HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-10-30, Page 5ea e THV SSDA i , OCT. Make IMS • Y� DAYS OF YRI 000.00010011. id f thea teseat of a joint eomhar wr irdien yf f en to iarosigate tend make ,.eradaeead*t;oa ter the % es for preservation and develepaeaat of those llrfgb#1N. The kalihwt ilsher• TMMEI'YTY-FIVE YEARS AGO idea story to Wm. Stewart's dwelling hes hemi /.}enure very istportw*t tr n 1903 the cet+eh off the untbie. coast was *bout tar nils a year. Sines then it s high as thirty trainee year. The fishing in - a whole ltas also greeti4 in this ementry. In 1844 heated value ut the catch was It *ow averages around iliion dollars a year, so that is very mush interested in tees taken to safeguard this. of national industry and re• Crinis Deep. Not Pay eel'he hanging of four men in the ,Montreal Jail for the murder of a Bank messenger whom they attacked end robbed a few months ago, is a sad and tootle *minutes en the fact g that .alk crimes: must be paid for soon. n•.er or later. These men might have til added much to the good of the cora• munity had they chosen to live hon. (From The Godsriele Star of Oct. 27, la St. Pletrsek's Mara -3 now ready ('anada. 1110) 'ter the painters sad plasterers. Fit.• Edelen C I chimes and. Rhynes have completed, asnui.g Homo lima to the !leer War !the dwelling for Wm. Cox s.ea Britain has Tire following are tee mea saceet-' nix road, and the house is'now oct u•1 ed frame -the geed Huron Battaites for pied. Jooeph Whitely has put a fun• d aervirs ort the Canadian Coe;tingentish to kis improvements or }Automat to South Africa : Morgan L. Jones of ihund A. R. Wilson, of Sealer*. A. B. Webb, of Clinton.. dwelling in Coderich township for Austin Chisholm, oL tltford. Chas. Whitely. W. Given, of Kings., Mr. Chisholm le a gr oats and re. bridge, is erecting a new one and a cent employee of The Star ofltoe,hem. half story frame dwelling. ing left kere in August last"for Mani.�-- tobs,-whim he has joheet: the Winni• TWENTY Teems AGO peg detachment, t, . (From The Godefieh. Star of Mr. Levu'! Rink Won' I�tt r is'p 28th, 1904) On Thanksgiving Day teiere was a Flv4. Hnneked Was a New G out fairly large number of bowler* on tYhe . green, and it was agreed among those Seven -hand euchre is again; nei present t conclude tic year's games played, but the newtame of flanh with a match; ldeesir, Wynn and dred is at present thtleteader fop, it Lane'\to chaose.sides anti, act as skips. parties. It is true there . have been •a few Mr. R. J. McGaw Was 'scratch games since, but. the holiday Mr, Robert J. McGaw lusts game may fairly `4e classed as the ed the north pert of lot N last of the sateen of 14 9 It was the corner of Weter ao exceedingly well played; t nd hugely house streets and wilt bui enjoys by the, parti ilmet and those look* the foundation being a: •W. *tore on Hamilton street ley putting' the es non. in plate glass lights. Buehanan•j;t and Rhynes started this week on se for on.The folltw;n were the .Skeleton Form*. With • _ °�a1`�t .Arrow:, rdan . _ . _. Jas.,\• Shephard , head In Thigh.:., • McKim 'T. Gs ing Last 'week when re. James W. mpb,all Rob " bars were A. McD. Allan A. Farirowan Beatty and George taking a stroll along� plains at Wm. Lane, sk. 23 dna ye , ale9 Pine River, they we - attracted by At the Mond ins; the appear -some of e bleached Some few years since 1v. Il-Sinn bones, whicupon mtnation Prov resident left town to jein le pare wis ed to be the akeleto �f an individual. which must have '•n burred before in a afth Columbia, an f r. a 1 lig this place Wale se, by white men. •time afterwards he corresponded re On examination 'y discovered a gularly .with • his old a ds„ Wm. dint • arrowhead; bedded in the tsonand other Walter ' . Th l n, e .. had been