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The Goderich Star, 1924-10-30, Page 11
Ir .1.1.11111111111111111.11.1 •1 1 m111 In TSUUSDAY, OCT. Mak. lila. T When The liaisise - Are Caddies Their Teeth hiether ilibesdd the Wier the baba arts to tut its teeth, tees is eke time thele the 'ear mother is melee the stress of greet moiety. The eilr5d's bowels berme loose and diarr- twec,, dysentery, colic, tramp* and many other bowel .o;l:plainte `:ani ect than. lame ; the gusts Become evtllee; eine kers poral in the month, aria in unsay team the child heastea away to a spoiler, madeventuallydecith moues. On the •1lrst sig* of :aur newel trouble is the souse that the mother Mould use "Dr, leowlera," raid, perhaps save the 'baby's life. Mrs. P. Y. Burger, '1'r. Petewawak Onnt., writes: "Afy baby boy was very Mink glia diarrhoea, and ram in -h& ' tomaeh when he was cutting hie teeth. 1 tried several reaueclies, but without any moults until my drngg'et advised II me to use 7)r. Fowler's Extract of Wild '$tntwlanrry. 1 just gave him a few down, and in a touple of days he was sus well as he could be. I wish to thank you very much for your useful reined)-. I will never be without it in my fume." Apply the Banter* eve ('few hours to throat and obegt. Gar with tinard's in • rarixt water. Splendid for Bronchitis "and Asthma. .45 USE HYDRO POWER THE PEOPLE'S frowE, -K BY ELECTRICITV 11 1111 III 11 I 1111111 1.11111 111 1111 _ li II I I I 1 , 11 ell I Ili lilll 1111 7.- - - 11� 1.1leall.,..... 1 M � FrF �9�1 • 1 ____ awn! w.0°til SundayINIIIIIINIORIVemaissealeiMelbAfternoon Rub Bodied* h ibe MBE HAMILTON, Goarkh, Oa. Seidl: Plents 1S Aetna* rnoutallilerrnarnfeleissefainee liniassistafelefillallanifilineieasetursatamemses itaimood no itionindo,Reohg hhhahaih irierJ_.. tag9,t) !TAR 41101.11.1.811.14111141114111111601111 lastftttt ROW with • WON ]freak Thou the bread vr life, thing: he added, "t)c+ai. are they Tivoli. Te41a mall sopa strict r=ef trial Mettle Si W 1 irWLdidet brook uw loaves . jtaeg mashy t" Toilets—OM oe Perches Sto1idaMM *Noe Dear Lord, to use, Tbsn upon their ears hell the coin. thonh,.Te itoomposste. Beside the sew I 'Make the se.e sit down;' r Tams a i ave no new ore cogs I seek Thee, Lord : doubt, flee disci es an sea ant cauIS. pain, Listen! Your beck- 0 crowd. arrafiging tkMani ;n groups of One of the werst weed`' for Pre.acbt is caused itttabgtgo. selatioer My spirit pants for Thea, declog bled savors 1m aeitk darling O living Word ! ' fifty and one hundred. As they sat or a strain, and t �uickaxt relief i� Bless Thou the truth, dear Lord, thus upon the green areas, the gay the sutuaim gessoes is ragweed. �. soothing, penetratiirg St. Jacobs Uig. areal and blue and yellow colors of the soya Prof. heli H. Dl+ta of the Ontario Rub it right an your p. tufui back, To me, to nie,. I elothingawhieh the poorest Oriental a. ya Prot. 1 College. f This Onto a 'ad 3tsta,uly the SaratleS4. atilfr►sea As Thou Bidet bless the bread wears, the picture would lee that of and lameness disappears. L?oet't By Galilee ; ovum, beds in some welt -cultivated peculiar pungent odour to sank. crippled! Geta small trial bottle ai Then *halt all bondage cease, . •a'hkh is very objeotleaable for beth "St, Jacobs oil" from your Alt fetters fall l » elsees. and i uttersaaktmg. Tor eon std limber'up. A er wletit cher is And I shall find nay peace, ; Verses 11 -1:1 ---'the '.Hiraek. You it wonder wi,at tiacarirye of My All-in-all. Anion. Standing in the midis( of his guests I demsing. powdering, amd for Dior tmrllk backache or lumbago 411 . A. Lathelsliry). Jesus, taking the barley cakes in his and cream trade such milk weep be { Rub old, honest "St. s Oe'" refected and reformed to