HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-10-16, Page 84. • - • . - . • • . - :41 • 4114 44 VI.. , mnowiNINI 1 ; mom liwn lam 11111.-1111)11M-01.••••••• 1 1N Um En 11 I, GCB. lfilba .3,114 • Ikrvirritimit 5. • .r,; 'q•.. 4, • rw' 4 • v . • • S • 4 ••r" ? Ji • . • ef bakes * for she relief ef ell • . • ; . • . .1. 't•S! • • t.4.4 , •' • • tante rally/1st AMMO. ranWiltinte And Other Loosetneelsof ' Tim SOW* Ise semis ns. se. 1, Soto olet, Qat., writsat--"lost ameasse bat 'ye/ &Imo sneak of seWeela et. I took a, few doom of 'e Stout et Wild Stremiseers • toil le, a few bore got relief fro 11"Ire. tris; ' he I Pew 'a sa t os y esoleoloe . here eme telea.fiutt will give'rellat aagr',1 ske ask for r. Itrador trak of Wild Strawberry, lipe sere leo sk what yes ask for, ea Ow .elseep lesitstions may pew te be doe. Oros le Your hula. Aixtest anti Amt. • Miusrd's la warns . -411idlifietoowilreeseittele -4; 1Ceatikosed from page 11) Ballirtell,":1;111"i•oul ; thy 'kith wk. ,L, • t , oar- l'Ise46"1"10eraelesestrUewirtaikatillsripig et 4;1116.1.10116 0.1777:31441711e.:LitiLL'' :: In I . not till he hesseileisi ,1,,,o,I>te whole Y, M. MAI ri To gtiiiertlii‘thsw fulleireits Ss hiss as° Usti 41111"41‘ 4411.1111111 the ewattilkes Nader vs** they to itinot---e wen Honk, 11 And 1.! pest. . ,,, 3t:d Alter am Lowe ale Native. Leen. Mt titoles--ieew, I yArani Nit shako ; woo la., „az ,,,..,it sai___1„,,,_ uotleislat siseirn,v_ insahor ass ether yeti/too etst IMO 4.: neetrelal. 1.:11141:::14711e1:47 :III:- . , Thy hope, thy condone* lot meth* 714 441811.4.4 tal" "4 J44°4" see" ecill" * 11""Par' the the au° t° ire*" %Pig ":1 Cew 7 re" PRH.iii STOCK OP CERT° ' " • - All now asysedlitethi shall lie liritht 314,41,1141mmeont.all • • ga wilrio,00koit "1...thah.---romora- --tati-yao = latvito4feet 4°4 fl°111vsetr.ree1rilitylt4.eattrterSionteliurnfrejsert,esi•f7.4;11a114y.7/1:hti i - . s FOR MA.KING 'Mtn?. JELLY wind; 111141° atd, t1141mearaaLuteto vo AleletahlYou sort at assOys, 1 heifer, 3 yearn old. due t3 hy.tuet• wt.' • 1' Attu vault ae., st isst ,.. 7110. 84, 'V" Eti 44,401 ' - He still, illy eleat i tine waves end mewl "ea thou *We Ile sligolilar°114144°I. 1 cl" "re' - snorers imethertvr elistiee stoeitatieree "rdt i Woki, ligartilikfgresittlfeetNel til. .teifetril3ittiiilltiT stoma le -$4• into a rains tile* 144.4 al /1°dd Mebane+ Kis- p e iih t Off hie, otipealatttythew....11.,eatves.0 A111;the Ittile :re oguoodi elute, His voleedview Oor ilteasieedi Tether, we then* Now quiet ere *ad still. ., , tOstostid4 ' - At We ee/e.t.12/41 wilt; hard.. *It the rs°""1.1a° atat4elmeel each* NikENIENTS-- I Deering Mower. . la that ,tha vialoaut ,wh(Thoteh. :swots .0 •)h.e.rer11:74.4sattnsere'st7.0cmit. 404:71:142:tatenentatui noxt eft mit; 1 Frost arid Wood ItaY Bake fore, indicate that Oermany win he might.110 ft.; 1 Corkshutt 'Alenure Spreeder: 1 t . , , Thee fen Jews. Ohl rzoiricher - - • 1.411,11. ..