h" vide t d whic thighbone, Y day Charles Sha tt , who re= .the cause of d here was :me Gently reached thatQdi Part`ne evidence of an e w rl in a letter toi relatives: tri o d , r r stated. that he had, o. s old towns. stowed' upon man, Frank .Pre ,mow±; was quite tion of the b been rudely, well, and being.th owner of hight or probably le ' Hint good mining !aims, .was alta mains are -doing well, g eatly . and decently. Two others of raises - 115 on Light - at once, started. re aving been be- at t 0 si- btir , as he po ind .ated that it had owri ,into a hole dig e • Cestan. The re - a • roucbed positfoui. are n a good state of Th - skeleton "must a la ' ; `time there, pro- deed ears or snore,tot,, arrowhave not been us. is lila a was' fettled "up - fifty Sr ars ago,. Whether s are.'t ose'of.a white mau tan isnotyet settled, e fine down, BuildingNotes preserveti John •]orris *exp have the. bane°#em l d . Stores c t . . next bl a ldo 'tori ora a ,by ba Y • Tuesday. Buchanans e an '' 'Mynas' flint hes have started the carpe' t, work fox F ed" :neeDr. • Hunter's!. reside ! e ..,devel-wards , a ling being_built'for Geo !Swain is. the re sow ready for plasteri,- t ; The ad- or an the gang lied their iientences com- muted to life imprisonment, which sometimes a ,worse punishment than death... The relatives of people who II II I e� ±±,,� _ I II 1111111 II TAR II 11 q� 11TEE S'T'AR; I I I I l R �rrs Vasa Hewes Sat Sob' Wails ant of order; whoa their hook ashes sad 1ewn,ees 11 whey seed to 4* is talcs a - a nil that' will l �y►t their ii,.ibel l duties wilt ks.rt 1 plume iaatead of a bsr4ea. Miss Lea ltisitttrt.l�lelreaitetstea, writes .""g'' For 11r* ears I area troubled witk cry Isabella awl tray were so bad, at tinter, x sonde set walk aeries tke goer for the pain. la my beck. l'iaelly a friend advised me es use Dose's Eidsry Pills, se 1 bougkt viz boxes, meld, re*, keys bons relieved of my trouble for ever fuer you* 1: will reseasse ed 'Dasa'*' M all thee! who sothrr front any fen* oil! . kidney trouble.''.. Doa,t'a Niftily' Pins ars put up call►' by The T. Milburn Co. Limited. custody until their fines are paid. The sentence on Peter Smith was the a Alweya5 on baud n, complete Steck more severe because as a Minister of of r 000.11111111.1. PAM li shill !iritis home{ without coil. It is like a soldier without / ammunition. • I4 i k o a sweetheart without candy, or a %" wagon without wheels. Speaking' - of wagoi►s, the manner in 'which . . Ivo %till epeetltlte' delieeey of coal - toward your lionlo will make you feel friendly toward our bines methods. Only the Beat Grades of Hard and Soft Coal Kept in Stock would rather live by t+rirne than ,by the Crown he had btwlteir iia oath *f honest toil, very 'often because of once as well as taken part in the cafe - their for.; real- work., mina x1... astpiracy. The' eft ant' of the so suffer for the deeds of the wrong] bond deal in which' the Jarvis firm - doers. • , acted for the former 'Provincial gov- Indians In the Senate ? ernnIent, and the effect of the charge - A 'proposal 'comes from one of the \in brief was that Peter Smith and Eastern reserves of the Impels tribe others shared in profits\ which should Provincial Trees• should have representation in the Sen- ury. The fine ;is said to fie the' harm - (gent who have maintained their tri. British justice,. certainly in Canada . . that the Indians of t.tis country have accrued to the Pro ate. As wards of the government In• iest ever im sed in the' annals of bal identity are really in the po The sentences will be appealed. The aition" of., minors though they have trial was by jury and the sentence many advantages. ft would not br created as sensation throughout Cen• possible for them under these condi• oda.