HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-10-30, Page 6P
PACK bhi
lemYw,e,MitrWM..,�,YW41, roan 1
• Mr. D.
for the Ladies and MisSes�
and Herts
gid we are makiug special prlss tar #lie Tiiiiiktglelog Sale
Beaded Bags, and square -cut Glass Beads and
Pearl Bettlids; -
In Gloves we have Channoisette with fancy em-
broidered Cuffs.
- Also Dress Kid Gauntlets.
Also Children's Chamoisette Gloves in plain or
with Gauntiet.
For. Nen, Youog Ren and Boys
We have a new shipment of OVERCOATS
in latest style and tlrraaterials:p
•' Also a full line of FURNISHINGS, FLLT
land diue13041sie of appdeit- Thiu e+Piaon-tsiattr, especial *sympathy gamma, out
suit+,r will have diomNtls;nrc of it/tercet from the mime enemtrwaity.
fur every Ia4y in ule, distrlet. stitiiihe'r "For *fl the saints vino from then
Croon te,wfl re.,'ountry. labors rest,
. Verbose, companies, r-iellinsr *pray m i-1 Who Thee by faith betas. the world
veep. and iri:aterees have +.prrentiseel F,4. contented
nlaPot tn at sirs«}4it r assets Ill r h e t teave r:+'p si Thy Imre*, 4 «strias, be forever Meet:'
either eutfstr es. materials. Gb11:EA,'.,.•-Once
Th' l'nnneit r4.4.1' it the tint stt44 I, again the Grim
.a +sure. that a ehn►v will be heti es Reaper has thrust iia s:. kle into the
,t -r!, ..•ar. This Thaw may leor;sihiF )..•'ripened ears of earth end cut off the
pion -
moved front plass* T�►1«1 ec+• �t,a+•nn4,it i,ene. `life of one of the nrtivs-born ;,mt elretunstaucev shay warrant. 't s:its vers of Huron County. d'anet Kerr
}be to the intrrst of rver;.• fruit grower widow of the late Mr-, ik'eter Green
to sewed the .hesw, rtu•eyt 14h4 hello: passed peacefully away at her hones.
!suit ;;r4esve•rn. make ensntpar •;on, and Sheppardton, Colborne township, on
ns'sil;aty sae. to sews and ns: 4f October 18th, 1924, at the ripe old
.,:, eel-lemma,hi' tents orrttard mei
mealouses age of 80 years. She was born in
' at -fueling it. .Goderich Walser 26th, 1835, where
a OBITiJ A tY the Cs P. R. station now stands. Hex
• parents emigrated from Scotland in
WYATT.. In the ed th of Mrs. the early days of the Canada Com -
r. Thomas Wyatt on W adsy of last palsy. Her father,the tete r.
week the last member of an old fent. James Kerr, smiled the Schooner God- :
, ily of this section is called to her ericb, owned '-by the Canada Co.
rent. The deceased wee OS years of which brought supplies from Distr'oi:
age and was a sister or the late Mr. to Goderieh for • early ., settlers. Hex
Willians Swafnield, ane was' bornin mother's maiden name wart Annie -
England. Her husband, Mr. Thoma* Hunter, she being, a niece of the
Wyatt, predeceased her nearly forty noted Scotch surgeons, John and
years ago.. She hadbeen in feeble 'William Hunter. When the subject
health for years and the past two of this -sketch was six yers old hex
years --bad been bedridden. 1'or the parents mof+d to Colborne townsirtp
• past three years she bed made her and took up the farm where No. 1
home with her daughter, Mn. Abri* *chool house how atantiae and when
ham ..Smith,: Bayiteld road, and it'•ahn,teeached theage'•of ten her par-
i was from here the *funeral•teok place -erste did,d;'ieaviug'�her•-and three -bra
on Friday afternoon east. Her ,pat.- thers younger than herself orphans.
Apr, Rev. J. W. • Hedley, Victoria They were adopted by k,nd neighbors,
!street church, conducted tate services, and'the daughter was adopted by Mr.
I. and the pall«bearers were the deceits- Gavin' Hamilton, where she helped to
ell's four sons, Messrs. James 'Wyatt, Blear the fast, *ablating In logging.