- Deering 3-tt Cintivator; 1 Berme Land Roller, Oft; 1 ime-horse smarter: t A61- at -6. .CITRONS, CRAB A.PEttli*, 7015ATords year. Sets iron Harrows: 1 Sylveeter drain *mit Jr." hillrelf. ate ., Truly 'ewes & ntireculeits Tiie Irish Betiatisty Drill. 10 hoe; t shbehill Plow; t (*awl; soch its mos other over *palms -Moo •fot erdinarily, after aselvitetarat,the •Ev.ents is rev/poet to the Irish Boon. AO, WOW* Plsw Nn• 2t; I liang '- giving end e power, sock that swell remains for UAW after the du"' disintte_will been to naive with 1,:lnesv.ii!.pg,twitzliagi 11$2,1)1nitwi.: died *ran. Piot hera it was grostor ralowirtY now that the bean. itifiti Wagon; 1 Attune 1441111 Truek; rtimenf. "to Chatham Srales, V114 i "," IM11. were, to mews *awe sod &town 4il, painted ship //pon pointod der/ laM Is *sauced of peosige- tire‘et. Ho*: -1 i4e1.-Wa..ton Spritig•s:- • • - . , Alia* Ws imsy 11111w Pour nnil etrer - YOH* .$4441-.-Aliether Bobekto 14brds* Wittlet 11 Utte thst ev- orain tirintier.4 Mei Melee: 'Port- . , the *serer to that "treat Mare* ei joy _ , ere Maud of trelasid will hope to the land &hitter: 1 GreY riihherlirel•buir8Y; -A TICTION SALE PArai STOOK, i hair eovere suife; I aet portiere eur- sod issatithst is so freely offered f4"th°1-' ide'"vmg• "Mel*" tee es*" leg for en ensicalide **ailment, there I Sieel-tlred Rest Puleert s -PL• 110PLENIENTS end II011SE1101.0 Mine; I refrligereter; 1 tad of pletforni J.. Ocaven • Seeds llide Squaws dieseirbse wore tilled with awe. Orb* see." through tise letntjah carman* and Chathani bliening visotai met iloitte"; i to air goepel. In His *me we his diseisee, uperi N ° gur r131 ".11 -a "buk-L-2'.4 ""rth°1"' be "'P'siti'n *nest.ProYiiiiik.4runtneN girtuot I sprit Ikii4q regret -that the tomplicatiorei t e Har• 'PITRNITURE. /Am lawn. mowers; 2 *den Madera; 2 • ,seales; Daisy ehurn; i butter bowl ,1/4 , *OWL Of fear posseseed their raw- np end Barrel: liel4aviti No. A , -115 "t11112‘ 11'NNING1 • ' ernes; 2 lanterne; Amoli Anis and t hive sem ly made it inines4. Mani poperetor; No -3 Palsy ehurti will sell Isr: nubile auction, on -Elden eirieger:- wintieW-sereene and other m- g. LuogON Me OCT. bah, tes4 Int them to• look at esieh other and for ally Look' Titio.-Tko Stiffing or the *ay, "What mariner of man te this, rtootroi or jai Stewm. that even the whid and see 0)10 ee nvottal , no Matter hOw 1 Fire,exiitivisher: i Wootletoer Aloop St. Con. C. Gaderich. ort titles too numerous to meatier*. AR sir to reach a bogie F.lei#11,; 1 Wider -trough; I Paionors, SAyelialAY NQVIINIBEtt ist Metes will be sold without reserve Fift roessant, if a settle.. flange With Warming Closet and RtS- r ()mum ng a •• ei; p. , proprietress tuiseOld her fare°. TERMS: Lakes Paseage-Mark 4 :1041, oAft , , ...-Oesh. - him'?" It is as if Jesus said to them: mot is roothad without -woodshed it srrsin i Elte°/°°° T°M° anti "ter foflowli ' Josue, having finished speaking te have not yet Such AIM as to give you Barred Reek Hens; 10 Rhode island °ant 8° °nickel,' Ilre4 t° tey st°e81.: 1 Gelds* inti"-Merk 4 rini heard Of Met is it nestilhls tfiat Y" 1 la of BritainP,17ral ft; the Emigre., er ell Y" d ire end will be ha bou ItelOiul,--for-11741; 4,1'11'14- "1.131 paa 10. 