• tions and scattered as they are over CANADIAN I'ACaIFIC • SERVICE ell, the est • countryt. to elect members of r' parliament Tip most of the g Indian figures of the past \as well .as Wiens of tihie resent A National Asset the m ent Ind s p As the .greatest transportation i e pao ni s company in the world, the Canadian generation are noted for the r love ' ed a nit.• f" for Should theirs -1371m toe Pacific R ai1 way'h. as mainta in eg a• be sue. tional seat or seats in the Sep at oratory, tional service in the Trans-Canaeas 'cesssful, it would proortraY be found Limited, which is aeoand to none and that Their-spoktspinerr • weal vett sl• ' on -the• -conclusion• of -the summer• -acne -- of theirwhite colleagues. 'iri the dule of this crack train etas transfer- art •of s eech•makin Incidentally red the, equipment to the Vancouver it .his Of terest to voteteat- .on -the Express which leaves: Toronto. every Six Nations reserve near Brantford night at 10.10 p. :neon its trip scrota O t ' the hereditary ruse of the the continent, via Winnipeg, Calgary. n •' chiefs has been abolished„ and goy. Banff, Lake Louise, the spiral tunnel. :. ernment has passed into the hands: Sieamaus and parts of ti►e Canadian of an elective council. Pacific Rockies famous throughout Another Yukon t=old Rush the world, on its way to Vancouver. Memories of the earlier. d spec where the travellers are unanimous Memories rushes forgold in. t e Yukon are revived by another reported dis. inetheir praise of the 'service of the Vancouver` ,Il'otel. The . Canadian Pa- cific also, -operates a oteamship ter- " tiia + covery, of placer gold at a point on, vice to 'Victoria, the Mecca for wiit- !t Little Atlin Lake.. All: the old-time 'ter tourists. stirring. scenes of the earlier stain- Not only does the Vancouver Ex= pedes are said to have attended the •ptese carry tourist -and standard journey of every ablee bodied man sieepeisa but it also carves a com: • • The P nee_o ales e n an officers in rank, from lieutenant within a wide .ra s to the scent;• dipartment-observation car complete in Canadians will :feel regret that tilel t i division. commander, of killing ci- The 'Baleen has faded from view very itself„ while a parlor ear is added Prince f W 1 suffered a en/a Aliens in the L eine district. The largely in the past few Years, t wi old from Revelstoke, to' Vancouver. ' o Wales v to the•discoveries o t e vas go Add d to this national' hiervrce is a slight indisposition in Inas 'country .:evidence was grim :enough; and in. fields of Ontario, Quebec and'British �• eluded the stories of some soldiersfeature service/from Toronto to el em- . will flops for his arrival Dome :ill actin ., Columbia, and.the indicators in oth- treat' Oa the Lake Shore Line, whack or theseven' -under the orders. act u n in e 1 ti - ne. e 1 h•"► fi hati ma tquartz Wither thatran provinces gi er�s beenentirely reballasted with ? 'officers involved. The death sentence - h ti y rebs l ted Ocean Freight gates , was• pa seed on all sewn, blit itu is not bL deveiaped .there. But the Yukon cru+)'led goer and'' relaid" with 100 ' It would appear that complaints of _cigar whether they • were at the the gave to Canada and the world sgme pounds rails, insuring a maximum or Canadians cattle shippers as to high. quiry :er not. • They'll need to .be a *1 the-tllriils-that havealw,hys, been comfort. for travellers at night as .,. ocean freight rates being the result �lon„g way from French. control if •the., attendant' upon gold dis�ov es since well as an absence of Gust In day of a combine have some basisrecords began to be matte of'theta tame. ,i Trains- leave Toronto Union'- •. , preliminary report of a special.The to scapepuriishtiient. can -,1m It is to the credit of Canada. that the Station at 9.00 a. . daily, 10,00 p, m. adieu commissioner i.s sera' to beard .