HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-10-30, Page 4?&GK FOUR 1 I I I iI1in III 1 I III 011.0111 11111.121111.1...1111 • lir�. ... WATCH - TH E GO! Odd lots of Soaps, in - eluding 2. c, 13c, ani roc Hues of Colgate's allrollad, Pslinette Seward*, Clamant, etc., clearing .at -- 4 t--4 for 25c. TEX GODBA CH STAR CA'MPBELL'$ DRUG STORE REALLY DO Offer Exceptional Bargains Iliylwb. bur rCompact who the vJ CAMPANA'S ITALIAN BALM LVERY LADY is appealed to by ;beauty and actuated by the instincts t o protect it, Campbell's Drug Store carry the world's best in Toilet Needs and during this sale are making many special offers whereby you can save money. A 2 for 26c Colace emir for these.° Will make tbe complexion more beautiful tban,tbe use of all three. Canlpana's Italian Beim won't dog "tb.c pores-ofyour skin or leave`. "dry" after effects. Use it to prevent irrita.- tion from wind or cold. S•A-V E- R Money m h thisAnniversary n 6 FOR 7 DAYS ONLY--"NOVIMBBR.1-8 75c X -Bazin Depilatory Powder - F1ate Price >a • �r 2 ►c.,Vinola Castile Soatis :(Lon* 1310 Sale 10 Price ' 1 60e Rubber Gloves. Protect your Hands Salo- Price 9C 4 Qualities Guava steed lad EE G 141) EMS Saki 25c..Nlenthol and Eucalyptus '°site"a Sale Ick price •. 1 Richard Hudnut's q 't • Toilet Creams - • Vanishing cream. ...54c Cleansing . _. Cream ....50c • Skin is Tissue . Creamy .:..Sac' Petfyme :Vanity Gold Case.... .. 50e Face Powder, round box Beauty Cream . Face Powder.. i - Toilet Powder, hi glass jar. . ...- - 60c �aicum, In, tinil. • .., : 35e Cold Cresta fee ' ".ttniahing- # eainrtgr.x*rr...r ►st.r+s«.:• ..1....a...s.._0:54. ay raree." Toilet Preparations , Tis Every Woman's Doti To Glorify Her Beaus • - Marvellous Cold Conlppeta Cream - 25e & Something newt , Boarjois A'shea of ,Roses • Co ' p ..,..ta. ...... 50u� mpiicts in Solid • 65c Up1 . .• ,iretp4.11 ... • wlUi..E•r�• i • THURSDAY, OCT. lst. • . 1..r RUSH SPECIAL ! Sylvadora Faee Powder (3 shades);..-..........5oc Vial of Perfume.._ a5c 750 Sale Price for both..,... 39C This is a new ship- ment and will go quick By appoisment w 1T. R. IL The Prince of Wa;cs i . Don't (ait to receive fix containing _ .. Teri: y Teillstries with each 50c Purchase --Yes !smooth,- creamy lather and subtle- linrerisg era •_ -- pence afford fastidious, women the acme of refinement itt Toilet Soaps. Made of 'extra fine materials and luxur- iously perfumed ° with sweet lavender. It lasts longer. • 51.00 per box of 3 are cake*. Made by Yardley & Co., limited, London, Eng. COME IN AND LET US SHOW YOU ` THE COMPLETE YARDLEY LINE OF TOILET REQUISITES - • ..r 35c Minty,* • Talcu (in Glass Jar).. 2 for 36c Inner Tetras Leather Case.................;.....................:41.50 J • Winter furnishes ail Abundance of Pull. Campbell's Dreg Store For all'the"latest 'designs itt single or double Com. pacts. Prices 50c to 35.00 Cream: Tartar Rept Quality. Sale Pricer/41w%.:, i -z ... • de• .`.SQ pier 62. French Imported Perfume Sale price 020 r oz— euu KODAK• .' Puts it all in Pictures GET READY for t1i good times dist are coining. Gin Pills,, Dodd's Kidney Pills, Millburu's Beal t and 1'Tervc.Pills, -Pink Pills 3 Boxes for $1.25 - J tst.outside,• your ffont door you'll find those intimate home scenes that snake slle _splendid X. ate pictures. �. They're the ones• that foam .the 'priceless'.' part 0 ,...a iy i od k.. clary,' 444 4 .. 