - lift,. eau mra„ "mei Lenoolt froze rill107". aiftrYh. Watiltilt beinet;hatIk: ;.1130'sumund°477 Mr. and hire. 'Fret* Shields, stc-
Munion sevVre on Thuestlay night oet Cuuntegton, of Pole Albert, •
ender en request. W, . Shaw, pestle
detughter, MM. T. G. CaleY. Stmt.
eat frinNeYtte Kerg PAIMP AQr tfit7 Miss Alswelticar have fetters*-
Peat tliree."7-we. ed from attending the winter millint.'
The I. 1) tilasa wilt hold iheir tio. BorltoittOo. Spent the weekond with la lre• aeoniimpuenyriedon hy- Nitro Florence Flutter
nual boater on November Ittli. so - theireousins Mr.undlefre. John Camp. Numbers tram the Nile attendee Bvans, sof Detroit. spent -4-
eleaee keep their ‘date art mind, as good bell. the evangelistic serrites held in Vic. the Week-eild%ilk.** Aral 14m Thos : • .
assortment of teary work anti home . Mr. and Mrs. Hoffman and (laughter, torte street Ahura, Goderich, last Shields. _ •
baking will be for sale. Margaret end Iir. and Ws, Gastonia* week.
• The Rev, Mr, Alp was the presont .!rout near Woodstock, spent the wenn- The ,a , .., •
oz swim,: en &I:Atoll:1: MNI:rsiareTtit.°8;tillt411,11faeryY „Snodf
and the choir fermi Smitten 11111 tempter - °saw". Mr *d estl lits*Willm- neldsrhs` I wril nge LlOrlire 2 I
Supplied' the Miele for the eyeniog set. Me. Spa Ivirs. Usti*. iiiiitnInINMt 1.466' 114".".. l*ardaaa 4" ..-"' a real "ale. Cheldei' spent Tuesday, with their
vies, et the, Noe bit rionik,,,,,•,nizhi. yin end minaret, of Goderkgi, end Be on ban& waxy to,,,,,bring a box or grandparents, Mr. and him. Robert
Th, einteeti %Iv well tined. " Mies Pauline litand:sh, trotu near Tome htlY Wee. - RUssell,- Wells St.. Goderkli.
water. AM Mies Seery Varese, et tookmen r. enerey; who bse been Mr. and Mrs. Theo: SwaIwell and •
.- „-....41EITARtyrolf___,.........o.w.nout Ausais.....tutnitc.--osamo.. ' *penal* eactmeetimershrGoaoriteret. -daglighlaill....Marat..ent_reilth,...ef.reet. .
, ------ Mllia. came home last week and is tow via: "'El hi* spent SeedeY efterneen wit•ll
Now is the rune
• -20, C;ONSII5B11, •
Biggest Assorttnent in
TO 111011181111
Town, 1.iPnorcit1014entl:lesg tfteeoaryilioeroaanitnig.vallinies
pativeni weer the smile of satii-
-11AROLUiltACKITONEf -14"itUritl"°01.44$--
We are load 10 welcome hack AN/FIELD rig her sister, Mrs. Feergen, iri their brother and sioter, Mr. and /arc
Robert Russell., Wells St, Goderich.
Threetting is the. orcktr of tits day, ' •
14. A, • • Mr. arid- Mrs. Burnett. of `Listevrel" b°1111'
Wee Florence Soon' went te Messrs James Bechatiatt, Ilarold
Some people on 'filet voting are visiting at the tentest. • Westfield on ..erttelaity, leer gram. Gibbs and Robt. Buchanan, of De.
Were very nervous ea they t4,1,‘: Mrs. Duncan Maeltay, of t . eteshes, sire. Edwards, th trait, were in Goderich for the week.
es e a 4
zyookowwwouvelow4000004:- versant forth** et Nile Iasi Sunday. lit h IC Dirt peu• t wwilltkiie her 11114 *Illects stali f*r nalP:4:nrt)1"t4rin.beildrri.°.f4:111.
.,4l number from here otters/v(1 Anne • 1., was home for' the weekend.
,r4 hist in
On the Broadway Comfolitth 4. a 'I,"
101101* 1* 0 11 ae *1;0) re t, s
The (bet:tray Communion service Star stag*
Met. Bert Poster and family spent the the week -end with Mende in Kintall•
Albert, Mr. antis eon, w
• 11rast am!