the tar'saer, . wltetaevcr you b#ve hcciatica,,txur+MlgL, 'of .t bread,g i b the don" 1►urnss ass s,ceriumt a en __ This is the only on f all the .mi h of T h h r t ;With wencher ruling their mtnda no virestributo4 by (Uteri. Usoartaae■t of 1 Tluy aeys chef Net Beyond the sacred `poge bei to t the Aarrslt tae. t ll, S. LESSON FOE NOq.. 9th, 1924 hands gave thanks -o God; then . ,ate rusurnatfsw or sprains, as tt is abs` breaking he he began to ciao A )[feta (ruse titstgweeal , IeNsly bate aced stoeee►'t brarsi tiN Lesson 'Tithe, -The Reefing of the tribute it to the disciples and they to A case 1a know* where a elteeae- . Five Thsmsa*L the multitude ; and thi two gibes lir i maker •waa•ob to l,WV*'ttrre TO - was . -,Jin ta;gf, divided likewise among ..hem all It tory become tke ebssst wail trleot I at tt • it; was a rrtim tuoua meat. for they bad flavor. Om havestigattola It Wes ,Th wysu.stalup1ass woo \,1*IM■4 r.r1r A Ne • Supply of "'on's and Boys' +Under r Suita6stc For 'XIS Colder W� A tical Stook of Menti and Bois' Overalls for the Tran Werk A Now Supply of Dishes t his.► Tea Sets, Cheap. Several other lines Stock Pm,Marr�s, o you cap keep your Rinner Seta Complete, J. J. McEwen PHONE 46 Srnrtfa $isle Sq , i mur e o was simple Lara but to hungry mer, Y e choir Turner's c etc n e Newsboy; "Great mystery'• Fifty parettion Is Mother Graves' Worm steles periern ed by Christ that is did all oat end Were filled. We eta not found° that ragwisd stew on nie Y at the home of Mr, and Airs. Sand. victims!" Passer-by: "rote boy, 1'11 Fxtermlnatar, It has saved the lives mentioned by all four evangelists. know how it was done, but we da lento; pelisse farms neefrl? as high s.e the Whitmore, near' Scaforth, on Thurs- take one (After reading a moment). of rounded* children. Word had came to Janus that John tane.s. Althea • pastures are. short' ms da evening last, Oct. 23rd for eft Say, boy, there's nothing of the kind the Baptist had been put to death by that five loaves tend two :ashes in the' Ibex frequently are is ISeptetnber ant y ' Y e J that irg11 be weed.weekly practice and took advantage in this paper. 11'nere is it"' he e , i thousand n r men !k rind causes t order of Herod and, knowing thin hands of hems was ttrore thaw, enn October, the a ma r eat .t - of the occasion to make a presents- "That's the mystery,' gnv`nor.. You- - a crisis was approaching in his own to satisfy five :m g YThis 4alntr the mak life, he sought a place of retirement besides vromen and children who end of trouble for both cbeeas' end z tion to Miss Mildred Young, a prem- 're the ltftywlirat victim 1" to be alone with ,his disciples, who were of the company.,. When all hod' buttertutikers. The remedy. of Bourse, ber of their choir, previous to her As a vermicide an excellent pre• had just returned from the preaching finished, twelve baskets of unwed! Is to rid the farms` of this noalous marriage to Mr. Kenneth McLean, of tour on which he had cont them. Ile portions ,.remained, Again Jesus • weed. or else prevent the Cows from* Auburn. Mr. Lewis Tebbutt gave a had said to them; "Come ye your- , spoke, saying, "Gather..up the frig. pasturing In Holds where the ragweed very eulogistic( and appreciative ad.. menta that remain that nothing be grows." place, and I dress, expressing regret at Misa r est `awhile, into re for t hre we many lost," thereby showing tern that Rank Clover Will Give Taint. You** departure and best wishes coming and going, and they Had no there must ba no „wastefulness even Sometimes very rank clover will for her future, and, on behalf of tht leisure so much as, to eat." At the of divine 'Power, give a taint to the intik. The remedy choir, Miss Gladys. Crich presented north-east"corner of the sea of Tib- Verses. 