- Bits • eGariadtan tar Trane •law went in with the prospectors and daily except Saturday, and 11.00 p.m. , out the contention of the shippete ;' ; Visible ,evidence of the fact that while all that happened, could not be daily. Arriving at Windsor Station. `, whish hoe -fever, has not e:eterred the the abolition of the •,<icKenna dude; recommended, there was less of via- the •traveller has the benefit of im- AND NEAV1I.. ARDWARE1 $1ierwin'Willi ,ms' Ready - mixed Paints at Wholesale Prices Paxtlaud Cement Prepared Plaster Plumbing, Keating Electric Wiring CHAS C LEE Floatdware Store and 0‘6,1 Yards :t� hlt; klh t Phoneat ordersthe _given st(loro.4iadere;hou - ttt+rfn PRONES ` Store M2 " "`'" Iltrueee ll An Oil', Without Alxohet•Soni oils and inane medietnes vis alta - hot as a prominent ingre tent.. A judicious . mingling old' si ,essent 1 MORE EGGSfrom Each lien The use of hens is to lay eggs, and hent will posttively lay more eras - GUARANTEED -•if you put a dose of Nana Poultry Regulator in the feed Yew every day. Yodealer is'author'zed to give back pour money if It fails. PirefillP44111n.i 11)17 WO to for PREP $t:OK. mere green PO. OP CANADA. LTD.. TORO\ 1'O Beauti int Catlin Birat CinTvaryikOr 290 pageBin oils comprise- Dr.- Thames' Falectrsc �ree Oil, and there is no cif enol in it, Sri• that its eft' tee are lastih The two iris were tstrolling in ., garden at t illght, "I wonder," sail the first, "I wonder il' Jack- reale- loves me?" ' _"Of - Coullie _he_..doe: dear," said tie .second. ' "Why shout] he make you an exception ?" d 'nc ase in cattle shipments 1 which incidentally gavea preference levee rind.' an absence of the, callows mediate facilities in the:wpmen cost e r • to' orators cars meas; :n the Empire. murders that; characterized. many' v sixty-two lou-, •" sr this` year over a x o h f `"Sbr Y Y anus rushes'other1 goldinduplicated ' r ofhi bin an that b cw h cannot be an-effect n beanchC n have ad a o at.v cattle !laves been Sent h sa�nd'�hesii of wes' from. Canada to Britain. • • , N' (industry in' this: country. areeshown en - • • The 1925 Wembley other station in Montreal An added armee-" r recent trade vaunt:. Canada can promise . $race of Australia, has convenience `is �o fered those who wish The British Election .Campaign ' not expect, of "course. to influence announced that if t'he Vis9emblev ' Ex- to travel_ to Montreal' from . North • had -British -t eo• . . i Tor to in t e 0:45-i.m ai 13 stain az ..,e Britishon b . tr n . smce rt �e is eradaily a longtime ft P� � asAustralia ar nextyear, s 1 hibitiop is open y a , A. su h a stormy election .campaign s ple•themselves must : always be the will show fish a on: a large scale, ,pro .except Satin -days, from 'rouge Street that. 'which closed October 29th Irl arbiter`s in that .regard. But it* is :: a 'number of the congested areas of worthy of note that during the olds waded that theBxhibitimu is truly Im- Station, Aerial. inform."' What the Premier Canadian Pacificc agents will.ensile th large cities gangs of min wear- tion campaign Conservatives did'not was anxious to , einphasize. was that make your reservations and supply ing red favors, sang the "Red Flag" hesitate to say that if they were gar.his country would not be interested fou with any information. you .re - and other. 'Communis*; songs until en office the 'Myl{enna' duties would JCR to be the only Overseas De. ;quire, They.are fully qualifi to of- , they had effectually' silenced Conner- s come back. They Coupled. that with.`minion present. Canada made :a fine fer a "second to none" sei•vicb to thc. vatives or 'Liberals in . whose inters the assurance that nothing would be showing.:se.the Exhibition and. un. 