Week With /Artie k'qstor. Port Wil Ito has boon 1 of Nile circuit will be bold, at Nile Home is woman's sympathy, sur It • •
Many new ideas aro
**town in the latest
'winter style*
• Prominent styles feature
the smell bat of metal cloth,
velvet, satin or ribbon.
The loge black bat is in
vogue for driest oorations.
Nara trimmings a flow-
ers. ribbon and mount*,
give a pertieularly snort
boo* to the Wort winter
jiT w a oes
Hiss Alberta Beckett, norae4n. 'the circuit on that day. way; * man nine,
A woman Iy •gets her own e
gets in his.
%slat lie.r friend ...;Www Isabello Noting., to his home in Guelph. „rho... will b. eyetygel. servkes on'
- MSS Della omen. sleet. the se training at the Alex:whit Hospital /losers. G. Shepherd and I. P.
Mier Edna Driver spent the volt -visiting mr. McKenzie, has returned next Sunday trning at 11: o'cloel- rounded by four wane: • .
Seattle*: '01tabelt drive* her co
lt0 della her dad; *ant, robther, and
it most of the time?" "The garage
her mother, los gone to spend soma Goderielt, motored home on, Sunday 3iteilwell ?annotated the Nile Sub' • .
tine, meth her hortIve. In iloderlele Miss Bessie Grant, of Leelsarn end der eel"' the Bore CenhteliCe two brothersWithers: "Who hes
Aft arrtvg Daily
held in Stratfard last Friday, SAW-
' Leslie Johnston is wearing a broat, hliss Mary Ross, elf Cedar Vereitt
to his borne to stay. lionseetulatione. habits. " jereme
mune Oise 41401. little boy tht.i4 0011111 spent the week -end at Oct respeet: d147 rest 811'447' nei innT an ell.
petwatt fit Mrs, areen passed aW3V ell has been elensur at ties ;vf her
• • theiet‘bousoh h I, If you have- tireety.tive cents yop •
A **lily leder n441 neighbor i'•it Jtt Fl
tretoncr le. after an Illness of s,,inte brothor, MIN John sititogate, hie semi liellewe'en mralsrvide --n. ins tee Let year Christmas Gift t,e
ean got value ler it ley ait
months. Mtn+ hYmpatiry is felt, tor nis the ith menu in Malt Of _Nile Urea en ey night the littitt ewes la whole Oen- are -
e best_ tives anti ,flekrade he et portrait of
Ilia now titter tears bait. all blown BlIth4 • .6L a program anti a Innele . all for re, elated. Tle Hee" the b.114 "rdet
to spend w rster w of this week. There will games as latereshat. It will be ll#Pre"j
wer. 'WEST WAWANOSR quarter of a,
They tem attack Itiobolitleggfetc ',twee: The anti
And perhaps Nome 41,4y own trill ic,iy., . The West Wennuroak nranleird , the mile
their like comma held its a• ateettag at: wen attsiebed.
Arst idek the twice right OW of stela. Sent. $91$1, vl .1 no"' lubel 411041 in the
Mots War oliewst. The Smarm arirenyed la
was imanichod to amid trait* goo seheere, ef
the seldhres' gm* el Ihh A *raw Irleirebssivtag
flebri the rates Fee hits Atilinemet par. .24 ft,. W.
Ise Mk a read add *Mg oittaert ea nwe kW that is Glum le. Actes. witaitag amp.* this
m. ,'ism "tr. 'Mt" allail MW al eeeedet el bob/ imeared , Illitlawl will pima* hare bwhk
diS • tir---....1 VI Wait Oit .tilat nab% this life erase es tarsi. Good swim,
' "IM Tilli 1411 eiheitif tot she wands* marital noriethst. Readred
-Liwitig Oasiver is the eresdar reeled lbee es e wow* Pea leo-
, it* =4 mai -emitrvikast _ **mom irniblimmo, * apr**.
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Isar teapaStioa la' Invited.
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Wag you essa etre NIS es.
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ry services held io hew blare ths rob*
last Sunday were Ri R. SALLOWS
The ekurch watt wen
orating awl it wart
sheiting. Rev. J. E. .
it, preaehed a Grapes 1... ,,,,, ,
ht the 111.011414t IN MU wr :
Alp preached in the
*ad felt sideatioa to IMO, OM*
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You will like their appearatke. • Yonwill ap.
predate their fitting qualites, and yott will be
• agreebly surprised whe' you,learu the
reasonable prices we seie able to sell such
goods for.
Your Inspection is Invited:
• --se• 44 4
W. Rog. Sharman