' of Stratford; William Wyatt, of El- peeling tan bark and such work, on
mire; Tbos., Wyatt, or, Zondon, and the farm ow owned by 'Ain Lloyd
George Wyatt, of Durand, Mich Young, yal, until 15ou, when she
' Mrs. .Jos. Shaw, of Battle ;Creek;, wan married to Mr. Peter Green, of
• Mich.; and Mrs: Sauble, of Ipetroit, Colborne township, ;by the Rev.. John
are daughters.. ` 11 , Frasers of Knox enurctt, Goderich.
HORTON.--Mr. - Rare, G. Horton. Five 'sons and two daughters were
one of the oldest pharmacists of ,Tor- born to /them.: Mr. Green and three
onto, who passed away recently, at his zone predeceased her. Those Wing
summer home in. Bata, was a native are. Gavin, H., of Goderich;,David W.I
af'Goderich, where he spent his early, of Fort Collins, Colo.; Mies Bella, at
life, •and after teaching •schoo trbotnss'--tw.a grandchildren, Collier
Huron county for a time he went to- Green, of • Winnipeg, and David.I'4
Toronto, and ` nearly 40 years agc Green, Partland, Oreggn'. Mrs. Green
Ieatabliehed a drug store• on basing- is .survived by one brother, Mr. John -.
ton •ave. After 25 Years in buainees• Kerr, of'Great Falls,, Montana, Shee
during whlcii > r9 ae rbie wises dor. Y5 iwas active,-alwa rt.- rn tenting- to lies
Years a branch; postmaster, the .retic- household duties "up fo January' last'
whe she had t ee
n h afo t
-owml rune to fall
sad _ . toa ly
ing illhefrlth, and:,>;ad .sincc.�._ v:
with °his Wife, who survives hint, and rl-;e`al`C her hip aha for the'�Iast
spent the mini:tiers in Muskoka and nine months she sv as . contlned to leer.
1 the winters in Florida. The funeral .abed. All the °care that human aid
Service was 'conducted by Rev, James could give - was rendered her In firer =1
, Wilson, .of Doverdotirt Road Presby- last ,.dais, but like' the ripened grain
terlan Church, .a Iichooboy chum and he before the sickle of time:
personal friend; and' the 'pall•bsearer- She was a life song Presbyterian
era Were Leslie A.der,, Archie -Horton'$ 'g rained Knox church, Goder�iCh
and Harry Gt' Wilier nephews; Dav when: -she was a. girl. She was . a
id Adam and 'Altal:'e`'� arca, and E. member of St. Andrew's church, Port
THURSDAY, OCT. b, ilii
ik•ssY'tsk ill a %cry terse Wier,• en the
purity acid w'lvdt'Sausenriia et thefeedrat.
fussed ;' The staff of I.ife,'i4, one. of
41u sr. eteet factors ire vials die's :east
quells( rue eaten liberally with +•very
sus told. salt Mane Ba a•rb' i. 1'IL
d4snur)nh h+ a:iwe 1:t' Patrols a lere'ael
pure and swhulrsnua .
'nut. far we have 'pew a trw naa-
snldable ssittai.e,c. h►r Whteh our kind
patriot, will please parkin u;,
oe :*tet
w41111now• assure one Marione. that to
give them real -santa,etion in aatr Purr
Foal Pr-duet/1 Is war highest Ideal.
stir new Whole Wheat Bread, a real
treat for those who suffer from weak
arse:* salon, ser .are 4n Hoed of
mild natural laxativeleis been
perfeveted by us, without the use of any
artificial Biavaring or colorynps; mate
just of the natural grain flour. with a.
natural appetizing flavor,' mealeine for
•the'slek awl a treat for .Otte well.
Give .it u -trial and watch the result.
In Pestrt' we )rave something new
and seasonable every week. ._
Gall and ben us.
Yours for !health and •H tpprrsra
.The ttoderiatht dome Bakery, West 8t.
Pone lit.
Get our money aavtnWg price list showing
height paid cant of storm windows. glaz-
ed eourplete, aIiy aalaae.. The ;l:Ialtaey
Co., Lt4.. Raruiltnn. Ontario.
14111 I, 1114111A III
Take a !cockle
with you
Days l4'1ce 'piritlk shat yoe'v'er
looked forwaty'd to, ole c pia
agtturn ha* to,
andthat Orrin your album.
