The Goderich Star, 1924-10-30, Page 10See with six ships, which ? g shoulderrbut they are ether, thanes kinds of room leant Iters" and the *Oen that follow." e gni s , o Ili through by action he gets his word that de-; PAO* TIN oteEE * r" (*arias. i bnw1 I wander if they have :egret the lesson we have, is !hays. List there can be up weskit. no prosperity without "then sad WaaMen, "keys sae Idris?" They eestemplate as ex- penditure of * hundred tlwussted dol. . terse on the business *lace of their I king *nd councillors instead of spond- ee the ttaeney els their bwiasas, arse irtt. ;;Q!)eath of Admire: tieraeM the general public. letting their business earn the money, one hundred and sixty-eerren year.. 1 r 1746, when in command of tit: for the business oifiee- ..eo, on the Nth of Oeteier, 1757 ..Channel fleet, he resented the inter. What's the "business office, papa" Admiral Edward 'Berme*. ore of the forme of the Admiralty and resign- Oh! You're awake egetn, my son 1 - tFfeafirst�half of outstanding naval hteeatk ten 'caation of a Couple of pamd his commend. His phlets,�in yourself.i. , x heard you talking to eery, died suddenly at the age of 73 whish be detailed his many grievane, I must have been thinking audibly Ile was born in Leaden in the 12th cel against the government and. die- My son, but you were *sting about November, 1664, and sheared his ed• closed some official rteecrets, led to his "the business office ? ucation at Westminster $eitool, but name being removed from the list oft Yee, papa ; what is it ? he devoted a isle amount of his Rag officers and terminated his naval, The "town hail," my son, leisure to the private study of spe. career, but he continued his activities, But how could they spend their tial suiijeetst-which would be hewin Parliament until his death 11 years money, better, papa . A 'besutifu!� ficial to him in his future career, and later. i town hail attracts people doesn't it? ;It the age of 17 wee given a commis. Ile was noted for the strkt sitters- Not as much es it induces lssai- 3irn in the Royal Navy. I tion which he paid to the heslth of tude in the king and councillor ate - Three Years later he served under his men, by whom he was ehrIsteeed Ifare their work is done, my son. Admiral Hooke at the capture of "Ohl Grog," a niekname derma from; You know what happened nt home Gibraltar, and his serer «ry during' a peculiar cloak whicb be wore made 'heli we let our king and council.. the engagement attracted the notlee}from a heavy cloth known as gro• lora put up ours ? ce Quern Anne, who rewarded the grain. When he introduced the add!• 1 Yes papa, we had to instal alarm --„.ousts' ellen' with it personal gift a twit of 'water td les cjoekst called "Sig _Ben” to oaken. e1,000. After several years of lies - iso his men the mixture became known them from their slumbers to go to vice in the Mediterrat*san, the Baltic say "grog," 'a name which it still Ye- atheir rsy ky of adm l histhey ration.thougthen II, c: 1.1 i an West Indies, the navy enter- tains. ei a peeled of inactivity owing to the Tobias Smollett, the 'novelist, sere labors' were over when their names eWiley of peace inaugurated by Sit ed under Vernon in the Pattern* expe- were engraved on the corner -stone: Robert Walpole, and Vernon turned ditlon as a surgeon's mate, and then Where are their names engraved _...Dia..Attention to .the-.politicid_arena. geinedthe.knawledge_ivlet h,he after. ._nb'wt; ltti ?., He entered Parliament in 1722, and 'wards .used to describe the Ilfe on! On political "head -stones" my sor. ' from then until his death 35 yearn board H. M. S. "Galloper" in his fame each with iia dainty wreath of "for- •Rdrik Random: get -me -not nestling st its foot DERICH STAR 1t ,Y FATIGUED • AND