'public. ests the meetings were called. It .is' done in respect' to general protective doubtedly reaped good results. But N THOUSAND A DOLLAR probable that this line . of conduct tariffs • unless and unto the British so far as the'British organizers of T - • cost' Ramsay MacDonald and his fol. ' workingman asked for it. We shall the Exhibition as a whole are.. con. •PRIZE LIST. lowers .a number of seats. Britain' probably see mime unusual political earned, they have had co face a con- Some readers of The Family Iter eekly Star of - Montreal are find themselves richer by uaand dollars some morn. paper ,is offering a prize 000for those who make bitions who visited Wembley, 'believe the best estimate' of the total num, that it would nave come nearer to bee of vote to be polled at the .next success had its advertising cam - to election in Canada. The rightto iii k a estimate o peigns been.: sonduceese on differentMake n c m e c Sts noth- systems, ' This was one of several 3ng. Full partir±ulars will be found criticism, but the critics themselves in that neper.. The Family Herald also had warm commendation for the also offers each subscriber fol 19211 a Exhibition as a wlfole, and saw many most beautiful art talendgr with a things there which they believed were very fine picture,, subject entitled an imnrovemcnt on like affairs on "The Sale. . of Old Dobbin.'' Never in tliis.'side o the wider. • • the • history of that big weekly have their readers been offered such value. Sensational Sentences The subscription pried is oiuf room, lunch . room and barber shop is not ready, nor is it ever likely Jo ehangea in Britain in 'she next few siderable loss. This involves the did and ? be ready, for the 'renal of Commun. years ;hem. ' ! + No 11lonop�l • The Ontario Plebiscite • {: Fiiitlish #government, which suaran- going to y of the Air eed a very large amount. Mane• several t gets of some of the most successful nig. Tha With the result of the vote on the Radio fans the world over have of 'Canadian and United •States • Exhi. list of : fit Ontario 'Temperance Act and Govern- shown the world' that radio is nc ment control now known, the Provin• longer a. medfure of amusement only cial Government ' has several prob.. but has cenie to fill a most important rt in the life of the' people. Hene p h # .�..--..-w---.:•-.leunssRon•ats hands. --In effect :Premier a p p Helve Ferguson and,' bis colleagues were there was some anxiety over a wide. pledged to strengthen the O. T. A.• 1t'` circulated• report that powerful 5n• should the vote favor that .-measure _terests In_the United States were or. or to strictly enforce any measure of ionizing to control radio there. and Government Control should that plan tis practically create a monopoly be be favored. On the whole the cam- the erection of the most powerful paign was conducted with reasonable broadcasting statlo.is in the world faire a„t when” one considers that the They have been assured by a mem. pr,inciple involved has always; been a ber of the 'gfWernment that applies• ii tions bearingout such statements Within a few days after their trial , t matter for strong feelings pro or con year for the bug ?2 pogo weekly, the T e situation now confronting the have not been received and that opened in Toronto Peter Smith, for- best family and farm paper on the go ernmeiit •is one that ;has fasetnat• the government is opposed to any 1 nue►-provincial treasurer of Ontario; Continent. f such plan,It is quite obvious that and Aemilius Jarvis 'San a noted in • - to it+Thesre for of o T. A• we are reaching theietao o s a ternational financier nun � atehtsman, CANADIAN PACIFIC 1RAILWAY tics. The reduction. of the 0. T. A:ge where in.. Y ternattonal regulation ox lite air will were convicted of charges of conspir- COMPANY majority was greater: than most cf he assimportant as, that of the steam.' ace "to defraud the Pron•ince. Rein- Hunting g Moose and Meer them expected no doubt. 