.And any Kodak ie compact
to carry* easy' tb work and fru
to ute�4dat ua show ylou
Get your Kodak here:
• 1licrttwhr—ye Siarpftos
The ResalrStore -
'-Phour.,1- •GoderRit...� .._
1NN .CouNcir, The committee also reported , on st 1 . The. special committee reported
L_ number'•of account's and recommend: having sent a letter of congratula-
tions Appointed Tor% Soli- ed the filing of the tax collectors and tion and regret to Judge Cameron on
Ira'i�laare of Judge Caraseron, . ;aawiatant inspector s, reports.` hies elevation to the bench .and sever
1Zesigaresi The public wt}r7ks.comintttee report- ane*. of his connection with the coun-
ae followi : ' - • . ' cif, and reported progress in.the mat -
regular meeting of the town In -regard to--the.petltion.foi-a: sew. ter • of taking,atepre-to'.secure plans
noun #t was held on Friday night of er ori Angelenea street between Vie 'for a new town hall and. auditorium.
last week with allthe members. pre- torte street and. Cambria road, we inTheradirtedcsUmt� ee repot'tid fav
sent. ; , find it sufficiently signed, oral teems -
A, g g e applicat on° fox
A• report of Mi: Sidney Johnston mend that the committee' be lempow• 1 permits .#QIP building. and alter:die:is
'was •referred to the public works *red to construct it if *or sewer Asked for at the last meetipg :rind re:
committee and the application of the construction is undertaken this year.' ported haying 'issued See prevention
G. C. i. board for $2,400 for Nov. lat -In- regard to the extension of St,
literature during Sze prevention week
payments was referred to the ten= Patrick at. sewer to the centre of n a rdatnce 'with the proclamation
encs eommittsee. Colborne street to relievg�Mr. Fort- of the P ederal . Government and the
An application from Messrs. Jas):: iris outlet, we reeoininesld that thin Dominion Fire prevezitton` commis -
Lloyd add Seri for perm sign to in be done 'when! Mr..Pot ; surra an sion•
stall a 5(19 -gallon gasoline tank forhalft The committee- of the whole . coun-
agreement with the to to bear i Cil. appointed to look, into' the ues.
their their hu easn e on thein` connection in 'emeses ion the
cost of Conetrueflon as agreed up -1 tiort of the • appointment of a Snew
t solicitor *West street, was referred. to the.4re That Mr. Pipe's cement walk •t,4 own a e t0 reported, recommend
front of Ids *tore be laid so that the n selicitor D.
the room E. and std
The fru )din following
rei'erred to the surface °ball be on e' gee eavbtb tbeitif Mr. M. G. Cameron resigned, hand
g permitssidewalks on Victoria sand Nelson that
fire committee: From S. Morning- stress and .that Mr. Pipe be allowed complete - this a p ret ens. taken to
star, to put on new shingled roof and to place his steps from hie door to the All then art asd ted,
erect-=tye•o-"-new femme telded- gs a rep s were op
b�-irlalC.r.1:. ►�: �:,s.ing=she-u*u+t1-••band� - Honest., Lvov s$rd at`$ p' m.
g Y y ,. esti the town
street.; m '
w Coley s ee fro
ands dwelling on 1
asst ° t d. e.