DESPONDENT later h wee seldom without it seat in Ulla wank, the House of Commons, veserst Ire wad A Coeslitfan known as General • Minty Dee to Watery Blood • .WIM.Ino 11. ?IUUDAY, OCT. iMac TOOL _ r O •q1_ 1111,1 IMMO Ifound faithful." We mast be like the fires two servants is tie pared*, who • administered their lias:•er's atfsirs to the hest of their ability, sad stat like the third who gave back only what had been entrusted to billet, and ked General debility IRs terve wand to cies• not even tried tits make any iaeresec edits,• $ weekend tun dawp tnutlirioa to its value. W. russet xsartttatlts or the s et stat. Debility testy c nue that *mmr h0a` a1uc. from s number of court x. 1be atter 'cessful we have been as liis'*rewards efitecty t t scud ipne<s, leek of na°urlslt• but how faithful. Gad will be morel- weeuts tlae to poor tiigetatltli, tsre webs or illi unto Us and bless us and skew the worry. or uutthit% teat iodises, Wu light of His countenance upon tut if Wool thin. th•rebv tsrt•teniirg t�, from we are found faithful in our steward caseyinst not ri4uuc nt auti health 10 111(1 chip, and will say "Well bone, good tissues; of the body. The symptoms o f, and faithful servant." debility vary but weakness is aitwt<tei tt In Knox church in tale evening Mr• present. often a tendency to be etude 1 Ilassard expressed his appreciation fatigued. spots pasting before the eyes. , pp eclatian of weak back. diaa.neas, wsketulaesat , the very kind way in which he had caused by ir:abillty to stop tbiukfng, been introduced by the various pas - and uuretresbing sleep. I tors where he had spoken during the Mr. I,oreuza L. Gswschc, lbeklsndb day, quite different from an introduc- Oat., was a severe sufferer' tela tion he once had which was simply. trouble end tells bow be found release. «111x. llassard will now tell all he cls logo: --"x' is years ti a I was ill that knows about the Bible Society," To condition which medical then coal general debility. 1 made periodical, have lived up to this announcement' visite to Montreal for foliate** month* a would have taken a good many hours. 1 to undeigo electric treatwent At the he said. cadet Ibis time 1 was feeling well and I Mr. *tessera corrected a couple of thought with proper care I would COn• erroneous ideas about the Bible So- tinue in good health. But its the clime ; ciety . hoe aometitneis met with. One ack lnorreoaor ucetthem vtetntaxclot was that the society was heavily en - appetite and could hardly sleep during !Was and the other that it made a the night, and what steep I had was splendid percentage • on ' its sales. i disturbed with pightutares. I had ' The Society, Mr. Iiaslsard stated, had a headaches and' the least effort was soli 1 not a cent' of endowment and out of i Ing on rays nerves. 1 siwpys skit grains every dollar it cost to produce the' e omewhere, and Intl to lose.tsluch•tltno.• gibletk 9t tsa1d 3n the Ted' different 'len- Atter sufteriug for three wombs. trying h' h it was publlahed, on- was terrlblyoeepressed anti dieheart. ly 37, cents was collected from the t various thingla, without good. results, I ■wages in w is renes. One slay I met t Irked who purehaser, leaving 63 cents be e .1' Will the ie• of this hamlet p noted how pale. and thio i; was anti he made up by the gifts and bequests of a regular st'tendiknt when on shore MESSiI CES FROM MARS make the same mistake, papa ?