'diu. at time or sale; t Ouhata heifer: ture: deboard; s Durham tow•just freshened; etiti CENNINriklAlt, (HINDU Proprietrees Auelloneer the multitude mused tin the ehore of the assurance thet you are *Iways Thrk Never Chang" Ref P nets' About 50 eortis Weed 1 the sea of Tiberlai, *rid being weer. safe when. em vntlt_Yon. There led with tlse long day's exactions, eras no boasting in the:words of Jo. turned to hie disciples and auggestod sue here, for he hid * right to expect _that they get entirely sway by them. that those who lied seen his power selves: 44 lAt us pees over unto the over the diseases of men, would have other side.)! The eastern side of the hart confidence Met he tonki else ride sea otos .4040104 place end it was the elements of Nature, end as the " to just sueh pikes Jesus loved to go conviction that this was indeed the seeking rest 'for be* end trantluilitr ease, grew stroll* within them, the bi mind. no; thts occasion he disciples were fined' with reverence sought, by pitting six miles of Water and awe, and said' °Whit manner of between himself and the crotvd, to man is this that:teen the wind and recovir "the tone and celin of his the Sea ObeY hini?" sIngle• wegenei„ opoi buggy; 1. ten " 'While, the (Motion is before the Indies URIC gvetYthhIS mu4t h"le.' rarg41 trit,I:i4ii A lo 1% ivi .110).:(0 cu' in. * • . League a mown!, Assembly, Turk. posed et. lie reserve or anything. yotora volt:, I, grindstone, 1 sumo " Joy and pirde. You iels troop* are trying to make good '' TERMS -W0041 atal elk OPM4 -Or og boat; 2 seta of harnese; 1 met of whiffie•4' look into his eyes and see there • their country's Claime to Ihe Mosul end under, tight nye, that amount 1,.. trees; 1 Standard ateam Seimmtor No.. the sparkle of youtb and ,glea,ni of • • months!' credit win be riven on tura- 1 .1-1 crel tor' i ticeop‘sho- f t aPprovedaJont no es.7 A discount 1,;!iliettl U ure hopesi'. -- • • --• 0.1.4 bhitY veti7lieceatoefli ttlirrneins1 -blisert 01115114per cent, allowed tor cash on ei;a1n;1)1P row chain; 3 crow bars; i Do you know that his deadly in itoinewhat were fighting. The- credit,. monists. arythe; 2, ladders; 1 large grain bet; alertly is Alcohol? It would dull 'trouble constitutes a threat against it. •KttlISCHINSKI, OUNDRY, ' hundred grain trIns, then - s .quentity ot olack7inith tolls atilt otbe!.; wreck that life. ° der the general name of lifesopetn-,1AtatioN itACK lionbezz. erticlee; *bout it lone oc.',11:7 arrci: find a that ey4 • dim those prospeets, the Witte]; in Irak (bettee known'utol 'Proprietor • Auetioneer hater.: forks; ovels; xhig4s Will you vote to make yourself .. • min), tbat is .really serious'. It is a Ti#E, PIGS, W900 and Pt. ISTS. tort ot bided s t vt in tans i el g test, too, of the military. methods ad.I - ppmpitlis1; tTpandortt 'range end- a partner and .pmfit-sharer in a opted, there,,follitithilt the vatic.