a ha at of th si i
e first it
F. H. Martin, to °hinark dwelling .on ..That we have permitted. fir. Crop- the Court of Revision of the as eves
Piston at.; from Loftus Welab, '.to bell, West street, to erect his barber,. meet roll and the conned adjourned,
shingle part of dwelling on Elgin pole at the edge of the sidewalk.under .•
avenue; from Miss Margaret J. b'ra- the supervision of this, committee. _
ser, to 're -roof' luteben on Britannia COUNTY FRUITS IOW ,-
road; from ltsass Tiehbnrne, to repair Martin to ereett we have phia Sign ermuted over his I'rstlt Crap . le e t Th
stable, Wells Survey, and xetahingle. p Huron Ver [. pct r1 ie4
A request from Mestere. Dnrnin and, place of business on the Square open '4eale iluron Fruit 'nee awers' ss:ann
}cosy for the use of t;te agsticultural signing the usual bond with the town. ell Niterptina to Put New Lite
grounds for petition of matinee ori in regard to the request" of Mr. Ben to Industry
e*ranted Robinson,, of,Detroit; representing the • . • "*---
Saturday, the 25th, was National mean* Works of Wistdsor • 111 conneetlon with the fruity sews;
provided their use docs not interfere to. place in operation the National to be held In Clinton NOV ember ith anal
a w-vrth any other use. Shipbuilding plant, Ire recommend alb. fir. S. B. Stothere, Dletrlct *deut-
ravd the proper ' Various nde #ttoe or rie was fled. that r Robinson be informed that turas ltppreanentatis-e for . the t;oesniy •
ire cannot anter into ail agreement on v'n'ttes as follovva: -
Arran mentis err co I° o i ver
The finance committee reported the terms offered, but shall be glad ,,atisfaoTame
o ily for our Fruit ionw to be
having arranged for a,payment of to confer further with him at slny held \on November 4ttt. and :,1h. :1,
'`'*2,000 to the Collegiate. Institute tithe. this'+ifs the fret evert eat ,Its kind, we
Board on their 1024 eery, and tecom- We have to report the aale•to Mr. ,have to catnvese quite a few people int
mcinded, that the sum of 5600 be paid 'p� Sandy of a number of .small tools eontributione to assist in the prize mon•
the Goderich Public Library board. or from the, ational Shipbuilding plant. ey. Clinton Town hes voted re towards
their 1p'24 bevy, .xino 'that the request from
inventory price being 5120.70 and Vie" 'affair end the mem-taints of this
of the Library boarel for an audit of. Mr. Sandy paying 5101.0• town have, contributed 1'i:a. This atone
their books be;teomplied with:, We recommend that the price witheontrlbutlons by ot2ierat • makesThe committee reported having re; charged forthe ose of'the -brake at n50, which with hied* receipts, should
eeived the sum 'of 2.5e. from Messrs. the National Shipbuilding plant be 'jiJntglattribute
teitn,it money te tiobrlel
Shephard and Abbott, contractors at $1.00 per hour and that an account tributed and stood plies *re offered for ;
the hospital, for the .use of 'a two- be rendered to Mt. Thhborne in ar.- :the strews releases,
ton block from the N'attonal Ship. eordance herewith. '' ' . The frust erop tar this country i, very 1
• Building plant Oet. 1lth, and the sum The cemetery and paries committee, light this oar and. where not sprayed '
of 45a6 from M. J. W. Roppel, 01 reported that tate services of .M'r , is of partieularly .poor quality, It has
Ped Elgin, for the purchase of ma. Cook, sr., had been discontinued and been felt by the members of 'the Hur-
chines, etc.,` as per inventory from recommended the Mint of the ceme- on t;ounty Fruit Growers' Goatee! fiat
the National Shipbuilding plant. tery sexton's report. •• resmeebinp' must be done to put new
,....r..�.. ...e.w, lifi! int tl t
u sr rut ittdustiey in this alis -
j titer. Thirty yeeare ago targe quatrtities
of fruit were shipped from Huron tlo.
With the advance. of fruit diseases, and
fruit Motets, all over the country, Otis
Ivey been dwindling, year by year until
this ear Huron county ' wilt not pro.,
doer enougjlr apptee to ;/lye its owsi ceiti•
'tens rettsistruble..apply for Um- year. ..i
present a few carloads of applets ;se,,
rasa . ° . r 'i.
Mes's and Boy's Store Werth Wille
The , cold days and
the: ." b1li ln rhlppcd our of the county. ae
ceaN.;C its hi Collin'
olli tri of the fast rise:
p t's'ars. llritislr t;ohtnsiria nppheK w:1tF Ota
+*)liner In the Comity before mill -winter
and at greatly edsanee'et priests' 4in wirer
• are coming the fencer reveries. •
°The ties of elset;onneii is tomelee,
Get your order in early for yo Pall Shit and - lake scene educationist veest% moue the
ow of fruit *rowing. It lee eroQotted
tlgcORatiU aalWti+tl BE PREpAR 3, Mowto follow up ibe meteor, on in tear win!! r
Kati aisRaae testers m`eeKoites held at astral
e' tail glee yon them any way you want— 7 rata ammo la the resets. They hems nt
Citta way i,s fotoutaaar parttime or
ai Ortiler, or Ready -to -Wear. ', w spray rt. sebttvew servonaatertnt Air
Watdsyt and better War* of ordi nM and
•I k Mats skb the guarantee vAn=iiirKe. folk eatery anotha,et.