„but ao strongly recontruended Dr, Williams” those who Interested themselves in lie took * prominent part in the star « ••----- `� where could they spend their mn• ink suits, Eitat x detee*nlned to sxive the work, and b the. sine Mr. isrss•.I zuma"._ . them a fair teal, I got six "boxes and card Was through, we are sure all my debates regarding the war policy' The 'Man. from Msrs tend His Young No slang ! my' son, call it "kale" or. began the treatment at once. After I Son'Blxcuss the l'orertigt� Assets' "berries!" had taken tour boxes I began to notice agreed with him that it was a worth and naval administration of the goy. berries. au im rovement its my health I could while work. t d mosteffective f God i element an was a . - o er c speaker, but his habit of indulging in Righto, pop ! -- steep better and I scarcely hath a head- p Something. of the romance of the ' Loa at the share»ne as we go volved hum in trouble.. , e I A new one achoalmastei was test,n the eneral Early in 1739 he severely uriticis• Oh I Oh ' papa I. just as well as ever. I have gasohol und`eeetandine not word of the Lan• g g ed the volley of the government with b regard to' the ' oras` with Spain ant i 'l'a a they've taken •away the band How about nice boat houses for •Dr, Williatas' Pink Piller is the Monte. " Queen t o 1 elle stroaglY recoonmend them to a 1' h. By pointing to various ob-� is' the feminine of dra.:e?" " th f Elizabeth sir," answers e boy. tay�ppe. Since that time sty heal ti has 'whisk of translation ops. told, the dif- as�es ':QCsdrt : lmniravinga; =ine uow [ loot #ia:ulties, for instance of- a missionar,r trava ant 1attgusttts . #rstquentlyi _ i hat at :t ' flh l _ A certaits .lea nod and l ainxtakieg Miutresse: "Ravte you wept ondet a -••MVV ex QIN -Pena e p Y r -env, lily -son I�-•The nock needs y IWY son:! MY San ! _ Why this out" Yes, and 411 fitted up with antis twenty you ds ice 1 began the treat f the' 1 h goes to nowledge et a• class under his caree urs! -of tear*': Ile electric lights he ,said to k•antttll boy. -. whin tt since gunge. o. poop a e moot. Now : I wouldnotbe without .they understanding net word Al of ' '`And 4Yhat" made' the extremely rash statement sten' ' ba is d h all ng is Y P g d the ba rovr x , °canoes an ;ease ane sun• • jects, the miasionary gore a ox•, that he coutd cepture aorto delle ; •There 1.'There 1•••�-Weep on papa's chi's fico '-wh papa there is all who .su-ar freta a depreatsect. s eteiu y i r' word Toro these obiects Mutt - eel to •hit+ bolo taken at his word and despatched on to sets -book at the lovely trees in . You arse starting to take notice, my yon can get t iso p a � any what seemed to everyone to be sIn their rich autttmn colorings, the box or six dealer, or.b,Y marl at .+oats a scribes the actionbend en, Ins by impossible undertaking. Porto Bells` soli,, but what do you think of, the box oa's[:t iitixes for i:�:s0 from Toe De lithe` a. vocabulary of, hours timii S• beautiful river, the noble lake, the . , -......_ banks '.' ZV/1ltatgii' ivtediclre C©,,,. lltoikvlllt, Teres is built up end at Inst the rain- - Spanish "tssavrr or�the Isthmus of Borg;eerie sunset, arid" -the exquisite 111,0 a . yiteop for e'11iming, aren't-"IInb. - ' "" a anal ' is able to talk -to -the -man be- Irtittams, watt the mart for the rich bathing - houses on the beach • these they 'psP ' k -- vie and at Test $trehala u an it . commerce• of !"hili 'and, Peru, d_ ayre, all real, �, to•.._ s roam a yes, son,but* system '!vas very stCronggl fortified,�iiavilig a my y neath�us. "f oiled walks,' throue-1 Urge gl:arrison in each oi�. it+,s pmanv�,- ,�� boyo 'golden". stain runningl shrubs and trees,, deacon T t thl 1 t be- •a •sees o sex • - tem:ofgrav- THE. HANDMAID OF MISSIONS tion of the Bible is produced. And .. ornamental ' during the tune the rim'sslonary as en Porta, while = Barbar was s .mend I ding diem- Without lthe"Aid of the Bible 'Society .gassed refacing. the translation his eat - forts, • 'down to the bathing houses, .papa. ? !ally at..aln easy grade to the shore Churches' Missionary Work Could ary •is' assumed by the:• Bible Soci