* trea.1 's'Ili. UW..5 PliA6.k.,,,N ' 'pipe's; 1 base burnef with ,OVeti; 1, new business that would.dO this to your . ') f ti '3 v ' h et oil st ve r. burdened soul.°, The disciples, hat,. .W. hf. Taylor,. B. D.). 0 tY, :en t r townie (.3.A.1,mileg Mun_witb. oven: i ell ,t,setdjoin_g_ public aue oft at to , OW11 nct:,,P.. or_sorne inotherl_boy.? he lisitish decided to keep NkIll sell h) in-or-orner•arms an truet-' g g roonVehalreIT rug; 1 dining room tshtq The traffic must have boys. jag diendosed- -the --eudienetc-were In-thite narrative we see, both -the . u .0/ . Zion ehurek on . Toady to start, but it seemed impos. 'human and divine, side of Jeitus" AA. thole ,force an native le es with 1 kitchen tante" t side 'hoard; 1 'boll' TVESDAY, 0CTOBiiit tist • . ' LUNE YOU oNg To SPARE • - *Usk to. be entirely alone, for those tura. ilia need ot OOP proved h e woric of ' defense: Both have rack; t Piano; iron bed and mattress rommenellig, al 1 o'clock slump; . • ' • - • • - • • shown ability in the -test. The Turks ' bo e *red human for We know tliat that to accomPany him to the other side. keepetls Israel siumbereth not nor TheY, however, could not interfere Sleeps," Ilk' power over the waves with his throwing himeelf down on a preVed hint divine, for of God alone cushion in the stern of the shirand can it be *aid, "Thou ruled the rag. -owning etn got ti ern pr p e 4swreellelvilt°0a1141s , s'fitrtilcel ' itubitelrrinvificto'frelerns t‘ha7'nrselelle.714 Yaeltarelna°Irkl'i 'I 41sr:11:•71°r'st"' 7 years, ohit's1 grey ;team. of Percheren over the Greeks, • • ... oacnonides ,chanenst -. . . Weight about..1300 lbs.: 1 grey gelding, . . 1 Mlles .t years eld; l'bev idly i ','•ear old, Pre ier Ramsay Witionjuild his 2iti4i". oldiz I' be). driving ham 7 'year.i. he wee soon asleep and the senors ing of ,the *ea ; when the waive! there- , were at Work =seeking to resch the of *net thou stilletlit them. .; emir e anyway. 10. I public' ad. ° ce"we,ril. 91411esogilei-ocioingw‘4 rearS;10 1.4511 - ' Wei learn, too, .frem .this -incident dress liefore the resumption f 'th en neanr, nt•eek yew a Year?' sullPsseir""- I yersee $1,38, :The storm; . that ill our fears spring from went Parliamentary Session, he' dar:d thee irt)estliteenirlantoaulfett; reedot csaal.e 11: Yrteantotw° MR. further shore... . . I , Their progrete watt checked,' ell of ,°.! fSith ; thst Jealle ill always neer, CoMmone to *gest. thz Russian tree,- 8 years old, eupeosed 'to be, In ea r I ough seemingly tmaware of. our ty. tn other words; he- accepted the Holstein cow '.10 years. cid. un e t!tt't . ly Mille to be visited by sUdden perll :,Abat when *a ger", lgord,, save challenge of the 'two former Prern. be iwcalr; „t heifers 2 years tid.1) nsi cs14 . a sudden, Intend seas ate peculiar.' t" me; I perish," he. can and will say to tyro, Lloyd \George ens Asquith,. who 5ulleitrsa'telor5s:e.agr 1°..,,,IdatraL Atti,e71.88` Ispi,,leg '. etorrns. The sea of •Tiberies lios- - ver i h oared feet below the sea 'our trattiad /10/48, sspiece, be still." beve announced their united oPpeat ceall;res-; t . registered • thoroughbred Ab - 5 .pigs, weight' about 100 lbs.': tee districts, meking. it in real*, a 'Alexander' buff . on his way out te ceee4evehle suPP°tt" ft°°2 the C°4.