+l K teats ester tatty Aa a matter
q , 19e
smote,. bow* is bough*.
Waal set aie up
Reed, of Bali. Several hundred per- Albert, at t#!t!' time of her death.. Tlic
aorta attended the service, which.. was„funeral. was; held .Oct. 2Tst .to Col.
held at A. W.Miles' chapel. There bane • • cemetery. Services . at the
were many beautiful floral tribute house was conducted by Rev. W. Alp
Mr. Horton• wati'64 ears of age. Presbyteriaan minister of Auburn, and
JOHN ALTAIN--,A ere nfmbdr of Rev. 'L.:0.:. Whiter 'Methoiat minister,
g Nile. Rev •Mr, "Alp 'conducted. ser-
aticndtutetne friends and neighboor - vice at the grave. Relatives £coin a
attended rho taneral' of°the late-Joltp �? .
Apia, meld Toesdav, Odt. 31st, Prow th+e, distance were her son. David, from
home of 11ir. Fltroat Afoore .4th, .eon•• Fort Conine; Colo.; Albert Kerr and
cession, C'olboino. Aservice'ooneluctril Mrs. Jeanette Dunlop, nephew and
by 3%v. W. 1I: Moat. preceded inter- niece, from 'Detroit The pallbxear-
meet in Colber'no cemetery. the pail ers were eons of °four neighbors, An-
bearers beingdosbap.ead William Allen gus, Gordon, J. H. Simpson, Willialm
lbrathera oi, the iq�tsaa1lWci.) "Win. mud and Alec. Bogie. The iloral:tributee
Thos, Waltelt (brot Wj pi 11irIa.. T1IO. were many and boaut#fol axed msiny
Bohn Wsltbrs "and comp iimi)i t1Atl The
clecemstoal rvaa.born Digiti six ,Deese as kind and loving friends attended the
Irl ('o1¢orge township, tie Ise lived services . at the .house and graveside
hila' entire' lustiest.. .:lie was. -one ct First love, best love, sweetest. love;
tboae wbo hewed out homoa; bei # , of •all ; ,
goads awl established aeb'ools and First friend, .best; riehcW when all of
tler ti r
Par th es for'succeeding aiciinxt ge t o °. use Were areal),
For the pas tive or alb, yaar+a he{wags >X )
very poor health ani was • a' ';,'raga; ' How we miss her 'now' she's ,gone
suga�erer: 1peatlt *same +ls,ietty BnnUase .. we'll neivtr h ve another ;
rnokning atter severai hours ot.`sleeta. First friend, beat' rend, our own
aA redeceasss'xl' iry twcrb►otbeee
p dear. mother. ,
obertnnd Senate 1. and eels sitter Ell; a «
ibela a Mea. T'etor rlsger. Ho is Attt:.• bo not fail to present at Si
viral it' b1 s,'6eereaav:eal� lo.Mitlttsslaaghc: Geo e's Girls' G ii r
ter life . 'e b h J h 1d b'lve Hundrec:
tiered t
circle of aognaintancos'.In this time or e. _ ,�
lonrllne s.
BELL -:-On Thursday of last week
the Un n community was deeply
shocked ovhear of the death of one
of its m st highly esteemed residents
in the person of Met. Janes Bell,
Five weeks previous Mr. Bell and hitt
family were•called. upon to mourn Inc
lose of his sister, Mrs. Oliver Ed-
ward, and now a much sorer bereave-
ment has befallen .him in the: passing
of his wife. She, as Elizabeth Mc-
Cluskey, wait the fourth child of Mr
and Mrs. Jgo(seph McCluskey, born fit.
ty-two years ago. Site was the only
remaining member of that 'family rd-"
sident in recent years ..in Gpderich
townships. Her early training in that
pioneer home impressed traits of
sterling charaeter. on her heart and
mind that were never effaced and
will, no doubt, be found, as time pas.