4. Kodaks, $6:70 up, Brownies, $2.O5 up, at our Kodak Counter 44..49,.. • iionciilcu PACKACE BEAUT*Y" Yours to ex erience ama. ing complexion -loveli- ness of the complete Boncih4.11 'ethod for only Sac. In order that -every woman may test the remarkable results of ` - oncithr--Beautifier -(thee original Clasmic Clay) in restoring and retaining tree complexion charm, We have prepared a special trial size package (Package O'Bealut) which, besides the Boncllis Beanti. fier, contains each of the other articles used in conjunction with the complete Boncillaa Method. These four articles will provide three or' ' four complete treatments—more than sufficient to show you remark- able-complexion eltnarkable compplexi n improvements: :..... , _.�.._._.__ _ ._ . ....� ._„ ..� :...__ ?bre is avoir ed's: vahss. Get eke &acfryr O'Bearty from C111111144 rloi sy, 500. Try this Boncillg Method for your complexion tonight 1. • . 2 -:.3 ' „ 4 Wilk Astro tied berth, orsee ins& cif Wilk' wet **dile Welshing Cress 5etwille Pse Peeleler•ra *AM* at 1r►wtila Besu. tew.t 11641 apply menthe is ,k.a realised Imo the Selightholly. Net. iIr soot User (eke edema', CIM. CAS Crew, whisk is olds. It etas* the yorer A,* 'den. tit Cl l) era. face --1st • stN.ir.4 ever; fsae. ani Iowa Mikes a syl,wlit . some.. / saswotarise.. x.se - : ed i. Id*a saws• Sewa4rrtior r.., ' slug is IM $SM.ips There., is Remarkable value ° inthis Be cn�cltlla �� � �� Pac ge C Beauty . Four cipmplete i oncilia Treatments for 50c. . Other &seine Sizes mai ig1'rteces are: 13etoeilla Beautifier (The f 1saunkl Clay). Large Slue, Nee. Z Tubs..*1.H /Iowa* Codi „.7 „. 74 tee b,gw sl V i irliit g est No. s Jar 75+! Ne. t< Tithe Eli la�aul pwMNkerr+ sot Vitt itrtree llr far i i.. � . IMO* .k Lob's• • ir..> R • 1 •r Nvw STANOLAX Liquid Petrolatums. ' Russian Oil for Constipation • 75e a pint (16.we).with bottle 65c a Pint(lees) when refilled. COLD CREAM POWDER. A. &el i of adds under ra wind or exercise ween •prove its tautening power to keep your too their best. Just the Qualitie i You've .hoped 'tor and never be - tore found. Armand 0.00 die remma, powder. Annan Bouquet Powder. We carry the complete Armand Line, a other's Advice No mother -ever taught her - children a more valuable lesson than the nemisity of keeping the bowels regular. Health, happiness and. success are more dependent on this simple rule than most ef. us ever realize. - This motheradvises the use of Dr. Chase's, Edney -Liver Pilt.+ because she has found.this medicine to be absolutely dependable se a regulator of the liver, kidneys and bowels. Not only such ills as indigestion, constipation and biliousness but also appendicitis, Bright's disease, diabetes and high blood pressure arise from this cause. Prevention is so much easier than relief after the disease has become settled that the value of mether's lesson is at once appar• 'eat. • . . . fn many homes the rule is bne pill at the week -end aa.i reguk• lator and4preventive and more frequent doses when required. The %trent points for Dr. Chase's Kidney and, Liver Pills are their dependabMty to produce the desired results and their direct and combined action on liver, kidneys and bowels. It is worth remembering that colds Ind othcr contagious diseased are qulekly checked by the use of Dr. Chase's Kidney. Liver Pills to rid the system . of the accumulating poisons. Dr. Id's . .J ►•five r Pyr, 3k o box �f 35 s SAMPLES FREE $. 9, BRAtTI 1P Th. i , Daring oar special sale we ere giving away free _ salt* of • D. Cbue's Kilaey«Liver Pills iteCkstit'a Oithasest . 1 i Teller. ier'i'+oetttu e'eller. - .fir.. ..� ,,',_ y►..: - .."'w . . f j ?. III 11 1 I II beitirle Cespact Large Compact Powder ver i t h .:lar a mirror. ,small rouge with mirror in top of case. Rats ,may purcheiej aelmtrok130 thos , ensuring - AS -THE -PETALS TWINETTE - VERrtnytES 'nor .E'r WATER DACE POWDER • CREAMS iracumS lillesevioess 44____4.4-- �___.-• r..�S ; ✓, 'J' it V” rJ • 414 • •.r s, RN, 444