- 'Pl°8'':•- level end le seitounded .by mountain.; , ' '..:' Nirolt,Lo MISSIONS . two, and whe will undoubtedly ha . ordeen Angus hull. 3 Yeere old. dean hollow in.: #ie eirthie surface. boa as a relositonLry in 1280, bed aseerZetive ',elite' *Y' 'el.lelle....ehi., Pt - 7613,4goavC1ni;eer:::°1!1; 1 11.61‘ 11" l, ° 1 illy, was heartened ey ••evauelle , 13 cords ef naid.meple i.vood, 12,4n. Orer its waterethe wind ' front the the following esperienCe wall stormy "thewtYhe is would get some support fro long: tOil cedar -posts: nu:10ft of brac .,,,..„,t „,,,4„.- -. „„,,,„.„... laurrounding linie vosuld, without, * seau - , • • Me Ilfelln rillWt.11 - [moment's notice, s.weep in its fury.- - xt wito a wild night, Off the ' South b°th sides.. ' • ' ' • ,•,,, poles.. , , ' ' • * • - • w rid seeohen o...,.., - TERMS.--Aeod and posts,. cash / _on UE pEiestrs. emu - lt wee *ell * anuell inet.raught . w"'" .__,,t!..."Y''''`" boat cm 'thus occasion. th0-Mrlesn'eesst. gear. the Ciee. Tem- i °- ir'''''''' ° i. 'everything else tweivit...montber oredit tr.- 3'014' h)Pktytrea4h.7.--s-141--f'41)-4urair446"Igetitin -4) P r9 ten -' . ri Iseittious seas had • been runising_fer On this oentinent there is it . , _jot. he' eeniMandsr-and--ferth---0 -severat /Ups. A heavy glieni.rested 'mentions interest ill the world* baef. a ts.1 ett . . , haste . upon the stermY Waters and thitewlyite hall series. The tinne has begone a it‘erething advertised- lt,,in. 'be Cold,' for,eash. , ,. , • The ittormy temPest- Mee, Mani watt being driven 'with all the port of ,Cattediee life and Is nieFed AS proiirieter i* turning tho.farel over •• ' , ', Which makes the seit with rolling ,foree of a hurricane. Suddenly on oil over this Country, where the win to tfis eon and Is retiring. ., . . • • . (Ps, 10451- " knee, that somewhere in tile dark. puiar as it was across- the line. It -----7•-- _.•''' • . ------ , . 'Tito strength aid skill of the will- ness the African shores were lying, Was ant lint time in sortie forty yeare AUPION SALE Of FARM virre;N: • ors were put to a severe teet, TheY Pour bells Was striking wheli the In- of bieekill that the Capitol 1114(3'40- _ MIL GEO* a. OiNg m••••,..' • ' , . I were indinerily et home upon the ,dieman. leaped madly uvin'the crest nished st pennant teem lit one of the will sell hy ptiblle. austioti at Lot. 11 • • . r a ' • . • 2 :East Indian Man. appeared. on the of the Wathipgton teinn in the AM.I.i.bielS PEAGAN, • ...A .T. GUNDRY. ' ,,. Proptieter• : ,. . AuttIoneer. ' E , Alwollitvlo34 swell entAise. ' =greet of the waves. lier '''-eaptatts oricent Airaciation`oaselmost 0as nol water but this atone exceeded In 1110 'of the wave, and. the nixeillistailt big lea,giies. Whits meth Of its isile‘ 1%tai,t.8141vr,dp'.,?,;zsen'D• .6`0064.,!, 00,rkitqTaPiinsSiltul, : ,nnYthint. thoY had ever eliPerieneed there wits a crash. , The heevy eleucts Mee. WWI no dOubt due to Sent itae. „ • :sad, in their freaky, theY looked et- parted end a dim, watery neap seta ris,.the twenty -eight-year-old playing • ...