sem, in her twb:young daughters why
with the husband, al's .left. to mourn
her loss. The sympathy of a large
circle of friends ans>< acquaintances
goes out to them and theirs in this
their hour of bereavement. Her ex
perienees in life were wider than
what usually falls to the lot of e
young, .girl. Her brother, William
having gone to the Hawaiian Islands
she was privileged to spend Acme
months with him and, on her return
could picture to• others seenes she had
so tulle enjoyed.' She was a true
musician,' never refusing to help in
church; and community in the ser.
veiress of song. She gave liberally al.
se of herself to the churns in other
ways, having been a etsarter member
of the W. M. S. and a teacher in• the
S. S. at different times. One who'
was present 'at the Unto*: church the
Sunday pr.vloua to her death said
"I never heard Usti' play better.",
She resold away* bring sweat music
eras a:+ "J t .id ergwtr_" _'1"lr+e *tet&'
No Matier wha 'uta "pg. Vote.
1Wet oi`xDry `?
If you vote 1iR we drill have the Dry Storage Eateries. If
you, vote WET you Will have the WATeH.LESS Storage Bett'eries
wltioh..-will .-ha-e-tbe kick -lour -oar Wt. -will alto .l.efAle.t ii
.go. These , 3atterie-s . save
Grelsaist..htll=,° wase
vert your wet Bitteryinto a DRY, Stet.
-'1-you-menet.}-uta. Mai t. with, -.active-you-oohs
money on winter storage, saves Your wet r troubled, • saves )suckled
plates. sates from freezing and sav4a yo a temper alai nerves, so
get ppur new l;affteb .ot'•your sset hurter convertol•before winter
and mitis thea; troubles and bone,,
We also dx first-class. battery clue ti s Batterieh_eletx. renteiL_
on oast' terrane. ' We are also in a posatie 't take orders for radio
Sets and pang,. kt•Accessorie@', Iiic ale B paii'a. Ars•,~- a sale' of
Pirestena Timis, only at limited t uantity; • I thorn is aythirtg'y'ou
want just.call'ol• 'phone us.
Distributors of Water -Less
a Ontario.
Box 4r4 Phone 5
fora asp atteries for
a 4 7T ` ou,e 398 r $
�, i
a a
o er oP n
t r a t
tc a d Howse
nliarn and 'sinters Mary Tai°gyp end Dance in the.,Maniple Temple
.7 !site' itrarlati Graee'(1tre,. on Friday.evening, Nov.. itb. ''Cards
.1 ;sincere ayrrtpatby is ten• at, 8 ,oclock sharp.. Refreshments
e, bereaved By an extensive served,' and good orchestra for, the.
n otrelativcaa and by a. tame dance. Admission 50 cents.
seat-isti merest'. what, anointed by Rev
Jame' iiawilto t, her pastor for :now s
,wem temolocesi the femoral **rake
ys Ilia fee ofereeimaa as• snake or
the betaking of aha atabsater bee of
that Willesna ie rti >a
*ow *toot els*' is time service of.
last Lea home* s very
mis sr
bet seas tO
tore sdeit.I t lib-
Radio Receiving
Sets, . etc. • .
W. MacDonald
Phone 174W - G()DERICII
Many new nodela:have baeneaelded, giving all the style,
attinotiveness of much higher priced Faclwes r. The Special
ptices keep up turnover and the reliable shoemaking, is the
best of trifle :Lbuildipg features... Thig.'iss�no time ,ta experi-
rnent'with unproven shoes when we are enl•►ating every
aid to supply you with foo-twear built onlpnorit, and the
well known character of solar gooey tonsures you that the
greatest values aro .being offered at the lowest possih e
• W
Geo. Mac Vicar
North Side of Sq
Bilious*. x20
Do You Always get the ' Best Suit or Overcoat
for Your Money? . _
At all times our firm determinatiuu has been to give inen the best
value, and better value for their money than they dank' 1get
. elsewhere. We have a style for every figure, and a fabric to suit
every whim.•
$30.00 to $45.00 -
See the new Velour Hats. They bave'the quality in inarerial, and
the the !shape and color to satisfy. The beat M none too good for
)1" ''MARTIN" customer, but considering quality "for lean"
Use our Relining, Remodelling and Repair *service.
The Picasso Number 1s Pour Nino.