9 ship routes and lanes the world• over ilius. Jarvis, Jun., and Larry 0.. Peri: Pruneh. Will No: w'dre;et 1 all, were acquitted • and a charge of ' For many years hunters from On. Protection for Fisheries i • Whoever else may forget the char- a theft against .all•four was dismissed% tarso have realized' that the very beet gee of atrocities made against GerCanada and the. United States haw Peter Smith Was sentenced to tier . hunting grounds are located in the man officers during the war, it will ratified the convention to protect the years in the penitentiary and - Jarvis ''''vicinity of the Canadian- PacifleeRail• ° not be the French. k'or more than a halibut fisheries of the Northern Pa• Sen•, to six months in the county jail way. hunting clubs, as well as small ye r a French court `air Inquiry hue cific Ocean. This estabiisries a otos-'while fines aggregating $600,000 parties, appreciate thee necessity of ben in progress, at Nancy hearing ed season from November 10 to .Feb- were imposed, and, Chief Justice arrangements: •made in advance.' .alIegatioiis, against a number of Ger. ruaryR 15 of -each year, and .leo pro- Meredith ordered that they remain in Canadian Pacific agents are qualified to -give you accurate information as to where deer, moose end big ,ganie roan be found. They are plentiful in the French River district to Sudbury from French River; along the main line of the Canadian Pacific Railway from Sudbury to Chapleau and also . in the Maritime. Provinces, as well as in the dixtrict around Sherbet Lake. Ask any f'anadiail Paeille agent for * copy of t'heeltl1 ' i'krnphltt er write W. rum ' Pastan- roe Amt. astan-ger`IAgent. C. P t. Term- 40. $ 'Pita moo Ways alheestwr - biota Ttlataos ra , +eiCious 4nd For `Ali Garmiait Blanchard's` Oiler "'I want rtu to tri Ie .ta.s f5i t*W 1us. I Feint lr .t*rt rqp .at oa yerr'Net sn Meet fee ri1pp arrt wok's supply. it rocas to mo dist is world het a illi-* plot for mothers , psrtkal.riy. to think of 3211. t 1N SAO. a.; tiorr w1L2 the Kurth et aisle t,wft w. Will you was ma Your n5ftoy.trawl ..r %Potwar1C.K.tl (thebIid rare. re oris art Our w.k hemit .'. ►apply neat away. FREE-•-MAIL"'TI1111 COUPON NOW! Canadian Postuan Cereal Co., Ltd. 45 Front St. East, Toronto. Ont. • I wait to, more a thirty -4t' tot of Ps.lw►. • Ple..e soul me, without roil of OblIinti.lt,- W. prat work's emp)l7 .f INSTANT OZROAL p yiii Orator Hesaw 1104044..NNNN..N..N.N.NN.N..NN.N0..N..NY..... NNNMI,N•.N" C1ty...,,,...YN«.... ;.... No..«.NN.......N.....rror....,4 1110 POST OSS nils •• IliSTANT �. . everything o flesh •. rt4meal- s � g Y Y l i ,I . tai . t l i e� -beverage.s Il fu t lril4 �• s, invigorating, rant; 'w-th the el great advantage � I of f l r one f and all. It is absolut I' ' u e and wholesome --free fro lx, e isons ,r. Caffeine and Tannin re in tea and coffee, which are t 'e fr quent cause of poor sleepi xc table nerves, indi estion a s'milar troubles. ' Be ter heart - +peel hand •. in hand wit Instant " stun. I a Icf Instant Post m—a pure core • gbh verage particu rly deliciousdllwhole- rn when ma • or c 1d a he With hot e sora I Milk. Try it this way you lf-*- or a - r flavor. 1rc 1 - 1 he smdothe a �ln al — costsr, I costs half -a -cent a cup. Asle'for t at your restaurant, your chub 'd on . the train. For,those who pref i it, t ere is Postum 'gereal, made byboiling'for twent minutes. Accept Car ,Blrt ch- ard's ffer. Send the caupo Cana' tan Postum C4i a1 Co�1 Limited \d °E'iae:45 Front St. East, Coront `actor,: Windsor, Ontat T eaaon» "There's a nin , .i Yoe e leer floss WI