14-15—The Initiiess,on Pro- is to turn the Cows into afresh t spoons Young, with a set of silver tea; • -- clover field for only a abort time f u a token of esteem and beg ears, there was a.. & it placer not aced, I cash day until they' grow accustomed . wishes, bliss Young replied appro- barren for there V. as much grass This divinely -fed multitude -could to the clover and the persons buying; , pi°riatcl`y, thanking the members for there, but quite uninhabited, and not but be over -awed for a time'; hut or using the'milk become adjusted their gift and assottations: Brief there Christ sought retirement for as their thoughts took definite shape to the char e'3n Savor, addresses were also given by A. 11: himself and them,; Bow it was Pass- they exclaimed one to anpther, "'This Tamil p To dive Motive Flavor Matheson rind Sam Whitmore. The over time, and many ,paigrims were is of a truth that prophet that should Among crops grown for feeding par- remainder of the evening was spe+,1 on their way to Jerusalem ;'As' they come into the ,world," Is life. not poses, one of the waist • fiav,2red i► in games, music ane singing and were skirting the lake they noticed greater than Moses or Elijah'! Is he turnip tone. As soon as the.. turnip lunch'was served by the ladies. Thi the little .vessel making its way to. ,lot the Messiah ? They then would 'crop is' harvested some tarrgera best wishes of the choir and eomntun- this place, so' they turned out of their have forthwith taken him and matte' turn their" cattle into the Held to ity go with Miss Young to her future way to see him of whom' much wins •hien king over them and the disciple clean up the tops, small turnips, eta home for a happy ani prosperau: being -spoken,- everywhere •turoughout--would willingly�-.•have-aided-them. =Thle practiceis stare tareauit in bad - the country. By,the time they land. savored milk and cream, Most cream married life Jesus knew, however, (;tat such pro last iineaper than• Coal or Wood t4 Onnvenient, Clean, Quick HEr; HYDRO -STORE Nath tide Square, GOI/ERICH —1'• 12.55 p.m. and 0.10 Iran Parlor Cafe car, Goderich t0 Tor - T. SWARTS' onto, on morning train,. and Toronto to Goderich 6,10 p m• train. ed, the share was thronged with wait., ceedinge would bring thorn into con ell mien ',warn their patrons aga Friends are thorn+. who .continue t•e, Ing people'.and`still trey were gathex`l(ilia with the Roman taw, He saw tide, as it has tem found lmppasible •l ire of our s ip-tainted pother eve us •rn- sp, , - to prevent • turn Ing, thus frustrating the object .heir .—,admiratio,n alto understoot. wh"ere much cream comes trout farina 1- --- llegan'n oaten, of Tough Typewriting is tattsiit exclusively in this district by the School of Commerce ONT. You' cannattend a better school so whnot register now for the falterm. School reopens Tueuv, Sept, 9, 1921 CRSES StenographiC;omruorcinl ::oete:1.0Butt.toctiiit.uftiwitiNtilliON, Spooial Courses apply to P, n.A,,, Princlpt;t M. A. STONE, Gone. 8peolaltat Vice -Principal - _ Phone 11 �+ access. ... . g111111111H11111111111111111111111IIIIII11011IIII 11111 Rill) maw _ . C > oust ux" this' incident. were caws t. Johns ,ace come to wear the crown of an earth• geld unknown to the owner. flH °`BastlRCss is Good with Us" that on ,landing they went up the py* monarch so he "constrained hie ape Neva). cis 13ae1 Ins Turnips. t side of the mountain and waited disciples to get into n ship, .and to go there until all the gathering crowd before him unto the other side while Rape Is nearly as bad as turnip. t e went „' tops. In` beef -raising sections, where which Jesus came We gather fro their movements but he had :rot h ., break