- POMMertelng et i•30 0.0. . . • their sleeping tit,.. but had not tki:' g flickering light upon the Scene. Ail ' manager of the team, Walter ..JOhn. 1 Blia0.),11,1E014-.:14 )Renexuati.. oldar;ei.ilke.yoecarai poludtk i heart te diettirb hini yet. However, - the pesseegeri were liuddled•tegeth- sonie.ne lees 8 here te all baseball pose lierse, 6 veers,- COW 1_ ow .5 ...1 , when the waves bqint to breelL_Ove,r, --er 'Under the poop, clad iiisitell• gar* hate. For seventeen. yeers thts ...re!, 'St, ears, tresheriel-Seet 5;-1.-eo% 9°_yeard . . - Tthis ship again Sine alThigii item 'iv menth as they ceuldNseise. in their seerkelde Irian has been pitching wini' freehened 'Autr.120;; I tow, 6 years rresh• ,. . 11eintleti te ,he einitilig, with stadden° terrified haste: 'A strong ' //Mei ut. ning ball foe the Washington tears, •ened Aug. fdli; fieow 6 .1.,'ears, Milking „....„,,,,,„,..„,,,,,,,,_ ,..„,,l,„ „ .__,,,,, .....„_ _ . tAired some reassuring • *win's' end end if there bed beefi a tow' mote l• cow,,:.6 years Iresheried, Aux ittb; Alla* NATIoNAL. Ry. ten.4soaitd,a 'm'Berentilifrarbowati, iseitreuppnthey racevehit itin ..tpeheniclutsr000t:forteit.w.ctig 164;<'.•;,:i`trilailliticyolViltekrItir!isfoirlv,eitl,;fi i.tir ,,\ . . -. - . . . roe. 644:wit& .600iont. 2.20 p.nt. - .. :TRAIN NER to TORONTO h , II°° • : . __ to. Him for delivirteanced.7"vrtowireroct teller teleellane rivieloga :2*Stut' gob,: 4apo.syrtiilomalon4, ueitrt;pougbt.errvlatyerpstiga;ii,linuirgiaTA . es the speaker lifted isp his Wee in ship. -Ilk Pitching this year tolled and everY The Met streaks ot morn* slievrs . japes, out *a tallow . ewes. A. menthe' of Rens. • . ' „ • been wonderful. - . •••. t; - - . • t ,1:4-ir-tmi.lorr4 1'147 11:iruht fair weeke. ..s1.11.,LP-30 voungi 6. PablGeua-t 71401114 "41)0°11‘toul;°°4 • hich511ed, . • . "1-14 -11411111.114 .. . • '.preyer. , 8. ailow limit Col lir Wad • COVNIIMit. PIE BRO STORE' Otte .1•11 •1•01 • • rm... A 4$1111ettoniti jest elt *geese s• FiniT•elAtS AVM'. Ittitr SittY1C1iT CST YOU ANYWIttill Alia WWI 1100 WANT to so r.r out Weiser Meek all Trate* 44•1141: Poteasiger soots PiMeeetee's .044 ifer 'stoop siert eft oho town for On treble at 41. T.*. or C. P. tt. " Depots. Prompt. Stirvick and Caniut Attentlimat, • 110,4116. INK Limy mod IttelowervIce sr* Isa loosed iss *two reeoeet.o - teellreto Yew PIKTIPageltillikitod 1".. 8 • 6 25* o . ed a long, low island near at'hatid, te• coach Asuairwie itew. -1 Mann need dein toed working ar.p C titan . .... i n.in, 1 , , " 04 . 1110. • PA. some spites attgebed and nuttier() other artictee; i set pans tor Gri " Mitchell 7.04 YAm. 3.40p.in. evaporator. Everything AdVertieed wit Arr. Strit.fold 7.30 a.m. 4.10 pat. be solchas proprietor ls overstocked. - " Kitehegir 0.90 s,.m.. 0.20 p.m. iriliton-All sums of VIO. and under " Tort:into i0.1.0 clu. 7.11S p.m. joint notes a: discount et .4 per rent 'Width en Wen taker* In safety. 4Wind south Amok lewlui the der; 'about. 130 lide for.'Sair. path .witul the PlialenterS St6941 around -0n° 41 iiecord et the-kosigue of 241' the •firie a .14111or WAS 11,tr,•PProsek-,,,,,I Asset/Ably in Geneva, on the Ja ing With SiOnsethiull ilt Ole amendments in revect to Tarot 'Oentidned two boob. * 10,10 .sto orbitrotion. st4 of uad bull* he** a that dr Euless the. lemmas* raelb• w his carefully pocked ‘4*141444-. tlist the Leageo of Nations mist ,tha shipwrecitud Pee* nreuml, bitrats the .burilirstkiei ei*eltion 14 t ":1014st Duff row from _tie-, • ;my other (Melnik} of interim* pot Boob so wondorrullY Ilreserren the tor 1.& fuloftrilte. length of tine, evil 107th Psalm, "0 give thank* tuito •the eater the worid. court. tea ratusia Lord, for He is trod; for His mercy oot hi the suttee., litale Ape en410.41.f0tVlst irt threiteued war the aVeatiell. AVM net be reiterate ' ea aggressor old the Leatue It Provesst Ulcerated Titelat.__.*** At the first symptoms of eore threat. t7;0" err ItowiaLtrell7nat i't"."1:1713- which PressEes uksrat1031„,.asa,„„ way. As matter of lect the MO tbriliMaktit444 1/1)"""" ellteth seseptettiirtirder to iteepla Thome* Veleetrie NI. Add,* little en frete Insides. ewer ere eleet sugar to it te mike it paletaltle. It these lines, awl the general digest. will allay the irritation end prevent tion is to record a win for the Jan% 4114 wi‘wilillnerretneAawil., ,1ukt II" *nese- ..liset what effect thie - havo on the coming disarmament insele themselves Immune to., ettere- prewar hos bed. The British Dom. *al 44°W.et t° hies thte: conference is difficult tot see; it wni- 'Mena are not likety..to otitiatit norteotuetigr-111:111:111t1d rho!! "Imanvestit 'eieltnekekitove bortii..voltatoclbeie . ere ht 141141 ilia lie** Velitieri ae t 66146,eit"*Illeoht 06/14nughti,7441)6411., thet liatted Deietee.isi ase *atter of *two laullOtrathat. 040 OXOLIAle ' - laWe lek • be osogied, sod ae occid moscid Rub same iples:ovisseiscol tride PeoPleadall Osseo mai* in the nitride of tbe Japi , • Lumbago pas Awily Ztroszisti""re.li:leth"f. ,inirt Ss the iset ltrat saw le alio s _ . 4444441**44.44 nes lusemeni strew vett% ens* jaroat .4131hvie,tasitruzsredegare;, °Id bare atilliated NOM hit PeePle. OW* - AtafttaAatimw, - • TM* tel is sow sea et in some see-- Guelp 8.45 is nip 5,604.p.m, easniwirter that *mama 8 Monthe'cre. dit 'be given 00 furinsbingapproved Ratt011iefi'"4400.180 Toronto minivan.. *might alloired for 'ease. 12.44 p.m end n to p om Parke Cafe car, toxierien to Tor - soak_ wkenekiteig train, and Toronto to Gokehli tie p, in. train. Tiereesolt 'rob Goderieti te Tete**. •••••••••.