into the turnip — .. had assembled and then h Y ` i he sent the multitudes away. `Then rape is :jrgeiy grown for fattening doyn into their midst and he . being when all had left him, he went up in- cattle "id- 'itheeps,: the cows, it allow - to the mountain apart to pray, ad into .'the rape' field, are almost w — "moved with compassion toward them: because they we,e`.as sheep not hay- VVe draw from th•s rr;lracle ing a -shepherd ; he began to teach there is ' need for spiritual fond them many things,' and to heal their. When _ the u crowds sought him out sick." As they ' listened to his gra. again next day, Jesus said, "Verily cious words,= the time passed: The verily,' I say unto you, Ye. seek' me disciples. became; anxious nor the' dark not because ye saw the miracles, hut would fall shortly and the wanderers because ye did eat.of the loaves, and would be avlthout food and shelter were filled;" and then he taught them ,, ..- t t the bread that thought of r ad t Jesus had already But Je s Y �saying, I rat the breac..o>: life. He and had said to Philip, "'Whence shall is to .the soul what the loaves and we buy bread that these may': eat?'' fishes were to.their bodies. "Out' of Ike knew himself, what ;,e was -about his experiences, his personality, his hewain ted arouse their to do butlife, oars -are to be nourished day by interest. but `'nuestion was too hard day. We must take into our for Philip, for while he looked arourd thought his thoughts as -found in. the about him he calculated and' saw it New Testament; we' must meditate would take far more than they had upon them prayerfully and y will p P Y they in their common purse to buy even a become• the .realities of our inner lives morsel for each, even if there were and so our souls will be nourished time to go and buy food before the even as the food we eat becomes bone night set in. The other disciples: and muscle of'our bodies." -(r. M. L. suggested that she crowd be sent NOSTRILS! END - A COLD OR CATARRH >= Hew T. Get Relict When 'Head aid Nose are 8iufled 13p. truce to'give tainted milk, If the _ fanner le using, the milk and cream Grunt fiftyl Youi7_o0W in bread or at home and liken the turnip or rape catarrh disappears. Your clogged n,,s• 'trite will file air passages df San flavor, all right' but to sell this raw _ ri a open, material foe mariufatturing purposes freely, No more anuitling, baarkisrg, I. '11 clear and yell can breathe will spoil the cheese and butter. - We mixeous discharge, dryness or beaanehe;. cannot be ' too earful .rwith the no R.tr`ttggliniame'breaii at.nipht,°"., autumn foods for dairy cows. Prices ,, (let a meal bottle of liIya Cream I, are usually good, and we.;must ,pro- •Bxlm' friyna 3•0nr. druggist' and '.apply it s duce, mltk .of good•flavor.-••-Dent, of little of this fragrant antiseptic ere i n ,= hrb e Guelph. tura ellepenetrates ion O. G e tris Ez s i your 1 It t o )J g, p • o nos e n1t .� S — cvcry air paHRa$o of the hard, soothing O11 on Perches Stops Hen Lice. and healing the swollen or 3aiarned mu. .: •'When r' litarted to 'keep 'poultry 1' cons m'etnbrans giving you'instant r,+. = built a new hen -house. and the ling lief. Held eok�a and.catarrb yield like _ Year I 'had no' trouble at all with maple. Ien't stay trai led•up and ;Ide r• mites, but the second year gave me ' veins el VIM e a 1 went Gots of work:' But on .,d y n •_•_ mut on a pleasure' drive. which took - me. close to a friend's home lahom"i knew to be a good poultry woman. • h sof. GQder1C .Beauty Parlor an • to the neighboring towns top •The building" was '..just a ram - '!1 ��"'�' leans had green added as. her flock AND Sha grew in size. She went, right into Barber- Shop MEMO Specials in MATTRESSES and SPRINGS E_ ° at WALKER'S An.all' Pott, Mattress, fancy art ticking, roll edge, round corn- • ors, regular piicc *10,:14 fou! this week.... $7.75 A genuinet oggatt and Matt coil springs, guaranteed for 20 years' regular $ 10.50, for this week $7.75 These prices .ore very close to manufacturer's Dost, and it will pay anyone contemplating getting a mattress or springs to int estigate these prices. A New Shipment `. of CIub Biags 1 leather lined: .crib ''club in lt,at r1 l n l d t le " • An eel ill s�iecrai goniiinls Leather g, t t e , handles. heavy eolner•�i, for . 7.50 1 asked. to see her flock, •to which, _ :1tr,rlhcr �3rc�c-n1 1 -incl, (,hili ling, ` smart appeal she gladly led the way. _ h ar }lr:; . ,. .. away m . shackle old affair to which several secure provisions -for themselves �tt, Andrew, however, on looking round. .` discovered a lad who had a lunch bas- ket • and -he . spoke out, "Here's a lad who has five loaves and two fishes," , but, as Dug a said on thein, the only thing -provided or !sl 1 p �s e have them to lay in. But she invited me •----�-- - -- - •as many public'trltdavfi as they have b though hebad a id a foolish f L,VI.,Yf, P1Ala.'U t.I 1. , Ul the house, but 1 hesttated,ior when -1 °ONWARD, CHRISTIAN looked hi I saw all tapas of boxes and • SOLDIERS" . barrels half full of straw with hens • .111116Ladies / Havc you trtecl' our cil)a-i�ae-- ial and our special 13Se Faee M..u• s.ag;e: tVill relpnvo blacitboadn, wrinkles and a13 bleitllsbed. Shatalptyoiug, Singel g.Wavitag Curling and Headreattiteutffi " CANADIAN NATIONAL RY in Lapland, pt not more, •they have iu, and reluctantly I complied, 13he some whteh are little kuiifvu here and •ted off in convrsation. 1 listening, s , expecting any minute to be set upon • Doo of these its Vt l,itsuntkl0 which falls TRAIN SERVICE to TORONT seven weeks atter Easter. by miters. After a feat minutes It a+ on Whit•Mondav, iseh, the children dawned upon ine•there were no mites in there so I asked her how she t tilll •I,A © i managed to keep such 'a place free _•_ Daily Except. Sunday from rvo small villages were uniting: in &aotrooi_tes va ,Among, other events ive C3oder yah 6.00 natl. 2.20 -..Para of the day there wap to n”ncesaloti from mites. She turned to the 1"- Clinton 6 25 clam. 2,a`u� p.m, and those In ehnr;c wrreanxiou • to have perches, pointed at them and said, COMBINGS MADE CP " •Seaforth t; '1 i a.m. • 3.12-p,m, a 1,•yn,u n ith siren a go. u ,++i.,,; that the '•See those black perched. 'That young people.' would i,eartly join, in 'o 1 on them.„ ” :Mitchell . 7.04 a.m. 3,42 pair, singing as they marched along. The I, went home and oiled the perches Arr. Stratford 7,S() ;i tu. 4.10 PM. clergyman of the Anglican church. in in my new 'hen -house and have had Kitchener 14..3% a.m. 5.20 pan, one of the villages was Irev. S. 13aviug;• no mites *ince; that was. three yeare Gould, and as he bad 'already written ago, Lash year, after the incubating " Toronto .10.10 a rn, 7.1Cr parr, was hymns winch people 'liked, 110 season is over, I paint the perches was asked to wale opo for the whit• heavily with the cheapest lubrieating - Rearining=-•Leave Toronto 6.50 a.m.,' : Monday procession. His response was lull"procut•able, and now I don't think, Soldiers." It hat./I,eeu a great favprito 1 have a mite on the place. Mites all leave the hen before dayllgbt, with old and ,young alike ever Hence. When Drat it appears : w ,,The Church .The oil kills them, and enough of it Times" in 11365. there were six stanzas, gets on the feathers to kill the. young Through coach Goderich to Toronto. but one of thesehas since been omitted. es they hatch on the hens bony, --The'•altthor-was•one-of-tbeamist_vcra:n Pont put