•••••••••••••• P. V. LAWRENCE & SONS %ion Proseermoie suot Ticket's Mots fliai OF AC8 HE'S AND -PAINS Tsreatolkindess Rag *I Yeemaiksompoimis 44 •.0 Ifill11111111111111111i11101111111111,11IIIIIIIIIIMIMMIII101111111111 111101111t1 ' ‘‘BuSiness is Gipad add; Us" Specials, in MATTligkeES and OPIIINGS • - at WALKER'S _ An all-feit liattress, fancy art ticikiog, roll edge, ronn4 corn. . ors; regular price •for this $7.1'5 A-.gerrnind isiggitt4ind: ifop ;toil gunrantaed sfor:2Ci. ° , yearq regular 440.00. fir,thie week 0 47.14 • . , These prikes.ere very elelie to'ineulifnctairer's cost,ntid• it wilt: • *kurogiounuaeitigating gettmtia linittrest-vvapritige / An extra aPeol_ta gennina leather Club lisag, leather lined, dduble .' . h.enelles, hltavy col nem, for.. .... .,:.,...,;. . .. , '. 7:50 • . • Ahother 'spacial 1E1.inch Chat, Peg, smart lepPearancei irep - handles • ...... ., ..... ... • f2.90 ' A New Shipment of. Bridge. Lamps.'aid , ..-' • , • • . • Junior', taiipi ' ' .':. ' ' ' , . . A regular nos of shadeE4 all sizes, shapes and prices. 'EY* PIM OF FURNITURE TAKE IN EXCJIANcE ' , . kt Vory SOO lyie.ei • ,,. .., .'Otte,...eliy ligillIff Pita ill 00 *Won, will lett lor .430.06.- to nvestigate thee° prices. . • • I - tieveSbipment of Club Bags • 6 , :WESLEY:VA Often tbe Cheapest A the Blest • The Store of Quality. :West Side Square Goderich GE°. (91414:fetol" T1 titi.Nirc'tioneer malluannumummaama umaawrionautam • • 464 - thins et we* heavy, less get ot Roe nee* wore - also wows the lather owe Or losesi et the great weir mid slyer esoiesto War* Ow Small* mom aseit ease or _ -Ohs isolleer espleges et Indosary tido *softened. Se wen It* Oaths et a kestielisis waked Toe Ike toed so - Pest bk *est leak wive* to: bari=tekium•stalllatrailir eat 411 yore at vie mei bet & ear mod sow yokes, ate emit Ire preset et. IMMO, ,-/W- • • 'T . • eiloneakelseinallianelmallegelli , , • •""tflOP • .10. I PIM ill • „1 1 irr• 1 1i 118 • Om. Says Backaehe,Oftert Mean* You HaiFe Not Been Drinking Enougb Water I.1i ill 1811 1011 1110 114 Wheel you wake up Wilit backache Ind dull mieery is the kidney region it okay men you have been eating foods • • , WW1 mate soh* Ws a Iell-kaawa sutinuatty. Ate mess of. such eel* therkiejnepe in their 'fort to tilw.hioud mod they become 'sort of .pseulysed and lagsfy. When ror lattalaskillt and elog You • feleaterteilioes How, Mb poi relieve your - Old* tilit•Mitan ti• bodes urinous; OS* yes issre beeksche, sick saw spiels; your stomas* bat* Is cm** end when the 41/11 you lave thennustic lite Wee is ckeuly. full of skein* stinks* sore, water *VW 3k. be seek teltkof „ "Mt *Pa 44104 the sight. • labor commit s good, MUM* Pk* elan st ouce or get front your phenol-, • cid about. four ounces of Sed Beth; tele tableepoonful in a glose of wetter before breekfarst for z few days end your kidneys mei then net lids fatuous selts is made !rent tke skid Olt IMIPOS and lemon juice, combined with lithie, and has been used for yarn to help *lean and gimlet* singe* kid- neys, sloo to neutralise acids in the oaten, so they to longer irritate, thus often islieving bladder weakness. Jed Salts is inexpanirre, eeetnet jure snd makes delightful effervescent lithis-witter *ink. Drink lois et sett water. lity loans have your On*. clan szonsine roar kidneys st host %sloe net •••••••••at •-44.4.• '94 • • • • . •••