the oil on till the hatching Milo and industrious of men. He wrote la .over bt )'6U 11 rest et -it - -- a very, large numbWr of devotional hooks, anis others of a theological To Remove Paint. nature. In. addition to `this, lie also To remove old A i� T H� pnbllshed for a long time one navel a '• • d paint from wood- ASK vood- work or automobile body, wash with Year, and'wrote many articles on 1 a strong, hot solution of concentrated general topics. I Iye. Dissolve ono can of lye in every 1 The varied nature of his publications indicates how very wide were the gallon of water used and apply while interests of the author. All his work hot. A wooden tub or bucket le an was done with a pen, and without the suitable container for the solution. aid of a secretary. Ile often did his An old paint brush or a heavy clot., best work, be states, wren he felt the may be used to apply the paint re - least like work. He never waited for mover. The hands should beprotect- 1nsriration, bel p1. filiecl deanminettly r t edby wearing rubber gloves. Atter hie task. letting solution soak into the paint, Ilaring•Gould did not' live in a 'large which requires about ten minutes, It' city. Prdctieally all his life was spent may be removed with a stiff wire in a fete villages, the greater part in a brusli or steel wool. A brush or wool patch where the entire Imputation was becomes clogged with paint, rinse In only 21.6. This village was Lew Tren- a pail of clean water. In stubborn Hsiifax, Nova Scotia, "I am a ma- chard, to which he was appointer) vicar cases, or where there `are several ternity aurae and haus recommersded dpwthin 1 l�lit Januarend be y, 1924. there wroteil tia wilts of paint, two or three applies,- , Lydia E Pinitham'a Vegetable Cora- 1 1ti e,lt:inany hymns. the hest known of tions tray be necessary. Y pound to many women 1111"ere ehiid- which are "Onward C:hristiani Sold lir --I „ - less. also to women whd need a good (,.Now the Day IR Over"; "On the At, the head of sal the .sciences tonic. t am self and my husband is l:teeurrectfon lirorning"; "Through the.I and arts, .at the head of civilization -.Anterkaa, and he told the of Lydia E. , Night of Doubt anti So "Ilan Ind_ nd progress, stands—not minter- Pinkbsas while in England. I would 1 L lq, Sing the Praises,,, and a faille :ism, the science that kills, itdt eom- aplirecllits a oeltrg of two of ]our little ' nnml►er of other which aro All in nee. :ueree, the art that accumulates hooka on women s�tlrtfenta. have one Dr Louie 11 nsan, the fan,nus miKi ,eattb- but agricrllture, the mother • d which 1 keep to 13nd, I will wittingly cal critic, thlnkK that the reason for the • of all ladustt*, rind the srialntataer answer letter from w►Y wornan� taxis rear ptapel.tiity of "Onward, Christian . si1'•human life,"—Oarieid. about **Vegetable Compottafd. tioldiers.'" on the American 'Continent, I S. M. COt.ZatAN', 24 UNiacke Street, . wars the fact that it first appearedhere , , A Foe to Asthma.. -Give Asthma Halifax, Nova Scotia. • at Ilse close of the Civil War. The I half a chance end it gains ground could Not sleep Rights martial ieplrit cugendet•ed by the war. rapidly. But give it repeated treat- Guelph 8.4 a ni. 5.:10 pan, u -ant1ller tiveril }}c 'Lown .Pari'eengte and 'Pickets Agents }task Stables, Elc• (phone B the stirring hymn "Onward, Christian r. F: LAWRENCE &. SONS Montreal Street • , Just oil the Square craw SEVERALF(RST•CLASS AUTOS READY FOR SERVICE --GET YOU ANYWIIEM AND WHEN YOU WANT TO GEC THERE 'Musses Meet all Teeing and _ Passenger Boats Piesseniters called for in any HALIFAX NURSE She Is Willing to Answer Pert of the town for all • trains at O. T. R. or C. P. R. Letters front Women ,Asking Depete, About Lydia E. Pinkham's Prompt Service and Vegetable Compound Attendance. Our livery and Hack bervlcs will be found up-tosdate• in every.respeet.al nose. Yodr Patronage $olrclted T. SWARTS Phone 107 Montreal Street DOMINION EXPRESS MONEY ORDER Dublin, Cantata -41 *ea weak Indthe by with the maginiAcent tune for menta of Dr. J. 11. Kellogg's Asthma the hymn, which was written; by Mr•yen �futd b t el ep nights, I Ie lima about some degree, at loot, for itis Imnimmediatefaster.* There int no Half way "1"8'tV terbt+>; rrti poby itbeeaaerelwaaked it a lee W have in the ,hymnology of to work and drivers asthma out t it lar, with pains olid beads ehes, solid hauntlfnt S lluhiysn in 1sl71 c a3ounted in Remedy IICC.. and it will fall back e Lydia i'eo a+n,s in Cothet- popuiarity, and the abklham"tdaeo which ere about tills rerned y. goes right neWstraPora tbt rout There ix no poisonous ingredient iii trouble to lurk. Have it by you for For Welds and Citfldtyglt Hollov aiy s Corn ltareever, and it ear reedy use., as I wed tp los well ant more moist. lak+ lit weight *A *a Minae (Med be used without denser or 'injury. • " dor hey rri* t leen my Jack: '`r say, how long did it take oar Napalm the rfitether4ngiw 'P Always hears I ant tatting: %m ip' 'r tear tory fAiarrr the els s to ,� "" x'�' J'asf1� you to learn to drive?" Betty. rather: "welly jolt � who core it '. titgnatt re c£ RACMMO, )t 11*, Debits, Duel "(fitly four cars." Wrest," awl tomato the church.• I frrtachee the inmost breathing pas - boo got .0 A T t F /4 i it read I feels lot sass am gitet s and leaves no plate for the noge t troabled with sucks btrA madams , in Us' For 0~30Y I am ga it tsiesitis a Willie• Palin whr • Tootles; you may now brave your work done in your own homes, Gents Try our S5o Special Face blaesage r shampoos t.,c. PHONE 26. race. drop $2.95 i A New Shipment of Bridge Lamps and Junior Lamps _ t tiara .i cr.: 111' hh;ulcee. nil eizee. shape.; troll 1,ricee. SEVERAL PIECES OF FURNITHHE TAKE iN EXCHANGE,; M. At Very Speci l Prices Pianoofd conditionsoil for, One only square l in g t i wt --$35.00- WESLEY WALKER/ _ Often the Qheapest Always file Best The Stora of" ()uality West Side Square Coderich = f 111111111111IIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH illlillllgH1111H1IIH IHIIIIIIINiI1111111Ig1r • PM 1 L 1 K *ATER KIDNEYS BOTHER Take a Tablespoonful 1� of Saps' if Back Pains or 141adder is Irritated Flush your kidneys by drinking a quart of water each day, also take salts occasionally, saysa noted authority, who tells us that too much rich food ' forms acids which almost paralyse the kidneys in their efforts to expel it front the blood. They become sluggish and weaken; then you may suffer with a dull misery in the kidney regiotl, sharp pains( in the back or (sick headache, dizziness, your stomach sours, tongue is coated, and when the weather is had you have rheuxnatic twinge.. to lite urine gets cloudy, full of sediment, the chanlselis often get sore and irritated, oblights you to Beek relief two or three time during t night. 'o be iicutralixe thus irritating 1 �'.z%eeia 4 • acids; to. help -cleanse the kidneys and flush off the body's urinous wa:=te, get four ounces of Jad Salts from any Oar' macy here. Take a' tablegps glass of water before breakf;t<' few days; and your kidneys :may tilt :t act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and hi ear used for years' to help flush at7r. stimulate (sluggish kidneys; also to neutralize the adds in `the system so they' no longer Irritate, thus often relieving bladder lrwkness. Pid Salts is inexpensive; cannot in - and makes a delightful effervescent ater drink. By all means have physician examine your kidneys twice &' yeas.